Way [noun]

Definition of Way:

method, technique

Synonyms of Way:

Opposite/Antonyms of Way:

Sentence/Example of Way:

She certainly knew he was liable to go at any time, in exactly the way he did go.

One swift glance had shown him there was no way of instant retreat.

"They needn't eat their lunch that way," declared his sister.

It's a pity you ain't got some one to shut down on you that way.

I could tell it, if nothing else showed it, by the way in which she overdoes respectability.

He'll be gold-bricked if he wears 'em scrambled that way around this place.

On the contrary, indeed, he appeared to joy immensely in Percival's way of life.

The public road was thronged with people on their way to Olympia.

Look at him now over there, the way he goes around butting into strangers.

That's the way with these shrimps; they ain't good fur anything else.