Extension [noun]

Definition of Extension:

enlargement, continuation

Opposite/Antonyms of Extension:

Sentence/Example of Extension:

After all, your fellow employees are an extension of your brand.

If you haven’t already done so, you can let your elected officials know just how important a PSP extension is to you, your families and our economic recovery.

So the ads will be relevant to the web environment you’re currently consuming and consumers will feel more comfortable to convert, as they will see the ads as an extension of the content they are already looking at.

Treat your LinkedIn company page as an extension to your website.

None of the reporters and lawyers looking closely at the deal have presented evidence to show Shapery, and by extension Manchester, intentionally misled the city.

If they need another one-year extension after that, they must apply within 30 days of it expiring.

The audit’s findings seem like an extension of that history.

House Democrats recently passed a $3 trillion aid package, including an extension and expansion of direct cash payments that both chambers passed in the earlier CARES Act.

SEO Ruler is a free Chrome extension that provides over 25 tools in a single package.

In a few cases, the enhanced ergonomics was often accompanied by some decorative elements, like various extensions on the top for a better visual flair.