Protracted [adjective]

Definition of Protracted:


Opposite/Antonyms of Protracted:


Sentence/Example of Protracted:

It's a revival meeting; a protracted meeting, that's what it is.

I spare the reader the protracted journal of a lover's hopes and fears.

And to a protracted residence on one of the Pamarung Islands?

This, then, was the mysterious point which protracted the investigations.

In this tedious and protracted inquiry he had no instructor, nor assistant, nor adviser.

After years of protracted struggle, the slave trade was abolished.

At length the intervals became more frequent and protracted.

Had the peasant befriended her, I wondered; and what did she think of my protracted absence?

Another pause, which was protracted until the silence could almost be felt.

Their own optimism had given way before the protracted delay.