Werewolves [noun]

Definition of Werewolves:

giant animal; supernatural being

Synonyms of Werewolves:

Opposite/Antonyms of Werewolves:

Sentence/Example of Werewolves:

They disappeared into a world of wizards, werewolves, and magic spells.

These witnesses of werewolves may have seen animals, all right enough.

The frightful superstition of werewolves is a good instance.

Don't look so gloomy, Fortin, unless you believe in werewolves and ghosts.

In it, he had described the fiendish habits and activities of werewolves and had actually even presented a formula.

The ordeal of gas and fire and acid bullets added five years to a man's brow overnight—if he served with the Werewolves of War.

Werewolves of War, the batch of planes he belonged to had been christened, and it was a richly deserved title.

Maidens might turn into swans, heroes into werewolves, and lose nothing in popular estimation.

The werewolves, as we have seen (ante p. 25), keep to the woods and the dark, of course in many cases to avoid detection.

In them side by side with the knights and squires and ladies move fays and giants and werewolves.