Joined [adjective]

Definition of Joined:


Opposite/Antonyms of Joined:

Sentence/Example of Joined:

I absolutely loved investing and wasn’t planning to leave the join a company, but the opportunity to join Dropbox came up, and, knowing that I ultimately wanted to build a career as an investor, it if felt like something I couldn’t pass up.

The bear laughed and joined his companion, and the torpedo thundered away.

The Spaniards, indeed, feigned to regard them only as a remnant of the rebels who had joined the pre-existing brigand bands.

They had a repast together, and Aguinaldo called for cheers for Spain, in which all heartily joined.

He joined the army at the outbreak of the revolution, and continued in it until it was disbanded.

The poor dandy showed a pair of straight coat-tails instanter, and the whole table joined in a "tremenjous" roar.

A few moments later she joined Gwynne at the foot of the staircase, and they went out to the woods.

They joined in bands of youths and maidens and whirled down the Avenue in Bacchic madness.

An illumination broke over his whole face when he saw her and joined her under the orange tree.

He is said to be making for Kirksville, where he expects to be joined by the guerrilla bands of northwestern Missouri.