Transferring [verb]

Definition of Transferring:

pass possession to

Synonyms of Transferring:

Opposite/Antonyms of Transferring:

Sentence/Example of Transferring:

Now was he not transferring something else from the mother to the child?

"The Commander has been transferring them in vain for four months," he said.

During the time of transferring the baggage, I had to carry the money for safe keeping.

He had taken the sketch two days before and was now transferring it on to canvas.

The process of transferring bees to my hives, is performed as follows.

This transferring of Margaret from Watton is purely imaginary.

It was just as they had been told; they were transferring to the Mars liner from the shuttle.

I must seize the opportunity of transferring them to my note book.

They did not put off time in transferring the saved men to the steamer.

Let me beseech you to reflect on the expediency of transferring this debt to Holland.