Worthless [adjective]

Definition of Worthless:

of no use; without value

Opposite/Antonyms of Worthless:

Sentence/Example of Worthless:

Perhaps you were taken in by that worthless man, for a real marriage it could not be.

Even Shakspere could not keep the love of a worthless woman.

Compared to this, all the other proofs of freedom are worthless or weak.

All the other proofs of God are weak or worthless beside this one.

Without that rootless, worthless, devilish fancy, I might have been no worse than other people!

The Spaniards had passed by the best parts of North America as worthless.

Think you that Vivian Grey could be crushed by such a worthless thing as you?

I have sought not an ideal, but an ambition––a worthless thing.

And if they did, what can We, their worthless descendants do for them now?

Had the servant been the most worthless of her sex she could not have been more bitterly upbraided.