Discomfited [verb]

Definition of Discomfited:

defeat, frustrate; confuse

Synonyms of Discomfited:

Opposite/Antonyms of Discomfited:

Sentence/Example of Discomfited:

But it cannot be said that anything much happened to discomfit the publishing houses of little faith.

It contained a small table and a stove, the latter of diminutive size, but smoky enough to discomfit a host.

Hereupon the proper thing is for something very harsh to break in, and discomfit all the wandering vision of earthly happiness.

They acknowledged that on this occasion it was less difficult to kill than to discomfit the soldiers of Chosroes.

The patriarch and the bishops did not seek to discomfit me by learned arguments or flimsy excuses.

"The reason is not far to seek," I answered, more to myself than her, as I ran down the stairs to discomfit that old man.

They were further angered by their failure to discomfit him in argument in the very presence of the multitude.

Here he inspired them with new courage and sent them down to discomfit the Philistines.

Queen sends message to L. to come secretly and discomfit knights.

Has it been with this view that we have been permitted to discomfit the navies of the whole world?