Terrific [adjective]

Definition of Terrific:


Synonyms of Terrific:

Opposite/Antonyms of Terrific:

Sentence/Example of Terrific:

The school was under the head-mastership of "the terrific Dr. Keate."

Barry entered the army under the most terrific pressure only.

He saw the terrific pace that the Indian had set the others.

In the end, it will be seen by what a terrific lesson I finally learned to swim.

We took the weight of the last in squalls, some of which were terrific.

Death was everywhere, and in his most terrific and disgusting aspects.

But the heat of noon, after the cool shade of the veranda, was terrific.

Constance's own fears at this absence grew to a terrific height.

The rapids continued the characteristic of the river and were terrific.

It had gripped savagely hold of him and was about to wreak upon him some terrific hurt.