Lieger [adjective]

Definition of Lieger:


Opposite/Antonyms of Lieger:

Sentence/Example of Lieger:

My liege, can you blame the mare for going heavily when she bears the weight of three kingdoms on her back?

The Duke of Burgundy, the most powerful vassal of France, was in arms against his liege lord.

My object is to alter our route, by proceeding directly by the left bank of the Maes to Liege, instead of crossing at Namur.

The Bishop, therefore, put himself at the head of a few troops of his own, trusting to the assistance of the people of Liege.

Meanwhile the march continued, and the confederates soon entered the territories of Liege.

A dead silence soon reigned over that great host which lay in leaguer before Liege.

Liege was taken and miserably pillaged, without regard to sex or age, things sacred or things profane.

He rode up to where Louis was standing with his back against a rock, and dismounted saying 'My liege—'

Upon each flank let the lash be laid—and—well, the Princess Margaret is welcome to her liege lord's soul.

The subjects of the Lilies, as well as those of the Leopard, felt it incumbent upon them to be loyal to their liege lord.