Mass [noun]

Definition of Mass:

body of matter; considerable portion

Synonyms of Mass:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mass:

Sentence/Example of Mass:

The mass was an ornate one, though not more so than they were accustomed to at Beaulieu.

We missed our morning mass, it will do us no harm to hear Nones in the Minster.

Gone is the mass of the mountains, the stoniness of rocks, the hard solidity of iron.

In the nearer ranks we may discern the variety of ingredients that compose the mass.

I thought he was going to give that mass of flowers to me, but he did not.

Women in the mass were very displeasing to look at, and they frightened you.

And you have no notion what a mass of work he has got to get through every day.

From the outer edges of this mass men were sinking to the ground.

Then like a mass of jelly out of its mould I plopped onto my chair.

She was a wiry woman, a mass of muscles animated by an eager energy.