Prepare [verb]

Definition of Prepare:

make or get ready

Opposite/Antonyms of Prepare:

Sentence/Example of Prepare:

"Then prepare to be greeted with an icy blast," predicted Emma.

So prepare to go to your uncle's for an early day in next week.

Her father's angry letter, ordering her to prepare for her wedding-day.

One purpose of this introduction is to prepare the reader for such a shock.

Prepare the pumpkin as directed in Art. 65 and add the milk to it.

Two weeks before, teachers had been appointed to prepare a list of committees.

When it is to be cooked in this way, prepare it in the manner just explained.

Prepare it by what seems to you to be the most economical method.

To prepare it in this way, secure a perch and scale and clean it.

I command her to prepare herself to take the husband I have fixed upon.