Curtailments [noun]

Definition of Curtailments:


Synonyms of Curtailments:

Opposite/Antonyms of Curtailments:

Sentence/Example of Curtailments:

A curtailment of credit resulting from such problems has caused serious head winds to recoveries in the past and may be a serious problem going forward.

“More respondents reported curtailment in both overall and essential spending during the past one year,” the survey report said.

It also led to the curtailment of community-based activities, such as community health volunteers referring women for services.

A big man, who wishes to do you honour formally, would consent to no such curtailment.

Anything resembling cant or the curtailment of mental liberty roused only his resentment and irony.

I think most weeds that get a late start show this curtailment of stalk, and this solicitude to reproduce themselves.

We further recommend curtailment of vessel operator discretion in pursuing, or approaching, whales.

The preceding considerations hold good not alone of increased facilities, but of their curtailment as well.

The scarcity of fodder, too, was felt acutely, and necessitated the curtailment of the tram and cab services.

The curtailment, if conceded, seems scarcely adequate to its purpose, and appears to us a very questionable conjecture.