Volatile [adjective]

Definition of Volatile:

explosive, changeable

Opposite/Antonyms of Volatile:

Sentence/Example of Volatile:

I dare say he had fancied her ladyship as keenly as one of his volatile nature might.

Some are warm, but volatile and inconstant; he was warm too, but steady and unchangeable.

Sam was volatile and elusive; his industry of an erratic kind.

She is young, volatile, capricious, but generous142 as the day.

These people had the blood of the nomad and the volatile in their veins.

But the atmospheric effects made no impression on the volatile Merrihew.

With all her volatile gaiety, when she chose to say, "I will!"

Marcia was a throw-back to her grandmother Winter—quick-tongued, restless, volatile.

Turpentine is a volatile oil from the sap of long-leaf pine.

Mercury is a volatile metal which has but little affinity for oxygen.