Selfhood [noun]

Definition of Selfhood:


Synonyms of Selfhood:

Opposite/Antonyms of Selfhood:


Sentence/Example of Selfhood:

It is quickly reached when we attempt to probe the mystery of selfhood.

For selfhood—the asserting of the Ego—is the root of all evil.

In selfhood, nothing can be done, for life is always in conjunction.

The title which I have chosen for this discourse, is Selfhood and Sacrifice.

Selfhood I have preferred to call it; self-love, be it, if you please.

In selfhood, necessary as it is, there is no virtue, and little joy.

The selfhood must be active in going out for the new knowledge.

So his selfhood became selfishness, and his character was wrecked.

What Swedenborg calls 'selfhood,' the proprium, is not in him.

The spectrous fiend to whom he refers is, according to Messrs. Ellis and Yeats, his own “selfhood.”