Speckless [adjective]

Definition of Speckless:

not dirty; uncluttered

Opposite/Antonyms of Speckless:

Sentence/Example of Speckless:

All the wood used was new and speckless, and smelt sweet and clean.

I was aware that the room was speckless; but for all that, Leeby was turning it upside down.

I gazed horror-struck at my speckless matting and pale Oriental rugs.

His clothes were speckless, faultless, fitting irreproachably.

It is spotless, speckless, and of a certain quality by no means despicable.

Yet no beggar in rags ever appeared to me half so loathly as did this speckless dandy!

Her little house was in spotless, speckless order from top to bottom.

Probably my boots were speckless, but that made no difference; he jeered and sneered.

But the sky was speckless and no sounds came from the Gratz farmhouse.

And his simple evening dress of speckless black became him well.