Beaut [adjective]

Definition of Beaut:

beautiful, magnificent

Opposite/Antonyms of Beaut:

Sentence/Example of Beaut:

L mesme il y a des arbres d'inestimable beaut en hauteur & grosseur.

Car c'tait une grande beaut et chose plus que merveillable de la voir si bien fleurie.

The best 'fard pour la beaut des dames' is other people's adoration.

I saw her, an' she's some beaut; Joe ain't passin' up nuthin' like that.

Rvle au monde par sa beaut, elle l'a charm peut-tre plus encore par les graces de son esprit et de son cœur.

Telle est la diversit des gouts des nations diffrentes, en matire de beaut.

Suddenly in the growing crowd of miners below the embankment Beaut McGregor saw his father moving restlessly about.

Young girls in the school walked home down the hill with other boys and at night dreamed of Beaut McGregor.

Although he had not been out of the valley and had grown strong and big there, Beaut McGregor knew something of the outside world.

Both Beaut and the fat boy were disconcerted by this turn to their afternoon's outing and wondered how it would turn out.