Splaying [verb]

Definition of Splaying:

angle off, slope

Synonyms of Splaying:

Opposite/Antonyms of Splaying:

Sentence/Example of Splaying:

He was clean-shaven, blue-eyed, and had a fine shock of brown hair through which he was constantly pushing his splaying fingers.

Another way to make an end joint is by bevelled scarfing or splaying (Fig. 562).

Into the splaying breaches there rushed fresh troops from front and rear, and the lines thickened and swayed again.

His steel trowel rang like a bell as he tossed the red brick like a ball in his strong, splaying hand.

John asked, a look of shame crossing his face as he stood mechanically brushing his coat-sleeve with his big, splaying hand.

He occasionally flicked on his torch, splaying it over the column, checking the positions of the men ahead of him.