Crackings [noun]

Definition of Crackings:

crashing sound

Synonyms of Crackings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Crackings:


Sentence/Example of Crackings:

No signal crackings, no thin jets or streams from the green immensity beyond.

And each adjective is set off with a rattling fusillade of crackings from his great whip.

In others, the joints, although stiff, can be moved but exhibit pronounced crackings.

As time goes on, the range of movement becomes restricted, and crackings occur.

But these were only the gentle heavings and crackings of the ground premonitory of the real earthquake.

There were two dozen of the duryas, and despite the shouts and whip-crackings they moved with a stubborn slowness.

Everything was still outside, but for the rare crackings of ice and timber.

They sat on their haunches in the snow, and grinned at the whip-crackings and futile "Mush, mush!"

Away in the sun hay was being made and carried, with crackings of whips and distant voices.

"I reckon I ain't got no call to be scared at any crackings in this old house," said Mother Borton with a nervous giggle.