Destinations [noun]

Definition of Destinations:

goal; place one wants to go

Synonyms of Destinations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Destinations:

Sentence/Example of Destinations:

About half of the vacationers are usually passing through Virginia on the way to or from specific destinations outside the state.

Some of the trains had already been abandoned, and the others were moving along to the agreed-upon destinations.

I wondered where they were all going, and made up destinations for them.

They were taken through the streets in lorries and in furniture vans at the dead of night and shipped for unknown destinations.

This agent met trains and directed migrants to destinations when they had addresses of relatives and friends.

"We ride different ways, and to different destinations," I replied dryly.

Therefore, our wheat shipments to Allied destinations represent approximately savings from our own wheat bread.'

Such others as may arrive here with troops may be sent to the destinations of the regiments.

I am inclined to think that some of these cells may have each of the above-mentioned destinations.

Reaching their several destinations, the messengers recapitulated the grievances.