Harmful [adjective]

Definition of Harmful:

injurious, hurtful

Opposite/Antonyms of Harmful:

Sentence/Example of Harmful:

These invisible fragments may be toxic on their own, and they also have the potential to harbor a layer of harmful microbes or chemicals.

That said, scientists haven’t fully nailed down how harmful subway particles may be to human health.

It’s not harmful in small amounts, but higher concentrations become dangerous.

The work of organizers over the past eight months continues a long tradition of confronting unnecessary and harmful investments in institutions like the police.

It’s also a place where people spread harmful misinformation—a problem that has proliferated on the platforms of its more mature rivals.

The Fairness Doctrine also enabled activists to contest advertising for tobacco and other harmful products.

The scientists want to know everything that a person experiences when they get the shot, so they can detect any harmful effects.

Whatever harmful ideas are present in those forums get normalized as part of their learning.

The ban may be temporary, and the Oversight Board is an effort to cloak harmful decisions in a veil of legitimacy.

In addition, these new selects are engineered with innovative and proprietary fibers to help enhance workouts including EleVen Ozone for protection against harmful rays and EleVen Pro-Dri for quick-drying and superior breathability.