Divisible [adjective]

Definition of Divisible:


Synonyms of Divisible:

Opposite/Antonyms of Divisible:

Sentence/Example of Divisible:

In this case, you can use the tricks you learned in school for determining if a number is divisible by a given digit.

The mere fact that it divides itself, or imparts itself to others, shows that it was already divisible before the division.

Every year of which the figure is divisible by four is a leap-year.

Still another pretty stitch, easily adjusted to any garment, is as follows: Chain a number of stitches divisible by 3, turn.

In Denmark the peat deposits of this age are divisible into five layers, characterised by different dominant forms of trees.

The largest dock is divisible by a central caisson so that four ships can be docked at one time.

The species Dipodomys ordii is divisible into six complexes, or groups, of subspecies on both geographic and morphological bases.

Infinity is possible only as a potentiality, for example, we may speak of a given length as infinitely divisible.

Now if reason is a power residing in a corporeal subject, it would be divisible like the latter.

Muscovy talck is remarkable for the thin and transparent flakes into which it is divisible, and thereby capable of various uses.