Dunces [noun]

Definition of Dunces:

stupid person

Synonyms of Dunces:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dunces:



Sentence/Example of Dunces:

This time, Super Duper Loser Kevin Dopart suggested perhaps a dunce cap, or a jester’s hat, with the title “Clowning Achievement.”

Pedantic, unimaginative and presumptuous, Theobald was the logical choice for a Dunce King in 1728.

Tyndale himself, who invented such beautiful words in his translations, was the first to use the word dunce.

I'm afraid from this you'll guess that I must have been a dunce at school myself.

Tutors I could get by shoals, but a fellow-dunce is inestimable.'

He had no mercy on a fool or a dunce, and turned in disgust from those who loved trifles and lies.

Divination is of as many kinds as there are fruit-bearing varieties of the flowering dunce and the early fool.

The dunce paused, then stood stock still, his mouth opening to its widest extent.

In a minute Dick Arbuckle and Pumpkin were hurrying along the road the dunce had previously traveled.

And nobody calls you a dunce,And people suppose me clever; This could but have happened once,And we missed it, lost it forever.