Immerses [verb]

Definition of Immerses:

submerge in liquid

Synonyms of Immerses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Immerses:

Sentence/Example of Immerses:

I'm rather afraid that if business immerses him too completely he will be found drowned some day.

Then he immerses himself, and identifies himself with that ocean of life which is the primordial Force.

Speaks in a peevish, complaining voice, and during her harrangue Starkweather immerses himself in notebook.

She now immerses the wool and allows it to remain in the dye from half an hour to an hour.

I have only to add that this species, like others of the same genus, immerses its head up to the eyes while drinking.

Esther is silent; only her head droops lower, lower, till her little nose almost immerses itself in her stirabout.