Dissembled [verb]

Definition of Dissembled:

disguise, pretend

Opposite/Antonyms of Dissembled:

Sentence/Example of Dissembled:

It would not be the same house; we should have to dissemble; I saw myself speaking English the long day through.

The Minister was too old, and too passionate by nature, to hide his feelings; he no longer cared to dissemble them.

It smote him with horror and anger; but he was much too manly to betray these actual sentiments, and continued to dissemble.

It may even be politic to dissemble a little, and pretend we rather enjoy it than otherwise.

Lady Byron, having once conceived a notion of Augustas guilt, would not change her opinion, and was far too honest to dissemble.

With the which excuse the French king séemed to be the better pacified, and was content to dissemble the matter.

I thanked my personal gods that esper training had also given me the ability to dissemble.

That I am equal or superior to some of these, the effects of modesty or affectation cannot force me to dissemble.

A woman born to dissemble and deceive, she began to lament to us the cruelty of the Archbishop, excusing herself as innocent.

True she is in the highest degree to Family and State, is saving both; but she does dissemble, does cajole the suitors.