Closer [adjective]

Definition of Closer:

near, nearby

Opposite/Antonyms of Closer:

Sentence/Example of Closer:

Yet on coronavirus, the gap between the frontlines and Pelosi has only widened in recent days, as her moderate members call to re-open talk and pass legislation closer-aligned to what Republicans would accept.

If I have been true to my craft, then hopefully the listener will come away feeling a little closer to who Malcolm was and they will take some inspiration from his example.

The new line ranges from $180 to $1,000, and several models seem interesting—but when we looked closer, we found a familiar and not particularly attractive name behind the brand.

Each mission could turn up interesting new clues that get us closer to determining whether there is life there, but neither would be able to answer that question on its own.

The long expansion after 2008 led to a retail, restaurant and housing boom in neighborhoods closer to downtown, but largely bypassed Slavic Village, despite some successful efforts to stabilize homeownership.

That’s why as the election creeps ever closer, it’s important to really make sure you’re on the rolls.

Cars could be a way to push Alexa further into the mobile space, as well as get Amazon’s ad business closer to those marketers with some of the biggest brand marketing budgets available.

While in theory the Internet once seemed poised to pull humanity closer together, in practice information technology has burnished old divisions.

Last week, NBC 7 reported that city officials inflated the value of the building to bring it closer to what they’d already agreed to pay.

Weigh whether it will move you closer or further away from that future.