Plugging [verb]

Definition of Plugging:

stop up

Synonyms of Plugging:

Opposite/Antonyms of Plugging:

Sentence/Example of Plugging:

The operator did some plugging and after a bit came back with a report.

And no more than into the open Atlantic than we were plugging into it.

Say, I won't always be plugging down at Nagel's, believe me.

"Let's try it," the repairman said, plugging the cord into a wall socket.

Let us not count our chickens just yet, but keep on plugging.

Yes, it's quite likely I may have been plugging for Mars below the conscious level.

You sit there steady, with my haid in your lap, while some one is plugging away at us.

A Tommy plugging it along the Arras-Doullens road in the pouring rain.

He didnt seem to mind me plugging him a bit, and went calmly on.

All the Den members were plugging for Chips and Red to win a prize with their entry.