Inglorious [adjective]

Definition of Inglorious:


Synonyms of Inglorious:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inglorious:


Sentence/Example of Inglorious:

Venera 1 might have missed by so much that it wouldn’t have acquired any useful data anyway, or it might have careened into the planet for an inglorious destruction.

As many have been astonished at thee, so shall his visage be inglorious among men, and his form among the sons of men.

As vainglorious was Richard Westmacott's retreat from the field of unstricken battle as his advance upon it had been inglorious.

To what “mute inglorious” satirist we are indebted for this lasting compliment we shall probably never now determine.

In China the British troops still pursued an inglorious war.

But I was in no mind to take to a tree, and wait for some inglorious discovery by a rescue party from the house.

General Gage and the troops under his command are penned up, pining in inglorious inactivity.

How lovers rashGot mittens at the spelling school!How many a mute, inglorious fool Wrote rhymes and sighed and died—mustache!

How inglorious would be your conquest, how shameful your defeat!

As with inglorious Miltons amongst ourselves, he simply lacked opportunity.