Contribution [noun]
Definition of Contribution:
gift, offering
Synonyms of Contribution:
● Grant
● Addition
● Increase
● Donation
● Handout
● Bestowal
● Alms
● Present
● Charity
● Input
● A hand
● Gifting
Sentence/Example of Contribution:
We can not measure it by the amount of its contribution to the product, for that is the very matter that we want to discover.
The greatest contribution which modern naturalists have made to knowledge concerns the origin of organic species.
There are many of us who would look twice at that shilling if we were asked for it as a simple contribution.
With the same reserve as in the case of his former volume, this is a valuable contribution to the literature of this subject.
As some small, tentative contribution to the understanding of this under-life, the plan of this volume has been designed.
Such contribution, if a fact, must have been small, for the Massinger flavor is unmistakable throughout; yet in the Plague ont!
Surely no man ever made a richer contribution to this department of human inquiry than Plato.
Why not make my contribution equal to yours and call it an even two hundred thousand dollars?
The present secretary has courteously sent a photograph of this picture, also of the flags, as an historical contribution.
She at once gave thirty thousand dollars to the national fund, and from time to time has added to the general contribution.