Words Beginning with k - list and definitions learning English
- Kabala - occultism
- Kabalas - occultism
- Kabbalism - occultism
- Kabbalisms - occultism
- Kablooey - compress, smash
- Kainit -
- Kaiser - ruler
- Kaisers - ruler
- Kakemono -
- Kale - vegetable
- Kaleidoscopic - multicolored
- Kales - vegetable
- Kalian - pipe through which water moves
- Kalians - pipe through which water moves
- Kamikaze - self-murder
- Kamikazes - self-murder
- Kangaroo - pouched mammal
- Kangaroos - pouched mammal
- Kaolin - workable earth material
- Kaolins - workable earth material
- kaput - Ruined, destroyed, or broken beyond repair.; Completely finished, ended, or defeated.; Unable to function or operate;
- Karate - far eastern discipline or sport
- Karates - far eastern discipline or sport
- Karma - destiny
- Karmas - destiny
- Karri -
- Katie -
- Kauppi -
- Kayak - light, paddled boat
- Kayaks - light, paddled boat
- Kayo - a blow that knocks unconscious
- Kayoed - knock unconscious
- Kayoing - knock unconscious
- Kayos - a blow that knocks unconscious
- Kazak -
- Kazoo - musical instrument
- Kazoos - musical instrument
- Kbe -
- Kedge - something used to hold another thing securely
- Kedges - something used to hold another thing securely
- Keel - fall
- Keeled - fall
- Keeler - container
- Keelers - container
- Keeling - fall
- Keels - fall
- Keen - enthusiastic
- Keened - long, painful cry
- Keener - enthusiastic
- Keeners - lamenter
- Keenest - enthusiastic
- Keening - grief, complaint
- Keenings - grief, complaint
- Keenly - with concentration
- Keenness - insight
- Keennesses - insight
- Keens - grief, complaint
- Keep - hold, maintain
- Keeper - guardian
- Keepers - guardian
- Keeping - custody
- Keepings - custody
- Keeps - hold, maintain
- Keepsake - something precious
- Keepsakes - something precious
- Keester - behind of animate being
- Keesters - behind of animate being
- Keeve - container
- Keeves - container
- Kef - plant
- Kefs - plant
- Keg - barrel
- Kegling - tenpins
- Keglings - tenpins
- Kegs - barrel
- Keister - buttocks
- Keisters - buttocks
- Kellie -
- Kelly - emerald in color
- Kelp - rootless, leafless plants living in water
- Kelpie - ghost
- Kelpies - ghost
- Kelps - rootless, leafless plants living in water
- kempt - (of hair) neat and tidy
- ken - range of what one can know or understand
- Kendo - far eastern discipline or sport
- Kenned - understand information
- Kennel - dog lodging
- Kennels - dog lodging
- Kenning - understand information
- Kens - perception
- Kent - understand information
- Kepi - headgear
- Kepis - headgear
- Kept - preserved
- Keratocele -
- Keratophyte -
- Kerchief - bandana
- Kerchiefs - bandana
- Kerf - incision
- Kerflooey - not working continuously
- Kerfs - incision
- kerfuffle - a disorderly outburst or tumult
- Kerfuffles - fuss; commotion
- Kermis - fair with entertainment
- Kermises - fair with entertainment
- Kernel - seed, essence
- Kernels - seed, essence
- Kerosene - oil
- Kerosenes - oil
- Ketch - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Ketches - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Ketchup - flavoring
- Ketchups - flavoring
- Ketosis -
- Kettle - metal pot
- Kettledrum - percussion instrument
- Kettledrums - percussion instrument
- Kettles - metal pot
- Key - essential, important
- Keyboard - row of keys
- Keyboarded - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Keyboarding - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Keyboards - row of keys
- Keyed up -
- Keyer - essential, important
- Keyest - essential, important
- Keyhole - foul line
- Keyholes - foul line
- Keynote - theme
- Keynoter - talker
- Keynoters - talker
- Keynotes - essence, theme
- Keys - item that unlocks
- Keystone - base
- Keystones - essence, theme
- Keyword - magic words for entry
- Keywords - magic words for entry
- Khaki - dark, burnished color
- Khakis - light brown
- Khamsin - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Khamsins - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Khan - historically, person who ruled an area
- Khans - historically, person who ruled an area
- Khas -
- Khenna -
- Kibble - crush, pulverize
- Kibbled - crush, pulverize
- Kibbles - crush, pulverize
- Kibbling - crush, pulverize
- Kibbutz - collective farm
- Kibbutzim - collective farm
- Kibitz - guidance
- Kibitzed - intervene, interfere
- Kibitzer - meddler
- Kibitzers - meddler
- Kibitzes - guidance
- Kibitzing - interfering
- Kibosh - stop
- Kiboshed - disable
- Kiboshes - stop
- Kiboshing - disable
- Kick - thrill, enjoyment
- Kickback - bribe
- Kickbacks - bribe
- Kicked - thrill, enjoyment
- Kicker - wrinkle
- Kickers - wrinkle
- Kicking - thrill, enjoyment
- Kickings - method of kicking ball
- Kickoff - opening
- Kickoffs - opening
- Kicks - thrill, enjoyment
- Kickup - disturbance, trouble
- Kickups - disturbance, trouble
- Kid - young person
- Kidded - young person
- Kidder - unskilled, unfamiliar
- Kidders - person who kids, teases
- Kiddie - very young person
- Kiddies - very young person
- Kidding - fool, ridicule
- Kiddingly - ironic and insincere
- Kiddings - teasing
- Kidnap - abduct; hold for ransom
- Kidnaped - abduct; hold for ransom
- Kidnaping - abduct; hold for ransom
- Kidnapped - abducted
- Kidnapper - abductor
- Kidnappers - abductor
- Kidnapping - abduction
- Kidnappings - abduction
- Kidnaps - abduct; hold for ransom
- Kidney - boldness, strength of character
- Kidneys - boldness, strength of character
- Kids - young person
- Kielbasa - encased minced meat
- Kielbasas - encased minced meat
- Kielbasy - encased minced meat
- Kif - plant
- Kifs - plant
- Kill - deprive of existence; destroy
- Killarney -
- Killed - deprive of existence; destroy
- Killer - murderer
- Killers - murderer
- Killing - murder
- Killingly -
- Killings - murder
- Killjoy - spoilsport
- Killjoys - spoilsport
- Kills - deprive of existence; destroy
- Kiln - oven
- Kilned - take moisture out of
- Kilning - take moisture out of
- Kilns - oven
- Kilowatt - generated power
- Kilowatts - generated power
- Kilt - ladies' garment that hangs from waist
- Kilter - trim
- Kilters - trim
- Kilts - ladies' garment that hangs from waist
- Kimono - gown, often for wearing at home
- Kimonos - gown, often for wearing at home
- Kin - blood relative
- Kincob -
- Kind - generous, good
- Kind-heartedness -
- Kinder - generous, good
- Kindergarten - nursery school
- Kindergartens - nursery school
- Kindest - generous, good
- Kindhearted - compassionate, helpful
- Kindheartedly - thoughtfully
- Kindheartedness - generosity
- Kindle - start a fire
- Kindled - start a fire
- Kindles - start a fire
- Kindlier - compassionate, helpful
- Kindliest - compassionate, helpful
- Kindliness - benevolence
- Kindlinesses - benevolence
- Kindling - material for starting a fire
- Kindlings - material for starting a fire
- Kindly - compassionate, helpful
- Kindness - compassion, generosity
- Kindnesses - compassion, generosity
- Kindred - corresponding, matching
- Kindreds - corresponding, matching
- Kindredship - family relationship
- Kindredships - family relationship
- Kinds - class, species
- Kine - member of genus bos
- Kinescope - television tube
- Kinescopes - television tube
- kinesics - Non-verbal communication by means of gestures, and/or other body movement.
- Kinesthesia - feeling of animate being
- Kinesthesias - feeling of animate being
- Kinesthetic - relating to movement in the body
- Kinetic - energetic
- Kinetic energy -
- Kinetics - movement, action
- Kinfolk - kin
- Kinfolks - kin
- King - ruler
- King penguin -
- Kingdom - historically, an area ruled by a monarch
- Kingdom of thailand -
- Kingdoms - historically, an area ruled by a monarch
- Kingfish - expert, animate or inanimate
- Kingfishes - expert, animate or inanimate
- Kinglier - majestic
- Kingliest - majestic
- Kingly - majestic
- Kingmaker - power behind the throne
- Kingmakers - power behind the throne
- Kingpin - center point about which something
- Kingpins - center point about which something
- Kings - ruler
- Kingship - sovereignty
- Kingships - sovereignty
- Kink - bend, twist
- Kinked - knot, complicate
- Kinkier - twisted
- Kinkiest - twisted
- Kinkiness - sexual abnormality
- Kinkinesses - sexual abnormality
- Kinking - knot, complicate
- Kinks - bend, twist
- Kinky - twisted
- Kins - blood relative
- Kinsfolk - blood relative
- Kinsfolks - blood relative
- Kinship - family relationship
- Kinships - family relationship
- Kinsman - relative
- Kinsmen - relative
- Kinswoman - relative
- Kinswomen - relative
- Kintyre -
- Kiosk - gazebo
- Kiosks - gazebo
- Kip - twin bed, usually stacked; place to sleep
- Kipe - adopt, acquire
- Kipes - adopt, acquire
- Kipped - ravage, steal
- Kipper - cook, age food
- Kippered - treated with smoke
- Kippering - cook, age food
- Kippers - cook, age food
- Kipping - ravage, steal
- Kips - twin bed, usually stacked; place to sleep
- Kirtle - long shirt
- Kirtles - long shirt
- Kismet - fate, fortune
- Kismets - fate, fortune
- Kiss - touching lips to another
- Kiss curl -
- Kissable - being erotically attractive to another
- Kissed - touching lips to another
- Kisser - face
- Kissers - face
- Kisses - touching lips to another
- Kissing - osculation
- Kissings - osculation
- Kit - provisions, equipment
- Kitchen - room for cooking food
- Kitchen midden -
- Kitchenette - room for cooking food
- Kitchenettes - room for cooking food
- Kitchens - room for cooking food
- Kitchenware - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Kitchenwares - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Kite - written communication
- Kiteboarding -
- Kited - leave, often quickly
- Kites - written communication
- Kith - blood relative
- Kiths - blood relative
- Kiting - leave, often quickly
- Kits - provisions, equipment
- kitsch - excessively garish or sentimental art; usually considered in bad taste
- Kitsches - vulgarized design or appearance
- Kitschier - flashy, tasteless
- Kitschiest - flashy, tasteless
- Kitschy - flashy, tasteless
- Kitted - outfit, supply
- Kitten - young cat
- Kittenish - frisky, playful
- Kittenishness - shyness
- Kittenishnesses - shyness
- Kittens - young cat
- Kitties - feline
- Kitting - outfit, supply
- Kitty - feline
- Kitwe -
- Kiu -
- Kleagle -
- Kleptomaniac - stealer
- Kleptomaniacs - stealer
- Klondike - u.s. state
- Klondikes - u.s. state
- Klutz - clumsy person
- Klutzes - clumsy person
- Klutzier - awkward
- Klutziest - awkward
- Klutzy - awkward
- Knack - ability, talent
- Knacks - ability, talent
- Knap - swelling, projection
- Knaps - swelling, projection
- Knapsack - backpack
- Knapsacks - backpack
- Knave - rascal
- Knaveries - cheating, stealing
- knavery - lack of honesty; acts of lying or cheating or stealing
- Knaves - rascal
- Knavish - dishonest
- Knavishness - the quality of being mean
- Knavishnesses - the quality of being mean
- Knead - mix by pressing
- Kneaded - mix by pressing
- Kneading - mix by pressing
- Kneads - mix by pressing
- Knee - body part
- Kneejerk - reflex, automatic
- Kneel - get down on one's knees
- Kneeled - get down on one's knees
- Kneeling - get down on one's knees
- Kneels - get down on one's knees
- Knees - body part
- knell - make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification
- Knelled - chime
- Knelling - chime
- Knells - chime
- Knelt - get down on one's knees
- Knew - understand information
- Knickers - clothing for legs, lower half of body
- Knickknack - trinket; decorative piece
- Knickknacks - trinket; decorative piece
- Knife - cutting tool
- Knifed - cutting tool
- Knifelike - sharp
- Knifes - cutting tool
- Knifing - cutting tool
- Knifings - killing
- Knight - noble person
- Knighted - name, label something
- Knighthood - chivalry
- Knighthoods - chivalry
- Knighting - name, label something
- Knightlier - gracious
- Knightliest - gracious
- Knightly - gracious
- Knights - noble person
- Knit - intertwine
- Knits - intertwine
- Knitted - knit
- Knitting - intertwine
- Knittings - needlepoint
- Knives - cutting tool
- Knob - lump, handle
- Knobbed - beat
- Knobbier - knobbed
- Knobbiest - knobbed
- Knobbing - beat
- Knobby - knobbed
- Knoblike -
- Knobs - lump, handle
- Knock - pushing, striking
- Knock rummy -
- Knockabout - rough
- Knockback - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Knockbacks - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Knockdown - verbal fight
- Knockdowns - verbal fight
- Knocked - pushing, striking
- Knocker - critic
- Knockers - critic
- Knocking - pushing, striking
- Knockoff - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Knockoffs - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Knockout - a blow that knocks unconscious
- Knockouts - a blow that knocks unconscious
- Knocks - pushing, striking
- Knoll - small hill
- Knolls - small hill
- Knosp -
- Knot - bow, loop
- Knothead - dummy
- Knotheads - dummy
- Knots - bow, loop
- Knotted - tied
- Knottier - troublesome
- Knottiest - troublesome
- Knotting - bow, loop
- Knotty - troublesome
- Knout - length of material for hitting
- Knouts - length of material for hitting
- Know - understand information
- Knowable - distinct
- Knowhow - knowledgeable
- Knowhows - skill, talent
- Knowing - experienced, aware
- Knowingly - intentionally
- Knowings - understanding
- Knowledge - person's understanding; information
- Knowledgeable - aware, educated
- Knowledgeably - in an intelligent manner
- Knowledges - person's understanding; information
- Known - famous, popular
- Knows - understand information
- Knuckle - comply, endure
- Knuckleballer - baseball pitcher
- Knuckleballers - baseball pitcher
- Knuckled - comply, endure
- Knuckleduster - metal covering for fingers
- Knuckledusters - metal covering for fingers
- Knucklehead - dummy
- Knuckleheads - dummy
- Knuckles - metal covering for fingers
- Knuckling - comply, endure
- Knurl - lump, handle
- Knurled - knotted
- Knurlier - knotty
- Knurliest - knotty
- Knurls - lump, handle
- Knurly - knotty
- Ko - a blow that knocks unconscious
- Koala - pouched mammal
- Koalas - pouched mammal
- Kobe bryant -
- Kobold - elf
- Kobolds - elf
- Koestler -
- Kolkhoz - cooperative farm
- Kolkhozes - cooperative farm
- Kombat -
- Kommando -
- Koning -
- Kook - eccentric person
- Kookaburra -
- Kookier - eccentric
- Kookiest - eccentric
- Kooks - eccentric person
- Kooky - eccentric
- Kopophobia -
- Kos - a blow that knocks unconscious
- Kosher - ritually proper
- Koshers - genuine
- kowtow - To act in an obsequious manner, especially in order to gain favor.; To be servile; to fawn.
- Kowtowed - grovel
- Kowtower - sycophant, toady
- Kowtowers - sycophant, toady
- Kowtowing - grovel
- Kowtows - grovel
- Koz -
- Kraken - monster in body of water
- Krakens - monster in body of water
- Krater - container
- Kraters - container
- Kriegspiel - practice session
- Kriegspiels - practice session
- Kris - weapon
- Krises - weapon
- Kroons -
- Krym -
- Kua -
- Kudo - praise
- Kudos - praise, acclaim
- Kue -
- Kulp -
- kvell - To feel delighted and proud to the point of tears; to boast; to gloat.
- kvetch - express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
- Kvetched - complain
- Kvetches - complain
- Kvetching - unhappy
- kyoodle - A mutt, dog of mixed breed of little value; noisy dog.
- Kyphosis - swelling, projection
- Kyphotic - bent over
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z