Words Beginning with g - list and definitions learning English
- Gab - talk a lot
- Gabardine - sleeveless coat
- Gabardines - sleeveless coat
- Gabbed - talk a lot
- Gabber - someone who talks too much
- Gabbers - someone who talks too much
- Gabbier - talkative
- Gabbiest - talkative
- Gabbing - talk a lot
- Gabble - talk a lot
- Gabbled - talk a lot
- Gabbles - talk a lot
- Gabbling - talk a lot
- Gabby - talkative
- Gabfest - conference
- Gabfests - conference
- Gable - building covering
- Gables - building covering
- Gabs - talk a lot
- Gad - roam about
- gadabout - A person who goes from place to place in social activity, especially in search of pleasure or entertainment.
- Gadabouts - rambler
- Gadded - roam about
- Gadding - roam about
- Gadflies - goad; nuisance
- Gadfly - goad; nuisance
- Gadget - device, novelty
- Gadgetries - mechanism
- Gadgetry - mechanism
- Gadgets - device, novelty
- Gads - roam about
- Gaff - mistake
- Gaffe - mistake, goof
- Gaffed - ready in body or mind
- Gaffer - male head
- Gaffers - male head
- Gaffes - mistake, goof
- Gaffing - take into authorized custody
- Gaffs - mistake
- Gag - practical joke
- Gaga - insane
- Gage - security for a loan
- Gages - security for a loan
- Gagged - silence, stop up
- Gagging - silence, stop up
- Gaggle - group, assortment
- Gaggles - group, assortment
- Gagman - joking person
- Gagmen - joking person
- Gags - practical joke
- Gagster - person who kids, teases
- Gagsters - person who kids, teases
- Gaieties - happiness, celebration
- Gaiety - happiness, celebration
- Gaily - happily, brightly
- Gain - acquisition, winnings
- Gain friendship -
- Gained - acquire, win
- Gainer - arched dive like swan's
- Gainers - arched dive like swan's
- Gainful - very productive, profitable
- Gainfully - operating at a profit
- Gaining - acquire, win
- Gainings - achievement, accomplishment
- Gainless - not profitable
- Gains - acquisition, winnings
- Gainsaid - contradict
- gainsay - take exception to
- Gainsaying - contradict
- Gainsayings - contradiction, denial
- Gainsays - contradict
- Gait - way an animal or person moves, walks
- Gaits - way an animal or person moves, walks
- Gal - human being
- Gala - celebratory
- Galactic - celestial
- Galactose - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Galactoses - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Galas - celebratory
- Galaxies - nebula
- Galaxy - nebula
- Galbraith -
- Gale - violent storm
- Galena - made of lead
- Gales - violent storm
- Galiot - a ship
- Galiots - a ship
- gall - a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fats
- Gallant - brave, splendid
- Gallanted - fawn over, pay attention to
- Gallanting - fawn over, pay attention to
- Gallantly - courageously
- Gallantness - courtesy
- Gallantnesses - courtesy
- Gallantries - bravery, civility
- Gallantry - bravery, civility
- Gallants - person who has many love affairs
- Galleass - a ship
- Galleasses - a ship
- Galled - upset, irritate
- Galleon - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Galleons - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Galleria - collection of stores in one place
- Gallerias - collection of stores in one place
- Galleries - balcony
- Gallery - balcony
- Galley - a ship
- Galleys - a ship
- Gallier - ridiculing
- Galliest - ridiculing
- Gallimaufries - assortment
- gallimaufry - a motley assortment of things
- Galling - very upsetting
- Gallipot - pharmacist
- Gallipots - pharmacist
- gallivant - wander aimlessly in search of pleasure
- Gallivanted - run around, gad about
- Gallivanting - run around, gad about
- Gallivants - run around, gad about
- Gallon - unit of capacity for liquids
- Gallons - unit of capacity for liquids
- Gallop - bolt, race with slight jumping motion
- Galloped - bolt, race with slight jumping motion
- Galloping - bolt, race with slight jumping motion
- Gallops - bolt, race with slight jumping motion
- Gallows - place for hanging
- Gallowses - place for hanging
- Galls - nerve, brashness
- Gallstone - mass in gallbladder
- Gallstones - mass in gallbladder
- Gallus gallus -
- Gally - ridiculing
- Galoot - elderly person
- Galoots - elderly person
- Galore - in abundance
- Galores - great quantity
- Galosh - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Galoshe - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Galoshes - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Gals - human being
- Galsworthy -
- galumph - move around heavily and clumsily
- Galumphed - walk heavily, clumsily
- Galumphing - clumsy, awkward
- Galumphs - thumping noise
- Galvanic - forceful
- Galvanism - energized matter, power
- Galvanisms - energized matter, power
- Galvanization - great happiness, excitement
- Galvanizations - great happiness, excitement
- galvanize - stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock
- Galvanized - inspire, stimulate
- Galvanizes - inspire, stimulate
- Galvanizing - inspire, stimulate
- Gam - appendage
- Gambade - leap
- Gambades - leap
- Gambang -
- Gambit - plan, plot
- Gambits - plan, plot
- gamble - take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome
- Gambled - take a chance on winning
- Gambler - gamester
- Gamblers - gamester
- Gambles - chance, speculation
- Gambling - betting
- Gamblings - betting
- gambol - gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
- Gamboled - tumble playfully
- Gamboling - tumble playfully
- Gambolled - tumble playfully
- Gambolling - tumble playfully
- Gambols - tumble playfully
- Gambrel - building covering
- Gambrels - building covering
- Game - brave, willing
- Game fish -
- Gamed - bet, wager
- Gamekeeper - person who guards and manages
- Gamekeepers - person who guards and manages
- Gamely - bravely
- Gameness - courage
- Gamenesses - courage
- Gamer - brave, willing
- Games - entertainment
- Gamesman - shrewd operator
- Gamesmanship - integrity
- Gamesmanships - integrity
- Gamesmen - shrewd operator
- Gamesome - lively
- Gamest - brave, willing
- Gamester - bettor
- Gamesters - bettor
- Gamete - female reproductive cell
- Gametes - female reproductive cell
- Gamier - ill-smelling; corrupt
- Gamiest - ill-smelling; corrupt
- Gamin - person who is poor, tattered
- Gamine - boyish girl
- Gamines - boyish girl
- Gaming - amusement, entertainment
- Gamings - amusement, entertainment
- Gamins - person who is poor, tattered
- Gammadion - nazi symbol
- Gammed - make advances toward someone
- Gamming - make advances toward someone
- Gammon - flitch
- Gammoned - trick
- Gammoning - trick
- Gammons - flitch
- Gammy -
- Gamp - parasol
- Gamps - parasol
- Gams - appendage
- Gamut - range
- Gamuts - range
- Gamy - ill-smelling; corrupt
- Gander - glance
- Gandered - glimpse
- Gandering - glimpse
- Ganders - glance
- Gang - group, mob of people
- Gang member -
- Gangbanger - young criminal
- Gangbangers - young criminal
- Gangland - coordinated criminal organization
- Ganglands - coordinated criminal organization
- Ganglia - center of activity
- Ganglier - gangling
- Gangliest - gangling
- Gangling - rangy
- Ganglion - center of activity
- Ganglions - center of activity
- Gangly - gangling
- Gangplank - passage
- Gangplanks - passage
- Gangrene - decay
- Gangrenes - decay
- Gangrenous - rotten, falling apart
- Gangs - group, mob of people
- Gangster - person involved in illegal activities
- Gangsters - person involved in illegal activities
- Gangway - passage
- Gangways - passage
- Ganja - grass, pot
- Ganjas - grass, pot
- Gantries - base, stage
- Gantry - base, stage
- Gantt -
- Gap - break, breach
- Gape - gawk
- Gaped - gawk
- Gaper - glass that reflects image
- Gapers - glass that reflects image
- Gapes - gawk
- Gaping - wide open
- Gapped - clear, expose; spread
- Gapping - clear, expose; spread
- Gaps - break, breach
- Gar - lance
- Garage - storage building for vehicles, workplace
- Garages - storage building for vehicles, workplace
- Garb - clothing
- Garbage - refuse, litter
- Garbages - refuse, litter
- Garbed - fit with clothes
- Garbing - clothing
- Garble - mix up, misrepresent
- Garbled - mix up, misrepresent
- Garbles - mix up, misrepresent
- Garbling - mix up, misrepresent
- Garbs - clothing
- Garcia -
- Garcon - server
- Garcons - server
- Garden - cultivated plants, flowers
- Gardened - develop land for growing
- Gardened -
- Gardener - vegetable grower
- Gardeners - vegetable grower
- Gardening - horticulture
- Gardenings - horticulture
- Gardens - cultivated plants, flowers
- Garderobe - bathroom
- Garderobes - bathroom
- Gardyloo - archaic
- Gargantua - giant thing
- gargantuan - of great mass; huge and bulky
- Gargantuas - giant thing
- Gargle - rinse the mouth with liquid
- Gargled - rinse the mouth with liquid
- Gargles - rinse the mouth with liquid
- Gargling - rinse the mouth with liquid
- Gargoyle - large wild animal; brute
- Gargoyles - large wild animal; brute
- garish - Obtrusively bright and showy; lurid.
- Garishly - audibly
- Garishness - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Garishnesses - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Garland - strand of material, usually hung
- Garlanded - pictorial
- Garlanding - put on clothing, usually nice
- Garlands - strand of material, usually hung
- Garlic press -
- Garment - article of clothing
- Garment bag -
- Garmented - fit with clothes
- Garmenting - fit with clothes
- Garmentless - without clothes, covering
- Garments - article of clothing
- Garner - collect, accumulate
- Garnered - collect, accumulate
- Garnering - collect, accumulate
- Garners - collect, accumulate
- Garnet - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Garnets - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Garnish - embellishment, improvement
- Garnished - embellishment, improvement
- Garnishes - embellishment, improvement
- Garnishing - embellishment, improvement
- Garnishings - beautification, embellishment
- Garnishment - adornment
- Garnishments - adornment
- Garniture - adornment
- Garnitures - adornment
- Garonne river -
- Garotte - kill
- Garotted - kill
- Garottes - kill
- Garotting - kill
- Garr -
- Garret - attic
- Garrets - attic
- Garrison - military post, fort
- Garrisoned - defended
- Garrisoning - seize, take over
- Garrisons - military post, fort
- Garrote - deprive of existence; destroy
- Garroted - formally put to death
- Garroter - hangman
- Garroters - hangman
- Garrotes - deprive of existence; destroy
- Garroting - deprive of existence; destroy
- Garrulities - loquacity
- Garrulity - loquacity
- garrulous - full of trivial conversation
- Garrulousness - loquacity
- Garrulousnesses - loquacity
- Gars - lance
- Garter - straps
- Garters - straps
- Gas - something not liquid or solid
- Gas mileage -
- Gasbag - bigmouth, chatterer
- Gasbags - bigmouth, chatterer
- Gascon - bigmouth, chatterer
- Gasconade - boast
- Gasconaded - boast
- Gasconades - boast
- Gasconading - boast
- Gascons - bigmouth, chatterer
- Gaseous - vaporous
- Gases - something not liquid or solid
- Gash - cut made by slicing
- Gashed - cut by slicing
- Gashes - cut made by slicing
- Gashing - cut made by slicing
- Gasket - seal
- Gaskets - seal
- gaslight - light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas
- Gaslights - lantern
- Gasman -
- Gasohol - fuel
- Gasohols - fuel
- Gasolier - light hanging from ceiling
- Gasoliers - light hanging from ceiling
- gasoline - a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines
- Gasolines - fuel
- Gasp - sharply drawn breath
- Gasped - draw breath in sharply
- Gasper - small roll of tobacco
- Gaspers - small roll of tobacco
- Gasping - draw breath in sharply
- Gaspings - breathing
- Gasps - sharply drawn breath
- Gassed - formally put to death
- Gasser - difficult, complex
- Gassers - gossip
- Gasses - something not liquid or solid
- Gassier - sparkling
- Gassiest - sparkling
- Gassiness - indirect speech
- Gassinesses - indirect speech
- Gassing - killing
- Gassings - killing
- Gassy - sparkling
- Gasthaus -
- Gastric - pertaining to the stomach
- Gastric lavage -
- Gastrocolic - pertaining to the stomach
- Gastroelytrotomy -
- Gastronome - epicure
- Gastronomer - gourmet
- Gastronomers - gourmet
- Gastronomes - epicure
- Gastronomies - the science of cooking
- Gastronomist - epicure
- Gastronomists - epicure
- Gastronomy - the science of cooking
- Gat - come into possession of; achieve
- Gate - movable barrier at entrance
- Gatecrasher - person who trespasses
- Gatecrashers - person who trespasses
- Gatecrashers -
- Gated - people present at event
- Gatehouse - cabin; vacation residence
- Gatehouses - cabin; vacation residence
- Gatekeeper - watchperson
- Gatekeepers - watchperson
- Gates - movable barrier at entrance
- Gateway - entry to place
- Gateways - entry to place
- Gather - come or bring together
- Gathered - assembled
- Gatherer - one who collects specimens
- Gatherers - one who collects specimens
- Gathering - assemblage, accumulation
- Gatherings - assemblage, accumulation
- Gathers - come or bring together
- Gating - people present at event
- Gats - device which heats
- Gauche - tactless, unsophisticated
- Gaucher - tactless, unsophisticated
- gaucherie - A socially awkward or tactless act. (Noun); Lack of social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkwardness; clumsiness. (Noun)
- Gaucheries - bad taste, mistake
- Gauchest - tactless, unsophisticated
- Gaucho - equestrian; commuter
- Gauchos - equestrian; commuter
- Gaud - trinket
- Gaudier - bright and vulgar
- Gaudiest - bright and vulgar
- Gaudily - audibly
- Gaudiness - glitter
- Gaudinesses - glitter
- Gauds - trinket
- Gaudy - bright and vulgar
- Gauge - measure, standard
- Gaugeable - determinable
- Gauged - measure, judge
- Gauges - measure, standard
- Gauging - measure, judge
- Gaugings - weighing
- Gaul -
- Gaunt - skinny
- Gaunter - skinny
- Gauntest - skinny
- Gauntlet - ordeal
- Gauntleted - invitation to combat
- Gauntleting - invitation to combat
- Gauntlets - ordeal
- Gauntness - slimness
- Gauntnesses - slimness
- Gauze - covering for wound
- Gauzes - covering for wound
- Gauzier - see-through, gossamer in texture
- Gauziest - see-through, gossamer in texture
- Gauzy - see-through, gossamer in texture
- Gave - contribute, supply, transfer
- Gavel - mallet
- Gavels - mallet
- Gawain -
- Gawk - stare at in amazement
- Gawked - stare at in amazement
- Gawker - person who observes an event
- Gawkers - person who observes an event
- Gawkier - clumsy
- Gawkiest - clumsy
- Gawkily - with difficulty
- Gawkiness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Gawkinesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Gawking - stare at in amazement
- Gawkish - clumsy, stupid
- Gawks - stare at in amazement
- Gawky - clumsy
- Gay - homosexual
- Gayer - homosexual
- Gayest - homosexual
- Gayeties - liveliness
- Gayety - liveliness
- Gayness - homosexual
- Gaynesses - homosexual
- Gays - homosexual
- Gaze - long, fixed stare
- Gazebo - pavilion
- Gazeboes - pavilion
- Gazebos - pavilion
- Gazed - stare at
- Gazer - spectator
- Gazers - spectator
- Gazes - long, fixed stare
- Gazette - journal
- Gazetteer - document
- Gazetteers - document
- Gazettes - journal
- Gazing - stare at
- Gear - equipment
- Gearbox - conveyance
- Gearboxes - conveyance
- Geared - prepare, equip
- Gearing - prepare, equip
- Gears - equipment
- Gearwheel - toothed part of wheel
- Gearwheels - toothed part of wheel
- Gee - unfortunately
- Geed - unfortunately
- Geeing - unfortunately
- Geek - odd person; computer expert
- Geeks - odd person; computer expert
- Gees - unfortunately
- Geese - ambition, inspiration
- Geest -
- Geezer - old-fashioned person
- Geezers - old-fashioned person
- gehenna - a place where the wicked are punished after death
- Gek -
- Gel - coagulate
- Gelandesprung - ski leap
- Gelandesprungs - ski leap
- Gelastic - easily made fun of
- Gelate - coagulate
- Gelated - coagulate
- Gelates - coagulate
- Gelati - frozen dessert
- Gelatin - thickened fruit prepared for
- Gelatinate - mash, pulverize
- Gelatinated - mash, pulverize
- Gelatinates - mash, pulverize
- Gelatinating - mash, pulverize
- Gelatination - clotting
- Gelatinations - clotting
- Gelating - coagulate
- Gelatinize - coagulate
- Gelatinized - coagulate
- Gelatinizes - coagulate
- Gelatinizing - coagulate
- Gelatinous - coagulated
- Gelatins - thickened fruit prepared for
- Gelato - frozen dessert
- Geld - castrate
- Gelded - castrate
- Gelding - castrate
- Geldings - emasculation
- Gelds - castrate
- gelid - Extremely cold; freezing.
- Gelidities - frigidness
- Gelidity - frigidness
- Gelidness - frigidness
- Gelidnesses - frigidness
- Gelignite - explosive
- Gelignites - explosive
- Gelled - coagulate
- Gelling - coagulate
- Gels - coagulate
- Gelt - castrate
- Gelts - money
- Gem - precious stone; treasure
- Geminate - duplicate, similar
- Geminated - double
- Gemini - astrological sign
- Gemmation -
- Gemmed - dress up
- Gemming - dress up
- Gemologist - jewelry maker
- Gemologists - jewelry maker
- Gems - precious stone; treasure
- Gemstone - precious stone
- Gemstones - precious stone
- Gen -
- Gendarme - person, people hired to uphold the laws
- Gendarmerie - military corps enforcing rules
- Gendarmeries - military corps enforcing rules
- Gendarmes - person, people hired to uphold the laws
- Gender - grammatical rules applying to nouns that connote sex or animateness
- Genderless -
- Genders - grammatical rules applying to nouns that connote sex or animateness
- Gene - deoxyribonucleic acid
- Genealogical - ethnic
- Genealogies - person's family tree
- Genealogy - person's family tree
- Genera - type, class
- General - common, accepted
- Generalissimo - supreme commander
- Generalissimos - supreme commander
- Generalities - vague notion
- Generality - vague notion
- Generalization - inference
- Generalizations - inference
- Generalize - make a sweeping assumption, statement
- Generalized - make a sweeping assumption, statement
- Generalized epilepsy -
- Generalizes - make a sweeping assumption, statement
- Generalizing - make a sweeping assumption, statement
- Generally - mainly, in most cases
- Generals - person who guides
- Generalship - strategy
- Generalships - strategy
- Generate - produce, create
- Generated - produce, create
- Generates - produce, create
- Generating - produce, create
- Generation - creation, production
- Generations - creation, production
- Generative - fresh, new
- Generator - engine converting energy
- Generators - engine converting energy
- Generic - common, general
- Generosities - spirit of giving
- Generosity - spirit of giving
- Generous - giving, big-hearted
- Generously - with a free hand
- Generousness - generosity
- Generousnesses - generosity
- Genes - deoxyribonucleic acid
- Geneses - beginning, creation
- Genesis - beginning, creation
- Genet -
- Genetic - coming from heredity
- Genetically - innately
- Genetics - study of plants
- Genial - extremely nice and happy
- Genialities - extreme niceness
- Geniality - extreme niceness
- Genially - with compassion
- Genialness - amiability
- Genialnesses - amiability
- Genie - mythical being
- Genies - mythical being
- Genii - gift of high intellect
- Genital - organs
- Genitalia - organs
- Genitals - organs
- Genitive - concerning reproduction, intercourse
- Geniture - childbirth
- Genitures - childbirth
- Genius - gift of high intellect
- Geniuses - gift of high intellect
- Genocide - mass extermination
- Genocides - mass extermination
- Genre - type
- Genres - type, class
- Gent - man
- genteel - marked by refinement in taste and manners
- Genteelness - courtesy
- Genteelnesses - courtesy
- Gentile - nonbeliever
- Gentiles - nonbeliever
- Gentilities - sophistication, cultivation
- Gentility - sophistication, cultivation
- Gentle - having a mild or kind nature
- Gentled - keep under control; moderate
- Gentlefolk - high society
- Gentlefolks - high society
- Gentleman - a courteous and honorable man
- Gentlemanlike - cultivated
- Gentlemanly - cultivated
- Gentlemen - a courteous and honorable man
- Gentleness - intentional mildness
- Gentlenesses - intentional mildness
- Gentleperson - polite, well-mannered person
- Gentlepersons - polite, well-mannered person
- Gentler - having a mild or kind nature
- Gentles - keep under control; moderate
- Gentlest - having a mild or kind nature
- Gentlewoman - member of royal or important family
- Gentlewomen - member of royal or important family
- Gentling - keep under control; moderate
- Gently - quietly and softly
- Gentries - nobility
- Gentrified - start over; refurbish
- Gentrifies - start over; refurbish
- Gentrify - start over; refurbish
- Gentrifying - start over; refurbish
- Gentry - nobility
- Gents - man
- Genu valgum -
- genuflect - bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
- Genuflected - kneel
- Genuflecting - kneel
- Genuflection - bow
- Genuflections - bow
- Genuflects - kneel
- Genuine - authentic, real
- Genuinely - really
- Genuineness - authenticity
- Genuinenesses - authenticity
- Genus - type
- Genus berteroa -
- Genus circus -
- Genus galeocerdo -
- Genus matricaria -
- Genus satureia -
- Genus satureja -
- Genuses - type, class
- Geographic - terrestrial
- Geographical - terrestrial
- Geographies - the earth's features; study of land
- Geography - the earth's features; study of land
- Geologic - made of metal
- Geological - terrestrial
- Geologies - the earth's features; study of land
- Geologist - geology enthusiast
- Geologists - geology enthusiast
- Geology - the earth's features; study of land
- Geometric - pertaining to points, lines, angels and figures used in geometry
- Geometrical - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Geometrics - pertaining to points, lines, angels and figures used in geometry
- Geometries - arithmetic
- Geometry - arithmetic
- geometry -
- Geomyidae -
- Geopolitics - affairs between national governments
- Geoponics - producing crops, raising animals
- Georgic - country, not urban
- Geranium - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Geraniums - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Gerent - historically, person who ruled an area
- Gerents - historically, person who ruled an area
- Geri halliwell -
- Geriatric - advanced in age
- Geriatrics - period of being elderly
- Germ - microscopic organism, often causing illness
- German -
- Germane - appropriate
- Germaneness - relevance
- Germanenesses - relevance
- Germfree - clean, uncontaminated
- Germicidal - completely clean, uncontaminated; decontaminating
- Germicide - decontaminating agent
- Germicides - decontaminating agent
- Germinal - beginning, primary
- Germinate - grow
- Germinated - grow
- Germinates - grow
- Germinating - grow
- germination - the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow
- Germinations - gestation
- Germs - microscopic organism, often causing illness
- Gerrymander - arrange for certain outcome
- Gerrymandered - arrange for certain outcome
- Gerrymandering - arrange for certain outcome
- Gerrymanders - arrange for certain outcome
- Gerund - action word
- Gerunds - action word
- Gest - feat
- gestalt - a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts
- Gestalten - arrangement
- Gestalts - arrangement
- Gestapo - special weapons and tactics team
- Gestapos - special weapons and tactics team
- Gestate - pregnant
- Gestated - form a concept
- Gestates - form a concept
- Gestating - carrying developing offspring within the body
- Gestation - process of early development
- Gestations - process of early development
- Gesticulate - pantomime
- Gesticulated - make signs, motions to communicate
- Gesticulates - make signs, motions to communicate
- Gesticulating - make signs, motions to communicate
- Gesticulation - gesture
- Gesticulations - gesture
- Gesticulative - rhetorical
- Gests - feat
- Gesture - motion as communication
- Gestured - make signs, motions to communicate
- Gestures - motion as communication
- Gesturing - make signs, motions to communicate
- Gesundheit - my goodness
- Get - come into possession of; achieve
- Get high on -
- Get the impression -
- Get-go -
- Getable - accessible
- Getatable - ready for use
- Getaway - escape
- Getaways - escape
- Gets - come into possession of; achieve
- Gettable - available
- Getting - the act of procuring
- Gettings - the act of procuring
- Getup - dress
- Getups - dress
- gewgaw - A showy thing, especially one that is useless or worthless.; A trinket or bauble.
- Gewgaws - novelty
- Gewurztraminer - wine from light-colored grapes
- Gewurztraminers - wine from light-colored grapes
- Geyser - fountain
- Geysers - fountain
- Ghastlier - horrifying, dreadful; pale
- Ghastliest - horrifying, dreadful; pale
- Ghastliness - horror
- Ghastlinesses - horror
- Ghastly - horrifying, dreadful; pale
- Ghee - fat
- Ghees - fat
- Gherkin - dill-flavored pickled cucumber
- Gherkins - dill-flavored pickled cucumber
- Ghetto - slum
- Ghettoes - slum
- Ghettos - slum
- Ghost - spirit of the dead
- Ghostbuster -
- Ghosted - put language down on paper
- Ghosting - put language down on paper
- Ghostlier - spooky
- Ghostliest - spooky
- Ghostlike - ghastly
- Ghostly - spooky
- Ghostly -
- Ghosts - spirit of the dead
- Ghostwrite - create writing, artwork, or music
- Ghostwriter - composer of written work
- Ghostwriters - composer of written work
- Ghostwrites - create writing, artwork, or music
- Ghostwriting - create writing, artwork, or music
- Ghostwritten - create writing, artwork, or music
- Ghostwrote - create writing, artwork, or music
- Ghoul - evil demon
- Ghoulish - hideous, scary
- Ghouls - evil demon
- Gi - government issue; soldier
- Giant - very large
- Giants - extremely large person
- Gibber - babble
- Gibbered - babble
- Gibbering - babble
- gibberish - unintelligible talking
- Gibberish -
- Gibberishes - nonsense talk
- Gibbers - babble
- Gibbet - place for hanging
- Gibbeted - smother, block
- Gibbeting - smother, block
- Gibbets - place for hanging
- Gibbon - order of mammals
- Gibbons - order of mammals
- Gibbose - bent over
- Gibbosities - swollen object
- Gibbosity - swollen object
- Gibbous - uneven
- gibe - an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect
- Gibed - ridicule
- Gibes - ridicule
- Gibing - ridicule
- Giblet - organ meat
- Giblets - organ meat
- Giddier - silly, impulsive
- Giddiest - silly, impulsive
- Giddiness - dizziness
- Giddinesses - dizziness
- Giddy - silly, impulsive
- Gift - something given freely, for no recompense
- Gifted - talented, intelligent
- Giftedness - quickness at learning
- Giftednesses - quickness at learning
- Gifting - humanitarianism
- Giftings - humanitarianism
- Gifts - something given freely, for no recompense
- Giftwrap - surround with a covering
- Giftwrapped - surround with a covering
- Giftwrapping - surround with a covering
- Giftwraps - surround with a covering
- Gig - show
- Gigantesque - giant
- Gigantic - very large
- Gigantism - infinity
- Gigantisms - infinity
- Giggle - snickering laugh
- Giggled - snickering laugh
- Giggler - laughing
- Giggles - snickering laugh
- Giggling - snickering laugh
- Gigglings - audible expression of amusement
- Gigolo - male escort
- Gigolos - male escort
- Gigs - show
- Gild - embellish, decorate
- Gilded - adorned in metal
- Gilding - embellish, decorate
- Gildings - adornment
- Gilds - embellish, decorate
- Gilead -
- Gill - opening
- Gilles -
- Gillies - vehicle
- Gills - opening
- Gilly - vehicle
- Gilt - gilded
- Gilts - particular type of embellishment
- gimcrack - ornamental objects of no great value
- Gimcracks - gewgaw
- Gimlet - drill
- Gimlets - drill
- Gimli -
- Gimme - no charge
- Gimmes - no charge
- Gimmick - contrived object; scheme
- Gimmicks - contrived object; scheme
- Gimmicky - quite recent
- Gimmie - overwhelming desire for more
- Gimmies - overwhelming desire for more
- Gimp - unable to walk properly
- Gimped - walk with faltering step
- Gimpier - unable to walk properly
- Gimpiest - unable to walk properly
- Gimpiness -
- Gimping - walk with faltering step
- Gimps - faltering walk
- Gimpy - unable to walk properly
- Gin - verbal fight
- Gina -
- Ginger - spirit
- Gingerbread - accessory; excess
- Gingerbreads - decoration
- Gingered - add seasoning
- Gingering - add seasoning
- Gingerliness - care
- Gingerlinesses - care
- Gingerly - careful
- Gingers - spirit
- Gingery - energetic, zestful
- Ginormous - huge
- Gins - verbal fight
- Gip - deceive, swindle
- Gipped - deceive, swindle
- Gipping - deceive, swindle
- Gips - deceive, swindle
- Giraffe - hoofed animal
- Giraffes - hoofed animal
- Gird - encircle; strengthen
- Girded - encircle; strengthen
- Girder - main support beam
- Girders - main support beam
- Girding - encircle; strengthen
- Girdle - corset
- Girdled - encircled
- Girdles - corset
- Girdling - edging
- Girds - encircle; strengthen
- Girl - young female person
- Girlfriend - female acquaintance or romantic companion
- Girlfriends - female acquaintance or romantic companion
- Girlhood - young adulthood
- Girlhoods - young adulthood
- Girlish - juvenile
- Girlishness - femininity
- Girlishnesses - femininity
- Girls - young female person
- Girt - encompass
- Girted - encompass
- Girth - measurement around the waist
- Girthed - make secure; join together
- Girthing - make secure; join together
- Girths - measurement around the waist
- Girting - encompass
- Girts - encompass
- Gis - government issue; soldier
- Gismo - gadget
- Gismos - gadget
- Gist - meaning, essence
- Gists - meaning, essence
- Git - go away
- Gits - go away
- Gitted - go away
- Gittin - children
- Gitting - go away
- Give - contribute, supply, transfer
- Give a hand -
- Give the works -
- Give voice -
- Giveaway - revealing
- Giveaways - gift
- Giveback - returned money
- Givebacks - returned money
- Given - likely
- Giver - donor
- Givers - donor
- Gives - contribute, supply, transfer
- Giving - bestowing
- Givings - bestowing
- Gizmo - gadget
- Gizmos - gadget
- Gizzard - organ meat
- Gizzards - organ meat
- Glabrate - without growth on body part
- Glabrescent - without growth on body part
- glabrous - Free from hair or down; smooth.; Referring to surfaces (especially of plants and animals) that are without hair or projections.
- Glace - glossy, shining
- Glaces - frosting
- Glacial - extremely cold
- Glacial acetic acid -
- Glaciate - make cold enough to become solid
- Glaciated - make cold enough to become solid
- Glaciates - make cold enough to become solid
- Glaciating - make cold enough to become solid
- Glaciation - frigid conditions
- Glaciations - frigid conditions
- Glacier - mountain of ice, snow
- Glaciers - mountain of ice, snow
- Glad - happy, delightful
- Gladden - please
- Gladdened - please
- Gladdening - please
- Gladdens - please
- Gladder - happy, delightful
- Gladdest - happy, delightful
- Glade - dell
- Glades - dell
- Gladiator - combatant
- Gladiatorial - aggressive, combative
- Gladiators - combatant
- Gladly - happily
- Gladness - happiness
- Gladnesses - happiness
- Gladsome - laughing, joyful
- Gladsomeness - cheerfulness
- Gladsomenesses - cheerfulness
- Gladstone - suitcase
- Gladstones - suitcase
- Glairin -
- Glaive - weapon
- Glaives - weapon
- Glam -
- Glamor - beauty
- Glamorize - make more physically attractive
- Glamorized - make more physically attractive
- Glamorizes - make more physically attractive
- Glamorizing - make more physically attractive
- Glamorous - sophisticated in style
- Glamors - beauty
- Glamour - sophisticated style
- Glamours - sophisticated style
- Glance - brief look
- Glanced - look at briefly
- Glances - brief look
- Glancing - look at briefly
- Glare - very bright light, shine
- Glared - give a dirty look
- Glares - very bright light, shine
- Glaring - obvious, unconcealed
- Glaringly - glitteringly
- Glaringness - flagrancy
- Glaringnesses - flagrancy
- Glasnost - complete honesty
- Glasnosts - complete honesty
- Glass - object that reflects an image
- Glass in -
- Glassed - copy, reflect
- Glasses - object worn to correct vision
- Glasshouse - hothouse
- Glasshouses - hothouse
- Glassier - polished, smooth
- Glassiest - polished, smooth
- Glassing - copy, reflect
- Glasslike - glassy
- Glassware - flatware
- Glasswares - flatware
- Glassy - polished, smooth
- Glaze - varnish, lacquer
- Glazed - glassy
- Glazer - grinding wheel
- Glazers - grinding wheel
- Glazes - varnish, lacquer
- Glazier - polished, smooth
- Glaziest - polished, smooth
- Glazing - varnish, lacquer
- Glazings - containers made from clay; clay art
- Glazy - polished, smooth
- Gleam - brightness, sparkle
- Gleamed - sparkle
- Gleamier - radiant
- Gleamiest - radiant
- Gleaming - glossy
- Gleamingly - glitteringly
- Gleams - brightness, sparkle
- Gleamy - radiant
- Glean - pick out, collect
- Gleaned - pick out, collect
- Gleaner - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Gleaners - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Gleaning - pick out, collect
- Gleanings - provision for future
- Gleans - pick out, collect
- Glebe - ground, soil
- Glebes - ground, soil
- Glee - extreme happiness
- Gleeful - very happy
- Gleefully - cheerily
- Gleefulness - gaiety
- Gleefulnesses - gaiety
- Gleeman - entertainer
- Gleemen - entertainer
- Glees - extreme happiness
- Glen - valley
- Glen plaid -
- Glens - valley
- Glib - slick, smooth-talking
- Glibber - slick, smooth-talking
- Glibbest - slick, smooth-talking
- Glibly - in a dexterous manner
- Glibness - loquacity
- Glibnesses - loquacity
- Glide - move smoothly and quickly on a surface
- Glided - move smoothly and quickly on a surface
- Glides - move smoothly and quickly on a surface
- Gliding - move smoothly and quickly on a surface
- Glidings - flying; journey
- Glim - brightness, sparkle
- Glimmer - flash, sparkle
- Glimmered - flash, sparkle
- Glimmering - sparkle
- Glimmerings - idea, clue
- Glimmers - flash, sparkle
- Glimmery - glimmering
- Glimpse - brief look
- Glimpsed - look briefly
- Glimpses - brief look
- Glimpsing - look briefly
- Glims - brightness, sparkle
- Glint - sparkle
- Glinted - glisten
- Glinting - glossy, shining
- Glints - sparkle
- Glissade - glide
- Glissaded - glide
- Glissades - glide
- Glissading - glide
- Glisten - shimmer
- Glistened - shimmer
- Glistening - glossy
- Glisteningly - glitteringly
- Glistens - shimmer
- Glister - glitter
- Glistered - sparkle
- Glistering - gleaming
- Glisters - glitter
- Glitch - error
- Glitches - error
- Glitter - brilliance, sparkle
- Glitterati - high society
- Glittered - brilliance, sparkle
- Glittering - gleaming
- Glitters - brilliance, sparkle
- Glittery - flashy, showy
- Glitz - showiness
- Glitzed - confuse, amaze
- Glitzes - showiness
- Glitzier - fancily decorated
- Glitziest - fancily decorated
- Glitzing - confuse, amaze
- Glitzy - fancily decorated
- gloaming - The time of day immediately following sunset; twilight; dusk.
- Gloamings - evening
- gloat - dwell on with satisfaction
- Gloated - exclaim triumph
- Gloating - exclaim triumph
- Gloatings - boast
- Gloats - exclaim triumph
- Glob - thick lump
- Global - worldwide, all-encompassing
- Globalization - worldwide integration
- Globalizations - worldwide integration
- Globally - everywhere
- Globate - like a sphere
- Globe - earth, sphere
- Globes - earth, sphere
- Globetrot - wander, roam
- Globetrots - wander, roam
- Globetrotted - wander, roam
- Globetrotter - jet-setter
- Globetrotters - jet-setter
- Globetrotting - traveling
- Globetrottings - journey
- Globoid - round
- Globoids - globe, sphere
- Globose - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Globs - thick lump
- Globular - round
- Globule - droplet
- Globules - droplet
- Glockenspiel - set of bells
- Glockenspiels - set of bells
- Glom - taking into custody
- Glommed - take into authorized custody
- Glomming - take into authorized custody
- Gloms - taking into custody
- Gloom - melancholy, depression
- Gloomed - conceal, hide
- Gloomier - dark, black
- Gloomiest - dark, black
- Gloomily - laboriously
- Gloominess - depression, sadness
- Gloominesses - depression, sadness
- Glooming - conceal, hide
- Glooms - melancholy, depression
- Gloomy - dark, black
- Glop - muck, morass
- Gloppier - concentrated, dense
- Gloppiest - concentrated, dense
- Gloppy - concentrated, dense
- Glops - muck, morass
- Glore -
- Gloried - fame, importance
- Glories - fame, importance
- Glorification - act of glorifying
- Glorifications - act of glorifying
- Glorified - praise
- Glorifies - praise
- Glorify - praise
- Glorifying - praise
- Glorious - adored, idiolized; divine
- Gloriously - most excellently
- Glory - fame, importance
- Glorying - fame, importance
- Gloss - shine, sheen
- Glossalgia -
- Glossaries - word list
- Glossarist - dictionary writer
- Glossarists - dictionary writer
- Glossary - word list
- Glossator - interpreter
- Glossators - interpreter
- Glossators -
- Glossed - shine, sheen
- Glosses - shine, sheen
- Glossier - shiny
- Glossies - periodic publication
- Glossiest - shiny
- Glossiness - gloss
- Glossinesses - gloss
- Glossing - shine, sheen
- Glossographer - translator
- Glossographers - translator
- Glossologies - meaning
- Glossologist - dictionary writer
- Glossologists - dictionary writer
- Glossology - meaning
- Glossy - shiny
- Glottal - deep in sound
- Glove - hand covering for warmth, protection
- Gloved - invitation to combat
- Gloves - hand covering for warmth, protection
- Gloving - invitation to combat
- Glow - burning, brightness
- Glowed - burn, radiate
- glower - To look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.
- Glowered - frown
- Glowering - frown
- Glowers - frown
- Glowing - burning, bright
- Glowingly - glitteringly
- Glows - burning, brightness
- Glowworm - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Glowworms - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Gloze - gloss over; cover up
- Glozed - gloss over; cover up
- Glozes - gloss over; cover up
- Glozing - gloss over; cover up
- Glucose - level of glucose in blood
- Glucoses - level of glucose in blood
- Glue - adhesive
- Glued - concentrating
- Gluelike - sticky
- Glues - adhesive
- Gluey - sticky
- Gluier - sticky
- Gluiest - sticky
- Gluing - spread, smear
- Glum - sullen
- Glume - covering, case
- Glumes - covering, case
- Glumly - miserably
- Glummer - sullen
- Glummest - sullen
- Glumness - gloom
- Glumnesses - gloom
- Glut - overabundance
- Glutaraldehyde -
- Gluten - grain
- Glutens - grain
- Gluteus muscle -
- Glutinous - viscous
- Glutinousness - viscosity
- Glutinousnesses - viscosity
- Gluts - overabundance
- Glutted - choke; oversupply
- Glutting - overabundance
- Glutton - person who overeats
- Gluttonies - abandon, indulgence
- Gluttonize - eat too much
- Gluttonized - eat too much
- Gluttonizes - eat too much
- Gluttonizing - eat too much
- Gluttonous - voracious
- Gluttonousness - voracity
- Gluttons - person who overeats
- Gluttony - abandon, indulgence
- Glycogen - complex carbohydrate
- Glycogens - complex carbohydrate
- Gmb -
- Gnarl - bow, loop
- Gnarled - knotted
- Gnarlier - cool, excellent
- Gnarliest - cool, excellent
- Gnarling - animal-like sound
- Gnarls - bow, loop
- Gnarly - cool, excellent
- Gnarr - animal-like sound
- Gnarred - animal-like sound
- Gnarring - animal-like sound
- Gnarrs - animal-like sound
- Gnash - grind
- Gnashed - grind
- Gnashes - grind
- Gnashing - grind
- Gnat - bug
- Gnats - bug
- Gnaw - bite, chew
- Gnawed - bite, chew
- Gnawing - sharp
- Gnawn - bite, chew
- Gnaws - bite, chew
- Gnocchi - noodles
- Gnome - troll
- Gnomes - troll
- Gnomic - brief, short
- Gnomon - device that tells time
- Gnomons - device that tells time
- Gnostic - alert, sensitive
- Go - spirit, vitality
- Go all the way -
- Go pit-a-pat -
- Go to extremes -
- Goad - stimulus
- Goaded - egg on, incite
- Goading - egg on, incite
- Goads - stimulus
- Goal - aim, purpose of an action
- Goalless - useless, insignificant
- Goalpost - scoring area
- Goalposts - scoring area
- Goals - aim, purpose of an action
- Goat - hollow-horned mammal
- Goatee - facial hair on human
- Goateed - having facial hair
- Goatees - facial hair on human
- Goatherd - shepherd
- Goatherds - shepherd
- Goats - hollow-horned mammal
- Goatskin - vellum
- Goatskins - vellum
- Gob - multitude
- Gobbet - shard, flaw
- Gobbets - shard, flaw
- Gobble - eat hurriedly
- Gobbled - eat hurriedly
- Gobbledegook - sleight of hand
- Gobbledegooks - sleight of hand
- gobbledygook - incomprehensible or pompous jargon of specialists
- Gobbledygooks - jargon
- Gobbles - eat hurriedly
- Gobbling - eat hurriedly
- Goblet - cup
- Goblets - cup
- Goblin - elf
- Goblins - elf
- Gobs - multitude
- Goby - turning away; ignoring
- God - supernatural being worshipped by people
- Godawful - upsetting, miserable
- Godchild - custody; person in one's custody
- Godchildren - custody; person in one's custody
- Goddamndest - damned
- Goddamned - damned
- Goddamnedest - damned
- Goddess - female nature spirit
- Goddesses - female nature spirit
- Godfather - sponsor
- Godfathers - sponsor
- Godforsaken - desolate
- Godhead - god, worshiped being
- Godheads - god, worshiped being
- Godhood - absolute being; divine nature
- Godhoods - absolute being; divine nature
- Godless - without a god or divine faith
- Godlessness - belief that no god exists
- Godlessnesses - belief that no god exists
- Godlier - religious
- Godliest - religious
- Godlike - divine
- Godliness - holiness
- Godlinesses - holiness
- Godly - religious
- Godmother - female sponsor
- Godmothers - female sponsor
- Godown - undertaking, course of action
- Godowns - undertaking, course of action
- Godparent - person who helps, promotes
- Godparents - person who helps, promotes
- Gods - supernatural being worshipped by people
- Godsend - gift, benefit
- Godsends - gift, benefit
- Godship - absolute being; divine nature
- Godships - absolute being; divine nature
- Godspeed - have a nice trip
- Godspeeds - have a nice trip
- Goer - accepted, established
- Goes - spirit, vitality
- Goest - accepted, established
- Gofer - errand boy or girl
- Gofers - errand boy or girl
- Goggle - gaze
- Goggled - gaze
- Goggles - gaze
- Goggling - gaze
- Gogo - energetic, active, busy
- Going - active
- Goings - active
- Golconda - very large treasure
- Golcondas - very large treasure
- Gold - golden
- Goldbrick - idle
- Goldbricked - idle
- Goldbricking - idle
- Goldbricks - idle
- Golden - beautiful, advantageous
- Golden oriole -
- Golden rule -
- Goldens - gold-colored
- Golder - dark yellow
- Goldest - dark yellow
- Golds - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Goldsmith - jewelry maker
- Goldsmiths - jewelry maker
- Golem -
- Golf - match play
- Golf cart -
- Golfs - match play
- Golgotha - burial ground
- Golgothas - burial ground
- Goliath - giant
- Goliaths - giant
- Gollied - imagine
- Gollies - imagine
- Golly - imagine
- Gollying - imagine
- Golpe - drastic action or change, often in politics
- Golpes - drastic action or change, often in politics
- Gonad - organs
- Gonads - organs
- Gondola - vehicle for water travel
- Gondolas - vehicle for water travel
- Gondolier - rower
- Gondoliers - rower
- Gone - not present, no longer in existence
- Goner - hopeless
- Gonfalon - flag, usually with message
- Gonfalons - flag, usually with message
- Gong - tocsin
- Gongs - tocsin
- Goniometer -
- Gonorrhea - disease given through sexual relations
- Gonorrheas - disease given through sexual relations
- Gonorrhoea -
- Gonzo - bizarre
- Gonzos - nonconformist
- Goo - sticky substance
- Goober - geek
- Goobers - geek
- Good - pleasant, fine
- Good guy -
- Good omen -
- Good sense -
- Good-humored -
- Goodbye - farewell statement
- Goodbyes - parting
- Goodie - gift
- Goodies - good thing
- Goodish - acceptable
- Goodlier - sizable
- Goodliest - sizable
- Goodly - sizable
- Goodman - householder
- Goodmen - householder
- Goodness - decency, excellence
- Goodnesses - decency, excellence
- Goods - personal possessions
- Goodwill - generosity
- Goodwills - kindliness
- Goody - good thing
- Gooey - sticky, gummy
- Goof - mistake
- Goofball - geek
- Goofballs - geek
- Goofed - mistake
- Goofier - silly
- Goofiest - silly
- Goofiness - folly
- Goofinesses - folly
- Goofing - mistake
- Goofs - mistake
- Goofus - amusing
- Goofy - silly
- Googlies - baseball that curves when thrown
- Googly - baseball that curves when thrown
- Googol - unit of the mathematical system
- Googols - unit of the mathematical system
- Gooier - sticky, gummy
- Gooiest - sticky, gummy
- Gook - liquid emitted
- Gookier - beautifying; relating to appearance
- Gookiest - beautifying; relating to appearance
- Gooks - liquid emitted
- Gooky - beautifying; relating to appearance
- Goon - ruffian
- Goons - ruffian
- Goop - fluid
- Goopier - smooth, buttery
- Goopiest - smooth, buttery
- Goops - fluid
- Goopy - smooth, buttery
- Goos - sticky substance
- Goose - ambition, inspiration
- Goosed - cause to happen; encourage
- Gooseflesh - raised bumps on skin
- Goosefleshes - raised bumps on skin
- Gooses - ambition, inspiration
- Goosing - cause to happen; encourage
- Gopher - menial worker
- Gophers - menial worker
- Gorakhpur -
- gordian knot - an intricate knot tied by Gordius, the king of Phrygia, and cut by the sword of Alexander the Great after he heard that whoever undid it would become ruler of Asia
- Gore - bloodshed
- Gored - pierce
- Gores - bloodshed
- Gorge - valley
- Gorged - eat voraciously
- Gorgeous - beautiful, magnificent
- Gorgeously - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Gorgeousness - beauty
- Gorgeousnesses - beauty
- Gorger - person who overeats
- Gorgers - person who overeats
- Gorges - valley
- Gorget -
- Gorging - eat voraciously
- Gorgon - biddy
- gorgonize - To have the effect of a Gorgon upon; to turn into stone; to petrify.
- Gorgons - biddy
- Gorier - bloody, horrible
- Goriest - bloody, horrible
- Gorilla - primate
- Gorillas - primate
- Goring - bloodshed
- Gormandize - gorge
- Gormandized - gorge
- Gormandizer - person who overeats
- Gormandizers - person who overeats
- Gormandizes - gorge
- Gormandizing - gorge
- Gormandizings - overwhelming desire for more
- Gorse - thorny bush
- Gorses - thorny bush
- Gory - bloody, horrible
- Gosh - imagine
- Goshawk -
- Gospel - fact, doctrine
- Gospels - fact, doctrine
- gossamer - A fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, seen especially in autumn.; Something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate.
- Gossamers - netting
- Gossamery - not heavy
- Gossip - talk about others; rumor
- Gossiped - talk about others; rumor
- Gossiper - person who gossips
- Gossipers - person who gossips
- Gossiping - talk about others; spread rumors
- Gossipmonger - gossip
- Gossipmongers - gossip
- Gossipped - talk about others; rumor
- Gossipping - talk about others; rumor
- Gossipries - gossip
- Gossipry - gossip
- Gossips - talk about others; rumor
- Gossipy - tending to gossip
- Got - come into possession of; achieve
- Gotcha - understand
- Gotchas - understand
- Gothic - medieval
- Gotten - come into possession of; achieve
- Gouge - groove, hole
- Gouged - cut, scoop
- Gouger - person who cheats another
- Gougers - person who cheats another
- Gouges - groove, hole
- Gouging - cut, scoop
- Goulash - meat dish
- Goulashes - meat dish
- Gourd - fruit
- Gourds - fruit
- Gourmand - epicure
- Gourmandize - eat too much
- Gourmandized - eat too much
- Gourmandizes - eat too much
- Gourmandizing - loving food and finer things
- Gourmands - epicure
- Gourmet - person who likes, knows about
- Gourmets - person who likes, knows about
- Gout - capacity to sense flavor
- Gouts - capacity to sense flavor
- Govern - take control; rule
- Governable - manageable
- Governances - government
- Governed - ruled
- Governess - tutor
- Governesses - tutor
- Governing - commanding
- Government - management, administration
- Governmental - political
- Governmentally - concerning a nation
- Governments - management, administration
- Governor - person administrating government
- Governors - person administrating government
- Governs - take control; rule
- Gown - robe, dress
- Gowned - cover with apparel
- Gowning - cover with apparel
- Gowns - robe, dress
- Grab - latch on to
- Grabbed - latch on to
- Grabber - scary, shocking
- Grabbers - fixation, madness
- Grabbier - greedy
- Grabbiest - greedy
- Grabbing - latch on to
- Grabble - grope
- Grabbled - grope
- Grabbles - grope
- Grabbling - grope
- Grabby - greedy
- Grable -
- Grabs - latch on to
- Grace - charm, loveliness
- Graced - beautify, embellish
- Graceful - agile, charming, lovely
- Gracefully - lithely
- Gracefulness - grace
- Gracefulnesses - grace
- Graceless - clumsy, unsophisticated
- Gracelessly - with difficulty
- Gracelessness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Gracelessnesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Graces - charm, loveliness
- Gracile - thin
- Gracing - beautify, embellish
- Gracious - kind, giving
- Graciously - with compassion
- Graciousness - compassion, generosity
- Graciousnesses - compassion, generosity
- Grad - person actively learning
- Gradate - calculate, judge
- Gradated - calculate, judge
- Gradates - calculate, judge
- Gradating - calculate, judge
- Gradation - classification, step
- Gradational - gradual
- Gradations - classification, step
- Grade - rank, step
- Graded - sorted
- Grader - bulldozer
- Graders - bulldozer
- Grades - rank, step
- Gradient - slope
- Gradients - slope
- Gradin -
- Grading - evaluate, rank
- Gradings - weighing
- Gradings - weighing
- Grads - person actively learning
- Grads - person actively learning
- Gradual - happening slowly, evenly
- Gradual - happening slowly, evenly
- Gradually - happening slowly, evenly
- Gradually - happening slowly, evenly
- Graduate - person who completes education, pursuit
- Graduate - person who completes education, pursuit
- Graduated - granted a degree
- Graduated - granted a degree
- Graduated table -
- Graduates - person who completes education, pursuit
- Graduates - person who completes education, pursuit
- Graduating - complete education, pursuit
- Graduating - complete education, pursuit
- Graduation - commencement
- Graduation - commencement
- Graduations - commencement
- Graduations - commencement
- Graffiti - wall writing
- Graffiti - wall writing
- Graffitis - wall writing
- Graffitis - wall writing
- Graffito - messy writing
- Graffito - messy writing
- Graft - transplant
- Graft - transplant
- Grafted - transplant
- Grafted - transplant
- Grafter - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Grafter - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Grafters - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Grafters - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Grafting - transplant, splice
- Grafting - transplant, splice
- Grafts - transplant
- Grafts - transplant
- Grail - sacred vessel
- Grail - sacred vessel
- Grails - sacred vessel
- Grails - sacred vessel
- Grain - seed, piece
- Grain - seed, piece
- Grainier - coarse
- Grainier - coarse
- Grainiest - coarse
- Grainiest - coarse
- Grains - seed, piece
- Grains - seed, piece
- Grainy - coarse
- Grainy - coarse
- Gram - grandam
- Gram - grandam
- Grama - lawn
- Grama - lawn
- Gramas - lawn
- Gramas - lawn
- Gramercies - spoken or written appreciation
- Gramercies - spoken or written appreciation
- Gramercy - spoken or written appreciation
- Gramercy - spoken or written appreciation
- Graminales -
- Grammar - language rules
- Grammar - language rules
- Grammarian - linguist
- Grammarian - linguist
- Grammarians - linguist
- Grammarians - linguist
- Grammars - language rules
- Grammars - language rules
- Grammatical - pertaining to syntax
- Grammatical - pertaining to syntax
- Grammatist - linguist
- Grammatist - linguist
- Grammatists - linguist
- Grammatists - linguist
- Gramophone - machine for playing record albums
- Gramophone - machine for playing record albums
- Gramophones - machine for playing record albums
- Gramophones - machine for playing record albums
- Gramps - elderly person
- Gramps - elderly person
- Grampus - aquatic mammal
- Grampus - aquatic mammal
- Grampuses - aquatic mammal
- Grampuses - aquatic mammal
- Grams - grandam
- Grams - grandam
- Granados -
- Granaries - bin
- Granaries - bin
- Granary - bin
- Granary - bin
- Grand - impressive, great
- Grand - impressive, great
- Granddad - grandsire
- Granddad - grandsire
- Granddaddies - grandsire
- Granddaddies - grandsire
- Granddaddy - grandsire
- Granddaddy - grandsire
- Granddads - grandsire
- Granddads - grandsire
- Grandee - man of noble birth
- Grandee - man of noble birth
- Grandees - man of noble birth
- Grandees - man of noble birth
- Grander - impressive, great
- Grander - impressive, great
- Grandest - impressive, great
- Grandest - impressive, great
- Grandeur - great importance
- Grandeur - great importance
- Grandeurs - great importance
- Grandeurs - great importance
- Grandfather - grandsire
- Grandfather - grandsire
- Grandfathering - exemption based on circumstances
- Grandfathering - exemption based on circumstances
- Grandfathers - grandsire
- Grandfathers - grandsire
- Grandiloquence - bombast
- Grandiloquence - bombast
- Grandiloquences - bombast
- Grandiloquences - bombast
- grandiloquent - puffed up with vanity
- Grandiloquently - wordily
- Grandiloquently - wordily
- Grandiose - theatrical, extravagant
- Grandiose - theatrical, extravagant
- Grandioseness - pretentiousness
- Grandioseness - pretentiousness
- Grandiosenesses - pretentiousness
- Grandiosenesses - pretentiousness
- Grandiosities - glory
- Grandiosities - glory
- Grandiosity - glory
- Grandiosity - glory
- Grandly - royally
- Grandly - royally
- Grandma - grandam
- Grandma - grandam
- Grandmamma -
- Grandmas - grandam
- Grandmas - grandam
- Grandmother - grandam
- Grandmother - grandam
- Grandmothers - grandam
- Grandmothers - grandam
- Grandness - glory
- Grandness - glory
- Grandnesses - glory
- Grandnesses - glory
- Grandpa - grandsire
- Grandpa - grandsire
- Grandparent - member of a family
- Grandparent - member of a family
- Grandparents - member of a family
- Grandparents - member of a family
- Grandpas - grandsire
- Grandpas - grandsire
- Grands -
- Grandstand - show off
- Grandstand - show off
- Grandstanded - show off
- Grandstanded - show off
- Grandstander - person pursuing or occupying elective office
- Grandstander - person pursuing or occupying elective office
- Grandstanders - person pursuing or occupying elective office
- Grandstanders - person pursuing or occupying elective office
- Grandstanding - show off
- Grandstanding - show off
- Grandstands - show off
- Grandstands - show off
- Grange - farm
- Grange - farm
- Granger - ranch owner
- Granger - ranch owner
- Grangers - ranch owner
- Grangers - ranch owner
- Granges - farm
- Granges - farm
- Granite - muted silver in color
- Granite - muted silver in color
- Grannies - grandam
- Grannies - grandam
- Granny - grandam
- Granny - grandam
- Grant - allowance, gift
- Grant - allowance, gift
- Grant respite -
- Granted - allowed, accepted
- Granted - allowed, accepted
- Grantee - person who gains, benefits
- Grantee - person who gains, benefits
- Grantees - person who gains, benefits
- Grantees - person who gains, benefits
- Granter - bestower
- Granter - bestower
- Granters - bestower
- Granters - bestower
- Granting - authorize, allow
- Granting - authorize, allow
- Grantor - subscriber
- Grantor - subscriber
- Grantors - subscriber
- Grantors - subscriber
- Grants - allowance, gift
- Grants - allowance, gift
- Granular - coarse
- Granular - coarse
- Granulate - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulate - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulated - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulated - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulates - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulates - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulating - crush into tiny pieces
- Granulating - crush into tiny pieces
- Granule - tiny particles in the air
- Granule - tiny particles in the air
- Granules - tiny particles in the air
- Granules - tiny particles in the air
- Grape - crop, especially of wine
- Grape - crop, especially of wine
- Grapelike - pertaining to grapes
- Grapelike - pertaining to grapes
- Grapes - crop, especially of wine
- Grapes - crop, especially of wine
- Grapevine - vine
- Grapevine - vine
- Grapevines - vine
- Grapevines - vine
- Graph - diagram
- Graph - diagram
- Graphed - given in summary
- Graphed - given in summary
- Graphic - clear, explicit
- Graphic - clear, explicit
- Graphic symbol -
- Graphically - clearly
- Graphically - clearly
- Graphics - drawings
- Graphics - drawings
- Graphing - plan, map out
- Graphing - plan, map out
- Graphite - element
- Graphite - element
- Graphites - element
- Graphites - element
- Graphs - diagram
- Graphs - diagram
- Grapnel - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapnel - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapnels - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapnels - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapple - grab, wrestle
- Grapple - grab, wrestle
- Grappled - grab, wrestle
- Grappled - grab, wrestle
- Grappler - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grappler - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapplers - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapplers - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Grapples - grab, wrestle
- Grapples - grab, wrestle
- Grappling - grab, wrestle
- Grappling - grab, wrestle
- Grasp - hold, grip
- Grasp - hold, grip
- Graspable - understandable
- Graspable - understandable
- Grasped - grab
- Grasped - grab
- Grasping - greedy
- Grasping - greedy
- Graspingness - greed, strong desire
- Graspingness - greed, strong desire
- Graspingnesses - greed, strong desire
- Graspingnesses - greed, strong desire
- Grasps - hold, grip
- Grasps - hold, grip
- Grass - lawn
- Grass - lawn
- Grasser - emerald in color
- Grasser - emerald in color
- Grasses - lawn
- Grasses - lawn
- Grasshopper - bug
- Grasshopper - bug
- Grasshoppers - bug
- Grasshoppers - bug
- Grassier - grass-grown
- Grassier - grass-grown
- Grassiest - grass-grown
- Grassiest - grass-grown
- Grassland - meadow
- Grassland - meadow
- Grasslands - meadow
- Grasslands - meadow
- Grasslike - grass-grown
- Grasslike - grass-grown
- Grassplot - cultivated area of green grass
- Grassplot - cultivated area of green grass
- Grassplots - cultivated area of green grass
- Grassplots - cultivated area of green grass
- Grassroots - basic, important
- Grassroots - basic, important
- Grassy - grass-grown
- Grassy - grass-grown
- Grate - shred, grind down
- Grate - shred, grind down
- Grated - shred, grind down
- Grated - shred, grind down
- Grateful - appreciative
- Grateful - appreciative
- Gratefully - appreciatively
- Gratefully - appreciatively
- Gratefulness - appreciation
- Gratefulness - appreciation
- Gratefulnesses - appreciation
- Gratefulnesses - appreciation
- Grates - shred, grind down
- Grates - shred, grind down
- Gratification - satisfaction
- Gratification - satisfaction
- Gratifications - satisfaction
- Gratified - fulfilled
- Gratifies - give pleasure; satisfy
- Gratify - give pleasure; satisfy
- Gratifying - satisfying
- Grating - irritating; scraping
- Gratingly - sternly
- Gratings - mesh, trellis
- Gratis - free
- Gratitude - appreciation
- Gratitudes - appreciation
- Gratuities - gift, tip
- Gratuitous - free
- Gratuity - gift, tip
- Graupel - precipitation
- Graupels - precipitation
- Gravamen - heart
- Gravamina - heart
- Grave - serious; gloomy
- Graved - incised
- Gravel - pebbles
- Graveled - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Graveling - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Gravelled - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Gravelling - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Gravelly - consisting of fine, loose grains
- Gravels - pebbles
- Gravely - fatally
- Graven - engraved
- Graveness - gravity
- Gravenesses - gravity
- Graveolent - stinking, foul
- Graver - serious; gloomy
- Graves - serious; gloomy
- Gravest - serious; gloomy
- Gravestone - memorial, remembrance
- Gravestones - memorial, remembrance
- Graveyard - burial area
- Graveyards - burial area
- Gravid - pregnant
- Gravidities - pregnancy
- Gravidity - pregnancy
- Gravidness - pregnancy
- Gravidnesses - pregnancy
- Gravies - sauce
- Graving - impress; make someone listen
- gravitas - Dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner.
- Gravitate - be drawn toward; fall to
- Gravitated - be drawn toward; fall to
- Gravitates - be drawn toward; fall to
- Gravitating - be drawn toward; fall to
- Gravitation - mutual attraction
- Gravitations - mutual attraction
- Gravities - force of attraction
- Gravity - force of attraction
- Gravy - sauce
- Gray - silver
- Graybeard - male head
- Graybeards - male head
- Grayed - conceal, hide
- Grayer - muted silver in color
- Grayest - muted silver in color
- Graying - gray or white
- Grayout - unconsciousness
- Grayouts - unconsciousness
- Grays - conceal, hide
- Graze - touch
- Grazed - touch
- Grazer - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Grazers - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Grazes - touch
- Grazier - ranch owner
- Graziers - ranch owner
- Grazing - browsing
- Grazings - looking but not buying
- Grease - fat
- Greased - fat
- Greasepaint - cosmetics
- Greasepaints - cosmetics
- Greases - fat
- Greasier - slippery, oily
- Greasiest - slippery, oily
- Greasing - fat
- Greasy - slippery, oily
- Great - very large
- Great-hearted -
- Greatcoat - personal outerwear
- Greatcoats - personal outerwear
- Greater - better
- Greatest - very large
- Greatests - maximum, zenith
- Greathearted - giving and kind
- Greatly - considerably
- Greatness - large size
- Greatnesses - large size
- Grebes -
- Grecian - concerning ancient culture
- Greed - overwhelming desire for more
- Greedier - desiring excessively
- Greediest - desiring excessively
- Greedily - egotistically
- Greediness - extreme greed
- Greedinesses - extreme greed
- Greeds - overwhelming desire for more
- Greedy - desiring excessively
- Greek - not understandable
- Green - young, new, blooming
- Green monkey disease -
- Greenback - dollar
- Greenbacks - dollar
- Greener - young, new, blooming
- Greeneries - organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
- Greenery - organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
- Greenest - young, new, blooming
- Greengroceries - fruit and vegetables
- Greengrocery - fruit and vegetables
- Greenheart -
- Greenhorn - inexperienced person
- Greenhorns - inexperienced person
- Greenhouse - hothouse
- Greenhouses - hothouse
- Greenie - person unskilled in something
- Greenies - person unskilled in something
- Greenleaf -
- greenmail - (corporation) the practice of purchasing enough shares in a firm to threaten a takeover and thereby forcing the owners to buy those shares back at a premium in order to stay in business
- Greenness - youth
- Greennesses - youth
- Greenroom - room used to change clothes in
- Greenrooms - room used to change clothes in
- Greens - young, new, blooming
- Greenskeeper - vegetable grower
- Greenskeepers - vegetable grower
- Greensward - grounds
- Greenswards - grounds
- Greet - welcome
- Greeted - welcome
- Greeting - welcome; message of kindness
- Greetings - welcome; message of kindness
- Greets - welcome
- gregarious - Fond of company; sociable; enjoying the company of others.
- Gregariousness - friendship
- Gremlin - imp
- Gremlins - imp
- Grenade - bomb
- Grenades - bomb
- Grep -
- Grew - become larger, evolve
- Grey - silver
- Greyer - muted silver in color
- Greyest - muted silver in color
- Greyish - pale, ashen
- Grid - gridiron
- Griddle - grill
- Griddlecake - pancake
- Griddlecakes - pancake
- Griddled - fry in a pan
- Griddles - grill
- Griddling - fry in a pan
- Gridiron - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Gridirons - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Gridlock - traffic jam
- Gridlocked - motionless, changeless
- Gridlocking - make impossible; stop
- Gridlocks - traffic jam
- Grids - gridiron
- Grief - mental suffering
- Griefs - mental suffering
- Grievance - complaint, gripe
- Grievances - complaint, gripe
- Grieve - mourn, feel deep distress
- Grieved - mourn, feel deep distress
- Griever - lamenter
- Grievers - lamenter
- Grieves - mourn, feel deep distress
- Grieving - mourn, feel deep distress
- Grievings - grief, complaint
- Grievous - severe, painful; serious
- Grievous bodily harm -
- Grievously - dangerously, critically
- Grievousness - agony
- Grievousnesses - agony
- Griffin - feline
- Griffins - feline
- Grift - swindle
- Grifter - swindler
- Grifters - swindler
- Grifts - swindle
- Grill - broil food
- Grille - gridiron
- Grilled - broil food
- Grilles - gridiron
- Grilling - broil food
- Grillings - asking; looking into
- Grills - broil food
- Grillwork - system of connections
- Grillworks - system of connections
- Grim - hopeless, horrible in manner, appearance
- Grimace - scowling facial expression
- Grimaced - scowling facial expression
- Grimaces - scowling facial expression
- Grimacing - make a pained expression
- Grimalkin - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Grimalkins - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Grime - dirt
- Grimed - smear, dirty
- Grimes - dirt
- Grimier - dirty
- Grimiest - dirty
- Griminess - dirtiness
- Griminesses - dirtiness
- Griming - smear, dirty
- Grimly - sternly
- Grimmer - hopeless, horrible in manner, appearance
- Grimmest - hopeless, horrible in manner, appearance
- Grimness - stubbornness
- Grimnesses - stubbornness
- Grimy - dirty
- Grin - smile widely
- Grinch - spoilsport
- Grinches - spoilsport
- Grind - tedious job
- Grinded - tedious job
- Grinder - hardworking
- Grinders - sandwich
- Grindhouse -
- Grinding - abrasive
- Grindings - wearing down or away
- Grinds - tedious job
- Grindstone - profession, business
- Grindstones - profession, business
- Grinned - smile widely
- Grinning - smile widely
- Grins - smile widely
- Grip - clasp, embrace
- Gripe - complaint
- Griped - complaint
- Griper - grouch
- Gripers - grouch
- Gripes - complaint
- Griping - complain
- Gripped - hold tightly
- Gripping - absorbing
- Grips - clasp, embrace
- Gripsack - luggage
- Gripsacks - luggage
- Gript - clasp, embrace
- Grislier - horrifying
- Grisliest - horrifying
- Grisly - horrifying
- Grist - natural resources
- Gristlier - long, thin
- Gristliest - long, thin
- Gristly - long, thin
- Grists - natural resources
- Grit - particles of dirt
- Grits - particles of dirt
- Gritted - grind
- Grittier - granular
- Grittiest - granular
- Gritting - grind
- Gritty - granular
- Grizzle - make or become extremely pale
- Grizzled - silvery
- Grizzles - make or become extremely pale
- Grizzlier - silvery
- Grizzliest - silvery
- Grizzling - make or become extremely pale
- Grizzly - silvery
- Groan - moan, complaint
- Groaned - moan, complain
- Groaning - moan, complain
- Groans - moan, complaint
- Grocer - shopkeeper
- Groceries - food
- Grocers - shopkeeper
- Grocery - store that sells food and other commodities
- Grodier - outrageous; widely condemned
- Grodiest - outrageous; widely condemned
- Grody - outrageous; widely condemned
- Grog - alcoholic drink
- Grogged - drink
- Groggier - dizzy, stunned
- Groggiest - dizzy, stunned
- Grogging - drink
- Groggy - dizzy, stunned
- Grogs - alcoholic drink
- Groin - crotch
- Groins - crotch
- grok - get the meaning of something
- Groom - man being married
- Groomed - make ready, prepare physically
- Grooming - make ready, prepare physically
- Groomings - oral punishment
- Grooms - man being married
- Groomsman - bridegroom's attendant
- Groomsmen - bridegroom's attendant
- Groove - channel, indentation
- Grooved - incised
- Grooves - channel, indentation
- Groovier - cool, wonderful
- Grooviest - cool, wonderful
- Grooving - very happy; festive
- Groovy - cool, wonderful
- Grope - feel about for
- Groped - feel about for
- Gropes - feel about for
- Groping - feel about for
- Gross - large, fat
- Grossed - large, fat
- Grosser - large, fat
- Grosses - large, fat
- Grossest - large, fat
- Grossing - bring in as total
- Grossness - obscenity
- Grossnesses - obscenity
- Grote -
- Grotesque - ugly, misshapen
- Grotesquely - horribly
- Grotesqueness - freak
- Grotesquenesses - freak
- Grotesques - something, someone very abnormal
- Grottier - lousy
- Grottiest - lousy
- Grotto - cave
- Grottoes - cave
- Grottos - cave
- Grotty - lousy
- Grouch - person who complains a lot
- Grouched - person who complains a lot
- Grouches - person who complains a lot
- Grouchier - complaining, irritable
- Grouchiest - complaining, irritable
- Grouchiness - angriness; bad mood
- Grouchinesses - angriness; bad mood
- Grouching - person who complains a lot
- Grouchy - complaining, irritable
- Ground - earth, land
- Groundbreaker - inventor
- Groundbreakers - inventor
- Groundbreaking - pioneering
- Grounded - base, set; educate
- Grounder - baseball hit on the ground
- Grounders - baseball hit on the ground
- Grounding - base, set; educate
- Groundings - education
- Groundless - without reason, justification
- Groundlessly - without basis
- Groundnut - nut
- Groundnuts - nut
- Grounds - estate, domain
- Groundsheet - protective cloth
- Groundsheets - protective cloth
- Groundswell - movement by the general population
- Groundswells - movement by the general population
- Groundwork - basis, fundamentals
- Groundworks - basis, fundamentals
- Group - number of individuals collectively
- Grouped - bring together
- Grouper - public, friendly
- Groupie - devoted fan
- Groupies - devoted fan
- Grouping - arrangement
- Groupings - arrangement
- Groups - number of individuals collectively
- Groupthink - conference
- Groupthinks - conference
- Groupuscule - breakaway group
- Groupuscules - breakaway group
- Groupware - computer program
- Groupwares - computer program
- Grouse - complaint
- Groused - groan, complain
- Grouser - grouch
- Grousers - grouch
- Grouses - complaint
- Grousing - irritable, testy
- Grout - warm cereal
- Grouts - warm cereal
- Grouty -
- Grove - cluster of trees
- Grovel - abase, demean oneself
- Groveled - abase, demean oneself
- Groveler - person who caters to another
- Grovelers - person who caters to another
- Groveling - servile
- Grovelingly - servilely
- Grovelings - a mean action
- Grovelled - abase, demean oneself
- Grovelling - abase, demean oneself
- Grovels - abase, demean oneself
- Groves - cluster of trees
- Grow - become larger, evolve
- Grower - raiser
- Growers - raiser
- Growing - increasing
- Growings - horticulture
- Growl - animal-like sound
- Growled - animal-like sound
- Growler - container for liquid
- Growlers - container for liquid
- Growling - animal-like sound
- Growls - animal-like sound
- Grown - of age
- Grownup - fully developed; experienced
- Grownups - adult
- Grows - become larger, evolve
- Growth - development, progress
- Growths - development, progress
- Grub - larva
- Grubbed - larva
- Grubbier - dirty, disheveled
- Grubbiest - dirty, disheveled
- Grubbiness - dirtiness
- Grubbinesses - dirtiness
- Grubbing - larva
- Grubby - dirty, disheveled
- Grubs - larva
- Grubstake - capital
- Grubstaked - capital
- Grubstaker - supporter
- Grubstakers - supporter
- Grubstakes - capital
- Grubstaking - capital
- Grudge - hard feelings
- Grudged - hard feelings
- Grudges - hard feelings
- grudging - petty or reluctant in giving or spending
- Grudgingly - under protest
- Grudgings - a mean action
- Gruel - thin porridge
- Grueling - difficult, taxing
- Gruelingly - with difficulty
- Gruelling -
- Gruels - thin porridge
- Gruesome - horrible, awful
- Gruesomely - unnaturally
- Gruesomeness - horror
- Gruesomenesses - horror
- Gruff - bad-tempered, rude
- Gruffer - bad-tempered, rude
- Gruffest - bad-tempered, rude
- Gruffness - the quality of being rough in conduct
- Gruffnesses - the quality of being rough in conduct
- Grumble - complain
- Grumbled - complain
- Grumbler - grouch
- Grumblers - grouch
- Grumbles - complain
- Grumblier - grouchy, hard to please
- Grumbliest - grouchy, hard to please
- Grumbling - discontented
- Grumbly - grouchy, hard to please
- Grume - flesh of plant, animal
- Grumes - flesh of plant, animal
- Grump - cranky person
- Grumped - pout, be dejected
- Grumpier - in a bad mood
- Grumpiest - in a bad mood
- Grumping - pout, be dejected
- Grumps - cranky person
- Grumpy - in a bad mood
- Grunge - dirt; rock music style of the early 1990s
- Grunges - dirt; rock music style of the early 1990s
- Grungier - dirty and unkempt
- Grungiest - dirty and unkempt
- Grungy - dirty and unkempt
- Grunt - snort
- Grunted - snort
- Grunting - snort
- Grunts - snort
- Gta -
- Guano - fertilizer
- Guanos - fertilizer
- Guarantee - pledge, promise
- Guaranteed - made certain
- Guaranteeing - pledge, promise
- Guarantees - pledge, promise
- Guarantied - guarantee, justify, authorize
- Guaranties - assurance
- Guarantor - insurer
- Guarantors - insurer
- Guaranty - assurance
- Guarantying - guarantee, justify, authorize
- Guard - protector
- Guarddog - dog for protection
- Guarddogs - dog for protection
- Guarded - suspicious
- Guardedly - tentatively
- Guardedness - caution
- Guardednesses - caution
- Guardhouse - residence for incarcerating criminals
- Guardhouses - residence for incarcerating criminals
- Guardian - keeper, protector
- Guardianess -
- Guardians - keeper, protector
- Guardianship - caretaking
- Guardianships - caretaking
- Guarding - protect, watch
- Guards - protector
- Gubbins - an object of little or no value; a small device or gadget; odds and ends; litter or rubbish; a silly person
- Gubernatorial - commanding
- Guck - sticky substance
- Gucks - sticky substance
- Gudgeon - dupe
- Gudgeons - dupe
- Guerdon - due
- Guerdoned - compensate, reward
- Guerdoning - compensate, reward
- Guerdons - due
- Guerilla - person who breaks the law
- Guerillas - person who breaks the law
- Guerrilla - bushfighter
- Guerrillas - bushfighter
- Guess - belief, speculation
- Guessed - try to figure out; imagine
- Guesses - belief, speculation
- Guessing - guesswork
- Guessings - guesswork
- Guesstimate - for all practical purposes
- Guesstimated - speculative
- Guesstimates - theory, guess
- Guesstimating - judge, estimate
- Guesswork - guess
- Guessworks - guess
- Guest - person accommodated, given hospitality
- Guests - person accommodated, given hospitality
- Guff - nonsense
- guffaw - A loud, boisterous burst of laughter.
- Guffawed - snickering laugh
- Guffawing - amusement
- Guffaws - burst of laughter
- Guffs - nonsense
- Guidance - counseling
- Guidances - counseling
- Guide - something that or someone who leads
- Guidebook - handbook
- Guidebooks - handbook
- Guided - direct, lead
- Guideline - direction
- Guidelines - direction
- Guidepost - document with information; symbol
- Guideposts - document with information; symbol
- Guider - mainstay; source of strength
- Guiders - mainstay; source of strength
- Guides - something that or someone who leads
- Guiding - direct, lead
- Guidon - flag
- Guidons - flag
- Guild - association, fellowship
- Guilds - association, fellowship
- Guile - slyness, cleverness
- Guileful - artful
- Guilefully - astutely
- Guileless - honest
- Guilelessly - plainly, clearly
- Guilelessness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Guilelessnesses - harmlessness, naiveté
- Guiles - slyness, cleverness
- Guillotine - decapitate
- Guillotined - decapitate
- Guillotines - decapitate
- Guillotining - decapitate
- Guilt - blame; bad conscience over responsibility
- Guiltier - blameworthy; found at fault
- Guiltiest - blameworthy; found at fault
- Guiltiness - secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
- Guiltinesses - secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
- Guiltless - blameless, not responsible
- Guiltlessness - blamelessness
- Guiltlessnesses - blamelessness
- Guilts - blame; bad conscience over responsibility
- guilty - showing a sense of guilt
- Guilty party -
- Guise - appearance, pretense
- Guised - cover with apparel
- Guises - appearance, pretense
- Guising - cover with apparel
- Gulag - prison camp for prisoners of war or political prisoners
- Gulags - prison camp for prisoners of war or political prisoners
- Gular - pertaining to the throat
- Gulch - small ravine
- Gulches - small ravine
- Gulf - sea inlet
- Gulfs - sea inlet
- Gulfweed - kelp
- Gulfweeds - kelp
- Gull - cheat
- Gulled - cheat
- Gullet - neck
- Gullets - neck
- Gulley - small ravine
- Gulleys - small ravine
- Gullibilities - harmlessness, naiveté
- Gullibility - harmlessness, naiveté
- Gullible - naive, trusting
- Gullies - ravine, ditch
- Gulling - cheat
- Gulls - cheat
- Gully - ravine, ditch
- Gulp - swallow
- Gulped - eat, drink fast
- Gulper - portion
- Gulping - swallow
- Gulps - swallow
- Gum - sticky substance
- Gumbo - soup, usually clear
- Gumbos - soup, usually clear
- Gummed - sticking
- Gummier - sticky
- Gummiest - sticky
- Gumminess - cohesion
- Gumminesses - cohesion
- Gumming - glue, adhesive
- Gummous - concentrated, dense
- Gummy - sticky
- Gump - amusing
- Gumps - farm fowl
- gumption - Courage and determination; initiative and resourcefulness
- Gumptions - nerve, initiative
- Gumptious - resourceful, energetic
- Gums - sticky substance
- Gumshoe - detective
- Gumshoed - hide; move stealthily
- Gumshoeing - hide; move stealthily
- Gumshoes - detective
- Gun - weapon that shoots
- Gunboat - container, usually metallic
- Gunboats - container, usually metallic
- Gunfire - shot
- Gunfires - shot
- Gunk - muck, morass
- Gunkier - dark and cloudy
- Gunkiest - dark and cloudy
- Gunks - muck, morass
- Gunky - dark and cloudy
- Gunman - shooter of gun
- Gunmen - shooter of gun
- Gunned - transport, carry
- Gunner - shooter of gun
- Gunneries - weaponry or military unit
- Gunners - shooter of gun
- Gunnery - weaponry or military unit
- Gunnies - fabric
- Gunning - firing a weapon
- Gunnings - firing a weapon
- Gunny - fabric
- Gunplay -
- Gunpowder - ammunition
- Gunpowders - ammunition
- Guns - weapon that shoots
- Gunsight - a locating device
- Gunsights - a locating device
- Gunslinger - person who is running from the law
- Gunslingers - person who is running from the law
- Gurgle - burble, murmur
- Gurgled - burble, murmur
- Gurgles - burble, murmur
- Gurgling - laughing
- Gurney - small attachment for transporting
- Gurneys - small attachment for transporting
- Gurries - grave
- Gurry - grave
- Guru - mentor, guide
- Gurus - mentor, guide
- Gush - outpouring
- Gushed - pour out
- Gusher - hole to extract oil
- Gushers - hole to extract oil
- Gushes - outpouring
- Gushier - sentimental
- Gushiest - sentimental
- Gushiness - sentimentalism
- Gushinesses - sentimentalism
- Gushing - flowing
- Gushy - sentimental
- Gusset - line where two objects are connected
- Gussets - line where two objects are connected
- Gust - rush, eruption
- Gustation - capacity to sense flavor
- Gustations - capacity to sense flavor
- Gustative - affecting animate nerve organs
- gustatory - of or relating to gustation
- Gusted - skim across
- Gustier - windy
- Gustiest - windy
- Gusting - stormy
- Gusto - great enthusiasm
- Gustoes - great enthusiasm
- Gusts - rush, eruption
- Gusty - windy
- Gut - intuitive
- Gutbucket - large stomach
- Gutbuckets - large stomach
- Gutless - timid
- Gutlessness - cowardice
- Gutlessnesses - cowardice
- Guts - nerve, boldness
- Gutsier - brave
- Gutsiest - brave
- Gutsily - courageously
- Gutsiness - courage
- Gutsinesses - courage
- Gutsy - brave
- Gutted - clean out, strip
- Gutter - ditch
- Guttered - descend, usually going underwater
- Guttering - descend, usually going underwater
- Gutters - ditch
- Guttersnipe - person who is poor, tattered
- Guttersnipes - person who is poor, tattered
- Guttier - reckless, daring
- Guttiest - reckless, daring
- Gutting - clean out, strip
- guttle - eat greedily
- Guttural - deep in sound
- Gutty - reckless, daring
- Guv - person administrating government
- Guvs - person administrating government
- Guy - man
- Guys - man
- Guzzle - drink down fast
- Guzzled - drink down fast
- Guzzler - drunk
- Guzzlers - drunk
- Guzzles - drink down fast
- Guzzling - drink down fast
- Gwydion -
- Gwyniad -
- Gyle -
- Gym - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Gymnasia - arena for sports, recreation
- Gymnasium - arena for sports, recreation
- Gymnasiums - arena for sports, recreation
- Gymnast - athlete
- Gymnastic - fitness education
- Gymnastics - acrobatic exercise
- Gymnasts - athlete
- Gyms - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Gymsuit - two-piece sporting attire
- Gymsuits - two-piece sporting attire
- Gynandrous - having relations with either gender
- Gynecologists -
- Gynogenesis -
- Gyp - rip-off
- Gypped - rip-off
- Gypping - rip-off
- Gyps - rip-off
- Gypsies - wanderer
- Gypsum - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Gypsums - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Gypsy - wanderer
- Gyral - turning
- Gyrate - revolve
- Gyrated - revolve
- Gyrates - revolve
- Gyrating - revolve
- Gyration - revolution
- Gyrational - capable of rotating
- Gyrations - revolution
- Gyratory - turning
- Gyre - circle
- Gyred - turn, circle
- Gyres - circle
- Gyring - turn, circle
- Gyro - gyrator
- Gyropilot - automatic steering system
- Gyropilots - automatic steering system
- Gyros - gyrator
- Gyroscope - gyrator
- Gyroscopes - gyrator
- Gyrostat - gyrator
- Gyrostats - gyrator
- Gyve -
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z