Words Beginning with o - list and definitions learning English
- O - Used in writing to symbolize a hug, but only in combination with the letter x, which means a kiss.
- Oaf - person who is clumsy, stupid
- Oafish - clumsy, stupid
- Oafishness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Oafishnesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Oafs - person who is clumsy, stupid
- Oak - stage, building for performance
- Oaks - stage, building for performance
- Oar - paddle
- Oared - propel with arms or tool
- Oarfish - monster in body of water
- Oarfishes - monster in body of water
- Oaring - propel with arms or tool
- Oars - paddle
- Oarsman - rower
- Oarsmen - rower
- Oases - spring
- Oasis - spring
- Oast - oven
- Oasts - oven
- Oat - food
- Oater - western movie
- Oaters - western movie
- Oath - promise
- Oaths - promise
- Oatmeal - rolled oats dish
- Oatmeals - rolled oats dish
- Oats - food
- Obama -
- obambulate - To walk about, to wander aimlessly
- obambulate -
- Obduracies - stubbornness
- obduracy - resoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible
- Obduracy - stubbornness
- Obdurate - pigheaded, stubborn
- Obdurately - stubbornly
- Obdurateness - stubbornness
- Obduratenesses - stubbornness
- Obeah - black magic
- Obeahs - black magic
- Obedience - good behavior; submissiveness
- Obediences - good behavior; submissiveness
- Obedient - well-behaved; submissive
- Obediently - dutifully
- Obeisance - salutation
- Obeisances - salutation
- Obeisant - showing respect
- Obelisk - stone pillar
- Obelisks - stone pillar
- Obese - very overweight
- Obesities - corpulence
- Obesity - corpulence
- Obey - conform, give in
- Obeyed - conform, give in
- Obeying - conform, give in
- Obeys - conform, give in
- obfuscate - make obscure or unclear
- Obfuscate - confuse
- Obfuscated - confuse
- Obfuscates - confuse
- Obfuscating - confuse
- Obfuscation - daze
- Obfuscations - daze
- Obi - black magic
- Obis - black magic
- Obit - notice of person's death
- Obiter - by chance
- Obits - notice of person's death
- Obituaries - notice of person's death
- Obituary - notice of person's death
- Object - thing able to be seen/felt/perceived
- Objected - disagree, argue against
- Objectification - embodiment
- Objectified - actualize
- Objectifies - actualize
- Objectify - actualize
- Objectifying - actualize
- Objecting - thing able to be seen/felt/perceived
- Objection - argument, disagreement
- Objectionable - not nice; unpleasant
- Objections - argument, disagreement
- Objective - fair, impartial
- Objectively - impartially
- Objectiveness - fairness
- Objectivenesses - fairness
- Objectives - aim, goal
- Objectivities - impartiality
- Objectivity - impartiality
- Objectless - haphazard, chance
- Objector - person who fights, is aggressive
- Objectors - person who fights, is aggressive
- Objects - thing able to be seen/felt/perceived
- Objuration - hateful, swearing remark
- Objurations - hateful, swearing remark
- objurgate - censure severely
- Objurgate - berate
- Objurgated - berate
- Objurgates - berate
- Objurgating - berate
- objurgation - rebuking a person harshly
- Objurgation - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Objurgations - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Oblate - with communal life
- oblation - the act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist
- Oblation - eucharist offering
- Oblations - eucharist offering
- Obligate - require
- Obligated - bound
- Obligates - require
- Obligating - require
- Obligation - responsibility
- Obligations - responsibility
- Obligatoriness - accountability, blame
- Obligatory - essential, required
- Oblige - require
- Obliged - bound
- Obligement - favor
- Obligements - favor
- Obliges - require
- Obliging - friendly, helpful
- Obligingly - helpfully
- Obligingness - agreeableness
- Obligingnesses - agreeableness
- Oblique - slanting; at an angle
- Obliquely - cornerways
- Obliqueness - slant, tilt
- Obliquenesses - slant, tilt
- Obliques - diagonal weave of fabric
- Obliquities - slant, tilt
- Obliquitous - indirect, evasive
- Obliquity - slant, tilt
- Obliterate - destroy
- Obliterated - eliminated
- Obliterates - destroy
- Obliterating - destroy
- Obliteration - annihilation
- Obliterations - annihilation
- Oblivion - mental blankness
- Oblivions - mental blankness
- oblivious - failing to keep in mind
- Oblivious - unaware, ignorant
- Obliviousness - ignorance
- Obliviousnesses - ignorance
- Oblong - elongated and rounded
- Oblongs - mass of material
- Obloquies - calumny
- obloquy - state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
- Obloquy - calumny
- Obnoxious - offensive, repulsive
- Obnoxiously - cruelly
- obnubilate - make unclear, indistinct, or blurred
- Obnubilation -
- Obscene - indecent, offensive, immoral
- Obscenely - indecently
- Obscenities - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Obscenity - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Obscurantism - political conservativism
- Obscurantisms - political conservativism
- Obscurantist - conservative
- Obscurantists - person who is politically conservative
- Obscuration - dimness
- Obscurations - dimness
- Obscure - not easily understood
- Obscured - ulterior
- Obscurely - dimly
- Obscureness - vagueness
- Obscurenesses - vagueness
- Obscurer - not easily understood
- Obscures - conceal, hide
- Obscurest - not easily understood
- Obscuring - conceal, hide
- Obscurities - vagueness
- Obscurity - vagueness
- Obsecrate - request
- Obsecrated - request
- Obsecrates - request
- Obsecrating - request
- Obsecration - appeal
- Obsecrations - appeal
- Obsequies - rites
- obsequious - attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
- Obsequious - groveling, submissive
- Obsequiously - servilely
- Obsequiousness - high opinion of something
- Obsequy - funeral ceremony
- Observable - apparent
- Observance - attention to, knowledge of something
- Observances - attention to, knowledge of something
- Observant - alert, watchful
- Observation - attention, scrutiny
- Observational - practical
- Observations - attention, scrutiny
- Observative - attentive, aware
- Observatories - watchtower
- Observatory - watchtower
- Observe - see, notice
- Observed - noticed
- Observer - spectator
- Observers - spectator
- Observes - see, notice
- Observing - observant
- Obsess - preoccupy
- Obsessed - consumed, driven about belief, desire
- Obsesses - preoccupy
- Obsessing - preoccupy
- Obsession - fixation; consumption with belief, desire
- Obsessions - fixation; consumption with belief, desire
- Obsessive - mentally maladjusted
- Obsessiveness - overenthusiasm
- Obsessivenesses - overenthusiasm
- Obsidian - black
- Obsidians - volcano matter
- Obsolesce - fall into disuse
- Obsolesced - fall into disuse
- Obsolescence - state of non-use
- Obsolescences - state of non-use
- Obsolescent - becoming obsolete
- Obsolesces - fall into disuse
- Obsolescing - fall into disuse
- Obsolete - no longer in use, in vogue
- Obsoleted - fall into disuse
- Obsoleteness - obsolescence
- Obsoletenesses - obsolescence
- Obsoletes - fall into disuse
- Obsoleting - fall into disuse
- Obsoletism - obsolescence
- Obsoletisms - obsolescence
- Obstacle - impediment, barrier
- Obstacles - impediment, barrier
- Obstetrician - childbirth assistant
- Obstetricians - childbirth assistant
- Obstinacies - stubbornness
- Obstinacy - stubbornness
- obstinate - stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
- Obstinate - stubborn, determined
- Obstinately - stubbornly
- Obstinateness - unruliness
- Obstinatenesses - unruliness
- Obstination -
- obstreperous - boisterously and noisily aggressive
- Obstreperous - noisy
- Obstreperously - audibly
- Obstruct - prevent, restrict
- Obstructed - prevent, restrict
- Obstructing - hindering
- Obstruction - obstacle, impediment
- Obstructions - obstacle, impediment
- Obstructive - interfering
- Obstructiveness - obstruction, antagonism
- Obstructs - prevent, restrict
- Obstruent - hindering
- Obtain - get, acquire
- Obtainable - achievable, available
- Obtained - get, acquire
- Obtaining - get, acquire
- Obtainment - obtaining or receiving
- Obtainments - obtaining or receiving
- Obtains - get, acquire
- Obtest - request
- Obtested - request
- Obtesting - request
- Obtests - request
- Obtrude - thrust outward
- Obtruded - thrust outward
- Obtruder - person who intrudes, meddles
- Obtruders - person who intrudes, meddles
- Obtrudes - thrust outward
- Obtruding - thrust outward
- Obtrusion - trespass
- Obtrusions - trespass
- Obtrusive - pushy, obvious
- Obtrusively - obviously
- Obtund - deaden
- Obtunded - deaden
- Obtunding - deaden
- Obtunds - deaden
- obtuse - lacking in insight or discernment
- Obtuse - slow to understand
- Obtusely - stupidly
- Obtuseness - dullness of mind
- Obtusenesses - dullness of mind
- Obverse - opposite
- Obverses - opposite
- obviate - To eliminate or prevent something from happening.
- Obviate - To eliminate or prevent something from happening.
- Obviated - make unnecessary
- Obviates - make unnecessary
- Obviating - make unnecessary
- Obviation - prevention
- Obviations - prevention
- Obvious - apparent, understandable
- Obviously - unmistakably
- Obviousness - absence of complication,
- Obviousnesses - absence of complication,
- Obvolute - covering and coinciding
- Obvoluted - covering and coinciding
- Occasion - chance
- Occasional - irregular, sporadic
- Occasionally - every now and then
- Occasioned - make happen, bring about
- Occasioning - chance
- Occasions - chance
- Occlude - block, prevent
- Occluded - block, prevent
- Occludent - plug, seal
- Occludents - plug, seal
- Occludes - block, prevent
- Occluding - block, prevent
- Occlusion - obstruction
- Occlusions - obstruction
- Occult - mysterious, secret; supernatural
- Occultation - hiding, secrecy
- Occultations - hiding, secrecy
- Occulted - conceal, cover
- Occulting - conceal, cover
- Occultism - supernatural power; appearance
- Occultisms - supernatural power; appearance
- Occultist - wizard
- Occultists - wizard
- Occults - puzzle, secret
- Occupancies - residence of place
- Occupancy - residence of place
- Occupant - person who resides in a place
- Occupants - person who resides in a place
- Occupation - profession, business
- Occupational - pertaining to work
- Occupations - profession, business
- Occupied - busy
- Occupier - person who is resident of habitation
- Occupiers - person who is resident of habitation
- Occupies - be busy with
- Occupy - be busy with
- Occupying - filling a place
- Occur - take place, happen
- Occurred - take place, happen
- Occurrence - happening, development
- Occurrences - happening, development
- Occurring - take place, happen
- Occurs - take place, happen
- Ocean - very large body of water
- Oceanfront - beach
- Oceanfronts - beach
- Oceangoing - concerning the sea
- Oceanic - marine
- Oceanid - water spirit
- Oceanides - water spirit
- Oceanids - water spirit
- Oceanographic - concerning the sea
- Oceans - very large body of water
- Oceanus -
- Ocelot - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Ocelots - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Ochlocracies - punishment by hanging without due process
- Ochlocracy - punishment by hanging without due process
- Ochre - dark, burnished color
- Ochres -
- Ochroid - dark yellow
- Octad - eight of something
- Octadic - having eight of something
- Octads - eight of something
- Octagon - eight of something
- Octagonal - having eight of something
- Octagons - eight of something
- Octave - rhythmic interval
- Octaves - rhythmic interval
- Octavo - published document
- Octavos - published document
- Octennial - having eight of something
- Octet - eight of something
- Octets - eight of something
- Octopi - business organization, usually large
- Octopus - business organization, usually large
- Octopuses - business organization, usually large
- Octroi -
- Octyl -
- Ocular - with the eye
- Oculars - optical organ of an animate being
- Oculi - optical organ of an animate being
- Oculist - medical doctor specializing in eyes
- Oculists - medical doctor specializing in eyes
- Oculus - optical organ of an animate being
- Od - coordinated outfit
- odalisque - a woman slave in a harem
- Odd - miscellaneous, various
- Odd bird -
- Odd-job -
- Oddball - eccentric
- Oddballs - person who is very different
- Odder - unusual, abnormal
- Oddest - unusual, abnormal
- Oddities - abnormality
- Oddity - abnormality
- Oddly - curiously
- Oddment - odds and ends
- Oddments - odds and ends
- Oddness - peculiarity of how someone behaves, acts
- Oddnesses - peculiarity of how someone behaves, acts
- Odds - advantage
- Ode - poem
- Odea - stage, building for performance
- Odell -
- Odes - poem
- Odette -
- Odeum - stage, building for performance
- Odic - with rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition
- Odiferous - smelly
- Odinism -
- odious - Extremely unpleasant; repulsive; deserving or causing hatred or disgust.
- odious - Extremely unpleasant; repulsive; deserving or causing hatred or disgust.
- Odious - Extremely unpleasant; repulsive; deserving or causing hatred or disgust.
- Odiousness - nefariousness
- Odiousnesses - nefariousness
- Odist - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Odists - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- odium - hate coupled with disgust
- Odium - shame, dishonor
- Odiums - shame, dishonor
- Odor - scent
- Odoriferous - distinctive smelling
- Odorless - without fragrance
- Odorous - having fragrance
- Odors - scent
- Ods - coordinated outfit
- Odyl - magnetic personal charm
- Odyls - magnetic personal charm
- Odyssey - journey
- Odysseys - journey
- Oe - anglo-saxon
- oenophile - someone who appreciates wine
- Oes - anglo-saxon
- Oeuvre - body of work
- Oeuvres - body of work
- Of - from
- Of substance -
- Of the same mind -
- Off - gone; remote
- Off guard -
- Offal - garbage
- Offals - garbage
- Offbeat - strange, very different
- Offbeats - nonconformist
- Offed - no longer alive
- Offend - displease, insult
- Offended - vexed
- Offender - perpetrator
- Offenders - perpetrator
- Offending - displease, insult
- Offends - displease, insult
- Offense - violation, trespass
- Offenseless - harmless, naive
- Offenses - violation, trespass
- Offensive - disrespectful, insulting; displeasing
- Offensively - cruelly
- Offensiveness - boldness, disrespect
- Offensivenesses - boldness, disrespect
- Offensives - disrespectful, insulting; displeasing
- Offer - proposal, suggestion
- Offered - present, propose for acceptance
- Offering - donation
- Offerings - donation
- Offers - proposal, suggestion
- Offertories - something given freely, for no recompense
- Offertory - something given freely, for no recompense
- Offhand - abrupt, careless
- Offhandedly - nonchalantly
- Office - business, responsibility
- Office building -
- Officeholder - job, position of responsibility
- Officeholders - job, position of responsibility
- Officer - person who has high position in
- Officers - person who has high position in
- Offices - business, responsibility
- Official - authorized, legitimate
- Officialdom - bureaucratic rules
- Officialdoms - bureaucratic rules
- Officialese - excessive in language
- Officialeses - excessive in language
- Officialism - bureaucratic rules
- Officialisms - bureaucratic rules
- Officially - in an official manner
- Officials - person representing organization
- Officiate - oversee, manage
- Officiated - oversee, manage
- Officiates - oversee, manage
- Officiating - oversee, manage
- officious - intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
- Officious - self-important, dictatorial
- Officiousness - impoliteness
- Officiousnesses - impoliteness
- offing - the near or foreseeable future
- Offing - go away
- Offings - killing
- Offish - cool
- Offkey - abnormal, peculiar
- Offline - not connected to computer or network
- Offload - be in motion, put in motion
- Offloaded - be in motion, put in motion
- Offloading - be in motion, put in motion
- Offloads - be in motion, put in motion
- Offprint - something duplicated; duplication
- Offprints - something duplicated; duplication
- Offs - go away
- Offscouring - garbage, refuse
- Offscourings - garbage, refuse
- Offset - counterbalance, compensate
- Offsets - counterbalance, compensate
- Offsetting - counterbalance, compensate
- Offsettings - help, compensation
- Offshoot - development, product
- Offshoots - development, product
- Offshore - away from the shoreline
- Offspring - child, children
- Offsprings - child, children
- Offstage - informal
- Offtrack - strayed
- Oft - greatly, a lot
- Often - frequently
- Oftentimes - frequently
- Ofttimes - frequently
- Ogee - arched, rounded line or object
- Ogeechee -
- Ogees - arched, rounded line or object
- Ogle - stare
- Ogled - stare
- Ogler - person secretly watching others
- Oglers - person secretly watching others
- Ogles - stare
- Ogling - stare
- Oglings - coquetry
- Ogre - nasty person
- Ogreish - fiendish
- Ogres - nasty person
- Ogress - horrifying person or thing
- Ogresses - horrifying person or thing
- Oh - unfortunately
- Ohed - unfortunately
- Ohing - unfortunately
- Ohio buckeye -
- Ohs - unfortunately
- Oil - lubricate
- Oilcloth - covering
- Oilcloths - covering
- Oiled - lubricate
- Oiler - hole to extract oil
- Oilers - hole to extract oil
- Oilfield - hole to extract oil
- Oilfields - hole to extract oil
- Oilier - fatty, greasy
- Oiliest - fatty, greasy
- Oiling - lubricate
- Oils - lubricate
- Oilskin -
- Oily - fatty, greasy
- Oink - lawman
- Oinks - lawman
- Ointment - cream for treatment
- Ointments - cream for treatment
- Ok - acceptable
- Okay - acceptable, satisfactory
- Okayed - agree to
- Okaying - acceptable, satisfactory
- Okays - acceptable, satisfactory
- Okeydokey - satisfactory
- Old - advanced in age
- Old saxon -
- Olden - old
- Olden days -
- Older - most senior
- Oldest - most aged
- Oldfangled - obsolete, outdated
- Oldie - old
- Oldies - melody sung or played with musical instrument
- Oldish - advanced in age
- Oldness - period of being elderly
- Oldnesses - period of being elderly
- oldster - an elderly person
- Oldster - senior
- Oldsters - senior
- Ole -
- Oleaginous - unctuous
- Oleo - fat
- Oleos - fat
- Olfactive - having fragrance
- Olfactory - having fragrance
- Oli -
- Olid - rotten, strong-smelling
- Oligarch - historically, person who ruled an area
- Oligarchic - governed by small group
- Oligarchies - dictatorship
- Oligarchs - historically, person who ruled an area
- Oligarchy - dictatorship
- Oligomenorrhea -
- Oligopolies - something held, owned exclusively
- Oligopoly - something held, owned exclusively
- oligopsony - A market situation where there are few buyers for a particular good or service. This gives the buyers significant market power.
- Olio - miscellany
- Olios - miscellany
- Olive - brownish
- Olives - light brown
- Olla - jug
- Ollas - jug
- Olympic lifting -
- Olympus -
- Omayyad -
- Ombre - man
- Ombres - man
- Ombudsman - person who arbitrates
- Ombudsmen - person who arbitrates
- Omega - end
- Omega centauri -
- Omegas - end
- Omen - sign of something to come
- Omened - foreshadow, indicate
- Omening - foreshadow, indicate
- Omens - sign of something to come
- Ominous - menacing, foreboding
- Omission - something forgotten or excluded
- Omissions - something forgotten or excluded
- Omit - exclude, forget
- Omits - exclude, forget
- Omitted - excluded
- Omitting - leaving out
- Omneities - wholeness, whole
- Omneity - wholeness, whole
- Omnibus - compilation
- Omnibuses - compilation
- Omnibusses - compilation
- Omnifarious - miscellaneous, differing
- Omniform - miscellaneous, various
- Omnigraph -
- Omnipotence - supremacy
- Omnipotences - supremacy
- Omnipotent - all-powerful
- Omnipotents - supernatural being worshipped by people
- Omnipresence - occupancy, attendance
- Omnipresences - occupancy, attendance
- Omnipresent - all-present
- Omniscient - all-knowing
- Omnivore - one who consumes all foods
- Omnivores - one who consumes all foods
- Omnivorous - rapacious
- Omnivorousness - voracity
- Omophagous - carnivorous
- Omphalic - of the navel
- Omphalos - center of a target
- On - in contact; ahead of
- On tap -
- On the cuff -
- On the surface -
- Onboard -
- Once - in the past; occurred one time only
- Oncer - in the past; occurred one time only
- Oncoming - impending
- One - individual
- One fine day -
- One-celled -
- One-horse -
- One-tenth -
- oneiric - of or relating to or suggestive of dreams
- Oneirocritical -
- Oneiromancy -
- Oneness - singleness
- Onenesses - singleness
- Oner - individual
- Onerous - difficult; requiring hard labor
- Onerously - hard
- Oners - model of perfection
- Ones - person of fame, importance
- Oneself - being
- Onetime - prior
- Onfall - beginning; attack
- Onfalls - beginning; attack
- Ongoing - continuous
- Ongoings - advancement, gain
- Onium -
- Onliest - singular
- Online - connected to the internet
- Online community -
- Onlooker - person observing an event
- Onlookers - person observing an event
- Only - singular
- Onned - follow
- Onning - Onning (noun) is a rarely used term that refers to an awning, a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building, often above a window or door, to provide shade and shelter.
- onomasticon - a list of proper nouns naming persons or places
- Onomasticon - dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
- Onomasticons - dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
- Onomastics - wording
- Onomatopoeia - repeat, copy
- Onomatopoeias - repeat, copy
- Onomatopoeic - echoic
- Onomatopoetic - imitating in sound
- Onrush - rush
- Onrushes - rush
- Onrushing - impending
- Ons - follow
- Onset - beginning; attack
- Onsets - beginning; attack
- Onshore - coastal
- Onslaught - attack
- Onslaughts - attack
- Onto - to
- Ontogenesis - growth
- Ontogenies - growth
- Ontogeny - growth
- Ontological - pertaining to the nature of existence
- Ontologies - principles, knowledge
- Ontology - principles, knowledge
- Onus - burden
- Onuses - burden
- Onward - ahead
- Onwards - ahead, beyond
- Onyx - black
- Oodles - a lot
- Oomph - energy
- Oomphs - energy
- Oop - emphatic exclamation
- Ooplasm -
- Oops - emphatic exclamation
- Oops-a-daisy -
- Oosphere - female reproductive cell
- Oospheres - female reproductive cell
- Oospore - seed, cell; embryo of an animal
- Oospores - seed, cell; embryo of an animal
- Ootheca - protective capsule
- Oothecae - protective capsule
- Ootid -
- Ooze - liquid emitted
- Oozed - emit liquid
- Oozes - liquid emitted
- Oozier - slimy
- Ooziest - slimy
- Oozing - emit liquid
- Oozy - slimy
- Opacate -
- Opacities - cloudiness
- Opacity - cloudiness
- Opalescence - gloss, shine
- Opalescences - gloss, shine
- opalescent - Displaying a play of colors like that of an opal; iridescent.
- Opaline - rainbow-colored
- Opaque - clouded, muddy
- Opaqueness - vagueness
- Opaquenesses - vagueness
- Open - unfastened, unclosed
- Open to view -
- Opened - unlocked
- Opener - item that unlocks
- Openers - item that unlocks
- Openhanded - generous
- Openhandedly - with a free hand
- Openhandedness - generosity
- Openhearted - frank
- Opening - gap, hole
- Openings - gap, hole
- Openly - honestly
- Openmouthed - enchanted, fascinated
- Openness - openmindedness
- Opennesses - openmindedness
- Opens - unfastened, unclosed
- Openwork - netted material
- Openworks - netted material
- Opera - great work of writing or music
- Opera house -
- Operable - possible
- Operant - one who operates a machine
- Operants - one who operates a machine
- Operas - sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
- Operate - perform, function
- Operated - conducted
- Operates - perform, function
- Operatic - musical
- Operating - causing to function
- Operation - movement, working
- Operational - functional
- Operations - movement, working
- Operative - active, functioning; influential
- Operativeness - motion, activity
- Operativenesses - motion, activity
- Operatives - person(s) performing service
- Operator - one who operates a machine
- Operators - one who operates a machine
- Operose - tedious
- Ophidian - pertaining to reptile
- Ophidians - reptile
- Ophiolite -
- Ophthalmic - affecting animate nerve organs
- Ophthalmologist - medical doctor specializing in eyes
- Opiate - drug
- Opiated - drug
- Opiates - drug
- Opiating - drug
- Opine - think
- Opined - think
- Opines - think
- Opining - think
- Opinion - belief
- Opinionated - believing very strongly and conveying it
- Opinionatedly - stubbornly
- Opinionative - stubborn, determined
- Opinions - belief
- Opium - narcotic
- Opiums - narcotic
- Opossum - pouched mammal
- Opossums - pouched mammal
- Oppidan - city
- Opponent - person with whom one competes
- Opponents - person with whom one competes
- Opportune - advantageous, lucky
- Opportunely - relevantly, suitably
- Opportuneness - availability, usefulness; useful thing
- Opportunenesses - availability, usefulness; useful thing
- Opportunism - expediency
- Opportunisms - expediency
- Opportunist - vacillator
- Opportunistic - sophisticated, materialistic
- Opportunists - vacillator
- Opportunities - lucky chance; favorable circumstances
- Opportunity - lucky chance; favorable circumstances
- Oppose - fight, obstruct
- Opposed - antagonistic
- Opposer - opponent
- Opposers - opponent
- Opposes - fight, obstruct
- Opposing - at variance
- Opposingly - negatively
- Opposite - unlike, conflicting; completely different
- Oppositely - with the order reversed
- Oppositeness - opposition
- Oppositenesses - opposition
- Opposites - something completely unlike
- Opposition - obstruction, antagonism
- Oppositional - opposing
- Oppositionist - opponent
- Oppositionists - opponent
- Oppositions - obstruction, antagonism
- Oppress - depress, subdue
- Oppressed - downtrodden
- Oppresses - depress, subdue
- Oppressing - depress, subdue
- Oppression - misery, hardship
- Oppressions - misery, hardship
- Oppressive - overwhelming, repressive
- Oppressively - severely
- Oppressiveness - mugginess
- Oppressor - tyrant
- Oppressors - tyrant
- Opprobrious - abusive, hateful
- opprobrium - state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
- Opprobrium - disgrace
- Opprobriums - disgrace
- Oppugn - oppose
- Oppugnancies - obstruction, antagonism
- Oppugnancy - obstruction, antagonism
- Oppugnant - antagonistic, contrary
- Oppugnants - person with whom one competes
- Oppugned - oppose
- Oppugner - opponent
- Oppugners - opponent
- Oppugning - oppose
- Oppugns - oppose
- opsimath - A person who learns late in life.
- Opsimathy -
- Opsin -
- Opt - choose
- Opted - choose
- Optic - visual
- Optical - ocular
- Optics - ability to perceive with eyes
- Optima - pinnacle of achievement or physical object
- Optimal - optimum
- Optimism - state of having positive beliefs
- Optimisms - state of having positive beliefs
- Optimist - positive thinker
- Optimistic - believing positively
- Optimistically - expectantly
- Optimists - positive thinker
- Optimization - addition, growth
- Optimizations - addition, growth
- Optimize - make perfect
- Optimized - make perfect
- Optimizing - make perfect
- Optimum - best
- Optimums - pinnacle of achievement or physical object
- Opting - choose
- Option - alternative
- Optional - possible; available as choice
- Optionally - of one's own free will
- Options - alternative
- Optometrist - medical doctor specializing in eyes
- Optometrists - medical doctor specializing in eyes
- Optophone -
- Opts - choose
- Opulence - wealth
- Opulences - wealth
- Opulent - rich, luxurious, profuse
- Opulently - richly
- Opus - great work of writing or music
- Opuscule - published document
- Opuscules - published document
- Opuses - great work of writing or music
- Opv -
- Or - a suggestion of choice
- Oracle - prophecy
- Oracles - prophecy
- Oracular - prophetic
- Oral - spoken
- Orally - verbally
- Orals - questioning and evaluation
- Orang - ape
- Orange - combination of red and yellow
- Orange marmalade -
- Orangeries - commercial forest area
- Orangery - commercial forest area
- Oranges - combination of red and yellow
- Orangs - ape
- Orangutan - primate
- Orangutans - primate
- Orate - speak
- Orated - speak
- Orates - speak
- Orating - speak
- Oration - speech
- Orations - speech
- Orator - speaker
- Oratorial -
- Oratorical - rhetorical
- Oratorically - wordily
- Oratories - public speaking
- Oratorio - religious song
- Oratorios - religious song
- Orators - speaker
- Oratory - public speaking
- Orb - globe
- Orbed - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Orbicular - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Orbiculate - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Orbit - circuit, revolution
- Orbital - at fixed intervals
- Orbited - put into orbit
- Orbiter - reusable spacecraft
- Orbiters - reusable spacecraft
- Orbiting - circling
- Orbits - circuit, revolution
- Orbs - globe
- Orc - cetacean mammal
- Orca - aquatic mammal
- Orcas - aquatic mammal
- Orchard - fruit farm
- Orchards - fruit farm
- Orchestra - symphony
- Orchestral - symphonic
- Orchestras - symphony
- Orchestrate - organize; cause to happen
- Orchestrated - organize; cause to happen
- Orchestrates - organize; cause to happen
- Orchestrating - organize; cause to happen
- Orchestration - musical adaptation
- Orchestrations - musical adaptation
- Orchestrator - leader
- Orchestrators - leader
- Orchestrina - device playing music
- Orchestrinas - device playing music
- Orchestrion - device playing music
- Orchestrions - device playing music
- Orchid - blue and red colors mixed together
- Orchidales -
- Orchids - blue and red colors mixed together
- Orchiectomies - emasculation
- Orchiectomy - emasculation
- Orcs - cetacean mammal
- Orcus -
- Ordain - establish, install
- Ordained - ordered
- Ordaining - establish, install
- Ordains - establish, install
- Ordeal - trouble, suffering
- Ordeals - trouble, suffering
- Order - arrangement, organization
- Ordered - orderly
- Ordering - command, authorize
- Orderings - something that has been ordered
- Orderless - reversed
- Orderlies - person who serves others
- Orderliness - method
- Orderlinesses - method
- Orderly - methodical, organized
- Orders - arrangement, organization
- Ordinal - unit of the mathematical system
- Ordinals - unit of the mathematical system
- Ordinance - law, rule
- Ordinances - law, rule
- Ordinariate -
- Ordinaries - menu of complete meals
- Ordinarily - usually
- Ordinariness - usualness
- Ordinarinesses - usualness
- Ordinary - common, regular
- Ordinate - border, mark
- Ordinated - border, mark
- Ordinates - border, mark
- Ordinating - border, mark
- Ordination - an installation
- Ordinations - an installation
- Ordnance - artillery
- Ordnances - artillery
- Ordure - excrement
- Ordures - excrement
- Ore - mineral
- Oread -
- Orenburg -
- Ores - mineral
- Organ - means, tool
- Organa - musical accordance
- Organic - basic, natural
- Organically - by nature
- Organism - living thing
- Organisms - living thing
- Organizability -
- Organization - arrangement, arranging
- Organizational - administrative
- Organizations - arrangement, arranging
- Organize - arrange, systematize
- Organized - arranged, systematized
- Organizer - planner
- Organizers - planner
- Organizes - arrange, systematize
- Organizing - arrange, systematize
- Organizings - arrangement, arranging
- Organs - means, tool
- Organum - musical accordance
- Organums - musical accordance
- Orgasm - climax
- Orgasmed - come to top; culminate
- Orgasmic - exceptionally exciting
- Orgasming - come to top; culminate
- Orgasms - climax
- Orgiastic - sexually aroused; displaying excessive interest in sex
- Orgies - celebration devoted to sensual enjoyment
- orgulous - Proud or haughty; arrogantly snobbish.
- Orgy - celebration devoted to sensual enjoyment
- Oriel - niche, corner
- Oriels - niche, corner
- Orient - familiarize
- Oriental - pertaining to the orient
- Orientate - familiarize
- Orientated - familiarize
- Orientates - familiarize
- Orientating - familiarize
- Orientation - introduction, adjustment
- Orientations - introduction, adjustment
- Oriented - familiarize
- Orienting - familiarize
- Orients - familiarize
- Orifice - opening
- Orifices - opening
- Oriflamme - flag
- Oriflammes - flag
- Origin - cause, basis
- Original - earliest
- Originalities - creativeness
- Originality - creativeness
- Originally - initially
- Originals - earliest
- Originate - begin; spring
- Originated - introduced
- Originates - begin; spring
- Originating - rising
- Origination - origin
- Originations - origin
- Originative - creative
- Originator - creator
- Originators - creator
- Origins - cause, basis
- Orillon -
- Orison - prayer
- Orisons - prayer
- Orlop deck -
- Ormer - shell
- Ormers - shell
- Ornament - decoration
- Ornamental - decorative
- Ornamentation - adornment
- Ornamentations - adornment
- Ornamented - decorate
- Ornamenting - decoration
- Ornaments - decoration
- Ornate - fancily decorated
- Ornateness - elegance
- Ornatenesses - elegance
- Ornerier - mean
- Orneriest - mean
- Orneriness - unruliness
- Ornerinesses - unruliness
- Ornery - mean
- orotund - (of sounds) full and rich
- Orotund - ostentatious
- Orotundities - bombast
- Orotundity - bombast
- Orphan - child without parents
- Orphanage - organization, usually educational
- Orphanages - organization, usually educational
- Orphans - child without parents
- Orphic - out-of-the-way, little-known
- Orphism - occultism
- Orphisms - occultism
- Ors - room for surgery
- Ort - bit
- Orthodox - accepted, traditional
- Orthodoxes - person who has faith in something
- Orthodoxies - dogma
- orthodoxy - a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards
- Orthodoxy - dogma
- Orthoepies - way something is said
- Orthoepy - way something is said
- Orthogonal - four-sided
- Orts - bit
- Oryx -
- Orzo - perennial aquatic grass
- Orzos - perennial aquatic grass
- Os - computer software for basic operation
- Osas -
- Oscar wilde -
- Oscillate - change back and forth
- Oscillated - change back and forth
- Oscillates - change back and forth
- Oscillating - change back and forth
- Oscillation - swinging
- Oscillations - swinging
- Oscine - singing bird
- Oscines - singing bird
- Oscitancies - disinclination to move; lifelessness
- Oscitancy - disinclination to move; lifelessness
- Osculant - adhesive
- Osculate - kiss
- Osculated - kiss
- Osculates - kiss
- Osculating - kiss
- Osculation - kiss
- Osculations - kiss
- Osmose - physically take in a liquid
- Osmosed - physically take in a liquid
- Osmoses - physically take in a liquid
- Osmosing - physically take in a liquid
- Osmosis - absorption
- Osmund -
- Osric -
- Ossein - piece of animate skeleton
- Osseins - piece of animate skeleton
- Osseous - of or like bone
- Ossietzky -
- Ossification - hardening
- Ossifications - hardening
- Ossified - bony
- Ossifies - become hard from aging
- ossify - make rigid and set into a conventional pattern
- Ossify - become hard from aging
- Ossifying - become hard from aging
- Ossuaries - urn
- Ossuary - urn
- ostensible - Appearing to be true or real but possibly false or different from what it seems.
- Ostensible - Appearing to be true or real but possibly false or different from what it seems.
- Ostensibly - apparently
- Ostensive - apparent
- Ostensively - apparently
- Ostentation - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Ostentations - exhibitionism, flashiness
- ostentatious - intended to attract notice and impress others
- Ostentatious - flashy, showy
- Ostentatiously - blatantly
- Osteoblast -
- Osteologies - structure of bones in animate being or supports in an object
- Osteology - structure of bones in animate being or supports in an object
- Osteophone -
- Ostracism - banishment
- Ostracisms - banishment
- ostracize - avoid speaking to or dealing with
- Ostracize - exile, banish
- Ostracized - banished
- Ostracizes - exile, banish
- Ostracizing - exile, banish
- Ostyak -
- Other - additional, added
- Otherness - conflict, disagreement
- Othernesses - conflict, disagreement
- Others - remainder of something
- Otherwhere - in another place
- Otherwise - in another way; alternatively
- Otherworld - life after death
- Otherworldly - extraterrestrial; psychic
- Otherworlds - life after death
- Otic - hearing
- otiose - Serving no useful purpose; pointless or unnecessary.
- Otioseness - unwillingness to work, be active
- Otiosenesses - unwillingness to work, be active
- Otiosities - unwillingness to work, be active
- Otiosity - unwillingness to work, be active
- Ottoman - footstool
- Ouachita river -
- Oubliette - prison
- Oubliettes - prison
- Ouch - pain
- Ouched - cause bodily damage
- Ouches - pain
- Ouching - cause bodily damage
- Ought - necessity, essential
- Oughted - endure, bear
- Oughting - endure, bear
- Oughts - necessity, essential
- Ould -
- Ounce - one-sixteenth of a pound/28.35 grams
- Ounces - one-sixteenth of a pound/28.35 grams
- Ourselves - us
- Oust - expel, get rid of
- Ousted - expel, get rid of
- Ouster - ejection
- Ousters - ejection
- Ousting - expel, get rid of
- Ousts - expel, get rid of
- Out - not possible; gone
- Out-of-door -
- Outage - interruption of service
- Outages - interruption of service
- Outback - back country
- Outbacks - back country
- Outbalance - override, dominate
- Outbalanced - override, dominate
- Outbalances - override, dominate
- Outbalancing - override, dominate
- Outbloom - flower
- Outbloomed - flower
- Outblooming - flower
- Outblooms - flower
- Outborn -
- Outbound - leaving
- Outbreak - sudden happening
- Outbreaks - sudden happening
- Outbreast -
- Outbuilding - toilet
- Outbuildings - toilet
- Outburst - fit of temper
- Outbursts - fit of temper
- Outcast - person who is unwanted, not accepted
- Outcasts - person who is unwanted, not accepted
- Outclass - surpass
- Outclassed - surpass
- Outclasses - surpass
- Outclassing - surpass
- Outcome - consequence, effect
- Outcomes - consequence, effect
- Outcried - long, painful cry
- Outcries - scream, exclamation
- Outcrop - projection
- Outcropping - effect brought about by something
- Outcroppings - effect brought about by something
- Outcrops - projection
- Outcross - composite, mixture
- Outcrosses - composite, mixture
- Outcrossing -
- Outcry - scream, exclamation
- Outcrying - long, painful cry
- Outdare - endure bad situation
- Outdared - endure bad situation
- Outdares - endure bad situation
- Outdaring - endure bad situation
- Outdate - obsolesce
- Outdated - old-fashioned
- Outdates - obsolesce
- Outdating - obsolesce
- Outdid - better, overcome
- Outdistance - outrun
- Outdistanced - outrun
- Outdistances - outrun
- Outdistancing - outrun
- Outdo - better, overcome
- Outdoes - better, overcome
- Outdoing - better, overcome
- Outdone - surpassed
- Outdoor - in the open air
- Outdoors - open air; nature
- Outed - go away
- Outer - external, exposed
- Outermost - outer
- Outfight -
- Outfit - set of clothes or equipment
- Outfits - set of clothes or equipment
- Outfitted - ready
- Outfitter - supplier
- Outfitters - supplier
- Outfitting - clothe, equip
- Outflank - outmaneuver
- Outflanked - outmaneuver
- Outflanking - outmaneuver
- Outflanks - outmaneuver
- Outflow - efflux
- Outflowed - bleed
- Outflowing - bleed
- Outflows - efflux
- Outfox - outsmart
- Outfoxed - outsmart
- Outfoxes - outsmart
- Outfoxing - outsmart
- Outgeneral - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgeneraled - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgeneraling - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgeneralled - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgeneralling - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgenerals - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgiving - easygoing
- Outgo - payment
- Outgoes - payment
- Outgoing - demonstrative, extroverted
- Outgoings - opening; seepage through opening
- Outgone - surpass, beat
- Outgrow -
- Outgrowth - projection
- Outgrowths - projection
- Outguess - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outguessed - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outguesses - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outguessing - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outgun - better, overcome
- Outgunned - better, overcome
- Outgunning - better, overcome
- Outguns - better, overcome
- Outgushing - overwhelming flow, quantity
- Outhit - conquer in athletic contest
- Outhits - conquer in athletic contest
- Outhitting - conquer in athletic contest
- Outhouse - toilet
- Outhouses - toilet
- Outing - short trip
- Outings - short trip
- Outjockey - better, overcome
- Outjockeyed - better, overcome
- Outjockeying - better, overcome
- Outjockeys - better, overcome
- Outjump - conquer in athletic contest
- Outjumped - conquer in athletic contest
- Outjumping - conquer in athletic contest
- Outjumps - conquer in athletic contest
- Outlaid - spend money
- Outland - peaceful, especially referring to the countryside
- Outlander - foreigner
- Outlanders - foreigner
- Outlandish - bizarre, strange
- Outlandishness - abnormality
- Outlast - endure beyond another
- Outlasted - endure beyond another
- Outlasting - endure beyond another
- Outlasts - endure beyond another
- Outlaw - person who is running from the law
- Outlawed - illegal
- Outlawing - person who is running from the law
- Outlaws - person who is running from the law
- Outlay - expenses
- Outlaying - spend money
- Outlays - expenses
- Outlet - place or means of escape, release
- Outlets - place or means of escape, release
- Outlier - something that stands apart
- Outliers - something that stands apart
- Outline - plan, sketch
- Outlined - marked in outline
- Outlines - plan, sketch
- Outlining - edging
- Outlive - outlast
- Outlived - outlast
- Outlives - outlast
- Outliving - outlast
- Outlook - point of view
- Outlooks - point of view
- Outlying - in rural area; remote
- Outmaneuver - outwit
- Outmaneuvered - outwit
- Outmaneuvering - outwit
- Outmaneuvers - outwit
- Outmatch - surpass
- Outmatched - surpass
- Outmatches - surpass
- Outmatching - surpass
- Outmode - take the place of; override
- Outmoded - obsolete, old-fashioned
- Outmodes - take the place of; override
- Outmoding - take the place of; override
- Outmost - extreme
- Outnumber - exceed in quantity
- Outnumbered - an outnumbered group
- Outnumbering - exceed in quantity
- Outpace - surpass
- Outpaced - surpass
- Outpaces - surpass
- Outpacing - surpass
- Outpatient - person being treated for medical problem
- Outpatients - person being treated for medical problem
- Outperform - beat
- Outperformed - beat
- Outperforming - beat
- Outperforms - beat
- Outplace - take the place of; put in place of
- Outplaced - take the place of; put in place of
- Outplaces - take the place of; put in place of
- Outplacing - take the place of; put in place of
- Outplay - surpass
- Outplayed - surpass
- Outplaying - surpass
- Outplays - surpass
- Outports -
- Outpost - remote station
- Outposts - remote station
- Outpour - spate
- Outpouring - outflow
- Outpourings - outflow
- Outpours - spate
- Output - something produced
- Output device -
- Outputs - something produced
- Outputting - producing publications with computer software
- Outrace - surpass, beat
- Outraced - surpass, beat
- Outraces - surpass, beat
- Outracing - surpass, beat
- Outrage - atrocity, evil
- Outraged - wrong, offend, abuse
- Outrageous - very bad
- Outrageously - horribly
- Outrageousness - flagrancy
- Outrages - atrocity, evil
- Outraging - atrocity, evil
- Outran - run faster than
- Outrange -
- Outrank - surpass
- Outranked - surpass
- Outranking - surpass
- Outranks - surpass
- Outre - eccentric
- Outreach - exceed
- Outreached - exceed
- Outreaches - exceed
- Outreaching - exceed
- Outrecuidance - egotism
- Outrecuidances - egotism
- Outrider - something that indicates outcome or event beforehand
- Outriders - something that indicates outcome or event beforehand
- Outrigger - light, paddled boat
- Outriggers - light, paddled boat
- Outright - complete, unconditional
- Outrival - surpass
- Outrivaled - surpass
- Outrivaling - surpass
- Outrivalled - surpass
- Outrivalling - surpass
- Outrivals - surpass
- Outrun - run faster than
- Outrunning - run faster than
- Outruns - run faster than
- Outs - go away
- Outset - starting
- Outsets - starting
- Outshine - outdo
- Outshined - outdo
- Outshines - outdo
- Outshining - outdo
- Outshone - outdo
- Outside - external
- Outsider - person who is foreign to something
- Outsiders - person who is foreign to something
- Outsides - external
- Outsize - very overweight
- Outskirt - edge of a geographic area
- Outskirts - edge of a geographic area
- Outsmart - outwit
- Outsmarted - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outsmarting - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outsmarts - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outsource - contract out
- Outsourced - contract out
- Outsourcing - contract out
- Outspoken - explicit, unreserved
- Outspokenness - complete honesty
- Outspokennesses - complete honesty
- Outspread - expansive, roomy
- Outspreading - spread out
- Outspreads - spread out
- Outstanding - superior, excellent
- Outstandingly - distinctly
- Outstart - beginning; attack
- Outstarts - beginning; attack
- Outstay - endure beyond another
- Outstayed - endure beyond another
- Outstaying - endure beyond another
- Outstays - endure beyond another
- Outstep - outdo something or someone
- Outstepped - outdo something or someone
- Outstepping - outdo something or someone
- Outsteps - outdo something or someone
- Outstretch - spread
- Outstretched - spread
- Outstretches - spread
- Outstretching - spread
- Outstrip - surpass
- Outstripped - surpass
- Outstripping - surpass
- Outstrips - surpass
- Outtake - very brief broadcast statement
- Outtakes - very brief broadcast statement
- Outthink - outwit
- Outthinking - outwit
- Outthinks - outwit
- Outthought - outwit
- Outthrust - bulge, overhang
- Outthrusting - bulge
- Outthrusts - bulge, overhang
- Outturn - fruit and vegetables
- Outturns - fruit and vegetables
- Outvie - go beyond; surpass
- Outvied - go beyond; surpass
- Outvies - go beyond; surpass
- Outvote - cancel, reverse a decision
- Outvoted - an outnumbered group
- Outvotes - cancel, reverse a decision
- Outvoting - cancel, reverse a decision
- Outvying - go beyond; surpass
- Outwait -
- Outward - visible; for appearances
- Outwardly - to all appearances
- Outwear - outlast
- Outwearing - outlast
- Outwears - outlast
- Outweigh - override, dominate
- Outweighed - override, dominate
- Outweighing - override, dominate
- Outweighs - override, dominate
- Outwent - surpass, beat
- Outwit - deceive
- Outwits - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outwitted - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outwitting - get the better of; figure out before another
- Outwore - outlast
- Outwork - fortification, support
- Outworks - fortification, support
- Outworn - outlast
- Ova - female reproductive cell
- Oval - long and rounded in shape
- Ovals - the ball used in football
- Ovate - oval
- Ovated - elongated and rounded
- Ovates - person, thing that predicts future
- Ovation - clapping and cheers
- Ovations - clapping and cheers
- Oven - kitchen stove
- Ovenlike - hot
- Ovens - kitchen stove
- Over - accomplished
- Overabundance - excess
- Overabundances - excess
- Overabundant - excessive
- Overachiever - one who outperforms
- Overact - be dramatic
- Overacted - theatrical
- Overacting - theatrical
- Overactive - excessively active
- Overacts - be dramatic
- Overage - surplus
- Overages - surplus
- Overall - complete, general
- Overalls - clothing for legs, lower half of body
- Overambitious - snobbish, conceited
- Overanxious - tense
- Overarching - encompassing
- Overassertive - brash, impertinent
- Overate - eat too much
- Overawe - influence
- Overawed - influence
- Overawes - influence
- Overawing - influence
- Overbalance - flip over
- Overbalanced - leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
- Overbalances - flip over
- Overbalancing - superior, controlling
- Overbear - take pleasure in accomplishment
- Overbearing - arrogant, domineering
- Overbearingly - pretentiously
- Overbearingness - arrogance
- Overbears - take pleasure in accomplishment
- Overblown - excessive, too much
- Overboard - very angry; maniacal
- Overbold - bold, shameless
- Overbore - take pleasure in accomplishment
- Overborn - take pleasure in accomplishment
- Overborne - take pleasure in accomplishment
- Overbrim - pour out, flood
- Overbrimmed - pour out, flood
- Overbrimming - pour out, flood
- Overbrims - pour out, flood
- Overbuilt - congested
- Overburden - overload
- Overburdened - overload
- Overburdening - overload
- Overburdens - overload
- Overcame - beat, defeat
- Overcareful - suspicious
- Overcast - cloudy, darkened
- Overcasting - cloud, steam up
- Overcasts - mass of water particles in air
- Overcautious - suspicious
- Overcharge - charge to excess
- Overcharged - charge to excess
- Overcharges - charge to excess
- Overcharging - charge to excess
- Overcloud - cloud, steam up
- Overclouded - dark, black
- Overclouding - cloud, steam up
- Overclouds - cloud, steam up
- Overcoat - heavy coat
- Overcoats - heavy coat
- Overcome - overwhelmed; visibly moved
- Overcomes - overwhelmed; visibly moved
- Overcoming - beat, defeat
- Overcompensate - pay back, make restitution
- Overcompensated - pay back, make restitution
- Overcompensates - pay back, make restitution
- Overconfidence - impudence
- Overconfidences - impudence
- Overconfident - overly sure of oneself
- Overcritical - critical
- Overcrowd - overwhelm, flood
- Overcrowded - congested
- Overcrowding - flood, inundation
- Overcrowdings - flood, inundation
- Overcrowds - overwhelm, flood
- Overdecorated - decorative, especially architecture
- Overdelicate - very careful, meticulous
- Overdevelopment - blockage
- Overdid - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overdo - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overdoes - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overdoing - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overdone - overcooked
- Overdose - excess
- Overdosed - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Overdoses - excess
- Overdosing - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Overdraft - inability to pay debts
- Overdrafts - inability to pay debts
- Overdramatic - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Overdramatize - express emotion
- Overdramatized - express emotion
- Overdramatizes - express emotion
- Overdramatizing - express emotion
- Overdraw - tell an untruth
- Overdrawing - tell an untruth
- Overdrawn - wide-ranging
- Overdraws - tell an untruth
- Overdress - sleeveless coat
- Overdressed - put on one's best clothes
- Overdresses - sleeveless coat
- Overdressing - put on one's best clothes
- Overdrew - tell an untruth
- Overdrinking - debauchery
- Overdue - late, behind schedule
- Overeat - eat too much
- Overeaten - eat too much
- Overeating - eat too much
- Overeatings - debauchery
- Overeats - eat too much
- Overed - overcome, triumph over
- Overelaborate - fancily decorated
- Overelaborated - exaggerate information
- Overelaborates - exaggerate information
- Overelaborating - exaggerate information
- Overembellish - exaggerate information
- Overembellished - exaggerate information
- Overembellishes - exaggerate information
- Overemotional - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Overemphasis - exaggeration
- Overemphasises - exaggeration
- Overemphasize - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overemphasized - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overemphasizes - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overemphasizing - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overestimate - blow up, increase
- Overestimated - exaggerated
- Overestimates - blow up, increase
- Overestimating - blow up, increase
- Overestimation - error, misunderstanding
- Overestimations - error, misunderstanding
- Overexcited - unduly excited
- Overexert - stretch, often to limit
- Overexerted - stretch, often to limit
- Overexerting - stretch, often to limit
- Overexerts - stretch, often to limit
- Overextend - put under physical or mental pressure
- Overextended - put under physical or mental pressure
- Overextending - put under physical or mental pressure
- Overextends - put under physical or mental pressure
- Overextension - physical or mental pressure
- Overextensions - physical or mental pressure
- Overfamiliar - self-confident
- Overfamiliarity - easy attitude
- Overfastidious - meticulous, particular
- Overfatigue - exhaust
- Overfatigued - exhaust
- Overfatigues - exhaust
- Overfatiguing - exhaust
- Overfed - heavier than average
- Overfeed - overfill
- Overfeeding - overfill
- Overfeeds - overfill
- Overfill - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Overfilled - blocked, clogged
- Overfilling - satiation
- Overfills - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Overflow - flood, inundation
- Overflowed - flood, inundation
- Overflowing - abundant
- Overflowings - abundant
- Overflown - flood, inundation
- Overflows - flood, inundation
- Overfull - overflowing
- Overfullness - excess
- Overfullnesses - excess
- Overgaze -
- Overgenerous - not economical
- Overgrew - infest, spread over; exceed
- Overgrow - infest, spread over; exceed
- Overgrowing - infest, spread over; exceed
- Overgrown - grown to an unnatural size
- Overgrows - infest, spread over; exceed
- Overhang - bulge, hang over
- Overhanging - bulge, hang over
- Overhangs - bulge, hang over
- Overhasty - without much thought
- Overhaul - redo, restore
- Overhauled - redo, restore
- Overhauling - redo, restore
- Overhauls - redo, restore
- Overhead - up above
- Overheads - up above
- Overhear - hear and pay attention
- Overheard - listened to
- Overhearing - hear and pay attention
- Overhearing -
- Overhears - hear and pay attention
- Overhung - bulge, hang over
- Overindulge - baby
- Overindulged - baby
- Overindulgence - debauchery
- Overindulgences - debauchery
- Overindulgent - excessive, extravagant
- Overindulges - baby
- Overindulging - baby
- Overing - overcome, triumph over
- Overjoy - delight
- Overjoyed - extremely happy
- Overjoying - delight
- Overjoys - delight
- Overkill - extravagant; beyond normal limits
- Overkills - excess
- Overlaid - cover
- Overlain - overlap
- Overlap - lie over something else
- Overlapped - lie over something else
- Overlapping - coinciding
- Overlaps - lie over something else
- Overlay - cover
- Overlaying - cover
- Overlays - cover
- Overleap - fail to do; forget
- Overleaped - fail to do; forget
- Overleaping - fail to do; forget
- Overleaps - fail to do; forget
- Overleapt - fail to do; forget
- Overlie - overlap
- Overlies - overlap
- Overload - weigh down
- Overloaded - weigh down
- Overloading - weigh down
- Overloads - weigh down
- Overlong - long
- Overlook - disregard, neglect
- Overlooked - missed
- Overlooking - disregard, neglect
- Overlooks - disregard, neglect
- Overlord - tyrant
- Overlords - tyrant
- Overly - excessively
- Overlying - better, greater, higher; excellent
- Overmaster - defeat, overcome
- Overmastered - defeat, overcome
- Overmastering - defeat, overcome
- Overmasters - defeat, overcome
- Overmodest - particular, fussy
- Overmuch - excessive
- Overmuches - excessive
- Overnice - bookish, precise
- Overnight - brief, sudden
- Overnighted - journey on a trip or tour
- Overnighter - gear
- Overnighters - gear
- Overnighting - journey on a trip or tour
- Overnights - journey; stint
- Overpaid - overvalued
- Overparticular - finicky
- Overpass - bridge
- Overpassed - fail to do; forget
- Overpasses - bridge
- Overpassing - fail to do; forget
- Overpast - fail to do; forget
- Overplay - be dramatic
- Overplayed - be dramatic
- Overplaying - be dramatic
- Overplays - be dramatic
- Overplus - balance, residue
- Overpluses - balance, residue
- Overpopulated - packed with inhabitants
- Overpopulation - blockage
- Overpopulations - blockage
- Overpower - beat; get the upper hand
- Overpowered - beat; get the upper hand
- Overpowering - very strong
- Overpowers - beat; get the upper hand
- Overpraise - flattery
- Overpraised - assign too much value, importance
- Overpraises - flattery
- Overpraising - assign too much value, importance
- Overpress - incite, urge
- Overpressed - incite, urge
- Overpresses - incite, urge
- Overpressing - incite, urge
- Overpriced - overvalued
- Overprize - assign too much value, importance
- Overprized - assign too much value, importance
- Overprizes - assign too much value, importance
- Overprizing - assign too much value, importance
- Overproduction - flood, inundation
- Overproductions - flood, inundation
- Overpromoted - overvalued
- Overprotect - pamper
- Overprotected - pamper
- Overprotecting - pamper
- Overprotective - unduly protective
- Overprotects - pamper
- Overran - defeat, invade
- Overrate - assign too much value, importance
- Overrated - overvalued
- Overrates - assign too much value, importance
- Overrating - assign too much value, importance
- Overreach - exceed
- Overreached - exceed
- Overreaches - exceed
- Overreaching - exceed
- Overreact - become, make afraid or distressed
- Overreacted - become, make afraid or distressed
- Overreacting - become, make afraid or distressed
- Overreaction -
- Overreacts - become, make afraid or distressed
- Overreckon - assign too much value, importance
- Overreckoned - assign too much value, importance
- Overreckoning - assign too much value, importance
- Overreckons - assign too much value, importance
- Overrefined - extremely sophisticated and picky
- Overridden - cancel, reverse a decision
- Override - supersede
- Overrides - cancel, reverse a decision
- Overriding - central, most important
- Overripe - decayed, decaying
- Overrode - cancel, reverse a decision
- Overrule - repeal
- Overruled - cancel, reverse a decision
- Overrules - cancel, reverse a decision
- Overruling - cancel, reverse a decision
- Overrulings - calling off; erasure
- Overrun - defeat, invade
- Overrunning - defeat, invade
- Overruns - defeat, invade
- Overs - first place, supremacy
- Oversalted - flavored with sodium chloride
- Oversaw - manage, supervise
- Overscrupulous - careful, finicky
- Oversea - over a large body of water
- Overseas - across an ocean
- Oversee - manage, supervise
- Overseeing - manage, supervise
- Overseen - manage, supervise
- Overseer - person who supervises others' work
- Overseers - person who supervises others' work
- Oversees - manage, supervise
- Oversell - assign too much value, importance
- Overselling - assign too much value, importance
- Oversells - assign too much value, importance
- Oversensitive - bad-tempered, crabby
- Oversensitivity - sensitivity
- Overset - cancel, change
- Oversets - cancel, change
- Oversetting - cancel, change
- Oversexed - immoral, uncontrolled
- Overshadow - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overshadowed - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overshadowing - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overshadows - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overshoot - omit, avoid
- Overshooting - omit, avoid
- Overshoots - omit, avoid
- Overshot - omit, avoid
- Oversight - failure, omission
- Oversights - failure, omission
- Oversimplified - simplistic
- Oversimplifies - make too simple
- Oversimplify - make too simple
- Oversimplifying - make too simple
- Oversize - drooping
- Oversized - bulky
- Oversleep - sleep
- Oversleeping - sleep
- Oversleeps - sleep
- Overslept - sleep
- Oversold - assign too much value, importance
- Oversoon - earlier in occurrence than anticipated
- Oversoul - animating force of world
- Oversouls - animating force of world
- Overspending - excess
- Overspendings - excess
- Overspread - flood, overrun
- Overspreading - chain of cause and effect
- Overspreads - attack and encroach
- Overstate - exaggerate
- Overstated - exaggerate
- Overstatement - exaggeration
- Overstatements - exaggeration
- Overstates - exaggerate
- Overstating - exaggerate
- Overstep - exceed
- Overstepped - exceed
- Overstepping - exceed
- Oversteps - exceed
- Overstock - surplus
- Overstocked - choke; oversupply
- Overstocking - choke; oversupply
- Overstocks - surplus
- Overstrain - extreme tension
- Overstrained - exhaust, weary
- Overstraining - exhaust, weary
- Overstrains - extreme tension
- Overstress - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overstressed - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overstresses - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overstressing - exaggerate, blow out of proportion
- Overstrung - exhausted and excited
- Overstuff - load with
- Overstuffed - heavier than average
- Overstuffing - load with
- Overstuffs - load with
- Oversubtle - not physical; without physical presence
- Oversupplied - big
- Oversupplies - surplus
- Oversupply - surplus
- Oversupplying - burden, saddle
- Oversweet - sickly sweet
- Overt - obvious, unconcealed
- Overtake - catch; pass
- Overtaken - catch; pass
- Overtakes - catch; pass
- Overtaking - catch; pass
- Overtax - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overtaxed - worn out
- Overtaxes - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overtaxing - difficult; requiring hard labor
- Overthrew - defeat, destroy
- Overthrow - defeat, destroy
- Overthrower - person who does not obey
- Overthrowers - person who does not obey
- Overthrowing - defeat, destroy
- Overthrown - ousted
- Overthrows - defeat, destroy
- Overtime - additional
- Overtire - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overtired - tired
- Overtires - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overtiring - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overtly - without any doubt
- Overtness - clarity
- Overtnesses - clarity
- Overtone - implication, hint
- Overtones - implication, hint
- Overtook - catch; pass
- Overtop - above
- Overtopped - appear, often imposingly
- Overtopping - appear, often imposingly
- Overtops - appear, often imposingly
- Overtrusting - gullible, naive
- Overture - introduction, approach
- Overtures - introduction, approach
- Overturn - flip over
- Overturned - upside-down
- Overturning - flip over
- Overturns - flip over
- Overuse - devaluation due to use
- Overused - trite
- Overuses - devaluation due to use
- Overusing - go to extremes; carry too far
- Overvaluation - misestimate
- Overvaluations - misestimate
- Overvalue - make a mistake
- Overvalued - make a mistake
- Overvalues - make a mistake
- Overvaluing - make a mistake
- Overview - survey
- Overviews - survey
- Overwax -
- Overweening - arrogant
- Overweigh - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overweighed - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overweighing - superior, controlling
- Overweighs - make obscure, dim, vague
- Overweight - heavier than average
- Overweights - corpulence
- Overwhelm - flood, beat physically
- Overwhelmed - beaten
- Overwhelming - overpowering
- Overwhelmingly - destructively
- Overwhelms - flood, beat physically
- Overwork - overdo
- Overworked - worn out
- Overworking - overdo
- Overworks - overdo
- overwrought - deeply agitated especially from emotion
- Overwrought - exhausted and excited
- Overzealous - self-important, dictatorial
- Overzealously - enthusiastically
- Ovicapsule -
- Oviform - oval
- Ovoid - oval
- Ovoidal - oval
- Ovule - beginning, source
- Ovules - beginning, source
- Ovum - female reproductive cell
- Owe - have an obligation
- Owed - due
- Owes - have an obligation
- Owing - unpaid
- Owl - person who steals
- Owls - person who steals
- Own - belonging to individual
- Owned - possessed
- Owner - person who has possession of
- Ownerless - deserted, forsaken
- Owners - person who has possession of
- Ownership - possession of property
- Ownerships - possession of property
- Owning - possess; be responsible for
- Owns - possess; be responsible for
- Ox - big and strong
- Oxen - oaf
- Oxer - big and strong
- Oxes - oaf
- Oxford - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Oxfords - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Oxhide - hide
- Oxhides - hide
- Oxidate - breathe
- Oxidated - breathe
- Oxidates - breathe
- Oxidating - breathe
- Oxidation - corrosion
- Oxidations - corrosion
- Oxide - group of chemical elements
- Oxides - group of chemical elements
- Oxidization - explosion; on fire
- Oxidizations - explosion; on fire
- Oxidize - convert into oxide
- Oxidized - convert into oxide
- Oxidizes - convert into oxide
- Oxidizing - convert into oxide
- Oxshoe -
- Oxter - underarm
- Oxters - underarm
- Oxygenate - add oxygen
- Oxygenated - add oxygen
- Oxygenates - add oxygen
- Oxygenating - add oxygen
- Oxygenize - add oxygen
- Oxygenized - add oxygen
- Oxygenizes - add oxygen
- Oxygenizing - add oxygen
- Oxymora - turn of expression
- oxymoron - conjoining contradictory terms (as in `deafening silence')
- Oxymoron - turn of expression
- Oyster - silver
- Oysters - invertebrate
- Ozone - upper layer of atmosphere
- Ozones - upper layer of atmosphere
- Ozonosphere - upper layer of atmosphere
- Ozonospheres - upper layer of atmosphere
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z