Words Beginning with c - list and definitions learning English
- cabinet - A piece of furniture with shelves, drawers, etc., for holding or displaying items.; A group of high-ranking officials who advise a head of state.
- calm - steadiness of mind under stress
- campaign - several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and temporal constraints)
- capable - Having the ability or quality necessary to do something; Competent; proficient
- carpet - floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile)
- celebration - a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event
- centimetre - a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter
- characteristic - a prominent attribute or aspect of something
- charity - a kindly and lenient attitude toward people
- cheaply - with little expenditure of money
- circumstance - information that should be kept in mind when making a decision
- cigarette - finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking
- climate - the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time
- comfortable - in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
- conflict - go against, as of rules and laws
- conservative - conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class
- convenient - large and roomy (`convenient' is archaic in this sense)
- crisp - pleasantly cold and invigorating
- confabulate - talk socially without exchanging too much information
- cachinnate - laugh loudly and in an unrestrained way
- cacophony - a loud harsh or strident noise
- cadge - To ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled).; To beg or sponge from someone.
- caesura - a break or pause (usually for sense) in the middle of a verse line
- cagey - Reluctant to give information; secretive or guarded.
- cajole - influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
- calumny - an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
- camaraderie - the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
- camarilla - a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
- cameo - engraving or carving in low relief on a stone (as in a brooch or ring)A small but significant role in a film or play.; A raised design on a gem or piece of jewelry.
- canaille - Shorts or inferior flour
- candor - ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty
- canorous - Melodious or resonant; pleasant-sounding.
- cantankerous - stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate
- cantata - a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text
- capacious - large in capacity
- capitulate - (verb) To cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; to surrender.
- captious - tending to find and call attention to faults
- carp - raise trivial objections
- castigate - censure severely
- castigation - Severe criticism or punishment.
- casuistry - The use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry.; The resolving of moral problems by the application of theoretical rules to particular instances.
- catachresis - strained or paradoxical use of words either in error (as `blatant' to mean `flagrant') or deliberately (as in a mixed metaphor: `blind mouths')
- catatonic - characterized by catatonia especially either rigidity or extreme laxness of limbs
- caterwaul - To make a harsh, wailing noise, similar to that of a cat in heat.
- cavil - raise trivial objections
- cavort - To move about in a lively and playful manner; to frolic.
- celerity - Swiftness of movement; speed.; Rapidity of action or thought.
- censorious - Severely critical of others; tending to find fault or criticize.
- celebrate - behave as expected during of holidays or rites
- chaptalize - To add sugar to grape juice or wine before or during fermentation to increase the alcohol content. This process is named after Jean-Antoine Chaptal, who first recommended it.
- charlatan - a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
- chastise - censure severely
- chatoyant - varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles
- chelonian - Any of various reptiles of the order Chelonia (or Testudines), which includes turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. (Noun); Relating to or characteristic of turtles, tortoises, or terrapins. (Adjective)
- chicanery - Deception through cleverness or cunning; trickery.; The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.
- chide - censure severely or angrily
- chimerical - being or relating to or like a chimera
- chirography - beautiful handwriting
- chivalry - courtesy towards women
- chthonic - dwelling beneath the surface of the earth
- circumlocution - a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things
- circumspect - heedful of potential consequences
- circumvolution - the act of turning or winding or folding around a central axis
- claque - a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance
- clerisy - an educated and intellectual elite
- clinquant - glittering with gold or silver
- cloistered - Confined to a cloister or similar secluded place.; Sheltered or secluded from the outside world.; Restricted or limited in scope or outlook.
- cloudland - Dreamland
- cloying - Excessively sweet, sentimental, or insincere to the point of being unpleasant. It can be used for both literal and figurative situations.
- cockade - an ornament (such as a knot of ribbon or a rosette) usually worn on the hat
- codicil - a supplement to a will; a testamentary instrument intended to alter an already executed will
- codswallop - Nonsense, rubbish, or silly talk; nonsensical talk or writing
- coeval - of the same period
- cogent - powerfully persuasive
- cogitate - use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
- cognoscente - an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
- collude - act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose
- collywobbles - severe gastroenteritis of unknown etiology; characterized by severe colic and vomiting and diarrhea
- comeuppance - an outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved and fitting
- comity - a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility and respect
- commination - a threat of divine punishment or vengeance
- complicity - The state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.
- comport - behave well or properly
- compunction - a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)
- concatenation - a series of things depending on each other as if linked together
- conceit - Excessive pride in oneself: an exaggerated sense of self-importance.; A fanciful or ingenious idea or notion: often used in literature.
- concinnity - Internal harmony or fitness; mutual adaptation of parts; elegance; - used chiefly of style of discourse.
- concupiscence - Strong, often uncontrollable sexual desire.; Lustful or carnal desire.
- condign - fitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially of punishment
- confabulation - an informal conversation
- conflate - To combine two or more ideas, texts, or concepts into one.
- confrere - a person who is member of one's class or profession
- confute - prove to be false
- congeries - a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
- conniption - a display of bad temper
- connive - form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner
- connubial - of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband
- consanguineous - Consanguineous refers to individuals who share a blood relationship. They are descended from a common ancestor.
- constellate - scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
- consternation - fear resulting from the awareness of danger
- consummate - without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
- contortion - a tortuous and twisted shape or position
- contretemps - an awkward clash
- contrite - feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
- contrivance - any improvised arrangement for temporary use
- contumacious - wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient
- conurbation - A large urban area formed by the merging of several originally separate towns or cities.
- copacetic - Completely satisfactory; in excellent order.
- coquetry - Flirtatious behavior or actions typically carried out to attract admiration or affection without serious intentions.
- corker - a machine that is used to put corks in bottles
- cornucopia - a goat's horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity
- corpulent - excessively fat
- coruscate - reflect brightly
- cosset - treat with excessive indulgence
- coterie - an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
- coterminous - being of equal extent or scope or duration
- countervail - compensate for or counterbalance
- couth - Cultured, refined, and well-mannered.
- coxcomb - a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own accomplishments
- crabwise - (of movement) at an angle
- crackerjack - someone excellent of their kind
- credulous - Having or showing too great a readiness to believe things; gullible.
- crepuscular - like twilight; dim
- crestfallen - brought low in spirit
- croon - To sing or hum in a soft, soothing voice.; To sing softly and gently, often in a sentimental manner.
- cupidity - extreme greed for material wealth
- curmudgeon - a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
- cursory - hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
- cynosure - something that provides guidance (as Polaris guides mariners)
- campestral - of fields or open country
- choleric - characterized by anger
- Cab - car for hire
- Cabal - plot
- Cabala - occultism
- Cabalas - occultism
- Cabalism - occultism
- Cabalisms - occultism
- Cabalistic - occult
- Caballed - plan, scheme
- Caballer - schemer
- Caballero - spanish knight
- Caballeros - spanish knight
- Caballers - schemer
- Caballing - plan, scheme
- Cabals - plot
- Cabana - tiny house; lodging
- Cabanas - tiny house; lodging
- Cabaret - nightclub with musical performances
- Cabarets - nightclub with musical performances
- Cabbage - vegetable
- Cabbages - vegetable
- Cabbalism - occultism
- Cabbalisms - occultism
- Cabbie - driver of hired car
- Cabbies - driver of hired car
- Cabby - driver of hired car
- Cabdriver - driver
- Cabdrivers - driver
- Cabernet - wine from dark-colored grapes
- Cabernets - wine from dark-colored grapes
- Cabin - tiny house; lodging
- Cabinetmaker - person who works with wood
- Cabinetmakers - person who works with wood
- Cabinets - cupboard for storage
- Cabins - tiny house; lodging
- Cable - chain
- Cabled - connected
- Cablegram - message sent by coded radio signals
- Cablegrams - message sent by coded radio signals
- Cables - chain
- Cablevision - television system transmitted over cable to subscribers
- Cablevisions - television system transmitted over cable to subscribers
- Cabling - intertwine
- Cabman - driver of hired car
- Cabmen - driver of hired car
- Caboodle - aggregate, bunch
- Caboodles - aggregate, bunch
- Caboose - a kitchen
- Cabooses - a kitchen
- Cabs - car for hire
- Cache - hidden supply
- Cached - hidden supply
- Caches - hidden supply
- Cachet - distinction
- Cachets - distinction
- Cachexia - illness
- Cachexias - illness
- Caching - hidden supply
- Cachinnated - laugh
- Cachinnates - laugh
- Cachinnating - laugh
- Cachinnation - laugh
- Cachinnations - laugh
- Cackle - a loud laugh
- Cackleberries - seed, cell; embryo of an animal
- Cackleberry - seed, cell; embryo of an animal
- Cackled - a loud laugh
- Cackler - laughing
- Cackles - a loud laugh
- Cackling - laugh irritatingly
- Cacographic - illegible
- Cacographies - messy writing
- Cacography - messy writing
- Cacologies - misuse
- Cacology - misuse
- Cacophonic - unharmonious
- Cacophonies - dissonance
- Cacophonous - harsh sounding
- Cad - sly, dastardly person
- Cadaver - dead body
- Cadaverous - pale, corpselike
- Cadaverousness - paleness
- Cadavers - dead body
- Caddies - container; items in container
- Caddy - container; items in container
- Cadence - rhythm
- Cadenced - rhythmical
- Cadences - rhythm
- Cadencies - rhythm
- Cadency - rhythm
- Cadent - rhythmical
- Cadet - military trainee
- Cadets - military trainee
- Cadged - beg
- Cadger - beggar
- Cadgers - beggar
- Cadges - beg
- Cadging - beg
- Cadre - nucleus of effort
- Cadres - nucleus of effort
- Cads - sly, dastardly person
- Caducei - rod
- Caduceus - rod
- Caducities - feebleness
- Caducity - feebleness
- Caecilian - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Caecilians - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Caesar - dictator
- Caesarean - surgical fetus delivery
- Caesareans - surgical fetus delivery
- Caesarian - surgical fetus delivery
- Caesarians - surgical fetus delivery
- Caesars - dictator
- Caesurae - interruption
- Caesuras - interruption
- Cafe - restaurant
- Cafes - restaurant
- Cafeteria - restaurant
- Cafeterias - restaurant
- Caffeine - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Caffeines - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Caftan - robe
- Caftans - robe
- Cage - enclosure with bars
- Caged - hold in enclosure
- Cages - enclosure with bars
- Cageyness - back-and-forth competition
- Cageynesses - back-and-forth competition
- Cagier - tricky
- Cagiest - tricky
- Caginess - cunning
- Caginesses - cunning
- Caging - enclosure with bars
- Cahoot - conspiracy
- Cahoots - conspiracy
- Cairn - monument, testimonial in honor, praise
- Cairns - monument, testimonial in honor, praise
- Caisson - wagon
- Caissons - wagon
- Caitiff - coward
- Caitiffs - coward
- Cajoled - attempt to coax; flatter
- Cajoler - complimenter
- Cajoleries - influencing to do, believe
- Cajolers - complimenter
- Cajolery - influencing to do, believe
- Cajoles - attempt to coax; flatter
- Cajoling - attempt to coax; flatter
- Cake - bar of something
- Caked - dark and cloudy
- Cakes - bar of something
- Cakewalk - easy activity
- Cakewalks - easy activity
- Caking - stiff outer layer; coating
- Cakings - stiff outer layer; coating
- Cal - u.s. state
- Calaboose - penal institution
- Calabooses - penal institution
- Calami - feather
- Calamities - disaster; tragedy
- Calamitous - disastrous; tragic
- Calamity - disaster; tragedy
- Calamus - feather
- Calash - a covering for vehicles and the like
- Calashes - a covering for vehicles and the like
- Calcification - hardening
- Calcifications - hardening
- Calcified - hardened
- Calcifies - make hard
- Calcify - make hard
- Calcifying - make hard
- Calcimining - the act of applying paint
- Calcine - be on fire; set on fire
- Calcined - be on fire; set on fire
- Calcines - be on fire; set on fire
- Calcining - be on fire; set on fire
- Calculable - able to be computed or estimated
- Calculate - compute or estimate amount
- Calculated - figured by mathematical calculation
- Calculatedly - intentionally
- Calculates - compute or estimate amount
- Calculating - scheming to manipulate
- Calculatingly - done of one's own free will
- Calculation - computing, estimating amount
- Calculations - computing, estimating amount
- Calculator - adding machine
- Calculators - adding machine
- Calculi - arithmetic
- Calculous - granular
- Calculus - arithmetic
- Calculuses - arithmetic
- Caldera - cavity
- Calderas - cavity
- Caldron - pot for boiling
- Caldrons - pot for boiling
- Calefaction - hotness, coldness of some degree
- Calefactions - hotness, coldness of some degree
- Calefactor - heating mechanism
- Calefactors - heating mechanism
- Calembour - play on words
- Calembours - play on words
- Calendar - schedule of events
- Calendars - schedule of events
- Calender - keep a record; tabulate
- Calendered - keep a record; tabulate
- Calendering - keep a record; tabulate
- Calenders - keep a record; tabulate
- Calenture - animation, vigor
- Calentures - animation, vigor
- Calescent - hot
- Calf - leg between knee and ankle
- Caliber - capacity; character
- Calibers - capacity; character
- Calibrate - calculate, judge
- Calibrated - arranged or marked according to a scale
- Calibrates - calculate, judge
- Calibrating - weighing
- Calibration - calculation
- Calibrations - calculation
- Calico - fabric
- Calicoes - fabric
- Calicos - fabric
- Calidities - heat
- Calidity - heat
- Caliginosities - dark
- Caliginosity - dark
- Caliginous - dark
- Caliper - calculate, judge
- Calipered - calculate, judge
- Calipering - calculate, judge
- Calipers - calculate, judge
- Caliph - historically, person who ruled an area
- Caliphs - historically, person who ruled an area
- Calisthenics - calisthenic exercises performed daily
- Call - yelled statement
- Called - named
- Caller - visitor
- Callers - visitor
- Calligraphies - handwriting
- Calligraphy - handwriting
- Calling - chosen profession
- Callings - chosen profession
- Calliope - wind instrument
- Calliopes - wind instrument
- Callous - cruel, insensitive
- Calloused - harden
- Callouses - harden
- Callousing - harden
- Callously - cruelly, without remorse
- Callousness - absence of feeling, interest
- Callousnesses - absence of feeling, interest
- Callow - immature
- Callowness - innocence, gullibility
- Callownesses - innocence, gullibility
- Calls - yelled statement
- Callus - accustom
- Callused - accustom
- Calluses - accustom
- Callusing - accustom
- Calmant - soothing agent, medicine
- Calmants - soothing agent, medicine
- Calmative - soothing
- Calmatives - soothing agent, medicine
- Calmed - make composed, quiet
- Calmer - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Calmest - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Calming - appeasing
- Calmings - soporific
- Calmly - quietly
- Calmness - quietness
- Calmnesses - quietness
- Calms - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Calque - word borrowed from another language
- Calques - word borrowed from another language
- Cals - u.s. state
- Calumniate - defame
- Calumniated - defame
- Calumniates - defame
- Calumniating - defame
- Calumniation - false accusation
- Calumniations - false accusation
- Calumniator - mean lady
- Calumniators - mean lady
- Calumniatory - derogatory
- Calumnies - slander
- Calumnious - slanderous
- Calvaries - trouble, suffering
- Calvary - trouble, suffering
- Calves - leg between knee and ankle
- Calyces - whorl on flower
- Calyx - whorl on flower
- Calyxes - whorl on flower
- Cam - crooked, askew
- Camaraderies - friendship
- Camarillas - unofficial advisers
- Camber - angle, slope
- Cambered - curve
- Cambering - curve
- Cambers - angle, slope
- Cambric - fabric
- Cambrics - fabric
- Camcorder - photographic equipment
- Camcorders - photographic equipment
- Came - advance, approach
- Camel - light brown color
- Camels - light brown color
- Cameos - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Camera - photographic equipment
- Camerae - photographic equipment
- Cameraperson - photographers
- Camerapersons - photographers
- Cameras - photographic equipment
- Camion - vehicle
- Camions - vehicle
- Camisole - nightgown
- Camisoles - nightgown
- Camouflage - disguise
- Camouflaged - masked
- Camouflages - disguise
- Camouflaging - disguise
- Camp - consciously affecting the unfashionable, weird, or bizarre
- Campaigned - attempt to win; attack
- Campaigner - reformer
- Campaigners - reformer
- Campaigning - attempt to win political election
- Campaigns - attempt to win; attack
- Campanile - tower; part of tower
- Campaniles - tower; part of tower
- Campanili - tower; part of tower
- Campanologies - bell ringing
- Campanology - bell ringing
- Camper - mobile home
- Campers - mobile home
- Campest - consciously affecting the unfashionable, weird, or bizarre
- Campfire - site for outdoor living
- Campfires - site for outdoor living
- Campground - site for outdoor living
- Campgrounds - site for outdoor living
- Campier - easily made fun of
- Campiest - easily made fun of
- Campo - meadow
- Campos - meadow
- Camps - consciously affecting the unfashionable, weird, or bizarre
- Campsite - place for trailers
- Campsites - place for trailers
- Campus - school grounds
- Campuses - school grounds
- Campy - easily made fun of
- Can - container, usually metallic
- Canailles - mob
- Canal - waterway
- Canals - waterway
- Canape - tiny sample
- Canapes - tiny sample
- Canard - lie
- Canards - lie
- Canaried - carry a tune with one's voice
- Canaries - person who delivers news
- Canary - sandy color
- Canarying - carry a tune with one's voice
- Canasta - game depending on luck
- Canastas - game depending on luck
- Cancel - call off; erase
- Canceled - call off; erase
- Canceling - call off; erase
- Cancellation - calling off; erasure
- Cancellations - calling off; erasure
- Cancelled - call off; erase
- Cancelling - call off; erase
- Cancels - call off; erase
- Cancer - malignant growth
- Cancerous - malignant
- Cancers - malignant growth
- Cancroid - tumor
- Cancroids - tumor
- Candelabra - holder for candles
- Candelabras - holder for candles
- Candelabrum - holder for candles
- Candelabrums - holder for candles
- Candescence - gloss, shine
- Candescences - gloss, shine
- Candescent - shining
- Candid - honest
- Candidacies - willingness
- Candidacy - willingness
- Candidate - person desiring political office, job
- Candidates - person desiring political office, job
- Candidateship - willingness
- Candidateships - willingness
- Candidature - grassroots campaign
- Candidatures - grassroots campaign
- Candidly - frankly
- Candidness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Candidnesses - harmlessness, naiveté
- Candied - sugary
- Candies - confection
- Candle - taper
- Candled - examine closely
- Candleholder - light hanging from ceiling
- Candleholders - light hanging from ceiling
- Candlepins - tenpins
- Candles - taper
- Candlestick - holder for candles
- Candlesticks - holder for candles
- Candling - examine closely
- Candors - complete honesty
- Candy - confection
- Candying - make or become harder
- Cane - stick to aid walking of disabled
- Caned - beat, punish, often physically
- Canes - stick to aid walking of disabled
- Canine - dog
- Canines - dog
- Caning - beating
- Canings - beating
- Canister - container, cauldron
- Canisters - container, cauldron
- Canker - blistered infection
- Cankered - blistered infection
- Cankering - blistered infection
- Cankerous - ulcerative
- Cankers - blistered infection
- Cannabis - marijuana
- Cannabises - marijuana
- Canned - preserved
- Cannibal - beast, beastlike human
- Cannibalistic - man-eating
- Cannibalize - salvage
- Cannibalized - salvage
- Cannibalizes - salvage
- Cannibalizing - salvage
- Cannibals - beast, beastlike human
- Cannier - clever, artful
- Canniest - clever, artful
- Cannikin - container, usually metallic
- Cannikins - container, usually metallic
- Cannily - egotistically
- Canniness - cunning
- Canninesses - cunning
- Canning - preserving
- Cannings - preserving
- Cannoli - cream-filled pastry
- Cannolis - cream-filled pastry
- Cannon - large gun
- Cannonade - barrage
- Cannonaded - thunder, reverberate
- Cannonades - barrage
- Cannonading - shot
- Cannonball - communication, often written
- Cannonballs - communication, often written
- Cannoneer - shooter of gun
- Cannoneers - shooter of gun
- Cannonries - weaponry or military unit
- Cannonry - weaponry or military unit
- Cannons - large gun
- Cannula - hose
- Cannulae - hose
- Cannulas - hose
- Canny - clever, artful
- Canoe - light, paddled boat
- Canoeing - travel, recreation in water
- Canoeings - travel, recreation in water
- Canoes - light, paddled boat
- Canon - rule, edict
- Canoness - woman in religious order
- Canonesses - woman in religious order
- Canonic - concerning ancient culture
- Canonical - accepted, recognized
- Canonicate - clergy
- Canonicates - clergy
- Canonist - person who has faith in something
- Canonists - person who has faith in something
- Canonization - authorization, consent
- Canonizations - authorization, consent
- Canonize - sanctify; idolize
- Canonized - sanctify; idolize
- Canonizes - sanctify; idolize
- Canonizing - sanctify; idolize
- Canonries - clergy
- Canonry - clergy
- Canons - rule, edict
- Canoodle - to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and kissing
- Canoodled - neck
- Canoodles - neck
- Canoodling - kissing
- Canopied - wrap, hide
- Canopies - overhanging covering
- Canopy - overhanging covering
- Canopying - wrap, hide
- Cans - container, usually metallic
- Canst - container, usually metallic
- Cant - hypocritical statement
- Cantaloupe - muskmelon
- Cantaloupes - muskmelon
- Cantatas - written or musical creation
- Canted - lean, slant
- Canteen - portable kitchen
- Canteens - portable kitchen
- Canter - jog
- Cantered - jog
- Cantering - jog
- Canters - jog
- Canticle - song of praise
- Canticles - song of praise
- Cantilever - length of material used as support
- Cantilevers - length of material used as support
- Cantillate - carry a tune with one's voice
- Cantillated - carry a tune with one's voice
- Cantillates - carry a tune with one's voice
- Cantillating - carry a tune with one's voice
- Cantina - place for buying snacks
- Cantinas - place for buying snacks
- Canting - hypocritical
- Cantlet - tiny piece
- Cantlets - tiny piece
- Canton - district
- Cantoned - stay at temporary residence
- Cantoning - stay at temporary residence
- Cantonment - place to live or sleep
- Cantonments - place to live or sleep
- Cantons - district
- Cantor - church leader
- Cantors - church leader
- Cants - hypocritical statement
- Canvas - coarse material
- Canvases - coarse material
- Canvass - poll; discuss issues
- Canvassed - poll; discuss issues
- Canvasser - polltaker
- Canvassers - polltaker
- Canvasses - poll; discuss issues
- Canvassing - poll; discuss issues
- Canvassings - grassroots campaign
- Canyon - gulf in mountain area
- Canyons - gulf in mountain area
- Canzonet - joyful hymn
- Canzonets - joyful hymn
- Cap - small hat
- Capabilities - ability to perform
- Capability - ability to perform
- Capableness - maturity, trustworthiness
- Capablenesses - maturity, trustworthiness
- Capably - efficiently
- Capaciously - fully, sufficiently
- Capaciousness - spaciousness
- Capaciousnesses - spaciousness
- Capacitate - make or become ready, prepared
- Capacitated - make or become ready, prepared
- Capacitates - make or become ready, prepared
- Capacitating - make or become ready, prepared
- Capacities - volume; limit of volume held
- Capacity - volume; limit of volume held
- Caparison - gear
- Caparisoned - dress up
- Caparisoning - dress up
- Caparisons - gear
- Cape - promontory into water
- Caper - antic, lark
- Capered - frolic, cavort
- Capering - antic, lark
- Capers - antic, lark
- Capes - promontory into water
- Capiche - understand
- Capillaceous - like a thread
- Capillaries - blood vessel
- Capillary - blood vessel
- Capital - main, essential
- Capitalism - economic system of private ownership
- Capitalisms - economic system of private ownership
- Capitalist - person engaged in private ownership of business
- Capitalists - person engaged in private ownership of business
- Capitalization - capital
- Capitalizations - capital
- Capitalize - benefit from situation
- Capitalized - benefit from situation
- Capitalizes - benefit from situation
- Capitalizing - benefit from situation
- Capitally - happily, pleasantly; capably
- Capitals - main, essential
- Capitation - charge levied by government on property, income
- Capitations - charge levied by government on property, income
- Capitol - building or buildings housing chief governmental offices
- Capitols - building or buildings housing chief governmental offices
- Capitula - top part of an animate body
- Capitulated - give in
- Capitulates - give in
- Capitulating - give in
- Capitulation - giving in
- Capitulations - giving in
- Capitulum - top part of an animate body
- Capon - domesticated bird
- Caponize - remove sexual organs
- Caponized - remove sexual organs
- Caponizes - remove sexual organs
- Caponizing - remove sexual organs
- Capons - domesticated bird
- Capote - cloak
- Capotes - cloak
- Capped - outdo a performance
- Capper - top
- Cappers - top
- Capping - outdo a performance
- Cappuccino - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Cappuccinos - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Capricci - rhapsody
- Capriccio - rhapsody
- Capriccios - rhapsody
- Caprice - sudden change of behavior
- Caprices - sudden change of behavior
- Capricious - given to sudden behavior change
- Capriciously - intermittently
- Capriciousness - imbalance, inconstancy
- Capriole - leap
- Caprioles - leap
- Capris - pants that end just below the knee
- Caps - small hat
- Capsize - overturn
- Capsized - upside-down
- Capsizes - overturn
- Capsizing - overturn
- Capstone - maximum, zenith
- Capstones - maximum, zenith
- Capsule - shortened form
- Capsuled - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Capsules - shortened form
- Capsuling - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Capsulize - epitomize
- Capsulized - epitomize
- Capsulizes - epitomize
- Capsulizing - epitomize
- Captain - chief of vehicle, effort
- Captained - be in charge, control
- Captaining - be in charge, control
- Captains - chief of vehicle, effort
- Caption - heading; short description
- Captioned - emphasize; mark
- Captioning - emphasize; mark
- Captions - heading; short description
- Captivate - attract, enchant
- Captivated - attract, enchant
- Captivates - attract, enchant
- Captivating - attract, enchant
- Captivation - total attention toward something
- Captivations - total attention toward something
- Captive - physically held by force
- Captives - physically held by force
- Captivities - physical detention by force
- Captivity - physical detention by force
- Captor - one who has captured a person or thing
- Captors - one who has captured a person or thing
- Capture - catching, forceful holding
- Captured - catch and forcefully hold
- Captures - catching, forceful holding
- Capturing - catch and forcefully hold
- Capuche - covering worn over the head
- Capuches - covering worn over the head
- Capuchin - covering worn over the head
- Capuchins - covering worn over the head
- Car - vehicle driven on streets
- Carabiniere - officer of the law
- Carabinieri - officer of the law
- Caracal - large cat
- Caracals - large cat
- Caracole - frolic, prance
- Caracoled - frolic, prance
- Caracoles - frolic, prance
- Caracoling - frolic, prance
- Carafe - container for liquid
- Carafes - container for liquid
- Caramel - dark yellow
- Caramels - candy
- Carapace - structure; covering
- Carapaces - structure; covering
- Carat - best
- Caravan - group traveling together
- Caravans - group traveling together
- Caravansaries - hostel
- Caravansary - hostel
- Carbine - gun
- Carbines - gun
- Carbohydrate - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Carbohydrates - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Carbon - element
- Carbonated - sparkling
- Carbonize - scorch, sear
- Carbonized - scorch, sear
- Carbonizes - scorch, sear
- Carbonizing - scorch, sear
- Carbons - element
- Carbuncle - abscess
- Carbuncles - abscess
- Carcanet - chain
- Carcanets - chain
- Carcase - dead body; framework, base structure
- Carcases - dead body; framework, base structure
- Carcass - dead body
- Carcasses - dead body; framework, base structure
- Carcinogen - cancer-causing agent
- Carcinogenic - malignant
- Carcinogens - cancer-causing agent
- Carcinoma - abnormal growth in animate being
- Carcinomas - abnormal growth in animate being
- Carcinomata - abnormal growth in animate being
- Card - piece of paper, often with purposeful writing
- Cardboard - thin, flimsy
- Cardboards - piece of paper, often with purposeful writing
- Carded - signify, display
- Cardialgia - burning sensation
- Cardialgias - burning sensation
- Cardinal - important, key
- Cardinalate - clergy
- Cardinalates - clergy
- Cardinally - inevitably, certainly
- Cardinals - unit of the mathematical system
- Carding - signify, display
- Cards - piece of paper, often with purposeful writing
- Cardsharp - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Cardsharper - person who steals
- Cardsharpers - person who steals
- Cardsharps - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Care - personal interest, concern
- Cared - tend to
- Careen - tilt; move wildly down path
- Careened - tilt; move wildly down path
- Careening - tilt; move wildly down path
- Careens - tilt; move wildly down path
- Career - course, path
- Careered - beat; throw hard
- Careering - beat; throw hard
- Careers - course, path
- Carefree - lighthearted, untroubled
- Carefreeness - gaiety
- Carefreenesses - gaiety
- Careful - cautious; painstaking
- Carefully - cautiously; painstakingly
- Carefulness - caution
- Carefulnesses - caution
- Caregiver - person caring for child
- Caregivers - person caring for child
- Careless - without sufficient attention
- Carelessly - heedlessly
- Carelessness - unconcern
- Carelessnesses - unconcern
- Cares - personal interest, concern
- Caress - loving touch
- Caressed - touch lovingly
- Caresses - loving touch
- Caressing - touch lovingly
- Caressings - kissing
- Caret - typographical symbol
- Caretaker - person who maintains something
- Caretakers - person who maintains something
- Caretaking - caring
- Carets - typographical symbol
- Careworn - haggard
- Cargo - baggage; something to be delivered
- Cargoes - baggage; something to be delivered
- Cargos - baggage; something to be delivered
- Carhop - server
- Carhops - server
- Caricatural - farcical
- Caricature - exaggerated description in writing, drawing
- Caricatured - increased
- Caricatures - exaggerated description in writing, drawing
- Caricaturing - ridicule, make fun of
- Caricaturist - person who imitates
- Caricaturists - person who imitates
- Caries - decay of a tooth
- Carillon - set of bells
- Carillons - set of bells
- Caring - tend to
- Carings - idea, concept
- Cariosities - decay of a tooth
- Cariosity - decay of a tooth
- Carious - rotten, strong-smelling
- Caritas - kindness, compassion
- Caritases - kindness, compassion
- Carjack - seize control
- Carjacked - seize control
- Carjacker - abductor
- Carjackers - abductor
- Carjacking - seize control
- Carjacks - seize control
- Carking - troublesome
- Carmine - red
- Carmines - red
- Carnage - massacre
- Carnages - massacre
- Carnal - erotic, sensual
- Carnalities - sensuality
- Carnality - sensuality
- Carnassial - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Carnassials - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Carnies - outdoor celebration
- Carnival - outdoor celebration
- Carnivalesque - decorated, celebratory
- Carnivals - outdoor celebration
- Carnivore - hunter, killer
- Carnivores - hunter, killer
- Carnivorous - eating animal flesh
- Carny - outdoor celebration
- Carol - joyful hymn
- Caroled - carry a tune with one's voice
- Caroler - singer
- Carolers - singer
- Caroling - carry a tune with one's voice
- Carolled - carry a tune with one's voice
- Carolling - carry a tune with one's voice
- Carols - joyful hymn
- Carom - bounce
- Caromed - bounce
- Caroming - bounce
- Caroms - bounce
- Carousal - debauchery
- Carousals - debauchery
- Carouse - make merry, often with liquor
- Caroused - make merry, often with liquor
- Carousel - merry-go-round
- Carousels - merry-go-round
- Carouser - drunk
- Carousers - drunk
- Carouses - make merry, often with liquor
- Carousing - make merry, often with liquor
- Carousings - social gathering
- Carped - nag
- Carpenter - person who works with wood
- Carpentered - made of wood
- Carpentering - construct structure
- Carpenters - person who works with wood
- Carper - critic
- Carpers - critic
- Carpetbagger - vacillator
- Carpetbaggers - vacillator
- Carpeted - plentifully bestrewn
- Carpeting - carpet
- Carpetings - carpet
- Carpets - nappy floor covering
- Carping - complaining
- Carpings - verbal disapproval
- Carpooling - shared driving arrangements
- Carpoolings - shared driving arrangements
- Carport - storage building for vehicles, workplace
- Carports - storage building for vehicles, workplace
- Carps - nag
- Carrel - compartment
- Carrels - compartment
- Carriage - delivery of freight
- Carriageable - easily transported
- Carriages - delivery of freight
- Carried - transported
- Carrier - one who carries or transmits something
- Carriers - one who carries or transmits something
- Carries - transport physical object
- Carrion - decaying flesh
- Carrions - decaying flesh
- Carrot - lure, inducement
- Carrots - lure, inducement
- Carry - transport physical object
- Carryall - backpack
- Carryalls - backpack
- Carrying - transport physical object
- Carryon - bag, suitcase
- Carryons - bag, suitcase
- Carryout - food, often taken by several individuals
- Carryouts - food, often taken by several individuals
- Carryover - balance, residue
- Carryovers - balance, residue
- Cars - vehicle driven on streets
- Cart - small attachment for transporting
- Cartable - easily transported
- Cartage - coming and going
- Cartages - coming and going
- Carte - list from which to choose, often to choose food
- Carted - small attachment for transporting
- Cartel - group which shares business interest
- Cartels - group which shares business interest
- Cartes - list from which to choose, often to choose food
- Cartilage - piece of animate skeleton
- Cartilages - piece of animate skeleton
- Carting - small attachment for transporting
- Cartographer - civil engineer
- Cartographers - civil engineer
- Cartographies - the earth's features; study of land
- Cartography - the earth's features; study of land
- Carton - box for holding items
- Cartons - box for holding items
- Cartoon - funny drawing, often with dialogue or caption
- Cartooned - make contemptuous fun of something or someone
- Cartooning - make contemptuous fun of something or someone
- Cartoonist - person who draws cartoons
- Cartoonists - person who draws cartoons
- Cartoons - funny drawing, often with dialogue or caption
- Cartouche - cylindrical object
- Cartouches - cylindrical object
- Cartridge - shell
- Cartridges - shell
- Carts - small attachment for transporting
- Cartularies - document
- Cartulary - document
- Caruncle - small swelling on the skin
- Caruncles - small swelling on the skin
- Carve - cut carefully with sharp instrument
- Carved - incised
- Carven - incised
- Carver - graver
- Carvers - graver
- Carves - cut carefully with sharp instrument
- Carving - cut carefully with sharp instrument
- Carvings - cut, slit
- Caryatid - pillar
- Caryatides - pillar
- Caryatids - pillar
- Caryopses - seed of fruit, vegetable
- Caryopsides - seed of fruit, vegetable
- Caryopsis - seed of fruit, vegetable
- Casa - building or place where one resides
- Casaba - fruit
- Casabas - fruit
- Casas - building or place where one resides
- Cascade - something falling, especially water
- Cascaded - something falling, especially water
- Cascades - something falling, especially water
- Cascading - fall in a rush
- Case - container; items in container
- Caseation - clotting
- Caseations - clotting
- Cased - container; items in container
- Casement - band
- Casements - band
- Cases - container; items in container
- Casework - social work
- Caseworks - social work
- Cash - money; assets
- Cashable - made negotiable
- Cashbox - machine recording sales
- Cashboxes - machine recording sales
- Cashed - money; assets
- Cashes - money; assets
- Cashier - bank worker
- Cashiered - bank worker
- Cashiering - bank worker
- Cashiers - bank worker
- Cashing - money; assets
- Cashmere - fabric
- Cashmeres - fabric
- Casing - covering
- Casings - covering
- Casino - gambling establishment
- Casinos - gambling establishment
- Cask - rounded container for liquids
- Casket - burial box
- Caskets - burial box
- Casks - rounded container for liquids
- Casserole - dish consisting of a combination of cooked food
- Casseroles - dish consisting of a combination of cooked food
- Cassette - cartridge
- Cassettes - cartridge
- Cassock - minister
- Cassocks - minister
- Cassonade - sweet substance
- Cassonades - sweet substance
- Cast - a throw to the side
- Castaway - shipwrecked person
- Castaways - shipwrecked person
- Caste - social class
- Caster - circle, revolution
- Casters - circle, revolution
- Castes - social class
- Castigated - criticize severely
- Castigates - criticize severely
- Castigating - criticize severely
- Castigations - punishment
- Castigator - critic
- Castigators - critic
- Casting - throw aside
- Castings - production of processed goods
- Castle - magnificent home, often for royalty
- Castled - trade
- Castles - magnificent home, often for royalty
- Castling - trade; deal
- Castlings - trade; deal
- Castoff - obsolete, outdated
- Castoffs - tiny bit of something
- Castrate - remove sexual organs
- Castrated - emasculated
- Castrates - remove sexual organs
- Castrating - remove sexual organs
- Castration - emasculation
- Castrations - emasculation
- Casts - a throw to the side
- Casual - chance, random
- Casually - accidentally
- Casualness - ease
- Casualnesses - ease
- Casuals - apparel
- Casualties - accident
- Casualty - accident
- Casuist - hypocrite
- Casuistic - misleading
- Casuistical - deceptive, confusing
- Casuistries - overgeneral reasoning
- Casuists - hypocrite
- Cat - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Catabolic - reverting
- Catabolism - absorption
- Catabolisms - absorption
- Catachrestic - unable to read well; lacking education
- Cataclysm - disaster
- Cataclysmal - destructive
- Cataclysmic - destructive
- Cataclysms - disaster
- Catacomb - underground tunnel
- Catacombs - underground tunnel
- Catafalque - coffin
- Catafalques - coffin
- Catalepsies - hypnotic state
- Catalepsy - hypnotic state
- Catalog - directory
- Cataloged - written
- Cataloger - person in charge of a library
- Catalogers - person in charge of a library
- Catalogic - excessive in language
- Cataloging - the act of registering
- Catalogs - written or printed matter featuring a selection of objects
- Catalogue - document
- Catalogued - arranged, systematized
- Catalogues - written or printed matter featuring a selection of objects
- Cataloguing - categorization
- Catalyst - something which incites activity
- Catalysts - something which incites activity
- Catalyze - ready for action, movement
- Catalyzed - ready for action, movement
- Catalyzes - ready for action, movement
- Catalyzing - ready for action, movement
- Catamaran - vessel
- Catamarans - vessel
- Catamenia - monthly women's state
- Catamount - large cat
- Catamounts - large cat
- Cataplasm - bandage
- Cataplasms - bandage
- Catapult - implement for shooting weapon
- Catapulted - send off
- Catapulting - send off
- Catapults - implement for shooting weapon
- Cataract - waterfall
- Cataracts - waterfall
- Catarrh - communicable disease
- Catarrhs - communicable disease
- Catastrophe - calamity; unhappy conclusion
- Catastrophes - calamity; unhappy conclusion
- Catastrophic - destructive
- Catatonia - hypnotic state
- Catatonias - hypnotic state
- Catcall - heckle
- Catcalled - decry
- Catcalling - decry
- Catcalls - heckle
- Catch - fastener
- Catchall - all-encompassing, all-embracing
- Catches - fastener
- Catchier - captivating, addictive
- Catchiest - captivating, addictive
- Catching - contagious (disease)
- Catchings - profit
- Catchline - popular saying
- Catchlines - popular saying
- Catchpenny - cheap, worth very little
- Catchphrase - motto
- Catchphrases - motto
- Catchpole - server of summons
- Catchpoles - server of summons
- Catchword - motto
- Catchwords - motto
- Catchy - captivating, addictive
- Catechism - test
- Catechisms - test
- Catechistic - wondering, curious
- Catechization - test
- Catechizations - test
- Catechize - instruct and question
- Catechized - instruct and question
- Catechizes - instruct and question
- Catechizing - instruct and question
- Catechizings - asking; looking into
- Catechumen - person who receives education
- Catechumens - person who receives education
- Categorical - explicit, unconditional
- Categorically - certainly, without question
- Categories - classification, type
- Categorization - classification
- Categorizations - classification
- Categorize - sort by type, classification
- Categorized - sort by type, classification
- Categorizes - sort by type, classification
- Categorizing - sort by type, classification
- Category - classification, type
- Catena - succession, series
- Catenae - succession, series
- Catenaries - arched, rounded line or object
- Catenary - arched, rounded line or object
- Catenate - trail, pursue physically
- Catenated - trail, pursue physically
- Catenates - trail, pursue physically
- Catenating - trail, pursue physically
- Catenation - series, order
- Catenations - series, order
- Cater - provide, help
- Catercorner - cornerways
- Catercornered - slanting; at an angle
- Catered - provide, help
- Catering - provide, help
- Caterings - supplies, supplying
- Caterpillar - worm
- Caterpillars - worm
- Caters - provide, help
- Caterwauled - make screeching, crying noise
- Caterwauling - make screeching, crying noise
- Caterwaulings - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Caterwauls - make screeching, crying noise
- Catfight - disagreement
- Catfights - disagreement
- Catharses - purging, purification
- Catharsis - purging, purification
- Cathartic - purging
- Cathartical - purging
- Cathartics - aperient
- Cathedra - chair of royalty
- Cathedrae - chair of royalty
- Cathedral - large church
- Cathedrals - large church
- Catheterize - remove liquid; remove supply
- Catheterized - remove liquid; remove supply
- Catheterizes - remove liquid; remove supply
- Catheterizing - remove liquid; remove supply
- Cathodic - photoelectric
- Catholic - all-embracing, general
- Catholicism - religion of catholic church
- Catholicisms - religion of catholic church
- Catholicity - religion of catholic church
- Catholicon - cure-all, often ineffective
- Catholicons - cure-all, often ineffective
- Cathouse - brothel
- Cathouses - brothel
- Catlike - like a cat
- Catnap - nap
- Catnapped - take a short, light sleep
- Catnapping - take a short, light sleep
- Catnaps - nap
- Catoptrics - light transmitted through fibers
- Cats - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Catspaw - breeze from the sea
- Catspaws - pawn
- Catsup - flavoring
- Catsups - flavoring
- Catted - delve into; hollow out
- Cattier - nasty, malicious
- Cattiest - nasty, malicious
- Cattiness - hateful talk
- Cattinesses - hateful talk
- Catting - delve into; hollow out
- Cattish - spiteful
- Cattle - bovine animals
- Cattleman - shepherd
- Cattlemen - shepherd
- Catty - nasty, malicious
- Catwalk - walkway
- Catwalks - walkway
- Caucus - group gathered to make decision
- Caucuses - group gathered to make decision
- Caudal - posterior
- Caudate - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Caudates - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Caught - taken
- Cauldron - metal pot
- Cauldrons - metal pot
- Caulk - secure, usually with a length of material
- Caulked - secure, usually with a length of material
- Caulking - the act of insulating
- Caulkings - the act of insulating
- Caulks - secure, usually with a length of material
- Causal - fresh, new
- Causalities - cause, basis
- Causality - cause, basis
- Causation - cause, basis
- Causations - cause, basis
- Causative - creative
- Cause - agent, originator
- Caused - bring into being; bring about
- Causeless - unnecessary, groundless
- Causerie - conversation
- Causeries - conversation
- Causes - agent, originator
- Causeway - dike
- Causeways - dike
- Causing - bring into being; bring about
- Caustic - burning, corrosive
- Caustically - scornfully
- Causticities - sarcasm
- Causticity - sarcasm
- Causticness - mocking remark
- Causticnesses - mocking remark
- Cauterize - disinfect by burning
- Cauterized - disinfect by burning
- Cauterizes - disinfect by burning
- Cauterizing - disinfect by burning
- Caution - alertness, carefulness
- Cautionary - giving warning
- Cautioned - warn, advise
- Cautioning - alertness, carefulness
- Cautions - alertness, carefulness
- Cautious - careful, guarded
- Cautiously - tentatively
- Cautiousness - carefulness
- Cautiousnesses - carefulness
- Cavalcade - parade
- Cavalcades - parade
- Cavalier - arrogant
- Cavaliers - person who desires another
- Cavalries - troops riding horses
- Cavalry - troops riding horses
- Cavalryman - rider
- Cavalrymen - rider
- Cave - hole in land formation
- Caveat - warning
- Caveats - warning
- Caved - comply, endure
- Caveman - manlike
- Cavemen - stone age man
- Cavern - hollow in land formation
- Cavernous - hollow and large
- Caverns - hollow in land formation
- Caves - hole in land formation
- Caviar - fish eggs
- Caviars - fish eggs
- Cavies - experimental subject
- Caviled - quibble
- Caviler - critic
- Cavilers - critic
- Caviling - quibble
- Cavilled - quibble
- Caviller - critic
- Cavillers - critic
- Cavilling - quibble
- Cavils - quibble
- Caving - comply, endure
- Cavities - sunken or decayed area
- Cavity - sunken or decayed area
- Cavorted - frolic, prance
- Cavorting - frolic, prance
- Cavorts - frolic, prance
- Cavy - experimental subject
- Caw - calling out; yelling
- Cawed - make high-pitched, animal-like sound
- Cawing - make high-pitched, animal-like sound
- Caws - calling out; yelling
- Cay - small island
- Cays - small island
- Cayuse - horse
- Cayuses - horse
- Cease - stop, conclude
- Ceased - stop, conclude
- Ceasefire - peace-establishing agreement
- Ceasefires - stop in fighting
- Ceaseless - never-ending
- Ceaselessly - neverending
- Ceaselessness - endlessness
- Ceaselessnesses - endlessness
- Ceases - stop, conclude
- Ceasing - stop, conclude
- Ceasings - staying
- Cedar - tree
- Cedars - tree
- Cede - abandon, surrender
- Ceded - abandon, surrender
- Ceder - coward
- Ceders - coward
- Cedes - abandon, surrender
- Ceding - abandon, surrender
- Ceil - put covering inside object
- Ceiled - interlined
- Ceiling - top of a room
- Ceilings - top of a room
- Ceils - put covering inside object
- Celeb - famous, eminent
- Celebrated - distinguished, famous
- Celebrates - commemorate occasion, achievement
- Celebrating - commemorate occasion, achievement
- Celebrations - commemoration of occasion, achievement
- Celebrative - commemorative
- Celebratory - successful
- Celebrities - dignitary
- Celebrity - dignitary
- Celebs - very important person
- Celerities - swiftness
- Celestial - heavenly
- Celestially - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Celestials - god, worshiped being
- Celiac - pertaining to
- Celibacies - abstinence from sexual activity
- Celibacy - abstinence from sexual activity
- Celibate - abstaining from sexual activity
- Celibates - unmarried man or woman
- Cell - smallest living organism
- Cellar - underground story of building
- Cellarette - furniture piece
- Cellarettes - furniture piece
- Cellars - underground story of building
- Cellophane - see-through
- Cellophanes - plastic food wrapping
- Cells - smallest living organism
- Cellular - basic, natural
- Cellule - smallest living organism
- Cellules - smallest living organism
- Cellulite - overweight, adipose tissue
- Cellulites - overweight, adipose tissue
- Celluloid - presentation of action on continuous film
- Celluloids - presentation of action on continuous film
- Cellulose - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Celluloses - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Cement - gluing, binding material
- Cementation - agreement
- Cementations - agreement
- Cemented - attach securely, often with sticky material
- Cementing - attach securely, often with sticky material
- Cements - gluing, binding material
- Cemeteries - burial ground
- Cemetery - burial ground
- Cenobite - monastic
- Cenobites - monastic
- Cenotaph - memorial, remembrance
- Cenotaphs - memorial, remembrance
- Censor - forbid; ban; selectively remove
- Censored - forbid; ban; selectively remove
- Censoring - forbid; ban; selectively remove
- Censors - forbid; ban; selectively remove
- Censorship - forbiddance; ban
- Censorships - forbiddance; ban
- Censurable - blameworthy
- Censure - severe criticism
- Censured - condemn; criticize severely
- Censurer - accuser
- Censurers - accuser
- Censures - severe criticism
- Censuring - severe criticism
- Census - head count
- Censused - keep a record; tabulate
- Censuses - head count
- Censusing - keep a record; tabulate
- Cent - insignificant value
- Centaur - giant animal; supernatural being
- Centaurs - giant animal; supernatural being
- Centenary - of one hundred years
- Centennial - at fixed intervals
- Centennials - exposition, carnival
- Center - middle
- Centered - concentrate, draw together
- Centerfold - beautiful, magnificent
- Centerfolds - sexy girl
- Centering - concentrate, draw together
- Centerings - consolidation of effort
- Centerpiece - highlight
- Centerpieces - highlight
- Centers - middle point
- Centipede - pest
- Centipedes - pest
- Cento - nonsense verse
- Centos - nonsense verse
- Centra - middle point
- Central - main, principal; in the middle
- Centralities - proportion
- Centrality - proportion
- Centralization - consolidation
- Centralizations - consolidation
- Centralize - concentrate, draw toward a point
- Centralized - concentrate, draw toward a point
- Centralizes - concentrate, draw toward a point
- Centralizing - concentrate, draw toward a point
- Centrally - in the middle
- Centrals - middle
- Centric - main, principal; in the middle
- Centrifugal - radiating from a central point
- Centriole - middle point
- Centrioles - middle point
- Centripetal - unifying
- Centrism - neutral ground
- Centrisms - neutral ground
- Centroidal - main, principal; in the middle
- Centrum - middle point
- Centrums - middle point
- Cents - insignificant value
- Centuplicate - pertaining to 100
- Centurial - of one hundred years
- Centuries - point in time; particular day or time
- Centurion - person in law enforcement
- Centurions - person in law enforcement
- Century - of one hundred years
- Cephalalgia - migraine
- Cephalalgias - migraine
- Ceraceous - containing wax
- Ceramic - pottery
- Ceramics - pottery
- Cerate - cream for treatment
- Cerates - cream for treatment
- Cercopithecoid - order of mammals
- Cercopithecoids - order of mammals
- Cereal - edible grain
- Cereals - edible grain
- Cerebella - mind, intelligence
- Cerebellum - mind, intelligence
- Cerebellums - mind, intelligence
- Cerebra - mind, intelligence
- Cerebral - using one's brain
- Cerebrate - think
- Cerebrated - think
- Cerebrates - think
- Cerebrating - think
- Cerebration - thought
- Cerebrations - thought
- Cerebrum - mind, intelligence
- Cerebrums - mind, intelligence
- Cerecloth - covering
- Cerecloths - covering
- Cerement - covering
- Cerements - covering
- Ceremonial - ritual, formal
- Ceremonials - worship, ceremony
- Ceremonies - ritual; celebratory observation
- Ceremonious - ritual, formal
- Ceremoniously - in an official manner
- Ceremoniousness - ceremony
- Ceremony - ritual; celebratory observation
- Cerise - bright red color
- Cerises - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Cernuous - drooping
- Cert - without doubt
- Certain - confident
- Certainly - without doubt
- Certainties - positive assurance
- Certainty - positive assurance
- Certifiable - mentally deranged
- Certificate - authorizing document
- Certificates - authorizing document
- Certification - assignment of responsibility
- Certifications - assignment of responsibility
- Certified - declare as true
- Certifier - notary public
- Certifiers - notary public
- Certifies - declare as true
- Certify - declare as true
- Certifying - declare as true
- Certitude - sureness
- Certitudes - sureness
- Certs - certain thing
- Cerulean - purplish blue
- Cervices - narrow connector
- Cervix - narrow connector
- Cervixes - narrow connector
- Cesarean - surgical fetus delivery
- Cesareans - surgical fetus delivery
- Cespitose - feathery
- Cessation - ending
- Cessations - ending
- Cesspit - system for sewage disposal
- Cesspits - system for sewage disposal
- Cesspool - pit
- Cesspools - pit
- Cetacean - aquatic mammal
- Cetaceans - aquatic mammal
- Cete - aquatic mammal
- Cetes - aquatic mammal
- Chablis - wine from light-colored grapes
- Chacma - ape
- Chacmas - ape
- Chafe - rub, grind against
- Chafed - rub, grind against
- Chafes - rub, grind against
- Chaff - waste
- Chaffed - joke, ridicule
- Chaffer - converse
- Chaffered - converse
- Chaffering - converse
- Chaffers - converse
- Chaffing - waste
- Chaffings - ridicule intended to expose truth
- Chaffs - waste
- Chafing - rub, grind against
- Chagrin - displeasure
- Chagrined - cause displeasure
- Chagrining - displeasure
- Chagrinned - displeasure
- Chagrinning - displeasure
- Chagrins - displeasure
- Chain - succession, series
- Chained - manacle in metal
- Chainer - repeating
- Chaining - succession, series
- Chains - succession, series
- Chair - single-seat furniture
- Chaired - mediate, arbitrate
- Chairing - mediate, arbitrate
- Chairman - authority
- Chairmen - authority
- Chairperson - person in charge of proceedings
- Chairpersons - person in charge of proceedings
- Chairs - single-seat furniture
- Chairwoman - authority
- Chairwomen - authority
- Chaise - furniture for sleeping
- Chaises - furniture for sleeping
- Chalet - cottage
- Chalets - cottage
- Chalice - grail
- Chalices - grail
- Chalk - liquid produced by mammals
- Chalked - blemish, stain
- Chalkier - blanched
- Chalkiest - blanched
- Chalking - blemish, stain
- Chalks - liquid produced by mammals
- Chalky - blanched
- Challenge - dispute, question
- Challenged - dispute, question
- Challenger - contestant
- Challengers - contestant
- Challenges - dispute, question
- Challenging - dispute, question
- Chamber - small compartment, room
- Chambered - hollow and large
- Chambering - provide safety, cover
- Chamberlain - manager
- Chamberlains - manager
- Chambermaid - servant
- Chambermaids - servant
- Chambers - small compartment, room
- Chameleon - inconstant person
- Chameleons - inconstant person
- Chamfered - slanted
- Chammies - fabric
- Chammy - fabric
- Chamois - fabric
- Chamoix - fabric
- Champ - chew
- Champagne - sparkling wine
- Champagnes - sparkling wine
- Champaign - level land
- Champaigns - level land
- Champed - chew
- Champer - superlative
- Champing - chew
- Champion - best, excellent
- Championed - advocate, support
- Championing - advocate, support
- Champions - defeater in competition; preeminent supporter
- Championship - contest for ultimate victor
- Championships - contest for ultimate victor
- Champs - chew
- Chance - accidental, unforeseeable
- Chanced - accidental, unforeseeable
- Chancel - church; holiest room or area in religious building
- Chancellor - person who arbitrates
- Chancellors - person who arbitrates
- Chancels - church; holiest room or area in religious building
- Chancer - accidental, unforeseeable
- Chances - possibility, probability
- Chancier - dangerous, risky
- Chanciest - dangerous, risky
- Chancily - dangerously
- Chanciness - difficulty
- Chancinesses - difficulty
- Chancing - accidental, unforeseeable
- Chancroid - disease given through sexual relations
- Chancroids - disease given through sexual relations
- Chancy - dangerous, risky
- Chandelier - light hanging from ceiling
- Chandeliers - light hanging from ceiling
- Chandler - dealer
- Chandlers - dealer
- Change - something made different; alteration
- Changeabilities - imbalance, inconstancy
- Changeability - imbalance, inconstancy
- Changeable - erratic
- Changeableness - imbalance, inconstancy
- Changed - exchanged
- Changeful - changeable
- Changeless - permanent
- Changeling - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Changelings - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Changeover - conversion
- Changeovers - conversion
- Changer - dealer
- Changers - dealer
- Changes - something made different; alteration
- Changing - changeful
- Channel - pathway, usually containing water
- Channeled - pathway, usually containing water
- Channeling - direct, guide
- Channelled - direct, guide
- Channeller - person who senses others' thoughts
- Channellers - person who senses others' thoughts
- Channelling - direct, guide
- Channels - pathway, usually containing water
- Chanoyu - serving of tea
- Chanoyus - serving of tea
- Chant - chorus of song
- Chanted - sing simple song or song part
- Chanter - person who can carry a tune
- Chanters - person who can carry a tune
- Chanteuse - person who can carry a tune
- Chanteuses - person who can carry a tune
- Chanticleer - rooster
- Chanticleers - rooster
- Chanting - sing simple song or song part
- Chantings - warbling
- Chantries - church room
- Chantry - church room
- Chants - chorus of song
- Chaologies - theory of randomness
- Chaology - theory of randomness
- Chaos - utter confusion
- Chaoses - utter confusion
- Chaotic - utterly confused
- Chaotically - inarticulately
- Chap - gentleman
- Chaparral - wilderness full of plant and animal life
- Chaparrals - wilderness full of plant and animal life
- Chapeau - hat
- Chapeaus - hat
- Chapeaux - hat
- Chapel - church room
- Chapels - church room
- Chaperon - person who accompanies for supervision
- Chaperone - attendant
- Chaperoned - accompany for supervision
- Chaperones - attendant
- Chaperoning - attendant
- Chaperons - person who accompanies for supervision
- Chapfallen - depressed, troubled
- Chaplain - minister in church
- Chaplains - minister in church
- Chaplet - wreath
- Chaplets - wreath
- Chapped - uneven, irregular
- Chaps - gentleman
- Chapter - section of book or group of items
- Chapters - section of book or group of items
- Char - scorch, sear
- Charabanc - carriage
- Charabancs - carriage
- Character - individuality
- Characterful - full of life, interesting
- Characteristics - typical feature, trait
- Characterize - typify, distinguish
- Characterized - typify, distinguish
- Characterizes - typify, distinguish
- Characterizing - typify, distinguish
- Characterless - dull, uninteresting
- Characters - individuality
- Charade - pretense
- Charades - pretense
- Charcoal - dark, inky
- Charcoaled - cook outside, usually on a grill
- Charcoaling - cook outside, usually on a grill
- Charcoals - remains of burning
- Charcuterie - eatery
- Charcuteries - eatery
- Chard - vegetable
- Chardonnay - wine from light-colored grapes
- Chardonnays - wine from light-colored grapes
- Chards - vegetable
- Charge - accusation
- Chargeable - liable
- Charged - bought but not paid for
- Chargeless - for free
- Charger - plate
- Chargers - plate
- Charges - accusation
- Charging - accuse
- Chargings - stowing
- Charier - careful, cautious
- Chariest - careful, cautious
- Charily - carefully
- Chariness - caution
- Charinesses - caution
- Chariot - machine used for transportation
- Chariots - machine used for transportation
- Charisma - great personal charm
- Charismata - great personal charm
- Charismatic - charming
- Charitable - giving, generous
- Charitableness - benevolence
- Charitably - fairly
- Charities - generosity, gift
- Charlatans - swindler
- Charleston - moving feet and body to music
- Charlestons - moving feet and body to music
- Charm - enchantment, allure
- Charmed - enchanted
- Charmer - seducer
- Charmers - seducer
- Charming - captivating
- Charmingly - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Charms - enchantment, allure
- Charnel - cemetery
- Charnels - cemetery
- Charpoy - small folding bed
- Charpoys - small folding bed
- Charred - scorch, sear
- Charring - scorch, sear
- Chars - scorch, sear
- Chart - map, plan
- Charted - map, plan
- Charter - treaty, agreement
- Chartered - reserve, commission
- Chartering - treaty, agreement
- Charters - treaty, agreement
- Charting - plan, map out
- Chartreuse - emerald in color
- Charts - map, plan
- Charwoman - female who performs housework
- Charwomen - female who performs housework
- Chary - careful, cautious
- Chase - pursuit
- Chased - run after, pursue
- Chaser - innocent
- Chasers - person who has many love affairs
- Chases - pursuit
- Chasing - run after, pursue
- Chasings - carving of letters or design into something
- Chasm - gap, abyss
- Chasmal - hollow and large
- Chasms - gap, abyss
- Chasseur - troops riding horses
- Chasseurs - troops riding horses
- Chassis - framework
- Chaste - pure, incorrupt
- Chastely - in a modest manner
- Chasten - correct, humiliate
- Chastened - correct, humiliate
- Chasteness - refraining; abstinence
- Chastenesses - refraining; abstinence
- Chastening - correct, humiliate
- Chastens - correct, humiliate
- Chaster - pure, incorrupt
- Chastest - pure, incorrupt
- Chastised - scold, discipline
- Chastisement - punishment
- Chastisements - punishment
- Chastises - scold, discipline
- Chastising - scold, discipline
- Chastities - celibacy, purity
- Chastity - celibacy, purity
- Chat - talk, often short
- Chateau - house
- Chateaus - house
- Chateaux - house
- Chatelaine - ladylove
- Chatelaines - ladylove
- Chats - talk, often short
- Chatted - talk, gossip
- Chattel - property
- Chattels - property
- Chatter - constant or rapid talk
- Chatterbox - talkative person
- Chatterboxes - talkative person
- Chattered - speak fast and non-stop
- Chatterer - someone who talks too much
- Chatterers - someone who talks too much
- Chattering - speak fast and non-stop
- Chatters - constant or rapid talk
- Chattery - gossipy
- Chattier - talkative
- Chattiest - talkative
- Chattiness - loquacity
- Chattinesses - loquacity
- Chatting - talk, gossip
- Chatty - talkative
- Chauffeur - driver
- Chauffeured - carry across
- Chauffeuring - carry across
- Chauffeurs - driver
- Chauvin - a warlike person
- Chauvinism - extreme devotion to a belief or nation
- Chauvinisms - extreme devotion to a belief or nation
- Chauvinist - jingo
- Chauvinistic - impatient, prejudiced
- Chauvinists - jingo
- Chauvins - a warlike person
- Chaw - chew
- Chawed - chew
- Chawing - chew
- Chaws - chew
- Cheap - inexpensive
- Cheapen - diminish worth
- Cheapened - diminish worth
- Cheapening - diminish worth
- Cheapens - diminish worth
- Cheaper - inexpensive
- Cheapest - inexpensive
- Cheapness - pettiness
- Cheapnesses - pettiness
- Cheapo - inexpensive
- Cheapskate - miser
- Cheapskates - miser
- Cheat - person who fools others
- Cheated - defrauded
- Cheater - cheat
- Cheaters - cheat
- Cheating - lying
- Cheatings - lying
- Cheats - person who fools others
- Check - inspection, examination
- Checked - inspect, examine
- Checker - examiner
- Checkerboard - system of connections
- Checkerboards - system of connections
- Checkered - patterned
- Checkers - examiner
- Checkier - patterned
- Checkiest - patterned
- Checking - inspect, examine
- Checkings - meddling, impedance
- Checklist - record, tabulation
- Checklists - record, tabulation
- Checkmate - countermove
- Checkmated - countermove
- Checkmates - countermove
- Checkmating - countermove
- Checks - inspection, examination
- Checkup - examination
- Checkups - examination
- Checky - patterned
- Cheddar - petty cash
- Cheddars - petty cash
- Cheek - side of human face
- Cheekier - impudent
- Cheekiest - impudent
- Cheekiness - impudence
- Cheekinesses - impudence
- Cheeks - side of human face
- Cheeky - impudent
- Cheep - vocalize as a bird
- Cheeped - vocalize as a bird
- Cheeping - vocalize as a bird
- Cheeps - vocalize as a bird
- Cheer - happiness
- Cheered - make someone feel happier
- Cheerful - happy
- Cheerfully - cheerily
- Cheerfulness - happiness
- Cheerfulnesses - happiness
- Cheerier - cheerful
- Cheeriest - cheerful
- Cheerily - happily
- Cheeriness - happiness
- Cheerinesses - happiness
- Cheering - encouraging
- Cheerings - clapping and cheers
- Cheerio - have a nice trip
- Cheerios - have a nice trip
- Cheerleader - one who supports and praises
- Cheerleaders - one who supports and praises
- Cheerless - depressing, unhappy
- Cheerlessly - unhappily
- Cheerlessness - unhappiness, depression
- Cheerlessnesses - unhappiness, depression
- Cheers - happiness
- Cheery - cheerful
- Cheese - dignitary
- Cheeseburger - ground beef sandwich
- Cheeseburgers - ground beef sandwich
- Cheesed - lie
- Cheeseparer - stingy person
- Cheeseparers - stingy person
- Cheeses - dignitary
- Cheesier - cheap
- Cheesiest - cheap
- Cheesing - lie
- Cheesy - cheap
- Cheetah - cat
- Cheetahs - cat
- Chef - cook
- Chefs - cook
- Chelonians - reptile
- Chemical - concerned with atom and molecule change
- Chemicals - chemical compound
- Chemise - undergarment
- Chemises - undergarment
- Chemisette - undergarment
- Chemisettes - undergarment
- Chemist - researcher
- Chemistries - arrangement, arranging
- Chemistry - arrangement, arranging
- Chemists - researcher
- Chemotherapies - a destructive agent
- Chemotherapy - a destructive agent
- Cheque - check for paying money
- Cheques - check for paying money
- Cher - attractive
- Cherish - care about deeply
- Cherished - care about deeply
- Cherishes - care about deeply
- Cherishing - care about deeply
- Cheroot - roll of tobacco
- Cheroots - roll of tobacco
- Cherrier - bright red color
- Cherries - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Cherriest - bright red color
- Cherry - bright red color
- Cherrystone - bivalve living in ocean
- Cherrystones - bivalve living in ocean
- Chersonese - promontory into water
- Chersoneses - promontory into water
- Cherub - angel
- Cherubic - angelic
- Cherubical - angelic
- Cherubim - angel
- Cherubs - angel
- Chest - box for storage
- Chesterfield - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Chesterfields - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Chestier - brave, unafraid
- Chestiest - brave, unafraid
- Chestnut - coppery-brown color
- Chestnuts - fun, quip
- Chests - box for storage
- Chesty - brave, unafraid
- Chevalier - gentleman
- Chevaliers - gentleman
- Chew - grind with teeth
- Chewed - grind with teeth
- Chewier - brittle
- Chewiest - brittle
- Chewing - grind with teeth
- Chews - grind with teeth
- Chewy - brittle
- Chi - u.s. city
- Chiaroscuro - dark, covered
- Chic - fashionable
- Chicane - deception, joke
- Chicaned - disagree over minor issues
- Chicaneries - deception, trickery
- Chicanes - deception, joke
- Chicaning - disagree over minor issues
- Chicer - fashionable
- Chicest - fashionable
- Chichi - showy
- Chichis - fashionableness
- Chick - girl
- Chicken - person afraid to try something
- Chickenhearted - cowardly
- Chickens - person afraid to try something
- Chicks - girl
- Chics - trend, fad
- Chid - criticize, lecture
- Chidden - criticize, lecture
- Chided - criticize, lecture
- Chides - criticize, lecture
- Chiding - criticize, lecture
- Chidings - speech of criticism
- Chief - most important, essential
- Chiefer - most important, essential
- Chiefest - most important, essential
- Chiefly - most importantly
- Chiefs - most important, essential
- Chieftain - chief
- Chieftains - chief
- Chiffon - see-through, thin
- Chiffonier - cabinet
- Chiffoniers - cabinet
- Chifforobe - cabinet with drawers
- Chifforobes - cabinet with drawers
- Chignon - hairdo
- Chignons - hairdo
- Child - very young person
- Childbearing - giving birth
- Childbearings - giving birth
- Childbed - birth
- Childbeds - birth
- Childbirth - giving birth
- Childbirths - giving birth
- Childhood - period of being young
- Childhoods - period of being young
- Childing - fertile
- Childish - immature, silly
- Childishness - innocence, gullibility
- Childishnesses - innocence, gullibility
- Childless - barren
- Childlessness - sterility
- Childlessnesses - sterility
- Childlike - innocent, naive
- Children - very young person
- Chiliad - pertaining to 1000
- Chiliadal - having 1000 of something
- Chiliads - pertaining to 1000
- Chiliastic - having 1000 of something
- Chill - cold, raw
- Chilled - make cold
- Chiller - cold, raw
- Chillers - puzzle, secret
- Chillest - cold, raw
- Chillier - cold
- Chillies - freezing
- Chilliest - cold
- Chilliness - cold
- Chillinesses - cold
- Chilling - frightening
- Chillings - cooling
- Chills - cold conditions
- Chilly - cold
- Chime - ring, peal
- Chimed - ring, peal
- Chimera - dream, fantasy
- Chimeras - dream, fantasy
- Chimeric - imaginary
- Chimes - ring, peal
- Chiming - ring, peal
- Chimney - smokestack for building
- Chimneypiece - fireplace
- Chimneypieces - fireplace
- Chimneys - smokestack for building
- Chimpanzee - primate
- Chimpanzees - primate
- Chin - area under mouth
- China - dishes, often valuable
- Chinas - dishes, often valuable
- Chinchilla - animal
- Chinchillas - animal
- Chine - raised part of solid
- Chined - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Chines - raised part of solid
- Chinese - pertaining to the orient
- Chining - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Chink - opening
- Chinked - opening
- Chinks - opening
- Chinned - say, reveal
- Chinning - say, reveal
- Chino - clothing for legs, lower half of body
- Chinook - air currents
- Chinooks - air currents
- Chinos - clothing for legs, lower half of body
- Chins - area under mouth
- Chintzier - cheap-looking
- Chintziest - cheap-looking
- Chintzy - cheap-looking
- Chinwag - informal discussion
- Chinwags - informal discussion
- Chip - shard, flaw
- Chipped - knock a piece out of
- Chipper - happy
- Chippered - vocalize as a bird
- Chippering - vocalize as a bird
- Chippers - vocalize as a bird
- Chipping - knock a piece out of
- Chips - substitute for money; money
- Chirographies - penmanship
- Chironomies - nonverbal communication
- Chironomy - nonverbal communication
- Chirp - peep, cheep
- Chirped - peep, cheep
- Chirpier - laughing, joyful
- Chirpiest - laughing, joyful
- Chirping - peep, cheep
- Chirps - peep, cheep
- Chirpy - laughing, joyful
- Chirr - grind, grate with high noise
- Chirred - grind, grate with high noise
- Chirring - grind, grate with high noise
- Chirrs - grind, grate with high noise
- Chirrup - chirp
- Chirruped - peep
- Chirruping - peep
- Chirrups - chirp
- Chis - u.s. city
- Chisel - shaping tool
- Chiseled - cut, wear away
- Chiseler - cheat
- Chiselers - cheat
- Chiseling - shaping tool
- Chiselled - cut, wear away
- Chiselling - shaping tool
- Chisellings - carving of letters or design into something
- Chisels - shaping tool
- Chit - bill
- Chitchat - informal talk
- Chitchats - informal talk
- Chitchatted - talk casually; speak abruptly
- Chitchatting - chattering
- Chitlins - organ meat
- Chiton - invertebrate
- Chitons - invertebrate
- Chits - bill
- Chitterlings - organ meat
- Chiv - cut into portions, shares
- Chivalric - gallant
- Chivalries - valor, gallantry
- Chivalrous - valiant
- Chivalrously - courageously
- Chivalrousness - gallantry
- Chivied - chase, follow
- Chivies - chase, follow
- Chivs - cut into portions, shares
- Chivved - cut into portions, shares
- Chivvied - upset
- Chivvies - upset
- Chivving - cut into portions, shares
- Chivvy - upset
- Chivvying - upset
- Chivy - chase, follow
- Chivying - chase, follow
- Chlamydia - disease given through sexual relations
- Chlamydiae - disease given through sexual relations
- Chlorine - element
- Chlorines - element
- Chloroform - toxic substance
- Chloroformed - diminish, muffle, quiet
- Chloroforming - diminish, muffle, quiet
- Chloroforms - toxic substance
- Chlorosis - blood deficiency
- Chlorosises - blood deficiency
- Chock - full
- Chockablock - full
- Chocked - burden, saddle
- Chocker - full
- Chockfull - full
- Chocking - burden, saddle
- Chocks - solid piece, often triangular
- Chocolate - dark, burnished color
- Chocolates - sugary food
- Choctaw - incomprehensible talk or writing
- Choctaws - incomprehensible talk or writing
- Choice - best, superior
- Choiceness - excellence
- Choicenesses - excellence
- Choicer - best, superior
- Choices - power to select; selection
- Choicest - best, superior
- Choir - singing club
- Choired - carry a tune with one's voice
- Choiring - carry a tune with one's voice
- Choirs - singing club
- Choke - smother, block
- Choked - smother, block
- Choker - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Chokers - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Chokes - smother, block
- Chokier - oppressive, humid
- Chokiest - oppressive, humid
- Choking - smother, block
- Choky - oppressive, humid
- Choler - wrath
- Cholers - wrath
- Chomp - champ
- Chomped - champ
- Chomping - champ
- Chomps - champ
- Choose - pick, select
- Chooses - pick, select
- Choosey - finicky
- Choosier - fussy, discriminating
- Choosiest - fussy, discriminating
- Choosing - selecting
- Choosy - fussy, discriminating
- Chop - cut up with tool
- Chophouse - business establishment serving food and drink
- Chophouses - business establishment serving food and drink
- Chopped - cut up with tool
- Chopper - something that chops
- Choppers - something that chops
- Choppier - wavy
- Choppiest - wavy
- Choppily - raggedly
- Chopping - cut up with tool
- Choppy - wavy
- Chops - cut up with tool
- Choral - musical
- Chorale - song of praise
- Chorales - song of praise
- Choralist - person who can carry a tune
- Choralists - person who can carry a tune
- Chorals - religious song
- Chord - arched, rounded line or object
- Chords - arched, rounded line or object
- Chore - task
- Choreographies - graceful, expressive dancing
- Choreography - graceful, expressive dancing
- Chores - task
- Chorine - woman performer
- Chorines - woman performer
- Chorister - person who can carry a tune
- Choristers - person who can carry a tune
- Chorographies - the earth's features; study of land
- Chorography - the earth's features; study of land
- Chortle - laugh gleefully
- Chortled - laugh gleefully
- Chortler - laughing
- Chortles - laugh gleefully
- Chortling - laugh gleefully
- Chorus - group of singers
- Chorused - sing simple song or song part
- Choruses - group of singers
- Chorusing - sing simple song or song part
- Chorusses - sing simple song or song part
- Chose - pick, select
- Chosen - preferred
- Chou - cream-filled pastry
- Chouse - cheat, bilk
- Choused - cheat, bilk
- Chouses - cheat, bilk
- Chousing - cheat, bilk
- Choux - cream-filled pastry
- Chow - food
- Chowder - soup, usually clear
- Chowders - soup, usually clear
- Chows - food
- Chrestomathies - a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art
- Chrestomathy - a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art
- Chrism - ointment
- Chrisms - ointment
- Christen - named in religious rite
- Christened - named in religious rite
- Christening - named in religious rite
- Christenings - church rite; initiation
- Christens - named in religious rite
- Christian - fundamentalist
- Chroma - tinted covering
- Chromas - tinted covering
- Chromatic - brilliant, intensely hued
- Chromaticities - pigment, shade
- Chromaticity - pigment, shade
- Chrome - added-value features
- Chromed - coat with metallic material
- Chromes - added-value features
- Chroming - coat with metallic material
- Chromosome - deoxyribonucleic acid
- Chromosomes - deoxyribonucleic acid
- Chronic - incessant, never-ending
- Chronicle - account, narrative
- Chronicled - report, recount
- Chronicler - reporter
- Chroniclers - reporter
- Chronicles - account, narrative
- Chronicling - report, recount
- Chronograph - device that tells time
- Chronographic - in consecutive time
- Chronographs - device that tells time
- Chronologic - in consecutive time
- Chronological - in consecutive time
- Chronologies - chronicle
- Chronology - chronicle
- Chronometer - watch
- Chronometers - watch
- Chronometric - in consecutive time
- Chronometrical - in consecutive time
- Chronoscope - device that tells time
- Chronoscopes - device that tells time
- Chronoscopic - in consecutive time
- Chrysalides - growth
- Chrysalis - growth
- Chrysalises - growth
- Chthonian - damned; underworld
- Chubbier - slightly fat
- Chubbiest - slightly fat
- Chubbiness - corpulence
- Chubbinesses - corpulence
- Chubby - slightly fat
- Chuck - throw aside, throw away, throw out
- Chucked - throw aside, throw away, throw out
- Chucking - throw aside, throw away, throw out
- Chuckle - giggle
- Chuckled - giggle
- Chuckler - laughing
- Chuckles - giggle
- Chuckling - giggle
- Chucklings - audible expression of amusement
- Chucks - throw aside, throw away, throw out
- Chuff - boor
- Chuffed - gasp for air
- Chuffier - irritable
- Chuffiest - irritable
- Chuffing - gasp for air
- Chuffs - boor
- Chuffy - irritable
- Chug - drink quickly
- Chugalug - consume
- Chugalugged - consume
- Chugalugging - consume
- Chugalugs - consume
- Chugged - drink quickly
- Chugging - drink quickly
- Chugs - drink quickly
- Chum - friend
- Chummed - throwing bait to catch seafood
- Chummier - friendly
- Chummiest - friendly
- Chumminess - friendship
- Chumminesses - friendship
- Chumming - throwing bait to catch seafood
- Chummy - friendly
- Chump - stupid person
- Chumped - chew
- Chumping - chew
- Chumps - stupid person
- Chums - friend
- Chunder - vomit
- Chundered - vomit
- Chundering - vomit
- Chunders - vomit
- Chunk - mass, slab of something
- Chunked - throw
- Chunkier - fat, plump
- Chunkiest - fat, plump
- Chunkiness - corpulence
- Chunkinesses - corpulence
- Chunking - throw
- Chunks - mass, slab of something
- Chunky - fat, plump
- Church - religious institution, building
- Churches - religious institution, building
- Churchgoer - congregation of a church
- Churchgoers - congregation of a church
- Churchgoing - concerning belief in divinity
- Churchier - spiritual
- Churchiest - spiritual
- Churchlier - spiritual
- Churchliest - spiritual
- Churchly - spiritual
- Churchman - minister
- Churchmen - minister
- Churchpeople - minister of church
- Churchwoman - preacher
- Churchwomen - preacher
- Churchy - spiritual
- Churchyard - cemetery
- Churchyards - cemetery
- Churl - rude and ill-bred, a boor; person overly concerned with saving money
- Churlish - crude, boorish
- Churlishness - harshness; bad temper
- Churlishnesses - harshness; bad temper
- Churls - rude and ill-bred, a boor; person overly concerned with saving money
- Churn - mix up, beat
- Churned - mix up, beat
- Churning - mix up, beat
- Churnings - shaking, mixing
- Churns - mix up, beat
- Churr - chirp
- Churrs - chirp
- Chute - ramp, slope
- Chutes - ramp, slope
- Chutzpa - impudence
- Chutzpah - fearlessness
- Chutzpahs - fearlessness
- Chutzpas - impudence
- Chymified - assimilate food
- Chymifies - assimilate food
- Chymify - assimilate food
- Chymifying - assimilate food
- Ciao - departing saying; departure
- Cicada - insect of homoptera
- Cicadae - insect of homoptera
- Cicadas - insect of homoptera
- Cicala - insect of homoptera
- Cicalas - insect of homoptera
- Cicale - insect of homoptera
- Cicatrice - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Cicatrices - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Cicatrix - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Cicerone - mentor
- Cicerones - mentor
- Ciceroni - mentor
- Cig - fume; cigarette
- Cigar - roll of tobacco
- Cigarettes - small roll of tobacco
- Cigars - roll of tobacco
- Cigs - fume; cigarette
- Cilia - strand of material
- Ciliate - minute organism
- Ciliates - minute organism
- Cilium - threadlike growth on animate being
- Cimmerian - solidified
- Cinch - easy accomplishment
- Cinched - certain
- Cinches - easy accomplishment
- Cinching - protect, secure
- Cincture - band
- Cinctured - encircle
- Cinctures - band
- Cincturing - encircle
- Cinder - hot ash
- Cinders - hot ash
- Cine - film
- Cinema - movie industry; movie arena
- Cinemas - movie industry; movie arena
- Cinematic - exact, retentive in detail
- Cinematize - take a picture with a camera
- Cinematized - take a picture with a camera
- Cinematizes - take a picture with a camera
- Cinematizing - take a picture with a camera
- Cinematograph - film
- Cinematographs - film
- Cineraria - columbarium
- Cinerarium - columbarium
- Cineration - burning
- Cinerations - burning
- Cinerator - furnace
- Cinerators - furnace
- Cinereal - silver
- Cines - film
- Cinnamon - dark, burnished color
- Cinque - five of something
- Cinquefoil - five of something
- Cinquefoils - five of something
- Cinques - five of something
- Cipher - zero; nothingness
- Ciphered - zero; nothingness
- Ciphering - figure out code
- Cipherings - computation, account
- Ciphers - zero; nothingness
- Circa - approximately
- Circadian - occurring every day; during the day
- Circinate - going around
- Circle - orb, loop, round figure
- Circled - go around, circumnavigate
- Circles - orb, loop, round figure
- Circlet - ring
- Circlets - ring
- Circling - go around, circumnavigate
- Circlings - revolution, track, boundary
- Circuit - revolution, track, boundary
- Circuited - connected
- Circuiting - circuit system
- Circuitous - going around, indirect
- Circuitries - circuits
- Circuitry - circuits
- Circuits - revolution, track, boundary
- Circular - going around
- Circularities - endless loop
- Circularity - endless loop
- Circularize - publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
- Circularized - publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
- Circularizes - publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
- Circularizing - publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
- Circulars - going around
- Circulate - make known
- Circulated - make known
- Circulates - make known
- Circulating - flowing
- Circulatings - allocation, dispersion
- Circulation - distribution
- Circulations - distribution
- Circulator - gossip
- Circulators - gossip
- Circulatory - flowing
- Circumambages - indirect speech
- Circumambient - encircling
- Circumambulate - wander, roam
- Circumambulated - wander, roam
- Circumambulates - wander, roam
- Circumbendibus - indirect course
- Circumcision - ritual performed for change of status
- Circumcisions - ritual performed for change of status
- Circumduct - render null and void
- Circumducted - render null and void
- Circumducting - render null and void
- Circumducts - render null and void
- Circumference - edge, perimeter
- Circumferences - edge, perimeter
- Circumferential - encircling
- Circumforaneous - encircling
- Circumgyration - circuit, revolution
- Circumgyrations - circuit, revolution
- Circumgyratory - capable of rotating
- Circumlocute - refrain or stay away from; prevent
- Circumlocuted - refrain or stay away from; prevent
- Circumlocutes - refrain or stay away from; prevent
- Circumlocuting - refrain or stay away from; prevent
- Circumlocutions - indirect speech
- Circumlocutory - roundabout; unintended
- Circumnavigate - go around
- Circumnavigated - go around
- Circumnavigates - go around
- Circumnavigator - person who travels by sea
- Circumnutate - move about aimlessly
- Circumnutated - move about aimlessly
- Circumnutates - move about aimlessly
- Circumnutating - move about aimlessly
- Circumscribe - mark off, delimit
- Circumscribed - mark off, delimit
- Circumscribes - mark off, delimit
- Circumscribing - mark off, delimit
- Circumscription - restriction
- Circumspection - caution
- Circumspections - caution
- Circumspectly - cautiously; painstakingly
- Circumstanced - fate
- Circumstances - state of affairs in one's life
- Circumstancing - fate
- Circumstantial - incidental
- Circumstantials - aspect, characteristic
- Circumstantiate - keep detailed record
- Circumvent - fool, mislead
- Circumvented - fool, mislead
- Circumventing - fool, mislead
- Circumvention - escape
- Circumventions - escape
- Circumvents - fool, mislead
- Circumvolutions - revolution
- Circumvolutory - capable of rotating
- Circumvolve - revolve
- Circumvolved - revolve
- Circumvolves - revolve
- Circumvolving - revolve
- Circus - fair with entertainment
- Circuses - fair with entertainment
- Cirque - circle
- Cirques - circle
- Cirri - curl of hair or plant
- Cirrus - curl of hair or plant
- Cistern - reservoir
- Cisterna - reservoir
- Cisternae - reservoir
- Cisterns - reservoir
- Cistron - gene that makes repressor
- Cistrons - gene that makes repressor
- Citadel - top, tower
- Citadels - top, tower
- Citation - excerpt
- Citations - excerpt
- Cite - note, quote
- Cited - note, quote
- Cites - note, quote
- Cities - large town
- Citified - imbue with city ways
- Citifies - imbue with city ways
- Citify - imbue with city ways
- Citifying - imbue with city ways
- Citing - note, quote
- Citizen - person native of country
- Citizenize - set free
- Citizenized - set free
- Citizenizes - set free
- Citizenizing - set free
- Citizenries - inhabitants of a place
- Citizenry - inhabitants of a place
- Citizens - person native of country
- Citizenship - place of birth
- Citizenships - place of birth
- City - metropolitan
- Cityscape - work of art
- Cityscapes - work of art
- Civet - cat
- Civets - cat
- Civic - community
- Civics - art and science of administration of government
- Civil - civic, community
- Civilian - nonmilitary
- Civilians - nonmilitary person
- Civilities - niceness
- Civility - niceness
- Civilization - culture, sophistication
- Civilizations - culture, sophistication
- Civilize - make cultured; develop
- Civilized - polished
- Civilizes - make cultured; develop
- Civilizing - cultural
- Civilly - without making trouble
- Civvies - clothes, clothing
- Clabber - sour; change into coagulated substance
- Clabbered - concentrated, dense
- Clabbering - set; make more dense
- Clabbers - sour; change into coagulated substance
- Clack - clatter
- Clacked - clatter
- Clacking - clatter
- Clacks - clatter
- Clad - adorned
- Cladding - outside finish
- Claddings - outside finish
- Clads - clothe
- Claim - property, right demanded or reserved
- Claimant - petitioner
- Claimants - petitioner
- Claimed - demand, maintain property or right
- Claimer - petitioner
- Claimers - petitioner
- Claiming - demand, maintain property or right
- Claims - property, right demanded or reserved
- Clairvoyance - intuition
- Clairvoyances - intuition
- Clairvoyancies - fortune-telling
- Clairvoyancy - fortune-telling
- Clairvoyant - intuitive, psychic
- Clairvoyants - intuitive, psychic
- Clam - bivalve living in ocean
- Clamant - clamorous
- Clambake - congregation
- Clambakes - congregation
- Clamber - mount
- Clambered - mount
- Clambering - mount
- Clambers - mount
- Clammed - make or be quiet
- Clammier - damp
- Clammiest - damp
- Clamminess - dampness, moisture
- Clamminesses - dampness, moisture
- Clamming - make or be quiet
- Clammy - damp
- Clamor - loud cry; commotion
- Clamored - loud cry; commotion
- Clamoring - loud cry; commotion
- Clamorous - noisy
- Clamors - loud cry; commotion
- Clamp - fastener
- Clampdown - suppression
- Clampdowns - suppression
- Clamped - fastener
- Clamping - fastener
- Clampings - clasp, embrace
- Clamps - fastener
- Clams - bivalve living in ocean
- Clan - family, clique
- Clandestine - secret, sly
- Clandestinely - secretly
- Clandestineness - secrecy
- Clandestinities - secrecy
- Clandestinity - secrecy
- Clang - clank
- Clanged - bang against, ring
- Clanging - high-pitched, harsh in sound
- Clangings - loud ringings
- Clangor - loud noise
- Clangorous - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Clangors - loud noise
- Clangs - clank
- Clank - metallic noise
- Clanked - metallic noise
- Clanking - metallic noise
- Clanks - metallic noise
- Clannish - exclusive, select
- Clans - family, clique
- Clap - loud hitting noise
- Clapboard - made of timber
- Clapped - loud hitting noise
- Clapper - person who watches event
- Clapperclaw - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Clapperclaws - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Clappers - person who watches event
- Clapping - applaud; slap with approbation
- Clappings - applause
- Claps - loud hitting noise
- Claptrap - empty talk
- Claptraps - empty talk
- Claret - bright red color
- Clarets - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Clarification - explanation
- Clarifications - explanation
- Clarified - explain, make clear
- Clarifier - purifier
- Clarifiers - purifier
- Clarifies - explain, make clear
- Clarify - explain, make clear
- Clarifying - explain, make clear
- Clarion - clear, stirring sound
- Clarions - musical horn
- Clarities - clearness
- Clarity - clearness
- Claro - roll of tobacco
- Claros - roll of tobacco
- Clash - disagreement or fight, often brief
- Clashed - disagreement or fight, often brief
- Clashes - disagreement or fight, often brief
- Clashing - dissension
- Clashings - dissension
- Clasp - fastener; hold on something
- Clasped - grab tightly
- Clasping - grab tightly
- Clasps - fastener; hold on something
- Claspt - fastener; hold on something
- Class - stylish; with panache
- Classed - categorize
- Classer - stylish; with panache
- Classes - kind, sort, category
- Classic - characteristic, regular
- Classical - concerning ancient culture
- Classicalism - simple style; regularity, restraint
- Classicalisms - simple style; regularity, restraint
- Classicalities - absence of complication,
- Classicality - absence of complication,
- Classicals - sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
- Classicism - simple style; regularity, restraint
- Classicisms - simple style; regularity, restraint
- Classicist - student of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Classicistic - concerning ancient culture
- Classicists - student of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Classics - model
- Classier - stylish, having panache
- Classiest - stylish, having panache
- Classification - categorization
- Classifications - categorization
- Classificatory - explanatory
- Classified - top-secret
- Classifieds - small magazine or newspaper advertisement
- Classifies - categorize
- Classify - categorize
- Classifying - categorize
- Classing - stylish; with panache
- Classmate - one of a pair; partner
- Classmates - one of a pair; partner
- Classroom - room where learning takes place
- Classrooms - room where learning takes place
- Classy - stylish, having panache
- Clatter - loud noise
- Clattered - crash; make racket
- Clattering - loud noise
- Clatters - loud noise
- Clattery - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Clause - provision in document
- Clauses - provision in document
- Claustrophobia - anxiety caused by living in isolation or indoors for a long period of time
- Claustrophobias - anxiety caused by living in isolation or indoors for a long period of time
- Claustrophobic - overly cramped or confined
- Clave - divide, split
- Clavichord - musical instrument
- Clavichords - musical instrument
- Clavier - row of keys
- Claviers - row of keys
- Claviger - caretaker, maintenance person
- Clavigers - caretaker, maintenance person
- Claw - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Clawed - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Clawing - using sharp nail
- Claws - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Clay - workable earth material
- Claymation - animated movie
- Claymations - animated movie
- Claymore - weapon
- Claymores - weapon
- Clays - workable earth material
- Clean - not dirty; uncluttered
- Cleaned - make undirty, uncluttered
- Cleaner - detergent
- Cleaners - detergent
- Cleanest - not dirty; uncluttered
- Cleanhanded - blameless
- Cleaning - cleansing
- Cleanings - cleansing
- Cleanlier - particular, fussy
- Cleanliest - particular, fussy
- Cleanliness - cleanness
- Cleanlinesses - cleanness
- Cleanly - neat
- Cleanness - purity
- Cleannesses - purity
- Cleans - not dirty; uncluttered
- Cleanse - make undirty; wash
- Cleansed - make undirty; wash
- Cleanser - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Cleansers - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Cleanses - make undirty; wash
- Cleansing - make undirty; wash
- Cleansings - washing with water and, usually, soap
- Cleanup - profit
- Cleanups - profit
- Clear - cloudless, bright
- Clearance - permission for activity
- Clearances - permission for activity
- Clearcut - sarcastic
- Cleared - emptied
- Clearer - cloudless, bright
- Clearest - cloudless, bright
- Clearheaded - lucid
- Clearheadedness - coolheadedness
- Clearing - gap in area
- Clearings - gap in area
- Clearly - without any doubt
- Clearness - brightness
- Clearnesses - brightness
- Clears - cloudless, bright
- Cleat - spike
- Cleats - spike
- Cleavage - gap
- Cleavages - gap
- Cleave - divide, split
- Cleaved - divide, split
- Cleaver - cutting instrument
- Cleavers - cutting instrument
- Cleaves - divide, split
- Cleaving - divide, split
- Cleek - golfing tool
- Cleeks - golfing tool
- Clef - create writing, artwork, or music
- Clefs - create writing, artwork, or music
- Cleft - separated, split
- Clefts - separated, split
- Clemencies - forgiveness
- Clemency - forgiveness
- Clement - calm, mild (weather)
- Clench - grasp
- Clenched - grasp
- Clenches - grasp
- Clenching - grasp
- Clepsydra - device that tells time
- Clepsydrae - device that tells time
- Clepsydras - device that tells time
- Clergies - ministry of church
- Clergy - ministry of church
- Clergyman - minister
- Clergymen - minister
- Clergywoman - preacher
- Clergywomen - preacher
- Cleric - preacher
- Clerical - secretarial
- Clericals - person in charge of church
- Clerics - preacher
- Clerk - assistant
- Clerkish - secretarial
- Clerklier - secretarial
- Clerkliest - secretarial
- Clerkly - secretarial
- Clerks - assistant
- Clever - bright, ingenious
- Cleverer - bright, ingenious
- Cleverest - bright, ingenious
- Cleverly - in a clever manner
- Cleverness - brightness, ingenuity
- Clevernesses - brightness, ingenuity
- Cliche - overused, hackneyed phrase
- Cliches - overused, hackneyed phrase
- Click - metallic sound
- Clicked - metallic sound
- Clicker - handheld control
- Clickers - handheld control
- Clicking - metallic sound
- Clickings - clicking sound; one beat
- Clicks - metallic sound
- Client - customer
- Clientage - business done at an establishment
- Clientages - business done at an establishment
- Clientele - customers of business
- Clienteles - customers of business
- Clients - customer
- Cliff - overhang on hill or mountain
- Cliffhanger - something suspenseful
- Cliffhangers - something suspenseful
- Cliffhanging - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Cliffs - overhang on hill or mountain
- Climacteric - critical
- Climacterics - critical
- Climactic - pertaining to climax
- Climactical - decisive
- Climactically - eventually
- Climates - weather of region
- Climatic - of or in the atmosphere
- Climatical - pertaining to climax
- Climatize - acclimatize, prepare
- Climatized - acclimatize, prepare
- Climatizes - acclimatize, prepare
- Climatizing - acclimatize, prepare
- Climatologies - weather science
- Climatologist - meteorologist
- Climatologists - meteorologist
- Climatology - weather science
- Climax - peak, culmination
- Climaxed - peak, culmination
- Climaxes - peak, culmination
- Climaxing - peak, culmination
- Climb - crawl, move up
- Climbed - crawl, move up
- Climber - mountain climber
- Climbers - mountain climber
- Climbing - crawl, move up
- Climbings - going up
- Climbs - crawl, move up
- Clime - atmospheric conditions
- Climes - atmospheric conditions
- Clinch - secure a goal
- Clinched - secure a goal
- Clincher - settling event
- Clinchers - settling event
- Clinches - secure a goal
- Clinching - secure a goal
- Cling - attach to
- Clingfilm - plastic food wrapping
- Clingfilms - plastic food wrapping
- Clingier - sticky
- Clingiest - sticky
- Clinging - adhesive
- Clings - attach to
- Clingy - sticky
- Clinic - medical center
- Clinical - dispassionate
- Clinician - person who treats mental
- Clinicians - person who treats mental
- Clinics - medical center
- Clink - bang against, ring
- Clinked - bang against, ring
- Clinker - not sounding right
- Clinkers - connected metal links; jewelry made of such links
- Clinking - bang against, ring
- Clinks - bang against, ring
- Clip - cut short
- Clipped - cut short
- Clipper - vessel
- Clippers - vessel
- Clipping - excerpt
- Clippings - excerpt
- Clips - cut short
- Clipt - cut short
- Clique - group of friends
- Cliques - group of friends
- Cliquey - governed by small group
- Cliquish - interested, factional
- Cloaca - drain
- Cloacae - drain
- Cloak - cover; coat
- Cloaked - disguised
- Cloaking - cover; coat
- Cloakroom - clothes storage
- Cloakrooms - clothes storage
- Cloaks - cover; coat
- Clobber - hit, beat
- Clobbered - hit, beat
- Clobbering - hit, beat
- Clobbers - hit, beat
- Clock - timekeeping device
- Clocked - examine, check
- Clocker - crazy
- Clocking - examine, check
- Clocklike - exact, precise
- Clocks - timekeeping device
- Clockwise - opposite of left
- Clockwork - being on time; precision
- Clockworks - being on time; precision
- Clod - stupid person
- Cloddish - boorish
- Cloddishness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Cloddishnesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Clodhopper - lummox
- Clodhoppers - construction boots
- Clodhopping - boorish
- Clodpate - stupid person
- Clodpates - stupid person
- Clodpoll - unsophisticated person
- Clodpolls - unsophisticated person
- Clods - stupid person
- Clog - blockage
- Clogged - block, hinder
- Clogging - blockage
- Cloggings - meddling, impedance
- Clogs - blockage
- Cloisonne - paint, often shiny
- Cloisonnes - paint, often shiny
- Cloister - secluded religious place
- Cloistering - isolate, hide
- Cloisters - secluded religious place
- Cloistral - secluded
- Clomp - clump
- Clomped - clump
- Clomping - clump
- Clomps - clump
- Clone - exact duplicate
- Cloned - exact duplicate
- Cloner - alike, identical
- Clones - exact duplicate
- Cloning - copy exactly
- Clonk - crash
- Clonked - dull crash; dull sound
- Clonking - dull crash; dull sound
- Clonks - crash
- Clop - clump
- Clopped - clump
- Clopping - clump
- Clops - clump
- Close - near, nearby
- Closed - shut, out of service
- Closedown - closing
- Closedowns - closing
- Closefisted - tight
- Closely - approximately, carefully
- Closemouthed - silent, reserved
- Closeness - nearness
- Closenesses - nearness
- Closeout - exchange of object for money
- Closeouts - exchange of object for money
- Closer - near, nearby
- Closers - baseball pitcher
- Closes - near, nearby
- Closest - near, nearby
- Closet - storage cupboard, usually tall
- Closeted - confine; put in jail
- Closeting - attempt to conceal embarrassing or scandalous information
- Closets - storage cupboard, usually tall
- Closeup - a still picture taken with a camera
- Closeups - a still picture taken with a camera
- Closing - last
- Closings - last
- Closure - conclusion
- Closures - conclusion
- Clot - blockage, mass of coagulation
- Cloth - fabric
- Clothe - cover with apparel
- Clothed - clad
- Clothes - apparel
- Clotheshorse - well-dressed person
- Clotheshorses - well-dressed person
- Clothesline - made-up story
- Clotheslines - made-up story
- Clothespress - clothes storage
- Clothespresses - clothes storage
- Clothier - person who sews clothing
- Clothiers - person who sews clothing
- Clothing - attire
- Clothings - personal attire
- Cloths - fabric
- Clots - blockage, mass of coagulation
- Clotted - coagulate
- Clotting - coagulate
- Clottings - blockage, mass of coagulation
- Cloud - mass of water particles in air
- Cloudburst - rainstorm
- Cloudbursts - rainstorm
- Clouded - ambiguous
- Cloudier - hazy; darkened
- Cloudiest - hazy; darkened
- Cloudiness - vagueness
- Cloudinesses - vagueness
- Clouding - mass of water particles in air
- Cloudlands - idyllic realm
- Cloudless - clear
- Clouds - mass of water particles in air
- Cloudy - hazy; darkened
- Clough - gap, abyss
- Cloughs - gap, abyss
- Clout - power
- Clouted - power
- Clouting - power
- Clouts - power
- Clove - divide, split
- Cloven - divide, split
- Clover - affluence, good fortune
- Cloverleaf - crossroads
- Cloverleafs - crossroads
- Cloverleaves - crossroads
- Clovers - affluence, good fortune
- Cloves - gap in earth's surface
- Clown - joking person
- Clowned - joking person
- Clowning - joking person
- Clownings - fun, quip
- Clownish - boorish
- Clownishness - joking, tricks
- Clownishnesses - joking, tricks
- Clowns - joking person
- Cloy - overfill
- Cloyed - overfill
- Cloys - overfill
- Club - bat, stick
- Clubbed - hit hard with object
- Clubber - colleague
- Clubbers - colleague
- Clubbier - friendly, devoted
- Clubbiest - friendly, devoted
- Clubbing - bat, stick
- Clubby - friendly, devoted
- Clubhouse - gambling establishment
- Clubhouses - gambling establishment
- Clubs - bat, stick
- Clubwoman - sophisticated woman
- Clubwomen - sophisticated woman
- Cluck - clack
- Clucked - clack
- Clucking - clack
- Clucks - clack
- Clue - hint, evidence
- Clued - hint, evidence
- Clueless - confused
- Clues - hint, evidence
- Cluing - hint, evidence
- Clump - mass of something
- Clumped - mass of something
- Clumping - mass of something
- Clumps - mass of something
- Clumsier - not agile; awkward
- Clumsiest - not agile; awkward
- Clumsily - crudely
- Clumsiness - maladroitness
- Clumsinesses - maladroitness
- Clumsy - not agile; awkward
- Clunch - workable earth material
- Clunches - workable earth material
- Clung - attach to
- Clunk - clump
- Clunked - clump
- Clunker - clumsy, awkward
- Clunkers - old, dilapidated automobile
- Clunkier - awkward, clumsy
- Clunkiest - awkward, clumsy
- Clunking - clump
- Clunks - clump
- Clunky - awkward, clumsy
- Cluster - group of something
- Clustered - assemble, group
- Clustering - assemble, group
- Clusters - group of something
- Clutch - strong hold
- Clutched - grab, snatch
- Clutches - personal power
- Clutching - grab, snatch
- Clutter - disarray, mess
- Cluttered - littered
- Cluttering - disarray, mess
- Clutters - disarray, mess
- Cnemides - leg part
- Cnemis - leg part
- Coach - instructor, usually in recreation
- Coached - instruct, usually in recreation
- Coaches - instructor, usually in recreation
- Coaching - instruct, usually in recreation
- Coachings - education
- Coachman - person who engineers vehicle
- Coachmen - person who engineers vehicle
- Coact - work together
- Coacted - work together
- Coacting - cooperative
- Coaction - cooperation
- Coactions - cooperation
- Coactive - cooperative
- Coacts - work together
- Coadjutant - assistant
- Coadjutants - assistant
- Coadjutor - assistant
- Coadjutors - assistant
- Coadunate - combined; in agreement
- Coadunated - unite
- Coadunates - unite
- Coadunating - unite
- Coadunation - consolidation
- Coadunations - consolidation
- Coagula - mass of thickened blood
- Coagulate - clot
- Coagulated - clot
- Coagulates - clot
- Coagulating - clot
- Coagulation - clotting
- Coagulations - clotting
- Coagulum - mass of thickened blood
- Coal - bitumen
- Coaler - dark, inky
- Coalesce - blend, come together
- Coalesced - blend, come together
- Coalescence - combining; combination
- Coalescences - combining; combination
- Coalescent - meeting
- Coalesces - blend, come together
- Coalescing - blend, come together
- Coalition - allied group, association
- Coalitionist - ally
- Coalitionists - ally
- Coalitions - allied group, association
- Coals - bitumen
- Coarse - not fine, rude
- Coarsely - clumsily
- Coarsen - corrupt
- Coarsened - toughened
- Coarseness - rudeness, vulgarity
- Coarsenesses - rudeness, vulgarity
- Coarsening - corrupt
- Coarsens - corrupt
- Coarser - not fine, rude
- Coarsest - not fine, rude
- Coast - border by water
- Coastal - bordering the water
- Coasted - border by water
- Coaster - platter
- Coasters - platter
- Coasting - glide along without much effort
- Coastland - waterside
- Coastlands - waterside
- Coastline - border by water
- Coastlines - border by water
- Coasts - border by water
- Coat - animal hair
- Coated - cover with layer of material
- Coating - covering
- Coatings - covering
- Coats - animal hair
- Coattail - mediation
- Coattails - mediation
- Coax - persuade
- Coaxed - persuade
- Coaxer - seducer
- Coaxers - seducer
- Coaxes - persuade
- Coaxial - chain
- Coaxing - persuade
- Coaxings - lure, attraction
- Cob - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Cobalt - sky, sea color
- Cobbed - outdo a performance
- Cobber - friend
- Cobbers - friend
- Cobbing - outdo a performance
- Cobble - build, produce
- Cobbled - build, produce
- Cobbler - shoemaker
- Cobblers - shoemaker
- Cobbles - build, produce
- Cobblestone - path upon which travel occurs
- Cobblestoned - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Cobblestones - path upon which travel occurs
- Cobblestoning - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Cobbling - build, produce
- Cobra - snake
- Cobras - snake
- Cobs - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Cobweb - entanglement; filament
- Cobwebby - see-through, thin
- Cobwebs - entanglement; filament
- Cocaine - illegal drug
- Cocaines - illegal drug
- Coccyges - lower back
- Coccyx - lower back
- Cochlear - curling, winding
- Cock - rooster
- Cockalorum - farm fowl
- Cockalorums - farm fowl
- Cockamamie - illogical, senseless
- Cockamamy - foolish
- Cockcrow - dawn
- Cockcrowing - dawn
- Cockcrowings - dawn
- Cockcrows - dawn
- Cocked - penis (vulgar)
- Cockerel - farm fowl
- Cockerels - farm fowl
- Cockeyed - crooked, askew
- Cockhorse - child's model horse
- Cockhorses - child's model horse
- Cockier - self-assured, full of oneself
- Cockiest - self-assured, full of oneself
- Cockiness - arrogance
- Cockinesses - arrogance
- Cocking - rooster
- Cockle - shell
- Cockled - draw together; wrinkle
- Cockles - shell
- Cockling - draw together; wrinkle
- Cockloft - attic
- Cocklofts - attic
- Cockpit - pilot compartment
- Cockpits - pilot compartment
- Cockroach - bug
- Cockroaches - bug
- Cocks - rooster
- Cockscomb - topknot on head of animal
- Cockscombs - topknot on head of animal
- Cocksman - man who likes to flirt
- Cocksmen - man who likes to flirt
- Cocksure - confident
- Cockswain - mariner
- Cockswains - mariner
- Cocktail - beverage
- Cocktails - beverage
- Cocky - self-assured
- Cocoa - dark, burnished color
- Coconspirator - person peripherally involved in illegal activity
- Coconspirators - person peripherally involved in illegal activity
- Coconut - head
- Coconuts - head
- Cocoon - protect with covering
- Cocooned - protect with covering
- Cocooning - protect with covering
- Cocoons - protect with covering
- Coda - final performance
- Codas - final performance
- Coddle - indulge, pamper
- Coddled - indulge, pamper
- Coddles - indulge, pamper
- Coddling - indulge, pamper
- Code - secret language system
- Coded - systematize
- Codeine - narcotic
- Codeines - narcotic
- Codependent - unhealthy psychological reliance of one person on another
- Codes - secret language system
- Codex - published document
- Codger - elderly person
- Codgers - elderly person
- Codices - published document
- Codicillary - conditional
- Codicils - added part to document
- Codification - law of a government
- Codifications - law of a government
- Codified - systematize
- Codifies - systematize
- Codify - systematize
- Codifying - systematize
- Coding - systematize
- Coed - college student
- Coeds - college student
- Coefficient - cooperative
- Coelenterate - growth
- Coelenterates - growth
- Coequal - peer
- Coequalities - average, equilibrium
- Coequality - average, equilibrium
- Coequally - evenly
- Coequals - peer
- Coerce - compel, press
- Coerced - compel, press
- Coercer - domineering person
- Coercers - domineering person
- Coerces - compel, press
- Coercing - compel, press
- Coercion - compulsion, pressure
- Coercions - compulsion, pressure
- Coercive - forcible
- Coercively - against one's will
- Coetaneous - contemporary
- Coetaneousness - happening or being at same time, place
- Coevalities - happening or being at same time, place
- Coevality - happening or being at same time, place
- Coexist - exist together
- Coexisted - exist together
- Coexistence - happening or being at same time, place
- Coexistences - happening or being at same time, place
- Coexistent - contemporary
- Coexisting - exist together
- Coexists - exist together
- Coextending - aligned, side-by-side
- Coextensive - similar
- Coffee - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Coffeehouse - small restaurant where coffee is served
- Coffeehouses - small restaurant where coffee is served
- Coffeepot - coffee-making machine
- Coffeepots - coffee-making machine
- Coffees - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Coffer - large box
- Coffers - large box
- Coffin - box for dead person
- Coffins - box for dead person
- Cofunction - work together
- Cofunctions - work together
- Cog - main part of device
- Cogencies - effectiveness
- Cogency - effectiveness
- Cogener - parallel
- Cogeners - parallel
- Cogently - efficiently
- Cogitable - believable, feasible
- Cogitated - think deeply about
- Cogitates - think deeply about
- Cogitating - think deeply about
- Cogitation - deep thought
- Cogitations - deep thought
- Cogitative - thoughtful
- Cognac - liquor
- Cognacs - liquor
- Cognate - alike, associated
- Cognates - member of a family
- Cognition - understanding
- Cognitions - understanding
- Cognitive - concerning the mind
- Cognizable - noticeable, obvious
- Cognizance - awareness
- Cognizances - understanding
- Cognizant - aware
- Cognize - understand information
- Cognized - understand information
- Cognizes - understand information
- Cognizing - understand information
- Cognomen - name
- Cognomens - name
- Cognomina - name
- Cognominate - give a title
- Cognominated - give a title
- Cognominates - give a title
- Cognominating - give a title
- Cognoscenti - authority
- Cognoscible - observable
- Cogs - main part of device
- Cogwheel - main part of device
- Cogwheels - main part of device
- Cohabit - live together
- Cohabitant - husband and wife
- Cohabitants - husband and wife
- Cohabitation - making love
- Cohabitations - making love
- Cohabited - live together
- Cohabiting - live together
- Cohabits - live together
- Cohere - stick to, cling
- Cohered - stick to, cling
- Coherence - agreement
- Coherences - agreement
- Coherent - understandable
- Coheres - stick to, cling
- Cohering - stick to, cling
- Cohesion - union
- Cohesions - union
- Cohesive - tending to unite
- Cohort - partner in activity
- Cohorts - partner in activity
- Coif - covering worn over the head
- Coiffed - clipped
- Coiffeur - hair cutter
- Coiffeurs - hair cutter
- Coiffeuse - hair cutter
- Coiffeuses - hair cutter
- Coiffure - hairstyle
- Coiffures - hairstyle
- Coifs - covering worn over the head
- Coil - thread that curls
- Coiled - curled up
- Coiling - thread that curls
- Coils - thread that curls
- Coin - metallic money
- Coinage - process of making money
- Coinages - process of making money
- Coincide - go along with; coexist
- Coincided - go along with; coexist
- Coincidence - agreement; coexistence
- Coincidences - agreement; coexistence
- Coincident - concurring, happening together
- Coincidental - accidental
- Coincidentally - as one
- Coincides - go along with; coexist
- Coinciding - go along with; coexist
- Coined - create, invent
- Coiner - discoverer
- Coiners - discoverer
- Coining - metallic money
- Coinings - process of making money
- Coins - metallic money
- Coition - sexual act
- Coitions - sexual act
- Coitus - sexual intercourse
- Coituses - sexual intercourse
- Cojoin - join, unite
- Cojoined - join, unite
- Cojoining - join, unite
- Cojoins - join, unite
- Coke - hard, ferrous metal
- Coked - on drugs
- Cokes - hard, ferrous metal
- Cola - carbonated beverage
- Colander - strainer
- Colanders - strainer
- Colas - carbonated beverage
- Cold - chilly, freezing
- Coldcock - knock unconscious
- Coldcocked - knock unconscious
- Coldcocking - knock unconscious
- Coldcocks - knock unconscious
- Colder - chilly, freezing
- Coldest - chilly, freezing
- Coldhearted - indifferent, callous
- Coldheartedly - in an unemotional manner
- Coldish - cold, nippy
- Coldly - in an unemotional manner
- Coldness - cold
- Coldnesses - cold
- Colds - chilly, freezing
- Cole - vegetable
- Coles - vegetable
- Coleslaw - dish of vegetables
- Coleslaws - dish of vegetables
- Colewort - vegetable
- Coleworts - vegetable
- Colic - stomach ache
- Colics - stomach ache
- Coliseum - arena for events
- Coliseums - arena for events
- Coll - grab tightly
- Collaborate - work together
- Collaborated - work together
- Collaborates - work together
- Collaborating - work together
- Collaboration - cooperation
- Collaborations - cooperation
- Collaborative - cooperative
- Collaborator - person who works with another
- Collaborators - person who works with another
- Collage - mixture of pictures
- Collages - mixture of pictures
- Collapse - downfall, breakdown
- Collapsed - fall apart, break down
- Collapses - downfall, breakdown
- Collapsing - fall apart, break down
- Collar - neck attire
- Collard - vegetable
- Collards - vegetable
- Collared - neck attire
- Collaring - neck attire
- Collars - neck attire
- Collate - sort collection
- Collated - sort collection
- Collateral - indirect, secondary
- Collaterals - indirect, secondary
- Collates - sort collection
- Collating - sort collection
- Collation - resemblance
- Collations - resemblance
- Colleague - associate, fellow worker
- Colleagued - agree, concur
- Colleagues - associate, fellow worker
- Colleaguing - agree, concur
- Collect - accumulate, come together
- Collectanea - varied collection
- Collected - composed, calm
- Collectedly - quietly
- Collectedness - balance
- Collectednesses - balance
- Collectible - precious, irreplaceable
- Collectibles - mementos
- Collecting - accumulate, come together
- Collectings - gathering
- Collection - group, accumulation
- Collections - group, accumulation
- Collective - composite
- Collectively - as one
- Collectiveness - wholeness, whole
- Collectives - collective farm
- Collectivism - socialist government
- Collectivisms - socialist government
- Collectivities - total made up of parts
- Collectivity - total made up of parts
- Collector - one who collects accounts
- Collectors - one who collects accounts
- Collects - accumulate, come together
- Colled - grab tightly
- Colleen - young woman
- Colleens - young woman
- College - institution of higher education
- Colleges - institution of higher education
- Collegial - cooperative
- Collegian - person who completes education, pursuit
- Collegians - person who completes education, pursuit
- Collegiate - relating to schooling, learning
- Collide - slam into
- Collided - slam into
- Collides - slam into
- Colliding - slam into
- Collier - digger
- Colliers - digger
- Colligate - assemble, accumulate
- Colligated - assemble, accumulate
- Colligates - assemble, accumulate
- Colligating - assemble, accumulate
- Collimate - be alike
- Collimated - be alike
- Collimates - be alike
- Collimating - be alike
- Collinear - aligned; not curved
- Colling - grab tightly
- Collision - accident
- Collisions - accident
- Collocate - compile
- Collocated - compile
- Collocates - compile
- Collocating - compile
- Collocation - link, connection
- Collocations - link, connection
- Collogue - discuss with another
- Collogued - discuss with another
- Collogues - discuss with another
- Colloguing - discuss with another
- Colloquia - conference
- Colloquial - particular, familiar to an area, informal
- Colloquialism - idiom
- Colloquialisms - idiom
- Colloquies - conversation, debate
- Colloquium - conference
- Colloquiums - conference
- Colloquy - conversation, debate
- Colls - grab tightly
- Colluded - conspire
- Colluder - traitor
- Colluders - traitor
- Colludes - conspire
- Colluding - conspire
- Collusion - secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
- Collusions - secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
- Collusive - deceitful
- Colluvies - miscellany
- Cologne - fragrance product
- Colognes - fragrance product
- Colonial - pioneering, relating to a nonindependent or new territory
- Colonialism - expansionist doctrine
- Colonialisms - expansionist doctrine
- Colonials - settler
- Colonies - community
- Colonist - settler
- Colonists - settler
- Colonization - settlement of area
- Colonizations - settlement of area
- Colonize - settle
- Colonized - settle
- Colonizer - person who finds a new place, founds something
- Colonizers - person who finds a new place, founds something
- Colonizes - settle
- Colonizing - settle
- Colonnade - columns
- Colonnades - columns
- Colony - community
- Colophon - emblem
- Colophons - emblem
- Color - pigment, shade
- Colorable - plausible
- Colorant - color, shade
- Colorants - color, shade
- Coloration - color
- Colorations - color
- Coloratura - musical
- Coloraturas - person with high singing voice
- Colorcast - put forth on electronic media
- Colorcasting - put forth on electronic media
- Colorcasts - put forth on electronic media
- Colored - not white
- Colorful - brilliant, intensely hued
- Colorfully - happily
- Colorfulness - gaiety
- Colorfulnesses - gaiety
- Coloring - coloration
- Colorings - coloration
- Colorless - without hue
- Colorlessness - boredom; sameness
- Colorlessnesses - boredom; sameness
- Colors - banner
- Colossal - very large
- Colossi - giant thing
- Colossus - giant thing
- Colossuses - giant thing
- Colporteur - peddler
- Colporteurs - peddler
- Colt - young horse
- Colter - courageous
- Coltish - funny, fun-loving
- Coltishness - playfulness
- Coltishnesses - playfulness
- Colts - young horse
- Columbaries - bird sanctuary
- Columbary - bird sanctuary
- Column - line, procession
- Columnar - tubular
- Columniation - columns
- Columniations - columns
- Columnist - journalist
- Columnists - journalist
- Columns - line, procession
- Colure - circle
- Colures - circle
- Coma - deep unconsciousness
- Comae - deep unconsciousness
- Comas - deep unconsciousness
- Comate - friend
- Comates - friend
- Comatose - unconscious
- Comb - arrange hair
- Combat - battle
- Combatant - fighter
- Combatants - fighter
- Combated - fight
- Combating - fight
- Combative - aggressive
- Combatively - destructively
- Combativeness - belligerence
- Combativenesses - belligerence
- Combats - battle
- Combatted - battle
- Combatting - battle
- Combe - valley
- Combed - arrange hair
- Comber - sea surf, current
- Combers - sea surf, current
- Combes - valley
- Combinable - producing combinations
- Combination - mixture, blend
- Combinational - producing combinations
- Combinations - mixture, blend
- Combinative - combinational
- Combinatorial - combinational
- Combinatory - producing combinations
- Combine - connect, integrate
- Combined - linked
- Combines - connect, integrate
- Combing - arrange hair
- Combining - joining
- Combinings - assemblage
- Combo - miscellany
- Combos - miscellany
- Combs - arrange hair
- Combust - burn
- Combusted - burn
- Combustible - able to be exploded
- Combustibles - something providing energy
- Combusting - burn
- Combustion - explosion; on fire
- Combustions - explosion; on fire
- Combustive - able to be exploded
- Combusts - burn
- Come - advance, approach
- Comeback - recovery, triumph
- Comebacks - recovery, triumph
- Comedian - funny person, often professional
- Comedians - funny person, often professional
- Comedic - humorous
- Comedienne - person or thing that is very funny
- Comediennes - person or thing that is very funny
- Comedies - funny entertainment
- Comedown - letdown, blow
- Comedowns - letdown, blow
- Comedy - funny entertainment
- Comelier - beautiful
- Comeliest - beautiful
- Comeliness - properness
- Comelinesses - properness
- Comely - beautiful
- Comer - one with promise
- Comers - one with promise
- Comes - advance, approach
- Comestible - food
- Comestibles - food
- Comet - meteor
- Comets - meteor
- Comeuppances - deserved fate
- Comfier - comfortable
- Comfiest - comfortable
- Comfit - food with a high sugar content
- Comfits - food with a high sugar content
- Comfort - good feeling; ease
- Comfortably - luxuriously
- Comforted - make to feel better
- Comforter - a person or thing that comforts
- Comforters - a person or thing that comforts
- Comforting - cheering
- Comfortless - uncomfortable
- Comforts - good feeling; ease
- Comfy - comfortable
- Comic - funny person, often professional
- Comical - amusing
- Comicalities - humor
- Comicality - humor
- Comically - absurdly
- Comicalness - humor
- Comicalnesses - humor
- Comics - funny person, often professional
- Coming - approaching, promising
- Comings - approaching, promising
- Comities - charity
- Comma - pause
- Command - directive, instruction
- Commandant - person in charge, female or male
- Commandants - person in charge, female or male
- Commanded - demand
- Commandeer - seize, take over
- Commandeered - seize, take over
- Commandeering - seize, take over
- Commandeers - seize, take over
- Commander - leader of military or other organization
- Commanders - leader of military or other organization
- Commanding - superior, authoritative
- Commandment - law
- Commandments - law
- Commando - person serving in military
- Commandoes - person serving in military
- Commandos - person serving in military
- Commands - directive, instruction
- Commas - pause
- Commeasure - make the same; balance
- Commeasured - make the same; balance
- Commeasures - make the same; balance
- Commeasuring - make the same; balance
- Commemorate - honor, observe occasion
- Commemorated - honor, observe occasion
- Commemorates - honor, observe occasion
- Commemorating - honor, observe occasion
- Commemoration - honoring, observance
- Commemorations - honoring, observance
- Commemorative - in honor of something
- Commemoratory - commemorative
- Commence - start action
- Commenced - start action
- Commencement - ceremony marking the beginning of stage
- Commencements - ceremony marking the beginning of stage
- Commences - start action
- Commencing - start action
- Commend - recommend, praise
- Commendable - praiseworthy
- Commendably - happily, pleasantly; capably
- Commendation - giving of praise; acclaim
- Commendations - giving of praise; acclaim
- Commendatory - complimentary
- Commended - recommend, praise
- Commending - recommend, praise
- Commends - recommend, praise
- Commensurable - proportional
- Commensurably - equally proportioned or distributed
- Commensurate - adequate, corresponding
- Commensurately - equally proportioned or distributed
- Comment - statement of opinion; explanation
- Commentaries - analysis
- Commentary - analysis
- Commentate - make sense of; define
- Commentated - make sense of; define
- Commentates - make sense of; define
- Commentating - make sense of; define
- Commentator - reporter
- Commentators - reporter
- Commented - make statement of opinion, explanation
- Commenting - statement of opinion; explanation
- Comments - statement of opinion; explanation
- Commerce - buying and selling
- Commerces - buying and selling
- Commercial - concerning business, marketing
- Commercialism - commerce, trade
- Commercialisms - commerce, trade
- Commercialize - prepare for saleability
- Commercialized - prepare for saleability
- Commercializes - prepare for saleability
- Commercializing - prepare for saleability
- Commercials - full-length television program existing solely to market a product
- Commie - card-carrying communist
- Commies - card-carrying communist
- Comminate - warn, pressure
- Comminated - warn, pressure
- Comminates - warn, pressure
- Comminating - warn, pressure
- Comminations - ban
- Comminative - accusatorial
- Comminatory - menacing, ominous
- Commingle - blend
- Commingled - blend
- Commingles - blend
- Commingling - blend
- Comminute - grind
- Comminuted - grind
- Comminutes - grind
- Comminuting - grind
- Commiserable - sad, affecting
- Commiserate - listen to woes of another
- Commiserated - listen to woes of another
- Commiserates - listen to woes of another
- Commiserating - listen to woes of another
- Commiseration - consolation
- Commiserations - consolation
- Commiserative - pitying
- Commish - payment
- Commishes - payment
- Commissaries - deputy
- Commissary - deputy
- Commission - task, duty
- Commissionaire - person carrying information to another
- Commissionaires - person carrying information to another
- Commissioned - authorize or delegate task
- Commissioner - agent
- Commissioners - agent
- Commissioning - authorize or delegate task
- Commissions - task, duty
- Commit - perform an action
- Commitment - assurance; obligation
- Commitments - assurance; obligation
- Commits - perform an action
- Committal - necessity, essential
- Committals - necessity, essential
- Committed - dedicated
- Committee - group working on project
- Committees - group working on project
- Committing - perform an action
- Commix - mix
- Commixed - mix
- Commixes - mix
- Commixing - mix
- Commixture - mixture
- Commixtures - mixture
- Commode - toilet
- Commodes - toilet
- Commodious - ample, spacious
- Commodiously - to a great extent
- Commodities - merchandise, possession
- Commodity - merchandise, possession
- Common - average, ordinary
- Commonage - group living together
- Commonages - group living together
- Commonalities - common people
- Commonality - common people
- Commonalties - common people
- Commonalty - common people
- Commoner - plebeian
- Commoners - plebeian
- Commonest - average, ordinary
- Commonly - usually
- Commonness - occurrence
- Commonnesses - occurrence
- Commonplace - usual, everyday
- Commonplaceness - quality of being boring
- Commonplaces - usual, everyday
- Commons - dining hall
- Commonsense - sensible, matter-of-fact
- Commonsensible - sensible
- Commonsensical - sensible
- Commonwealth - political or geographic area
- Commonwealths - political or geographic area
- Commotion - clamor, uproar
- Commotions - clamor, uproar
- Commove - encourage, stimulate
- Commoved - encourage, stimulate
- Commoves - encourage, stimulate
- Commoving - inspiring, exhilarating
- Communal - collective; shared
- Communalize - socialize
- Communalized - socialize
- Communalizes - socialize
- Communalizing - socialize
- Communally - all together
- Commune - group living together
- Communed - group living together
- Communes - group living together
- Communicability - contamination
- Communicable - able to be contracted
- Communicant - believer
- Communicants - believer
- Communicate - give or exchange information, ideas
- Communicated - give or exchange information, ideas
- Communicates - give or exchange information, ideas
- Communicating - give or exchange information, ideas
- Communication - giving, exchanging information, ideas
- Communications - systems of information exchange
- Communicative - informative
- Communicator - talker
- Communicators - talker
- Communing - communicate, experience with another
- Communings - affinity, agreement
- Communion - affinity, agreement
- Communions - affinity, agreement
- Communique - communication, often written
- Communiques - communication, often written
- Communism - socialist government
- Communisms - socialist government
- Communist - card-carrying communist
- Communistic - generally known; held in common
- Communists - card-carrying communist
- Communities - society, area of people
- Community - society, area of people
- Communize - make the same; balance
- Communized - make the same; balance
- Communizes - make the same; balance
- Communizing - make the same; balance
- Commutable - identical, transposable
- Commutated - exchanged
- Commutation - substitution
- Commutations - substitution
- Commutative - erratic
- Commute - travel to work
- Commuted - travel to work
- Commuter - daily traveler, usually for work
- Commuters - daily traveler, usually for work
- Commutes - travel to work
- Commuting - travel to work
- Commutual - generally known; held in common
- Comose - feathery
- Comp - free
- Compact - condensed
- Compacted - make condensed
- Compacting - condensed
- Compactness - thickness
- Compactnesses - thickness
- Compactor - appliance for grinding garbage
- Compactors - appliance for grinding garbage
- Compacts - condensed
- Compadre - matching pair
- Compadres - matching pair
- Companied - gathering of people
- Companies - crowd of people
- Companion - helper, friend
- Companionable - friendly
- Companionably - as one
- Companionate - giving
- Companioned - escort
- Companioning - escort
- Companionless - alone
- Companions - helper, friend
- Companionship - friendship, accompaniment
- Companionships - friendship, accompaniment
- Companionway - stairway
- Companionways - stairway
- Company - crowd of people
- Companying - gathering of people
- Comparabilities - correspondence, similarity
- Comparability - correspondence, similarity
- Comparable - worthy of comparison
- Comparableness - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Comparably - in or by comparison
- Comparative - approximate, close to
- Comparatively - relatively
- Compare - examine in contrast
- Compared - distinguished
- Compares - examine in contrast
- Comparing - examine in contrast
- Comparison - contrasting; corresponding
- Comparisons - contrasting; corresponding
- Compartment - section, subdivision
- Compartmental - partial
- Compartmented - partial
- Compartmenting - isolate, segregate
- Compartments - section, subdivision
- Compass - boundary, periphery
- Compassed - boundary, periphery
- Compasses - boundary, periphery
- Compassing - boundary, periphery
- Compassion - tender feeling
- Compassionate - having tender feelings
- Compassionated - feel for, be compassionate
- Compassionately - with compassion
- Compassionates - feel for, be compassionate
- Compassionating - feel for, be compassionate
- Compassionless - unsympathetic
- Compassions - tender feeling
- Compatibilities - harmony in relationship
- Compatibility - harmony in relationship
- Compatible - agreeable, in harmony
- Compatibles - agreement
- Compatibly - sensitively
- Compatriot - fellow countryman/countrywoman
- Compatriots - fellow countryman/countrywoman
- Comped - pay back, make restitution
- Compeer - comrade
- Compeers - comrade
- Compel - force to act
- Compellation - title given to something, someone
- Compellations - title given to something, someone
- Compelled - force to act
- Compelling - irresistible
- Compellingly - insistently
- Compels - force to act
- Compend - condensation
- Compendia - abridgment
- Compendious - abridged
- Compendium - abridgment
- Compendiums - abridgment
- Compends - condensation
- Compensate - make restitution
- Compensated - make restitution
- Compensates - make restitution
- Compensating - refunding
- Compensation - repayment; rectification
- Compensations - repayment; rectification
- Compensative - compensatory
- Compensatory - compensative
- Comper - free
- Compere - formal host
- Comperes - formal host
- Compete - go up against in contest
- Competed - go up against in contest
- Competence - ability
- Competences - ability
- Competencies - ability
- Competency - ability
- Competent - able
- Competently - capably
- Competes - go up against in contest
- Competing - go up against in contest
- Competition - contest
- Competitions - contest
- Competitive - willing to oppose
- Competitor - person willing to enter contest
- Competitors - person willing to enter contest
- Compilation - assemblage
- Compilations - assemblage
- Compile - assemble, accumulate
- Compiled - assemble, accumulate
- Compiler - one who collects specimens
- Compilers - one who collects specimens
- Compiles - assemble, accumulate
- Compiling - assemble, accumulate
- Comping - pay back, make restitution
- Complacence - egotism
- Complacences - egotism
- Complacencies - contentment
- Complacency - contentment
- Complacent - contented
- Complain - grumble about
- Complainant - filer of court complaint
- Complainants - filer of court complaint
- Complained - grumble about
- Complainer - whiner
- Complainers - whiner
- Complaining - objecting
- Complainings - grief, complaint
- Complains - grumble about
- Complaint - statement of disagreement, discontent
- Complaints - statement of disagreement, discontent
- Complaisance - agreeableness
- Complaisances - agreeableness
- Complaisant - agreeable
- Complanate - level, smooth
- Complect - blend, unite; contrive
- Complected - blend, unite; contrive
- Complecting - blend, unite; contrive
- Complects - blend, unite; contrive
- Complement - companion, counterpart
- Complemental - complementary
- Complementary - filling, completing
- Complemented - complete
- Complementing - complete
- Complements - companion, counterpart
- Complete - total, not lacking
- Completed - achieved
- Completely - entirely
- Completeness - fullness
- Completenesses - fullness
- Completes - carry out action
- Completing - carry out action
- Completion - accomplishment, finishing
- Completions - accomplishment, finishing
- Completory - filling, completing
- Complex - involved, intricate
- Complexes - composite, aggregate
- Complexion - skin coloring, appearance
- Complexioned - color
- Complexions - skin coloring, appearance
- Complexities - complicatedness
- Complexity - complicatedness
- Compliable - groveling, submissive
- Compliance - agreement
- Compliances - agreement
- Compliancies - obedience
- Compliancy - obedience
- Compliant - obedient
- Compliantly - dutifully
- Complicate - confuse, make difficult
- Complicated - difficult, complex
- Complicates - confuse, make difficult
- Complicating - confuse, make difficult
- Complication - difficult situation
- Complications - difficult situation
- Complicit - associated with unethical activity
- Complicities - conspiracy
- Complied - abide by, follow agreement or instructions
- Complies - abide by, follow agreement or instructions
- Compliment - praise, flattery
- Complimentary - flattering
- Complimented - praise, flatter
- Complimenting - praise, flatter
- Compliments - praise, flattery
- Complot - conspiracy
- Complots - conspiracy
- Complotted - agree, concur
- Complotting - agree, concur
- Comply - abide by, follow agreement or instructions
- Complying - abide by, follow agreement or instructions
- Component - constituent
- Components - part, element
- Comported - agree
- Comporting - agree
- Comportment - behavior
- Comportments - behavior
- Comports - agree
- Compose - be part of construction
- Composed - calm, collected
- Composedly - casually, unhurriedly
- Composer - songwriter
- Composers - songwriter
- Composes - be part of construction
- Composing - be part of construction
- Composite - combined, mixed
- Composites - combined, mixed
- Composition - structure, arrangement
- Compositions - structure, arrangement
- Compositor - typesetter
- Compositors - typesetter
- Compost - organic fertilizer
- Composted - make ready to bear, produce
- Composting - make ready to bear, produce
- Composts - organic fertilizer
- Composure - calmness, collectedness
- Composures - calmness, collectedness
- Compotation - spree
- Compotations - spree
- Compound - combination, mixture
- Compounded - mix, combine
- Compounding - mix, combine
- Compoundings - duplication
- Compounds - combination, mixture
- Comprehend - understand
- Comprehended - understand
- Comprehendible - evident, obvious
- Comprehending - understand
- Comprehends - understand
- Comprehensible - understandable
- Comprehension - understanding
- Comprehensions - understanding
- Comprehensive - inclusive
- Comprehensively - to a great extent
- Compress - compact, condense
- Compressed - compact, condense
- Compresses - compact, condense
- Compressing - compact, condense
- Compression - condensation
- Compressions - condensation
- Comprisal - addition
- Comprisals - addition
- Comprise - make up, consist of
- Comprised - make up, consist of
- Comprises - make up, consist of
- Comprising - make up, consist of
- Compromise - agreement, give-and-take
- Compromised - give and take
- Compromiser - person who settles dispute
- Compromisers - person who settles dispute
- Compromises - agreement, give-and-take
- Compromising - give and take
- Comps - authorization, permission
- Comptroller - controller
- Comptrollers - controller
- Compulsatory - required, necessary
- Compulsion - drive, obligation
- Compulsions - drive, obligation
- Compulsive - driving, obsessive
- Compulsorily - forcibly
- Compulsory - binding
- Compunctions - regret, sorrow
- Compunctious - remorseful
- Compurgation - forgiveness
- Compurgations - forgiveness
- Compurgator - person(s) involved in legal action
- Compurgators - person(s) involved in legal action
- Computable - calculable
- Computation - performing arithmetic
- Computations - performing arithmetic
- Computative - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Compute - calculate, estimate
- Computed - calculate, estimate
- Computer - calculating, data processing machine
- Computerese - computer technical language
- Computereses - computer technical language
- Computerization - machine control
- Computerize - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Computerized - electronic
- Computerizes - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Computerizing - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Computers - calculating, data processing machine
- Computes - calculate, estimate
- Computing - calculate, estimate
- Computings - keeping financial accounts
- Comrade - ally
- Comradely - friendly
- Comraderies - amiability
- Comradery - amiability
- Comrades - ally
- Comradeship - friendship
- Comradeships - friendship
- Comsat - artificial satellite
- Comsats - artificial satellite
- Comsymp - card-carrying communist
- Comsymps - card-carrying communist
- Con - trick
- Conation - aim, purpose
- Conations - aim, purpose
- Conatus - attempt
- Concatenate - link
- Concatenated - link
- Concatenates - link
- Concatenating - link
- Concatenations - connection, sequence
- Concave - curved, depressed
- Concaved - bending in a shape or course
- Concaves - bending in a shape or course
- Concaving - bending in a shape or course
- Concavities - depression
- Concavity - depression
- Conceal - hide, disguise
- Concealed - hidden, secret
- Concealing - hide, disguise
- Concealment - hiding, secrecy
- Concealments - hiding, secrecy
- Conceals - hide, disguise
- Concede - acknowledge, give in
- Conceded -