Words Beginning with n - list and definitions learning English
- Nab - seize
- Nabbed - seize
- Nabbing - seize
- Nabe - environment, atmosphere
- Nabes - environment, atmosphere
- Nabob - bigwig
- Nabobs - bigwig
- Nabs - seize
- Nacelle - woven container
- Nacelles - woven container
- Nacre - gem
- Nacreous - rainbow-colored
- Nacres - gem
- Nada - nothing
- Nadas - nothing
- Nadir - lowest point
- Nadirs - lowest point
- Nafcillin -
- Nag - harass, bother
- Nagel -
- Nagged - harass, bother
- Nagger - critic
- Naggers - critic
- Nagging - painful
- Naggings - severe mental distress
- Nagi -
- Nags - harass, bother
- Naiad - female nature spirit
- Naiades - female nature spirit
- Naiads - female nature spirit
- Naif - inexperienced person
- Naifs - inexperienced person
- Nail - fasten, fix with pointed object
- Nailed - fasten, fix with pointed object
- Nailing - fasten, fix with pointed object
- Nails - fasten, fix with pointed object
- Naive - childlike, trusting
- Naively - childishly
- Naiver - childlike, trusting
- Naives - innocent
- Naivest - childlike, trusting
- naivete - lack of sophistication or worldliness
- Naivete - innocence, gullibility
- Naivetes - innocence
- Naked - without covering
- Nakedness - nudity
- Nakednesses - nudity
- namby-pamby - weak in willpower, courage or vitality
- Name - title given to something, someone
- Nameable - important; famous
- Named - having as a name
- Nameless - unknown, anonymous
- Namelessness - obscurity
- Namelessnesses - obscurity
- Namely - that is to say
- Nameplate - memorial
- Nameplates - memorial
- Namer - effective, powerful
- Names - title given to something, someone
- Namesake - title given to something, someone
- Namesakes - title given to something, someone
- Nametags -
- Naming - give a title
- Namings - assignment of responsibility
- Nancies - bounce; intermittently move
- Nancy - bounce; intermittently move
- Nannie -
- Nannies - children's nurse
- Nanny - children's nurse
- Nanometre -
- Nanosecond - very short time
- Nanoseconds - very short time
- Nap - short, light sleep
- Napalm - projectiles for weaponry
- Napalmed - detonate weapon
- Napalming - detonate weapon
- Napalms - projectiles for weaponry
- Nape - narrow connector
- Naperies - table coverings
- Napery - table coverings
- Napes - narrow connector
- Naphtha - oil
- Naphthas - oil
- Napkin - linen
- Napkins - linen
- Napped - short, light sleep
- Nappier - fuzzy
- Nappiest - fuzzy
- Napping - take a short, light sleep
- Nappy - fuzzy
- Naps - short, light sleep
- Narc - person, people hired to uphold the laws
- Narcissi -
- Narcissism - egotism
- Narcissisms - egotism
- Narcissist - egotist
- Narcissistic - concerned only with oneself
- Narcissists - egotist
- Narcistic - individual
- Narcolepsies - type of encephalitis
- Narcolepsy - type of encephalitis
- Narcoleptic - exhausted, weary
- Narcoma - dullness
- Narcomas - dullness
- Narcomata - dullness
- Narcosis - daze, unconsciousness
- Narcotic - dulling, painkilling
- Narcotics - dulling, painkilling
- Narcotics abuse -
- Narcotize - drug
- Narcotized - drug
- Narcotizes - drug
- Narcotizing - drug
- Narcs - person, people hired to uphold the laws
- Nares - smelling organ of animate being
- Nargileh - pipe through which water moves
- Nargilehs - pipe through which water moves
- Naris - smelling organ of animate being
- Nark - informer
- Narks - informer
- Narrate - describe, detail
- Narrated - describe, detail
- Narrates - describe, detail
- Narrating - describe, detail
- Narration - description, reading
- Narrations - description, reading
- Narrative - storylike, chronological
- Narratives - story, tale
- Narrator - storyteller
- Narrators - storyteller
- Narrow - confined, restricted
- Narrowed - reduce, simplify
- Narrower - confined, restricted
- Narrowest - confined, restricted
- Narrowing - shortening
- Narrowings - shortening
- Narrowly - just, closely
- Narrowness - a physical restriction
- Narrownesses - a physical restriction
- Narrows - reduce, simplify
- Narthex - small room for arrivals
- Narthexes - small room for arrivals
- Narwal - aquatic mammal
- Narwals - aquatic mammal
- Narwhal - cetacean mammal
- Narwhals - cetacean mammal
- Nary -
- Nas -
- Nasalities - nasal sound
- Nasality - nasal sound
- Nasalize - lengthen, draw out
- Nasalized - lengthen, draw out
- Nasalizes - lengthen, draw out
- Nasalizing - lengthen, draw out
- Nascence - birth
- Nascences - birth
- Nascencies - birth
- Nascency - birth
- Nascent - undeveloped, beginning
- Nasi -
- Naso -
- Nastier - disgusting, offensive
- Nastiest - disgusting, offensive
- Nastiness - malevolence
- Nastinesses - malevolence
- Nasty - disgusting, offensive
- Natal - innate, inherent
- Natalie -
- Natalities - becoming alive
- Natality - becoming alive
- Natant - existing in liquid
- Natation - water sport
- Natations - water sport
- Natatoria - collection of liquid
- natatorial - Inclined or adapted to swim; swimming; as, natatorial birds.
- Natatorial - concerning the sea
- Natatorium - collection of liquid
- Natatoriums - collection of liquid
- Natatory - occurring in water
- Naticoid -
- Nation - country with its own government
- National - concerning a country with a
- Nationalism - love of one's country
- Nationalisms - love of one's country
- Nationalist - person who loves his or her country
- Nationalistic - devoted
- Nationalists - person who loves his or her country
- Nationalities - place of birth
- Nationality - place of birth
- Nationalization - adjustment to culture
- Nationalize - socialize
- Nationalized - socialize
- Nationalizes - socialize
- Nationalizing - socialize
- Nationally - concerning a nation
- Nationals - person born in the country in which he/she dwells
- Nations - country with its own government
- Nationwide - concerning a country with a
- Native - innate, inherent
- Natively - innately
- Natives - person born in the country in which he/she dwells
- Nativities - beginning, inception
- Nativity - beginning, inception
- natter - talk socially without exchanging too much information
- Natter - gossip
- Nattered - gossip
- Nattering - gossip
- Natters - gossip
- Nattier - dapper
- Nattiest - dapper
- Nattiness - cleanness
- Nattinesses - cleanness
- Natty - dapper
- Natura - nature personified
- Natural - normal, everyday
- Naturalism - fidelity
- Naturalisms - fidelity
- Naturalist - wildlife expert
- Naturalistic - realistic
- Naturalists - wildlife expert
- Naturalization - adoption
- Naturalizations - adoption
- Naturalize - confer citizenship upon
- Naturalized - confer citizenship upon
- Naturalizes - confer citizenship upon
- Naturalizing - confer citizenship upon
- Naturally - as anticipated
- Naturalness - ease
- Naturalnesses - ease
- Naturals - symbol, often used in reference to music
- Nature - character, disposition
- Natures - character, disposition
- Naturism - nakedness
- Naturisms - nakedness
- Naturists -
- Naught - zero
- Naughtier - bad, misbehaved
- Naughtiest - bad, misbehaved
- Naughtily - immorally
- Naughtiness - misbehavior
- Naughtinesses - misbehavior
- Naughts - emptiness, nonexistence
- Naughty - bad, misbehaved
- Nausea - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Nauseas - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- nauseate - cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
- Nauseate - make sick; disgust
- Nauseated - feeling nausea
- Nauseates - make sick; disgust
- Nauseating - nauseous
- Nauseation - aversion; repulsion
- Nauseations - aversion; repulsion
- Nauseous - disgusting
- Nauseousness - aversion; repulsion
- Nauseousnesses - aversion; repulsion
- Nautic - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Nautical - sea
- Nautics - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Naval - seagoing
- Naval battle -
- Naval shipyard -
- Navar -
- Navarch - highest us navy commander
- Nave - middle point
- Navel - of the navel
- Navels - middle point
- Naves - middle point
- Navicert - good health
- Navicerts - good health
- Navies - fleet
- Navigable - traversable
- Navigate - guide along route, often over water
- Navigated - guide along route, often over water
- Navigates - guide along route, often over water
- Navigating - guide along route, often over water
- Navigation - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Navigational - nautical
- Navigations - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Navigator - course plotter
- Navigators - course plotter
- Navvies - unskilled worker
- Navvy - unskilled worker
- Navy - fleet
- Nawab - bigwig
- Nawabs - bigwig
- Nay - no
- Nays - no
- Naysayer - pessimist
- Naysayers - pessimist
- Naysaying - bad, contradictory
- Naze - promontory into water
- Nazes - promontory into water
- Nazi - dictatorial
- Nazis - dictator
- Ne plus ultra -
- Neale -
- Neanderthal -
- Near - close by physically
- Nearby - adjoining
- Neared - come nearer
- Nearer - close by physically
- Nearest - close by physically
- Nearing - approaching
- Nearlier - almost; nearly
- Nearliest - almost; nearly
- Nearly - almost
- Nearness - nearness in time or space
- Nearnesses - nearness in time or space
- Nears - short distance
- Nearsighted - myopic
- Neat - arranged well, uncluttered
- Neaten - tidy
- Neatened - tidy
- Neatening - tidy
- Neatens - tidy
- Neater - arranged well, uncluttered
- Neatest - arranged well, uncluttered
- Neath - below
- Neatly - tidily
- Neatness - neatness in persons
- Neatnesses - neatness in persons
- Neb - lethargic
- nebbish - (Yiddish) a timid unfortunate simpleton
- Nebbish - nonentity
- Nebbishes - nonentity
- Nebs - nose of animal
- nebula - a medicinal liquid preparation intended for use in an atomizer
- Nebula - cloud of gas
- Nebulae - cloud of gas
- Nebulas - cloud of gas
- Nebulosities - mass of water particles in air
- Nebulosity - mass of water particles in air
- Nebulous - confused, obscure
- Nebulously - dimly
- Nebulousness - vagueness
- Nebulousnesses - vagueness
- Necessaries - necessity, essential
- Necessarily - inevitably, certainly
- Necessary - essential
- Necessitate - call for, make necessary
- Necessitated - call for, make necessary
- Necessitates - call for, make necessary
- Necessitating - call for, make necessary
- Necessitation - requirement to obey; implementation of rule(s)
- Necessitations - requirement to obey; implementation of rule(s)
- Necessities - need, essentiality
- Necessitous - poor
- Necessitousness - want; extreme need, often financial
- Necessity - need, essentiality
- Neck - narrow connector
- Neckband - neck attire
- Neckbands - neck attire
- Necked - touch one's lips to another's
- Neckerchief - kerchief for neck
- Neckerchiefs - kerchief for neck
- Necking - kissing
- Neckings - kissing
- Necklace - chain
- Necklaces - chain
- Necklet - string of small, often round, objects
- Necklets - string of small, often round, objects
- Necks - narrow connector
- Neckwear - muffler
- Neckwears - muffler
- Necrologies - notice of person's death
- Necrology - notice of person's death
- Necromancer - person who performs supernatural
- Necromancers - person who performs supernatural
- Necromancies - sorcery
- Necromancy - sorcery
- Necromantic - bewitching, charming
- Necrophagous -
- Necropolis - cemetery
- Necropolises - cemetery
- Necropsies - analysis after death
- Necropsy - analysis after death
- Necrosis - fatality
- Necrotic - deadly
- Nectar - sweet drink
- Nectariferous - pertaining to honey
- Nectarous - sugary
- Nectars - sweet drink
- Ned - complai
- Neddies - a male donkey
- Neddy - a male donkey
- Need - want, requirement
- Needed - wanted
- Needer - deny or be denied
- Needful - essential
- Needfulness - need, essentiality
- Needfulnesses - need, essentiality
- Needier - deprived, impoverished
- Neediest - deprived, impoverished
- Neediness - poverty
- Needinesses - poverty
- Needing - want something
- Needle - tease, annoy
- Needlecraft - stitching
- Needlecrafts - stitching
- Needled - tease, annoy
- Needlelike - knifelike, cutting
- Needlepoint - fancy stitching
- Needlepointed - knifelike, cutting
- Needlepoints - fancy stitching
- Needler - very close
- Needles - tease, annoy
- Needless - unnecessary, groundless
- Needlework - needlepoint
- Needleworker - sewer
- Needleworkers - sewer
- Needleworks - needlepoint
- Needling - tease, annoy
- Needlings - contemptuous laughter at someone or something
- Needs - want, requirement
- Needy - deprived, impoverished
- Neel -
- Nefandous -
- Nefarious - bad, sinful
- Nefariousness - outrageous behavior
- Nefariousnesses - outrageous behavior
- Negate - contradict, countermand
- Negated - contradict, countermand
- Negates - contradict, countermand
- Negating - contradict, countermand
- Negation - contradiction, denial
- Negations - contradiction, denial
- Negative - bad, contradictory
- Negatived - not
- Negatively - unfavorably
- Negatives - contradiction
- Negativing - not
- Negativism - bad attitude
- Negativisms - bad attitude
- Negativistic - uncooperative
- Negativity - habitual skepticism
- Negator - counteracting agent
- Negators - counteracting agent
- Negatory - contradiction, denial
- Neglect - disregard
- Neglected - slighted
- Neglecter - criminal, often young
- Neglecters - criminal, often young
- Neglectful - careless, failing
- Neglectfully - heedlessly
- Neglectfulness - unwillingness to work, be active
- Neglecting - disregarding
- Neglects - disregard
- Negligee - nightgown
- Negligees - nightgown
- Negligence - carelessness
- Negligences - carelessness
- Negligent - careless, indifferent
- Negligently - heedlessly
- Negligibilities - pettiness
- Negligibility - pettiness
- Negligible - insignificant
- Negligibleness - pettiness
- Negotiable - variable
- Negotiate - bargain, discuss
- Negotiated - bargain, discuss
- Negotiates - bargain, discuss
- Negotiating - transacting
- Negotiation - bargaining
- Negotiations - bargaining
- Negotiator - person who bargains, controls discussion
- Negotiators - person who bargains, controls discussion
- Negro - african-american
- Negroes - african-american
- Neh -
- Neigh - whinny
- Neighbor - person who lives close by
- Neighbored - person who lives close by
- Neighborhood - community, surroundings
- Neighborhoods - community, surroundings
- Neighboring - adjacent
- Neighborliness - friendship
- Neighborly - friendly
- Neighbors - person who lives close by
- Neighed - whinny
- Neighing - whinny
- Neighs - whinny
- Neither - nor yet
- Nemeses - bane
- Nemesis - bane
- nemophilist - One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.
- Nemophilist -
- nemophilist -
- nemophilist -
- Neoclassicism - simple style; regularity, restraint
- Neoclassicisms - simple style; regularity, restraint
- Neocolonialism - expansionist doctrine
- Neocolonialisms - expansionist doctrine
- Neolith - organic remains of a previous time
- Neoliths - organic remains of a previous time
- Neologically -
- Neologies - new word
- neologism - a newly invented word or phrase
- Neologism - new word
- Neologisms - new word
- Neology - new word
- Neon - bright as in light
- neonate - a baby from birth to four weeks
- Neonate - baby
- Neonates - baby
- Neons - bright as in light
- neophilia - The love of new things.
- Neophobia -
- neophyte - A person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief.; A beginner or novice.
- Neophytes - beginner
- Neoplasm - abnormal growth in animate being
- Neoplasms - abnormal growth in animate being
- neoteric - One of modern times; a modern
- Neoteric - new, up-to-date
- Nepenthe - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Nepenthes - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Nephalist - nondrinker
- Nephalists - nondrinker
- Nephew - male human
- Nephews - male human
- Nephralgia -
- Nephritis -
- nepotism - favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)
- Nepotism - favoritism
- Nepotisms - favoritism
- Neptunist -
- Nerd - geek
- Nerdier - not liked or sought after
- Nerdiest - not liked or sought after
- Nerds - geek
- Nerdy - not liked or sought after
- Nereid - water spirit
- Nereids - water spirit
- Nerve - daring, boldness
- Nerved - daring, boldness
- Nerveless - calm, cool
- Nerves - extreme anxiety
- Nervier - bold, pushy
- Nerviest - bold, pushy
- Nerviness - impudence
- Nervinesses - impudence
- Nerving - daring, boldness
- Nervous - anxious, fearful
- Nervously - tensely
- Nervousness - anxious state
- Nervousnesses - anxious state
- Nervy - bold, pushy
- nescience - Lack of knowledge or awareness; ignorance.
- Nesciences - ignorance
- Nescient - ignorant
- Ness - promontory into water
- Nesses - promontory into water
- Nest - home
- Nested - entrenched
- Nesting - inhabit a dwelling
- Nestle - curl up
- Nestled - curl up
- Nestles - curl up
- Nestling - curl up
- Nestlings - very young person
- Nestor - mentor
- Nestors - mentor
- Nests - home
- Net - profiting
- Nether - inferior
- Nethermost - bottom
- Netherworld - hell
- Netherworlds - hell
- Netley -
- Netlike - spun
- Nets - profiting
- Netted - webbed
- Netting - mesh
- Nettings - mesh
- Nettle - provoke, upset
- Nettled - provoke, upset
- Nettles - provoke, upset
- nettlesome - easily irritated or annoyed
- Nettlesome - irritating
- Nettling - provoke, upset
- Network - system of connections
- Networked - system of connections
- Networking - to socialize for professional or personal gain
- Networkings - switch, exchange
- Networks - system of connections
- Neural - affecting animate nerve organs
- Neurasthenia - extreme anxiety
- Neurasthenias - extreme anxiety
- Neurasthenic - crippled
- Neurological - affecting animate nerve organs
- Neurologies - central nervous system
- Neurology - central nervous system
- Neuroses - mental disturbance, disorder
- Neurosis - mental disturbance, disorder
- Neurotic - mentally maladjusted
- Neuroticism - anxious state
- Neuroticisms - anxious state
- Neurotics - person who is crazy, mad
- Neuter - remove sex organs
- Neutered - remove sex organs
- Neutering - remove sex organs
- Neuters - remove sex organs
- Neutral - impartial, noncommittal
- Neutralist - friendly, serene
- Neutralities - impartiality
- Neutrality - impartiality
- Neutralization - contradiction, denial
- Neutralizations - contradiction, denial
- Neutralize - counteract
- Neutralized - counteract
- Neutralizer - counteracting agent
- Neutralizers - counteracting agent
- Neutralizes - counteract
- Neutralizing - counteract
- Neutrally - impartially
- Neutrals - light brown color
- Never - not at any time
- Nevermore - not at any time
- Nevertheless - however
- Nevi - blemish
- Neville -
- Neville chamberlain -
- Nevus - blemish
- New - recent, fresh
- New providence -
- Newbie - newcomer
- Newbies - newcomer
- Newborn - infant
- Newborns - infant
- Newcome - not prepared, ready; new
- Newcomer - person who has just arrived in area
- Newcomers - person who has just arrived in area
- Newel - upright support
- Newels - upright support
- Newer - recent, fresh
- Newest - recent, fresh
- newfangled - New or different; often implying disapproval or skepticism about something modern.
- Newfangledness - novelty
- Newfound - recently discovered
- Newish - immature
- Newly - recently
- Newlywed - female marriage partner
- Newlyweds - female marriage partner
- Newness - originality
- Newnesses - originality
- News - information, revelation
- Newsbreak - very brief broadcast statement
- Newsbreaks - very brief broadcast statement
- Newscast - broadcast
- Newscaster - broadcaster
- Newscasters - broadcaster
- Newscasting - informing via electronic media
- Newscastings - informing via electronic media
- Newscasts - broadcast
- Newsflash -
- Newshound - reporter
- Newshounds - reporter
- Newsier - significant
- Newsiest - significant
- Newsletter - special interest publication
- Newsletters - special interest publication
- Newsman - reporter
- Newsmen - reporter
- Newsmonger - nosy, impertinent person
- Newsmongers - nosy, impertinent person
- Newspaper - regular, continuous publication containing information
- Newspaperman - redactor
- Newspapermen - redactor
- Newspapers - regular, continuous publication containing information
- Newspaperwoman - redactor
- Newspaperwomen - redactor
- Newspeak - specialized language; dialect
- Newspeaks - specialized language; dialect
- Newspeople - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Newsperson - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Newspersons - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Newsprint - material upon which one writes
- Newsprints - material upon which one writes
- Newsreader - speaker on television
- Newsreaders - speaker on television
- Newssheet -
- Newsstand - gazebo
- Newsstands - gazebo
- Newswire - newsgathering organization
- Newswires - newsgathering organization
- Newswoman - reporter
- Newswomen - reporter
- Newsworthiness -
- Newsworthy - important
- Newsy - significant
- Newt - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Newtown -
- Newts - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Next - coming immediately after in space, time, order
- next -
- Next higher -
- Next up -
- Nexus - middle
- Nexuses - middle
- Ni-hard iron -
- Niagara - flood, inundation
- Niagaras - flood, inundation
- Nib - writing instrument
- Nibble - morsel, bite
- Nibbled - morsel, bite
- Nibbles - morsel, bite
- Nibbling - bite, pick at
- Nibblings - consuming
- Niblick - golfing tool
- Niblicks - golfing tool
- Nibs - writing instrument
- Nice - likable, agreeable
- Nicely - in a welcome manner
- Niceness - accuracy
- Nicenesses - accuracy
- Nicer - likable, agreeable
- Nicest - likable, agreeable
- Niceties - fine point
- Nicety - fine point
- Niche - place all one's own
- Niches - place all one's own
- Nicholas ii -
- Nicias -
- Nick - chip, scratch
- Nicked - chip, scratch
- Nickel - smaller currency in exchange for larger
- Nickeled - coat with metallic material
- Nickelic -
- Nickeling - coat with metallic material
- Nickelled - coat with metallic material
- Nickelling - coat with metallic material
- Nickels - smaller currency in exchange for larger
- Nicker - calling out; yelling
- Nickered - call out, yell
- Nickering - call out, yell
- Nickers - calling out; yelling
- Nicking - chip, scratch
- Nickname - informal title
- Nicknamed - give a title
- Nicknames - informal title
- Nicknaming - give a title
- Nicks - chip, scratch
- Nicola -
- Nicotiana -
- Nictate - blink
- Nictated - blink
- Nictates - blink
- Nictating - blink
- Nictation - blink
- Nictations - blink
- Nictitate - blink
- Nictitated - blink
- Nictitates - blink
- Nictitating - blink
- Nictitation - blink
- Nictitations - blink
- Niddering -
- Nidorous - rotten, stinking
- Niece - member of a family
- Nieces - member of a family
- Niftier - marvelous
- Nifties - ace
- Niftiest - marvelous
- Nifty - marvelous
- Nigerians -
- Niggard - ungenerous
- Niggardliness - extreme greed
- Niggardlinesses - extreme greed
- Niggardlinesses -
- Niggardly - defective, insufficient, incompetent
- Niggards - skinflint
- Niggle - nitpick
- Niggled - nitpick
- Niggler - critic
- Nigglers - critic
- Niggles - nitpick
- Niggling - trifling
- Nigh - near
- Nigher - near
- Nighest - near
- Night - part of day after sundown and before sunrise
- Night letter -
- Nightcap - farewell drink
- Nightcaps - farewell drink
- Nightclothes - women's undergarments
- Nightclub - place for evening entertainment
- Nightclubs - place for evening entertainment
- Nightdress - nightgown
- Nightdresses - nightgown
- Nightfall - beginning of darkness
- Nightfalls - beginning of darkness
- Nightglow -
- Nightgown - dress in which to sleep
- Nightgowns - dress in which to sleep
- Nighthawk - lacking restraint, indulgent
- Nighthawks - person who is immoral
- Nightie - nightgown
- Nighties - nightgown
- Nightingale - person who can carry a tune
- Nightingales - person who can carry a tune
- Nightly - each evening; after dark
- Nightmare - bad dream or experience
- Nightmares - bad dream or experience
- Nightmarish - frightening
- Nights - part of day after sundown and before sunrise
- Nightshirt - dress in which to sleep
- Nightshirts - dress in which to sleep
- Nightspot - discotheque
- Nightspots - discotheque
- Nightstand - table by bed
- Nightstands - table by bed
- Nightstick - stick used for conducting or for protection
- Nightsticks - stick used for conducting or for protection
- Nighttide - part of day after sundown and before sunrise
- Nighttides - part of day after sundown and before sunrise
- Nighttime - darkness
- Nighttimes - darkness
- Nightwear - women's undergarments
- Nightwears - women's undergarments
- Nihil - nonexistent
- Nihilism - refusal to believe
- Nihilisms - refusal to believe
- nihilist - an advocate of anarchism
- Nihilist - skeptic
- Nihilistic - insurgent
- Nihilists - skeptic
- Nihilities - nothingness
- Nihility - nothingness
- Nikko -
- Nil - nonexistent
- Nils - nothing
- Nilt -
- Nimbi - cloud
- Nimble - dexterous, smart
- Nimble-fingered -
- Nimbleness - grace
- Nimblenesses - grace
- Nimbler - dexterous, smart
- Nimblest - dexterous, smart
- Nimblewitted - smart
- Nimbly - swiftly
- Nimbus - cloud
- Nimbuses - cloud
- Nimieties - excess
- nimiety - a quantity much larger than is needed
- Nimiety - excess
- Nincompoop - idiot
- Nincompoops - idiot
- Nine - having nine of something
- Ninepins - tenpins
- Niner - having nine of something
- Nines - having nine of something
- Nineteen -
- Ninja - martial artist
- Ninjas - martial artist
- Ninnies - fool
- Ninny - fool
- Ninnyhammer - nervous person
- Ninnyhammers - nervous person
- Nintendo -
- Ninth - having nine of something
- Niobium -
- Nip - swallow, taste
- Nipped - swallow, taste
- Nipper - kid
- Nippers - kid
- Nippier - chilly
- Nippiest - chilly
- Nipping - swallow, taste
- Nipple - front of upper body
- Nipples - front of upper body
- Nippy - chilly
- Nips - swallow, taste
- nirvana - (Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness
- Nirvana - enlightenment
- Nirvanas - enlightenment
- Nirvanic - tending to not remember
- Nisi - upon any less condition than
- Nisse - elf
- Nisses - elf
- Nit - small insect
- Niteries - place for evening entertainment
- Nitery - place for evening entertainment
- nitid - bright with a steady but subdued shining
- Nitid - luminous
- Nitpick - criticize
- Nitpicked - criticize
- Nitpicker - critic
- Nitpickers - critic
- Nitpicking - niggling about details
- Nitpickings - verbal disapproval
- Nitpicks - criticize
- Nitpicky - very careful, meticulous
- Nitroglycerin - explosive
- Nitroglycerins - explosive
- Nits - small insect
- Nitwit - idiot
- Nitwits - idiot
- Nitwitted - oblivious, stupid; automatic
- Nitwittedness - dullness of mind
- Nitwittednesses - dullness of mind
- Nival - pertaining to snow
- Nivea -
- Niveous - pertaining to snow
- Nix - none
- Nixed - negative
- Nixer - nonexistent
- Nixes - none
- Nixie - elf
- Nixies - elf
- Nixing - negative
- Nkotb -
- No - negative
- Nobbier - well-groomed, neat
- Nobbiest - well-groomed, neat
- Nobbling - flattery for favor
- Nobby - well-groomed, neat
- Nobilities - aristocracy; eminence
- Nobility - aristocracy; eminence
- Noble - aristocratic
- Nobleman - peer
- Noblemen - peer
- Nobleness - aristocracy; eminence
- Noblenesses - aristocracy; eminence
- Nobler - aristocratic
- Nobles - aristocratic
- Noblesse - nobility
- Noblesses - nobility
- Noblest - aristocratic
- Noblewoman - woman of noble birth
- Noblewomen - woman of noble birth
- Nobly - majestically
- Nobodies - person of little importance
- Nobody - unimportant person
- Nobunaga -
- Nocake -
- nocebo - A substance which a patient experiences as harmful due to a previous negative perception, but which is in fact pharmacologically (medicinally) inactive.
- Nocent - hurtful
- Nock - indentation
- Nocks - indentation
- Noctambulation - walking during sleep
- Noctambulations - walking during sleep
- Noctambulism - walking during sleep
- Noctambulisms - walking during sleep
- Noctiluca - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Noctilucae - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Nocturnal - happening at night
- Nocturnally - each evening; after dark
- Nocturne - melody
- Nocturnes - melody
- nocuous - Likely to cause harm or damage
- Nocuous - noxious
- Nod - gesture of the head
- Nodded - gesture with head
- Nodding - sleepy
- Noddings - soporific
- Noddle - head
- Noddles - head
- Node - bud
- Nodes - knot, growth
- Nods - gesture of the head
- Nodular - uneven, irregular
- Nodulation - swollen object
- Nodulations - swollen object
- Nodule - knot, growth
- Nodules - knot, growth
- Nodulous - troublesome
- Noel - christmas
- Noels - christmas
- Noes - negative
- noetic - of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind
- Nog -
- Noggin - head
- Noggins - head
- Noi -
- Noise - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Noised - gossip; tell rumor
- Noiseless - quiet
- Noiselessly - silently
- Noiselessness - silence
- Noiselessnesses - silence
- Noisemaker - loud noises
- Noisemakers - loud noises
- Noises - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Noisier - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Noisiest - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Noisily - suddenly, with force
- Noising - gossip; tell rumor
- noisome - causing or able to cause nausea
- Noisome - immoral, bad, offensive
- Noisomeness - foul odor
- Noisomenesses - foul odor
- Noisy - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Nomad - person who wanders from place to place
- Nomadic - itinerant
- Nomadize - move, travel to another place
- Nomadized - move, travel to another place
- Nomadizes - move, travel to another place
- Nomadizing - move, travel to another place
- Nomads - person who wanders from place to place
- Nomen - title given to something, someone
- Nomenclature - vocabulary
- Nomenclatures - vocabulary
- Nomina - title given to something, someone
- Nominal - supposed, theoretical
- Nominate - designate, select
- Nominated - designated
- Nominates - designate, select
- Nominating - designate, select
- Nomination - appointment for responsibility
- Nominations - appointment for responsibility
- Nominee - candidate
- Nominees - candidate
- Nomistic - lawmaking
- Nomocracy -
- Nomophobia - Anxiety about not having access to a mobile phone or mobile phone services
- nomothetic - Relating to, involving, or dealing with abstract, general, or universal statements or laws. It focuses on identifying general principles or patterns that apply to groups of individuals.
- Nomothetic - Relating to, involving, or dealing with abstract, general, or universal statements or laws. It focuses on identifying general principles or patterns that apply to groups of individuals.
- Non-attendance -
- Non-governmental -
- Non-productive -
- Non-profit-making -
- Nonabsorptive -
- Nonacceptance - belief, behavior different from most
- Nonacceptances - belief, behavior different from most
- Nonactive - inactive
- Nonadmission - expulsion; forbiddance
- Nonadmissions - expulsion; forbiddance
- nonage - any age prior to the legal age
- Nonage - youth
- Nonages - youth
- Nonagon - having nine of something
- Nonaligned - neutral
- Nonanimal - not alive, not organic
- Nonappearance - state of not being present
- Nonappearances - state of not being present
- Nonattendance - state of not being present
- Nonattendances - state of not being present
- Nonbeing - emptiness, nonexistence
- Nonbeings - emptiness, nonexistence
- Nonbelief - refusal to believe
- Nonbeliefs - refusal to believe
- Nonbeliever - unbeliever
- Nonbelievers - unbeliever
- Nonbelligerent - impartial, noncommittal
- Nonbreakable - strong, tough
- Nonce - existing time
- Nonces - existing time
- Nonchalance - apathy
- Nonchalances - apathy
- nonchalant - marked by blithe unconcern
- Nonchalant - easygoing, laid back
- Nonchalantly - coolly
- Noncitizen - foreign being
- Noncitizens - foreign being
- Nonclerical - amateur, not trained in a religious or other profession
- Noncognitive - concerning feelings and intuition
- Noncom - person in law enforcement
- Noncombatant - impartial, noncommittal
- Noncombatants - nonmilitary person
- Noncombative - nonmilitary
- Noncombustible - resistant to burning
- Noncommittal - unwilling to decide
- Noncommittals - denial
- Noncompletion - unresolved problem
- Noncompletions - unresolved problem
- Noncompliance - nonconformity
- Noncompliances - nonconformity
- Noncoms - person in law enforcement
- Nonconcurrence - disagreement, disapproval
- Nonconcurrences - disagreement, disapproval
- Nonconductor - an insulator
- Nonconductors - an insulator
- Nonconforming - nonobservant
- Nonconformism - disagreement, disapproval
- Nonconformisms - disagreement, disapproval
- Nonconformist - unwilling to behave, believe as most do
- Nonconformists - unwilling to behave, believe as most do
- Nonconformities - belief, behavior different from most
- Nonconformity - belief, behavior different from most
- Noncooperation - disobedience
- Noncooperations - disobedience
- Noncooperator - secret agent
- Noncooperators - secret agent
- nondescript - lacking distinct or individual characteristics; dull and uninteresting
- Nondescript - undistinguished, commonplace
- Nondrinker - teetotaler
- Nondrinkers - teetotaler
- None - not one thing
- Nonemotional - unfeeling, undemonstrative
- Nonentities - person of little importance
- Nonentity - nullity
- Nones - not one thing
- Nonessential - not needed or important
- Nonessentials - expensive goods
- Nonesuch - model of excellence
- Nonesuches - model of excellence
- Nonetheless - nevertheless
- Nonevent - media happening
- Nonevents - media happening
- Nonexclusive - common, general
- Nonexistence - nothingness
- Nonexistences - nothingness
- Nonexistent - fictional, not real
- Nonexpert - not done well or skillfully
- Nonextant - not present, no longer in existence
- Nonfeasance - failure
- Nonfeasances - failure
- Nonfiction - written, nonrhythmic literature
- Nonfictions - written, nonrhythmic literature
- Nonflammable - resistant to burning
- Nonformal - relaxed
- Nonfulfillment - disappointment, thwarting
- Nonfulfillments - disappointment, thwarting
- Nonfunctional - not working; not valuable
- Nonfunctioning - ruined, wrecked
- Nongovernment - lawlessness; absence of government
- Nongregarious - shy, undemonstrative
- Noninclusion - something forgotten or excluded
- Noninclusions - something forgotten or excluded
- Noninflammable - resistant to burning
- Noninterference - absence of feeling, interest
- Nonintervention - abstention from interference
- Noninvolvement - fair trade
- Noninvolvements - fair trade
- Nonirritant - mild, temperate
- Nonirritating - mild, temperate
- Nonliterate - barbaric, crude
- Nonmandatory - open to choice
- Nonmaterial - not physical; without physical presence
- Nonmilitant - nonmilitary
- Nonnative - from another country, experience
- Nonnegotiable - absolute, inherent
- Nonobjective - emotional; based on inner experience rather than fact
- Nonobservance - disobedience
- Nonobservances - disobedience
- Nonobservant - indifferent, unconcerned
- nonpareil - model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
- Nonpareil - model of perfection
- Nonpareils - model of perfection
- Nonparticipation -
- Nonpartisan - impartial; not political
- Nonpartisanship - fairness
- Nonpaying - operating at a loss
- Nonpayment - failure
- Nonpayments - failure
- Nonperformance - delinquency
- Nonperformances - delinquency
- Nonperformer - person who does not succeed
- Nonperformers - person who does not succeed
- Nonperishable - lasting, unable to be destroyed
- Nonperson - person deported from a place
- Nonpersons - person deported from a place
- Nonphysical - immaterial
- Nonplus - confuse, perplex
- Nonplused - confuse, perplex
- Nonpluses - confuse, perplex
- Nonplusing - confuse, perplex
- Nonplussed - confuse, perplex
- Nonplusses - confuse, perplex
- Nonplussing - confuse, perplex
- Nonpoisonous - not dangerous
- Nonporous - firm
- Nonproductive - not bearing fruit, young
- Nonprofessional - not professional
- Nonprofit - producing no profit or gain
- Nonpublic - personal, intimate
- Nonracial - open to all races
- Nonrational - secret, esoteric
- Nonreactive - numb
- Nonrealistic - unrealistic
- Nonrecombinant -
- Nonreligious - not religious
- Nonreligious person -
- Nonresident - from another country, experience
- Nonresistance - capacity, willingness to endure
- Nonresistances - capacity, willingness to endure
- Nonresistant - lifeless, inactive
- Nonresonant - soundproof
- Nonrural - city
- Nonsacred - material, worldly
- Nonsectarian - open to all races
- Nonsegregated - open to all races
- Nonsense - craziness, ridiculousness
- Nonsenses - craziness, ridiculousness
- Nonsensical - absurd
- Nonsensicality - extreme folly
- Nonsensically - wildly, fiercely
- Nonserious - trivial, silly
- Nonsexist - socially acceptable
- Nonspecialist - amateur, not trained in a religious or other profession
- Nonspecific - slack, remiss
- Nonstandard - not normal; varying from the usual
- Nonstarter - unsuccessful challenger
- Nonstarters - unsuccessful challenger
- Nonstop - continuous, direct
- Nonsuccess - failure
- Nonsuccesses - failure
- Nonsymmetrical - leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
- Nontaxable -
- Nontoxic - not dangerous
- Nontraditional - up-to-date
- Nontransferable - absolute, inherent
- Nonuniform - random, variable
- Nonuniformities - unlikeness
- Nonuniformity - unlikeness
- Nonuse - obsolescence
- Nonuses - obsolescence
- Nonviable - unrealistic
- Nonviolence - abstention from violence
- Nonviolences - abstention from violence
- Nonviolent - peaceful
- Nonvocal - silent
- Noodge - badger
- Noodged - badger
- Noodges - badger
- Noodging - badger
- Noodle - head
- Noodles - head
- Nook - corner, cubbyhole
- Nookie - having sex
- Nookies - coitus
- Nooks - corner, cubbyhole
- Nooky - coitus
- Noon - the middle of a day
- Noonday - the middle of a day
- Noondays - the middle of a day
- Nooning - 12:00 o'clock
- Noonings - 12:00 o'clock
- Noons - the middle of a day
- Noontide - middle of the day
- Noontides - middle of the day
- Noontime - middle of the day
- Noontimes - middle of the day
- Noose - loop
- Noosed - smother, block
- Nooses - loop
- Noosing - smother, block
- Nopal -
- Nope - no
- Noplace - commonplace
- Nor - and not
- Norbury -
- Nore -
- Norgay -
- Norlestrin -
- Norm - average, standard
- Normal - common, usual
- Normalcies - usualness
- Normalcy - usualness
- Normalising -
- Normalities - mediocrity
- Normality - mediocrity
- Normalize - arrange, organize
- Normalized - arrange, organize
- Normalizes - arrange, organize
- Normalizing - normative
- Normally - usually
- Normative - normalizing
- Norms - average, standard
- North - toward the top pole of the earth
- North Pole -
- Northbound - toward the top pole of the earth
- Norther -
- Northerly - boreal
- Northern - northerly
- Northernness -
- Northmost - toward the top pole of the earth
- Northward - boreal
- Nos - contradiction, denial
- Nose - smelling organ of animate being
- Nosed - smelling organ of animate being
- Nosedive - plunge
- Nosedived - fall hard and fast
- Nosedives - plunge
- Nosediving - fall hard and fast
- Nosedove - fall hard and fast
- Nosegay - bunch of flowers
- Nosegays - bunch of flowers
- Noses - smelling organ of animate being
- Nosey - highly flavored
- Nosh - snack
- Noshed - snack
- Nosheries - restaurant
- Noshery - restaurant
- Noshes - snack
- Noshing - snack
- Nosier - curious; prying
- Nosiest - curious; prying
- Nosiness - curiosity
- Nosinesses - curiosity
- Nosing - smelling organ of animate being
- nosocomial - taking place or originating in a hospital
- Nostalgia - pleasant remembrances
- Nostalgias - pleasant remembrances
- Nostalgic - longingly remembering
- Nostril - smelling organ of animate being
- Nostrils - smelling organ of animate being
- nostrum - hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists
- Nostrum - cure-all, often ineffective
- Nostrums - cure-all, often ineffective
- Nosy - curious; prying
- Not - nor yet
- Not guilty -
- Not missing a trick -
- Not suitably -
- Not tamper -
- Notabilities - eminence
- Notability - eminence
- Notable - important; famous
- Notables - important; famous
- Notably - especially
- Notaries - notary public
- Notarization - seal of approval
- Notarizations - seal of approval
- Notarize - certify
- Notarized - certify
- Notarizes - certify
- Notarizing - certify
- Notary - notary public
- Notation - written remarks
- Notational -
- Notations - written remarks
- Notch - indentation
- Notched - nicked
- Notches - indentation
- Notching - indentation
- Notchings - making a mark upon
- Note - symbol, often used in reference to music
- Notebook - writing tablet
- Notebooks - writing tablet
- Noted - famous, eminent
- Noteless -
- Notepad - tablet of paper
- Notepads - tablet of paper
- Notepaper - paper for writing
- Notepapers - paper for writing
- Noter - fame
- Notes - outline
- Noteworthiness - prominence, standing
- Noteworthy - important
- Nothing - emptiness
- Nothingness - insignificance
- Nothingnesses - emptiness, nonexistence
- Nothings - emptiness, nonexistence
- Notice - observation
- Noticeable - conspicuous, evident
- Noticeably - distinctly
- Noticed - seen
- Notices - observation
- Noticing - perceiving
- Notification - announcement
- Notifications - announcement
- Notified - inform
- Notifier - person who delivers news
- Notifiers - person who delivers news
- Notifies - inform
- Notify - inform
- Notifying - inform
- Noting - noticing
- Notion - belief, idea
- Notional - imaginary
- Notions - belief, idea
- Notopodium -
- Notorieties - reputation
- Notoriety - reputation
- Notorious - known for a trait, often an
- Notoriously - particularly
- Notoriousness - notoriety
- Notoriousnesses - notoriety
- Notwithstanding - although, however
- Nought - nonexistent
- Noughts - emptiness, nonexistence
- Noumena - psyche, inspiration, energy
- Noumenon - psyche, inspiration, energy
- Noun - nominal
- Nouns - nominal
- Nourish - feed, care for
- Nourished - feed, care for
- Nourishes - feed, care for
- Nourishing - healthful
- Nourishment - food
- Nourishments - food
- Nous - innate intelligence
- Nouses - innate intelligence
- Nova - variable star that suddenly erupts
- Novae - variable star that suddenly erupts
- Novas - variable star that suddenly erupts
- Novel - new, original
- Novelette - fictional book
- Novelettes - fictional book
- Novelist - fiction writer
- Novelists - fiction writer
- Novelize - fake
- Novelized - fake
- Novelizes - fake
- Novelizing - fake
- Novella - fictional book
- Novellas - fictional book
- Novelle - fictional book
- Novels - new, original
- Novelties - newness, originality
- Novelty - newness, originality
- Novenary - having nine of something
- Novice - person just learning something
- Novices - person just learning something
- Noviciate - trial period
- Noviciates - trial period
- Novitiate - beginner
- Novitiates - beginner
- Now - presently
- Nowadays - existing; at this time
- Noway - impossible
- Nowhere - normal, typical
- Nowheres - state of uncertainty
- Nows - trend, fad
- Noxious - deadly, injurious
- Noxiousness - fatality
- Noxiousnesses - fatality
- Nozzle - spout
- Nozzles - spout
- nuance - (Noun) A subtle or slight difference in meaning, expression, sound, or feeling.
- Nuance - (Noun) A subtle or slight difference in meaning, expression, sound, or feeling.
- Nuances - slight difference; shading
- Nub - core, gist
- Nubber - fundamental, latent
- Nubbers - baseball hit on the ground
- Nubbin - seed, essence
- Nubbins - seed, essence
- Nubile - concerning marriage
- Nubilous - gloomy, obscure
- Nubs - core, gist
- Nuclear - central, middle physically
- Nucleation - rainmaking technique
- Nucleations - rainmaking technique
- Nuclei - core; basis for something's
- Nucleonics - atomic fission
- Nucleus - core; basis for something's
- Nucleuses - core; basis for something's
- Nude - without clothes, covering
- Nudeness - nudity
- Nudenesses - nudity
- Nuder - without clothes, covering
- Nudes - person, thing that poses
- Nudest - without clothes, covering
- Nudge - bump, elbow
- Nudged - bump, elbow
- Nudges - bump, elbow
- Nudging - bump, elbow
- Nudism - nakedness
- Nudisms - nakedness
- Nudities - nakedness
- Nudity - nakedness
- nudnik - An annoying or boring person, especially one who is always criticizing or complaining.
- Nudniks - difficult person or situation
- Nudum pactum -
- nugatory - Of little or no value; trifling; worthless.; Having no force or effect.
- Nugatory - Of little or no value; trifling; worthless.; Having no force or effect.
- Nugget - lump, solid piece; often of metal
- Nuggets - lump, solid piece; often of metal
- Nuisance - annoyance; annoying person
- Nuisances - annoyance; annoying person
- Nuisible -
- Nuke - nuclear weapon
- Nuked - nuclear weapon
- Nukes - nuclear weapon
- Nuking - nuclear weapon
- Null - ineffectual, valueless
- Null and void -
- Nullification - abolition
- Nullifications - abolition
- Nullified - cancel, revoke
- Nullifier - counteracting agent
- Nullifiers - counteracting agent
- Nullifies - cancel, revoke
- Nullify - cancel, revoke
- Nullifying - cancel, revoke
- Nullipara -
- Nullities - nothing
- Nullity - nothing
- Numb - deadened, insensitive
- Numbed - deaden
- Number - unit of the mathematical system
- Numbered - limited in number
- Numbering - unit of the mathematical system
- Numberings - count
- Numberless - infinite
- Numbers - unit of the mathematical system
- Numbest - deadened, insensitive
- Numbing - deaden
- Numbles - internal organs
- Numbness - deadness
- Numbnesses - deadness
- Numbs - deadened, insensitive
- Numbskull - limited
- Numbskulled - stupid
- Numbskulls - stupid person
- Numen - talent, aptitude
- Numeral - symbol of mathematical system
- Numerals - symbol of mathematical system
- Numerary - concerning mathematics
- Numerate - number
- Numerated - number
- Numerates - number
- Numerating - number
- Numeration - count
- Numerations - count
- Numerator - unit of the mathematical system
- Numerators - unit of the mathematical system
- Numeric - mathematical
- Numerical - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Numero -
- Numerous - many, abundant
- Numerousness - large part of a group
- Numerousnesses - large part of a group
- Numina - talent, aptitude
- Numinous - spiritual
- Numskull - idiot
- Numskulled - slow, stupid
- Numskulls - idiot
- Nun - woman in religious order
- Nunchaku - arm, armament
- Nunchakus - arm, armament
- Nuncio - consul
- Nuncios - consul
- Nunneries - convent
- Nunnery - convent
- Nuns - woman in religious order
- Nuptial - concerning marriage
- Nuptials - marriage ceremony
- Nurse - person who tends to sick, cares for someone
- Nursed - person who tends to sick, cares for someone
- Nursemaid - nanny
- Nursemaids - nanny
- Nurseries - child's room
- Nursery - child's room
- Nurserymaid - nanny
- Nurserymaids - nanny
- Nurseryman - vegetable grower
- Nurserymen - vegetable grower
- Nurses - person who tends to sick, cares for someone
- Nursing - acting as a nurse
- Nursle - feed, care for
- Nursled - feed, care for
- Nursles - feed, care for
- Nursling - baby
- Nurslings - baby
- Nurture - development, nourishment
- Nurtured - feed, care for
- Nurtures - development, nourishment
- Nurturing - maintenance
- Nut - seed of fruit, vegetable
- Nutant - hanging or weak
- Nutbag -
- Nutcase - person who is crazy, overenthusiastic
- Nutcases - person who is crazy, overenthusiastic
- Nuthouse - mental institution
- Nuthouses - mental institution
- Nutmeg - fruit
- Nutmegs - fruit
- Nutrient - source of nourishment
- Nutrients - source of nourishment
- Nutriment - food
- Nutrimental - healthful
- Nutriments - food
- Nutrition - food
- Nutritional - pertaining to food
- Nutritions - food
- Nutritious - healthy
- Nutritiousness -
- Nutritive - pertaining to food
- Nuts - crazy
- Nutshell - short statement of main points
- Nutshells - short statement of main points
- Nutsier - insane
- Nutsiest - insane
- Nutsy - insane
- Nutter - mentally deranged person
- Nutters - mentally deranged person
- Nuttier - mentally deranged
- Nuttiest - mentally deranged
- Nuttiness - foolishness
- Nuttinesses - foolishness
- Nutty - deranged
- Nuzzle - cuddle
- Nuzzled - cuddle
- Nuzzles - cuddle
- Nuzzling - cuddle
- Nylons - stockings
- Nymph - female nature spirit
- nymphet - a sexually attractive young woman
- Nymphet - female nature spirit
- Nymphets - female nature spirit
- Nympho - one all-consumed with sex
- Nympholept - holders of extreme views
- Nympholepts - holders of extreme views
- Nymphomaniac - one all-consumed with sex
- Nymphomaniacs - one all-consumed with sex
- Nymphos - one all-consumed with sex
- Nymphs - female nature spirit
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z