Words Beginning with a - list and definitions learning English
- A1 -
- aalborg - a city and port in northern Jutland
- Aap -
- aardvark - nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata
- Aardvarks - nocturnal animal
- aardwolf - striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chiefly on insects
- aarhus - port city of Denmark in eastern Jutland
- aaron - United States professional baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934)
- aaronic - Alternative of Aaronical
- Aas -
- Abaca - plant
- Abacas - plant
- Abaci - calculating machine
- Aback - taken unawares
- Abactor -
- abacus - a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves
- Abacuses - calculating machine
- abadan - a port city in southwestern Iran
- abaft - at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane
- abalone - any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior
- Abalones - shell
- Abandon - careless disregard for consequences
- abandoned - forsaken by owner or inhabitants
- Abandonedly - helplessly
- Abandoner - person who is rebellious
- Abandoners - person who is rebellious
- Abandoning - leave behind, relinquish
- abandonment - withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility
- Abandonments - forsaking
- Abandons - careless disregard for consequences
- abase - cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
- Abased - deprive of self-esteem, confidence
- abasement - depriving one of self-esteem
- Abasements - disgrace
- Abases - deprive of self-esteem, confidence
- Abash - embarrass
- abashed - Feeling embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.
- Abashes - embarrass
- Abashing - embarrass
- Abashment - embarrassment
- Abashments - embarrassment
- Abasing - deprive of self-esteem, confidence
- abate - become less in amount or intensity
- Abated - lessen, grow or cause to grow less
- abatement - an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
- Abatements - lessening
- Abates - lessen, grow or cause to grow less
- Abating - lessen, grow or cause to grow less
- Abatjour -
- Abattoir - killing place
- Abattoirs - killing place
- abaxial - facing away from the axis of an organ or organism
- abaya - (Arabic) a loose black robe from head to toe; traditionally worn by Muslim women
- Abba - clergyman
- Abbas - clergyman
- abbasid - Of or relating to the Abbasid caliphs
- abbatial - of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess
- Abbe - priest
- Abbes - priest
- abbess - the superior of a group of nuns
- Abbesses - woman in religious order
- abbey - a church associated with a monastery or convent
- Abbeys - building that houses monks, nuns, or priests; church
- abbot - the superior of an abbey of monks
- Abbots - prior
- Abbreviate - shorten
- Abbreviated - shorten
- Abbreviates - shorten
- Abbreviating - shorten
- abbreviation - a shortened form of a word or phrase
- Abbreviations - something shortened
- Abc -
- Abdest -
- abdicate - give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
- Abdicated - give up a right, position, or power
- Abdicates - give up a right, position, or power
- Abdicating - give up a right, position, or power
- abdication - the act of abdicating
- Abdications - relinquishment
- Abditive -
- Abdomen - the stomach and area directly below in an animate being
- Abdomens - the stomach and area directly below in an animate being
- abdominal - the muscles of the abdomen
- Abdominals - intestinal muscle
- abdominoplasty - cosmetic surgery of the abdomen to remove wrinkles and tighten the skin over the stomach
- abdominous - having a large belly
- abducens - a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye
- abduct - take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom
- Abducted - taken away by force
- abductee - An abducted person, in particular a person abducted by aliens.
- Abducting - take by force and without permission
- abduction - (physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body
- Abductions - taking away by force
- abductor - a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line
- Abducts - take by force and without permission
- abeam - At right angles to the length of a ship or airplane.
- abecedarian - alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers)
- Abecedarians - beginner
- Abed - inactive
- abelia - any of various deciduous or evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Abelia having opposite simple leaves and cymes of small white or pink or purplish flowers; Asia and Mexico
- abelian - Alternative of Abelonian.
- abeokuta - A city in southwest Nigeria.
- aberdeen - a city in northeastern Scotland on the North Sea
- aberdonian - of or relating to Aberdeen
- Aberrance - abnormality
- Aberrances - abnormality
- Aberrancies - abnormality
- Aberrancy - abnormality
- aberrant - markedly different from an accepted norm
- Aberrants - deviation
- Aberrate - move about aimlessly
- Aberrated - move about aimlessly
- Aberrates - move about aimlessly
- Aberrating - move about aimlessly
- aberration - an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image
- Aberrational - deviating
- Aberrations - state of abnormality
- abertawe - Swansea
- Aberystwyth -
- Abessive -
- Abet - assist, help in wrongdoing
- Abetment - help
- Abetments - help
- Abets - assist, help in wrongdoing
- Abetted - assist, help in wrongdoing
- Abetting - assist, help in wrongdoing
- Abettor - assistant
- Abettors - assistant
- abeyance - A state of temporary disuse or suspension.; A condition of being temporarily set aside or held in suspension.
- Abeyances - being inactive or suspended
- Abeyancies - abeyance
- Abeyancy - abeyance
- Abeyant - latent
- abhor - find repugnant
- Abhorred - regard with contempt or disgust
- abhorrence - hate coupled with disgust
- Abhorrences - disgust
- abhorrent - offensive to the mind
- Abhorring - regard with contempt or disgust
- Abhors - regard with contempt or disgust
- abide - put up with something or somebody unpleasant
- Abided - submit to, put up with
- Abider - advocate
- Abiders - advocate
- Abides - submit to, put up with
- abiding - lasting a long time
- abidjan - city recognized by the United States as the capital of the Ivory Coast; largest city of the Ivory Coast
- Abie -
- Abient -
- Abies -
- abigail - A lady's waiting-maid.
- Abigails - attendant to woman of royal household
- Abilities - power to act, perform
- ability - possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
- abiogenesis - a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter
- Abiogenetic - non-sexual
- Abiogenic - emergent
- abiotic - Nonliving, inanimate, characterised by the absence of life; of inorganicmatter.
- abject - showing utter resignation or hopelessness
- Abjection - want; extreme need, often financial
- Abjections - want; extreme need, often financial
- Abjectly - meekly
- Abjectness - low spirits; despair
- Abjectnesses - low spirits; despair
- Abjuration - retraction
- Abjurations - retraction
- abjure - formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
- Abjured - give up
- Abjures - give up
- Abjuring - give up
- abkhaz - of or relating to Abkazia or its people or their language
- abkhazia - an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea; a strong independence movement has resulted in much instability
- abkhazian - of or relating to Abkazia or its people or their language
- Ablate - wear away
- Ablated - wear away
- Ablates - wear away
- Ablating - wear away
- ablation - surgical removal of a body part or tissue
- Ablations - extraction
- ablative - the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb
- ablaut - a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distinctions (such as sing sang sung song)
- ablaze - lighted up by or as by fire or flame
- Able - capable of performing; having an innate capacity
- able seaman - a seaman in the merchant marine; trained in special skills
- able-bodied - having a strong healthy body
- abled - Having a range of physical powers as specified
- Ablegate - head of catholic church
- Ablegates - head of catholic church
- ableism - discrimination in favor of the able-bodied
- Abler - capable of performing; having an innate capacity
- Ablest - capable of performing; having an innate capacity
- abloom - bursting into flower
- ablush - Blushing; ruddy.
- ablution - the ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels
- Ablutionary - cleaning
- Ablutions - washing
- Ably - capably
- abnaki - a member of the Algonquian people of Maine and southern Quebec
- abnegate - deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure
- Abnegated - renounce
- Abnegates - renounce
- Abnegating - renounce
- abnegation - renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others
- Abnegations - denial, renouncement of something
- Abney level -
- abnormal - not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm
- Abnormalities - being different from standard or norm
- abnormality - retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence
- abnormally - in an abnormal manner
- abnormity - Departure from the ordinary type; irregularity; monstrosity.
- aboard - side by side
- Abode - building or place where one resides
- Abodes - building or place where one resides
- Abohm -
- abolish - do away with
- Abolished - do away with or put an end to
- Abolishes - do away with or put an end to
- Abolishing - do away with or put an end to
- Abolishment - abolition
- Abolishments - abolition
- abolition - the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery)
- Abolitionism - political independence
- Abolitionisms - political independence
- abolitionist - a reformer who favors abolishing slavery
- Abolitionists - person wanting something ended
- Abolitions - formal act of putting an end to, annulling
- abomasum - the fourth compartment of the stomach of a ruminant; the one where digestion takes place
- abominable - unequivocally detestable
- abominably - in a terrible manner
- abominate - To detest or loathe intensely.
- Abominated - detest
- Abominates - detest
- Abominating - detest
- abomination - hate coupled with disgust
- Abominations - object of extreme dislike, hate
- aboral - opposite to or away from the mouth
- aboriginal - characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning
- aboriginality - The quality of being aboriginal
- Aboriginals - person born in the country in which he/she dwells
- Aborigine - first inhabitant
- Aborigines - first inhabitant
- aborning - That is in the process of being born; coming into existence; before coming to completion
- abort - cease development, die, and be aborted
- Aborted - stop or cancel something
- Aborticide - expulsion of fetus
- Aborticides - expulsion of fetus
- abortifacient - a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion
- Aborting - stop or cancel something
- abortion - failure of a plan
- Abortion pill -
- abortionist - a person (who should be a doctor) who terminates pregnancies
- Abortions - expulsion of fetus
- abortive - failing to accomplish an intended result
- Aborts - stop or cancel something
- abound - be in a state of movement or action
- Abounded - exist in abundance
- abounding - existing in abundance
- Abounds - exist in abundance
- about - used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction
- about-turn - A turn of 180 degrees, typically in a military formation
- above - (in writing) at an earlier place
- above board - Openly, without deceit.
- above ground - Alternative spelling of aboveground
- Aboveboard - candid
- Aboves - the same; duplicate
- Abracadabra - magic word
- Abracadabras - magic word
- abrade - rub hard or scrub
- Abraded - scrape
- Abrades - scrape
- Abrading - scrape
- abraham - The first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac; according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son.
- abrasion - erosion by friction
- Abrasions - scraped area
- abrasive - causing abrasion
- Abrasively -
- Abrasives - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Abraxas - magic words for entry
- Abraxases - magic words for entry
- abreact - discharge bad feelings or tension through verbalization
- abreaction - (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
- Abreactions - purging, purification
- abreast - being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge
- abridge - reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
- Abridged - shorten
- abridgement - a shortened version of a written work
- Abridgements - shortening, summary
- Abridges - shorten
- Abridging - shorten
- Abridgment - condensation
- Abridgments - condensation
- abroad - far away from home or one's usual surroundings
- abrogate - revoke formally
- Abrogated - formally put an end to
- Abrogates - formally put an end to
- Abrogating - formally put an end to
- abrogation - the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
- Abrogations - cancellation
- abrupt - marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions
- abruption - an instance of sudden interruption
- abruptly - quickly and without warning
- Abruptness - slant, tilt
- Abruptnesses - slant, tilt
- abruzzi - a mountainous region of central Italy on the Adriatic
- Abs - antilock braking system
- abscess - symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
- Abscessed - hurt physically
- Abscesses - swelling
- Abscind - separate, disconnect
- Abscinded - separate, disconnect
- Abscinding - separate, disconnect
- Abscinds - separate, disconnect
- abscise - remove or separate by abscission
- abscissa - the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis
- abscission - the act of cutting something off
- Abscissions - extraction
- abscond - run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
- Absconded - left quickly
- Absconder - person who escapes
- Absconders - person who escapes
- Absconding - run away, depart secretly
- Abscondings - abandonment
- Absconds - run away, depart secretly
- abseil - descend by means of a rappel
- Abseiler -
- absence - the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered), sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy
- Absences - state of not being present
- absent - go away or leave
- absent-minded - Absent in mind; abstracted; preoccupied.
- Absented - leave, retreat
- absentee - one that is absent or not in residence
- absenteeism - habitual absence from work
- Absenteeisms - state of not being present
- Absentees - person who escapes
- Absenting - leave, retreat
- absently - in an absentminded or preoccupied manner
- Absentminded - inattentive
- Absents - leave, retreat
- absinthe - aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe
- absolute - Complete and total; without qualification or restriction.; Perfect or flawless.; Supreme in power or authority.
- absolutely - completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers
- Absoluteness - completeness
- Absolutenesses - completeness
- Absolutes - greatest extent
- absolution - the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
- Absolutions - forgiveness
- absolutism - the principle of complete and unrestricted power in government
- Absolutisms - absolute control by government
- absolutist - pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism
- Absolutistic - absolute
- Absolutists - domineering person
- absolve - grant remission of a sin to
- Absolved - free from responsibility, duty
- Absolves - free from responsibility, duty
- Absolving - free from responsibility, duty
- absonant - Discordant; contrary; - opposed to consonant.
- absorb - consume all of one's attention or time
- absorbable - capable of being absorbed or taken in through the pores of a surface
- absorbance - (physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation
- Absorbed - being completely occupied mentally
- absorbent - a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance
- Absorber - protection
- Absorbers - protection
- absorbing - capable of arousing and holding the attention
- Absorbs - physically take in a liquid
- absorption - (chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another; a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solid
- Absorptions - assimilation, incorporation
- Absorptive - absorbent
- absquatulate - run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
- Absquatulated - escape
- Absquatulates - escape
- Absquatulating - escape
- abstain - choose not to consume
- Abstained - hold back from doing
- Abstainer - teetotaler
- Abstainers - teetotaler
- Abstaining - hold back from doing
- Abstains - hold back from doing
- abstemious - marked by temperance in indulgence
- Abstemiously - abstinently
- Abstemiousness - sobriety
- abstention - the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)
- Abstentions - refraining
- Abstentious - controlled, sober
- Absterge - make undirty, uncluttered
- Absterged - make undirty, uncluttered
- Abstergent - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Abstergents - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Absterges - make undirty, uncluttered
- Absterging - make undirty, uncluttered
- Abstersion - elimination, removal
- Abstersions - elimination, removal
- abstinence - the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)
- Abstinences - restraint from desires, especially physical desires
- abstinent - self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink
- abstract - not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature
- abstracted - lost in thought; showing preoccupation
- Abstractedly - without thinking
- Abstracting - conceptual, theoretical
- abstraction - preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else
- abstractionism - an abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation
- Abstractions - state of being lost in thought
- Abstractly - in theory
- Abstracts - conceptual, theoretical
- abstruse - difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
- Abstruseness - puzzle, secret
- Abstrusenesses - puzzle, secret
- absurd - a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless
- absurdism - Absurdity, something that is absurd
- absurdist - An advocate of absurdism, in particular a writer of absurd topics.
- Absurdities - ridiculous situation or behavior
- Absurdity - ridiculous situation or behavior
- absurdly - in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree
- Absurdness - shenanigans
- Absurdnesses - shenanigans
- abubble - In a state of excitement, agitated activity, or motion.
- abuela - (in Spanish-speaking areas) a person's grandmother.
- abuja - capital of Nigeria in the center of the country
- abulia - a loss of will power
- abuna - The Patriarch or head of the Abyssinian Church.
- abundance - the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply
- Abundances - great amount or supply
- Abundancies - productivity
- Abundancy - productivity
- abundant - present in great quantity
- abundantly - in an abundant manner
- Abusage - abuse; wrong application
- Abusages - abuse; wrong application
- abuse - cruel or inhumane treatment
- Abused - physically hurt or injure
- abuser - someone who abuses
- Abuses - wrong use
- Abusing - physically hurt or injure
- abusive - expressing offensive reproach
- Abusiveness - misery, hardship
- Abusivenesses - misery, hardship
- Abut - touch or be next to something
- abutilon - herbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; Indian mallow
- abutment - a masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge
- Abutments - masonry mass
- Abuts - touch or be next to something
- Abuttal - outer limit
- Abuttals - outer limit
- Abutted - touch or be next to something
- abutter - the owner of contiguous property
- Abutting - touch or be next to something
- abuzz - noisy like the sound of a bee
- Abvolt -
- abysm - a bottomless gulf or pit; any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively)
- abysmal - resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable
- abysmally - in a terrible manner
- Abysms - deep hole
- abyss - a bottomless gulf or pit; any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively)
- abyssal - resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable
- Abysses - something very deep, usually a feature of land
- abyssinia - Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea; formerly called Abyssinia
- abyssinian - a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat
- acacia - any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia
- academe - the academic world
- Academes - scholarly world
- academia - the academic world
- Academias - scholarly world
- academic - an educator who works at a college or university
- academical - Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato; as, the Academic sect or philosophy.
- academically - in regard to academic matters
- academician - an educator who works at a college or university
- Academicians - very smart person
- academicism - orthodoxy of a scholastic variety
- Academics - scholar or university/college teacher
- Academies - school, especially for higher education
- Academism - convention, custom
- Academisms - convention, custom
- academy - an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature
- academy award - an annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance
- acadia - the French-speaking part of the Canadian Maritime Provinces
- acadian - an early French settler in the Maritimes
- acajou - The cashew tree; also, its fruit. See Cashew.
- Acalephoid -
- acanthocephala - phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms
- acanthus - any plant of the genus Acanthus having large spiny leaves and spikes or white or purplish flowers; native to Mediterranean region but widely cultivated
- acapulco - a port and fashionable resort city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico; known for beaches and water sports (including cliff diving)
- Acaracide -
- acari - Of Acarus.
- acaricide - a chemical agent used to kill mites
- Acarid - small insect
- Acarids - small insect
- acarine - mite or tick
- Acarpous - not fruitful
- acatalectic - (prosody) a line of verse that has the full number of syllables
- accede - yield to another's wish or opinion
- Acceded - agree or consent
- Accedence - belief in goodness of something
- Accedences - belief in goodness of something
- Accedes - agree or consent
- Acceding - agree or consent
- accelerando - a gradually increasing tempo of music
- accelerant - A substance that accelerates the development of a fire; especially some petroleum product used to spread an act of arson
- accelerate - cause to move faster
- Accelerated - sped up
- Accelerates - increase speed, timing
- Accelerating - increase speed, timing
- acceleration - the act of accelerating; increasing the speed
- Accelerations - increasing speed, timing
- accelerator - (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected
- Accelerators - machine for giving charged particles high velocity
- Accelerograph -
- accelerometer - an instrument for measuring the acceleration of aircraft or rockets
- accent - special importance or significance
- accented - (used of syllables) bearing the principle stress, usually accompanied by a change in pitch
- Accenting - importance, emphasis
- accentor - small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia
- Accents - importance, emphasis
- accentuate - to stress, single out as important
- Accentuated - focus attention on
- Accentuates - focus attention on
- Accentuating - focus attention on
- accentuation - the act of giving special importance or significance to something
- Accentuations - emphasis
- accept - give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to
- Accept apology -
- Acceptabilities - commonly held opinion of person's character
- acceptability - satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards
- acceptable - meeting requirements
- Acceptably - appropriately, suitably
- acceptance - the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true
- Acceptances - agreement, taking
- acceptant - accepting willingly
- acceptation - the accepted meaning of a word
- Acceptations - accepted meaning
- accepted - generally approved or compelling recognition
- Accepting - receive something given physically
- acceptive - accepting willingly
- acceptor - (chemistry) in the formation of a coordinate bond it is the compound to which electrons are donated
- Acceptors - person who has faith in something
- Accepts - receive something given physically
- access - reach or gain access to
- Accessed - creep in
- Accesses - admission, means of entry, approach
- accessibility - the quality of being at hand when needed
- accessible - capable of being read with comprehension
- Accessing - creep in
- accession - something added to what you already have
- accessioning - present participle of accession
- Accessions - something that augments, adds to
- accessorial - nonessential but helpful
- accessories - Of Accessory.
- accessorise - Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of accessorize.
- accessorize - To furnish with accessories.
- Accessorized - add ornament
- Accessorizes - add ornament
- accessorizing - present participle of accessorize
- accessory - clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
- accessway - A route providing access.
- acciaccatura - an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
- accidence - the part of grammar that deals with the inflections of words
- Accidences - language rules
- accident - anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause
- accident-prone - having more than the average number of accidents
- accidental - happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally
- Accidentalities - chance
- Accidentality - chance
- accidentally - without intention; in an unintentional manner
- Accidentalness - chance
- Accidents - unexpected, undesirable event; often physically injurious
- accidie - Sloth, slothfulness, especially as inducing general listlessnessand apathy
- accipiter - type genus of the family Accipitridae
- accipitrine - of or relating to or belonging to the genus Accipiter (or to typical hawks)
- acclaim - clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
- acclaimed - Greatly praised or lauded, revered, highly respected.
- Acclaiming - expression of approval
- Acclaims - expression of approval
- acclamation - enthusiastic approval
- Acclamations - enthusiastic expression of approval
- Acclamatory - complimentary
- acclimate - get used to a certain climate
- Acclimated - make or become adjusted, adapted
- Acclimates - make or become adjusted, adapted
- Acclimating - make or become adjusted, adapted
- Acclimation - adaptation
- Acclimations - adaptation
- Acclimatization - adaptation
- acclimatize - get used to a certain climate
- Acclimatized - adapt
- Acclimatizes - adapt
- Acclimatizing - adapt
- Acclivities - incline
- acclivity - an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
- Acclivous - going up
- accolade - a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
- Accolades - strong praise, recognition of achievement
- accommodate - provide housing for
- Accommodated - make room, lodging available
- Accommodates - make room, lodging available
- accommodating - helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation
- Accommodatingly - helpfully
- accommodation - making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
- Accommodations - place of residence, usually temporary
- Accompanied - go or be with something
- Accompanies - go or be with something
- accompaniment - a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts
- Accompaniments - necessary part or embellishment
- accompanist - a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano)
- Accompanists - person who can carry a tune
- accompany - be present or associated with an event or entity
- Accompanying - following
- accomplice - a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan)
- Accomplices - helper, especially in committing a crime
- accomplish - to gain with effort
- accomplishable - capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do
- accomplished - highly skilled
- Accomplishes - succeed in doing
- Accomplishing - succeed in doing
- accomplishment - an ability that has been acquired by training
- Accomplishments - something successfully done, completed
- accord - go together
- accordance - the act of granting rights
- Accordances - agreement
- accordant - in keeping
- Accorded - give approval, grant
- according - (followed by `to') as reported or stated by
- accordingly - (sentence connectors) because of the reason given
- accordion - a portable box-shaped free-reed instrument; the reeds are made to vibrate by air from the bellows controlled by the player
- Accordionist -
- Accordions - musical instrument
- Accords - agreement, mutual understanding (often written)
- accost - approach with an offer of sexual favors
- Accosted - approach for conversation or solicitation
- Accosting - approach for conversation or solicitation
- Accosts - approach for conversation or solicitation
- accouchement - the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child
- Accouchements - birth
- accoucheur - a physician specializing in obstetrics
- Accoucheuse - childbirth assistant
- Accoucheuses - childbirth assistant
- account - an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
- account executive - someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
- account rendered - a bill which has been sent but is not yet paid
- accountability - responsibility to someone or for some activity
- accountable - liable to account for one's actions
- Accountableness - answerability, responsibility
- accountancy - the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business
- Accountant - person who maintains financial accounts of a business
- Accountants - person who maintains financial accounts of a business
- Accountantship -
- Accounted - believed
- accounting - a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
- Accountings - keeping financial accounts
- Accounts - written description of past events
- accounts payable - a debtor's accounts of money he owes; normally arise from the purchase of products or services
- Accouter - furnish
- Accoutered - furnish
- Accoutering - furnish
- Accouterment - outfit
- Accouterments - outfit
- Accouters - furnish
- accoutre - provide with military equipment
- Accoutred - dress
- accoutrement - clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
- Accoutrements - furnishing(s)
- Accoutres - dress
- Accoutring - dress
- accra - the capital and largest city of Ghana with a deep-water port
- accredit - ascribe an achievement to
- accreditation - the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards)
- Accreditations - authorization
- Accredited - officially recognized
- Accrediting - attribute responsibility or achievement
- Accredits - attribute responsibility or achievement
- accretion - an increase by natural growth or addition
- Accretions - gradual growth, addition
- Accrual - growth
- Accruals - growth
- accrue - come into the possession of
- Accrued - increase by addition or growth, often financial
- Accruement - return
- Accruements - return
- Accrues - increase by addition or growth, often financial
- Accruing - increase by addition or growth, often financial
- acculturate - assimilate culturally
- Acculturated - socialize
- Acculturates - socialize
- Acculturating - socialize
- Acculturation - adjustment to culture
- Acculturations - adjustment to culture
- Accumbencies - lying down
- Accumbency - lying down
- accumbent - lying down; in a position of comfort or rest
- accumulate - get or gather together
- Accumulated - gather or amass something
- Accumulates - gather or amass something
- Accumulating - gather or amass something
- accumulation - several things grouped together or considered as a whole
- Accumulations - gathering or amassing
- accumulative - increasing by successive addition
- Accumulator - one who collects specimens
- Accumulators - one who collects specimens
- Accuracies - precision or correctness
- accuracy - the quality of being near to the true value
- accurate - (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth; strictly correct
- accurately - with few mistakes
- Accurateness - accuracy
- Accuratenesses - accuracy
- accurse - curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment
- accursed - under a curse
- Accurses - curse
- Accursing - curse
- accurst - under a curse
- Accusable - blameworthy; found at fault
- accusal - a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt
- accusation - a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt
- Accusations - charge of wrongdoing, fault
- accusative - serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes
- Accusatorial - pertaining to an accusation
- accusatory - containing or expressing accusation
- accuse - blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against
- accused - a defendant in a criminal proceeding
- accuser - someone who imputes guilt or blame
- Accusers - person laying blame
- Accuses - place blame for wrongdoing, fault
- accusing - containing or expressing accusation
- accustom - make psychologically or physically used (to something)
- accustomed - commonly used or practiced; usual
- Accustomedness - condition of something resulting from change
- Accustoming - get used to
- Accustoms - get used to
- Ace - exhibiting expertise in some activity
- acedia - apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- Acedias - state of doing nothing
- acellular - not made up of or divided into cells
- acentric - not centered or having no center
- Aceous -
- acephalous - lacking a head or a clearly defined head
- acer - type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit
- Acerate - pointed
- acerb - sour or bitter in taste
- Acerbate - exasperate
- Acerbated - exasperate
- Acerbates - exasperate
- Acerbating - exasperate
- acerbic - sour or bitter in taste
- Acerbically - scornfully
- Acerbities - bitterness of taste
- Acerbity - bitterness of taste
- Acerose - pointed
- Acerous - pointed
- Acervulus - pertaining to sand
- Aces - great
- acesulfame - Any of a class of synthetic noncaloric sweetenera, based on a oxathiazinone dioxide structure, somewhat similar to saccharin
- acetabulum - the cup-shaped hollow in the hipbone into which the head of the femur fits to form a ball-and-socket joint
- acetal - any organic compound formed by adding alcohol molecules to aldehyde molecules
- acetaldehyde - a colorless volatile water-soluble liquid aldehyde used chiefly in the manufacture of acetic acid and perfumes and drugs
- acetamide - a colorless solid amide of acetic acid used as a solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds
- acetaminophen - an analgesic for mild pain but not for inflammation; also used as an antipyretic; (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol, Phenaphen, Tempra, and Anacin III are trademarks of brands of acetaminophen tablets)
- acetanilide - a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic
- acetate - a fabric made from fibers of cellulose acetate
- acetic - relating to or containing acetic acid
- acetic acid - a colorless pungent liquid widely used in manufacturing plastics and pharmaceuticals
- acetic anhydride - a compound that is needed in order to refine opium into heroin
- acetonaemia - Alternative form of acetonemia.
- acetone - the simplest ketone; a highly flammable liquid widely used as an organic solvent and as material for making plastics
- acetonic - of or relating to acetone
- acetonitrile - The simplest organic cyanide or nitrile, CH3CN
- Acetose - bad-tasting; gone bad
- acetous - tasting or smelling like vinega
- acetyl - the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-)
- acetylate - introduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound)
- acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter that is a derivative of choline; released at the ends of nerve fibers in the somatic and parasympathetic nervous systems
- acetylcholinesterase - An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into choline and acetic acid.
- acetylene - a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis
- acetylide - Any organic compound derived from acetylene or a terminal acetylene by replacing a hydrogen atom with a metal.
- Ach -
- achaean - the ancient Greek inhabitants of Achaea
- achar - A spicy and salty pickle in Indian cuisine.
- acharnement - Savage fierceness; ferocity.
- acharya - A spiritual teacher, guru
- achates - Purchase; bargaining.
- Ache - sore feeling; dull pain
- Ached - feeling soreness or dull pain, often physical
- achene - small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall
- Achenes - seed of fruit, vegetable
- acheron - (Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon
- Aches - sore feeling; dull pain
- Achier - painful
- Achiest - painful
- achievability - the state of being achievable
- achievable - capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do
- achieve - to gain with effort
- Achieved - bring to successful conclusion; reach a goal
- achievement - the action of accomplishing something
- Achievements - something completed successfully; goal reached
- achiever - a person with a record of successes
- Achievers - person who makes things happen
- Achieves - bring to successful conclusion; reach a goal
- Achieving - bring to successful conclusion; reach a goal
- achillea - any of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads
- achilles - a mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his `Achilles' heel'
- achilles heel - A vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation.
- achimenes - any plant of the genus Achimenes having showy bell-shaped flowers that resemble gloxinias
- aching - causing a dull and steady pain
- achingly - In an aching manner; sorely.
- Achings - sadness, time of sadness
- achiote - The seed of this tree used as a colouring or in Latin American cooking.
- achiral - of or relating to or contained in or serving as an archive
- achlorhydria - an abnormal deficiency or absence of free hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice; often associated with severe anemias and cancer of the stomach
- acholi - A people in northern Uganda and southern Sudan.
- achondrite - a stony meteor lacking chondrules
- achondroplasia - An inherited skeletal disorder beginning before birth; cartilage is converted to bone resulting in dwarfism.
- achromatic - having no hue
- Achromatic lens -
- Achromatize - whiten
- Achromatized - whiten
- Achromatizes - whiten
- Achromatizing - whiten
- Achromatopsia - inability to distinguish one or more colors
- Achromatopsias - inability to distinguish one or more colors
- achromic - having no color
- Achromous - having no hue
- achy - causing a dull and steady pain
- Acicula - point
- Aciculae - point
- acicular - narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves
- Aciculate - pointed
- Aciculated - pointed
- acid - street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
- acid drop - An old-fashioned sour boiled sweet.
- acid rain - rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water
- acid rock - a musical style that emerged in the 1960s; rock music inspired by or related to drug-induced experience
- acid-fast - not easily decolorized by acid solutions; pertains to micro-organisms (especially the tubercle bacillus that causes tuberculosis)
- acidic - being sour to the taste
- Acidified - alienate
- Acidifies - sour; change into coagulated substance
- acidify - turn acidic
- Acidifying - alienate
- acidimetry - volumetric analysis using standard solutions of acids to measure the amount of a base present
- Acidities - bitterness
- acidity - the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth
- acidly - Sourly; tartly
- acidophil - an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment
- acidophilic - especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium
- acidophilus - a bacterium that is used to make yogurt and to supplement probiotics
- acidosis - abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
- Acids - bitter, sour in taste
- acidulate - make sour or more sour
- Acidulated - bad-tasting; gone bad
- Acidulates - sour; change into coagulated substance
- Acidulating - upset, alienate
- acidulous - being sour to the taste
- Aciniform - pertaining to grapes
- acinus - one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberry
- Acker -
- ackers - money
- acknowledge - report the receipt of
- acknowledged - generally accepted
- Acknowledgedly -
- acknowledgement - a statement acknowledging something or someone
- Acknowledges - verbally recognize authority
- Acknowledging - verbally recognize authority
- Acknowledgment - act of recognizing authority or truth of something
- Acknowledgments - act of recognizing authority or truth of something
- aclinic line - an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip
- Acme - pinnacle of achievement or physical object
- Acmes - pinnacle of achievement or physical object
- Acne - blemishes
- Acnes - blemishes
- acolyte - someone who assists a priest or minister in a liturgical service; a cleric ordained in the highest of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic Church but not in the Anglican Church or the Eastern Orthodox Churches
- Acolytes - attendant, usually in a church
- aconcagua - the highest mountain in the western hemisphere; located in the Andes in western Argentina (22,834 feet high)
- aconite - any of various usually poisonous plants of the genus Aconitum having tuberous roots and palmately lobed leaves and blue or white flowers
- aconitine - An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite
- acorn - fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base
- acorn barnacle - barnacle that attaches to rocks especially in intertidal zones
- acoustic - of or relating to the science of acoustics
- acoustic guitar - sound is not amplified by electrical means
- acoustic impedance - opposition to the flow of sound through a surface; acoustic resistance is the real component of acoustic impedance and acoustic reactance is the imaginary component
- acoustic shock - The symptoms that can be caused by unexpected loud sounds (acoustic incident) received on a telephone headset.
- acoustician - a physicist who specializes in acoustics
- Acoustics - sound quality
- acquaint - make familiar or conversant with
- acquaintance - personal knowledge or information about someone or something
- Acquaintances - a person known informally
- Acquainted - aware
- Acquainting - inform oneself or another about something new
- Acquaints - inform oneself or another about something new
- acquiesce - to agree or express agreement
- Acquiesced - agree with some reluctance
- acquiescence - agreement with a statement or proposal to do something
- Acquiescences - reluctant agreement
- acquiescent - willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest
- Acquiescently - happily
- Acquiesces - agree with some reluctance
- Acquiescing - agree with some reluctance
- acquihire - To acquire a company to recruit its employees, rather than for its products or services.
- Acquirable - available
- acquire - come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)
- Acquired - gained by personal exertion
- acquiree - Something that is to be acquired, especially a company that is the target of a takeover
- acquirement - an ability that has been acquired by training
- Acquirements - accomplishment
- Acquirer - one who discovers a thing
- Acquirers - one who discovers a thing
- Acquires - obtain or receive
- Acquiring - obtain or receive
- acquisition - an ability that has been acquired by training
- Acquisitions - obtaining or receiving
- acquisitive - eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas
- acquisitiveness - strong desire to acquire and possess
- acquit - pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
- Acquits - announce removal of blame
- acquittal - a judgment of not guilty
- Acquittals - declaration removing blame
- acquittance - a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligation
- Acquittances - attention to, knowledge of something
- Acquitted - announce removal of blame
- Acquitting - announce removal of blame
- Acre - piece of land, unit of area
- acreage - an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming)
- Acreages - land
- Acres - piece of land, unit of area
- acrid - harsh or corrosive in tone
- acridine - A tricyclic aromatic heterocycle, dibenzopyridine, obtained from coal tar; it is used in the manufacture of dyes and drugs
- Acridities - sarcasm
- Acridity - sarcasm
- Acridly -
- Acridness - bitterness
- Acridnesses - bitterness
- acrilan - acrylic resin used to make a strong soft crease-resistant fabric (trade name Acrilan)
- Acrimonies - nasty behavior, speech
- acrimonious - marked by strong resentment or cynicism
- Acrimoniously - scornfully
- Acrimoniousness - bitterness
- acrimony - a rough and bitter manner
- Acroamatic - mysterious, secret; supernatural
- acrobat - an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination
- acrobatic - vigorously active
- acrobatics - the gymnastic moves of an acrobat
- Acrobats - performer who does tricks, physical feats
- acrocyanosis - cyanosis of the extremities; can occur when a spasm of the blood vessels is caused by exposure to cold or by strong emotion
- acrolect - The variety of speech that is considered most suitable for formal occasions (typically using only standard forms); opposed to mesolect and basilect.
- acromegaly - enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face; often accompanied by headache and muscle pain and emotional disturbances; caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland (due to a tumor)
- acronym - a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word
- Acronyms - puzzle
- acropetal - of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from base to apex
- acrophobia - Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of heights.
- acropolis - the citadel in ancient Greek towns
- Acropolises - stronghold
- Acros -
- across - transversely
- acrostic - a puzzle where you fill a square grid with words reading the same down as across
- Acrostics - puzzle
- acrux - Abbreviation of Alpha Crucis. A star in the constellation Crux the Southern Cross
- acrylamide - a white crystalline amide of propenoic acid can damage the nervous system and is carcinogenic in laboratory animals
- acrylate - a salt or ester of propenoic acid
- acrylic - polymerized from acrylonitrile
- acrylic acid - an unsaturated liquid carboxylic acid used in the manufacture of acrylic resins
- Acrylics - tinted covering
- acrylonitrile - a colorless liquid unsaturated nitrile made from propene
- Act - something done
- Act as middle -
- Acta - notes of meeting
- Acted - do something
- actin - one of the proteins into which actomyosin can be split; can exist in either a globular or a fibrous form
- acting - the performance of a part or role in a drama
- Actings - substituting in a role
- actinic - relating to or exhibiting actinism
- actinide - any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103
- Actinism - picture of inside a body
- Actinisms - picture of inside a body
- actinium - a radioactive element of the actinide series; found in uranium ores
- actinolite - a green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate
- Actinometer - photography device
- Actinometers - photography device
- actinomorphic - capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis
- actinomycete - any bacteria (some of which are pathogenic for humans and animals) belonging to the order Actinomycetales
- Action - something done
- action figure - a doll representing a character known for vigorous activity, such as a soldier or superhero.
- action group - A component of a naval task force.
- action painting - a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles
- action plan - A planned series of actions, tasks or steps designed to achieve an objective or goal.
- action potential - the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmitted
- action research - Research involving social action.
- action-packed - Full of action; dramatic and exciting.
- actionable - affording grounds for legal action
- Actioned - take place, happen
- actioner - An action movie
- Actioning - take place, happen
- Actions - conduct
- activate - put in motion or move to act
- Activated - initiate something; start a function
- activated carbon - powdered or granular carbon used for purifying by adsorption; given orally (as a slurry) it is an antidote for some kinds of poisons
- Activates - initiate something; start a function
- Activating - initiate something; start a function
- activation - the activity of causing to have energy and be active
- Activations - making conscious or alert
- Activator - electrical device
- Activators - electrical device
- Active - having movement
- active birth - childbirth during which the mother is encouraged to be an active participant
- active citizen - a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch)
- active duty - A state in which person in the military performs military duties on a full-time basis, as opposed to reserve, where one only occasionally performs military duties.
- Active-duty -
- actively - in an active manner
- Activeness - state of being active
- Activenesses - state of being active
- activewear - attire worn for sport or for casual wear
- Activision -
- activism - a policy of taking direct action to achieve a political or social goal
- Activisms - action for change
- activist - advocating or engaged in activism
- Activists - special interest representative
- Activities - state of being active
- activity - an organic process that takes place in the body
- Activize - energize
- Activized - energize
- Activizes - energize
- Activizing - energize
- actomyosin - a protein complex in muscle fibers; composed of myosin and actin; shortens when stimulated and causes muscle contractions
- actor - a person who acts and gets things done
- actorly - Pertaining or proper to an actor
- Actors - person who performs, entertains by role-playing
- actress - A female actor who performs in plays, movies, or television shows
- Actresses - woman actor
- actressy - Characteristic of an actress
- Acts - something done
- actual - being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
- Actualities - something that truly exists, is real
- actuality - the state of actually existing objectively
- Actualization - effect
- Actualizations - effect
- actualize - make real or concrete; give reality or substance to
- Actualized - make real
- Actualizes - make real
- Actualizing - make real
- actually - in actual fact
- Actuals - genuine
- actuarial - of or relating to the work of an actuary
- Actuaries - person who inspects financial records
- actuary - someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums)
- actuate - give an incentive for action
- Actuated - start a function or action, motivate
- Actuates - start a function or action, motivate
- Actuating - start a function or action, motivate
- Actuation - drive, resolve
- Actuations - drive, resolve
- Acuate - knifelike, cutting
- Acuities - ability to perceive, understand
- acuity - sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)
- aculeate - having or resembling a stinger or barb
- acumen - shrewdness shown by keen insight
- Acumens - ability to understand and reason
- Acuminate - pointed
- Acuminated - pointed
- Acuminates - pointed
- Acuminating - pointed
- Acumination - point
- Acuminations - point
- Acuminous - having a sharp end or part
- acupressure - treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body
- acupuncture - Acupuncture (noun) is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.
- acupuncturist - A healthcare professional who is qualified or professionally engaged in the practice of acupuncture.
- acutance - Edge contrast in an image; a component of sharpness.
- acute - extremely sharp or severe
- acutely - in a keen or penetrating way
- Acuteness - intensity
- Acutenesses - intensity
- Acyanotic -
- acyclic - having an open chain structure
- acyclovir - an oral antiviral drug (trade name Zovirax) used to treat genital herpes; does not cure the disease but relieves the symptoms
- acyl - any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group
- Ad - advertisement
- ad hoc - for or concerned with one specific purpose
- ad hocery - Use of ad hoc or improvised reasoning.
- ad hominem - appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason)
- ad interim - For an intervening time; temporarily
- ad valorem - in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed
- adage - A wise saying or proverb that has been passed down through time. It often offers a general truth or piece of advice about life.
- Adages - saying or proverb
- adagio - a slow section of a pas de deux requiring great skill and strength by the dancers
- Adam-and-eve -
- Adamancies - determination
- Adamancy - determination
- adamant - impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason
- adamantine - impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason
- adamantly - inflexibly; unshakably
- adana - a city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River
- adapt - adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions
- Adaptabilities - changeability
- adaptability - the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances
- adaptable - capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use
- adaptation - the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)
- Adaptations - act of adapting
- Adapted - suitable
- adapter - a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance
- Adapters - fastening
- Adapting - adjust to a different situation or condition
- adaption - the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)
- Adaptions - adaptation
- adaptive - having a capacity for adaptation
- Adapts - adjust to a different situation or condition
- adaxial - nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism
- Adays - moment of truth
- Add - simple arithmetical process of increase; accumulation
- add-on - a component that is added to something to improve it
- Added - additional
- addend - a number that is added to another number (the augend)
- Addenda - something conjoined, added
- addendum - textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end
- Addendums - something conjoined, added
- Adder - snake
- Adders - snake
- addict - someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction
- addicted - compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming
- Addictedness - reliance
- Addictednesses - reliance
- Addicting - usual, established
- Addiction - a habit of activity, often injurious
- Addictions - a habit of activity, often injurious
- addictive - causing or characterized by addiction
- Addicts - person who has compulsion toward
- Adding - simple arithmetical process of increase; accumulation
- Addings - computation, account
- Addis ababa -
- Addison - A male given name transferred from the surname.
- addition - something added to what you already have
- additional - further or added
- additionally - in addition, by way of addition; furthermore
- Additions - process of conjoining, adding
- additive - designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree
- Additives - added ingredient
- Additory - accruing; growing in size or effect
- addle - mix up or confuse
- addled - confused and vague; used especially of thinking
- Addlepated - giddy
- Addles - confuse
- Addling - confuse
- addorsed - Set or turned back to back
- address - put an address on (an envelope)
- address book - A small book for keeping other people's addresses and phone numbers.
- Addressability -
- addressable - capable of being addressed
- Addressed - write directions for delivery
- addressee - one to whom something is addressed
- Addressees - person who is resident of habitation
- Addresses - place of residence or business where one can be contacted
- Addressing - write directions for delivery
- Addressings - posting
- addressograph - a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing
- Addrest - place of residence or business where one can be contacted
- Adds - simple arithmetical process of increase; accumulation
- adduce - advance evidence for
- Adduced - affirm
- Adduces - affirm
- Adducing - affirm
- adduction - (physiology) moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body
- adductor - a muscle that draws a body part toward the median line
- addy - address (especially e-mail address)
- adelaide - the state capital of South Australia
- aden - an important port of Yemen; located on the Gulf of Aden; its strategic location has made it a major trading center of southern Arabia since ancient times
- adenine - (biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA
- adenocarcinoma - malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium
- Adenoid - smelling organ of animate being
- adenoids - Relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.
- adenoma - a benign epithelial tumor of glandular origin
- Adenomatous -
- adenosine - (biochemistry) a nucleoside that is a structural component of nucleic acids; it is present in all living cells in a combined form as a constituent of DNA and RNA and ADP and ATP and AMP
- adenovirus - any of a group of viruses including those that in humans cause upper respiratory infections or infectious pinkeye
- adenylate - The dissociated anion present in adenylic acid;' adenosine monophosphate.
- adenylic acid - a nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP
- adept - someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
- Adeptly - tidily
- Adeptness - ability
- Adeptnesses - ability
- Adepts - expert, skilled person, female or male
- Adequacies - ability, competency in some
- adequacy - the quality of being sufficient for the end in view
- adequate - about average; acceptable
- Adequately - sufficiently
- Adequateness - fullness
- Adequatenesses - fullness
- Adequation -
- adhere - stick to firmly
- Adhered - stuck to
- adherence - the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
- Adherences - devotion
- adherent - someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another
- Adherents - supporter or follower
- Adheres - conform to or follow rules exactly
- Adhering - conform to or follow rules exactly
- adhesion - the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
- Adhesions - holding fast
- adhesive - a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together
- Adhesiveness - cohesion
- Adhesivenesses - cohesion
- Adhesives - thick, gooey material that hardens
- adhibit - To admit, as a person or thing; to take in.
- adhocracy - an organization with little or no structure
- adiabatic - occurring without loss or gain of heat
- adiantum - cosmopolitan genus of ferns: maidenhair ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae
- adieu - a farewell remark
- Adieus - parting remark or action
- Adieux - parting remark or action
- adios - a farewell remark
- Adioses - have a nice trip
- adipate - Any salt or ester of adipic acid
- adipic acid - a carboxylic acid used in the manufacture of nylon
- adipocere - A brown, fatty, waxy substance (fatty acids) that forms on dead animaltissues in response to hydrolysis
- Adipocerous - fatty
- adipocyte - a type of cell, present in adipose tissue, where fat is stored as a source of energy
- adipose - composed of animal fat
- adipose fin - A soft, fleshy fin found on the back of a fish behind the dorsal fin and just forward of the caudal fin.
- Adiposities - heaviness
- Adiposity - heaviness
- adit - a nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine
- Adits - access
- adivasi - A member of a heterogeneous set of ethnic and tribal groups claimed to be the aboriginal population of India.
- Adjacencies - community, surroundings
- Adjacency - community, surroundings
- adjacent - having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching
- adjective - of or relating to or functioning as an adjective
- Adjectives - word that modifies a noun
- adjoin - lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
- Adjoined - be next to
- adjoining - Of Adjoin
- Adjoins - be next to
- adjoint - An adjunct; a helper.
- adjourn - break from a meeting or gathering
- Adjourned - stop a proceeding
- Adjourning - stop a proceeding
- adjournment - the termination of a meeting
- Adjournments - discontinuation or delay of a proceeding
- Adjourns - stop a proceeding
- adjudge - declare to be
- Adjudged - judge
- Adjudges - judge
- Adjudging - judge
- adjudicate - bring to an end; settle conclusively
- Adjudicated - formally judge
- Adjudicates - formally judge
- Adjudicating - formally judge
- adjudication - the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
- Adjudications - judgment
- adjudicator - a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
- Adjudicators - person who settles dispute
- adjunct - furnishing added support
- adjunction - an act of joining or adjoining things
- Adjunctive - indirect, secondary
- Adjuncts - addition; help
- Adjuration - promise
- Adjurations - promise
- adjure - ask for or request earnestly
- Adjured - command
- Adjures - command
- Adjuring - command
- adjust - adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions
- Adjustabilities - ability to move
- Adjustability - ability to move
- adjustable - capable of being changed so as to match or fit
- Adjusted - become or make prepared, adapted
- Adjuster - pushbutton
- Adjusters - pushbutton
- Adjusting - become or make prepared, adapted
- adjustment - the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
- Adjustments - adaptation
- Adjusts - become or make prepared, adapted
- adjutant - an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer
- Adjutants - assistant
- adjuvant - furnishing added support
- Adjuvants - something which incites activity
- adlerian - Of or relating to Alfred Adler (1870���1937), Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology.
- adman - someone whose business is advertising
- admass - the segment of the public that is easily influenced by mass media (chiefly British)
- Admeasure - allot
- Admeasured - allot
- admeasurement - Apportionment
- Admeasurements - distribution
- Admeasures - allot
- Admeasuring - allot
- admin - Administration, or administrative work
- administer - work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of
- Administered - manage an organization or effort
- Administering - manage an organization or effort
- Administers - manage an organization or effort
- Administrable - governable
- Administrant - executive
- Administrants - executive
- administrate - work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of
- Administrated - carry out
- Administrates - carry out
- Administrating - carry out
- administration - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
- Administrations - management of an organization or effort
- administrative - of or relating to or responsible for administration
- administrative assistant - a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, keep records, make appointments, and carry out similar tasks
- administratively - by or for an administrator
- Administrator - person who manages organization
- Administrators - person who manages organization
- administratrix - A female administrator.
- admirable - deserving of the highest esteem or admiration
- admirably - in an admirable manner
- admiral - the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral
- Admirals - highest us navy commander
- admiralty - the department in charge of the navy (as in Great Britain)
- admiration - A feeling of delighted approval and liking.
- Admirations - great respect
- admire - feel admiration for
- Admired - hold in high regard
- admirer - someone who admires a young woman
- Admirers - person who holds someone in high regard
- Admires - hold in high regard
- Admiring - hold in high regard
- admiringly - In an admiring manner
- Admissibilities - appropriateness
- Admissibility - appropriateness
- admissible - deserving to be admitted
- admission - the fee charged for admission
- Admissions - entering or allowing entry
- admit - allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of
- Admits - allow entry or use
- admittance - the act of admitting someone to enter
- Admittances - permission to enter
- Admitted - allow entry or use
- admittedly - as acknowledged
- Admitting - allow entry or use
- admix - mix or blend
- Admixed - mix
- Admixes - mix
- Admixing - mix
- Admixt - mix
- admixture - an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base
- Admixtures - blending
- admonish - take to task
- Admonished - warn, strongly criticize
- Admonisher - honest critic or adviser
- Admonishers - honest critic or adviser
- Admonishes - warn, strongly criticize
- Admonishing - cautionary
- Admonishment - rebuke
- Admonishments - rebuke
- admonition - a firm rebuke
- Admonitions - caution
- Admonitor - mentor
- Admonitors - mentor
- admonitory - expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective
- adnate - of unlike parts or organs; growing closely attached
- adnexa - accessory or adjoining anatomical parts or appendages to an organ (especially of the embryo)
- adnominal - of or pertaining to an adnoun
- Adnoun - word that modifies a noun
- Adnouns - word that modifies a noun
- ado - a rapid active commotion
- adobe - sun-dried brick; used in hot dry climates
- Adobes - sun-dried brick
- adobo - a dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish; served with rice
- adolescence - in the state that someone is in between puberty and adulthood
- Adolescences - state of puberty, preadulthood
- adolescent - displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
- Adolescents - person in puberty, preadulthood
- adonis - annual or perennial herbs
- Adonises - good-looking person
- adopt - put into dramatic form
- Adopted - choose or take something as one's own
- Adopting - choose or take something as one's own
- adoption - the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source
- Adoptions - choosing or taking something as one's own
- adoptive - acquired as your own by free choice
- adoptive parent - a person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child
- Adopts - choose or take something as one's own
- Ador -
- adorable - lovable especially in a childlike or naive way
- Adorableness - beauty
- Adorablenesses - beauty
- adoral - Located near the mouth
- adoration - the act of admiring strongly
- Adorations - intense love
- adorbs - Adorable
- adore - love intensely
- Adored - love intensely
- Adorer - believer
- Adorers - believer
- Adores - love intensely
- Adoring - love intensely
- Adoringly - tenderly
- Adorn - decorate
- Adorned - trimmed
- Adorning - decorate
- Adorningly -
- adornment - a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness
- Adornments - decorating, enhancing
- Adorns - decorate
- Adoxography -
- adpressed - pressed close to or lying flat against something
- Adre -
- adrenal - either of a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney
- adrenaline - a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action
- Adrenalines - state of excitement
- adrenalized - simple past tense and past participle of adrenalize
- adrenergic - relating to epinephrine (its release or action)
- adriatic - an arm of the Mediterranean between Slovenia and Croatia and Montenegro and Albania on the east and Italy on the west
- adrift - aimlessly drifting
- adroit - quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
- adroitly - with adroitness; in an adroit manner
- adroitness - skillful performance or ability without difficulty
- Adroitnesses - adeptness
- Ads - advertisement
- adscititious - added or derived from something outside; not inherent
- Adscription - attribution
- Adscriptions - attribution
- adsorb - accumulate (liquids or gases) on the surface
- adsorbate - capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid
- adsorbent - a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance
- adulate - To praise someone excessively or obsequiously.
- Adulated - flatter
- Adulates - flatter
- Adulating - flatter
- adulation - servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise
- Adulations - overenthusiastic praise
- Adulator - sycophant
- Adulators - sycophant
- adulatory - obsequiously complimentary
- adult - designed to arouse lust
- adulterant - making impure or corrupt by adding extraneous materials
- Adulterants - contaminant
- adulterate - corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones
- Adulterated - debased or dirty
- Adulterates - alter or debase, often for profit
- Adulterating - alter or debase, often for profit
- Adulteration - corruption
- Adulterations - corruption
- Adulterator - contaminant
- Adulterators - contaminant
- adulterer - someone who commits adultery or fornication
- Adulterers - person who has many love affairs
- adulteress - a woman adulterer
- Adulteries - extramarital affair
- adulterine - conceived in adultery
- adulterous - characterized by adultery
- adultery - extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations
- adultescent - An adult who continues to participate in and enjoy youth culture
- adulthood - the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed
- Adulthoods - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- adulting - adultery
- adultness - The state or quality of being an adult
- Adultnesses - age of maturity
- Adults - a mature, fully grown person
- Adumbral - dark, covered
- adumbrate - describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of
- Adumbrated - foreshadow
- Adumbrates - foreshadow
- Adumbrating - foreshadow
- Adumbration - evidence, clue
- Adumbrations - evidence, clue
- Adumbrative - characteristic, typical
- adust - dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight
- advaita - A contraction of "Advaita Vedanta", which denotes an orthodox philosophical school of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism)
- advance - move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
- advanced - far along in time
- advanced degree - A university degree, such as an MSc or PhD, awarded after a baccalaureate on completion of a further program of academic studies.
- advancement - gradual improvement or growth or development
- Advancements - promotion, progress
- Advances - desirous pursuit of someone
- Advancing - move something forward, often quickly
- advantage - benefit resulting from some event or action
- advantaged - simple past tense and past participle of advantage
- advantageous - giving an advantage
- Advantageously - most excellently
- Advantages - benefit, favored position or circumstance
- Advantaging - be of use; use
- advection - (meteorology) the horizontal transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties
- advent - arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)
- adventist - a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ
- adventitia - an enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissue
- adventitious - associated by chance and not an integral part
- Advents - beginning or arrival of something anticipated
- adventure - take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome
- Adventured - risked
- adventurer - someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose)
- Adventurers - person who takes risks
- Adventures - risky or unexpected undertaking
- adventuresome - willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises
- adventuress - a woman adventurer
- Adventuring - take a chance
- adventurism - recklessness in politics or foreign affairs
- adventurous - willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises
- Adventurousness - daring
- adverb - a word that modifies something other than a noun
- adverbial - a word or group of words function as an adverb
- Adverbs - word modifying a verb
- Adversaria - memorabilia notebook
- adversarial - Characteristic of, or in the manner of, an adversary; combative, hostile, opposed
- Adversaries - opponent
- adversary - someone who offers opposition
- adversative - expressing antithesis or opposition
- adverse - in an opposing direction
- adversely - in an adverse manner
- Adversities - bad luck, situation
- adversity - a state of misfortune or affliction
- Advert - refer
- Adverted - refer
- Advertence - remark, citation
- Advertences - remark, citation
- Advertent - alert, watchful
- Adverting - refer
- advertise - call attention to
- Advertised - announced
- advertisement - a public promotion of some product or service
- Advertisements - public notice of sale
- advertiser - someone whose business is advertising
- Advertisers - supporter
- Advertises - publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
- advertising - A public promotion of some product or service.
- Advertisings - public notice of sale; notices to increase consumer desire
- advertorial - an advertisement that is written and presented in the style of an editorial or journalistic report
- Advertorials - full-length television program existing solely to market a product
- Adverts - refer
- advice - a proposal for an appropriate course of action
- Advices - recommendation
- Advil -
- Advisabilities - recommendability
- advisability - the quality of being advisable
- advisable - worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise
- advise - inform (somebody) of something
- advised - having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel
- advisedly - with intention; in an intentional manner
- advisement - careful consideration
- Advisements - careful considering
- adviser - an expert who gives advice
- Advisers - person who recommends, teaches, or otherwise helps
- Advises - offer recommendation
- Advising - offer recommendation
- Advisor - guide
- Advisories - announcement
- Advisors - person who recommends, teaches, or otherwise helps
- advisory - giving advice
- advocaat - A Dutch liqueur made of egg yolks, sugar and strong liquor, typically brandy.
- Advocacies - support for an idea or cause
- advocacy - active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something
- advocate - a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
- Advocated - support idea or cause publicly
- Advocates - person supporting an idea or cause publicly
- Advocating - support idea or cause publicly
- Advocator - spreader of misinformation
- Advocators - spreader of misinformation
- advowson - the right in English law of presenting a nominee to a vacant ecclesiastical benefice
- adygea - A republic of Russia to the south-west of the country, with capital Maykop.
- Adyta - place one goes for peace
- adytum - The innermost sanctuary or shrine in ancient temples, whence oracles were given. Hence: A private chamber; a sanctum.
- Adz - large cutting tool
- Adze - shaping tool
- Adzes - large cutting tool
- aedile - A magistrate in ancient Rome, who had the superintendence of public buildings, highways, shows, etc.; hence, a municipal officer.
- aegean - an arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia
- aegis - kindly endorsement and guidance
- Aegises - protection
- aegisthus - (Greek mythology) the seducer of Clytemnestra and murderer of Agamemnon who usurped the throne of Mycenae until Agamemnon's son Orestes returned home and killed him
- aegrotat - A medical certificate that a student is ill.
- aeneas - a mythical Greek warrior who was a leader on the Trojan side of the Trojan War; hero of the Aeneid
- aeneid - an epic in Latin by Virgil; tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War; provides an illustrious historical background for the Roman Empire
- aeolian - a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks
- aeolus - god of the winds in ancient mythology
- aeon - (Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe
- aeonian - of or relating to a geological eon (longer than an era)
- Aeons - extent of time
- aepyornis - huge (to 9 ft.) extinct flightless bird of Madagascar
- aerate - expose to fresh air
- aerated - supplied with carbon dioxide
- Aerates - give air
- Aerating - give air
- aerial - a pass to a receiver downfield from the passer
- aerialist - an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze)
- Aerialists - person who guides aircraft, ship, or other vehicle
- Aerials - football pass toward opponent's goal
- Aerie - nest
- Aerier - filmy
- Aeries - nest
- Aeriest - filmy
- Aerified - free; make clean
- Aerifies - free; make clean
- Aeriform - vaporous
- Aerify - free; make clean
- Aerifying - free; make clean
- aero - An aeroplane, airship or the like
- aero engine - aircraft engine
- aerobatics - the performance of stunts while in flight in an aircraft
- aerobic - depending on free oxygen or air
- aerobicized - toned by the use of aerobics
- aerobics - exercise that increases the need for oxygen
- aerobiology - The study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials, as pollen, spores, microorganisms, or viruses.
- aerodrome - an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo
- Aerodromes - runway for aircraft
- aerodynamic - designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow
- Aerodynamical -
- aerodynamics - the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of gases (especially air) and their effects on bodies in the flow
- Aeroembolism - decompression sickness
- Aeroembolisms - decompression sickness
- aerofoil - a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight
- aerogel - A porous, ultralight solid-state substance, similar to gel, in which the liquid component is replaced with gas.
- Aerogram - letter sent to foreign country
- aerogramme - a letter sent by air mail
- Aerogrammes - letter sent to foreign country
- Aerograms - letter sent to foreign country
- aerolite - a stony meteorite consisting of silicate minerals
- Aerologies - weather science
- aerology - meteorology of the total extent of the atmosphere; especially the upper layers
- aeromagnetic - Of or pertaining to aeromagnetics
- aeromedical - of or relating to aviation medicine
- Aeromedicine - study of flight disorders
- Aeromedicines - study of flight disorders
- aeromodelling - The building and flying of model aircraft
- aeronaut - someone who operates an aircraft
- aeronautical - of or pertaining to aeronautics
- Aeronautical engineering -
- aeronautics - the theory and practice of navigation through air or space
- Aeronauts - person who guides aircraft, ship, or other vehicle
- aerophagy - the swallowing of air, especially in hysteria.
- aerophone - A form of combined speaking and ear trumpet.
- Aerophyte - plant getting nutrients from air
- Aerophytes - plant getting nutrients from air
- aeroplane - an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets
- Aeroplanes - early aircraft
- aerosol - a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas)
- aerosolize - disperse as an aerosol
- Aerosols - fine mist
- aerospace - the atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole
- aerosphere - The atmosphere.
- aerostat - A balloonist; an aeronaut.
- Aerotrain - fast train
- Aerotrains - fast train
- aertex - a trademark for a loosely woven cotton fabric that is used to make shirts and underwear
- Aery - filmy
- aeschylus - Greek tragedian; the father of Greek tragic drama (525-456 BC)
- aesculapian - of or belonging to Aesculapius or the healing art
- Aesculus -
- aesop - Greek author of fables (circa 620-560 BC)
- Aesthesiometer -
- aesthete - one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature
- Aesthetes - person having great sensitivity to beauty
- aesthetic - (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful
- aesthetically - in a tasteful way
- aestheticism - A doctrine which holds aesthetics or beauty as the highest ideal or most basic standard.
- Aestheticisms - judgment, propriety
- aesthetics - (art) the branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art)
- aestival - (rare) of or occurring in summer
- aestivate - sleep during summer
- aestivation - (zoology) cessation or slowing of activity during the summer; especially slowing of metabolism in some animals during a hot or dry period
- aetiology - the cause of a disease
- Afar - a great distance away
- Afara - a great distance away
- Afars - a great distance away
- afebrile - having no fever
- Affabilities - amiability
- Affability - amiability
- Affable - friendly
- Affably - civilly
- Affair - matter or business to be taken care of; happening activity
- Affaire - illicit sexual relationship
- Affaires - illicit sexual relationship
- Affairs - matter or business to be taken care of; happening activity
- Affect - influence, affect emotionally
- Affectabilities - susceptibility
- Affectability - susceptibility
- Affectable - easily taught; gullible
- affectation - a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display
- Affectations - pretended behavior to make an impression
- Affected - deeply moved or hurt emotionally
- Affectedness - affectation
- Affectednesses - affectation
- Affecting - moving
- Affectingly - completely, intensely
- Affection - strong fondness
- Affectional - emotional
- Affectionate - having or showing fondness
- Affectionately - with compassion
- Affections - strong fondness
- Affective - concerning feelings and intuition
- Affectivities - emotional attachment
- Affectivity - emotional attachment
- Affects - influence, affect emotionally
- Afferent - affecting animate nerve organs
- Affiance - one's word that something will be done
- Affianced - engaged
- Affiances - one's word that something will be done
- Affiancing - marriage
- Affiant - witness
- Affiants - witness
- Affiche - large paper advertisement
- Affiches - large paper advertisement
- Affidavit - written legal declaration
- Affidavits - written legal declaration
- Affiliate - organization that is associated with another
- Affiliated - associated
- Affiliates - organization that is associated with another
- Affiliating - organization that is associated with another
- Affiliation - association with an organization
- Affiliations - association with an organization
- Affinities - liking or inclination toward something
- affinity - the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule
- Affirm - declare the truth of something
- Affirmation - declaration of the truth of something
- Affirmations - declaration of the truth of something
- Affirmative - being agreeable or assenting
- Affirmatively - willingly, assenting; pleasantly; in keeping
- Affirmatives - gesture of the head
- Affirmatory - being agreeable or assenting
- Affirmed - declare the truth of something
- Affirming - declare the truth of something
- Affirms - declare the truth of something
- Affix - attach or stick
- Affixed - attach or stick
- Affixes - attach or stick
- Affixing - attach or stick
- afflatus - A divine creative impulse or inspiration.
- Afflatuses - idea, stimulus
- Afflict - cause or become hurt
- Afflicted - distressed
- Afflicting - cause or become hurt
- Affliction - hurt condition; something that causes hurt
- Afflictions - hurt condition; something that causes hurt
- Afflictive - painful
- Afflicts - cause or become hurt
- Affluence - wealth
- Affluences - wealth
- Affluent - wealthy
- Affluential - person who makes things happen
- Affluentials - person who makes things happen
- Affluently - plentifully
- Afford - able to have or do; within financial means
- Affordable - inexpensive
- Afforded - able to have or do; within financial means
- Affording - able to have or do; within financial means
- Affords - able to have or do; within financial means
- Afforestation - forest management
- Afforestations - forest management
- Affranchise - set free
- Affranchised - set free
- Affranchises - set free
- Affranchising - set free
- Affray - fight
- Affrays - fight
- Affricate - sound unit of speech
- Affricates - sound unit of speech
- Affright - frighten
- Affrighted - frighten
- Affrighting - frighten
- Affrights - frighten
- Affront - an insult
- Affronted - insult or involve in entanglement
- Affronting - insult or involve in entanglement
- Affronts - an insult
- Afghan - coverlet
- Afghans - coverlet
- aficionado - a fan of bull fighting
- Aficionados - fan
- Afield - beyond
- Afire - on fire
- Aflame - on fire
- Afloat - floating
- Aflutter - alarmed, apprehensive
- Afoot - traveling by foot
- Afore - earlier
- Aforementioned - earlier, above
- Aforesaid - said earlier
- Aforethought - engaged; destined
- Aforetime - earlier
- Afoul - wrongly; defectively
- Afp -
- Afraid - fearful
- Afresh - new or repeated
- African elephant -
- Afrikander -
- Afro - frizzy hairstyle
- Afros - frizzy hairstyle
- Aft - rearward
- After - following in position or time
- After dark -
- After this -
- Afterbirth - amniotic sac
- Afterbirths - amniotic sac
- Aftereffect - consequence, effect
- Aftereffects - repercussion
- Afterglow - gloss, shine
- Afterglows - gloss, shine
- Afterimage - ability to perceive with eyes
- Afterimages - ability to perceive with eyes
- Afterlife - life after death
- Afterlives - life after death
- Aftermath - situation following an event, occurrence
- Aftermaths - situation following an event, occurrence
- Aftermost - final; newest
- Afternoon - period after 12 noon and before sunset
- Afternoons - period after 12 noon and before sunset
- Afterpiece - ending of an event
- Afterpieces - ending of an event
- Aftershock - earthquake
- Aftershocks - earthquake
- Aftertaste - flavor of some quality
- Aftertastes - flavor of some quality
- Afterthought - idea that occurs after it is timely
- Afterthoughts - idea that occurs after it is timely
- Aftertime - time to come
- Aftertimes - time to come
- Afterward - following
- Afterwards - following
- Afterword - matter at end of document
- Afterwords - matter at end of document
- Afterworld - place where god lives; wonderful feeling
- Afterworlds - place where god lives; wonderful feeling
- Ag - chief legal officer
- Again - another time; repeated
- Against - opposite to
- Agamic - non-sexual
- Agamist -
- Agamogenetic - non-sexual
- Agamous - non-sexual
- Agapae - sympathy
- Agapai - sympathy
- Agape - amazed
- Agars -
- Agate - printing font
- Agates - printing font
- Age - period of animate existence
- Aged - old
- Agedness - age
- Agednesses - age
- Agee - bent, angled
- Ageing - become older
- Ageism - age-based discrimination
- Ageisms - age-based discrimination
- Ageless - enduring
- Agencies - organization, often business-related
- Agency - organization, often business-related
- Agenda - list of things to do
- Agenda item -
- Agendas - list of things to do
- Agendum - list of things to do
- Agendums - written description; diagram
- Agent - person representing an organization or person in business
- Agented -
- Agents - person representing an organization or person in business
- Ages - period of animate existence
- Aggie - concerning farming, land
- Agglomerate - bunch
- Agglomerated - congregate
- Agglomerates - bunch
- Agglomerating - congregate
- Agglomeration - collection
- Agglomerations - collection
- Agglutinant - adhesive
- Agglutinate - unite
- Agglutinated - unite
- Agglutinates - unite
- Agglutinating - unite
- Agglutination - merger, joining
- Agglutinations - merger, joining
- Agglutinative - gummy, adhesive
- Agglutinin - antitoxin
- Agglutinins - antitoxin
- Agglutinogen - antitoxin
- Agglutinogens - antitoxin
- Aggradation -
- aggrandize - To make something seem greater or more important than it really is.
- Aggrandized - cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
- Aggrandizement - exaltation
- Aggrandizements - exaltation
- Aggrandizes - cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
- Aggrandizing - cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
- Aggravate - annoy
- Aggravated - annoy
- Aggravates - annoy
- Aggravating - annoy
- Aggravation - annoyance
- Aggravations - annoyance
- Aggregate - forming a collection from separate parts
- Aggregated - combine into a collection
- Aggregates - collection
- Aggregating - combine into a collection
- Aggregation - collection
- Aggregations - collection
- aggress - take the initiative and go on the offensive
- Aggressed - attack
- Aggresses - attack
- Aggressing - attack
- Aggression - attack, often military
- Aggressions - attack, often military
- Aggressive - belligerent, hostile
- Aggressiveness - aggression
- Aggressor - attacker
- Aggressors - attacker
- Aggrieve - wrong
- Aggrieved - very distressed
- Aggrieves - wrong
- Aggrieving - wrong
- Aggro - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Aggros - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Aghast - horrified; very surprised
- Agile - physically or mentally nimble, deft
- Agilely - gently, effortlessly
- Agileness - agility
- Agilenesses - agility
- Agilities - physical or mental nimbleness, deftness
- Agility - physical or mental nimbleness, deftness
- Agin - antagonistic
- Aging - becoming older
- Agings - becoming older
- Agiotage -
- Agita - anxiety
- Agitable - very nervous
- Agitas - anxiety
- Agitate - shake physically
- Agitated - disturbed
- Agitatedly - frenziedly
- Agitates - shake physically
- Agitating - shake physically
- Agitation - shaking, mixing
- Agitations - shaking, mixing
- Agitative - vexing
- Agitator - person who disturbs, causes trouble
- Agitators - person who disturbs, causes trouble
- Agitprop - information that is designed to mislead or persuade
- Agitprops - information that is designed to mislead or persuade
- Agleam - bright, glistening
- Aglow - illuminated
- Agname - title given to something, someone
- Agnames - title given to something, someone
- Agnate - kindred
- Agnates - member of a family
- Agnomen - nickname
- Agnomina - nickname
- Agnostic - person unsure that god exists
- Agnosticism - refusal to believe
- Agnosticisms - refusal to believe
- Agnostics - person unsure that god exists
- Ago - in the past
- agog - highly excited by eagerness, curiosity, etc.
- Agonies - suffering, pain
- agonistic - striving to overcome in argument
- Agonistics -
- Agonize - suffer or cause another to suffer
- Agonized - suffer or cause another to suffer
- Agonizes - suffer or cause another to suffer
- Agonizing - difficult and painful, suffering
- Agonizingly - painfully
- Agony - suffering, pain
- Agora - collection of stores in one place
- Agorae - collection of stores in one place
- agoraphobia - a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place)
- Agoras - collection of stores in one place
- Agorot - collection of stores in one place
- Agoroth - collection of stores in one place
- Agouara -
- Agrarian - concerning land, farming
- Agree - be in unison, assent with another
- Agreeabilities - amiability
- Agreeability - amiability
- Agreeable - pleasing
- Agreeableness - amiability
- Agreeablenesses - amiability
- Agreeably - willingly, assenting; pleasantly; in keeping
- Agreed - be in unison, assent with another
- Agreeing - be agreeable or suitable
- Agreement - concurrence
- Agreements - concurrence
- Agrees - be in unison, assent with another
- Agrestal - organic, unrefined
- Agrestic - peaceful, especially referring to the countryside
- Agricultural - concerning farming, land
- Agriculturalist - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Agriculture - farming, crop production
- Agricultures - farming, crop production
- Agriculturist - farmer
- Agriculturists - farmer
- Agrologies - development of land for growing
- Agrology - development of land for growing
- Agronomic - country, not urban
- Agronomical - concerning farming, land
- Agronomics - development of land for growing
- Agronomies - development of land for growing
- Agronomist - farmer
- Agronomists - farmer
- Agronomy - development of land for growing
- Aground - on the bottom of
- Ags - chief legal officer
- Ague - shivering
- Agues - shivering
- Ah - emphatic exclamation
- Aha - understanding
- Ahead - in front or advance of
- Ahem - emphatic exclamation
- Ahoy - yelled statement
- Ahs - emphatic exclamation
- Ahsan -
- Ai - machine intelligence
- Aid - help, support
- Aide - assistant
- Aided - help, support
- Aider - generosity
- Aiders - advocate
- Aides - person who helps
- Aiding - help, support
- Aids - immunological disorder
- Aigrette - topknot on head of animal
- Aigrettes - topknot on head of animal
- Aiguille - top of something
- Aiguilles - top of something
- Aikido - far eastern discipline or sport
- Ail - hurt
- Ailed - hurt
- Aileron - organ, device of flight
- Ailerons - organ, device of flight
- Ailing - not feeling well
- Ailment - mild sickness
- Ailments - mild sickness
- Ails - hurt
- ailurophobia - a morbid fear of cats
- Aim - goal
- Aimed - proposed
- Aiming - point or direct at a goal
- Aimless - having no goal
- Aimlessly - incidentally
- Aims - goal
- Air - gases forming the atmosphere
- Air defense -
- Air taxi -
- Airborne - in the air, winged
- Airbrush -
- Airbrushing - the act of applying paint
- Airbus - vehicle propelled by ejection of pressurized gas or liquid
- Airbuses - vehicle propelled by ejection of pressurized gas or liquid
- Aircraft - airplane
- Airdrome - center for transportation by air
- Airdromes - center for transportation by air
- Airdrop - transport
- Airdropped - transport
- Airdropping - transport
- Airdrops - transport
- Aired - exposed to the air
- Airfield - airplane landing area
- Airfields - airplane landing area
- Airflow - light wind
- Airflows - light wind
- Airfoil - organ, device of flight
- Airfoils - organ, device of flight
- Airgraph - letter sent to foreign country
- Airgraphs - letter sent to foreign country
- Airhead - dullard
- Airheaded - out to lunch
- Airheadedness -
- Airheads - dullard
- Airier - open to the atmosphere
- Airiest - open to the atmosphere
- Airily - gently, effortlessly
- Airiness - the state of being light
- Airinesses - the state of being light
- Airing - put into the atmosphere; freshen
- Airings - expedition
- Airless - without fresh air
- Airlift - transit
- Airlifted - transit
- Airlifting - transit
- Airlifts - transit
- Airline - air carrier
- Airliner - airplane
- Airliners - airplane
- Airlines - air carrier
- Airmail - rapid mail delivery system
- Airmails - rapid mail delivery system
- Airplane - vehicle that transports cargo or passengers through the air
- Airplanes - vehicle that transports cargo or passengers through the air
- Airport - center for transportation by air
- Airports - center for transportation by air
- Airs - affectation; pretended behavior
- Airship - aircraft
- Airships - aircraft
- Airshow -
- Airsickness - sickness in motor vehicle
- Airsicknesses - sickness in motor vehicle
- Airstream - wheeled vehicle for living
- Airstreams - wheeled vehicle for living
- Airstrip - airplane landing area
- Airstrips - airplane landing area
- Airtight - sealed
- Airway - ventilating pipe
- Airways - ventilating pipe
- Airy - open to the atmosphere
- Ais - machine intelligence
- Aisle - passageway dividing something
- Aisles - passageway dividing something
- Ait - small island
- Aits - small island
- Ajar - slightly open
- Aka - as known or named at another time or place
- Akas - pretend name for author
- Akela -
- Akes -
- akimbo - (used of arms and legs) bent outward with the joint away from the body
- Akin - related or connected
- Akita - dog
- Akitas - dog
- Ala - emphatic exclamation
- Alabaster - smooth and white
- Alabastrine - smooth and white
- Alack -
- Alacrities - liveliness; promptness
- Alacritous - fast, quick
- alacrity - liveliness and eagerness
- Alain -
- Alameda - promenade
- Alamedas - promenade
- Alana -
- Alans -
- Alar - feathered
- Alarm - feeling of sudden fear
- Alarmable - very nervous
- Alarmed - frightened
- Alarming - causing fear
- Alarmingly - precariously
- Alarmist - person who spreads alarm
- Alarmists - person who spreads alarm
- Alarms - feeling of sudden fear
- Alarum - alarm
- Alarums - alarm
- Alary - feathered
- Alas - unfortunately
- Alaska - u.s. state
- Alaskas - u.s. state
- Alate - with wings
- Alb - gown
- Albatross - burden
- Albatrosses - burden
- Albeit - although
- Alber -
- Albescent -
- Albino - having light-colored hair
- Albinos - light
- Albs - gown
- Album - blank book for collecting; holder
- Albums - blank book for collecting; holder
- Alcaide -
- Alcazar - royal or enormous home
- Alcazars - royal or enormous home
- Alchemical - concerned with atom and molecule change
- Alchemies - medieval science
- Alchemist - wizard
- Alchemistic - secret, concealed
- Alchemists - wizard
- Alchemy - medieval science
- Alcohol - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Alcohol-dependent -
- Alcoholic - intoxicating
- Alcoholics - intoxicating
- Alcoholism - alcohol abuse
- Alcoholisms - alcohol abuse
- Alcohols - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Alcove - nook, secluded spot
- Alcoves - nook, secluded spot
- Ale - intoxicating, fermented beverage
- Aleatory - not planned
- Alee - ahead, beyond
- Alehouse - business establishment that primarily serves liquor
- Alehouses - business establishment that primarily serves liquor
- Alembic - holder for physical object
- Alembicated - extremely sophisticated and picky
- Alembics - holder for physical object
- Alert - attentive, lively
- Alerted - warn
- Alerting - attentive, lively
- Alertly - cleverly
- Alertness - watchfulness
- Alertnesses - watchfulness
- Alerts - warning
- Ales - intoxicating, fermented beverage
- Alevins -
- Alfreds -
- Alfresco - external
- Algae - rootless, leafless plants living in water
- Algebra - arithmetic
- Algebraic - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Algebras - arithmetic
- Algefacient -
- Algid - cold
- Algidities - frigid conditions
- Algidity - frigid conditions
- Algonquins -
- Algor - frigid conditions
- Algorithm - treasure; invention
- Algorithmic - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Algorithms - treasure; invention
- Algors - frigid conditions
- Alhenna -
- Alias - otherwise known as
- Aliases - false name
- Alibi - defense against charges of wrongdoing; evidence of absence
- Alibied - legitimize, substantiate
- Alibiing - legitimize, substantiate
- Alibis - defense against charges of wrongdoing; evidence of absence
- Alien - foreign
- Alienate - cause unfriendliness, hostility
- Alienated - estranged
- Alienates - cause unfriendliness, hostility
- Alienating - cause unfriendliness, hostility
- Alienation - unfriendliness
- Alienations - unfriendliness
- Aliened - abandon, surrender
- Aliening - abandon, surrender
- Aliens - foreign being
- Alight - land
- Alighted - land
- Alighting - land
- Alights - land
- Align - line up, arrange next to
- Aligned - line up, arrange next to
- Aligning - line up, arrange next to
- Alignment - lining up
- Alignments - lining up
- Aligns - line up, arrange next to
- Alike - similar
- Alikeness - likeness
- Alikenesses - likeness
- Aliment - food
- Alimental - healthy
- Alimentary - digestive
- Alimentation - nourishment
- Alimentations - nourishment
- Alimentative - healthful
- Aliments - food
- Alimonies - money paid in support of a former spouse
- Alimony - money paid in support of a former spouse
- Aliquant -
- Alit - land
- Alive - being animately existent
- Aliveness - knowledge
- Alivenesses - knowledge
- Alkalescent - being basic, not acid (chemically)
- Alkali - soluble base; opposite of an acid
- Alkalies - soluble base; opposite of an acid
- Alkaline - being basic, not acid (chemically)
- Alkaline earth -
- Alkalis - soluble base; opposite of an acid
- Alkies - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Alky - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- All - whole quantity
- All over -
- Allantoin -
- Allay - reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
- Allayed - reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
- Allaying - reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
- Allayment - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Allayments - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Allays - reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
- Allegation - assertion placing blame
- Allegations - assertion placing blame
- Allege - assert; claim
- Alleged - asserted, often doubtful
- Allegedly - by allegation
- Alleges - assert; claim
- Allegiance - loyalty
- Allegiances - loyalty
- Allegiant - faithful
- Alleging - assert; claim
- Allegorical - symbolic
- Allegories - indirect representation, storytelling
- Allegorist - recounter of stories
- Allegorists - recounter of stories
- Allegorize - compare
- Allegorized - compare
- Allegorizes - compare
- Allegorizing - compare
- Allegory - indirect representation, storytelling
- Alleluia - religious song
- Alleluias - religious song
- Allergen - irritant
- Allergens - irritant
- Allergic - having a reaction to food, material, etc.
- Allergies - reaction to certain food, material, etc.
- Allergy - reaction to certain food, material, etc.
- Alleviate - relieve; lessen
- Alleviated - relieve; lessen
- Alleviates - relieve; lessen
- Alleviating - relieve; lessen
- alleviation - The act of making something less severe, serious, or painful.
- Alleviations - relief
- Alleviative - healing, restorative
- Alleviator - mitigator
- Alleviators - mitigator
- Alley - narrow passage
- Alleys - narrow passage
- Alleyway - path for travel
- Alleyways - path for travel
- Alliance - friendly association, agreement
- Alliances - friendly association, agreement
- Allied - friendly; united
- Allies - something united with another, especially by treaty
- Alligation -
- Alligators -
- Alliteration - duplication; doing again
- Alliterations - duplication; doing again
- Alliterative - wordy, tedious
- Alliterator -
- Allness - wholeness, whole
- Allnesses - wholeness, whole
- Allocate - assign; divide among
- Allocated - assign; divide among
- Allocates - assign; divide among
- Allocating - assign; divide among
- Allocation - distribution
- Allocations - distribution
- Allocution - formal speech or address
- Allocutions - formal speech or address
- Allogamous -
- Allograft -
- Allomerism -
- Allonym - pretend name for author
- Allonyms - pretend name for author
- Allot - assign; give portion
- Allotment - portion assigned or given
- Allotments - portion assigned or given
- Allotrope - gemstone
- Allotropes - gemstone
- Allots - assign; give portion
- Allotted - assign; give portion
- Allotting - assign; give portion
- Allover - ever-present
- Allovers - anxious state
- Allow - admit; acknowledge
- Allowable - permissible
- Allowably - in accordance with the law
- Allowance - amount of money or other supply
- Allowances - amount of money or other supply
- Alloway -
- Allowed - admit; acknowledge
- Allowing - admit; acknowledge
- Allows - admit; acknowledge
- Alloy - mixture, usually of two metals
- Alloyed - impure
- Alloying - mixture, usually of two metals
- Alloys - mixture, usually of two metals
- Alls - whole quantity
- Allude - hint at
- Alluded - hint at
- Alludes - hint at
- Alluding - hint at
- Allure - appeal
- Allured - appeal
- Allurement - lure
- Allurements - lure
- Allurer - seducer
- Allurers - seducer
- Allures - appeal
- Alluring - attractive
- Alluringly - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Allusion - indirect reference; hint
- Allusions - indirect reference; hint
- Allusive - suggestive
- Alluvia - liquid emitted
- Alluvial - earthly
- Alluviation -
- Alluvion - flood
- Alluvions - flood
- Alluvium - liquid emitted
- Alluviums - liquid emitted
- Ally - something united with another, especially by treaty
- Allying - similar
- Almanac - document containing information for a year
- Almanacs - document containing information for a year
- Almighty - having complete power, control
- Almost - nearly, very nearly
- Alms - handout
- Almsgiver - donor
- Almsgivers - donor
- Almsgiving - humanitarianism
- Almsgivings - humanitarianism
- Almsman - beggar
- Almsmen - beggar
- Almswoman - beggar
- Almswomen - beggar
- Aloft - high up
- Aloha - greeting
- Alohas - greeting
- Alone - separate; apart
- Aloneness - state of being alone
- Alonenesses - state of being alone
- Along - ahead
- Alongside - close, near side of
- Aloof - remote
- Aloofness - detachment
- Aloofnesses - detachment
- Alopecia - male hair loss
- Alopecias - male hair loss
- Alors -
- Aloud - in a spoken voice, usually not softly
- Alp - mountain
- Alpaca -
- Alpenstock - stick that aids a walker
- Alpenstocks - stick that aids a walker
- Alpha - beginning
- Alphabet - letters of a writing system
- Alphabetical - in ascending order of a writing system
- Alphabetize - place in order of a writing system
- Alphabetized - place in order of a writing system
- Alphabetizes - place in order of a writing system
- Alphabetizing - place in order of a writing system
- Alphabets - letters of a writing system
- Alphas - beginning
- Alphonse -
- Alpine - mountaintop; high altitude
- Alpines - evergreen
- Alpinism - mountain climbing
- Alpinisms - mountain climbing
- Alpinist - mountain climber
- Alpinists - mountain climber
- Alps - mountain
- Alr -
- Already - before expected time
- Also - in addition to
- Alt - keyboard button with specific function
- Altai -
- Altar - church table, pedestal
- Altar boy -
- Altars - church table, pedestal
- Alter - change
- Alterable - changeable
- Alterant - limiter
- Alterants - limiter
- Alteration - change
- Alterations - change
- Altercate - verbally fight
- Altercated - verbally fight
- Altercates - verbally fight
- Altercating - verbally fight
- Altercation - fight, often verbal
- Altercations - fight, often verbal
- Altered - changed
- Alterer - limiter
- Alterers - limiter
- Altering - change
- Alterities - conflict, disagreement
- Alterity - conflict, disagreement
- Alternate - substitute
- Alternated - take turns, change back and forth
- Alternately - alternatively
- Alternates - substitute
- Alternating - take turns, change back and forth
- Alternation - repeated rotation
- Alternations - repeated rotation
- Alternative - other, alternate
- Alternatively - preferably; instead
- Alternatives - possible choice
- Alternator - engine converting energy
- Alternators - engine converting energy
- Alters - change
- Although - even though
- Alti -
- Altisonant -
- Altitude - height in the sky
- Altitudes - height in the sky
- Altitudinous - high in stature, length
- Alto - low
- Alto-cumulus -
- Altogether - as a whole
- Altogethers - the state of having no clothes on
- Altos - high male voice
- altruism - Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
- Altruisms - unselfish concern
- Altruist - humanitarian
- Altruistic - unselfish
- Altruistically - with an open heart
- Altruists - humanitarian
- Alts - keyboard button with specific function
- Alu -
- Alum - graduate
- Aluminum - container, usually metallic
- Aluminums - container, usually metallic
- Alumna - graduate
- Alumnae - graduate
- Alumni - graduate
- Alumnus - graduate
- Alums - graduate
- Alveolate - pertaining to honey
- Alveoli - lover
- Alveolus - lover
- Alviducous -
- Alway - yes
- Always - forever; continually
- Am - exist
- Amain - at a tremendous rate
- Amalgam - mixture
- amalgamate - to bring or combine together or with something else
- Amalgamated - blend
- Amalgamates - blend
- Amalgamating - blend
- Amalgamation - mixture
- Amalgamations - mixture
- Amalgamator -
- Amalgams - mixture
- Amanuenses - assistant
- Amanuensis - assistant
- Amaranthine - endless
- Amass - gather, accumulate
- Amassed - gather, accumulate
- Amasses - gather, accumulate
- Amassing - gather, accumulate
- Amassment - accumulation
- Amassments - accumulation
- Amateur - casual participant
- Amateurish - unprofessional
- Amateurishness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Amateurs - casual participant
- Amative - affectionate
- Amativeness - desire
- Amativenesses - desire
- Amatory - affectionate, desirous
- Amaurotic - sightless
- Amaze - surprise
- Amazed - surprise
- Amazement - state of surprise
- Amazements - state of surprise
- Amazes - surprise
- Amazing - astonishing
- Amazingly - oddly
- Amazon - mean lady
- Amazonas -
- Amazons - mean lady
- Ambagious - going around, indirect
- Ambaries - plant
- Ambary - plant
- Ambassador - representative to a foreign country
- Ambassadors - representative to a foreign country
- Amber - gold-colored
- Ambers - gold-colored
- Ambiance - environment
- Ambiances - environment
- Ambiant -
- Ambidexterities - insincerity
- Ambidexterity - insincerity
- Ambidextrous - insincere
- Ambien -
- Ambience - environment
- Ambiences - environment
- Ambient - flowing
- Ambients - atmosphere, setting
- Ambiguities - uncertainty of meaning
- Ambiguity - uncertainty of meaning
- Ambiguous - having more than one meaning
- Ambiguous statement -
- Ambiguously - inarticulately
- Ambiguousness - vagueness
- Ambiguousnesses - vagueness
- Ambit - extent
- Ambition - strong desire for success
- Ambitions - strong desire for success
- Ambitious - desiring success
- Ambitiousness - ambition
- Ambitiousnesses - ambition
- Ambits - extent
- ambivalence - The state of having mixed or contradictory feelings about something or someone.; Uncertainty or indecision about something.
- Ambivalences - equivocation
- Ambivalent - conflicting
- amble - walk leisurely
- Ambled - walk casually
- Ambler - person traveling on foot
- Amblers - person traveling on foot
- Ambles - walk casually
- Ambling - walk casually
- Ambo - reading desk
- Ambos - reading desk
- Ambries - depository
- Ambrosia - food of the gods
- ambrosial - extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant
- Ambrosias - food of the gods
- Ambry - depository
- Ambulance - emergency vehicle
- Ambulances - emergency vehicle
- Ambulant - roaming
- Ambulate - walk about
- Ambulated - walk about
- Ambulates - walk about
- Ambulating - walk about
- Ambulation - movement, action
- Ambulations - movement, action
- Ambulator - person who walks
- Ambulators - person who walks
- Ambulatory - changing position; able to move under own power
- Ambuscade - ambush
- Ambuscaded - ambush
- Ambuscades - ambush
- Ambuscading - ambush
- Ambush - lying in wait; concealed position
- Ambushed - lie in wait; attack
- Ambushes - lying in wait; concealed position
- Ambushing - lying in wait; concealed position
- Ambushment - lying in wait; concealed position
- Ambushments - lying in wait; concealed position
- Ameba - minute organism
- Amebae - minute organism
- Amebas - minute organism
- Ameer -
- Ameliorate - make, become better
- Ameliorated - make, become better
- Ameliorates - make, become better
- Ameliorating - make, become better
- amelioration - the act of relieving ills and changing for the better
- Ameliorations - improvement
- Ameliorative - healing
- Amen - so be it
- Amenabilities - complaisance
- Amenability - complaisance
- Amenable - willing, cooperative
- Amenableness - complaisance
- Amenablenesses - complaisance
- Amend - improve, correct
- Amendable - controllable
- Amendatory - corrective
- Amended - improve, correct
- Amending - improve, correct
- Amendment - correction, improvement
- Amendments - correction, improvement
- Amends - compensation
- Amened - so be it
- Amening - so be it
- Amenities - comforts
- Amenity - pleasant thing
- Amens - so be it
- Amentia - mental handicap
- Amentias - mental handicap
- Amerce - penalize
- Amerced - penalize
- Amercement - fine
- Amercements - fine
- Amerces - penalize
- Amercing - penalize
- Amethyst - blue and red colors mixed together
- Amethysts - blue and red colors mixed together
- Amiabilities - pleasant and friendly
- Amiability - pleasant and friendly
- Amiable - friendly, agreeable
- Amiableness - amiability
- Amiablenesses - amiability
- Amiably - in a welcome manner
- Amicabilities - companionship
- Amicability - companionship
- Amicable - friendly, especially regarding an agreement
- Amicableness - friendship
- Amicablenesses - friendship
- Amicably - willingly, assenting; pleasantly; in keeping
- Amice - gown
- Amices - gown
- Amid - middle
- Amidst - middle from two points
- Amiga - person's friend
- Amigas - person's friend
- Amigo - friend
- Amigos - friend
- Amir - prince
- Amirs - prince
- Amiss - wrong; defective
- Amities - friendship
- Amitosis - formation of cells by dividing
- Amity - friendship
- Ammo - facts, news
- Ammonia - pungent gas, liquid
- Ammonias - pungent gas, liquid
- Ammonium alum -
- Ammophilous - pertaining to sand
- Ammos - facts, news
- Ammunition - projectiles for weaponry
- Ammunitions - projectiles for weaponry
- Amnesia - memory loss
- Amnesiac - forgetful
- Amnesias - memory loss
- Amnesic - unaware, ignorant
- Amnestic - forgetful
- Amnestied - forgive
- Amnesties - pardon, often by government
- Amnesty - pardon, often by government
- Amnestying - forgive
- Amnia - amniotic sac
- Amnion - amniotic sac
- Amnions - amniotic sac
- Amoeba - protozoa
- Amoebae - protozoa
- Amoebas - protozoa
- Amoebic - basic, natural
- Amok - broken; crazy
- Among - in the middle of; between
- Amongst - middle
- Amoral - immoral, uncontrolled
- Amorist - gallant
- Amorists - gallant
- Amoroso - financial provider
- amorous - inclined toward or displaying love
- Amorousness - love
- Amorousnesses - love
- Amorphous - without definite shape, character
- Amortization - fee; installment of fee
- Amortizations - fee; installment of fee
- Amotivation - a lack of motivation or inability to find any reason to engage in an activity
- Amount - quantity
- Amounted - equal, add up to
- Amounting - quantity
- Amounts - quantity
- Amour - romance
- Amours - romance
- Amoxicillin - medicine
- Amoxicillins - medicine
- Amp - speaker
- Amphetamine - hard drug
- Amphetamines - hard drug
- Amphibian - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Amphibians - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Amphibious - occurring in water
- Amphibological - hard to understand
- Amphibologies - equivocation
- Amphibology - equivocation
- Amphigories - jargon
- Amphigory - jargon
- Amphitheater - arena
- Amphitheaters - arena
- Amphitheatre - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Amphitheatres - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Amphora - large jug
- Amphorae - large jug
- Amphoras - large jug
- Ampicillin - medicine
- Ampicillins - medicine
- Ample - more than necessary, sufficient
- Ampleness - great amount or supply
- Amplenesses - great amount or supply
- Ampler - more than necessary, sufficient
- Amplest - more than necessary, sufficient
- Amplification - increase in size or effect
- Amplifications - increase in size or effect
- Amplified - increase in size or effect
- Amplifier - speaker
- Amplifiers - speaker
- Amplifies - increase in size or effect
- Amplify - increase in size or effect
- Amplifying - increase in size or effect
- Amplitude - bulk
- Amplitudes - bulk
- Amply - fully, sufficiently
- Ampoule - container
- Ampoules - container
- Amps - speaker
- Ampul - container
- Ampulla - small container for liquid
- Ampullae - small container for liquid
- Ampuls - container
- Amputate - remove a limb
- Amputated - remove a limb
- Amputates - remove a limb
- Amputating - remove a limb
- Amrita - sweet drink
- Amritas - sweet drink
- Amuck - crazily
- Amucks - crazily
- Amulet - charm
- Amulets - charm
- Amur -
- Amuse - entertain; make laugh
- Amused - pleasantly occupied
- Amusement - entertaining, making someone laugh
- Amusements - entertaining, making someone laugh
- Amuses - entertain; make laugh
- Amusing - entertaining, funny
- Amusingly - comically
- Amylene -
- Ana - a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art
- Anabases - advancement, gain
- Anabasis - advancement, gain
- Anabolism - absorption
- Anabolisms - absorption
- anachronism - A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.; An act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.
- Anachronisms - error in time placement
- Anachronistic - no longer in use, in vogue
- Anachronous - old-fashioned
- Anacreontic - affectionate
- Anadem - band
- Anadems - band
- Anaesthesia - induced sleep; induced absence of feeling
- Anaesthesias - induced sleep; induced absence of feeling
- Anaesthetic - sleep-inducing or numbing drug
- Anaesthetics - sleep-inducing or numbing drug
- Anagogic - occult
- Anagram - puzzle
- Anagrams - puzzle
- Anal - excessively orderly
- Analects - a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art
- Analeptic - healing
- Analeptics - stimulant
- Analgesia - dullness
- Analgesias - dullness
- Analgesic - pain remover
- Analgesics - pain remover
- Analog - one of a pair; partner
- Analogies - agreement, similarity
- Analogize - compare
- Analogized - compare
- Analogizes - compare
- Analogizing - compare
- Analogous - agreeing, similar
- Analogously - relatively
- Analogousness - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Analogousnesses - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Analogs - one of a pair; partner
- Analogue - parallel
- Analogues - parallel
- Analogy - agreement, similarity
- Analyses - examination and determination
- Analysis - examination and determination
- Analyst - person who examines and determines; psychoanalyst
- Analysts - person who examines and determines; psychoanalyst
- Analytic - logical
- Analytical - examining
- Analytically - tentatively
- Analytics - science of logical analysis
- Analyze - examine and determine
- Analyzed - examine and determine
- Analyzer - research worker
- Analyzers - research worker
- Analyzes - examine and determine
- Analyzing - examine and determine
- Anamneses - ability to hold in the mind
- Anamnesis - ability to hold in the mind
- Anamnestic - remembered
- Anamorphic - crooked
- Anamorphoses - distortion, mutilation
- Anamorphosis - distortion, mutilation
- Anapestic - with rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition
- Anaphora - turn of expression
- Anaphoras - turn of expression
- Anaplasties - plastic surgery
- Anaplasty - plastic surgery
- Anarch - rebel
- Anarchic - instigative, angering
- Anarchical - rebellious
- Anarchies - lawlessness; absence of government
- Anarchism - uprising, disorder
- Anarchisms - uprising, disorder
- Anarchist - person who opposes the idea of government and laws
- Anarchistic - reckless, ungoverned
- Anarchists - person who opposes the idea of government and laws
- Anarchs - rebel
- Anarchy - lawlessness; absence of government
- Anas - a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art
- Anastomotic - joining
- anathema - Something or someone intensely disliked or abhorred.; A formal curse or ban.
- Anathemas - something hated
- Anathematize - curse
- Anathematized - curse
- Anathematizes - curse
- Anathematizing - curse
- Anatomic - fundamental
- Anatomical - basic, natural
- Anatomies - study of animal, plant structure
- Anatomization - cutting up, particularly of a dead body
- Anatomizations - cutting up, particularly of a dead body
- Anatomize - analyze
- Anatomized - analyze
- Anatomizes - analyze
- Anatomizing - analyze
- Anatomy - study of animal, plant structure
- Ancestor - predecessor in family
- Ancestors - predecessor in family
- Ancestral - related to previous family or family trait
- Ancestries - family predecessors; family history
- Ancestry - family predecessors; family history
- Anchor - something used to hold another thing securely
- Anchorage - mooring
- Anchorages - mooring
- Anchored - hold, be held securely
- Anchoring - hold, be held securely
- Anchorite - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Anchorites - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Anchorman -
- Anchorpeople - person who informs
- Anchorperson - person who informs
- Anchorpersons - person who informs
- Anchors - something used to hold another thing securely
- Ancient - old, often very old
- Anciently - in ancient times
- Ancientness - oldness
- Ancientnesses - oldness
- Ancients - person born in the country in which he/she dwells
- Ancilla - employee
- Ancillaries - subsidiary
- Ancillary - extra; supplementary
- Ancillas - employee
- Ancon - angular part of arm; angularly shaped item
- Ancones - angular part of arm; angularly shaped item
- And - in addition to; plus
- Anderton -
- Andine -
- Andiron - metal fireplace support
- Andirons - metal fireplace support
- Andizhan -
- Androgynous - having male and female traits
- Android - like a man
- Androids - robot
- Androsterone -
- Ands - in addition to; plus
- Anecdotal - informal
- Anecdote - interesting or amusing story
- Anecdotes - interesting or amusing story
- Anecdotic - explanatory
- Anecdotist - anecdote teller
- Anecdotists - anecdote teller
- Anemia - blood deficiency
- Anemias - blood deficiency
- Anemic - feeble
- Anemograph - wind measuring device
- Anemographs - wind measuring device
- Anemometer - meteorological station
- Anemometers - meteorological station
- Anemone - growth
- Anemones - growth
- Anencephalic - idiotic
- Anent - concerning
- Anesthesia - sleep
- Anesthesias - induced sleep; induced absence of feeling
- Anesthetic - sleep-inducer
- Anesthetics - sleep-inducing or numbing drug
- Anesthetize - deaden
- Anesthetized - numb
- Anesthetizes - deaden
- Anesthetizing - deaden
- Anestrus -
- Anew - fresh; again
- anfractuous - full of twists and turns
- Angaries - governments right to acquire private property for public use
- Angary - governments right to acquire private property for public use
- Angel - attendant of god
- Angeled - support
- Angelic - sweet, kind, and usually beautiful
- Angelical - innocent
- Angeliferous - Resembling or having the qualities of an angel; angelic
- Angeling - support
- Angels - attendant of god
- Angelus - set of bells
- Angeluses - set of bells
- Anger - state of being mad, annoyed
- Angered - maddened
- Angering - make someone mad; become mad
- Angers - state of being mad, annoyed
- Angina - disease of the heart
- Anginas - disease of the heart
- Angioma - blemish one is born with
- Angiomas - blemish one is born with
- Angiomata - blemish one is born with
- Angle - shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
- Angled - fish
- Angles - shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
- Angling - fish
- Anglings - the chase
- Angried - Someone who is troubled or upset as a result of being angry
- Angrier - being mad, often extremely mad
- Angries - person causing problem
- Angriest - being mad, often extremely mad
- Angrily - with anger
- Angry - being mad, often extremely mad
- Angst - feeling of anxiety
- Angsting - Someone who is worrying or agonizing over something is “angsting.”
- Anguish - severe upset or pain
- Anguished - unhappy, depressed
- Anguishes - severe upset or pain
- Anguishing - tormenting
- Angular - bent
- Anhedonia - depression
- Anhedonias - depression
- Anhydrous - without water
- Anile - sick, weak
- Anilities - old age
- Anility - old age
- Anima - spirit
- animadversion - harsh criticism or disapproval
- Animadversions - blame
- Animadvert - comment, remark
- Animadverted - comment, remark
- Animadverting - comment, remark
- Animadverts - comment, remark
- Animal - beastlike; carnal
- Animalcula - protozoa
- Animalcule - protozoa
- Animalcules - protozoa
- Animalculum - protozoa
- Animalism - physicality
- Animalisms - physicality
- Animalistic - physical, erotic
- Animalities - physicality
- Animality - physicality
- Animalize - corrupt
- Animalized - corrupt
- Animalizes - corrupt
- Animalizing - corrupt
- Animals - animate being; mammal
- Animas - spirit
- Animate - alive
- Animated - lively
- Animatedly - actively; intently
- Animateness - being
- Animatenesses - being
- Animates - alive
- Animating - stimulating
- Animation - liveliness; activity
- Animations - liveliness; activity
- Animator - artist
- Animators - artist
- Animosities - extreme dislike, hatred
- Animosity - extreme dislike, hatred
- Animus - hostility
- Animuses - hostility
- Aniseikonia -
- Anisole -
- Ankle - joint between leg and foot
- Anklebone - joint between leg and foot
- Anklebones - joint between leg and foot
- Ankled - stroll along
- Ankles - joint between leg and foot
- Anklet - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Anklets - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Ankling - stroll along
- Anlace - arm, armament
- Anlaces - arm, armament
- Annal - record of experiences
- Annalist - reporter
- Annalists - reporter
- Annals - chronicles
- Anneal - strengthen
- Annealed - strengthen
- Annealing - strengthen
- Anneals - strengthen
- Annex - something added; extension
- Annexation - adding, joining
- Annexational -
- Annexations - adding, joining
- Annexed - join or add
- Annexes - something added; extension
- Annexing - something added; extension
- Annihilate - destroy completely
- Annihilated - destroy completely
- Annihilates - destroy completely
- Annihilating - destroy completely
- Annihilation - utter destruction.
- Annihilations - utter destruction.
- Annihilative - disastrous, devastating
- Annihilator - a destructive agent
- Annihilators - a destructive agent
- Annihilatory - eating up
- Anniversaries - yearly observance, celebration
- Anniversary - yearly observance, celebration
- Annotate - write explanatory notes
- Annotated - write explanatory notes
- Annotates - write explanatory notes
- Annotating - write explanatory notes
- Annotation - explanatory note
- Annotations - explanatory note
- Annotative - explanatory
- Annotator - translator
- Annotators - translator
- Announce - make a proclamation
- Announced - made widely known
- Announcement - proclamation, declaration
- Announcements - proclamation, declaration
- Announcer - media commentator
- Announcers - media commentator
- Announces - make a proclamation
- Announcing - make a proclamation
- Annoy - irritate, upset
- Annoyance - feeling of being irritated
- Annoyances - feeling of being irritated
- Annoyed - upset
- Annoyer - domineering person
- Annoyers - domineering person
- Annoying - causing irritation
- Annoyingly - cruelly
- Annoys - irritate, upset
- Annuaire -
- Annual - occurring, done yearly
- Annually - occurring, done yearly
- Annuals - occurring, done yearly
- Annuities - fee; installment of fee
- Annuity - fee; installment of fee
- Annul - void an agreement
- Annular - round
- Annulate - round
- Annulated - round
- Annulled - void an agreement
- Annulling - void an agreement
- Annulment - voiding an agreement
- Annulments - voiding an agreement
- Annuls - void an agreement
- Annunciate - announce
- Annunciated - announce
- Annunciates - announce
- Annunciating - announce
- Annunciation - announcement
- Annunciations - announcement
- Anodic - photoelectric
- Anodize - coat with metallic material
- Anodized - coat with metallic material
- Anodizes - coat with metallic material
- Anodizing - coat with metallic material
- anodyne - a medicine used to relieve pain
- Anodynes - painkiller
- Anoint - bless, usually with oil or water
- Anointed - bless, usually with oil or water
- Anointing - baptism
- Anointings - baptism
- Anoints - bless, usually with oil or water
- Anomalies - deviation from normal, usual
- Anomalistic - abnormal
- Anomalopteryx -
- Anomalous - deviating from normal, usual
- anomaly - deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
- Anomic - recluse
- Anon - later
- Anonym - pretend name for author
- Anonymities - obscurity
- Anonymity - obscurity
- Anonymous - unknown, usually by choice
- Anonymousness - obscurity
- Anonymousnesses - obscurity
- Anonyms - pretend name for author
- Anorak - personal outerwear
- Anoraks - personal outerwear
- Anorectic - thin
- Anorexia - gauntness
- Anorexias - gauntness
- Anorexic - starving
- Another - other person
- Anouk -
- Answer - reply; reaction
- Answer for -
- Answerabilities - accountability, blame
- Answerability - accountability, blame
- Answerable - responsible
- Answered - reply, react
- Answering - reply, react
- Answers - reply; reaction
- Ant - bug
- Antacid - being basic, not acid (chemically)
- Antacids - soluble base; opposite of an acid
- antagonism - a state of deep-seated ill-will
- Antagonisms - causing problem; opposition
- Antagonist - person causing problem
- Antagonistic - opposing
- Antagonists - person causing problem
- Antagonization - destruction of affections
- Antagonizations - destruction of affections
- Antagonize - cause problem; oppose
- Antagonized - cause problem; oppose
- Antagonizes - cause problem; oppose
- Antagonizing - cause problem; oppose
- Antarctic - extremely cold
- Antarctic circle -
- Antas -
- Ante - wager
- Anteater - nocturnal animal
- Anteaters - nocturnal animal
- Antebellum - before the war
- Antecede - go ahead of
- Anteceded - go ahead of
- Antecedence - precedence
- Antecedences - precedence
- Antecedent - prior
- Antecedently - early
- Antecedents - predecessor(s) in family
- Antecedes - go ahead of
- Anteceding - go ahead of
- Antecessor - something that precedes another
- Antecessors - something that precedes another
- Antechamber - entrance hall
- Antechambers - entrance hall
- Anted - having received pay
- Antedate - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Antedated - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Antedates - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Antedating - occur or cause to occur earlier
- antediluvian - of or relating to the period before the biblical flood
- Antediluvians - person who is old-fashioned, conventional
- Anteed - gamble
- Anteing - gamble
- Antelope - fabric
- Antelopes - fabric
- Antenna - appendages for sensing, usually on insects or electronics
- Antennae - appendages for sensing, usually on insects or electronics
- Antennal -
- Antennas - appendages for sensing, usually on insects or electronics
- Antepast - appetizer
- Antepasts - appetizer
- Anteposition - highest in rank; first in order
- Antepositions - highest in rank; first in order
- Anterior - beginning, prior
- Anteriorities - executive office
- Anteriority - executive office
- Anteriorly - earlier
- Anteroom - small room for arrivals
- Anterooms - small room for arrivals
- Antes - wager
- Anthem - song
- Anthems - song
- Anther -
- Anthers -
- Antheses - blooming
- Anthesis - blooming
- Anthill - heap, hill
- Anthills - heap, hill
- Anthologies - literary collection
- Anthologize - assemble, accumulate
- Anthologized - miscellaneous, various
- Anthologizes - assemble, accumulate
- Anthologizing - assemble, accumulate
- Anthology - literary collection
- Anthophilous -
- Anthracite - bitumen
- Anthracites - bitumen
- Anthracosis - pneumoconiosis or anthracosis
- Anthropogenies - study of evolution
- Anthropogeny - study of evolution
- Anthropography - study of evolution
- Anthropoid - ape
- Anthropoids - ape
- Anthropological - manlike
- Anthropologies - study of humans and their culture
- Anthropology - study of humans and their culture
- Anthropomorphic - manlike
- anthropomorphism - the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits
- Anthropophagi - beast, beastlike human
- Anthropophagite - beast, beastlike human
- Anthropophagous - man-eating
- Anthropophagus - beast, beastlike human
- Anti - bad, contradictory
- Anti-utopia -
- Antiaging -
- Antibacterial - completely clean, uncontaminated; decontaminating
- Antibiotic - medicine
- Antibiotics - medicine
- Antibodies - antitoxin
- Antibody - antitoxin
- Antic - funny act
- Antichrist - the devil
- Antichrists - the devil
- Anticipant - expectant
- Anticipate - expect; predict
- Anticipated - expected
- Anticipates - expect; predict
- Anticipating - expect; predict
- Anticipation - expectation
- Anticipations - expectation
- Anticipative - expectant
- Anticipatorily - anxiously
- Anticipatory - expectant
- Anticlimactic - weak, useless
- Anticlimax - ineffective conclusion
- Anticlimaxes - ineffective conclusion
- Anticoherer -
- Antics - funny act
- Antidotal - healing, restorative
- antidote - a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison
- Antidotes - counteracting agent
- Antidumping -
- Antiestablishment -
- Antifeminist - woman-hater
- Antifeminists - woman-hater
- Antigen - blood group antigen
- Antigens - blood group antigen
- Antihero - evil person
- Antiheroes - evil person
- Antihistamines -
- Antilabor -
- Antilock -
- Antilogies - something completely unlike
- Antilogy - something completely unlike
- antimacassar - a piece of ornamented cloth that protects the back of a chair from hair oils
- Antinomianism -
- Antinomies - obstruction, antagonism
- Antinomy - obstruction, antagonism
- Antiodontalgic - medicine to kill pain
- Antiodontalgics - medicine to kill pain
- Antipasti - appetizer
- Antipasto - appetizer
- Antipastos - appetizer
- Antipathetic - opposed
- Antipathies - strong dislike, disgust
- antipathy - a feeling of intense dislike
- Antiperspirant - something that freshens
- Antiperspirants - something that freshens
- Antiphon - answer
- Antiphons - answer
- Antiphony -
- Antipodal - opposed
- Antipode - A direct or extreme opposite.
- Antipodean - opposite
- Antipodes - opposite
- Antipole - something completely unlike
- Antipoles - something completely unlike
- Antiquarian - old, ancient
- Antiquarianism - study of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Antiquarianisms - study of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Antiquarians - one who collects specimens
- Antiquaries - one who collects specimens
- Antiquary - one who collects specimens
- Antiquate - become obsolete
- Antiquated - obsolete
- Antiquates - become obsolete
- Antiquating - become obsolete
- Antique - old
- Antiqued - mask; misrepresent
- Antiqueness - oldness
- Antiquenesses - oldness
- Antiques - old object, often of great value
- Antiquing - mask; misrepresent
- Antiquities - old object
- Antiquity - old object
- Antis - person with whom one competes
- Antisepsis - cleansing
- Antiseptic - completely clean, uncontaminated; decontaminating
- Antisepticize - sterilize
- Antisepticized - sterilize
- Antisepticizes - sterilize
- Antisepticizing - sterilize
- Antiseptics - completely clean, uncontaminated; decontaminating
- Antisera - antitoxin
- Antiserum - antitoxin
- Antiserums - antitoxin
- Antisocial - nonparticipating; avoiding company
- Antistrophe - turn of expression
- Antistrophes - turn of expression
- Antitheses - exact opposite
- Antithesis - exact opposite
- Antithetic - antagonistic
- antithetical - refers to being directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible. It describes a relationship where two concepts, ideas, or elements are diametrically opposed or fundamentally in conflict with each other.
- Antithetically - in another way; otherwise
- Antitoxin - agent for negating the effect of an infection or poison
- Antitoxins - agent for negating the effect of an infection or poison
- Antivenin - counteracting agent
- Antivenins - counteracting agent
- Antler - deciduous horn
- Antlers - deciduous horn
- Antonym - word with opposite meaning to another word
- Antonymic - opposite
- Antonymous - opposite
- Antonyms - word with opposite meaning to another word
- Antra - cavity
- Antre - cave
- Antres - cave
- Antrorse - from a lower to higher position
- Antrum - cavity
- Ants - bug
- Antsier - fidgety
- Antsiest - fidgety
- Antsiness - constant motion; discontent
- Antsinesses - constant motion; discontent
- Antsy - fidgety
- Anuran - amphibian
- Anurans - amphibian
- Anvil - ironsmith
- Anvils - ironsmith
- Anxieties - worry, tension
- Anxiety - worry, tension
- Anxious - worried, tense
- Anxiously - tensely
- Anxiousness - anxiety
- Anxiousnesses - anxiety
- Any - one, some; unspecified, indiscriminate
- Anybodies - one, some unspecified person or people
- Anybody - one, some unspecified person or people
- Anyhow - by any means
- Anyone - one, some unspecified person
- Anyones - one, some unspecified person
- Anyplace - unspecified area
- Anything - unspecified object or event
- Anythings - unspecified object or event
- Anytime - unspecified moment, period
- Anyway - by any means
- Anywhere - unspecified area
- Anywheres - unspecified area
- Anywise - by some means
- Aosta -
- Apace - quickly
- Apart - separate
- Apartheid - racial segregation
- Apartheids - racial segregation
- Apartment - set of rooms for rent
- Apartments - set of rooms for rent
- Apathetic - uncaring, disinterested
- Apathies - uncaring attitude, lack of interest
- Apathy - uncaring attitude, lack of interest
- Apb -
- Ape - mimic
- Aped - mimic
- Apehood -
- Aper - crazy
- Apercu - survey
- Apercus - survey
- Aperient - tending to eliminate
- Aperients - cathartic
- Aperies - mime
- Aperiodic -
- Aperitif - liquor
- Aperitifs - liquor
- Aperitive - appetizing
- Aperitives - cathartic
- Apers - someone who copies
- Aperture - hole
- Apertures - hole
- Apery - mime
- Apes - mimic
- Apex - top, high point
- Apexes - top, high point
- Aphasiac - unable to speak
- Aphasic - unable to speak
- Aphid - bug
- Aphids - bug
- Aphonia - fear of performing onstage
- Aphonias - fear of performing onstage
- Aphonic - voiceless
- Aphorism - saying expressing a belief, often true
- Aphorisms - saying expressing a belief, often true
- Aphoristic - pithy
- Aphotic - lack of light
- Aphrodisia - strong desire
- aphrodisiac - A substance that increases sexual desire, sexual attraction, sexual pleasure, or sexual behavior.
- Aphrodisiacal - desirous
- Aphrodisiacs - seductive; inducing sex
- Aphrodisias - strong desire
- Apiaries - bee home
- Apiarist - caretaker for bees
- Apiarists - caretaker for bees
- Apiary - bee home
- Apical - knifelike, cutting
- Apices - top, high point
- Apiculturist - caretaker for bees
- Apiculturists - caretaker for bees
- Apiece - each
- Aping - mimicry
- Apish - affected
- Apitpat -
- Aplenty - abundant, profuse
- Aplomb - assurance
- Aplombs - assurance
- Apnea - interruption of activity
- Apneas - interruption of activity
- Apocalypse - mass destruction
- Apocalypses - mass destruction
- Apocalyptic - fateful
- Apocalyptical - prophetical
- Apocarpous -
- Apocatastisis -
- Apocryphal - questionable; fake
- Apocryphalist -
- Apocryphally -
- Apodictic - unerring, dependable
- Apogee - pinnacle
- Apogees - pinnacle
- Apollo - good-looking person
- Apollos - good-looking person
- Apologetic - expressing remorse, regret
- Apologetically - meekly
- Apologetics - justification
- Apologia - justification
- Apologias - justification
- Apologies - offering of remorse, regret
- Apologist - person who helps another
- Apologists - person who helps another
- Apologize - express remorse, regret
- Apologized - express remorse, regret
- Apologizes - express remorse, regret
- Apologizing - express remorse, regret
- Apologue - legend
- Apologues - legend
- Apology - offering of remorse, regret
- Apophthegm - saying
- Apophthegms - saying
- apoplectic - pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy
- Apoplexies - loss of consciousness fromblockage in vein or artery
- Apoplexy - loss of consciousness fromblockage in vein or artery
- Aporetic - appearing confused or curious
- Aposiopeses - turn of expression
- aposiopesis - breaking off in the middle of a sentence (as by writers of realistic conversations)
- Apostasies - defection
- Apostasy - defection
- apostate - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
- Apostates - traitor
- Apostatize - defect
- Apostatized - defect
- Apostatizes - defect
- Apostatizing - defect
- Apostle - preacher; supporter
- Apostles - preacher; supporter
- Apostolate -
- Apostolic - religious, concerning a god-centered philosophy
- Apostrophe - word association
- Apostrophes - word association
- Apostrophize - give a long lecture
- Apostrophized - give a long lecture
- Apostrophizes - give a long lecture
- Apostrophizing - give a long lecture
- Apothecaries - pharmacist
- Apothecary - pharmacist
- apothegm - a short pithy instructive saying
- Apothegmatic - understood; aphoristic
- Apothegms - adage
- Apotheoses - glorification
- Apotheosis - glorification
- Apotheosize - exalt
- Apotheosized - exalt
- Apotheosizes - exalt
- Apotheosizing - exalt
- Appal - horrify
- Appall - horrify
- Appalled - horrify
- Appalling - horrifying
- Appallingly - awfully
- Appalls - horrify
- Appals - horrify
- Appanage - endowment
- Appanages - endowment
- Apparatchik - card-carrying communist
- Apparatchiki - card-carrying communist
- Apparatchiks - card-carrying communist
- Apparatus - equipment with a purpose
- Apparatuses -
- Apparel - clothing; covering
- Appareled - outfitted
- Appareling - the act of clothing
- Apparelled - cover with apparel
- Apparelling - cover with apparel
- Apparels - clothing; covering
- Apparent - seeming, not proven real
- Apparently - seemingly
- Apparition - ghost
- Apparitional - ghostly
- Apparitions - ghost
- Appeal - request for help
- Appealable - litigable
- Appealed - request
- Appealer - requester
- Appealers - requester
- Appealing - attractive
- Appealingly - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Appeals - request for help
- Appear - come into sight
- Appear bareheaded -
- Appearance - coming into sight
- Appearances - coming into sight
- Appeared - came into view
- Appearing - come into sight
- Appears - come into sight
- Appease - satisfy, pacify
- Appeased - satisfy, pacify
- Appeasement - satisfaction; pacification
- Appeasements - satisfaction; pacification
- Appeaser - person who settles problem
- Appeasers - person who settles problem
- Appeases - satisfy, pacify
- Appeasing - satisfy, pacify
- Appellant - requester
- Appellants - requester
- Appellation - name
- Appellations - name
- Appellative - name
- Appellatives - name
- Append - add, join
- Appendage - limb; accessory
- Appendages - limb; accessory
- Appended - add, join
- Appendices - added material at end of document
- Appending - add, join
- Appendix - added material at end of document
- Appendixes - added material at end of document
- Appends - add, join
- Apperceive - understand information
- Apperceived - understand information
- Apperceives - understand information
- Apperceiving - understand information
- Apperception - intelligence
- Apperceptions - intelligence
- Apperceptive - conscious
- Appercipient - observable
- Appertain - belong, be connected
- Appertained - belong, be connected
- Appertaining - belong, be connected
- Appertains - belong, be connected
- Appetence - desire
- Appetences - desire
- Appetencies - desire
- Appetency - desire
- Appetent - enthusiastic
- Appetite - desire for food, worldly goods
- Appetites - desire for food, worldly goods
- Appetition - strong desire
- Appetitions - strong desire
- Appetizer - snack before meal
- Appetizers - snack before meal
- Appetizing - tasting very good
- Applaud - clap for; express approval
- Applauded - clap for; express approval
- Applauding - clap for; express approval
- Applauds - clap for; express approval
- Applause - clapping; expression of approval
- Applauses - clapping; expression of approval
- Apple - emerald in color
- Apples - celestial body orbiting a star
- Applesauce - baloney
- Applesauces - baloney
- Appliance - machine, usually with domestic purpose
- Appliances - machine, usually with domestic purpose
- Applicabilities - relevance
- Applicability - relevance
- Applicable - appropriate
- Applicant - person trying for position
- Applicants - person trying for position
- Application - use
- Applications - use
- Applicative - important, relevant
- Applicatory - appropriate; to the purpose
- Applied - used
- Applies - put substance on another
- Applique - netted material
- Appliques - netted material
- Apply - put substance on another
- Applying - put into use
- Appoint - assign responsibility; decide
- Appointed - named
- Appointee - nominee
- Appointees - nominee
- Appointing - assign responsibility; decide
- Appointive - electing
- Appointment - arrangement for meeting; prearranged meeting
- Appointments - arrangement for meeting; prearranged meeting
- Appoints - assign responsibility; decide
- Apportion - divide into shares
- Apportioned - divide into shares
- Apportioning - divide into shares
- Apportionment - allotment
- Apportionments - allotment
- Apportions - divide into shares
- Appose - place side by side
- Apposed - place side by side
- Apposes - place side by side
- Apposing - place side by side
- Apposite - pertinent
- Appositeness - relevance
- Appositenesses - relevance
- Apposition - convergence, intersection
- Appositions - convergence, intersection
- Appraisal - judgment, estimation
- Appraisals - judgment, estimation
- Appraise - judge, estimate
- Appraised - judge, estimate
- Appraisement - estimate
- Appraisements - estimate
- Appraiser - person who arbitrates
- Appraisers - person who arbitrates
- Appraises - judge, estimate
- Appraising - judge, estimate
- Appreciable - easily noticed; considerable
- Appreciably - significantly
- Appreciate - be grateful, thankful
- Appreciated - be grateful, thankful
- Appreciates - be grateful, thankful
- Appreciating - be grateful, thankful
- Appreciation - thankfulness
- Appreciations - thankfulness
- Appreciative - thankful
- Appreciatively - tenderly
- Appreciator - authority
- Appreciators - authority
- Apprehend - catch and arrest
- Apprehended - catch and arrest
- Apprehending - catch and arrest
- Apprehends - catch and arrest
- Apprehensible - understandable
- Apprehension - anxiety, fear
- Apprehensions - anxiety, fear
- apprehensive - mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
- Apprehensively - agitatedly
- Apprentice - novice/learner of a trade
- Apprenticed - obligated
- Apprentices - novice/learner of a trade
- Apprenticeship - education
- Apprenticeships - education
- Apprenticing - acquire information
- Appressed - condensed
- Apprise - tell
- Apprised - tell
- Apprised of -
- Apprises - tell
- Apprising - tell
- Apprize - value highly
- Apprized - cognizant, conversant
- Apprizes - value highly
- Apprizing - value highly
- Approach - way, means of arriving
- Approachable - accessible
- Approached - come nearer
- Approaches - way, means of arriving
- Approaching - nearing
- Approbate - permit
- Approbated - permit
- Approbates - permit
- Approbating - permit
- Approbation - praise
- Approbations - praise
- Approbative - complimentary
- Approbatory - complimentary
- Appropinquities - nearness to something
- Appropinquity - nearness to something
- Appropriate - suitable
- Appropriated - set aside; allocate
- Appropriately - suitably
- Appropriateness - appropriate conduct
- Appropriates - suitable
- Appropriating - set aside; allocate
- Appropriation - allocation, setting aside
- Appropriations - allocation, setting aside
- Appropriator - one who discovers a thing
- Appropriators - one who discovers a thing
- Approval - authorization
- Approvals - authorization
- Approve - agree something is good
- Approved - certified
- Approves - agree something is good
- Approving - agree something is good
- Approvingly - genially, in a kindly manner
- Approximal - close by physically
- Approximate - almost accurate, exact
- Approximated - almost accurate, exact
- Approximately - nearly
- Approximates - almost accurate, exact
- Approximating - almost accurate, exact
- Approximation - closeness
- Approximations - closeness
- Approximative - similar
- Appulse - collision, force
- Appulses - collision, force
- appurtenance - a supplementary component that improves capability
- Appurtenances - accessory
- Appurtenant - suitable
- Apricot - combination of red and yellow
- Apricots - combination of red and yellow
- Apriorism - hypothesis, argument
- Apriorisms - hypothesis, argument
- Apriorities - logic, interpretation
- Apriority - logic, interpretation
- Apron - protection
- Aprons - protection
- Apropos - relevant, suitable
- Apse - niche, corner
- Apses - niche, corner
- Apt - suitable
- Apter - suitable
- Aptest - suitable
- Aptitude - inclination
- Aptitudes - inclination
- Aptly - relevantly, suitably
- Aptness - talent
- Aptnesses - talent
- Aqua - fluid
- Aquaculture - growing plants in liquid
- Aquacultures - growing plants in liquid
- Aquae - fluid
- Aquamarine - emerald in color
- Aquamarines - aqua
- Aquaria - fish tank
- Aquarium - fish tank
- Aquariums - fish tank
- Aquarobic - exercise regime designed to increase heart and lung activity while toning muscles
- Aquarobics - exercise regime designed to increase heart and lung activity while toning muscles
- Aquas - fluid
- Aquatic - occurring in water
- Aquatics - water sport
- Aqueduct - canal
- Aqueducts - canal
- Aqueous - fluid, flowing, melting
- Aquifer - level of water
- Aquifers - level of water
- Aquiline - hooked
- Aquiver - tremulous
- Arabesque - particular type of embellishment
- Arabesques - particular type of embellishment
- Arabic - number
- Arable - farmable
- Aracaju -
- Arachnid - spider
- Arachnids - spider
- Aramus pictus -
- Arawak -
- Arb - protective frame for car
- Arbalest - arm, armament
- Arbalests - arm, armament
- Arbil -
- Arbiter - person who settles dispute
- Arbiters - person who settles dispute
- Arbitrage - trading of stock by computer
- Arbitrages - trading of stock by computer
- Arbitrament - law judgment
- Arbitraments - law judgment
- Arbitrarily - without delay
- Arbitrariness - unreason
- Arbitrarinesses - unreason
- Arbitrary - whimsical, chance
- Arbitrate - achieve settlement
- Arbitrated - achieve settlement
- Arbitrates - achieve settlement
- Arbitrating - achieve settlement
- Arbitration - settlement of dispute
- Arbitrations - settlement of dispute
- Arbitrator - settler of a dispute
- Arbitrators - settler of a dispute
- Arbor - point around which something revolves
- Arbor day -
- Arboraceous - covered with woods or trees
- Arboreal - relating to a tree
- Arbored -
- Arboreous - forested
- Arbores - point around which something revolves
- Arboresque -
- Arboreta - hothouse
- Arboretum - hothouse
- Arboretums - hothouse
- Arboricultural - concerning farming, land
- Arboriculture - forest management
- Arboricultures - forest management
- Arbors - point around which something revolves
- Arbs - protective frame for car
- Arc - curve
- Arcade - covered way
- Arcades - covered way
- Arcadia - land, feeling of great pleasure; absence of evil
- Arcadian - pastoral
- Arcadias - land, feeling of great pleasure; absence of evil
- Arcane - hidden, secret
- Arced - bent
- Arch - principal, superior
- Archaeologies - study of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Archaeologist - student of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Archaeologists - student of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Archaeology - study of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
- Archaic - very old
- Archaicism - oldness
- Archaicisms - oldness
- Archaism - something saved from the past
- Archaisms - something saved from the past
- Archaistic -
- Archaize - become obsolete
- Archaized - become obsolete
- Archaizes - become obsolete
- Archaizing - become obsolete
- Archangel - satan
- Archangelic - sweet, kind, and usually beautiful
- Archangels - satan
- Archbishop - person in charge of church
- Archbishops - person in charge of church
- Archdeacon - person in charge of church
- Archdeacons - person in charge of church
- Archdiocese - congregation of a church
- Archdioceses - congregation of a church
- Archduchess - member of royal or important family
- Archduchesses - member of royal or important family
- Archduke - member of royal or important family
- Archdukes - member of royal or important family
- Arched - vaulted
- Archenemies - enemy
- archenemy - A principal enemy. Specifically, Satan, the grand adversary of mankind.
- Archer - principal, superior
- Archeries - arm, armament
- Archers - clergyman
- Archery - arm, armament
- Arches - curve, curved structure
- Archest - principal, superior
- Archetypal - most typical
- Archetype - typical example
- Archetypes - typical example
- Archetypical - typical
- Archfiend - fiend
- Archfiends - fiend
- Archfoe - enemy
- Archfoes - enemy
- Arching - curve
- Archings - rounded part of thing, usually body part
- Archipelago - land surrounded by body of water
- Archipelagoes - land surrounded by body of water
- Archipelagos - land surrounded by body of water
- Architect - person who designs buildings
- Architectonic - structural
- Architectonics - design of buildings
- Architects - person who designs buildings
- Architectural - structural
- Architecture - design of buildings
- Architectures - design of buildings
- Archival - recorded as actually having happened
- Archive - collection, usually of records
- Archives - place where records are stored
- Archivist - annalist
- Archivists - annalist
- Archness - irreverence
- Archnesses - irreverence
- Archpriest - archbishop
- Archpriests - archbishop
- Archway - curved opening
- Archways - curved opening
- Arciform - bent
- Arcing - curve
- Arcked - curve
- Arcking - curve
- Arcs - curve
- Arctic - very cold
- Arctics - polar region
- Arcuate - bent
- Arcuated - bent
- Ardencies - adoration; very strong liking
- Ardency - adoration; very strong liking
- Ardent - very enthusiastic
- Ardently - anxiously
- Ardor - enthusiasm
- Ardors - enthusiasm
- Arduous - difficult, hard to endure
- Arduously - hard
- Arduousness - problem; situation requiring great effort
- Arduousnesses - problem; situation requiring great effort
- Are - exist
- Area - extent, scope of a surface
- Areal - regional
- Areas - extent, scope of a surface
- Areflexia -
- Arena - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Arenaceous - consisting of fine, loose grains
- Arenas - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- arenicolous - growing or living or burrowing in sand
- Arenose - consisting of fine, loose grains
- Areola - ring over head
- Areolae - ring over head
- Areolas - ring over head
- Arete - ridge
- Aretes - ridge
- Arf - yelp
- Arfs - yelp
- Argent - shining
- Argentine -
- Argil - clay for making pottery
- Argils - clay for making pottery
- Argon -
- Argosies - fleet
- Argosy - fleet
- Argot - jargon
- Argots - jargon
- Arguable - tenable
- Argue - verbally fight
- Argued - verbally fight
- Argues - verbally fight
- Argufied - disagree over minor issues
- Argufies - disagree over minor issues
- Argufy - disagree over minor issues
- Argufying - disagree over minor issues
- Arguing - verbally fight
- Argument - verbal fight
- Argumentation - presentation of argument
- Argumentations - presentation of argument
- Argumentative - wanting to quarrel
- Arguments - verbal fight
- Argute - clever, intelligent
- Aria - operatic solo
- Arias - operatic solo
- Aricine -
- Arid - dry
- Aridities - want; extreme need, often financial
- Aridity - want; extreme need, often financial
- Aridness - desolateness
- Aridnesses - desolateness
- Ariel - fairy
- Ariels - fairy
- Aril - covering
- Arils - covering
- Ariose - pertaining to melody
- Arioso - pertaining to melody
- Arise - come into being; proceed
- Arisen - come into being; proceed
- Arises - come into being; proceed
- Arising - emergent
- Aristate - with stiff hairs
- Aristo -
- Aristocracies - privileged class, government
- Aristocracy - privileged class, government
- Aristocrat - privileged person
- Aristocratic - privileged, elegant
- Aristocrats - privileged person
- Arithmetic - mathematics
- Arithmetical - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Arithmetics - mathematics
- Ark - boat
- Arks - boat
- Arm - limb, appendage
- Armada - group of ships or aircraft
- Armadas - group of ships or aircraft
- Armadillo - primitive animal
- Armadillos - primitive animal
- Armament - weapon
- Armamentaria - arsenal
- armamentarium - the collection of equipment and methods used in the practice of medicine
- Armaments - weapon
- Armband - twisted item
- Armbands - twisted item
- Armchair - easy chair
- Armchairs - easy chair
- Armed - with weapon
- Armes -
- Armies - military force, usually for land
- Arming - equip with weapon or power
- Armistice - peace-establishing agreement
- Armistices - peace-establishing agreement
- Armlet - wrist jewelry
- Armlets - wrist jewelry
- Armoire - large cabinet
- Armoires - large cabinet
- Armor - protective covering, often made of metal
- Armored - heavily clad
- Armories - military building, usually for storing weapons
- Armors - protective covering, often made of metal
- Armory - military building, usually for storing weapons
- Armpit - underarm
- Armpits - underarm
- Arms - weaponry
- Army - military force, usually for land
- Arng -
- Aroma - distinctive smell
- Aromas - distinctive smell
- Aromatic - distinctive smelling
- Aromatics - concoction prepared for mental or physical effect
- Aromatize - give aroma
- Aromatized - give aroma
- Aromatizes - give aroma
- Aromatizing - give aroma
- Arose - come into being; proceed
- Around - situated on sides, circumference, or in general area
- Arousal - idea, stimulus
- Arousals - idea, stimulus
- Arouse - excite, entice
- Aroused - excite, entice
- Arouses - excite, entice
- Arousing - excite, entice
- Arpeggio - flourish
- Arpeggios - flourish
- Arraign - accuse
- Arraigned - accuse
- Arraigning - accuse
- Arraignment - accusation
- Arraignments - accusation
- Arraigns - accuse
- Arrange - put in an order
- Arranged - put in an order
- Arrangement - an understanding
- Arrangements - plans
- Arranger - planner
- Arrangers - planner
- Arranges - put in an order
- Arranging - put in an order
- arrant - without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
- Arras - curtain
- Arrases - curtain
- Array - collection, considerable group
- Arrayal - display
- Arrayals - display
- Arrayed - arrange in collection or order
- Arraying - collection, considerable group
- Arrays - collection, considerable group
- Arrear - debt
- Arrearage - debt
- Arrearages - debt
- Arrears - debt
- Arrect - attentive, observant
- Arrest - taking into custody
- Arrestation - confinement, imprisonment
- Arrestations - confinement, imprisonment
- Arrested - taken into custody
- Arresting - noticeable
- Arrestive - conspicuous, evident
- Arrests - taking into custody
- Arride - delight
- Arrided - delight
- Arrides - delight
- Arriding - delight
- Arrival - coming to a destination
- Arrivals - coming to a destination
- Arrive - come to a destination
- Arrived - come to a destination
- Arrivederci - goodbye
- Arriver - something that makes it to a destination
- Arrivers - something that makes it to a destination
- Arrives - come to a destination
- Arriving - come to a destination
- arriviste - a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
- Arrivistes - newly rich
- Arrogance - exaggerated self-opinion
- Arrogances - exaggerated self-opinion
- Arrogant - having exaggerated self-opinion
- Arrogantly - proudly
- arrogate - make undue claims to having
- Arrogated - claim without justification
- Arrogates - claim without justification
- Arrogating - claim without justification
- Arrogation - usurpation
- Arrogations - usurpation
- Arron -
- Arrondissement -
- Arrow - pointed weapon or symbol
- Arrowlike - having a sharp end or part
- Arrows - pointed weapon or symbol
- Arroyo - watercourse
- Arroyos - watercourse
- Arsenal - storage of weapons
- Arsenals - storage of weapons
- Arsenic acid -
- Arsenical -
- Arson - intentional burning
- Arsonist - one who sets fires illegally
- Arsonists - one who sets fires illegally
- Arsons - intentional burning
- Art - skill, creativity
- Art tatum -
- Arteries - channel
- Arteriole - blood flow pathway
- Arterioles - blood flow pathway
- Artery - channel
- Artful - skillful; cunning
- Artfully - astutely
- Artfulness - cunning
- Artfulnesses - cunning
- Arthritic - crippled
- Arthrodesis -
- Arthropod - bug
- Arthropods - bug
- Artichoke -
- Article - item, object
- Articled - obligated
- Articles - item, object
- Articulacies - eloquence
- Articulacy - eloquence
- Articulate - clearly, coherently spoken
- Articulated - say clearly, coherently
- Articulately - audibly
- Articulateness - eloquence
- Articulates - say clearly, coherently
- Articulating - say clearly, coherently
- Articulation - clear, coherent speech
- Articulations - clear, coherent speech