Words Beginning with v - list and definitions learning English
- Vacancies - opening
- Vacancy - opening
- Vacant - empty; unoccupied
- Vacate - leave empty
- Vacated - leave empty
- Vacates - leave empty
- Vacating - leave empty
- Vacation - planned time spent not working
- Vacationed - travel briefly; visit
- Vacationer - tourist
- Vacationers - tourist
- Vacationing - traveling
- Vacationist - person who visits a place
- Vacationists - person who visits a place
- Vacations - planned time spent not working
- Vaccinate - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Vaccinated - immunized
- Vaccinates - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Vaccinating - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Vaccination - immunization
- Vaccinations - immunization
- Vaccine - introduction into bloodstream
- Vaccines - introduction into bloodstream
- Vachery -
- Vacillant - hesitant
- Vacillate - waver; fluctuate; go back and forth
- Vacillated - go back and forth
- Vacillates - go back and forth
- Vacillating - not resolute
- Vacillation - irresolution
- Vacillations - irresolution
- Vacillatory - hesitant
- Vacua - emptiness
- Vacuities - emptiness
- Vacuity - emptiness
- Vacuole - smallest living organism
- Vacuoles - smallest living organism
- vacuous - devoid of significance or force
- Vacuous - empty; unintelligent
- Vacuousness - emptiness
- Vacuousnesses - emptiness
- Vacuum - emptiness
- Vacuumed - brush off, away
- Vacuuming - brush off, away
- Vacuums - emptiness
- Vagabond - unsettled; vagrant
- Vagabondage - excursion
- Vagabondages - excursion
- Vagabonded - wander, zigzag
- Vagabonding - wander, zigzag
- Vagabonds - person who leads an unsettled life; traveler
- Vagaries - caprice
- Vagarious - given to sudden behavior change
- vagary - an unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.)
- Vagary - caprice
- Vagina - vulva
- Vaginae - vulva
- Vaginas - vulva
- Vagrancies - itinerancy
- Vagrancy - itinerancy
- Vagrant - person with no permanent home and often with no means of support
- Vagrants - person with no permanent home and often with no means of support
- Vague - not definite or clear
- Vaguely - unclearly
- Vagueness - unclearness
- Vaguenesses - unclearness
- Vaguer - not definite or clear
- Vaguest - not definite or clear
- Vain - egotistical
- Vainer - egotistical
- Vainest - egotistical
- Vainglories - pride
- Vainglorious - boastful, proud
- Vainglory - pride
- Vainly - in vain
- Vainness - futility
- Vainnesses - futility
- Valance - window covering
- Valances - window covering
- Vale - valley
- valediction - a farewell oration (especially one delivered during graduation exercises by an outstanding member of a graduating class)
- Valediction - parting
- Valedictions - parting
- Valedictories - formal talk to audience
- valedictory - of a speech expressing leave-taking
- Valedictory - farewell
- Valence - emotional force or attraction
- Valences - emotional force or attraction
- Valentine - person who is loved by another
- Valentines - person who is loved by another
- Vales - valley
- Valet - manservant
- Valets - manservant
- Valetudinarian - hypochondriac
- Valetudinarians - hypochondriac
- Valetudinaries - hypochondriac
- Valetudinary - hypochondriac
- Valiance - courage
- Valiances - courage
- Valiancies - heroism
- Valiancy - heroism
- valiant - having or showing valor
- Valiant - brave
- Valiantly - bravely
- Valiantness - courage
- Valiantnesses - courage
- Valid - right, genuine
- Validate - ascertain the truth, authenticity of something
- Validated - ascertain the truth, authenticity of something
- Validates - ascertain the truth, authenticity of something
- Validating - ascertain the truth, authenticity of something
- Validation - confirmation
- Validations - confirmation
- Validities - genuineness, lawfulness
- Validity - genuineness, lawfulness
- Validness - goal, aim
- Validnesses - goal, aim
- Valise - luggage
- Valises - luggage
- Vallation - fortification, stronghold
- Vallations - fortification, stronghold
- Valley - hollow in the land
- Valleys - hollow in the land
- Valor - bravery
- Valorem -
- Valorization - fixed price
- Valorizations - fixed price
- valorous - having or showing valor
- Valorous - courageous
- Valorously - courageously
- Valors - bravery
- Valour -
- Valuable - very important; priceless
- Valuables - prized possession
- Valuate - estimate
- Valuated - estimate
- Valuates - estimate
- Valuating - estimate
- Valuation - appraisal
- Valuations - appraisal
- Value - financial worth
- Valued - costly; treasured
- Valueless - worthless
- Values - principles
- Valuing - expressing adoration
- Valve - on-and-off device
- Valve trombone -
- Valveless -
- Valves - on-and-off device
- vamoose - To leave quickly; to depart hurriedly.
- Vamoosed - leave quickly
- Vamooses - leave quickly
- Vamoosing - leave quickly
- Vamp - seductress
- Vamped - seductress
- Vamping - seductress
- Vampire - extortionist
- Vampires - extortionist
- Vampiric - spooky
- Vamps - seductress
- Van - small truck
- Vandal - person who defiles property
- Vandalism - destruction
- Vandalisms - destruction
- Vandalistic -
- Vandalize - destroy
- Vandalized - destroy
- Vandalizes - destroy
- Vandalizing - destroy
- Vandals - person who defiles property
- Vandyke - facial hair on human
- Vandykes - facial hair on human
- Vane - finned device
- Vanes - finned device
- Vanguard - forefront
- Vanguards - forefront
- Vanilla - simple, unadorned
- Vanish - disappear
- Vanished - disappeared
- Vanishes - disappear
- Vanishing - disappearing
- Vanishings - disappearing
- Vanishment - disappearance
- Vanishments - disappearance
- Vanities - conceit, egotism
- Vanity - conceit, egotism
- Vanquish - defeat soundly
- Vanquished - defeat soundly
- Vanquisher - person who wins
- Vanquishers - person who wins
- Vanquishes - defeat soundly
- Vanquishing - defeat soundly
- Vanquishment - defeat
- Vanquishments - defeat
- Vans - small truck
- Vantage - advantage
- Vantages - advantage
- Vanward - lead, beginning
- vapid - lacking taste or flavor or tang
- vapid - lacking taste or flavor or tang
- Vapid - flat, dull
- Vapidities - dullness
- Vapidity - dullness
- Vapidness - dullness
- Vapidnesses - dullness
- Vapor - fumes, mist
- Vapored - talk forcefully
- Vaporescence - drying up; dissolution
- Vaporescences - drying up; dissolution
- Vaporing - overestimation of one's own importance
- Vaporings - overestimation of one's own importance
- Vaporization - evaporation
- Vaporizations - evaporation
- Vaporize - zap
- Vaporized - zap
- Vaporizer - fine mist
- Vaporizers - fine mist
- Vaporizes - zap
- Vaporizing - zap
- Vaporous - foggy
- Vaporousness - evaporation
- Vaporousnesses - evaporation
- Vapors - fumes, mist
- Vaporware - computer program
- Vaporwares - computer program
- Vapory - filmy
- Vaquero - shepherd
- Vaqueros - shepherd
- Variabilities - imbalance, inconstancy
- Variability - imbalance, inconstancy
- Variable - changing, changeable
- Variably - intermittently
- Variance - difference
- Variances - difference
- Variant - different
- Variants - derived form
- Variation - difference; alternative
- Variations - difference; alternative
- Varices -
- Varicolored - multicolor
- Varied - different
- variegate - make something more diverse and varied
- Variegate - streak
- Variegated - diversified; varicolored
- Variegates - streak
- Variegating - streak
- Variegation - iridescence
- Variegations - iridescence
- Varies - change
- Varietal - miscellaneous, various
- Varieties - difference
- Variety - difference
- Variform - miscellaneous, various
- Variolate - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Variolated - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Variolates - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Variolating - give a shot to treat or prevent disease
- Various - miscellaneous, differing
- Variously - diversely
- Variousness - variety
- Variousnesses - variety
- Varlet - attendant
- Varlets - attendant
- Varmint - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Varmints - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Varnish - add a layer to; embellish
- Varnished - add a layer to; embellish
- Varnishes - add a layer to; embellish
- Varnishing - add a layer to; embellish
- Varnishings - the act of applying paint
- Varsities - group of starting players
- Varsity - group of starting players
- Vary - change
- Varying - variable
- Varyingly - diversely
- Varyings - switch, exchange
- Vas - pretentiousness
- Vase - vessel
- Vasectomies - pregnancy prevention
- Vasectomy - pregnancy prevention
- Vases - vessel
- Vasovagal -
- Vassal - servant
- Vassalage - slavery
- Vassalages - slavery
- Vassals - servant
- Vast - very large; wide in range
- Vaster - very large; wide in range
- Vastest - very large; wide in range
- Vastitude - endlessness
- Vastitudes - endlessness
- Vastly - immensely
- Vastness - immensity
- Vastnesses - immensity
- Vat - vessel
- Vatic - prophetic
- Vatical - prophetic
- Vaticinal - prophetic
- Vaticinate - prophesy
- Vaticinated - prophesy
- Vaticinates - prophesy
- Vaticinating - prophesy
- vaticination - knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
- Vaticination - prophecy
- Vaticinations - prophecy
- Vaticinator - prophet
- Vaticinators - prophet
- Vats - vessel
- Vauban -
- Vaudeville - entertainment
- Vaudevilles - entertainment
- Vault - depository
- Vault up -
- Vaulted - domed
- Vaulting - overreaching
- Vaultings - gymnastics routine on mat
- Vaults - depository
- Vaunt - exhibit
- Vaunted - exhibit
- Vaunter - braggart
- Vaunters - braggart
- Vaunting - exhibit
- Vauntings - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Vaunts - exhibit
- Veal - baby cow
- Veals - baby cow
- Vector - heading
- Vectors - heading
- Veejay - media commentator
- Veejays - media commentator
- Veer - change direction
- Veered - change direction
- Veering - swerve
- Veerings - swerve
- Veers - change direction
- Vegan - plant-eating
- Vegetable - edible part of plant
- Vegetable sheep -
- Vegetables - edible part of plant
- Vegetal - herbaceous
- Vegetarian - plant-eating
- Vegetate - be very passive
- Vegetated - be very passive
- Vegetates - be very passive
- Vegetating - be very passive
- Vegetatings - inaction
- Vegetation - plant life
- Vegetations - plant life
- Vegetative - herbaceous
- Vehemence - intensity
- Vehemences - intensity
- Vehemencies - intensity
- Vehemency - intensity
- vehement - marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
- Vehement - passionate, opinionated
- Vehemently - deeply
- Vehicle - machine used for transportation
- Vehicles - machine used for transportation
- Veil - disguise
- Veiled - disguised
- Veiling - disguise
- Veilings - disguise
- Veils - disguise
- Vein - mood, tone
- Veined - having various hues
- Veining - make a line on
- Veins - mood, tone
- Vela - covering
- Veldt - grassy field
- Veldts - grassy field
- Velitation - fight, argument
- Velitations - fight, argument
- Velleities - tendency, bent
- velleity - a mere wish, unaccompanied by effort to obtain
- Velleity - tendency, bent
- Vellicate - move with lurch
- Vellicated - move with lurch
- Vellicates - move with lurch
- Vellicating - move with lurch
- vellum - a heavy creamy-colored paper resembling parchment
- Vellum - material upon which one writes
- Vellums - material upon which one writes
- Velocious -
- Velocipede - pedal-driven recreational vehicle
- Velocipedes - pedal-driven recreational vehicle
- Velocities - speed
- velocity - distance travelled per unit time
- Velocity - speed
- Velour - resembling velvet
- Velours - fabic
- Velum - covering
- Velutinous - fuzzy
- Velvet - resembling velvet
- Velveteen - resembling velvet
- Velveteens - fabic
- Velvets - resembling velvet
- Velvety - very smooth; like satin
- venal - capable of being corrupted
- Venal - bribable, corruptible
- Venalities - corruptness
- Venality - corruptness
- Venatic - the chase
- Venation - blood vessel
- Venations - blood vessel
- Vend - sell
- Vended - sell
- Vendee - someone who purchases
- Vendees - someone who purchases
- Vender - seller
- Venders - seller
- Vendetta - feud
- Vendettas - feud
- Vendibilities - corruptness
- Vendibility - corruptness
- Vendible - easily sold; in demand
- Vendibles - merchandise carried by store
- Vending - sell
- Vendings - exchange of object for money
- Vendition - exchange of object for money
- Venditions - exchange of object for money
- Vendor - person who sells wares
- Vendors - person who sells wares
- Vends - sell
- Veneer - pretense, front
- Veneered - pretense, front
- Veneering - pretense, front
- Veneers - pretense, front
- venerable - profoundly honored
- Venerable - respected
- Venerableness - holiness
- Venerablenesses - holiness
- venerate - To regard with great respect, reverence, or admiration.
- Venerate - To regard with great respect, reverence, or admiration.
- Venerated - revere
- Venerates - revere
- Venerating - revere
- Veneration - reverence
- Venerational - reverent
- Venerations - reverence
- Venereal - concerning reproduction, intercourse
- Veneries - the chase
- Venery - the chase
- Venge - retaliate
- Vengeance - retaliation for another's act
- Vengeances - retaliation for another's act
- Venged - retaliate
- Vengeful - retaliating; hating
- Vengefully - revengefully
- Vengefulness - vindictiveness
- Vengefulnesses - vindictiveness
- Venges - retaliate
- Venging - retaliate
- venial - easily excused or forgiven
- Venial - pardonable
- Venialities - illegal or immoral action
- Veniality - illegal or immoral action
- Venice -
- Venin - substance that causes harm, death
- Venins - substance that causes harm, death
- Venom - poison; hating
- Venomed - upset, alienate
- Venoming - upset, alienate
- Venomous - poisonous; hateful
- Venomously - revengefully
- Venomousness - malevolence
- Venomousnesses - malevolence
- Venoms - poison; hating
- Vent - outlet
- Vented - let out; express
- Venter - the stomach and area directly below in an animate being
- Venters - the stomach and area directly below in an animate being
- Ventilate - air out; make known
- Ventilated - aired out
- Ventilates - air out; make known
- Ventilating - air out; make known
- Ventilation - the act of providing or changing the air
- Ventilations - the act of providing or changing the air
- Ventilator - outlet
- Ventilators - outlet
- Venting - let out; express
- Ventings - issuance, diffusion
- Ventral - pertaining to
- Ventriloquist - person who performs, entertains by role-playing
- Ventriloquists - person who performs, entertains by role-playing
- Ventriloquize - produce words; inform
- Ventriloquized - produce words; inform
- Ventriloquizes - produce words; inform
- Ventriloquizing - produce words; inform
- Vents - outlet
- Venture - gamble, attempt
- Ventured - risked
- Venturer - adventurer
- Venturers - adventurer
- Ventures - gamble, attempt
- venturesome - disposed to venture or take risks
- Venturesome - courageous
- Venturesomely - bravely
- Venturesomeness - daring
- Venturing - gamble, attempt
- Venturous - adventurous
- Venturousness - daring
- Venturousnesses - daring
- Venue - scene
- Venues - scene
- Venule - blood flow pathway
- Venules - blood flow pathway
- Venus - good-looking person
- Veracious - TRUE: truthful
- Veraciously - really, doubtlessly
- Veraciousness - veracity
- Veraciousnesses - veracity
- Veracities - truth
- veracity - unwillingness to tell lies
- Veracity - truth
- Veranda - porch
- Verandah - porch
- Verandahs - porch
- Verandas - porch
- Verb - action word
- Verbal - spoken
- Verbalism - wording
- Verbalisms - wording
- Verbalities - excessive in language
- Verbality - excessive in language
- Verbalization - speech
- Verbalizations - speech
- Verbalize - speak
- Verbalized - speak
- Verbalizes - speak
- Verbalizing - speak
- Verbally - orally
- verbatim - in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker
- Verbatim - exactly
- Verbiage - repetition, wordiness
- Verbiages - repetition, wordiness
- Verbification - action word
- Verbifications - action word
- Verbigeration - excessive in language
- Verbigerations - excessive in language
- verbose - using or containing too many words
- Verbose - wordy, long-winded
- Verbosely - wordily
- Verboseness - wordiness
- Verbosenesses - wordiness
- Verbosities - wordiness
- Verbosity - wordiness
- Verboten - not allowed
- Verbs - action word
- Verdancies - plants
- Verdancy - plants
- Verdant - green, blooming
- Verderer -
- Verdict - law judgment
- Verdicts - law judgment
- Verdigris - emerald in color
- Verditer -
- Verdure - greenness
- Verdures - greenness
- Verdurous - green, blooming
- Verecund - shy
- Verge - extremity, limit
- Verged - extremity, limit
- Verges - extremity, limit
- Verging - extremity, limit
- veridical - coinciding with reality
- Veridical - accurate
- Veridicalities - veracity
- Veridicality - veracity
- Verier - real, exact
- Veriest - real, exact
- Verifiable - provable
- Verification - proof
- Verifications - proof
- Verificatory - confirmed
- Verified - confirmed
- Verifies - confirm, validate
- Verify - confirm, validate
- Verifying - proving
- Verily - really
- verisimilar - appearing to be true or real
- Verisimilar - open, likely
- verisimilitude - the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true
- Verisimilitude - authenticity
- Verisimilitudes - authenticity
- Verism - authenticity
- Verisms - authenticity
- Veritable - authentic
- Veritableness - genuineness
- Veritablenesses - genuineness
- Veritably - truly real, existent
- Verities - truth
- Verity - truth
- Vermicelli - noodles
- Vermicellis - noodles
- Vermicular - given to creeping
- Vermiculate - very twisted
- Vermilion - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Vermilions - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Vermin - noxious or annoying small animals or insects
- Verminous - dirty, polluted
- vernacular - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
- Vernacular - native, colloquial
- Vernacularism - crudity, savagery, especially in speech
- Vernacularisms - crudity, savagery, especially in speech
- Vernacularities - crudity, savagery, especially in speech
- Vernacularity - crudity, savagery, especially in speech
- Vernaculars - native, colloquial
- Vernal - springlike
- Verruca - small growth or lump on the skin
- Verrucae - small growth or lump on the skin
- Verruga - small growth or lump on the skin
- Verrugas - small growth or lump on the skin
- Versant - familiar
- Versatile - adjustable, flexible
- Versatileness - flexibility
- Versatilenesses - flexibility
- Versatilities - flexibility
- Versatility - flexibility
- Verse - written composition
- Versed - experienced, informed
- Verses - written composition
- Versicolor - multicolor
- Versicolored - multicolor
- Versification - expressive, rhythmic literary work
- Versifications - expressive, rhythmic literary work
- Versifier - poet
- Versifiers - poet
- Versing - teach
- Version - account of a happening
- Versions - account of a happening
- Verso - sheet of paper
- Versos - sheet of paper
- Versus - against
- Vert - emerald in color
- Vertebrae - spinal column of vertebrate
- Vertebrate - animal
- Vertebrates - animal
- Vertex - top
- Vertexes - top
- Vertical - upright
- Verticalities - dignity
- Verticality - dignity
- Vertically - across
- Vertices - top
- Vertigines - dizziness
- vertiginous - having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling
- Vertiginous - dizzying
- Vertiginousness - dizziness
- Vertigo - dizziness
- Vertigoes - dizziness
- Verve - energy, enthusiasm
- Verves - energy, enthusiasm
- Very - real, exact
- Vesication - swelling
- Vesications - swelling
- Vesicle - sac
- Vesicles - sac
- Vesicouterine -
- Vesper - evening
- Vespers - evening prayer
- vespertine - Of or related to the evening; that occurs in the evening
- Vespula -
- Vessel - ship
- Vesseled - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Vessels - ship
- Vest - authorize, entrust
- Vesta - match lit by striking
- Vestal - virgin
- Vestals - woman in religious order
- Vestas - match lit by striking
- Vested - clothed
- vestibule - a large entrance or reception room or area
- Vestibule - small room for arrivals
- Vestibules - small room for arrivals
- vestige - an indication that something has been present
- Vestige - sign, indication
- Vestiges - remains
- Vestigial - dormant, hidden
- Vesting - authorize, entrust
- Vestment - gown
- Vestments - gown
- Vestries - church room
- Vestry - church room
- Vests - authorize, entrust
- Vesture - attire
- Vestures - attire
- Vesuvian - match lit by striking
- Vesuvians - match lit by striking
- Vet - experienced, proficient
- Veteran - experienced, seasoned
- Veterans - person with much experience; particularly in war
- Veto - refusal of permission
- Vetoed - rejected
- Vetoes - refusal of permission
- Vetoing - refusal of permission
- Vets - experienced person
- Vetted - examine, check
- Vetting - control of product quality
- Vettings - control of product quality
- Vex - distress, bother
- vexation - anger produced by some annoying irritation
- Vexation - irritation
- Vexations - irritation
- Vexatious - distressing, bothersome
- Vexed - distress, bother
- Vexes - distress, bother
- Vexillologist -
- vexillology - The study of flags
- Vexing - distress, bother
- Vexings - incitement, stimulus
- Via - by way of
- Viabilities - animation, spirit
- Viability - animation, spirit
- Viable - reasonable, practicable
- Viaduct - bridge of arches
- Viaducts - bridge of arches
- Vial - container
- Vials - container
- viand - a choice or delicious dish
- Viand - food
- Viande -
- Viands - food
- Viareggio -
- Vias - by way of
- Viatica - anointing of the sick
- Viaticum - anointing of the sick
- Viaticums - anointing of the sick
- Vibe - indication, forewarning
- Vibes - indication, forewarning
- Vibrancies - liveliness; activity
- Vibrancy - liveliness; activity
- Vibrant - alive, colorful
- Vibrantly - energetically
- Vibraphone - percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated wooden bars played with small mallets
- Vibraphones - percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated wooden bars played with small mallets
- Vibrate - shake, quiver
- Vibrated - shake, quiver
- Vibrates - shake, quiver
- Vibrating - shake, quiver
- Vibration - shaking, quivering
- Vibrations - shaking, quivering
- Vibrato - vibration
- Vibratos - vibration
- Vibrissa - anything that investigates by touch
- Vibrissae - anything that investigates by touch
- Vicar - clergyperson
- Vicarage - the clergy
- Vicarages - the clergy
- Vicarial - alternative
- Vicarious - done or felt for, or on behalf of, another
- Vicariously -
- Vicars - clergyperson
- Vice - bad habit; sin
- Viced - defile, desecrate
- Vicegerent - head of catholic church
- Vicegerents - head of catholic church
- Viceroy - ruler
- Viceroys - ruler
- Vices - bad habit; sin
- Vichyssoise - soup, usually clear
- Vichyssoises - soup, usually clear
- Vicinage - community, surroundings
- Vicinages - community, surroundings
- Vicing - defile, desecrate
- Vicinities - local area
- Vicinity - local area
- Vicious - corrupt, wrong
- Viciously - cruelly
- Viciousness - malevolence
- Viciousnesses - malevolence
- vicissitude - A change in circumstances or fortune, often one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.; A natural change or alternation.
- Vicissitudes - change
- Victim - someone or something sacrificed, preyed upon
- Victimization - cheat
- Victimizations - cheat
- Victimize - cheat, fool
- Victimized - cheat, fool
- Victimizer - cheat
- Victimizers - cheat
- Victimizes - cheat, fool
- Victimizing - cheat, fool
- Victims - someone or something sacrificed, preyed upon
- Victor - person who wins
- Victoria - carriage
- Victorias - carriage
- Victories - win, success
- Victorine - sleeveless coat
- Victorines - sleeveless coat
- Victorious - successful, winning
- Victoriously - favorably
- Victors - person who wins
- Victory - win, success
- Victrola - machine for playing record albums
- Victrolas - machine for playing record albums
- victual - any substance that can be used as food
- Victual - flesh of animal consumed as food
- Victualed - tend; provide for
- Victualing - tend; provide for
- Victualled - tend; provide for
- Victualling - tend; provide for
- Victuals - food supplies
- Vid - visual and audio entertainment transmitted via radio waves
- Videlicet - namely
- Video - related to the televised image
- Videocassette - magnetic tape on which video image is recorded
- Videocassettes - magnetic tape on which video image is recorded
- Videoed - write down; store information
- Videoing - write down; store information
- Videos - related to the televised image
- Videotape - film
- Videotaped - write down; store information
- Videotapes - film
- Videotaping - write down; store information
- Vids - visual and audio entertainment transmitted via radio waves
- Vie - compete
- Vied - compete
- Vies - compete
- View - something that is seen
- Viewable - visible
- Viewed - look at
- Viewer - witness
- Viewers - witness
- Viewfinder - a locating device
- Viewfinders - a locating device
- Viewing - look at
- Viewings - visual examination
- Viewpoint - way of thinking
- Viewpoints - way of thinking
- Views - something that is seen
- Vigil - watch
- Vigilance - carefulness
- Vigilances - carefulness
- Vigilant - careful, watchful
- Vigilante - group that watches out
- Vigilantes - group that watches out
- Vigilantly - actively; intently
- Vigils - watch
- Vignette - story
- Vignettes - scenario
- Vigor - power, energy
- Vigorish - share of a profit
- Vigorishes - share of a profit
- Vigorous - energetic, powerful
- Vigorously - energetically
- Vigorousness - vigor
- Vigorousnesses - vigor
- Vigors - power, energy
- Vik -
- Viking - robber
- Vikings - robber
- Vilany -
- Vile - offensive, horrible
- Vile" -
- Vileness - obscenity, vulgarity
- Vilenesses - obscenity, vulgarity
- Viler - offensive, horrible
- Vilest - offensive, horrible
- Vilification - libel
- Vilifications - libel
- Vilified - criticize very harshly
- Vilifier - critic
- Vilifiers - critic
- Vilifies - criticize very harshly
- vilify - spread negative information about
- vilify - spread negative information about
- Vilify - criticize very harshly
- Vilifying - criticize very harshly
- vilipend - belittle
- Vilipend - depreciate
- Vilipended - depreciate
- Vilipending - depreciate
- Vilipends - depreciate
- Villa - country estate
- Village - small town
- Villager - person native of country
- Villagers - person native of country
- Villages - small town
- Villain - evil person
- Villainies - wickedness
- Villainous - criminal
- Villainousness - corruption
- Villains - evil person
- Villainy - wickedness
- Villanelle - highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece
- Villanelles - highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece
- Villarreal -
- Villas - country estate
- Villein - farmer
- Villeinage - slavery
- Villeinages - slavery
- Villeins - farmer
- Villenage - slavery
- Villenages - slavery
- Villette -
- Villeurbanne -
- Villi - part of digestive tract
- Villian -
- Villose -
- Villous - hairy
- Villus - part of digestive tract
- Vim - life
- Vims - life
- Vincible - vulnerable
- Vincula - bond
- Vinculum - bond
- Vindicable - reasonable, well-founded
- Vindicate - prove one's innocence
- Vindicated - prove one's innocence
- Vindicates - prove one's innocence
- Vindicating - prove one's innocence
- Vindication - justification
- Vindications - justification
- Vindicator - person who advocates, supports cause
- Vindicators - person who advocates, supports cause
- Vindicatory - allowable
- Vindictive - hateful, revengeful
- Vindictively - revengefully
- Vindictiveness - spitefulness
- Vine - climbing plant
- Vinegar - salt solution
- Vinegarish - bitter, sour in taste
- Vinegars - salt solution
- Vinegary - having strong affect on animate senses
- Vinelike - given to creeping
- Vines - climbing plant
- Vineyard - grape plantation
- Vineyards - grape plantation
- Ving rhames -
- Viniculture - gardening
- Vinicultures - gardening
- Vinny -
- Vinosities - alcohol abuse
- Vinosity - alcohol abuse
- Vinous - hard
- Vintage - superior
- Vintages - superior
- Violaceous - purplish color
- Violate - break a law, agreement
- Violated - break a law, agreement
- Violates - break a law, agreement
- Violating - break a law, agreement
- Violation - breach; breaking of the law
- Violations - breach; breaking of the law
- Violative - unlike, conflicting; completely different
- Violator - lawbreaker
- Violators - lawbreaker
- Violence - extreme force, intensity
- Violences - extreme force, intensity
- Violent - destructive
- Violently - destructively
- Violet - purplish color
- Violets - blue and red colors mixed together
- Violin - musical instrument
- Violins - musical instrument
- Viper - snake
- Viperish - poisonous; hateful
- Viperous - malicious, venomous
- Vipers - snake
- Virago - aggressive woman
- Viragoes - aggressive woman
- Viragos - aggressive woman
- Viral - circulating quickly
- Vireo - singing bird
- Vireos - singing bird
- Virge -
- Virgin - unspoiled
- Virginal - chaste
- Virginities - celibacy, chastity
- Virginity - celibacy, chastity
- Virgins - unspoiled
- Viridian - emerald in color
- Viridities - newness
- Viridity - newness
- Virile - potent, powerful
- Virilities - masculinity
- Virility - masculinity
- Virtu - curios
- Virtual - in essence
- Virtual library -
- Virtualities - heart, essence
- Virtuality - heart, essence
- Virtualization -
- Virtually - for all practical purposes
- Virtue - honor, integrity
- Virtues - honor, integrity
- Virtuosi - person who is an expert
- Virtuosic - ultimate, best
- Virtuosities - skill, creativity
- Virtuosity - skill, creativity
- Virtuoso - person who is an expert
- Virtuosos - person who is an expert
- Virtuous - good, ethical; innocent
- Virtuously - fairly
- Virtuousness - good
- Virtuousnesses - good
- Virtus - curios
- Virulence - resentment
- Virulences - resentment
- Virulencies - resentment
- Virulency - resentment
- Virulent - poisonous, lethal
- Virus - bacterium, bug
- Viruses - bacterium, bug
- Visa - legal document
- Visage - appearance
- Visages - appearance
- Visas - legal document
- Viscera - intestines
- Visceral - instinctive
- Viscid - viscous
- Viscidities - viscosity
- Viscidity - viscosity
- Viscose - viscous
- Viscosities - stickiness
- Viscosity - stickiness
- Viscosity -
- Viscount - master
- Viscounts - master
- Viscous - sticky, gummy
- Viscousness - thickness
- Viscousnesses - thickness
- Vise - clamp
- Vised - have in one's hands, possession; grasp
- Viseed - have in one's hands, possession; grasp
- Viseing - have in one's hands, possession; grasp
- Vises - clamp
- Visibilities - perceptibility
- Visibility - perceptibility
- Visible - apparent, seeable
- Visibly - unmistakably
- Vising - have in one's hands, possession; grasp
- Vision - ability to perceive with eyes
- Visional - able to be seen with eyes
- Visionaries - person who dreams, is idealistic
- Visionary - idealized, romantic
- Visioned - plan
- Visioning - plan
- Visionless - sightless
- Visions - ability to perceive with eyes
- Visit - social call upon another
- Visitant - ghost
- Visitants - ghost
- Visitation - visit
- Visitations - visit
- Visited - be a guest of
- Visiting - on a visit
- Visitings - on a visit
- Visitor - person temporarily in a foreign location
- Visitors - person temporarily in a foreign location
- Visits - social call upon another
- Visor - billed hat
- Visors - billed hat
- vista - A wide view, especially one that extends far into the distance.
- Vistas - view
- Visual - able to be seen with eyes
- Visualities - visibility
- Visuality - visibility
- Visualization - imagination
- Visualizations - imagination
- Visualize - make a picture of in the mind
- Visualized - make a picture of in the mind
- Visualizes - make a picture of in the mind
- Visualizing - make a picture of in the mind
- Visually - with respect to sight
- Visuals - imitation, replica
- Vita - record of experiences
- Vitae - record of experiences
- Vital - essential
- Vitalities - energy, spirit
- Vitality - energy, spirit
- Vitalization - great happiness, excitement
- Vitalizations - great happiness, excitement
- Vitalize - energize
- Vitalized - energize
- Vitalizes - energize
- Vitalizing - stimulating
- Vitally - inevitably, certainly
- Vitalness - urgent matter
- Vitalnesses - urgent matter
- Vitals - need, essentiality
- Vitamin - source of nourishment
- Vitamin c -
- Vitamins - source of nourishment
- Vitellus - egg yolk
- Vitelluses - egg yolk
- vitiate - corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
- Vitiate - cancel
- Vitiated - cancel
- Vitiates - cancel
- Vitiating - cancel
- Vitiation - dirtiness, contamination
- Vitiations - dirtiness, contamination
- Viticulture - gardening
- Viticultures - gardening
- vitreous - (of ceramics) having the surface made shiny and nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it
- Vitreous - glassy
- Vitric - polished, smooth
- Vitrified - concentrated, dense
- Vitrifies - harden
- Vitrify - harden
- Vitrifying - harden
- Vitriol - bitterness
- Vitriolic - scathing
- Vitriols - bitterness
- Vittle - food
- Vittles - food
- Vituperate - criticize harshly
- Vituperated - criticize harshly
- Vituperates - criticize harshly
- Vituperating - criticize harshly
- vituperation - abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will
- Vituperation - verbal attack
- Vituperations - verbal attack
- vituperative - marked by harshly abusive criticism
- Vituperative - abusive
- Vituperator - mean lady
- Vituperators - mean lady
- Vituperatory - foul-mouthed, vulgar
- Vivacious - lively, spirited
- Vivaciously - cheerily
- Vivaciousness - spirit
- Vivaciousnesses - spirit
- Vivacities - liveliness
- Vivacity - liveliness
- Vivid - intense, powerful
- Vividly - clearly
- Vividness - clarity
- Vividnesses - clarity
- Vivification - explanation
- Vivifications - explanation
- Vivified - enliven
- Vivifies - enliven
- Vivify - enliven
- Vivifying - stimulating
- Vivisection - division
- Vivisections - division
- Vixen - foxy person
- Vixenish - sensuous
- Vixens - foxy person
- Vltava -
- Vocable - description of a concept
- Vocables - description of a concept
- Vocabularies - language of a person or people
- Vocabulary - language of a person or people
- Vocabulist - dictionary writer
- Vocabulists - dictionary writer
- Vocal - spoken
- Vocalic - spoken
- Vocalism - voicing
- Vocalisms - voicing
- Vocalist - singer
- Vocalists - singer
- Vocalization - expression
- Vocalizations - expression
- Vocalize - put into words or song
- Vocalized - put into words or song
- Vocalizes - put into words or song
- Vocalizing - put into words or song
- Vocals - melody sung or played with musical instrument
- Vocation - life's work
- Vocational - pertaining to work
- Vocations - life's work
- Vocative - glib
- Vociferant - harsh, shrill
- Vociferate - holler
- Vociferated - holler
- Vociferates - holler
- Vociferating - holler
- Vociferation - extreme loudness
- Vociferations - extreme loudness
- vociferous - conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
- Vociferous - loud, insistent; engaging in or marked by loud and insistent cries especially of protest
- Vociferously - audibly
- Vogue - fashionable
- Vogues - fashionable
- Voguish - fashionable
- Voice - expression, language
- Voiced - vocal
- Voiceless - silent
- Voicelessness - silence
- Voicelessnesses - silence
- Voiceover - description, reading
- Voiceovers - description, reading
- Voices - expression, language
- Voicing - producing voiced sound
- Voicings - producing voiced sound
- Void - empty
- Voidance - abolition
- Voidances - abolition
- Voided - get rid of; empty
- Voider - empty
- Voiding - empty
- Voidings - the act of excreting
- Voidness - opening
- Voidnesses - opening
- Voids - empty
- Voiture - roadster powered by engine
- Voitures - roadster powered by engine
- Volant - in the air, winged
- Volar - in the air, winged
- Volaries - bird sanctuary
- Volary - bird sanctuary
- Volatile - explosive, changeable
- Volatileness - the state of being light
- Volatilenesses - the state of being light
- Volatilities - evaporation
- Volatility - evaporation
- Volatilization - effervescence
- Volatilizations - effervescence
- Volatilize - evaporate
- Volatilized - evaporate
- Volatilizes - evaporate
- Volatilizing - evaporate
- Volcanic - easily upset or inspired
- Volcanic eruption -
- Volcano - very large hill
- Volcanoes - very large hill
- Volcanos - very large hill
- Volitant - in the air, winged
- Volitation - flying; journey
- Volitations - flying; journey
- volition - the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention
- Volition - free will
- Volitional - willing
- Volitions - free will
- Volksraad -
- Volley - barrage
- Volleyed - propel something through the air
- Volleying - propel something through the air
- Volleys - barrage
- Voltage - physical ability, capacity
- Voltages - physical ability, capacity
- Voltaic - photoelectric
- Voltameter -
- Volubilities - skill; eagerness
- Volubility - skill; eagerness
- voluble - marked by a ready flow of speech
- Voluble - talkative
- Volubleness - eloquence
- Volublenesses - eloquence
- Volume - capacity, measure of capacity
- Volumes - capacity, measure of capacity
- Voluminosities - extent or bulk of some dimension
- Voluminosity - extent or bulk of some dimension
- Voluminous - big, vast
- Voluminously - to a great extent
- Voluntarily - of one's own free will
- Voluntary - willing
- Volunteer - offer to do something
- Volunteered - enlisted
- Volunteering - offer to do something
- Volunteers - offer to do something
- Voluptuaries - sybaritic
- voluptuary - a person addicted to luxury and pleasures of the senses
- Voluptuary - sybaritic
- Voluptuous - given to sensual pleasure; pleasurable to the senses
- Voluptuousness - sensuality
- Volute - cylindrical object
- Voluted - curling, winding
- Volutes - cylindrical object
- Volution - rotation
- Volutions - rotation
- Vomit - disgorge
- Vomited - disgorge
- Vomiting - disgorge
- Vomitings - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Vomits - disgorge
- Voodoo - black magic
- Voodooed - damned, doomed for bad ending
- Voodooing - defile, desecrate
- Voodooism - supernatural power; appearance
- Voodooisms - supernatural power; appearance
- Voodoos - black magic
- Voracious - very hungry, greedy
- Voraciousness - ravenousness
- Voraciousnesses - ravenousness
- Voracities - ravenousness
- voracity - An extreme greed for food or other things.
- Voracity - An extreme greed for food or other things.
- Vortex - whirlpool
- Vortexes - whirlpool
- Vortical - capable of rotating
- Vortices - circular current
- Vorticose - capable of rotating
- Vorticular - turning
- Votaries - believer
- Votarist - believer
- Votarists - believer
- votary - a devoted (almost religiously so) adherent of a cause or person or activity
- Votary - believer
- Vote - decision or right to decide representation
- Voted - decided
- Voter - elector
- Voters - elector
- Votes - decision or right to decide representation
- Voting - casting votes
- Voting age -
- Votings - casting votes
- Vouch - give assurance
- Vouched - give assurance
- Voucher - receipt
- Vouchering -
- Vouchers - receipt
- Vouches - give assurance
- Vouching - give assurance
- vouchsafe - grant in a condescending manner
- Vouchsafe - permit
- Vouchsafed - permit
- Vouchsafes - permit
- Vouchsafing - permit
- Vouge -
- Vow - promise
- Vowed - make a solemn promise
- Vowel - spoken
- Vowing - promise
- Vows - promise
- vox populi - a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people
- vox populi -
- Voyage - journey, often by water
- Voyaged - travel
- Voyager - person who rides in vehicle conducted by another
- Voyagers - person who rides in vehicle conducted by another
- Voyages - journey, often by water
- Voyaging - traveling
- Voyagings - motion, activity
- Voyeur - person secretly watching others
- Voyeurism - watching
- Voyeurisms - watching
- Voyeuristic - nosy
- Voyeurs - person secretly watching others
- Vraisemblance - realistic account of life experience
- Vraisemblances - realistic account of life experience
- Vulgar - rude, offensive
- Vulgarian - coarse
- Vulgarians - boor
- Vulgaris -
- Vulgarism - corruption
- Vulgarisms - corruption
- Vulgarities - coarseness
- Vulgarity - coarseness
- Vulgarized - disgraced
- Vulgarly - audibly
- Vulgate - bible
- Vulgates - bible
- Vulgus - common man
- Vulguses - common man
- Vulnerabilities - exposure
- Vulnerability - exposure
- Vulnerable - open to attack
- Vulnerableness - exposure
- Vulnerary - healing, restorative
- vulpine - Having the characteristics of a fox, especially cunning, sly, or shrewd.
- Vulpine - Having the characteristics of a fox, especially cunning, sly, or shrewd.
- Vulture - collector
- Vultures - collector
- Vulturine - eating, destroying for sustenance or without conscience
- Vulturous - eating, destroying for sustenance or without conscience
- Vulva - organs
- Vulvae - organs
- Vulvar -
- Vulvas - organs
- Vying - compete
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z