Words Beginning with m - list and definitions learning English
- Ma - insane
- Maa - sheep sound
- Maas - sheep sound
- Mac - desktop computer
- Macabre - eerie; deathlike
- Macadam - pebbles
- Macadamize - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Macadamized - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Macadamizes - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Macadamizing - cover with asphalt, concrete
- Macadams - pebbles
- Macaque -
- Macaroni - pasta
- Macaronic - nonsense verse
- Macaronics - nonsense verse
- Macaronies - pasta
- Macaronis - pasta
- Macassar -
- Macaulay -
- Mace - weapon
- macerate - cause to grow thin or weak
- macerate - cause to grow thin or weak
- Macerated - liquefy
- Macerates - liquefy
- Macerating - liquefy
- Maceration - process to make softer
- Macerations - process to make softer
- Maces - weapon
- Macfarland -
- Mach - sonic speed
- Mach number -
- Machete - sickle
- Machetes - sickle
- machiavellian - a follower of Machiavelli's principles
- machinate - engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
- Machinated - maneuver, plot
- Machinates - maneuver, plot
- Machinating - maneuver, plot
- machination - a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
- Machinations - maneuver, plot
- Machine - device that performs a task
- Machined - made
- Machineries - devices performing work
- Machinery - devices performing work
- Machines - device that performs a task
- Machining - build, produce
- Machinist - skilled person
- Machinists - skilled person
- Machismo - masculinity
- Machismos - masculinity
- Macho - masculine
- Machos - masculinity
- Machs - sonic speed
- Macintosh - desktop computer
- Macintoshes - desktop computer
- Mack - procurer
- Mackinaw - personal outerwear
- Mackinaws - personal outerwear
- Mackintosh - coat for rain
- Mackintoshes - coat for rain
- Macks - procurer
- Macrencephaly -
- Macro - large in scale and scope
- Macro- -
- Macrocosm - universe
- Macrocosmic -
- Macrocosms - universe
- Macrography -
- Macrologies - repetition
- Macrology - repetition
- Macrophytes -
- Macros - large in scale and scope
- Macroscopic - visible
- Macs - desktop computer
- Macula - flaw
- Maculae - flaw
- Maculate - speckled
- Maculated - make dirty
- Maculates - make dirty
- Maculating - make dirty
- Maculation - flaw
- Maculations - flaw
- Macule - dirt smear
- Macules - dirt smear
- Mad - crazy, insane
- Madam - a title of address
- Madame - a title of address
- Madams - a title of address
- Madcap - crazy, impulsive
- Madcaps - person who jokes, plays jokes
- Madded - make very angry
- Madden - make angry
- Maddened - make angry
- Maddening - irritating
- Maddens - make angry
- Madder - crazy, insane
- Maddest - crazy, insane
- Madding - frantic
- Made - fashioned
- Mademoiselle - young female person
- Mademoiselles - young female person
- Madhouse - place where mentally ill live; place full of commotion
- Madhouses - place where mentally ill live; place full of commotion
- Madly - wildly, fiercely
- Madman - lunatic
- Madmen - lunatic
- Madness - insanity
- Madnesses - insanity
- Madonna - mother of jesus
- Madonnas - mother of jesus
- Madrigal - joyful hymn
- Madrigals - joyful hymn
- Mads - anger
- Madwoman - mentally deranged person
- Madwomen - mentally deranged person
- Maelstrom - agitation
- Maelstroms - agitation
- Maestro - leader of band
- Maestros - leader of band
- Mafia - gang
- Mafias - gang
- Mafiosi - gangster
- Mafioso - gangster
- Mafiosos - gangster
- Mag - regular publication
- Magazine - periodic publication
- Magazines - periodic publication
- Magdalen - forgiven child
- Magdalens - forgiven child
- Mage - magician
- Magenta - blue and red colors mixed together
- Magentas - blue and red colors mixed together
- Mages - magician
- Maggot - insect
- Maggots - insect
- Magha -
- Magi - sorcerer
- Magic - supernatural power; appearance
- Magical - bewitching
- Magically - strangely
- Magician - person who performs supernatural
- Magicians - person who performs supernatural
- Magics - supernatural power; appearance
- Magister - person who arbitrates
- Magisterial - authoritative
- Magisters - person who arbitrates
- Magistracies - area of authority
- Magistracy - area of authority
- Magistral - set as guide
- Magistrate - civil officer
- Magistrates - civil officer
- Magma - volcano matter
- Magmas - volcano matter
- Magmata - volcano matter
- Magnanimities - generosity
- Magnanimity - generosity
- magnanimous - generous and understanding and tolerant
- Magnanimously - most excellently
- Magnanimousness - generosity
- Magnate - important person, usually in business
- Magnates - important person, usually in business
- Magnet - bait
- Magnetic - drawing, attractive
- Magnetism - charm, attractiveness
- Magnetisms - charm, attractiveness
- Magnetize - lure
- Magnetized - lure
- Magnetizes - lure
- Magnetizing - lure
- Magnetoresistance -
- Magnets - bait
- Magnific - grand
- Magnification - praise
- Magnifications - praise
- Magnificence - grandeur
- Magnificences - grandeur
- Magnificent - glorious, wonderful
- Magnificently - very well
- Magnifico - luxurious, expensive
- Magnificoes - man of noble birth
- Magnified - enlarge, intensify
- Magnifies - enlarge, intensify
- Magnify - enlarge, intensify
- Magnifying - enlarge, intensify
- Magniloquence - pomposity
- Magniloquences - pomposity
- magniloquent - lofty in style
- Magnitude - importance
- Magnitudes - importance
- Magnum - holder for physical object
- Magnums - holder for physical object
- Magpie - someone that hoards objects
- Magpies - someone that hoards objects
- Mags - regular publication
- Magus - sorcerer
- Maharajah - historically, person who ruled an area
- Maharajahs - historically, person who ruled an area
- Maharani - historically, person who ruled an area
- Maharanis - historically, person who ruled an area
- Maharishi - spiritual leader
- Maharishis - spiritual leader
- Mahatma - wise person
- Mahatmas - wise person
- Mahogany - dark, burnished color
- Maid - servant
- Maid of honour -
- Maiden - earliest
- Maidenhood - celibacy, chastity
- Maidenhoods - celibacy, chastity
- Maidenly - virginal, chaste
- Maidens - young woman
- Maids - servant
- Maidservant - female who performs housework
- Maidservants - female who performs housework
- Mail - written correspondence; system for sending correspondence
- Mailbox - mail box
- Mailboxes - mail box
- Mailed - posted
- Mailer - pamphlet
- Mailers - pamphlet
- Mailing - posting
- Mailing list -
- Mailings - posting
- Maillot - swimming suit
- Maillots - swimming suit
- Mailman - mail carrier
- Mailmen - mail carrier
- Mails - written correspondence; system for sending correspondence
- Maim - cripple, put out of action
- Maimed - injured
- Maiming - cripple, put out of action
- Maims - cripple, put out of action
- Main - principal, predominant
- Mainer - principal, predominant
- Mainest - principal, predominant
- Mainframe - persons running an organization
- Mainframes - persons running an organization
- Mainland - shore
- Mainlands - shore
- Mainline - most important
- Mainlined - introduce into bloodstream by use of a needle
- Mainlines - introduce into bloodstream by use of a needle
- Mainlining - introduce into bloodstream by use of a needle
- Mainly - for the most part
- Mainor -
- Mains - principal, predominant
- Mainspring - essence, theme
- Mainsprings - essence, theme
- Mainstay - chief support
- Mainstays - chief support
- Mainstream - prevailing
- Mainstreams - trend, fad
- Maintain - care for, keep up
- Maintainable - tenable
- Maintained - care for, keep up
- Maintainer - chief support
- Maintainers - chief support
- Maintaining - care for, keep up
- Maintains - care for, keep up
- Maintenance - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Maintenances - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Maire - city official
- Maires - city official
- Mais -
- Majestic - impressive, splendid
- Majestically - grandly
- Majesties - a form of address
- Majesty - grandeur
- Major - bigger
- Majordomo - dining room attendant
- Majordomos - dining room attendant
- Majorities - plurality, most
- Majority - plurality, most
- Majors - distinctive feature; concentration
- Majuscule - symbol of an alphabet
- Majuscules - symbol of an alphabet
- Make - create, build
- Make a hit with -
- Make a pig of -
- Make as if -
- Make camp -
- Make debut -
- Make mistake -
- Makeover - refashioning
- Makeovers - refashioning
- Maker - creator
- Makers - creator
- Makes - create, build
- Makeshift - temporary
- Makeshifts - temporary
- Makeup - cosmetics
- Makeups - cosmetics
- Makeweight - companion, counterpart
- Makeweights - companion, counterpart
- Making - preparing
- Makings - preparing
- Mako -
- Malachias -
- Malachite - emerald in color
- Maladaptive - unsuitably adapted
- Maladies - disease
- Maladjusted - maladapted
- Maladjustment - emotional disorder
- Maladjustments - emotional disorder
- Maladminister - mess up
- Maladministered - mess up
- Maladministers - mess up
- maladroit - not adroit
- Maladroitly - inadequately
- Maladroitness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Maladroitnesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Malady - disease
- malaise - physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
- Malaises - depression, sickness
- Malang -
- Malapert - impudent
- Malaperts - smart aleck
- malapropism - the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
- Malapropisms - abuse; wrong application
- malapropos - at an inconvenient time
- Malaria - sickness
- Malarias - sickness
- malarkey - empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk
- Malarkeys - silliness
- Malarkies - nonsense
- Malarky - nonsense
- Malconformation - deformity
- Malcontent - dissatisfied
- Malcontented - unhappy
- Malcontents - rebel
- Male - masculine
- Maledict - curse
- Maledicted - curse
- Maledicting - curse
- Malediction - curse
- Maledictions - curse
- Maledicts - curse
- Malefaction - abuse, misconduct
- Malefactions - abuse, misconduct
- Malefactor - criminal
- Malefactors - criminal
- Malefic - hurtful, injurious
- Maleficence - bad habit; sin
- Maleficences - bad habit; sin
- Maleficent - hurtful, injurious
- Maleness - masculinity
- Malenesses - masculinity
- Males - man
- Malevolence - ill will
- Malevolences - ill will
- malevolent - having or exerting a malignant influence
- Malevolently - deceitfully
- malfeasance - wrongful conduct by a public official
- Malfeasances - wrongdoing
- Malformation - deformity
- Malformations - deformity
- Malformed - distorted
- Malfunction - breakdown, failure
- Malfunctioned - to malfunction
- Malfunctioning - stuck fast
- Malfunctions - breakdown, failure
- Malice - hate, vengefulness
- Malices - hate, vengefulness
- Malicious - hateful
- Maliciously - scornfully
- Maliciousness - malevolence
- Maliciousnesses - malevolence
- Malign - hurtful, injurious
- Malignance - hate, vengefulness
- Malignances - hate, vengefulness
- Malignancies - virulence
- Malignancy - virulence
- Malignant - diseased
- Malignant tumor -
- Maligned - reviled
- Maligner - person who tells falsehood
- Maligners - person who tells falsehood
- Maligning - hurtful, injurious
- Malignities - malevolence
- Malignity - malevolence
- Malignly - violently, menacingly
- Maligns - hurtful, injurious
- malinger - avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill
- Malingered - evade
- malingerer - someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity
- Malingerers - slacker
- Malingering - evade
- Malingers - evade
- Malison - hateful, swearing remark
- Malisons - hateful, swearing remark
- Malkin - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Malkins - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Mall - commercial complex with many individual retail stores
- Malleabilities - flexibility
- Malleability - flexibility
- malleable - Able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking.; Easily influenced or shaped; pliable.
- Malleableness - flexibility
- Malleablenesses - flexibility
- Malleate - crush; beat rhythmically
- Malleated - crush; beat rhythmically
- Malleates - crush; beat rhythmically
- Malleating - crush; beat rhythmically
- Mallet - weapon
- Mallets - weapon
- Malleus -
- Malls - commercial complex with many individual retail stores
- Malnourished - very thin
- Malnutrition - poor nutrition
- Malnutritions - poor nutrition
- Malodor - foul odor
- Malodorous - foul-smelling
- Malodors - foul odor
- Malpractice - abuse, misconduct
- Malpractices - abuse, misconduct
- Malt - alcoholic beverage made from malted grain
- Malto -
- Maltose - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Maltoses - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Maltreat - abuse
- Maltreated - abuse
- Maltreating - abuse
- Maltreatment - punishment
- Maltreatments - punishment
- Maltreats - abuse
- Malts - alcoholic beverage made from malted grain
- Malversation - bad or unethical behavior
- Malversations - bad or unethical behavior
- Mam - adult
- Mama - mother
- Mamas - mother
- Mammal - animal
- Mammalian - beastlike; carnal
- Mammalogy -
- Mammals - animal
- Mammaplasties - cosmetic surgery
- Mammaplasty - cosmetic surgery
- Mammilla - front of upper body
- Mammillae - front of upper body
- Mammon - wealth as evil
- Mammons - wealth as evil
- Mammoplasties - cosmetic surgery
- Mammoplasty - cosmetic surgery
- Mammoth - huge
- Mammoths - giant animal; supernatural being
- Mams - adult
- Mamu -
- Man - male human
- Manacle - handcuff
- Manacled - shackled
- Manacles - handcuff
- Manacling - keep under control; hold back
- Manage - be in charge, control
- Manageabilities - good behavior; submissiveness
- Manageability - good behavior; submissiveness
- Manageable - controllable
- Managed - trained
- Management - persons running an organization
- Managements - persons running an organization
- Manager - person who runs organization
- Manageress - a woman in charge of an establishment
- Manageresses - a woman in charge of an establishment
- Managerial - administrative
- Managers - person who runs organization
- Managership - management of one's private affairs
- Managerships - management of one's private affairs
- Manages - be in charge, control
- Managing - directing
- Manciple - custodian
- Manciples - custodian
- Mancunian -
- Mandate - authority, order
- Mandated - administered
- Mandates - authority, order
- Mandating - allow, authorize
- Mandatory - required, necessary
- Mandible - bones of chin
- Mandibles - bones of chin
- Mandrel - shaft around which wheels rotate
- Mandrels - shaft around which wheels rotate
- Mandrill - ape
- Mandrills - ape
- Manducate - chew
- Manducated - chew
- Manducates - chew
- Manducating - chew
- Mane - thick mass of hair
- Manes - thick mass of hair
- Maneuver - move, tactic
- Maneuverability - ability to move
- Maneuvered - plan, scheme
- Maneuvering - plan, scheme
- Maneuverings - plan of action
- Maneuvers - move, tactic
- Manful - manly
- Manfulness - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Manfulnesses - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Manga - comic book
- Mangas - comic book
- Mange - rash
- Manged - have a meal
- Mangel - vegetable
- Mangel-wurzel -
- Mangels - vegetable
- Mangelwurzel -
- Manger - the birthplace of christ
- Mangers - the birthplace of christ
- Manges - rash
- Mangier - scruffy
- Mangiest - scruffy
- Manging - have a meal
- Mangle - mutilate, deform
- Mangled - mutilate, deform
- Mangles - mutilate, deform
- Mangling - mutilate, deform
- Mangold - vegetable
- Mangolds - vegetable
- Mangy - scruffy
- Manhandle - push
- Manhandled - push
- Manhandles - push
- Manhandling - push
- Manhood - maturity
- Manhoods - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Mani - nut
- Mania - fixation, madness
- Maniac - person who is crazy, overenthusiastic
- Maniacal - insane
- Maniacally - furiously
- Maniacs - person who is crazy, overenthusiastic
- Manias - fixation, madness
- Manic - crazy
- Manicotti - noodles
- Manicottis - noodles
- Manicure - trim
- Manicured - trim
- Manicures - trim
- Manicuring - trim
- Manies - profuse, abundant
- Manifest - clear, obvious
- Manifestation - exhibition, proof
- Manifestations - exhibition, proof
- Manifested - exhibit, make plain
- Manifesting - exhibit, make plain
- Manifestly - distinctly
- Manifestness - clarity
- Manifestnesses - clarity
- Manifesto - public declaration
- Manifestoes - public declaration
- Manifests - exhibit, make plain
- Manifold - abundant, many
- Manifolded - increase; reproduce
- Manifolding - duplication
- Manifoldness - aggregate, bunch
- Manifoldnesses - aggregate, bunch
- Manifolds - increase; reproduce
- Manikin - puppet
- Manikins - puppet
- Manila - plant
- Manilas - plant
- Manipulable - bendable, adaptable
- Manipulate - maneuver, handle physically
- Manipulated - maneuver, handle physically
- Manipulates - maneuver, handle physically
- Manipulating - maneuver, handle physically
- Manipulation - guidance
- Manipulations - guidance
- Manipulative - scheming to manipulate
- Manipulator - handler
- Manipulators - handler
- Manis - nut
- Manitoulin -
- Mankind - human race
- Mankinds - human race
- Manlier - courageous
- Manliest - courageous
- Manlike - like a man
- Manliness - masculinity
- Manlinesses - masculinity
- Manly - courageous
- Manmade - artificial
- Manna - gift
- Manna gum -
- Mannas - gift
- Manned - defended
- Mannequin - life-size dummy
- Mannequins - life-size dummy
- Manner - person's behavior, conduct
- Mannered - affected, put-on
- Mannerism - peculiarity of how someone behaves, acts
- Mannerisms - peculiarity of how someone behaves, acts
- Mannerless - rude
- Mannerliness - courtesy
- Mannerlinesses - courtesy
- Mannerly - polite, well-behaved
- Manners - polite, refined social behavior
- Manning - make ready with supplies
- Mannish - manlike
- Manor - large house
- Manors - large house
- Manpower - laborers
- Manpowers - laborers
- Mans - make ready with supplies
- Manse - parsonage
- Manservant - servant
- Manses - parsonage
- Mansion - very large house
- Mansions - very large house
- Manslaughter - killing without malicious forethought
- Manslaughters - killing without malicious forethought
- Manslayer - murderer
- Manslayers - murderer
- mansuetude - Tameness; gentleness; mildness.
- Manta - cloak
- Mantas - cloak
- Manteau - cloak
- Manteaus - cloak
- Manteaux - cloak
- Mantel - fireplace
- Mantelletta - sleeveless coat
- Mantellettas - sleeveless coat
- Mantelpiece - jutting, flat area or piece
- Mantelpieces - jutting, flat area or piece
- Mantels - fireplace
- Mantelshelf - fireplace
- Mantelshelves - fireplace
- mantic - resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
- Mantic - prophetic
- manticore - a mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion
- Mantilla - disguise
- Mantillas - disguise
- Mantle - cloak
- Mantled - blush, make rosy
- Mantles - cloak
- Mantling - gleaming
- Mantlings - pink coloring
- Mantra - chorus of song
- Mantras - chorus of song
- Mantua - fabric
- Mantuas - fabric
- Manual - done by hand
- Manuals - done by hand
- Manuel -
- Manufactories - manufacturing
- Manufactory - manufacturing
- Manufacture - build, produce
- Manufactured - made
- Manufacturer - maker
- Manufacturers - maker
- Manufactures - production of processed goods
- Manufacturing - production
- Manufacturings - production of processed goods
- Manumission - freedom
- Manumissions - freedom
- manumit - free from slavery or servitude
- Manumit - free
- Manumits - free
- Manumitted - free
- Manumitter - preserver
- Manumitters - preserver
- Manumitting - free
- Manure - fertilizer
- Manured - make ready to bear, produce
- Manures - fertilizer
- Manuring - the enrichment of land
- Manurings - the enrichment of land
- Manus - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Manuscript - book, script
- Manuscripts - book, script
- Many - profuse, abundant
- Maoi -
- Map - chart of geographic area
- Mapmaker - cartographer
- Mapmakers - cartographer
- Mapped - given in summary
- Mapper - cartographer
- Mappers - cartographer
- Mapping - weighing
- Mappings - weighing
- Maps - chart of geographic area
- Maquillage - cosmetics
- Maquillages - cosmetics
- Mar - hurt, damage
- Marasmus - gauntness
- Marasmuses - gauntness
- Marathon - long-distance race
- Marathoner - competitor in a race
- Marathoners - competitor in a race
- Marathons - long-distance race
- Maraud - pillage and plunder
- Marauded - pillage and plunder
- Marauder - pillager, raider
- Marauders - pillager, raider
- Marauding - pillage and plunder
- Maraudings - robbery
- Marauds - pillage and plunder
- Marble - of or like marble
- Marbled - speckled
- Marbler - of or like marble
- Marbles - intelligence
- Marbling - mark, stain
- Marc - spirits
- March - walk with deliberation
- Marched - walk with deliberation
- Marchen - children's imaginative story with magical characters
- Marcher - protester
- Marchers - protester
- Marches - walk with deliberation
- Marching - advancing
- Marching order -
- Marchland - boundary; frontier
- Marchlands - boundary; frontier
- Marconi - communication by electronic air waves
- Marconis - communication by electronic air waves
- Marcoux -
- Marcs - spirits
- Mare - woman
- Mares - woman
- Margarine - fat
- Margarines - fat
- Margarite - gem
- Margarites - gem
- Marge -
- Margin - border; room around something
- Marginal - borderline; slight
- Marginalia - written communication
- Marginalised -
- Marginalize - diminish
- Marginalizing - diminish
- Marginally - a little
- Margined - border; be on the edge
- Margining - border; be on the edge
- Margins - border; room around something
- Maria - woman
- Marijuana - grass, pot
- Marijuanas - grass, pot
- Marimba - percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated wooden bars played with small mallets
- Marimbas - percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated wooden bars played with small mallets
- Marina - dock
- Marinade - salt solution
- Marinaded - soak
- Marinades - salt solution
- Marinading - soak
- Marinas - dock
- Marinate - soak
- Marinated - soak
- Marinates - soak
- Marinating - soak
- Marine - sea
- Mariner - person who makes living on the sea
- Mariners - person who makes living on the sea
- Marines - armed force
- Marinorama -
- Marionette - puppet
- Marionettes - puppet
- Marital - concerning marriage
- Maritime - nautical
- Mark - blemish; character
- Markdown - depreciation
- Markdowns - depreciation
- Marked - apparent, obvious
- Markedly - distinctly
- Markedness - something that sticks out
- Markedness -
- Markednesses - something that sticks out
- Marker - a writing instrument
- Markers - a writing instrument
- Market - package and sell goods
- Marketabilities - salableness
- Marketability - salableness
- Marketable - easily sold; in demand
- Marketableness - salableness
- Marketed - package and sell goods
- Marketer - person who sells goods
- Marketers - person who sells goods
- Marketing - shopping
- Marketings - shopping
- Marketplace - shopping place
- Marketplaces - shopping place
- Markets - place, venue for selling goods
- Marking - designating
- Markings - designating
- Marks - blemish; character
- Marksman - weapon expert
- Marksmen - weapon expert
- Markswoman - gunman
- Markswomen - gunman
- Markup - raise
- Markups - raise
- Marl - workable earth material
- Marls - workable earth material
- Marm - a title of address
- Marmalade - thickened fruit prepared for
- Marmalades - thickened fruit prepared for
- Marmara -
- Marmoreal - of or like marble
- Marms - a title of address
- Maroon - abandon
- Marooned - abandon
- Marooning - abandon
- Maroonings - removal; retraction
- Maroons - abandon
- marplot - One who, by his officious /nterference, mars or frustrates a design or plot.
- Marplot - pessimistic person
- Marplots - pessimistic person
- Marquee - permanent canopy
- Marquees - permanent canopy
- Marquette -
- Marquis - master
- Marquise - woman of noble birth
- Marquises - master
- Marred - hurt, damage
- Marriage - legal joining of two people; a union
- Marriageable - nubile
- Marriages - legal joining of two people; a union
- Married - wedded
- Marries - become husband and wife in legal ceremony
- Marring - hurt, damage
- Marrow - heart, essence
- Marrows - heart, essence
- Marrowy - pithy
- Marry - become husband and wife in legal ceremony
- Marrying - become husband and wife in legal ceremony
- Mars - hurt, damage
- Marsalis -
- Marseillaise -
- Marsh - swamp
- Marshal - organize, guide
- Marshaled - organize, guide
- Marshaling - organize, guide
- Marshall - overseer
- Marshalled - organize, guide
- Marshalling - organize, guide
- Marshallings - collection, collation
- Marshalls - overseer
- Marshals - organize, guide
- Marshes - swamp
- Marshier - swampy
- Marshiest - swampy
- Marshland - swamp
- Marshlands - swamp
- Marshmallow - easygoing, easily pleased
- Marshy - swampy
- Marsupial - pouched mammal
- Marsupials - pouched mammal
- Mart - shopping place
- Martial - having to do with armed hostilities
- Martian - extraterrestrial being
- Martians - extraterrestrial being
- martinet - someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms
- Martinet - disciplinarian
- Martinets - disciplinarian
- Marts - place, venue for selling goods
- Martyr - sufferer
- Martyrdom - suffering endured for sake of a cause
- Martyrdoms - suffering endured for sake of a cause
- Martyred - wrong, torment
- Martyring - wrong, torment
- Martyrize - upset or hurt severely
- Martyrized - upset or hurt severely
- Martyrizes - upset or hurt severely
- Martyrizing - upset or hurt severely
- Martyrs - sufferer
- Marvel - wonder
- Marveled - be amazed
- Marveling - be amazed
- Marvelled - be amazed
- Marvelling - be amazed
- Marvellous - extraordinary
- Marvelous - hard to believe; amazing
- Marvelously - strangely
- Marvels - wonder
- Mary - mother of jesus
- Mary baker eddy -
- Maryjane - grass, pot
- Maryjanes - grass, pot
- Mas - mother
- Mascot - talisman
- Mascots - talisman
- Masculine - manlike
- Masculines - manly
- Masculinities - manliness
- Masculinity - manliness
- Masculist - man believing in male superiority
- Masculists - man believing in male superiority
- Mash - smash, squash
- Mashed - crushed
- Mashes - smash, squash
- Mashie - golfing tool
- Mashier - doughy, soft
- Mashies - golfing tool
- Mashiest - doughy, soft
- Mashing - smash, squash
- Mashy - doughy, soft
- Masjid - temple
- Masjids - temple
- Mask - false face, cover
- Masked - concealed
- Masking - disguise
- Maskings - disguise; social occasion for disguises
- Masklike - expressionless
- Masks - false face, cover
- Masochism - deriving pleasure from pain
- Masochisms - perversion
- Mason - construction worker
- Masonries - craft of mason
- Masonry - craft of mason
- Masons - construction worker
- Masque - masquerade ball
- Masquerade - disguise; social occasion for disguises
- Masqueraded - disguise; social occasion for disguises
- Masquerader - person who fools others
- Masqueraders - person who fools others
- Masquerades - disguise; social occasion for disguises
- Masquerading - disguise
- Masques - masquerade ball
- Mass - body of matter; considerable portion
- massacre - the savage and excessive killing of many people
- Massacre - killing of many
- Massacred - killing of many
- Massacrer - murderer
- Massacrers - murderer
- Massacres - killing of many
- Massacring - killing of many
- Massage - kneading of body parts
- Massaged - kneading of body parts
- Massages - kneading of body parts
- Massaging - kneading of body parts
- Massed - additional, greater
- Masses - public, crowd
- Massier - giant
- Massiest - giant
- Massif - mountain system
- Massifs - mountain system
- Massing - consolidation of effort
- Massive - large
- Massively - laboriously
- Massiveness - heaviness
- Massivenesses - heaviness
- Massy - giant
- Mast - spar
- Mastaba - monument
- Mastabas - monument
- Master - expert
- Master of science -
- Mastered - learn; become proficient
- Masterful - expert, skilled
- Masterfully - very well
- Masteries - command, expertise
- Mastering - learn; become proficient
- Masterings - the act of procuring
- Masterliness - knowledge
- Masterlinesses - knowledge
- Masterly - superior
- Mastermind - plan and direct
- Masterminded - plan and direct
- Masterminding - plan and direct
- Masterminds - plan and direct
- Masterpiece - respected work of art
- Masterpieces - respected work of art
- Masterplan -
- Masters - person in charge, female or male
- Mastership - ability, talent
- Masterships - ability, talent
- Masterstroke - feat
- Masterstrokes - feat
- Masterwork - masterpiece
- Masterworks - masterpiece
- Mastery - command, expertise
- Masthead - flag
- Mastheads - flag
- masticate - To chew food.
- Masticated - chew
- Masticates - chew
- Masticating - chew
- Mastication - rumination
- Mastications - rumination
- Mastodon - large mammal
- Mastodonic - giant
- Mastodons - large mammal
- Masts - spar
- Mat - covering
- Matador - bullfighter
- Matadors - bullfighter
- Match - competition
- Match play -
- Matchbook - match protected from accidentally lighting
- Matchbooks - match protected from accidentally lighting
- Matched - doubled
- Matches - competition
- Matching - corresponding, equal
- Matchless - unequalled, unique
- Matchlessly - uniquely
- Matchmaker - go-between
- Matchmakers - go-between
- Matchup - competition
- Matchups - competition
- Mate - one of a pair; partner
- Mated - one of a pair; partner
- Mater - darkish
- Materfamilias - family predecessor
- Materfamiliases - family predecessor
- Material - bodily, tangible
- Materialism - desire for possessions
- Materialisms - desire for possessions
- Materialist - person who is leery, unbelieving
- Materialistic - thinking mainly about physical things
- Materialists - person who is leery, unbelieving
- Materialities - relevance
- Materiality - relevance
- Materialization - effect
- Materialize - come into being
- Materialized - come into being
- Materializes - come into being
- Materializing - come into being
- Materially - concerning matter
- Materialness - substance
- Materialnesses - substance
- Materials - matter, fabric
- Materiel - supplies
- Materiels - supplies
- Maternal - motherly
- Maternities - period of being pregnant with child
- Maternity - period of being pregnant with child
- Mates - one of a pair; partner
- Matey - companionable
- Math - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Mathematical - concerning manipulation of numbers
- Mathematics - arithmetic
- Maths - arithmetic
- Matinal - sooner than expected
- Matinee - daytime performance
- Matinees - daytime performance
- Mating - marry and breed
- Matings - sexual activity
- Matriarch - ruler
- Matriarchal - having the quality or nature of a parent
- Matriarchs - ruler
- Matrices - something from which another originates
- Matriclinous - coming from heredity
- Matriculate - begin, enroll
- Matriculated - begin, enroll
- Matriculates - begin, enroll
- Matriculating - begin, enroll
- Matriculation - registration
- Matriculations - registration
- Matrimonial - married
- Matrimonies - being joined in marriage
- Matrimony - being joined in marriage
- Matrix - something from which another originates
- Matrixes - something from which another originates
- Matron - woman
- Matronly - womanly
- Matrons - woman
- Matronymic - title given to something, someone
- Matronymics - title given to something, someone
- Mats - covering
- Matte - dull, lifeless
- Matted - tangled
- Matter - substance
- Mattered - be of consequence, importance
- Mattering - be of consequence, importance
- Matters - substance
- Matters of state -
- Matting - covering
- Mattings - carpet
- Mattress - bedding
- Mattresses - bedding
- Maturate - mature
- Maturated - mature
- Maturates - mature
- Maturating - mature
- Maturation - secretion of a sore
- Maturations - secretion of a sore
- Mature - adult, grown-up
- Matured - ripened
- Matureness - adulthood, full growth
- Maturenesses - adulthood, full growth
- Maturer - adult, grown-up
- Matures - become adult, fully grown
- Maturest - adult, grown-up
- Maturing - ripening
- Maturities - adulthood, full growth
- Maturity - adulthood, full growth
- matutinal - Pertaining to or occurring in the morning
- Matzo -
- Matzoon -
- Maud - cloak
- maudlin - effusively or insincerely emotional
- Maudlin - teary, overemotional
- Maudlinism - sentimentality
- Maudlinisms - sentimentality
- Maudlinness - sentimentalism
- Maudlinnesses - sentimentalism
- Mauds - cloak
- Mauger -
- Maul - mangle, abuse
- Mauled - mangle, abuse
- Mauling - mangle, abuse
- Mauls - mangle, abuse
- Maulstick -
- Maunder - digress
- Maundered - digress
- Maundering - digress
- Maunders - digress
- Maundies - cleaning
- Maundy - cleaning
- Mausolea - tomb
- Mausoleum - tomb
- Mausoleums - tomb
- Mauve - purplish color
- Mauver - purplish color
- Mauves - blue and red colors mixed together
- Mauvest - purplish color
- Maven - ace in field
- Mavens - ace in field
- Maverick - person who takes chances, departs from accepted course
- Mavericks - person who takes chances, departs from accepted course
- Maw - mouth
- mawkish - effusively or insincerely emotional
- Mawkish - sentimental, emotional
- Mawkishness - sentimentality
- Mawkishnesses - sentimentality
- Maws - mouth
- Max - best, greatest
- Maxes - greatest extent
- Maxi - best, greatest
- Maxilla - bones of chin
- Maxillae - bones of chin
- Maxim - saying
- Maxima - highest, utmost
- Maximal - maximum
- Maximization - addition, growth
- Maximizations - addition, growth
- Maximize - blow up, increase
- Maximized - blow up, increase
- Maximizes - blow up, increase
- Maximizing - blow up, increase
- Maxims - saying
- Maximum - highest, utmost
- Maximums - highest, utmost
- Maxis - upper limit, greatest amount
- May - grant permission
- Maybe - possibly
- Maybes - possibly
- Maybush -
- Mayday - indication; authorization
- Maydays - indication; authorization
- Mayed - grant permission
- Mayenne -
- Mayhap - maybe
- Mayhem - chaos, confusion
- Mayhems - chaos, confusion
- Maying - grant permission
- Mayor - person representing organization
- Mayors - person representing organization
- Mays - grant permission
- Mazarin -
- Maze - labyrinth; confusion
- Mazes - labyrinth; confusion
- Mazier - complicated
- Maziest - complicated
- Mazuma - money
- Mazumas - money
- Mazy - complicated
- Mccarron -
- Mcfly -
- Mdic -
- Mdx -
- Mead - grassy field
- Meadow - grassy field
- Meadows - grassy field
- Meads - grassy field
- Meager - small, inadequate; poor
- Meagerly - scantily
- Meagerness - lack
- Meagernesses - lack
- Meal - food, often taken by several individuals
- Mealed - consume
- Mealier - powdery
- Mealiest - powdery
- Mealing - consume
- Meals - food, often taken by several individuals
- Mealy - powdery
- Mealymouthed - pretentious
- Mean - ungenerous
- Mean business -
- Meander - wander, zigzag
- Meandered - wander, zigzag
- Meanderer - person who travels aimlessly
- Meanderers - person who travels aimlessly
- Meandering - rambling
- Meanderings - labyrinth; confusion
- Meanders - wander, zigzag
- Meandrous - winding
- Meaner - ungenerous
- Meanest - ungenerous
- Meanie - mean person
- Meanies - mean person
- Meaning - message, signification
- Meaningful - significant
- Meaningfully - intentionally
- Meaningfulness - value, estimation associated with something
- Meaningless - without use, value, worth
- Meaninglessness - futility
- Meanings - message, signification
- Meanly - meagerly
- Meanness - the quality of being mean
- Meannesses - the quality of being mean
- Means - way, method
- Meant - signify, convey
- Meantime - in the intervening time
- Meantimes - in the intervening time
- Meanwhile - at the same time
- Meanwhiles - in the intervening time
- Meany - mean person
- Measlier - skimpy
- Measliest - skimpy
- Measliness - pettiness
- Measlinesses - pettiness
- Measly - skimpy
- Measurable - determinable
- Measurably - not completely
- Measure - portion, scope
- Measured - steady
- Measureless - endless
- Measurelessness - infinity
- Measurement - calculation
- Measurements - calculation
- Measurer - civil engineer
- Measurers - civil engineer
- Measures - portion, scope
- Measuring - weighing
- Measurings - weighing
- Meat - flesh of animal consumed as food
- Meathead - dummy
- Meatheads - dummy
- Meatier - significant
- Meatiest - significant
- Meats - flesh of animal consumed as food
- Meaty - significant
- Mecca - center, goal
- Meccas - center, goal
- Mechanic - machinist
- Mechanical - done by machine; machinelike
- Mechanically - automatically
- Mechanicals - person who acts automatically
- Mechanician - automobile mechanic
- Mechanicians - automobile mechanic
- Mechanics - mechanical details
- Mechanism - machine, device
- Mechanisms - machine, device
- Mechanization - machine control
- Mechanizations - machine control
- Mechanize - automate
- Mechanized - automate
- Mechanizes - automate
- Mechanizing - automate
- Medal - decoration of honor
- Medalist - person who wins
- Medalists - person who wins
- Medallion - ornament
- Medallions - ornament
- Medals - decoration of honor
- Meddle - intervene, interfere
- Meddled - intervene, interfere
- Meddler - one who meddles
- Meddlers - one who meddles
- Meddles - intervene, interfere
- Meddlesome - interfering
- Meddlesomeness - meddling
- Meddling - interfering
- Meddlings - interfering
- Media - communication by publication or broadcast
- Mediae - communication by publication or broadcast
- Medial - median
- Medialize -
- Medially - middle from two points
- Medials - middle
- Median - middle
- Medians - middle
- Medias - communication by publication or broadcast
- Mediate - try to bring to an agreement
- Mediated - try to bring to an agreement
- Mediates - try to bring to an agreement
- Mediating - try to bring to an agreement
- Mediation - attempt to bring to agreement
- Mediations - attempt to bring to agreement
- Mediator - person who negotiates agreement
- Mediators - person who negotiates agreement
- Medic - physician
- Medicable - healing, health-giving
- Medicaid - medical insurance
- Medicaids - medical insurance
- Medical - healing
- Medicament - cure
- Medicamented - doctor, medicate
- Medicamenting - doctor, medicate
- Medicaments - cure
- Medicant - cure, solution
- Medicants - cure, solution
- Medicare - medical insurance
- Medicares - medical insurance
- Medicate - drug
- Medicated - drug
- Medicates - drug
- Medicating - drug
- Medication - cure
- Medications - substance that helps cure, alleviate, or prevent illness
- Medicative - curative
- Medicinal - curative
- Medicinal -
- Medicinals - drug
- Medicine - cure
- Medicines - substance that helps cure, alleviate, or prevent illness
- Medico - medical practitioner
- Medicos - medical practitioner
- Medics - physician
- Medieval - having to do with the middle ages; old
- Medinilla -
- Mediocre - average, commonplace
- Mediocrities - ordinariness
- Mediocrity - ordinariness
- Meditate - contemplate
- Meditated - contemplate
- Meditates - contemplate
- Meditating - contemplate
- Meditation - contemplation
- Meditations - contemplation
- Meditative - contemplative
- Medium - midway, average
- Mediums - means, mode
- Medley - miscellany
- Medleys - miscellany
- Medulla - core
- Medullae - core
- Medullas - core
- Medusa - biddy
- Medusas - biddy
- Meed - equally
- Meeds - portion, scope
- Meek - shy; compliant
- Meeker - shy; compliant
- Meekest - shy; compliant
- Meekly - gently
- Meekness - submission
- Meeknesses - submission
- Meet - fitting
- Meeter - fitting
- Meetest - fitting
- Meeting - gathering, conference
- Meetinghouse - church
- Meetinghouses - church
- Meetings - gathering, conference
- Meetness - suitableness, appropriateness
- Meetnesses - suitableness, appropriateness
- Meets - fitting
- Mefloquine -
- Meg - boyish girl
- Mega - plenty
- Megabar -
- Megacities -
- Megalith - stone monument
- Megaliths - stone monument
- Megalomania - self-centeredness
- megalomaniac - a pathological egotist
- Megalomaniac - egocentric
- Megalomanias - self-centeredness
- Megalopolis - major city
- Megalopolises - major city
- Megalopolitan - metropolitan
- Megaphone - speaker
- Megaphones - speaker
- Megapolis -
- Megastar - somebody famous
- Megastars - somebody famous
- Megastore - very large store
- Megastores - very large store
- megillah - (Judaism) the scroll of parchment that contains the biblical story of Esther; traditionally read in synagogues to celebrate Purim
- Megrim - depression
- Megrims - depression
- Megs - boyish girl
- Meiosis - formation of cells by dividing
- Melancholia - depression in a season, mainly winter
- Melancholias - depression in a season, mainly winter
- Melancholic - depressed
- Melancholies - depressed, sad
- Melancholist -
- Melancholy - depressed, sad
- Melange - miscellany
- Melanges - miscellany
- Melanoid - dark, inky
- Meld - blend, bring together
- Melded - blend, bring together
- Melding - blend, bring together
- Melds - blend, bring together
- Melee - battle, fight
- Melees - battle, fight
- Melena -
- Meliorate - amend
- Meliorated - amend
- Meliorates - amend
- Meliorating - amend
- Melioration - improvement
- Meliorations - improvement
- meliorism - the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
- Meliorism - bettering; something bettered
- Meliorisms - bettering; something bettered
- Meliorities - advantage, predominance
- Meliority - advantage, predominance
- Melliferous - pertaining to honey
- mellifluent - Flowing as with honey; smooth; mellifluous.
- Mellifluent - fluid, flowing, melting
- mellifluous - pleasing to the ear
- Mellifluous - smooth and sweet sounding
- mellifluous -
- Mellifluously - with a sweet sound
- Mellifluousness - skillful way with words
- Mellow - ripe, mature; softened
- Mellowed - mature
- Mellower - ripe, mature; softened
- Mellowest - ripe, mature; softened
- Mellowing - ripe, mature; softened
- Mellowness - adulthood, full growth
- Mellownesses - adulthood, full growth
- Mellows - ripe, mature; softened
- Melodeon - musical instrument
- Melodeons - musical instrument
- Melodia - melody, harmony
- Melodias - melody, harmony
- Melodic - pertaining to melody
- Melodica -
- Melodies - harmony, tune
- Melodious - harmonious
- Melodiously - with a sweet sound
- Melodiousness - harmony, tune
- Melodiousnesses - harmony, tune
- Melodist - person who can carry a tune
- Melodists - person who can carry a tune
- Melodrama - fanciful story or narrative
- Melodramas - fanciful story or narrative
- Melodramatic - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Melodramatics - theatrics
- Melodramatize - make a performance of
- Melodramatized - make a performance of
- Melodramatizes - make a performance of
- Melodramatizing - make a performance of
- Melody - harmony, tune
- Melon - fruit
- Melons - fruit
- Melt - liquefy; dissolve
- Melt away -
- Melt into -
- Meltable - fluid, flowing, melting
- Meltdown - calamity; unhappy conclusion
- Meltdowns - calamity; unhappy conclusion
- Melted - softened
- Melting - softening
- Meltings - calefaction
- Melts - liquefy; dissolve
- Member - part of a group
- Members - part of a group
- Membership - belonging to organization; those belonging to a group
- Memberships - belonging to organization; those belonging to a group
- Membrane - covering layer
- Membranes - covering layer
- Membranous - filmy
- Meme - cultural item repeatedly transmitted
- Memento - souvenir
- Mementoes - souvenir
- Mementos - souvenir
- Memes - cultural item repeatedly transmitted
- Memo - note
- Memoir - record of experiences
- Memoirist -
- Memoirs - record of experiences
- Memorabilia - mementos
- Memorable - noteworthy, significant
- Memoranda - written note
- Memorandum - note
- Memorandums - written note
- Memorial - commemorative
- Memorialization - tribute
- Memorialize - honor a memory
- Memorialized - honor a memory
- Memorializes - honor a memory
- Memorializing - honor a memory
- Memorials - commemorative
- Memories - ability to hold in the mind
- Memorization - ability to hold in the mind
- Memorizations - ability to hold in the mind
- Memorize - remember
- Memorized - remember
- Memorizes - remember
- Memorizing - remember
- Memorizings - learning, analysis
- Memory - ability to hold in the mind
- Memory loss -
- Memos - written note
- Men - male human
- Menace - danger; pest
- Menaced - bother, frighten
- Menaces - danger; pest
- Menacing - intimidating, ominous
- Menacingly - dangerously, critically
- Menage - family
- menagerie - A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.; A varied collection of people, things, or animals.
- Menageries - place for viewing artifacts or
- Menages - family
- Menarche -
- Mend - correct, improve, fix
- Mendable - able to be improved, fixed
- mendacious - Given to or characterized by deception or falsehood; lying.
- Mendacious - Given to or characterized by deception or falsehood; lying.
- Mendaciously - dishonestly
- Mendacities - insincerity
- Mendacity - insincerity
- Mended - restored
- Mender - fixer, repair person
- Menders - fixer, repair person
- Mendicancies - poverty
- Mendicancy - poverty
- Mendicant - beggar
- Mendicants - beggar
- Mendicities - poverty
- Mendicity - poverty
- Mending - restoring
- Mendings - restoring
- Mends - correct, improve, fix
- Mengistu haile mariam -
- Menhir - large monument
- Menhirs - large monument
- Menial - lowly, low-status
- Menials - person of lesser rank, importance
- Menisci - glass for vision
- Meniscus - glass for vision
- Meniscuses - glass for vision
- Menologies - schedule of events
- Menology - schedule of events
- Menopause - end of menstrual cycle
- Menopauses - end of menstrual cycle
- Menorah - holder for candles
- Menorahs - holder for candles
- Menorrhea - monthly women's state
- Menorrheas - monthly women's state
- Menservants - servant
- Menses - period
- Menstruation - period
- Menstruations - period
- Mensurable - determinable
- Mensuration - survey
- Mensurations - survey
- Menta - area under mouth
- Mental - concerning the mind
- Mentalist - person who senses others' thoughts
- Mentalists - person who senses others' thoughts
- Mentalities - state of mind; intelligence
- Mentality - state of mind; intelligence
- Mentally - rationally
- Mention - referral, observation
- Mentioned - noticed
- Mentioning - remarking
- Mentions - referral, observation
- Mentor - person who advises
- Mentored - advise
- Mentoring - advise
- Mentors - person who advises
- Mentorship - state of being an informal teacher
- Mentum - area under mouth
- Menu - list from which to choose, often to choose food
- Menus - list from which to choose, often to choose food
- Meow - calling out; yelling
- Meowed - call out, yell
- Meowing - call out, yell
- Meows - calling out; yelling
- Meperidine -
- mephitic - Having a foul or offensive odor, often associated with decay or corruption.
- Mephitic - Having a foul or offensive odor, often associated with decay or corruption.
- Mephitical - poisonous
- Mephitis - effluvium
- Mephitises - effluvium
- Mera -
- Merano -
- Merc - person who fights, kills for money
- Mercantile - concerning business, marketing
- Mercantilism - economic system of private ownership
- Mercantilisms - economic system of private ownership
- Mercator projection -
- Mercenaries - person who fights, kills for money
- Mercenary - greedy for money
- Merchandise - goods for sale
- Merchandised - goods for sale
- Merchandiser - dealer
- Merchandisers - dealer
- Merchandises - goods for sale
- Merchandising - sell goods
- Merchandisings - the act of selling
- Merchant - person who sells goods
- Merchantable - easily sold; in demand
- Merchantries - buying and selling
- Merchantry - buying and selling
- Merchants - person who sells goods
- Mercies - kindness, compassion
- Merciful - kind, sparing
- Mercifulness - grace
- Mercifulnesses - grace
- Merciless - mean, heartless
- Mercilessly - cruelly, without remorse
- Mercilessness - cruelty
- Mercilessnesses - cruelty
- Mercs - person who fights, kills for money
- mercurial - liable to sudden unpredictable change
- Mercurial - flighty, temperamental
- Mercurialness - irresponsibility
- Mercurialnesses - irresponsibility
- Mercury - planets orbiting sun
- Mercy - kindness, compassion
- Mere - nothing more; absolute
- Merely - slightly
- Meres - inland body of water
- Merest - nothing more; absolute
- meretricious - tastelessly showy
- Meretricious - gaudy, flashy
- Meretricious -
- Merge - bring or come together
- Merged - bring or come together
- Mergence - consolidation
- Mergences - consolidation
- Merger - consolidation
- Mergers - consolidation
- Merges - bring or come together
- Merging - bring or come together
- Mergings - consolidation
- Meridian - summit, climax
- Meridians - summit, climax
- Meridional - in the south
- Meringue - covering
- Meringues - covering
- Merino - fabric
- Merino sheep -
- Merinos - fabric
- Merit - advantage
- Merited - earned
- Meriting - advantage
- meritorious - deserving reward or praise
- Meritorious - honorable, commendable
- Meritoriousness -
- Merits - advantage
- Merlan -
- Merlot - wine from dark-colored grapes
- Merlots - wine from dark-colored grapes
- Mermaid - female nature spirit
- Mermaids - female nature spirit
- Merman - mariner
- Mermen - mariner
- Meros -
- Merosome -
- Merrier - very happy; festive
- Merriest - very happy; festive
- Merrily - joyfully
- Merriment - amusement
- Merriments - enjoyment, amusement
- Merriness - gaiety
- Merrinesses - gaiety
- Merry - very happy; festive
- Merry-making -
- Merrymaker - carouser
- Merrymakers - carouser
- Merrymaking - celebration
- Merrymakings - enjoyment, amusement
- Mes -
- Mesa - plateau
- Mesas - plateau
- Mescalin - lysergic acid diethylamide, lsd
- Mescalins - lysergic acid diethylamide, lsd
- Mesdames - a title of address
- Mesdemoiselles - young female person
- Mesh - netting, entanglement
- Meshed - netting, entanglement
- Meshes - netting, entanglement
- Meshier - delicate, netlike
- Meshiest - delicate, netlike
- Meshing - netting, entanglement
- Meshings - interaction
- Meshwork - netting
- Meshworks - netting
- Meshy - delicate, netlike
- Mesmeric - appealing, drawing attention
- Mesmerism - charm, attractiveness
- Mesmerisms - charm, attractiveness
- Mesmerize - captivate
- Mesmerized - captivate
- Mesmerizes - captivate
- Mesmerizing - captivate
- Mesne - woman head of household
- Mesnes - woman head of household
- Mesolithic -
- Mess - disorder, litter
- Message - communication, often written
- Messaged - to foreshadow
- Messages - communication, often written
- Messaging - to foreshadow
- Messed - fiddle, tamper with
- Messenger - person carrying information to another
- Messengers - person carrying information to another
- Messes - disorder, litter
- Messiah - son of god
- Messiahs - son of god
- Messianic - religious, sacred
- Messier - cluttered, dirty
- Messiest - cluttered, dirty
- Messieurs - mr.
- Messiness - disorderliness
- Messinesses - disorderliness
- Messing - fiddle, tamper with
- Messy - cluttered, dirty
- mestizo - a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
- Mestizo - sibling sharing one parent
- Mestizoes - sibling sharing one parent
- Mestizos - sibling sharing one parent
- Met - happen on
- Metabolism - being
- Metabolisms - being
- Metacarpal bone -
- Metacarpi - appendage at end of human arm,
- Metacarpus - appendage at end of human arm,
- Metachronism - error in time placement
- Metachronisms - error in time placement
- Metage - calculation
- Metages - calculation
- Metagrobolize - confuse
- Metagrobolized - confuse
- Metagrobolizes - confuse
- Metagrobolizing - confuse
- Metal - lustrous chemical element
- Metalammonium -
- Metallic - made of metal
- Metallurgic - made of metal
- Metallurgies - the science of applying power to use
- Metallurgy - the science of applying power to use
- Metals - lustrous chemical element
- Metalware - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Metalwares - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Metamorphose - convert, transform
- Metamorphosed - convert, transform
- Metamorphoses - conversion, transformation
- Metamorphosing - convert, transform
- Metamorphosis - conversion, transformation
- Metanoia - conversion
- Metanoias - conversion
- Metaphor - figure of speech, implied comparison
- Metaphoric - figurative
- Metaphorical - figurative
- Metaphors - figure of speech, implied comparison
- Metaphrase - rewording; interpretation
- Metaphrased - interpret, explain
- Metaphrases - rewording; interpretation
- Metaphrasing - interpret, explain
- Metaphysical - not physical; without physical presence
- Metaphysics - principles, knowledge
- Metastases - change, often major
- Metastasis - change, often major
- Metastasize - separate to refine; seep through
- Metastasized - separate to refine; seep through
- Metastasizes - separate to refine; seep through
- Metastasizing - separate to refine; seep through
- Metaxylem -
- Metayer - farmer of rented land
- Metayers - farmer of rented land
- Mete - administer, distribute
- Meted - administer, distribute
- Metempsychoses - resurrection
- Metempsychosis - resurrection
- Meteor - anything that progresses with spectacular speed
- Meteoric - brief, sudden
- Meteorite - meteor
- Meteorites - meteor
- Meteoroid - meteor
- Meteoroids - meteor
- Meteorological - of or in the atmosphere
- Meteorological satellite -
- Meteorologies - weather science
- Meteorologist - person, thing that predicts future
- Meteorologists - person, thing that predicts future
- Meteorology - weather science
- Meteors - anything that progresses with spectacular speed
- Meter - rhythm, beat
- Metered - measure, judge
- Metering - measure, judge
- Meters - rhythm, beat
- Meterstick - measuring tape
- Metersticks - measuring tape
- Metes - administer, distribute
- Meth - pill with stimulant
- Methane - poison gas
- Methanes - poison gas
- Methanol - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Methanols - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Methedrine - faintness relief
- Methedrines - faintness relief
- Method - means, procedure
- Methodic - methodical
- Methodical - organized
- Methodically - tidily
- Methodicalness - method, plan
- Methodization - discipline
- Methodizations - discipline
- Methodize - arrange in order
- Methodized - arrange in order
- Methodizes - arrange in order
- Methodizing - arrange in order
- Methodological - concerning details, mechanics
- Methodologies - methods
- Methodologist - formalist
- Methodologists - formalist
- Methodology - methods
- Methods - means, procedure
- Methomania - alcohol abuse
- Methomanias - alcohol abuse
- Meths - pill with stimulant
- Methylphenidate -
- Meticulous - detailed, perfectionist
- Meticulously - exhaustively
- Meticulousness - thoroughness
- metier - an occupation for which you are especially well suited
- Metier - calling
- Metiers - calling
- Meting - administer, distribute
- Metonym - analogue
- Metonymies - figure of speech, implied comparison
- Metonyms - analogue
- Metonymy - figure of speech, implied comparison
- Metre - beat, accent of sound, music
- Metres - beat, accent of sound, music
- Metric - rhythmical
- Metrical - rhythmical
- Metrically -
- Metrics - versification
- Metrist - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Metrists - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Metro - train line
- Metrologies - measurement
- Metrology - measurement
- Metronome - watch
- Metronomes - watch
- Metronymic - family name
- Metronymics - family name
- Metropolis - major city
- Metropolises - major city
- Metropolitan - concerning a city
- Metropolitanize - imbue with city ways
- Metropolitans - regular, continuous publication containing information
- Metros - train line
- Metrosexuals -
- Mettle - boldness, strength of character
- Mettled - brave
- Mettles - boldness, strength of character
- Mettlesome - brave
- Mew - enclose
- Mewed - enclose
- Mewing - enclose
- Mewl - long, loud animate sound
- Mewled - long, loud animate sound
- Mewling - long, loud animate sound
- Mewls - long, loud animate sound
- Mews - enclose
- Mezzanine - lowest balcony
- Mezzanine financing -
- Mezzanines - lowest balcony
- Mezzo - central
- Mezzotint - carving of letters or design into something
- Mezzotinted - carve letters or designs into
- Mezzotinting - carve letters or designs into
- Mezzotints - carving of letters or design into something
- Mi - variety
- Miasm - sickness
- miasma - unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources
- Miasma - effluvium
- Miasmas - effluvium
- Miasmata - effluvium
- Miasmatic - bad, hurtful
- Miasmic - catching, spreading
- Miasms - sickness
- Mice - rodent
- Mickey - concoction for drugging another
- Mickeys - concoction for drugging another
- Mickiewicz -
- Micrified - minimize
- Micrifies - minimize
- Micrify - minimize
- Micrifying - minimize
- Micro - calculating, data processing machine
- Microbe - bacteria
- Microbes - bacteria
- Microbic - very small
- Microburst - slant of wind
- Microbursts - slant of wind
- Microchip - incorporated computer circuit
- Microchips - incorporated computer circuit
- Microcircuit - incorporated computer circuit
- Microcircuitry - circuits
- Microcircuits - incorporated computer circuit
- Microcomputer - desktop computer
- Microcomputers - desktop computer
- Microcosm - planet, globe
- Microcosmic - slightest, smallest
- Microcosmography -
- Microcosms - planet, globe
- Microdot - lysergic acid diethylamide
- Microdots - lysergic acid diethylamide
- Microelement - minor element
- Microelements - minor element
- Microfiche - copy
- Microfiches - copy
- Microfilariae -
- Microfilm - a still picture taken with a camera
- Microfilmed - take a picture with a camera
- Microfilming - take a picture with a camera
- Microfilms - a still picture taken with a camera
- Microfinance - financial services provided to poor individuals and groups in poor and developing areas
- Microfloppies - small magnetic data storage
- Microfloppy - small magnetic data storage
- Micromanager -
- Micronize - smash by beating, crushing
- Micronized - smash by beating, crushing
- Micronizes - smash by beating, crushing
- Micronizing - smash by beating, crushing
- Micronutrient - minor element
- Micronutrients - minor element
- Microorganism - germ
- Microorganisms - germ
- Microphone - instrument that transforms sound waves into electric currents
- Microphone boom -
- Microphones - instrument that transforms sound waves into electric currents
- Microprocessor - incorporated computer circuit
- Microprocessors - incorporated computer circuit
- Micros - calculating, data processing machine
- Microscopic - tiny, almost undetectable
- Microsecond - very short time
- Microseconds - very short time
- Microseism - tremor from inside the earth
- Microseisms - tremor from inside the earth
- Microsleep - short, light sleep
- Microsleeps - short, light sleep
- Microstructure -
- Microwave - cook
- Microwaved - cook
- Microwaves - cook
- Microwaving - cook
- Micturate - go to the bathroom
- Micturated - go to the bathroom
- Micturates - go to the bathroom
- Micturating - go to the bathroom
- Mid - intervening
- Midday - middle of the day
- Middays - middle of the day
- Midden - refuse heap
- Middens - refuse heap
- Middest - intervening
- Middies - person who travels by sea
- Middle - central
- Middle finger -
- Middleman - intermediary
- Middlemen - intermediary
- Middlemost - central
- Middler - central
- Middles - central
- Middling - adequate, okay
- Middlings -
- Middy - person who travels by sea
- Midge - small person
- Midges - small person
- Midget - short, small
- Midgets - short, small
- Midi - pertaining to the south
- Midian -
- Midiron - golfing tool
- Midirons - golfing tool
- Midis - ladies' garment that hangs from waist
- Midland - interior
- Midlife - middle years
- Midlives - middle years
- Midmost - central
- Midmosts - middle
- Midnight - middle of the night
- Midnights - middle of the night
- Midpoint - center
- Midpoints - center
- Midrashic -
- Midriff - center
- Midriffs - center
- Mids - middle
- Midsection - center
- Midsections - center
- Midshipman - military trainee
- Midshipmen - military trainee
- Midst - middle, core
- Midsts - middle, core
- Midsummer - hot season of the year
- Midsummers - hot season of the year
- Midterm - test
- Midterms - test
- Midtown - city
- Midtowns - business district
- Midway - middle
- Midways - middle
- Midwife - childbirth assistant
- Midwives - childbirth assistant
- Mien - person's presence, manner
- Miens - person's presence, manner
- Mifepristone - oral contraceptive pill
- Mifepristones - oral contraceptive pill
- Miff - annoy
- Miffed - displeased
- Miffing - annoy
- Miffs - annoy
- Might - ability, power
- Mightier - forceful, powerful
- Mightiest - forceful, powerful
- Mightily - very much, extremely
- Mights - ability, power
- Mighty - forceful, powerful
- Migraine - serious headache
- Migraines - serious headache
- Migrant - person who moves to a foreign place
- Migrants - person who moves to a foreign place
- Migrate - move, travel to another place
- Migrated - move, travel to another place
- Migrates - move, travel to another place
- Migrating - move, travel to another place
- Migration - movement to another place
- Migrational - migratory
- Migrations - movement to another place
- Migrator - person who moves to a foreign place
- Migrators - person who moves to a foreign place
- Migratory - moving to another place
- Mikado - historically, person who ruled an area
- Mikados - historically, person who ruled an area
- Miked - bugged
- Milby -
- Mild - gentle, temperate, nonirritating
- Milden - ripen, mature
- Mildened - ripen, mature
- Mildening - ripen, mature
- Mildens - ripen, mature
- Milder - gentle, temperate, nonirritating
- Mildest - gentle, temperate, nonirritating
- Mildew - fungus
- Mildewed - musty
- Mildewing - decay, turn bad
- Mildews - fungus
- Mildewy - musty
- Mildly - gently
- Mildness - tolerance
- Mildnesses - tolerance
- Mile - 5, 280 feet/1.609 kilometers measured
- Mileage - rate
- Mileages - rate
- Milepost - historical or notable sight
- Mileposts - historical or notable sight
- Miles - 5, 280 feet/1.609 kilometers measured
- Milestone - achievement
- Milestones - achievement
- milieu - the environmental condition
- Milieu - environment, atmosphere
- milieu -
- Milieus - environment, atmosphere
- Milieux - environment, atmosphere
- Militance - aggression
- Militances - aggression
- Militancies - aggression
- Militancy - aggression
- Militant - aggressive, combative
- Militants - aggressive, combative
- Militaries - soldierlike; concerning the armed forces
- Militarily -
- Militarist - a warlike person
- Militaristic - military
- Militarists - a warlike person
- Militarize - convert for military use
- Militarized - convert for military use
- Militarizes - convert for military use
- Militarizing - convert for military use
- Military - soldierlike; concerning the armed forces
- Militate - carry weight
- Militated - carry weight
- Militates - carry weight
- Militating - carry weight
- Militia - citizen soldiers
- Militiaman - expendable soldiers
- Militiamen - expendable soldiers
- Militias - citizen soldiers
- Milk - liquid produced by mammals
- Milked - tap; exploit
- Milkier - white, cloudy
- Milkiest - white, cloudy
- Milking - tap; exploit
- Milkings - intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
- Milks - liquid produced by mammals
- Milksop - coward
- Milksopping - drench
- Milksops - coward
- Milky - white, cloudy
- Mill - factory
- Milldam - embankment, wall
- Milldams - embankment, wall
- Milled - grind
- millefleur - A background of many small flowers and plants, popular in tapestry of the Middle Ages in Europe.
- Millenarian - having 1000 of something
- Millenaries - pertaining to 1000
- Millenary - having 1000 of something
- Millennia - 1000 years
- Millennial - having 1000 of something
- Millennials - pertaining to 1000
- Millennium - 1000 years
- Millenniums - 1000 years
- Millesimal - having 1000 of something
- Millineries - covering for the head
- Millinery - covering for the head
- Milling - grind
- Million - heap
- Millions - heap
- Millisecond - very short time
- Milliseconds - very short time
- Millpond - inland body of water
- Millponds - inland body of water
- Mills - factory
- Millstone - burden
- Millstones - burden
- milquetoast - a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive
- Milquetoast - baby
- Milquetoasts - baby
- Milt - semen
- Milts - semen
- Milvus migrans -
- Mime - an imitator
- Mimed - an imitator
- Mimeo - duplicate
- Mimeoed - make more copies of
- Mimeograph - something duplicated; duplication
- Mimeographed - copied
- Mimeographing - make more copies of
- Mimeographs - something duplicated; duplication
- Mimeoing - make more copies of
- Mimeos - duplicate
- Mimes - an imitator
- Mimesis - impersonation
- Mimesises - impersonation
- Mimetic - imitative
- Mimic - person who imitates
- Mimicked - imitate, mock
- Mimicking - imitate, mock
- Mimicries - mime
- Mimicry - mime
- Mimics - person who imitates
- Miming - an imitator
- Minacious - intimidating, ominous
- Minaret - very high building or building part
- Minarets - very high building or building part
- minatory - threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
- Minatory - threatening
- Mince - chop up
- Minced - chop up
- Mincer - something that chops
- Mincers - something that chops
- Minces - chop up
- Mincing - affected, pretentious
- Mind - intelligence
- Mind-bending -
- mind-numbing - Excessively boring, tedious, or dull; repetitive; of an activity, etc., lacking any interest or variety that might serve as intellectualstimulation.
- Mindboggler -
- Minded - disposed
- Minder - person who tends to sick, cares for someone
- Minders - person who tends to sick, cares for someone
- Mindful - attentive, aware
- Mindfully - approximately, carefully
- Mindfulness - care
- Mindfulnesses - care
- Minding - be bothered; care
- Mindless - oblivious, stupid; automatic
- Mindlessness - stupidity
- Mindlessnesses - stupidity
- Minds - intelligence
- Mindset - psychology
- Mindsets - psychology
- Mine - deposit, supply
- Mined - deposit, supply
- Miner - digger
- Mineral - not alive, not organic
- Mineralize - make hard
- Mineralized - make hard
- Mineralizes - make hard
- Mineralizing - make hard
- Minerals - lustrous chemical element
- Miners - digger
- Mines - deposit, supply
- Mineworker - opportunist
- Mineworkers - opportunist
- Mingier - ungenerous
- Mingiest - ungenerous
- Mingle - physically join
- Mingled - physically join
- Mingles - physically join
- Mingling - physically join
- Minglings - miscellany
- Mingy - ungenerous
- Mini - small in size, amount
- Miniature - tiny
- Miniatures - tiny
- Miniaturist - artist
- Miniaturists - artist
- Miniaturize - make smaller; underrate
- Miniaturized - made smaller
- Miniaturizes - make smaller; underrate
- Miniaturizing - make smaller; underrate
- Minibike - motorbike
- Minibikes - motorbike
- Minicomputer - desktop computer
- Minicomputers - desktop computer
- Minified - lower, reduce
- Minifies - lower, reduce
- Minifloppies - small magnetic data storage
- Minifloppy - small magnetic data storage
- Minify - lower, reduce
- Minifying - lower, reduce
- Minikin - short, small
- Minim - bit
- Minima - least, lowest
- Minimal - littlest, slightest
- Minimalist - no more than required
- Minimalistic -
- Minimalists - no more than required
- Minimart - commercial complex with many individual retail stores
- Minimarts - commercial complex with many individual retail stores
- Minimization - belittlement
- Minimizations - belittlement
- Minimize - make smaller; underrate
- Minimized - make smaller; underrate
- Minimizes - make smaller; underrate
- Minimizing - make smaller; underrate
- Minims - bit
- Minimum - least, lowest
- Minimums - least, lowest
- Mining - excavating
- Minings - excavating
- Minion - sycophant
- Minions - sycophant
- Minis - ladies' garment that hangs from waist
- Miniscule - tiny, very small
- Minister - person in charge of church
- Ministered - person in charge of church
- Ministerial - priestly
- Ministering - help, serve
- Ministerium -
- Ministers - person in charge of church
- Ministrant - accompanying
- Ministration - consideration, care
- Ministrations - consideration, care
- Ministries - the functions of the clergy
- Ministry - the functions of the clergy
- Mink - personal outerwear
- Minks - personal outerwear
- Minnesinger - singer
- Minnesingers - singer
- Minor - insignificant, small
- Minorities - an outnumbered group
- Minority - an outnumbered group
- Minors - insignificant, small
- Mins -
- Minster - large church
- Minsters - large church
- Minstrel - ballad singer
- Minstrels - ballad singer
- Mint - brand-new
- Mintage - metallic money
- Mintages - metallic money
- Minted - create, coin
- Minter - brand-new
- Minting - brand-new
- Mints - brand-new
- Minus - diminished
- Minuscular - very small
- Minuscule - very small
- Minuscules - symbol of an alphabet
- Minuses - burden, debt
- Minute - very small
- Minuted - write down
- Minutely - expressly, particularly
- Minuteness - littleness
- Minutenesses - littleness
- Minuter - very small
- Minutes - notes of meeting
- Minutest - very small
- Minutia - trivia
- minutiae - plural form of minutia
- Minutiae - trivial detail
- Minuting - write down
- Minx - vamp
- Minxes - vamp
- Miracle - wonderful, surprising event or thing
- Miracles - wonderful, surprising event or thing
- Miraculous - surprisingly wonderful
- Miraculously - extremely well
- Mirador - lookout
- Miradors - lookout
- Mirage - imaginary vision
- Mirages - imaginary vision
- Mirandizing -
- Mire - muck, morass
- Mired - delay, catch up in
- Mires - muck, morass
- Mirier - slimy
- Miriest - slimy
- Miring - muck, morass
- Mirror - glass that reflects image
- Mirrored - copy, reflect
- Mirroring - copy, reflect
- Mirrorings - imitation
- Mirrorlike - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Mirrors - glass that reflects image
- mirth - Amusement, especially expressed by laughter.; Cheerful merriment or gaiety.
- Mirthful - merry
- Mirthfully - cheerily
- Mirthfulness - gaiety
- Mirthfulnesses - gaiety
- Mirthless - depressed, sad
- Mirths - great joy
- Mirv - atomic weapon
- Mirvs - atomic weapon
- Miry - slimy
- Mis - variety
- Misadventure - bad luck, mishap
- Misadventures - bad luck, mishap
- Misandries - acrimony
- Misandry - acrimony
- misanthrope - someone who dislikes people in general
- Misanthrope - person who hates others
- Misanthropes - person who hates others
- Misanthropic - unsociable, cynical
- Misanthropical - unsociable, cynical
- Misanthropies - acrimony
- Misanthropist - cynic
- Misanthropists - cynic
- Misanthropy - acrimony
- Misapplication - abuse
- Misapplications - abuse
- Misapplied - misuse
- Misapplies - misuse
- Misapply - misuse
- Misapplying - misuse
- Misapprehend - get the wrong idea, impression
- Misapprehended - get the wrong idea, impression
- Misapprehending - get the wrong idea, impression
- Misapprehends - get the wrong idea, impression
- Misapprehension - misunderstanding
- Misappropriate - use wrongly; steal
- Misappropriated - use wrongly; steal
- Misappropriates - use wrongly; steal
- Misappropriating -
- Misarrange - confuse, disorganize
- Misarranged - confuse, disorganize
- Misarranges - confuse, disorganize
- Misarranging - confuse, disorganize
- Misbegotten - illegitimate, illicit
- Misbehave - act in inappropriate manner
- Misbehaved - act in inappropriate manner
- Misbehaves - act in inappropriate manner
- Misbehaving - act in inappropriate manner
- Misbehavior - naughty act, conduct
- Misbehaviors - naughty act, conduct
- Misbehaviour -
- Misbelief - illusion
- Misbeliefs - illusion
- Misbelieve - distrust
- Misbelieved - distrust
- Misbeliever - person who goes against normal behavior, beliefs
- Misbelievers - person who goes against normal behavior, beliefs
- Misbelieves - distrust
- Misbelieving - unorthodox
- Misbirth - expulsion of fetus
- Misbirths - expulsion of fetus
- Misborn - illegitimate
- Miscalculate - make a mistake
- Miscalculated - make a mistake
- Miscalculates - make a mistake
- Miscalculating - make a mistake
- Miscalculation - misestimate
- Miscalculations - misestimate
- Miscarriage - failure
- Miscarriages - failure
- Miscarried - lose fetus
- Miscarries - lose fetus
- Miscarry - lose fetus
- Miscarrying - lose fetus
- Miscegenation - interracial marriage
- Miscegenations - interracial marriage
- Miscellanea - miscellaneous merchandise
- Miscellaneous - diversified, various
- Miscellaneousness -
- Miscellanies - varied collection
- Miscellany - varied collection
- Mischance - unpredictable outcome
- Mischances - unpredictable outcome
- Mischief - trouble, damage
- Mischiefs - trouble, damage
- Mischievous - devilish, wicked
- Mischievousness - mischief
- Miscolor - lie, distort
- Miscolored - lie, distort
- Miscoloring - lie, distort
- Miscolors - lie, distort
- Miscomprehend - get the wrong idea
- Miscomprehended - get the wrong idea
- Miscomprehends - get the wrong idea
- Miscompute - blunder
- Miscomputed - blunder
- Miscomputes - blunder
- Miscomputing - blunder
- Misconceive - misunderstand
- Misconceived - misunderstand
- Misconceives - misunderstand
- Misconceiving - misunderstand
- Misconception - wrong idea, impression
- Misconceptions - wrong idea, impression
- Misconduct - bad or unethical behavior
- Misconducted - act in inappropriate manner
- Misconducting - act in inappropriate manner
- Misconducts - bad or unethical behavior
- Misconjecture - get the wrong idea
- Misconjectured - get the wrong idea
- Misconjectures - get the wrong idea
- Misconjecturing - get the wrong idea
- Misconstruction - wrong idea, impression
- Misconstrue - get a wrong or false impression
- Misconstrued - get a wrong or false impression
- Misconstrues - get a wrong or false impression
- Misconstruing - get a wrong or false impression
- Miscount - miscalculation
- Miscounted - make a mistake
- Miscounting - make a mistake
- Miscounts - miscalculation
- Miscreancies - sin, evil
- Miscreancy - sin, evil
- miscreant - A person who behaves badly or in a criminal way.
- Miscreants - evil, immoral
- Miscreated - unnatural, shocking
- Miscreation - giant animal; supernatural being
- Miscreations - giant animal; supernatural being
- Miscue - error
- Miscues - error
- Misdate - error in time placement
- Misdated - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Misdates - error in time placement
- Misdating - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Misdeed - crime
- Misdeeds - sin, crime
- Misdeem - get the wrong idea
- Misdeemed - get the wrong idea
- Misdeeming - get the wrong idea
- Misdeems - get the wrong idea
- Misdemeanor - criminal offense
- Misdemeanors - sin, crime
- Misdirect - mess up
- Misdirected - mess up
- Misdirecting - mess up
- Misdirects - mess up
- Misdoer - offender
- Misdoers - offender
- Misdoing - misbehavior
- Misdoings - misbehavior
- Misdoubt - doubt
- Misdoubted - doubt
- Misdoubting - doubt
- Misdoubts - doubt
- Mise - agreement, deal
- Misemploy - mess up
- Misemployed - mess up
- Misemploying - mess up
- Misemployment - abuse; wrong application
- Misemployments - abuse; wrong application
- Misemploys - mess up
- Miser - person who hoards money, possessions
- Miserable - unhappy, depressed
- Miserableness - depression, sadness
- Miserablenesses - depression, sadness
- Miserably - poorly
- Miseries - pain, mental or physical
- Miserliness - extreme greed
- Miserlinesses - extreme greed
- Miserly - greedy, stingy
- Misers - person who hoards money, possessions
- Misery - pain, mental or physical
- Mises - agreement, deal
- Misestimate - miscalculation
- Misestimated - miscalculation
- Misestimates - miscalculation
- Misestimating - miscalculation
- Misestimation - miscalculation
- Misestimations - miscalculation
- Misfield - bumble, mess up
- Misfielded - bumble, mess up
- Misfielding - bumble, mess up
- Misfields - bumble, mess up
- Misfile - lose; be unable to find
- Misfiled - lose; be unable to find
- Misfiles - lose; be unable to find
- Misfiling - lose; be unable to find
- Misfire - fail
- Misfired - fail
- Misfires - fail
- Misfiring - fail
- Misfit - nonconformist
- Misfits - nonconformist
- Misfortune - disaster
- Misfortunes - bad luck; disaster
- Misgave - doubt
- Misgive - doubt
- Misgiven - doubt
- Misgives - doubt
- Misgiving - uncertainty
- Misgivings - uncertainty
- Misgovern - mess up
- Misgoverned - mess up
- Misgoverning - mess up
- Misgoverns - mess up
- Misguide - tell an untruth
- Misguided - ill-advised, deluded
- Misguidedness - stupid act
- Misguidednesses - stupid act
- Misguides - tell an untruth
- Misguiding - tell an untruth
- Mishandle - bobble
- Mishandled - mess up
- Mishandles - mess up
- Mishandling - abuse
- Mishandlings - abuse
- Mishap - accident
- Mishaps - bad luck; disaster
- Mishmash - hodgepodge
- Mishmashes - hodgepodge
- Mishmosh - work of art formed from disparate sources
- Mishmoshes - work of art formed from disparate sources
- Misidentified - confuse
- Misidentifies - confuse
- Misidentify - confuse
- Misidentifying - confuse
- Misimpression - illusion
- Misimpressions - illusion
- Misinform - give wrong information intentionally
- Misinformation - false information
- Misinformed - give wrong information intentionally
- Misinforming - give wrong information intentionally
- Misinforms - give wrong information intentionally
- Misinstruct - tell an untruth
- Misinstructed - tell an untruth
- Misinstructing - tell an untruth
- Misinstructs - tell an untruth
- Misinterpret - misconstrue
- Misinterpreted - misconstrue
- Misinterpreting - misconstrue
- Misinterprets - misconstrue
- Misjudge - get the wrong idea
- Misjudged - get the wrong idea
- Misjudges - get the wrong idea
- Misjudging - get the wrong idea
- Misjudgment - miscalculation
- Misjudgments - miscalculation
- Misknew - mix up, misunderstand
- Misknow - mix up, misunderstand
- Misknowing - mix up, misunderstand
- Misknown - mix up, misunderstand
- Misknows - mix up, misunderstand
- Mislaid - misplaced
- Mislay - lose
- Mislaying - lose
- Mislays - lose
- Mislead - give someone the wrong idea, information
- Misleader - person who tells falsehood
- Misleaders - person who tells falsehood
- Misleading - deceptive, confusing
- Misleads - give someone the wrong idea, information
- Misled - misguided
- Mislike - dislike
- Misliked - dislike
- Mislikes - dislike
- Misliking - dislike
- Mismanage - bungle
- Mismanaged - mess up
- Mismanagement - abuse, misconduct
- Mismanagements - abuse, misconduct
- Mismanager - person who blunders
- Mismanagers - person who blunders
- Mismanages - mess up
- Mismanaging - mess up
- Mismatch - disparity
- Mismatched - antagonistic, contradictory
- Mismatches - disparity
- Mismatching - make clinking noises
- Mismate - change; make different
- Mismated - dissimilar, unlike
- Mismates - change; make different
- Mismating - change; make different
- Misogamist - cynic
- Misogamists - cynic
- Misogynies - hatred of women
- Misogynist - woman-hater
- Misogynists - woman-hater
- Misogyny - hatred of women
- Misplace - lose; be unable to find
- Misplaced - displaced
- Misplacement - loss
- Misplacements - loss
- Misplaces - lose; be unable to find
- Misplacing - lose; be unable to find
- Misprint - error, misunderstanding
- Misprint -
- Misprints - error, misunderstanding
- Misprize - look down on
- Misprized - look down on
- Misprizes - look down on
- Misprizing - look down on
- Mispronounce - mumble words
- Mispronounced - mumble words
- Mispronounces - mumble words
- Mispronouncing - mumble words
- Misproportion - distortion, mutilation
- Misproportioned - disfigured, distorted
- Misproportions - distortion, mutilation
- Misquote - lie, distort
- Misquoted - lie, distort
- Misquotes - lie, distort
- Misquoting - lie, distort
- Misread - misunderstand
- Misreading - misunderstand
- Misreads - misunderstand
- Misreckon - miscalculate
- Misreckoned - miscalculate
- Misreckoning - miscalculation
- Misreckonings - miscalculation
- Misreckons - miscalculate
- Misrecollection -
- Misremembering -
- Misreport - lie, distort
- Misreported - lie, distort
- Misreporting - lie, distort
- Misreports - lie, distort
- Misrepresent - lie
- Misrepresented - lie, distort
- Misrepresenting - lie, distort
- Misrepresents - lie, distort
- Misrule - disorder
- Misrules - disorder
- Miss - failure
- Missed - not found or noticed
- Misses - failure
- Misshape - deform
- Misshaped - deform
- Misshapen - deformed
- Misshapenness - disfigurement, distortion
- Misshapennesses - disfigurement, distortion
- Misshapes - deform
- Misshaping - deform
- Missies - young woman
- Missile - projectile weapon
- Missiles - projectile weapon
- Missing - gone, absent
- Mission - person's task, responsibility
- Missionaries - person who aids, does religious work
- Missionary - person who aids, does religious work
- Missioned - speak publicly about beliefs
- Missioner - missionary
- Missioners - missionary
- Missioning - speak publicly about beliefs
- Missions - person's task, responsibility
- Missive - written communication
- Missives - written communication
- Misspeak - mistake
- Misspeaking - tell an untruth
- Misspeaks - mistake
- Misspell - spell incorrectly
- Misspelled - spell incorrectly
- Misspelling - spell incorrectly
- Misspelt - spell incorrectly
- Misspend - squander
- Misspending - squander
- Misspends - squander
- Misspent - wasted
- Misspoke - tell an untruth
- Misspoken - tell an untruth
- Misstate - falsify
- Misstated - falsify
- Misstatement - misrepresentation
- Misstatement -
- Misstatements - misrepresentation
- Misstates - falsify
- Misstating - falsify
- Misstep - mistake, wrong move
- Misstepped - fall, err
- Misstepping - fall, err
- Missteps - mistake, wrong move
- Missus - woman
- Missuses - woman
- Missy - young woman
- Mist - film, vapor
- Mistake - error, misunderstanding
- Mistaken - wrong, incorrect
- Mistakenly - wrongly
- Mistakes - error, misunderstanding
- Mistaking - error, misunderstanding
- Misted - cloud, steam up
- Mister - mr.
- Misters - mr.
- Misthink - get the wrong idea
- Misthinking - get the wrong idea
- Misthinks - get the wrong idea
- Misthought - get the wrong idea
- Mistier - filmy, obscure
- Mistiest - filmy, obscure
- Mistimed - not appropriate or suitable
- Mistiness - coating, tissue; mist
- Mistinesses - coating, tissue; mist
- Misting - film, vapor
- Mistook - mix up, misunderstand
- Mistral - air currents
- Mistrals - air currents
- Mistranslate - get a wrong or false impression
- Mistranslated - get a wrong or false impression
- Mistranslates - get a wrong or false impression
- Mistranslating - get a wrong or false impression
- Mistreat - treat badly or wrongly
- Mistreated - treat badly or wrongly
- Mistreating - treat badly or wrongly
- Mistreatment - abuse
- Mistreatments - abuse
- Mistreats - treat badly or wrongly
- Mistress - ladylove
- Mistresses - ladylove
- Mistrust - doubtfulness
- Mistrusted - doubtfulness
- Mistrustful - distrustful
- Mistrusting - doubtfulness
- Mistrusts - doubtfulness
- Mists - film, vapor
- Misty - filmy, obscure
- Misunderstand - get the wrong idea
- Misunderstands - get the wrong idea
- Misunderstood - misinterpreted
- Misusage - abuse
- Misusages - abuse
- Misuse - abuse; wrong application
- Misused - abuse; apply wrongly
- Misuses - abuse; wrong application
- Misusing - abuse; wrong application
- Misword -
- Mite - small insect
- Miter - tiny
- Miters - link, connection
- Mites - small insect
- Mitigate - check, diminish, lighten
- Mitigated - check, diminish, lighten
- Mitigates - check, diminish, lighten
- Mitigating - check, diminish, lighten
- Mitigation - alleviation
- Mitigations - alleviation
- Mitigative - good for one's wellness
- Mitigatory - relaxing
- Mitosis - formation of cells by dividing
- Mitrailleuse - fast-action gun
- Mitrailleuses - fast-action gun
- Mitre - clergyman
- Mitres - clergyman
- Mitt - taking into custody
- Mitten - hand covering for warmth, protection
- Mittens - hand covering for warmth, protection
- Mitts - taking into custody
- Mitzvah - productive work that is enjoyed
- Mitzvahs - productive work that is enjoyed
- Mitzvoth - productive work that is enjoyed
- Mix - combine, join
- Mixed - assorted, combined
- Mixer - an instrument used to mix materials
- Mixers - an instrument used to mix materials
- Mixes - assortment, combination
- Mixing - combine, join
- Mixings - mental connection
- Mixt - combine, join
- Mixture - combination
- Mixtures - assortment, combination
- Mixup - difficulty, predicament
- Mixups - confusion, misunderstanding
- Mizzen - back, end
- Mizzle - cloud, steam up
- Mizzled - cloud, steam up
- Mizzles - cloud, steam up
- Mizzling - cloud, steam up
- Mnemonic - suggestive of something in the past
- Mnemonics - specific thing remembered
- Mo - brief time period
- Moabite -
- Moan - groan, complaint
- Moaned - groan, complain
- Moaner - spoilsport
- Moaners - spoilsport
- Moaning - groan, complain
- Moanings - grief, complaint
- Moans - groan, complaint
- Moat - ditch
- Moats - ditch
- Mob - large group of people
- Mobbed - come upon by pushing; surround
- Mobbing - come upon by pushing; surround
- Mobile - movable, travelling
- Mobilising -
- Mobilities - ability to move
- Mobility - ability to move
- Mobilization - drive, campaign
- Mobilizations - drive, campaign
- Mobilize - ready for action, movement
- Mobilized - ready for action, movement
- Mobilizes - ready for action, movement
- Mobilizing - ready for action, movement
- Moble -
- Mobocracies - punishment by hanging without due process
- Mobocracy - punishment by hanging without due process
- Mobs - large group of people
- Mobster - gangster
- Mobsters - gangster
- Moby - very large
- Moccasin - slipper
- Moccasins - slipper
- Mocha - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Mochas - hot beverage made from beans of a tree
- Mock - artificial, fake
- Mocked - ridicule
- Mocker - artificial, fake
- Mockeries - joke, parody
- Mockers - cynic
- Mockery - joke, parody
- Mocking - uncivil
- Mockingly -
- Mockings - mockery, satire
- Mocks - artificial, fake
- Mockup - imitation, replica
- Mockups - imitation, replica
- Mod - modern
- Modalities - approach
- Modality - approach
- Modder - modern
- Mode - manner, way
- Model - typical, ideal
- Modeled - designed
- Modeling - form, shape
- Modelings - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- Modelled - form, shape
- Modelling - form, shape
- Models - imitation, replica
- Modem - computer's mechanical system
- Modems - computer's mechanical system
- Moderate - calm, temperate
- Moderated - restrain, control
- Moderately - to a degree, to some extent
- Moderateness - moderation
- Moderatenesses - moderation
- Moderates - calm, temperate
- Moderating - restrain, control
- Moderation - temperance
- Moderations - temperance
- Moderatism - self-restraint; abstinence
- Moderatisms - self-restraint; abstinence
- Moderator - mitigator
- Moderators - mitigator
- Modern - new, up-to-date
- Modernism - change, novelty
- Modernisms - change, novelty
- Modernistic - modern
- Modernities - newness, originality
- Modernity - newness, originality
- Modernization - change, novelty
- Modernizations - change, novelty
- Modernize - bring up to date; remodel
- Modernized - bring up to date; remodel
- Modernizes - bring up to date; remodel
- Modernizing - bring up to date; remodel
- Moderns - sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
- Modes - manner, way
- Modest - shy
- Modesties - shyness
- Modestly - in a modest manner
- Modesty - shyness
- modicum - a small or moderate or token amount
- Modicum - bit, small amount
- Modicums - bit, small amount
- Modifiable - changeable
- Modification - qualification
- Modifications - qualification
- Modified - changed
- Modifier - limiter
- Modifiers - limiter
- Modifies - alter, change
- Modify - alter, change
- Modifying - alter, change
- Modish - fashionable
- Modiste - seamstress
- Modistes - seamstress
- Modular - composed of standardized units
- Modulars - composed of standardized units
- Modulate - adjust, harmonize
- Modulated - adjust, harmonize
- Modulates - adjust, harmonize
- Modulating - adjust, harmonize
- Modulation - timbre
- Modulations - timbre
- Module - piece, portion of something
- Modules - piece, portion of something
- Modus - method, approach
- Mogul - person who has great power, many possessions
- Moguls - person who has great power, many possessions
- Mohair - fabric
- Mohairs - fabric
- Mohawk - cut, style of a head of hair
- Mohawks - cut, style of a head of hair
- Moieties - subdivision
- Moiety - subdivision
- moil - be agitated
- Moil - labor
- Moiled - labor
- Moiling - labor
- Moils - labor
- Moira - situation, condition
- Moira shearer -
- Moirai - fate, destiny
- Moist - wet, wettish
- Moisten - make wet, damp
- Moistened - make wet, damp
- Moistening - make wet, damp
- Moistens - make wet, damp
- Moister - wet, wettish
- Moistest - wet, wettish
- Moistness - very damp weather
- Moistnesses - very damp weather
- Moisture - dampness; liquid
- Moistureless - dry
- Moistures - dampness; liquid
- Moisturize - make wet, damp
- Moisturized - make wet, damp
- Moisturizer - lotion
- Moisturizers - lotion
- Moisturizes - make wet, damp
- Moisturizing - make wet, damp
- Mojo - illegal drug
- Mojoes - illegal drug
- Mojos - illegal drug
- Moke - small domestic horselike mammal
- Mokes - small domestic horselike mammal
- Molar - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Molars - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Molasses - sweet liquid
- Molasseses - sweet liquid
- Mold - form, pattern
- Moldabilities - thickness
- Moldability - thickness
- Moldable - malleable
- Molded - form, give shape
- Molder - decay
- Moldered - decay
- Moldering - decay
- Molders - decay
- Moldier - musty
- Moldiest - musty
- Molding - a molded or carved strip
- Moldings - a molded or carved strip
- Molds - form, pattern
- Moldy - musty
- Mole - blemish
- Molecular - microscopic
- Molecule - smallest part
- Molecules - smallest part
- Molehill - heap, hill
- Molehills - heap, hill
- Moles - blemish
- Moleskin - the ball used in football
- Moleskins - the ball used in football
- Molest - physically abuse
- Molestation - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Molestations - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Molested - physically abuse
- Molesting - physically abuse
- Molests - physically abuse
- Molinology -
- Moll - prostitute
- Mollification - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Mollifications - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Mollified - pacify, soothe
- Mollifies - pacify, soothe
- mollify - To appease or soothe someone who is angry or upset.
- Mollify - To appease or soothe someone who is angry or upset.
- Mollifying - pacify, soothe
- Molls - prostitute
- Mollusk - invertebrate
- Mollusks - invertebrate
- mollycoddle - treat with excessive indulgence
- Mollycoddle - pamper
- Mollycoddled - pamper
- Mollycoddles - pamper
- Mollycoddling - pamper
- Molt - shed
- Moltable -
- Molted - shed
- Molten - melted
- Molting - shed
- Molts - shed
- Molucca -
- Mom - mother
- Moment - brief time period
- Momenta - impetus, push
- Momentarily - for a short time
- Momentary - brief, fleeting
- Momently - at any moment
- Momentous - important; serious
- Momentousness - gravity
- Momentousnesses - gravity
- Moments - brief time period
- Momentum - impetus, push
- Momentums - impetus, push
- Momism -
- Mommies - mother
- Mommy - mother
- Moms - mother
- Monad - single entity
- Monads - single entity
- Monarch - ruler
- Monarchal - dominant, effective
- Monarchial - fit for royalty
- Monarchical - fit for royalty
- Monarchies - kingship
- Monarchs - ruler
- Monarchy - kingship
- Monasteries - place where monks live
- Monastery - place where monks live
- Monastic - with communal life
- Monastics - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Mondain - social man
- Mondaine - cosmopolitan, cultured
- Mondaines - social man
- Mondains - social man
- Mondo - huge, overwhelming
- Monetary - concerning money, finances
- Monetize - create, coin
- Monetized - create, coin
- Monetizes - create, coin
- Monetizing - create, coin
- Money - currency accepted as exchange for goods, services
- Moneybag - tote for carrying personal items
- Moneybags - tote for carrying personal items
- Moneyed - rich
- Moneyer - monetary
- Moneygrubbing - greedy for money
- Moneygrubbings - greed
- Moneylender - professional in financial institution
- Moneylenders - professional in financial institution
- Moneylending - business carried on by a bank
- Moneylendings - business carried on by a bank
- Moneyless - without any money
- Moneymaker - dependable source of steady income
- Moneymakers - dependable source of steady income
- Moneymaking - producing profit
- Moneys - currency accepted as exchange for goods, services
- Monger - vendor
- Mongered - sell door to door
- Mongering - sell door to door
- Mongers - vendor
- Mongrel - animal of mixed background
- Mongrelize - hybridize, mix
- Mongrelized - hybridize, mix
- Mongrelizes - hybridize, mix
- Mongrelizing - hybridize, mix
- Mongrels - animal of mixed background
- Monied - wealthy people or institutions
- Monies - currency accepted as exchange for goods, services
- Moniker - nickname
- Monikers - nickname
- Monish - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Monished - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Monishes - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Monishing - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Monition - cautionary advice
- Monitions - cautionary advice
- Monitor - person who watches, oversees
- Monitored - listen, watch carefully
- Monitorial - cautionary
- Monitoring - listen, watch carefully
- Monitorings - attention, scrutiny
- Monitors - person who watches, oversees
- Monitory - cautionary
- Monk - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Monkey - primate
- Monkeyed - primate
- Monkeying - primate
- Monkeys - primate
- Monkeyshine - prank
- Monkeyshines - prank
- Monkhood - seclusion
- Monkhoods - seclusion
- Monkish - with communal life
- Monks - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Monoceros -
- Monochromatic - having one color
- Monochrome - fixed
- Monocle - single eyeglass
- Monocles - single eyeglass
- Monoclinous - having relations with either gender
- Monocracies - absolutism
- Monocracy - absolutism
- Monocrat - dictator
- Monocratic - absolute
- Monocrats - dictator
- Monodies - hymn, mass
- Monody - hymn, mass
- Monogamies - legal joining of two people; a union
- Monogamist - married woman
- Monogamists - married woman
- Monogamous - pure, incorrupt
- Monogamy - legal joining of two people; a union
- Monogram - symbol
- Monograms - symbol
- Monograph - document
- Monographies - written dissertation
- Monographs - document
- Monography - written dissertation
- Monogynist - married man
- Monogynists - married man
- Monolayer -
- Monolith - large monument
- Monolithic - massive
- Monoliths - large monument
- Monologies - apostrophe
- Monologist - one who makes a profession of reading aloud
- Monologists - one who makes a profession of reading aloud
- Monologue - speech by one person
- Monologues - speech by one person
- Monology - apostrophe
- monomania - a mania restricted to one thing or idea
- Monomania - fixation, madness
- Monomaniac - intolerant, prejudiced person
- Monomaniacal - compelled
- Monomaniacs - intolerant, prejudiced person
- Monomanias - fixation, madness
- Monometer -
- Mononucleosis - herpes virus
- Monophonic - fixed
- Monopolies - something held, owned exclusively
- Monopolize - dominate, control
- Monopolized - dominate, control
- Monopolizes - dominate, control
- Monopolizing - dominate, control
- Monopoly - something held, owned exclusively
- Monorail - train line
- Monorails - train line
- Monosaccharide - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Monosaccharides - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Monosodium -
- Monosyllable -
- Monotone - monotony
- Monotones - monotony
- Monotonies - boredom; sameness
- monotonous - tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
- Monotonous - all the same, remaining the same
- Monotonously - steadily
- Monotonousness - monotony
- Monotony - boredom; sameness
- Monotype -
- Monsieur - mr.
- Monsignor - minister
- Monsignors - minister
- Monsoon - downpour of water or other substance
- Monsoons - downpour of water or other substance
- Monster - giant animal; supernatural being
- Monsters - giant animal; supernatural being
- Monstrosities - freak
- Monstrosity - freak
- Monstrous - unnatural, shocking
- Monstrously - horribly
- Monstrousness - enormity
- Monstrousnesses - enormity
- Montage - miscellaneous collection
- Montages - miscellaneous collection
- Montane - mountaintop; high altitude
- Monte cassino -
- Montego bay -
- Month - temporal length of event or entity's existence, period
- Monthlies - chronicle
- Monthly - at fixed intervals
- Months - temporal length of event or entity's existence, period
- Monument - memorial, remembrance
- Monumental - impressive, overwhelming
- Monumentalize - honor, observe occasion
- Monumentalized - honor, observe occasion
- Monumentalizes - honor, observe occasion
- Monumentalizing - honor, observe occasion
- Monumented - honor, observe occasion
- Monumenting - honor, observe occasion
- Monuments - memorial, remembrance
- Moo - calling out; yelling
- Mooch - cadge
- Mooched - cadge
- Moocher - beggar
- Moochers - beggar
- Mooches - cadge
- Mooching - cadge
- Mood - state of mind
- Moodier - crabby, temperamental
- Moodiest - crabby, temperamental
- Moodiness - anxious state
- Moodinesses - anxious state
- Moods - state of mind
- Moody - crabby, temperamental
- Mooed - call out, yell
- Mooing - call out, yell
- Moola - money
- Moolah - paper and coin money of a country
- Moolahs - paper and coin money of a country
- Moolas - money
- Moon - earth' s satellite
- Moon-round -
- Moonbeam - beam; indication
- Moonbeams - beam; indication
- Mooncalf - fool
- Mooncalves - fool
- Mooned - earth' s satellite
- Moonier - dreamy
- Mooniest - dreamy
- Mooning - dream about; desire
- Moonlight - moonshine
- Moonlighted - steal, embezzle
- Moonlighter - person who steals
- Moonlighters - person who steals
- Moonlighting - disloyal, adulterous
- Moonlightings - secondary occupation
- Moonlights - moonshine
- Moonlit - shining, glowing in appearance
- Moons - earth' s satellite
- Moonshine - illegally distilled alcohol
- Moonshined - transfer illegal goods
- Moonshiner - illegal liquor dealer
- Moonshiners - illegal liquor dealer
- Moonshines - illegally distilled alcohol
- Moonshining - transfer illegal goods
- Moonstruck - insane
- Moonwalker - space explorer
- Moonwalkers - space explorer
- Moony - dreamy
- Moor - anchor, fasten securely
- Moored - anchor, fasten securely
- Moorier - swampy
- Mooriest - swampy
- Mooring - landing
- Moorings - landing
- Moorland - level land
- Moorlands - level land
- Moors - anchor, fasten securely
- Moory - swampy
- Moos - calling out; yelling
- Moot - doubtful, arguable
- Moot-hill -
- Mootable - debatable
- Mooted - make known; present
- Mooter - doubtful, arguable
- Mootest - doubtful, arguable
- Mooting - discussion of issues; consideration
- Mootings - discussion of issues; consideration
- Moots - make known; present
- Mop - tangle of material, often used to
- Mope - pout, be dejected
- Moped - pout, be dejected
- Mopeds - motorbike
- Mopes - pout, be dejected
- Mopey - unhappy
- Mopier - unhappy
- Mopiest - unhappy
- Moping - pout, be dejected
- Mopish - spiritless, without energy
- Mopped - clean by using water and cloth
- Moppet - youth
- Moppets - youth
- Mopping - clean by using water and cloth
- Mops - tangle of material, often used to
- Mopy - depressed
- Mora - rhythm, beat
- Morae - rhythm, beat
- Moraine - raised part of solid
- Moraines - raised part of solid
- Morais -
- Moral - ethical, honest
- Morale - confidence, self-esteem
- Morales - confidence, self-esteem
- Moralism - speech of criticism
- Moralisms - speech of criticism
- Moralistic - ethical, honest
- Moralities - ethics, honesty
- Morality - ethics, honesty
- Moralize - preach
- Moralized - preach
- Moralizes - preach
- Moralizing - offering moral advice
- Morally - in accordance with accepted standards of conduct
- Morals - personal principles, standards
- Moras - rhythm, beat
- Morass - bog; mess
- Morasses - bog; mess
- Moratoria - suspension
- Moratorium - suspension
- Moratoriums - suspension
- Moratory - procrastinating
- Morbid - gloomy, nasty, sickly
- Morbidities - gloom
- Morbidity - gloom
- Morbidly - unnaturally
- Mordacious - biting
- Mordacities - sarcasm
- Mordacity - sarcasm
- Mordancies - sarcasm
- Mordancy - sarcasm
- mordant - of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
- Mordant - sarcastic
- More - additional, greater
- Morel -
- Morelia -
- Moreover - additionally
- Mores - traditional customs
- morganatic - (of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior
- Morgue - mortuary
- Morgues - mortuary
- Moribund - dying
- Morn - dawn
- Morning - first part of the day
- Mornings - first part of the day
- Morns - dawn
- Moron - stupid person
- Moronic - stupid
- Morons - stupid person
- morose - showing a brooding ill humor
- Morose - depressed, pessimistic
- Morosely - unhappily
- Moroseness - harshness; bad temper
- Morosenesses - harshness; bad temper
- Morph - change
- Morphed - change
- Morpheme - unit of language
- Morphemes - unit of language
- Morphine - narcotic
- Morphines - narcotic
- Morphing - change
- Morphogen -
- Morphological - semantic
- Morphologies - makeup, form
- Morphology - makeup, form
- Morphs - change
- Morrow - first part of the day
- Morrows - first part of the day
- Morsel - tiny piece
- Morsels - tiny piece
- Mort - dead body
- Mortal - deadly
- Mortalities - death
- Mortality - death
- Mortally - fatally
- Mortals - human being
- Mortar - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Mortared - attach securely, often with sticky material
- Mortaring - attach securely, often with sticky material
- Mortars - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Mortgage - loan agreement
- Mortgaged - give as security for a loan
- Mortgagee - proprietor
- Mortgagees - proprietor
- Mortgages - loan agreement
- Mortgaging - give as security for a loan
- Mortgagor - purchaser
- Mortgagors - purchaser
- Mortician - undertaker
- Morticians - undertaker
- Mortiferous - deadly
- Mortification - humiliation
- Mortifications - humiliation
- Mortified - embarrass
- Mortifies - embarrass
- Mortify - embarrass
- Mortifying - embarrass
- Mortise - link, connection
- Mortised - link, fit together
- Mortises - link, connection
- Mortising - link, fit together
- Morts - dead body
- Mortuaries - funeral home
- Mortuary - funeral home
- Morue -
- Mos - brief time period
- Mosaic - collage
- Mosaicked - speckle
- Mosaicking - speckle
- Mosaics - collage
- Moselle - wine from light-colored grapes
- Moselles - wine from light-colored grapes
- Mosey - saunter
- Moseyed - saunter
- Moseying - saunter
- Moseys - saunter
- Mosque - temple
- Mosques - temple
- Mosquito - bug
- Mosquitoes - bug
- Mosquitos - bug
- Moss - flowerless plant
- Mossback - old-fashioned person
- Mossbacked - reactionary
- Mossbacks - old-fashioned person
- Mosser - emerald in color
- Mosses - flowerless plant
- Mossgrown - tufted
- Mossier - tufted
- Mossiest - tufted
- Mosslike - tufted
- Mossy - tufted
- Most - best, greatest
- Most assuredly -
- Mostest - highest, utmost
- Mostests - great numbers; supremacy
- Mostly - generally, mainly
- Mosts - greatest extent
- Mot - funny message
- Mote - speck
- Motel - temporary, short-term residence, often for travelers
- Motels - temporary, short-term residence, often for travelers
- Motes - speck
- Moth - bug
- moth-eaten - showing signs of wear and tear
- Mothball - care for, maintain; continue
- Mothballed - not engaged in action; inert, lazy
- Mothballing - care for, maintain; continue
- Mothballs - care for, maintain; continue
- Mother - female person who has borne children
- Motherboard - printed circuit board
- Motherboards - printed circuit board
- Mothered - care for, tend
- Motherfucker - despicable person
- Motherfuckers - despicable person
- Motherhood - maternity
- Motherhoods - maternity
- Mothering - care for, tend
- Motherland - one's native country
- Motherlands - one's native country
- Motherliness - maternity
- Motherlinesses - maternity
- Motherly - caring
- Mothers - founder, inventor
- Moths - bug
- Motif - central theme
- Motifs - central theme
- Motile - movable, travelling
- Motilities - ability to move
- Motility - ability to move
- Motion - movement, action
- Motioned - movement, action
- Motioning - movement, action
- Motionless - calm, not moving
- Motionlessly - quietly
- Motionlessness - inactivity
- Motions - movement, action
- Motivate - stimulate, instigate
- Motivated - stimulate, instigate
- Motivates - stimulate, instigate
- Motivating - stimulate, instigate
- Motivation - ambition, inspiration
- Motivations - ambition, inspiration
- Motivator - cause
- Motivators - cause
- Motive - reason, purpose
- Motiveless - useless, insignificant
- Motives - reason, purpose
- Motivities - moving power
- Motivity - moving power
- Motley - mixed, varied
- Motleyer - mixed, varied
- Motleyest - mixed, varied
- Motleys - collage
- Motor - engine
- Motorable - clear and able to be traveled
- Motorbike - motorized bicycle
- Motorbikes - motorized bicycle
- Motorcade - procession of motor vehicles
- Motorcades - procession of motor vehicles
- Motorcar - roadster powered by engine
- Motorcars - roadster powered by engine
- Motorcycle - motorbike
- Motorcycles - motorbike
- Motored - carry or be carried
- Motoring - carry or be carried
- Motorist - driver
- Motorists - driver
- Motorize - automate
- Motorized - power-driven
- Motorizes - automate
- Motorizing - automate
- Motormouth - talkative
- Motormouths - bigmouth, chatterer
- Motors - engine
- Mots - funny message
- Mottle - speckle
- Mottled - speckled
- Mottles - speckle
- Mottling - speckle
- Mottlings - smudge
- Motto - saying, slogan
- Mottoes - saying, slogan
- Mottos - saying, slogan
- moue - a disdainful grimace
- Moue - face
- Moues - face
- Mould - fungus
- Moulded - cut carefully with sharp instrument
- Moulding - cut carefully with sharp instrument
- Moulds - fungus
- Moulmein -
- Moun -
- Mound - heap, hill
- Mounded - gather, pack; put on top of another
- Mounding - gather, pack; put on top of another
- Mounds - heap, hill
- Mount - climb
- Mountain - very large hill
- Mountaineer - mountain climber
- Mountaineering - mountain climbing
- Mountaineerings - mountain climbing
- Mountaineers - mountain climber
- Mountainous - hilly; large
- Mountains - very large hill
- Mountainsides -
- mountebank - a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
- Mountebank - charlatan
- Mountebanks - charlatan
- Mounted - on horseback
- Mounting - climb
- Mountings - going up
- Mounts - climb
- Mourn - be sad over loss
- Mourned - be sad over loss
- Mourner - lamenter
- Mourners - lamenter
- Mournful - sorrowful
- Mournfully - completely, intensely
- Mournfulness - gloom
- Mournfulnesses - gloom
- Mourning - sadness, time of sadness
- Mournings - sadness, time of sadness
- Mourns - be sad over loss
- Mouse - rodent
- Moused - detect, search
- Mouser - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Mousers - feline animal, sometimes a pet
- Mouses - detect, search
- Mousetrap - bait
- Mousetrapped - arouse curiosity
- Mousetrapping - arouse curiosity
- Mousetraps - bait
- Mousier - drab; quiet
- Mousiest - drab; quiet
- Mousiness - cowardice
- Mousinesses - cowardice
- Mousing - detect, search
- Mousse - coagulated dish
- Mousses - coagulated dish
- Moustache - threadlike growth on animate being
- Moustaches - threadlike growth on animate being
- Mousy - drab; quiet
- Mouth - opening
- Mouthed - chewed
- Mouthful - portion
- Mouthfuls - tiny piece
- Mouthier - talkative
- Mouthiest - talkative
- Mouthing - speaking
- Mouthpiece - spokesperson
- Mouthpieces - spokesperson
- Mouths - opening
- Mouthwatering - alluring, captivating
- Mouthy - talkative
- Movabilities - ability to move
- Movability - ability to move
- Movable - transportable
- Movableness - motion, activity
- Movablenesses - motion, activity
- Movables - household property
- Move - progress, deed
- Move involuntarily -
- Move onward -
- Moveableness - ability to move
- Moveablenesses - ability to move
- Moved - transported
- Movement - motion, activity
- Movements - motion, activity
- Mover - person who moves to a foreign place
- Movers - person who moves to a foreign place
- Moves - progress, deed
- Movie - presentation of action on continuous film
- Movie projector -
- Moviedom - motion picture industry
- Moviedoms - motion picture industry
- Moviegoer - group observing an entertainment or sporting event
- Moviegoers - group observing an entertainment or sporting event
- Movies - presentation of action on continuous film
- Moving - affecting, exciting
- Movingly - completely, intensely
- Mow - cut
- Mowed - cut
- Mower - machine for cutting grass
- Mowers - machine for cutting grass
- Mowing - cut
- Mown - cut
- Mows - cut
- Moxie - courage
- Moxies - courage
- Much - plenty
- Muches - plenty
- Mucho - plenty
- Mucid - damp
- Mucilage - gluey substance
- Mucilages - gluey substance
- Mucilaginous - viscous
- Muck - refuse
- Muckamuck - dignitary
- Muckamucks - dignitary
- Mucked - confuse, disorganize
- Mucker - rude and ill-bred, a boor; person overly concerned with saving money
- Muckers - rude and ill-bred, a boor; person overly concerned with saving money
- Muckier - slimy
- Muckiest - slimy
- Mucking - confuse, disorganize
- muckrake - explore and expose misconduct and scandals concerning public figures
- Muckrake - check into thoroughly
- Muckraked - check into thoroughly
- Muckraker - mean lady
- Muckrakers - mean lady
- Muckrakes - check into thoroughly
- Muckraking - scandalous remark
- Muckrakings - scandalous remark
- Mucks - refuse
- Mucky - slimy
- Mucosa - covering layer
- Mucosae - covering layer
- Mucous - oozy, gooey
- Mucro - point
- Mucronate - pointed
- Mucronation - point
- Mucronations - point
- Mucrones - point
- Muculent - oozy, gooey
- Mucus - muck, gelled waste
- Mucuses - muck, gelled waste
- Mud - wet dirt
- Mudcap - sun-dried brick
- Mudcaps - sun-dried brick
- Mudder - clay
- Muddied - clouded, muddy
- Muddier - dark and cloudy
- Muddies - conceal, hide
- Muddiest - dark and cloudy
- Muddiness - vagueness
- Muddinesses - vagueness
- Muddle - confused state
- Muddled - confused
- Muddledness - daze
- Muddlednesses - daze
- Muddleheaded - absurd, giddy, foolish
- Muddlement - dismay, distress
- Muddlements - dismay, distress
- Muddler - person who blunders
- Muddlers - person who blunders
- Muddles - confused state
- Muddling - confused state
- Muddy - dark and cloudy
- Muddying - conceal, hide
- Mudfish -
- Mudguard - piece protecting part of a vehicle
- Mudguards - piece protecting part of a vehicle
- Muds - wet dirt
- Mudslide - landslip
- Mudslides - landslip
- Mudsling - slander, defame
- Mudslinger - critic
- Mudslingers - critic
- Mudslinging - smear campaign
- Mudslingings - smear campaign
- Mudslings - slander, defame
- Muezzin -
- Muff - bungle
- Muffed - bungle
- Muffin - baked roll
- Muffing - bungle
- Muffins - baked roll
- Muffle - suppress, make quiet
- Muffled - quietened
- Muffler - muter of noise
- Mufflers - muter of noise
- Muffles - suppress, make quiet
- Muffling - suppress, make quiet
- Muffs - bungle
- Mufti - attire
- Muftis - attire
- Mug - drinking cup
- Mugged - hold up
- Mugger - attacker
- Muggers - attacker
- Muggier - humid
- Muggiest - humid
- Mugginess - humidity
- Mugginesses - humidity
- Mugging - hold up
- Muggings - insult, displeasure
- Muggy - humid
- Mugs - drinking cup
- mugwump - a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)
- Mujahedin -
- Mukha -
- Mukluk - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Mukluks - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Mulberries - blue and red colors mixed together
- Mulberry - blue and red colors mixed together
- Mulch - protective covering
- Mulched - cultivate land
- Mulches - protective covering
- Mulching - the enrichment of land
- mulct - money extracted as a penalty
- Mulct - cheat
- Mulcted - cheat
- Mulcting - cheat
- Mulcts - cheat
- Mule - stubborn
- Mules - animal of mixed background
- Mulhouse -
- Muliebrities - femininity
- muliebrity - The quality or state of being a woman.; Femininity, womanliness.
- Mulish - obstinate
- Mulishly - stubbornly
- Mulishness - obstinacy
- Mulishnesses - obstinacy
- Mull - think about seriously
- Mullar -
- Mulled - think about seriously
- Mulligan - mixture, miscellany
- Mulligans - mixture, miscellany
- Mulligrubs - depression
- Mulling - think about seriously
- Mullioned - across
- Mulls - think about seriously
- Mullus -
- Multanimous -
- Multarticulate -
- Multeities - variety, difference
- Multeity - variety, difference
- Multicolor - having many colors
- Multicolored - having various hues
- Multicultural - international
- Multiculturally - globally
- Multifaceted - versatile
- multifarious - Having great variety; diverse; manifold.
- Multifarious - Having great variety; diverse; manifold.
- Multifold - abundant, many
- Multiform - various
- Multiformities - variety
- Multiformity - variety
- Multihued - mixed, varied
- Multijet - airplane powered by jet engine(s)
- Multiloquent - talkative
- Multimedia - combined use of several media
- Multimedias - combined use of several media
- Multinational - international
- Multinationals - manufacturing
- Multiple - diversified
- Multiplex - diversified,
- Multiplexers -
- Multiplexes - place where movies are shown
- Multiplication - duplication
- Multiplication sign -
- Multiplications - duplication
- Multiplicities - heap
- Multiplicity - heap
- Multiplied - manifolded
- Multiplies - increase; reproduce
- Multiply - increase; reproduce
- Multiplying - increase; reproduce
- Multipolarity -
- Multipurpose - able to be used for several purposes
- Multiracial - open to all races
- Multiracialism - doctrine acknowledging contributions and interests of many cultures
- Multiracialisms - doctrine acknowledging contributions and interests of many cultures
- Multitask - perform multiple tasks simultaneously
- Multitasked - perform multiple tasks simultaneously
- Multitasking - perform multiple tasks simultaneously
- Multitude - large group
- Multitudes - large group
- multitudinous - too numerous to be counted
- Multitudinous - many, considerable
- Multivarious - abundant, many
- Multivocal - having more than one meaning
- Mum - silent
- Mumble - say low and inarticulately
- Mumbled - say low and inarticulately
- Mumbles - say low and inarticulately
- Mumbling - say low and inarticulately
- Mummer - person who imitates
- Mummeries - fun, quip
- Mummers - person who imitates
- Mummery - fun, quip
- Mummied - dehydrate, dry up
- Mummies - dehydrate, dry up
- Mummified - embalm
- Mummifies - embalm
- Mummify - embalm
- Mummifying - embalm
- Mummy - dehydrate, dry up
- Mummying - dehydrate, dry up
- Mumpish - irritable
- Mums - mother
- Mumsies - mother
- Mumsy - mother
- Munch - chew, eat
- Munched - chew, eat
- Munches - chew, eat
- Munchies - food, often taken by several individuals
- Munching - chew, eat
- Munchy - food, often taken by several individuals
- Mundane - ordinary
- Mundanely - concerning matter
- Mung - dirty
- Municipal - concerning cities
- Municipalities - city
- Municipality - city
- munificence - liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit
- Munificence - generosity
- Munificences - generosity
- munificent - very generous
- Munificent - giving, generous
- Munificently - with a free hand
- Munition - ammunition
- Munitions - ammunition
- Mural - countryside; picture of countryside
- Murals - countryside; picture of countryside
- Murder - killing
- Murdered - kill
- Murderer - person who kills
- Murderers - person who kills
- Murderess - murderer
- Murderesses - murderer
- Murdering - killing
- Murderous - difficult
- Murderously - cruelly
- Murderousness - fierceness
- Murderousnesses - extreme force, intensity
- Murders - killing
- Mure - enclose
- Mured - enclose
- Mures - enclose
- Murine - rodent
- Murines - rodent
- Muring - enclose
- Murk - darkness
- Murked - cloud, steam up
- Murkier - gloomy, obscure
- Murkiest - gloomy, obscure
- Murkiness - dark
- Murkinesses - dark
- Murking - cloud, steam up
- Murks - darkness
- Murky - gloomy, obscure
- Murmur - low, continuous sound
- Murmuration - low, continuous sound
- Murmurations - low, continuous sound
- Murmured - make low, continuous sound
- Murmurer - grouch
- Murmurers - grouch
- Murmuring - make low, continuous sound
- Murmurous - murmuring
- Murmurs - low, continuous sound
- Murphies - vegetable
- Murphy - vegetable
- Mus -
- Muscardine -
- Muscle - large fibers of animal body
- Muscled - powerfully built
- Muscles - large fibers of animal body
- Muscling - mangle, abuse
- Muscular - powerfully built
- Muscularities - brawn
- Muscularity - brawn
- Muse - think about, dream
- Mused - think about, dream
- Museful - contemplative, introspective
- Muses - think about, dream
- Museum - place for viewing artifacts or
- Museums - place for viewing artifacts or
- Mush - boiled meal
- Mushed - touch one's lips to another's
- Mushes - boiled meal
- Mushier - doughy, soft
- Mushiest - doughy, soft
- Mushiness - sentimentality
- Mushinesses - sentimentality
- Mushing - touch one's lips to another's
- Mushroom - sprout; grow quickly
- Mushroomed - sprout; grow quickly
- Mushrooming - sprout; grow quickly
- Mushrooms - sprout; grow quickly
- Mushy - doughy, soft
- Music - sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
- Musical - harmonic, lyrical
- Musicale - narrative, rendering
- Musicales - narrative, rendering
- Musicalities - harmony, tune
- Musicality - harmony, tune
- Musically - with a sweet sound
- Musicals - theater piece
- Musician - person who performs music
- Musicians - person who performs music
- Musics - sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
- Musing - pensive
- Musings - daydreaming
- Musk - scent
- Muskeg - swamp
- Muskegs - swamp
- Musket - gun
- Musketeer - person serving in military
- Musketeers - person serving in military
- Muskets - gun
- Muskier - like a pungent sweet odor
- Muskies - like a pungent sweet odor
- Muskiest - like a pungent sweet odor
- Musks - scent
- Muskwood -
- Musky - like a pungent sweet odor
- Muslins -
- Muss - disorder
- Musse -
- Mussed - disorder
- Mussel - invertebrate
- Mussels - invertebrate
- Musses - disorder
- Mussier - messy
- Mussiest - messy
- Mussing - disorder
- Mussy - messy
- Must - necessity, essential
- Musta -
- Mustache - beard
- Mustaches - beard
- Mustang - horse
- Mustangs - horse
- Mustard - flavoring
- Mustards - flavoring
- Musted - necessity, essential
- Muster - gathering
- Mustered - gather, come together
- Mustering - gathering
- Musters - gathering
- Mustier - stuffy, aged
- Mustiest - stuffy, aged
- Mustiness - fungus
- Mustinesses - fungus
- Musting - necessity, essential
- Musts - necessity, essential
- Musty - stuffy, aged
- Mutabilities - imbalance, inconstancy
- Mutability - imbalance, inconstancy
- Mutable - changeable
- Mutagen - cancer-causing agent
- Mutagens - cancer-causing agent
- Mutant - mutation
- Mutants - mutation
- Mutate - convert
- Mutated - convert
- Mutates - convert
- Mutating - convert
- Mutation - metamorphosis
- Mutations - metamorphosis
- Mutchkin -
- Mute - unable to speak
- Muted - muffle, tone down sound
- Mutely - without noise
- Muteness - absence of sound, speech
- Mutenesses - absence of sound, speech
- Muter - unable to speak
- Mutes - unable to speak
- Mutest - unable to speak
- Mutilate - maim, damage
- Mutilated - dismembered
- Mutilates - maim, damage
- Mutilating - maim, damage
- Mutilation - hurt, harm
- Mutilations - hurt, harm
- Mutineer - rebel
- Mutineers - rebel
- Muting - unable to speak
- Mutinied - defy, revolt
- Mutinies - defiance, resistance
- Mutinous - rebellious
- Mutinousness - belief, behavior different from most
- Mutinousnesses - belief, behavior different from most
- Mutiny - defiance, resistance
- Mutinying - defiance, resistance
- Mutism - fear of performing onstage
- Mutisms - fear of performing onstage
- Mutt - scruffy dog
- Mutter - grumble, mumble
- Muttered - grumble, mumble
- Mutterer - grouch
- Mutterers - grouch
- Muttering - grumble, mumble
- Mutterings - low, continuous sound
- Mutters - grumble, mumble
- Muttonchops - facial hair on human
- Muttonhead - very stupid person
- Muttonheads - very stupid person
- Mutts - scruffy dog
- Mutual - shared, common
- Mutualist -
- Mutualities - interchange
- Mutuality - interchange
- Mutually - together
- Muumuu - gown, often for wearing at home
- Muumuus - gown, often for wearing at home
- Muzak - piped in popular music
- Muzaks - piped in popular music
- Muzzier - doubtful, uncertain
- Muzziest - doubtful, uncertain
- Muzzle - covering for control
- Muzzled - silenced
- Muzzles - covering for control
- Muzzling - covering for control
- Muzzy - doubtful, uncertain
- Mylanta -
- Myoglobinuria -
- Myoma -
- Myopia - blind spot
- Myopias - blind spot
- Myopic - able only to see things near at hand
- Myriad - innumerable
- Myriads - innumerable
- myrmidon - a follower who carries out orders without question
- Myrmidon - partner in activity
- Myrmidons - partner in activity
- Myrrh - strongly fragrant smoke
- Myrrhs - strongly fragrant smoke
- Myself - me
- mysophobia - a morbid fear of dirt or contamination
- Mystagogue -
- Mysteries - puzzle, secret
- Mysterious - secret, concealed
- Mystery - puzzle, secret
- Mystery story -
- Mystic - secret
- Mystical - occult
- Mystically - devoutly
- Mysticism - occultism
- Mysticisms - occultism
- Mystics - spiritual leader
- Mystification - daze
- Mystifications - daze
- Mystified - bewilder, confuse
- Mystifies - bewilder, confuse
- Mystify - bewilder, confuse
- Mystifying - mysterious
- Mystique - person's strong impression
- Mystiques - person's strong impression
- Myth - fictitious story, often ancient
- Mythic - mythical
- Mythical - make-believe
- Mythicism - folklore
- Mythicisms - folklore
- Mythoi - lore
- Mythologic - mythical
- Mythological - mythical
- Mythologies - folklore
- Mythology - folklore
- mythomania - A compulsion to tell lies and exaggerate the truth.
- Mythomaniac - dishonest, hypocritical
- Mythos - lore
- Myths - fictitious story, often ancient
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z