Words Beginning with w - list and definitions learning English
- Wabblier - shaky
- Wabbliest - shaky
- Wabbling - shaking
- Wabbly - shaky
- Wack - odd person
- Wacke - workable earth material
- Wackes - workable earth material
- Wackier - acting crazy
- Wackiest - acting crazy
- Wackiness - foolishness
- Wackinesses - foolishness
- Wacko - eccentric person
- Wackos - eccentric person
- Wacks - odd person
- Wacky - acting crazy
- Wad - ball of something
- Wadded - interlined
- Wadder - innumerable
- Wadding - protection
- Waddings - protection
- Waddle - walk like a duck
- Waddled - walk like a duck
- Waddles - walk like a duck
- Waddling - walk like a duck
- Wade - plod, often through water
- Waded - plod, often through water
- Waders - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Wades - plod, often through water
- Wadi - waterway
- Wading - plod, often through water
- Wadis - waterway
- Wads - ball of something
- Wafer - disk
- Wafers - disk
- Waffle - waver
- Waffled - waver
- Waffles - waver
- Wafflestomper - construction boots
- Wafflestompers - construction boots
- Waffling - waver
- Wafflings - confusing word
- waft - a long flag; often tapering
- Waft - carry
- Wafted - carry
- Wafting - carry
- Waftings - air currents
- Wafts - carry
- Wag - person who is very funny
- Wage - carry on
- Waged - carry on
- Wager - money or something gambled
- Wagered - money or something gambled
- Wagerer - person who bets
- Wagerers - person who bets
- Wagering - money or something gambled
- Wagerings - lottery for a prize
- Wagers - money or something gambled
- Wages - payment for work
- Wageworker - person earning income
- Wageworkers - person earning income
- Wagged - wiggle back and forth
- Wagger - end piece, part
- Waggeries - trouble, damage
- Waggers - end piece, part
- Waggery - trouble, damage
- Wagging - wiggle back and forth
- waggish - witty or joking
- Waggish - playful
- Waggishness - playfulness
- Waggishnesses - playfulness
- Waggle - shake
- Waggled - shake
- Waggles - shake
- Waggling - shake
- Waging - carry on
- Wagon - cart
- Wagons - cart
- Wags - person who is very funny
- Wahhabis -
- Waif - lost or unclaimed person or thing
- Waifs - lost or unclaimed person or thing
- Wail - cry loudly
- Wailed - cry loudly
- Wailer - lamenter
- Wailers - lamenter
- Wailing - cry
- Wailings - cry
- Wails - cry loudly
- Wain - cart
- Wains - cart
- Wainscot - interlining
- Wainscoted - interlined
- Wainscoting - interlining
- Wainscotings - interlining
- Wainscots - interlining
- Wainscotted - put covering inside object
- Wainscotting - put covering inside object
- Waist - part of the torso between the ribs and hips
- Waistband - supporting band
- Waistbands - supporting band
- Waistcoat - underwear
- Waistcoats - underwear
- Waistline - part of the torso between the ribs and hips
- Waistlines - part of the torso between the ribs and hips
- Waists - part of the torso between the ribs and hips
- Wait - pause, delay
- Waited - pause, rest
- Waiter - server
- Waiters - server
- Waiting - pause, rest
- Waitings - being inactive or suspended
- Waitlist - list of people waiting for something
- Waitlists - list of people waiting for something
- Waitpeople - server
- Waitperson - server
- Waitpersons - server
- Waitress - server
- Waitresses - server
- Waits - pause, delay
- Waive - give up; let go
- Waived - give up; let go
- Waiver - giving up; letting go
- Waivers - giving up; letting go
- Waives - give up; let go
- Waiving - give up; let go
- Wake - formal observance of a body before funeral
- Waked - stop sleeping
- Wakeful - alert, restless
- Wakefulness - watchfulness
- Wakefulnesses - watchfulness
- Waken - wake
- Wakened - stop sleeping
- Wakening - stop sleeping
- Wakens - stop sleeping
- Wakes - stop sleeping
- Waking - wakeful
- Wakings - making conscious or alert
- Wald -
- Waldo - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- Wale - rib of fabric
- Wales - rib of fabric
- Walk - brief travel on foot
- Walkabout - journey by foot
- Walkabouts - journey by foot
- Walkaway - easy win
- Walkaways - easy win
- Walked - move along on foot
- Walker - person who travels by foot
- Walkers - person who travels by foot
- Walking - on foot
- Walkoff -
- Walkout - delivery; dispensation
- Walkouts - delivery; dispensation
- Walkover - breeze
- Walkovers - breeze
- Walks - brief travel on foot
- Walkup - short preliminary event
- Walkups - short preliminary event
- Walkway - covered way
- Walkways - covered way
- Wall - obstruction, divider
- Wallabies - pouched mammal
- Wallaby - pouched mammal
- Wallboard - wall material
- Wallboards - wall material
- Walled - defended
- Wallet - billfold
- Wallets - billfold
- Walleyed - squinty
- Wallflower - person who retreats mentally
- Wallflowers - person who retreats mentally
- Walling - secure, usually with a length of material
- Walloon -
- Wallop - strong hit
- Walloped - strong hit
- Walloping - giant
- Wallopings - beating
- Wallops - strong hit
- Wallow - slosh around in
- Wallowed - slosh around in
- Wallowing - slosh around in
- Wallowish -
- Wallows - slosh around in
- Wallpaper - line with material
- Wallpapered - line with material
- Wallpapering - line with material
- Wallpapers - line with material
- Walls - obstruction, divider
- Waltz - dance
- Waltzed - change back and forth
- Waltzes - dance
- Waltzing - change back and forth
- Wampum - string of small, often round, objects
- Wampums - string of small, often round, objects
- Wan - colorless, weak
- Wand - rod
- Wander - move about aimlessly
- Wandered - move about aimlessly
- Wanderer - person who travels aimlessly
- Wanderers - person who travels aimlessly
- Wandering - meandering
- Wanderings - excursion
- Wanderlust - journey
- Wanderlusts - journey
- Wanders - move about aimlessly
- Wands - rod
- Wane - diminish, lessen
- Waned - diminish, lessen
- Wanes - diminish, lessen
- Wangle - finagle
- Wangled - finagle
- Wangles - finagle
- Wangling - finagle
- Waning - decreasing
- Wanings - decreasing
- Wanking -
- Wannabe - aspiring
- Wannabes - person with wish, dream
- Wanned - weaken
- Wanner - colorless, weak
- Wanness - paleness
- Wannesses - paleness
- Wannest - colorless, weak
- Wanning - weaken
- Wans - weaken
- Want - desire
- Wanted - desired
- Wanter - deny or be denied
- Wanting - lacking, inadequate
- Wanton - extravagant, lustful
- Wantoned - indulge, prosper
- Wantoning - indulge, prosper
- Wantonly - honestly
- Wantonness - abandon
- Wantonnesses - abandon
- Wantons - extravagant, lustful
- Wants - desire
- War - armed conflict
- warble - sing by changing register; sing by yodeling
- Warble - trill
- Warbled - sing
- Warbler - person who can carry a tune
- Warblers - person who can carry a tune
- Warbles - trill
- Warbling - sing
- Ward - district
- Ward-heeler -
- Warded - defend, guard
- Warden - person who guards and manages
- Wardens - person who guards and manages
- Wardenship - caretaking
- Wardenships - caretaking
- Warder - jailer
- Warders - jailer
- Warding - defend, guard
- Wardrobe - clothes or furniture for storing clothes
- Wardrobes - clothes or furniture for storing clothes
- Wards - defend, guard
- Wardship - care, guardianship
- Wardships - care, guardianship
- Ware - good
- Warehouse - storage place
- Warehoused - make ready for transport
- Warehouses - storage place
- Warehousing - make ready for transport
- Wares - merchandise for sale
- Warfare - armed conflict
- Warfares - armed conflict
- Warhead - front heat shield
- Warheads - front heat shield
- Warhorse - able, skillful
- Warhorses - experienced person
- Warier - careful, cautious
- Wariest - careful, cautious
- Warily - suspiciously
- Wariness - caution
- Warinesses - caution
- Warlike - hostile, battling
- Warlock - sorcerer, wizard
- Warlocks - sorcerer, wizard
- Warlord - person engaged in hostile encounter
- Warlords - person engaged in hostile encounter
- Warm - moderately hot
- Warmed - moderately hot
- Warmer - moderately hot
- Warmers - range; furnace
- Warmest - moderately hot
- Warmhearted - compassionate, kindly
- Warmheartedness - shared feeling
- Warming - heat up
- Warmings - calefaction
- Warmish - slightly heated
- Warmly - fervently
- Warmness - heat
- Warmnesses - heat
- Warmonger - militarist
- Warmongering - soldierlike; concerning the armed forces
- Warmongers - militarist
- Warms - moderately hot
- Warmth - fervor
- Warmths - fervor
- Warmup - preparation
- Warmups - preparation
- Warn - give notice of possible occurrence
- Warned - made aware
- Warner - indicator
- Warners - indicator
- Warning - cautionary
- Warnings - cautionary
- Warns - give notice of possible occurrence
- Warp - bend, distort
- Warpath - belligerence
- Warpaths - belligerence
- Warped - bend, distort
- Warping - bend, distort
- Warps - bend, distort
- Warragal -
- Warrant - authorization
- Warrantability - vice punished
- Warrantable - reasonable, well-founded
- Warranted - authorized; justified
- Warranties - promise
- Warranting - guarantee, justify, authorize
- Warrants - authorization
- Warranty - promise
- Warred - fight, battle
- Warrener -
- Warring - at war
- Warrior - person who fights in combat
- Warriors - person who fights in combat
- Wars - armed conflict
- Warship - large boat
- Warships - large boat
- Wart - small growth or lump on the skin
- Warthog - pig
- Warthogs - pig
- Wartime -
- Warts - small growth or lump on the skin
- Wary - careful, cautious
- Was - exist
- Wash - laundry, bath
- Wash-up -
- Washable - able to be washed without being damaged
- Washbasin - container or area where water is held
- Washbasins - container or area where water is held
- Washbowl - container or area where water is held
- Washbowls - container or area where water is held
- Washed - laundered
- Washer - real, valid; concordant with facts
- Washers - rough projection
- Washes - laundry, bath
- Washier - insipid
- Washiest - insipid
- Washiness - insipidity
- Washinesses - insipidity
- Washing - cleaning
- Washings - cleaning
- Washout - failure
- Washouts - failure
- Washroom - bathroom
- Washrooms - bathroom
- Washstand - toilet
- Washstands - toilet
- Washup - grooming or dressing one's person
- Washups - grooming or dressing one's person
- Washy - insipid
- Waspier - irritable, testy
- Waspiest - irritable, testy
- Waspish - snappish
- Waspy - irritable, testy
- Wassail - celebration
- Wassailed - celebration
- Wassailing - celebration
- Wassails - celebration
- Wast - exist
- Wastage - spending, use without thought
- Wastages - spending, use without thought
- Waste - spending, use without thought
- Wastebasket - container for disposal, storage
- Wastebaskets - container for disposal, storage
- Wastebin - garbage can
- Wastebins - garbage can
- Wasted - emaciated
- Wasteful - not economical
- Wastefully - carelessly
- Wastefulness - extravagance
- Wastefulnesses - extravagance
- Wasteland - wilderness
- Wastelands - wilderness
- Waster - spendthrift
- Wasters - spendthrift
- Wastes - spending, use without thought
- Wasting - spend or use without thought; dwindle
- Wastings - gauntness
- wastrel - someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently
- Wastrel - loafer
- Wastrels - loafer
- Watch - clock worn on body
- Watchdog - person who watches, oversees
- Watchdogs - person who watches, oversees
- Watched - guarded
- Watcher - lookout
- Watchers - lookout
- Watches - clock worn on body
- Watchful - on the lookout
- Watchfully - with concentration
- Watchfulness - vigilance
- Watchfulnesses - vigilance
- Watching - vigilant
- Watchmaker - jewelry maker
- Watchmakers - jewelry maker
- Watchman - guard
- Watchmen - guard
- Watchtower - lookout
- Watchtowers - lookout
- Watchword - motto
- Watchwords - motto
- Water - pure liquid hydrogen and oxygen
- Water color -
- Water dog -
- Water vapor -
- Watercolor - painting on coarse material
- Watercolors - painting on coarse material
- Watercourse - waterway
- Watercourses - waterway
- Watercraft - water or air vehicle
- Watercrafts - water or air vehicle
- Watered - given water
- Wateree -
- Waterfall - cascade
- Waterfalls - cascade
- Waterflood - sudden rainfall
- Waterfloods - sudden rainfall
- Waterfront - beach
- Waterfronts - beach
- Watergate - nullify, cancel
- Watergates - nullify, cancel
- Wateriness - insipidity
- Waterinesses - insipidity
- Watering - dampen; put water in
- Waterish - dilute
- Waterless - dry
- Waterlog - make wet, damp
- Waterlogged - saturated
- Waterlogging - make wet, damp
- Waterlogs - make wet, damp
- Waterloo - final defeat, total defeat
- Waterloos - final defeat, total defeat
- Watermark - highest level
- Watermarks - highest level
- Watermelon - the ball used in football
- Watermelons - the ball used in football
- Waterpower -
- Waterproof - impervious to water
- Waterproofed - make airtight
- Waterproofing - make airtight
- Waterproofs - make airtight
- Waters - pure liquid hydrogen and oxygen
- Watershed - turning point
- Watersheds - turning point
- Waterspout - whirlpool
- Waterspouts - whirlpool
- Watertight - accurate, precise
- Waterway - ditch, channel dug in earth
- Waterways - ditch, channel dug in earth
- Waterworks - canal
- Watery - liquid, diluted
- Watson -
- Wattage - generated power
- Wattages - generated power
- Wattle - framework
- Wattles - framework
- Wave - sea surf, current
- Wave flag -
- Waved - move back and forth; gesture
- Wavelength - intuitiveness, awareness
- Wavelengths - intuitiveness, awareness
- Waveless - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Waver - shift back and forth; be indecisive
- Wavered - shift back and forth; be indecisive
- Wavering - vacillant
- Waverings - imbalance, inconstancy
- Wavers - shift back and forth; be indecisive
- Waves - sea surf, current
- Wavier - sinuous
- Waviest - sinuous
- Waviness - wave
- Wavinesses - wave
- Waving - move back and forth; gesture
- Wavings - swinging
- Wavy - sinuous
- Wax - become large, fuller
- Waxed - become large, fuller
- Waxen - waxlike
- Waxer - tool with bristles for cleaning
- Waxers - tool with bristles for cleaning
- Waxes - become large, fuller
- Waxier - slippery
- Waxiest - slippery
- Waxing - become large, fuller
- Waxings - addition, growth
- Waxlike - easily taught; gullible
- Waxy - slippery
- Way - method, technique
- Way of acting -
- Waybill - good list
- Waybills - good list
- Wayfarer - traveler
- Wayfarers - traveler
- Wayfaring - traveling
- Wayfarings - excursion
- Waylaid - intercept, ambush
- waylay - wait in hiding to attack
- Waylay - intercept, ambush
- Waylaying - intercept, ambush
- Waylays - intercept, ambush
- Waypost - historical or notable sight
- Wayposts - historical or notable sight
- Ways - method, technique
- Wayside - roadside
- Wayward - contrary, unmanageable
- Waywardness - trouble, damage
- Waywardnesses - trouble, damage
- We - us
- Weak - not strong
- Weak sauce - That lacks power, substance, or credibility; pathetic, worthless; stupid.
- Weaken - reduce the strength of
- Weakened - tired
- Weakening - reduce the strength of
- Weakenings - wearing down or away
- Weakens - reduce the strength of
- Weaker - not strong
- Weakest - not strong
- Weaklier - infirm
- Weakliest - infirm
- Weakliness - infirmity
- Weaklinesses - infirmity
- Weakling - person who has no strength
- Weaklings - person who has no strength
- Weakly - infirm
- Weakness - defect, proneness
- Weaknesses - defect, proneness
- Weal - welt
- Weald - trees, wood
- Wealds - trees, wood
- Weals - welt
- Wealth - money, resources
- Wealthier - rich; having a lot of money
- Wealthiest - rich; having a lot of money
- Wealthily - richly
- Wealthiness - wealth
- Wealthinesses - wealth
- Wealths - money, resources
- Wealthy - rich; having a lot of money
- Wean - detach
- Weaned - detach
- Weaning - detach
- Weanling - suckling
- Weanlings - suckling
- Weans - detach
- Weapon - arm, armament
- Weaponless - disarmed
- Weaponries - weapon(s)
- Weaponry - weapon(s)
- Weapons - arm, armament
- Wear - use, corrosion
- Wearied - exhausted
- Wearier - tired
- Wearies - tired
- Weariest - tired
- Weariful - exhausted
- Weariless - tireless
- Wearily - laboriously
- Weariness - fatigue
- Wearinesses - fatigue
- Wearing - tiring
- Wearisome - burdensome
- Wearisomeness - boredom; sameness
- Wearisomenesses - boredom; sameness
- Wears - use, corrosion
- Weary - tired
- Wearying - tiring
- Weasel - sneak
- Weasel words -
- Weaseled - sneak
- Weaseling - sneak
- Weasels - sneak
- Weather - atmospheric conditions
- Weather gauge -
- Weather-stripped -
- Weathercaster - meteorologist
- Weathercasters - meteorologist
- Weathercock - device showing wind direction
- Weathercocks - device showing wind direction
- Weathered - endure
- Weatherglass - instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
- Weatherglasses - instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
- Weathering - endure
- Weatherings - devaluation due to use
- Weatherperson - meteorologist
- Weatherpersons - meteorologist
- Weathers - atmospheric conditions
- Weatherworn - worn
- Weave - blend, unite; contrive
- Weaved - blend, unite; contrive
- Weaves - blend, unite; contrive
- Weaving - blend, unite; contrive
- Web - netting
- Webbed - knit
- Webbing - netting
- Webbings - netting
- Webs - netting
- Website - group of connected web pages
- Wed - marry
- Wedded - married
- Wedded state -
- Wedding - marriage rite
- Weddings - marriage rite
- Wedge - solid piece, often triangular
- Wedged - stuck fast
- Wedges - solid piece, often triangular
- Wedging - squeeze in; compress
- Wedlock - marriage
- Wedlocks - marriage
- Weds - marry
- Wee - very small, tiny
- Weed - grass, pot
- Weeded - excellent, elite, preferable
- Weedier - thin
- Weediest - thin
- Weeding - drawing something with force
- Weedkiller - poison
- Weedkillers - poison
- Weeds - grass, pot
- Weedy - thin
- Week - temporal length of event or entity's existence, period
- Weekend - short trip
- Weekended - journey on a trip or tour
- Weekender - suitcase for a few days
- Weekenders - suitcase for a few days
- Weekending - journey on a trip or tour
- Weekends - short trip
- Weeklies - chronicle
- Weekly - at fixed intervals
- Weeks - temporal length of event or entity's existence, period
- Weenie - cylindrical meat sausage
- Weenier - tiny
- Weenies - cylindrical meat sausage
- Weeniest - tiny
- Weeny - tiny
- Weep - cry
- Weeper - lamenter
- Weepers - lamenter
- Weepier - crying
- Weepiest - crying
- Weeping - crying
- Weepingly - regretfully
- Weepings - grief, complaint
- Weeps - cry
- Weepy - crying
- Weer - very small, tiny
- Weest - very small, tiny
- Weft - grain of material
- Wefted - knit
- Wefts - grain of material
- Weigh - measure heaviness
- Weighable - determinable
- Weighed - measure heaviness
- Weighing - careful consideration
- Weighings - careful consideration
- Weighmaster -
- Weighs - measure heaviness
- Weight - heaviness
- Weighted - not clean mentally, physically; mixed
- Weightier - heavy
- Weightiest - heavy
- Weightily - laboriously
- Weightiness - passion, force
- Weightinesses - passion, force
- Weighting - burden, saddle
- Weightless - light
- Weightlessness - lightness in weight
- Weightlifting - working out with weights
- Weightliftings - working out with weights
- Weights - heaviness
- Weighty - heavy
- Weir - cascade
- Weird - odd, bizarre
- Weirder - odd, bizarre
- Weirdest - odd, bizarre
- Weirdly - unnaturally
- Weirdness - state of abnormality
- Weirdnesses - state of abnormality
- Weirdo - freak, oddball
- Weirdos - freak, oddball
- Weirds - newness, originality
- Weirs - cascade
- Wel -
- Welch - dodge payment
- Welched - dodge payment
- Welches - dodge payment
- Welching - dodge payment
- Welcome - gladly received
- Welcomed - received
- Welcomely - agreeably
- Welcomes - greeting
- Welcoming - approachable
- Weld - bind, connect
- Welded - bind, connect
- Welding - bind, connect
- Weldings - putting together
- Welds - bind, connect
- Welfare - prosperity
- Welfares - health and prosperity
- Welkin - air
- Welkins - air
- Well - healthy
- Well in -
- Well-organized -
- Well-ventilated -
- Wellbeing - advantage
- Wellbeings - health and prosperity
- Wellborn - privileged, elegant
- Welled - my goodness
- Wellhead - source, often of liquid
- Wellheads - source, often of liquid
- Welling - my goodness
- Wellings - emergence, discharge
- Wellness - physical and mental health
- Wellnesses - physical and mental health
- Wells - healthy
- Wellspring - fountain
- Wellsprings - fountain
- Welsh - renege, swindle
- Welshed - renege, swindle
- Welsher - purchaser
- Welshers - purchaser
- Welshes - renege, swindle
- Welshing - renege, swindle
- Welt - red mark
- weltanschauung - a comprehensive view of the world and human life
- Weltanschauung - belief, principles
- Weltanschauungs - belief, principles
- Welted - slap, usually on bottom
- Welter - commotion
- Weltered - dive, roll
- Weltering - dive, roll
- Welters - commotion
- Welting - slap, usually on bottom
- Welts - red mark
- weltschmerz - A feeling of world-weariness and disillusionment; a pervasive sadness about the state of the world.
- Weltschmerz - A feeling of world-weariness and disillusionment; a pervasive sadness about the state of the world.
- Weltschmerzes - feeling of anxiety
- Wem -
- Wen - unusual growth
- Wench - loose woman
- Wenches - loose woman
- wend - direct one's course or way
- Wend - proceed
- Wended - proceed
- Wending - proceed
- Wends - proceed
- Wens - unusual growth
- Went - advance, proceed physically
- Wept - cry
- Were - exist
- Werewolf - giant animal; supernatural being
- Werewolves - giant animal; supernatural being
- Wert - exist
- Westbound - situated or toward the west
- Westen -
- Westerly - situated or toward the west
- Western - situated or toward the west
- Westernmost - situated or toward the west
- Westerns - western movie
- Westside -
- Westward - situated or toward the west
- Wet - damp, moist
- Wetland - swamp
- Wetlands - swamp
- Wetness - dampness; liquid
- Wetnesses - dampness; liquid
- Wets - damp, moist
- Wetted - cause to become damp, moist
- Wetter - damp, moist
- Wettest - damp, moist
- Wetting - cause to become damp, moist
- Wettish - wet, humid
- Whack - hit
- Whacked - hard hit, often with hand
- Whacking - striking
- Whacko - crazy, mad
- Whacks - hit
- Whale - cetacean mammal
- Whaled - beat, whip
- Whalelike - overweight
- Whaler - huge, overwhelming
- Whales - cetacean mammal
- Whaling - giant
- Whalings - defeat
- Wham - hit
- Whammed - Whammed (verb) is the past tense of "wham," which means to hit or strike something forcefully or suddenly. It often describes a loud, impactful, or sudden action.
- Whammies - spell
- Whamming - hit
- Whammy - spell
- Whams - hit
- Whang - strike
- Whanged - strike
- Whanging - strike
- Whangs - strike
- Wharf - boat storage
- Wharfs - boat storage
- Wharves - boat storage
- What-if -
- Whatchamacallit - unknown, anonymous
- Whatev - Short for whatever, used in a verbal response to a question to which the speaker is either disappointed or doesn’t care what the answer is.
- Whatever - anything
- Whatevs - Short for whatever, used in a verbal response to a question to which the speaker is either disappointed or doesn’t care what the answer is.
- Whatnot - and so forth
- Whatnots - trinket; decorative piece
- Whatsis - unknown, usually by choice
- Whatsises - gadget
- Whatsit - instrument, tool
- Whatsits - instrument, tool
- Whatsoever - anything
- Wheal - red mark
- Wheals - red mark
- Wheat - grain
- Wheats - grain
- wheedle - influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
- Wheedle - talk into
- Wheedled - talk into
- Wheedler - seducer
- Wheedlers - seducer
- Wheedles - talk into
- Wheedling - talk into
- Wheedlings - influencing to do, believe
- Wheel - circle, revolution
- Wheelbarrow - small attachment for transporting
- Wheelbarrows - small attachment for transporting
- Wheeled - turn, rotate
- Wheeling - turn, rotate
- Wheelings - rotation
- Wheelman - course plotter
- Wheelmen - course plotter
- Wheels - circle, revolution
- Wheeze - breathe roughly, heavily
- Wheezed - breathe roughly, heavily
- Wheezes - breathe roughly, heavily
- Wheezing - breathe roughly, heavily
- Whelk - invertebrate
- Whelked - having streaks
- Whelkier - having streaks
- Whelkiest - having streaks
- Whelks - invertebrate
- Whelky - having streaks
- whelm - overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
- Whelm - drown, overwhelm
- Whelmed - drown, overwhelm
- Whelming - drown, overwhelm
- Whelms - drown, overwhelm
- Whelp - young animal
- Whelps - young animal
- When - though
- Whence - from what or which place
- Whences - origin
- Whenever - at whatever time
- Whens - though
- Where - place
- Whereabouts - location
- Whereas - inasmuch as
- Whereases - inasmuch as
- Whereat - at which
- Whereby - by which
- Wherefore - for that reason
- Wherefores - reason, excuse
- Wherefrom - from what or which place
- Wherein - in what way
- Whereon - on which
- Wheres - place
- Wheresoever - wherever
- Whereupon - at which
- Wherever - at which point
- Wherewith - in what way or manner
- wherewithal - the necessary means (especially financial means)
- Wherewithal - necessary means
- Wherewithals - necessary means
- Whet - make sharp
- Whether - either
- Whets - make sharp
- Whetstone - rough projection
- Whetstones - rough projection
- Whetted - make sharp
- Whetting - make sharp
- Whew - my goodness
- Whewed - my goodness
- Whewing - my goodness
- Whews - my goodness
- Wheyface - timid person
- Wheyfaces - timid person
- Which - what
- Whichever - what
- Whicker -
- whiff - a short light gust of air
- Whiff - smell of an odor
- Whiffed - gasp for air
- Whiffer - smelling organ of animate being
- Whiffers - smelling organ of animate being
- Whiffier - having fragrance
- Whiffiest - having fragrance
- Whiffing - gasp for air
- Whiffle - walk falteringly
- Whiffled - walk falteringly
- Whiffles - walk falteringly
- Whiffling - walk falteringly
- Whiffs - smell of an odor
- Whiffy - having fragrance
- While - as long as
- Whiled - as long as
- Whiles - as long as
- Whiling - as long as
- whilom - Formerly; once; of old; erewhile; at times.
- Whilom - previous in time or order
- Whilst - as long as
- Whim - sudden idea
- Whimper - cry softly
- Whimpered - cry softly
- Whimpering - cry softly
- Whimperings - droplets from eyes, often caused by emotion
- Whimpers - cry softly
- Whims - sudden idea
- Whimsical - playful, fanciful; capricious; fanciful
- Whimsicalities - humor
- Whimsicality - humor
- Whimsically - infrequently
- Whimsicalness - eccentricity
- Whimsicalnesses - eccentricity
- Whimsies - quaint or fanciful quality or humor
- Whimsy - quaint or fanciful quality or humor
- Whine - complaint, cry
- Whined - complain, cry
- Whiner - spoilsport
- Whiners - spoilsport
- Whines - complaint, cry
- Whinier - crabby, moody
- Whiniest - crabby, moody
- Whining - complain, cry
- Whinnied - call out, yell
- Whinnies - calling out; yelling
- Whinny - calling out; yelling
- Whinnying - call out, yell
- Whiny - crabby, moody
- Whip - length of material for hitting
- Whip out -
- Whipped - hit
- Whipper - very intelligent
- Whippersnapper - nonentity
- Whippersnappers - nonentity
- Whippier - flexible
- Whippiest - flexible
- Whipping - beating
- Whippings - beating
- Whippy - flexible
- Whips - length of material for hitting
- Whipt - length of material for hitting
- Whir - commotion
- Whirl - spin, revolution
- Whirled - spin, revolution
- Whirligig - turning
- Whirligigs - gyrator
- Whirling - swirling
- Whirlpool - spinning water
- Whirlpools - spinning water
- Whirls - spin, revolution
- Whirlwind - very fast
- Whirlwinds - commotion, excitement
- Whirlybird - aircraft
- Whirlybirds - aircraft
- Whirr - continuous noise
- Whirred - thunder, reverberate
- Whirring - whizzing
- Whirrings - whizzing
- Whirrs - continuous noise
- Whirs - commotion
- Whish - swish, whisper
- Whished - swish, whisper
- Whishes - swish, whisper
- Whishing - swish, whisper
- Whisk - brush quickly; hasten
- Whisked - brush quickly; hasten
- Whisker - facial hair
- Whiskered - having facial hair
- Whiskers - beard
- Whiskey - booze
- Whiskeys - booze
- Whisking - brush quickly; hasten
- Whisks - brush quickly; hasten
- Whisper - rumor; information expressed in soft voice
- Whispered - spoken in a soft or quiet voice
- Whisperer - gossip
- Whisperers - gossip
- Whispering - murmuring
- Whisperings - murmuring
- Whispers - rumor; information expressed in soft voice
- Whist - without or with little sound
- Whistle - make sharp, shrill sound
- Whistleblowing - accuse
- Whistled - make sharp, shrill sound
- Whistler - gossip
- Whistlers - gossip
- Whistles - make sharp, shrill sound
- Whistling - piping
- Whit - very tiny bit
- White - extremely pale; lacking color
- White horses -
- White lead -
- White wolf -
- Whitecap - wave; wrinkle
- Whitecaps - wave; wrinkle
- Whited - gloss over; cover up
- Whitehead - small swelling on the skin
- Whiteheads - small swelling on the skin
- Whiten - make or become extremely pale
- Whitened - make or become extremely pale
- Whiteness - paleness
- Whitenesses - paleness
- Whitening - make or become extremely pale
- Whitens - make or become extremely pale
- Whiteout - snow storm
- Whiteouts - snow storm
- Whiter - extremely pale; lacking color
- Whites - formal uniform
- Whitest - extremely pale; lacking color
- Whitewash - cover up the truth
- Whitewashed - cover up the truth
- Whitewashes - cover up the truth
- Whitewashing - cover up the truth
- Whitewashings - reason, excuse
- Whitewater - high-current part of river
- Whither - in what direction
- Whiting - gloss over; cover up
- Whitish - white, cloudy
- Whits - very tiny bit
- Whittle - cut away at; reduce
- Whittled - cut away at; reduce
- Whittles - cut away at; reduce
- Whittling - cut away at; reduce
- Whiz - very intelligent person
- Whizbang - great
- Whizbangs - expert, skilled person, female or male
- Whizzed - move quickly by
- Whizzes - very intelligent person
- Whizzing - move quickly by
- Whizzings - competition
- Who - the one
- Whodunit - puzzle, secret
- Whodunits - puzzle, secret
- Whoever - person of fame, importance
- Whole - entire, complete
- Whole milk -
- Whole slew -
- Whole-souledly -
- Wholehearted - sincere
- Wholeheartedly - seriously, honestly
- Wholeness - completeness
- Wholenesses - completeness
- Wholes - entire, complete
- Wholesale - all-inclusive
- Wholesaled - package and sell goods
- Wholesaler - person who sells goods
- Wholesalers - person who sells goods
- Wholesales - financial value
- Wholesaling - concerning business, marketing
- Wholesalings - buying and selling
- Wholesome - healthy, decent
- Wholesomeness - decency, excellence
- Wholesomenesses - decency, excellence
- Wholly - completely, entirely
- Whomp - hard hit
- Whomped - pummel, thrash
- Whomping - pummel, thrash
- Whomps - hard hit
- Whoop - hurrah
- Whooped - hurrah
- Whoopee - yeah
- Whoopees - yeah
- Whooping - shouting
- Whoopla - merrymaking
- Whooplas - merrymaking
- Whoops - oops
- Whoosh - swish, whisper
- Whooshed - swish, whisper
- Whooshes - swish, whisper
- Whooshing - swish, whisper
- Whop - loud hit or knock
- Whopped - a hit with a solid object
- Whopper - big lie
- Whoppers - big lie
- Whopping - enormous
- Whops - loud hit or knock
- Whore - prostitute
- Whorehouse - brothel
- Whorehouses - brothel
- Whoremonger - procurer
- Whoremongers - procurer
- Whores - prostitute
- Whoreson - child born out of wedlock
- Whoresons - child born out of wedlock
- Whoring - whoredom
- Whorings - whoredom
- Whorl - spiral
- Whorled - curling, winding
- Whorling - make curved; remove angles
- Whorls - spiral
- Whosis - equipment with a purpose
- Whosises - equipment with a purpose
- Whup - slap, usually on bottom
- Whupped - slap, usually on bottom
- Whupping - slap, usually on bottom
- Whups - slap, usually on bottom
- Why - reason
- Whys - reason
- Wicked - corrupt, bad
- Wickeder - corrupt, bad
- Wickedest - corrupt, bad
- Wickedly - sinfully
- Wickedness - sunfulness
- Wickednesses - sunfulness
- Wicker - straw-woven
- Wickers - netting
- Wickerwork - straw-woven
- Wicket - hoop
- Wickets - hoop
- Wickiup - native dwelling
- Wickiups - native dwelling
- widdershins - The wrong way.
- Wide - expansive, roomy
- Wide-ranging -
- Wideawake - dexterous, smart
- Widely - broadly
- Widen - open up
- Widened - open up
- Wideness - extent or range of something
- Widenesses - extent or range of something
- Widening - open up
- Widenings - extension
- Widens - open up
- Wideout -
- Wider - expansive, roomy
- Widespread - extensive
- Widest - expansive, roomy
- Widget - gadget
- Widgets - gadget
- Widow - woman with dead husband
- Widowed - not presently wed
- Widows - woman with dead husband
- Width - breadth, wideness of some amount
- Widths - breadth, wideness of some amount
- Wield - control, use
- Wielded - control, use
- Wieldier - forceful, powerful
- Wieldiest - forceful, powerful
- Wielding - control, use
- Wields - control, use
- Wieldy - forceful, powerful
- Wiener - frankfurter
- Wieners - frankfurter
- Wienerwurst - frankfurter
- Wienerwursts - frankfurter
- Wife - married woman
- Wife and mother -
- Wifeless - not presently wed
- Wiffle -
- Wiffle ball -
- Wig - hairpiece
- Wigged - scold
- Wigging - scold
- Wiggle - shake back and forth
- Wiggled - shake back and forth
- Wiggles - shake back and forth
- Wigglier - doubtful, weak
- Wiggliest - doubtful, weak
- Wiggling - shake back and forth
- Wiggly - doubtful, weak
- Wight - person, homo sapiens
- Wights - person, homo sapiens
- Wigs - hairpiece
- Wigwag - move back and forth; gesture
- Wigwagged - move back and forth; gesture
- Wigwagging - move back and forth; gesture
- Wigwags - move back and forth; gesture
- Wigwam - native dwelling
- Wigwams - native dwelling
- Wikiup - portable canvas shelter
- Wikiups - portable canvas shelter
- Wild - untamed
- Wild service tree -
- Wild water -
- Wildcat - large cat
- Wildcats - large cat
- Wildcatted - gamble, risk
- Wildcatting - gamble, risk
- Wilder - untamed
- Wilderness - forest
- Wildernesses - uninhabited area
- Wildest - untamed
- Wildfire - fire
- Wildfires - fire
- Wildfowl - hunted bird
- Wildfowls - hunted bird
- Wildlife - being
- Wildly - uncontrollably
- Wildness - fierceness
- Wildnesses - passion, force
- Wilds - land that is uncultivated
- Wildwood - area with a large number of trees
- Wildwoods - area with a large number of trees
- Wile - cunning
- Wiled - draw attention
- Wiles - cunning
- Wilier - crafty, clever
- Wiliest - crafty, clever
- Wiliness - cunning
- Wilinesses - cunning
- Wiling - draw attention
- Will - personal choice
- Willed - personal choice
- Willful - stubborn, obstinate
- Willfully - done of one's own free will
- Willfulness - diligence, stubbornness
- Willfulnesses - diligence, stubbornness
- Willies - nervousness
- Willing - agreeable, ready
- Willingly - gladly
- Willingness - readiness
- Willingnesses - readiness
- Willow - emerald in color
- Willow tit -
- Willowier - graceful, slender
- Willowiest - graceful, slender
- willowy - slender and graceful
- Willowy - graceful, slender
- Willpower - personal determination
- Willpowers - personal determination
- Wills - personal choice
- Wilt - sag, fail
- Wilted - sag, fail
- Wilting - sag, fail
- Wilts - sag, fail
- Wily - crafty, clever
- Wimble - tool for boring
- Wimbles - tool for boring
- Wimp - weakling
- Wimpier - of no significance
- Wimpiest - of no significance
- Wimpiness - cowardice
- Wimpinesses - cowardice
- Wimpish - weak, timid
- wimple - headdress of cloth; worn over the head and around the neck and ears by medieval women
- Wimple - covering worn over the head
- Wimples - covering worn over the head
- Wimps - weakling
- Wimpy - of no significance
- Win - victory
- Wince - draw back
- Winced - draw back
- Winces - draw back
- Winch - clamp
- Winches - clamp
- Wincing - draw back
- Wind - air currents
- Windbag - bigmouth, chatterer
- Windbags - bigmouth, chatterer
- Windblown - buffeted
- Windbreak - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Windbreaker - personal outerwear
- Windbreakers - personal outerwear
- Windbreaks - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Winded - out of breath
- Windex -
- Windfall - jackpot, profit
- Windfalls - jackpot, profit
- Windier - breezy
- Windiest - breezy
- Windiness - pomposity
- Windinesses - pomposity
- Winding - bending, turning
- Windings - labyrinth; confusion
- Windjammer - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Windjammers - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Windless - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Windmill - blower of air
- Windmills - blower of air
- Window - framework with pane
- Windows - framework with pane
- Windpipe - neck
- Windpipes - neck
- Winds - air currents
- Windsock - wind sleeve
- Windsocks - wind sleeve
- Windstorm - weather event
- Windstorms - weather event
- Windswept - harsh, unpleasant, referring to weather
- Windup - final performance
- Windups - final performance
- Windy - breezy
- Wine - blue and red colors mixed together
- Winebibber - one who drinks too much
- Winebibbers - one who drinks too much
- Wineglass - glass for holding liqueur
- Wineglasses - glass for holding liqueur
- Wineries -
- Wines - blue and red colors mixed together
- Wing - organ, device of flight
- Wing screw -
- Wingback - football position
- Wingbacks - football position
- Wingding - noisy celebration
- Wingdings - noisy celebration
- Winged - feathered
- Winging - in the air, winged
- Wings - organ, device of flight
- Wingtip - footwear
- Wingtips - footwear
- Wink - flutter, flick
- Winked - look at longingly
- Winking - look at longingly
- Winks - flutter, flick
- Winned - influence, persuade
- Winner - someone or something that succeeds
- Winners - someone or something that succeeds
- Winning - triumphant
- Winningly - in a welcome manner
- Winnings - achievement, accomplishment
- winnow - blow away or off with a current of air
- Winnow - blow away
- Winnowed - blow away
- Winnowing - blow away
- Winnowings - act of removing grain or seeds from hulls or husks
- Winnows - blow away
- Wino - drunk
- Winos - drunk
- Wins - influence, persuade
- winsome - charming in a childlike or naive way
- Winsome - charming
- Winsomely - in a becoming manner
- Winsomeness - physical attractiveness
- Winsomenesses - physical attractiveness
- Winter - cold season of the year
- Wintered - lie dormant; sleep through cold weather
- Wintering - lie dormant; sleep through cold weather
- Winters - cold season of the year
- Wintertide - cold season of the year
- Wintertides - cold season of the year
- Wintertime - cold season of the year
- Wintertimes - cold season of the year
- Wintrier - cold, snowy
- Wintriest - cold, snowy
- Wintriness - extreme cold
- Wintrinesses - extreme cold
- Wintry - cold, snowy
- Wipe - brush, swab
- Wiped - brush, swab
- Wipeout - fall
- Wipeouts - fall
- Wiper - cloth
- Wipers - cloth
- Wipes - brush, swab
- Wiping - brush, swab
- Wire - conducting strand
- Wired - connected
- Wireless - communicating without material contact
- Wirelessed - communicating without material contact
- Wirelesses - communication by electronic air waves
- Wirelessing - communicating without material contact
- Wireman - electrical technician
- Wiremen - electrical technician
- Wirephoto - system for transmitting documents
- Wirephotos - system for transmitting documents
- Wirepuller - power behind the throne
- Wirepullers - power behind the throne
- Wirepulling - use complex methods to make deal
- Wires - conducting strand
- Wiretap - close observation, following
- Wiretapped - check into thoroughly
- Wiretapper - listener
- Wiretappers - listener
- Wiretapping - watching
- Wiretappings - watching
- Wiretaps - close observation, following
- Wirework - installed wires
- Wireworks - installed wires
- Wirier - thin and strong
- Wiriest - thin and strong
- Wiring - the act of installing electric wires
- Wirings - the act of installing electric wires
- Wirra -
- Wiry - thin and strong
- Wisdom - insight, common sense
- Wisdoms - insight, common sense
- Wise - intelligent, reasonable
- wiseacre - an upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments
- Wiseacre - one who claims full knowledge
- Wiseacres - one who claims full knowledge
- Wiseass - wise guy
- Wiseasses - smart aleck
- Wisecrack - joke
- Wisecracked - kid, tease
- Wisecracker - person who jokes, plays jokes
- Wisecrackers - person who jokes, plays jokes
- Wisecracking - ironic and insincere
- Wisecracks - joke
- Wised - communicate knowledge, information
- Wiseguy - arrogant, haughty
- Wiseguys - gangster
- Wisely - prudently
- Wisenheimer - wise guy
- Wisenheimers - wise guy
- Wisent - buffalo
- Wisents - buffalo
- Wiser - intelligent, reasonable
- Wises - method, approach
- Wisest - intelligent, reasonable
- Wish - desire
- Wished - desire
- Wishes - desire
- Wishful - desirous
- Wishing - hoping
- Wising - communicate knowledge, information
- Wisp - strand
- Wispier - thin and weak
- Wispiest - thin and weak
- Wisps - strand
- Wispy - thin and weak
- Wistful - daydreaming, longing
- Wistfully - unhappily
- Wistfulness - depression, sadness
- Wistfulnesses - depression, sadness
- Wit - humor
- Witch - person who casts spells over others
- Witchcraft - spell-casting, magic
- Witchcrafts - spell-casting, magic
- Witched - charm
- Witcher -
- Witcheries - charm, attractiveness
- Witchery - charm, attractiveness
- Witches - person who casts spells over others
- Witching - bewitching, charming
- Witchings - sorcery
- Witchlike - bewitching, charming
- With - accompanying
- With a kick -
- With adroitness -
- With authority -
- With conviction -
- Withal - also, similarly
- Withdraw - remove something or someone from situation
- Withdrawal - removal; retraction
- Withdrawals - removal; retraction
- Withdrawing - remove something or someone from situation
- Withdrawn - unsociable
- Withdrawnness - detachment
- Withdrawnnesses - detachment
- Withdraws - remove something or someone from situation
- Withdrew - remove something or someone from situation
- Wither - droop, decline
- Withered - shriveled
- Withering - shriveling
- Witherings - gauntness
- Withers - droop, decline
- Withheld - concealed
- Withhold - keep back
- Withholding - restraining
- Withholding tax -
- Withholds - keep back
- Within - inside
- Withins - center, core
- Without - outside
- Withouts - open air; nature
- Withstand - endure, bear
- Withstanding - endure, bear
- Withstands - endure, bear
- Withstood - endure, bear
- Witless - foolish
- Witlessly - furiously
- Witlessness - mental illness; foolishness
- Witlessnesses - mental illness; foolishness
- Witling - idiot
- Witlings - idiot
- Witness - person who observes an event
- Witnessed - observed and attested
- Witnesses - person who observes an event
- Witnessing - observe
- Wits - humor
- Witted - deceptive, sly
- Witticism - funny message
- Witticisms - funny message
- Wittier - funny and clever
- Wittiest - funny and clever
- Wittily - in a clever manner
- Wittiness - pleasant conversation
- Wittinesses - pleasant conversation
- Witting - deliberate
- Wittingly - done of one's own free will
- Witty - funny and clever
- Wives - married woman
- Wiz - person who is highly skilled
- Wizard - person who can perform magic
- Wizardly - bewitching, charming
- Wizardries - spell, magic
- Wizardry - spell, magic
- Wizards - person who can perform magic
- Wizen - dehydrate, dry up
- wizened - lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
- Wizened - dried, shriveled up
- Wizening - dehydrate, dry up
- Wizens - dehydrate, dry up
- Wizzes - person who is highly skilled
- Wjm -
- Wkr -
- Wobble - stagger, quake
- Wobbled - stagger, quake
- Wobbles - stagger, quake
- Wobblier - shaky
- Wobbliest - shaky
- Wobbliness - dizziness
- Wobblinesses - dizziness
- Wobbling - shaking
- Wobbly - shaky
- Woe - suffering
- woebegone - Appearing sad and forlorn; wretched or pitiful.
- Woeful - terrible, sad
- Woefully - extremely
- Woefulness - low spirits; despair
- Woefulnesses - low spirits; despair
- Woes - suffering
- Woful - melancholy
- Wok - skillet
- Woke - stop sleeping
- Woken - stop sleeping
- Woks - skillet
- Wold - personal choice
- Wolf - consume sloppily and fast
- Wolf pup -
- Wolfed - consume sloppily and fast
- Wolfing - consume sloppily and fast
- Wolfish - eating, destroying for sustenance or without conscience
- Wolfs - consume sloppily and fast
- Wollemi pine -
- Wolves - womanizer
- Womack -
- Woman - female human
- Womanhood - adulthood
- Womanhoods - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Womanish - feminine
- Womanishness - effeminateness
- Womanishnesses - effeminateness
- Womanism - women's rights
- Womanisms - women's rights
- Womanize - philander
- Womanized - philander
- Womanizer - philanderer
- Womanizers - philanderer
- Womanizes - philander
- Womanizing - philander
- Womankind - female sex
- Womankinds - female sex
- Womanlike - effeminate
- Womanliness - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Womanlinesses - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Womanly - feminine
- Womanness - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Womannesses - physical maturity and strength of adult male or female
- Womb - middle, lining
- Wombat - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- Wombats - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- Wombs - middle, lining
- Women - female human
- Womenfolk - female sex
- Womenfolks - female sex
- Won - achieved
- Won over - won over; winning over; wins over
- Wonder - amazement
- Wonder about - a cause of astonishment or admiration
- Wondered - doubt; ponder
- Wonderful - great, extraordinary
- Wonderfully - extremely well
- Wondering - marveling
- Wonderings - amazement
- Wonderland - land, feeling of great pleasure; absence of evil
- Wonderlands - land, feeling of great pleasure; absence of evil
- Wonderment - astonishment
- Wonderments - astonishment
- Wonders - amazement
- Wonderstruck - dumbfounded
- Wondrous - remarkable
- Wondrously - strangely
- Wonk - excessive studier
- Wonkier - shaky
- Wonkiest - shaky
- Wonks - excessive studier
- Wonky - shaky
- Wont - in the habit of
- Wonted - usual
- Wontedly - ordinarily; as a rule
- Wonting - make or become acquainted with, knowledgeable about
- Wonts - method, approach
- Woo - seek as romantic partner
- Wood - forest
- Wood alcohol -
- Wood spirit -
- Wood thrush -
- Woodchopper - wood cutter
- Woodchoppers - wood cutter
- Woodcock - hunted bird
- Woodcocks - hunted bird
- Woodcut - carving of letters or design into something
- Woodcuts - carving of letters or design into something
- Wooded - covered with woods or trees
- Wooden - made of timber
- Woodier - woodlike
- Woodiest - woodlike
- Woodland - land covered with woods or trees
- Woodlands - land covered with woods or trees
- Woodlet -
- Woodlot - trees, wood
- Woodlots - trees, wood
- Woodpile - cordwood
- Woodpiles - cordwood
- Woods - forest
- Woodwork - molding
- Woodworker - person who works with wood
- Woodworkers - person who works with wood
- Woodworks - molding
- Woody - woodlike
- Wooed - seek as romantic partner
- Wooer - person having sexual relationship
- Wooers - person having sexual relationship
- Woof - grain of material
- Woofed - yelp
- Woofing - yelp
- Woofs - grain of material
- Wooing - seek as romantic partner
- Wooingly -
- Wooings - appeal, request
- Wool - fabric
- Woolen - long underwear
- Woolens - long underwear
- woolgather - have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy
- Woolgathering - out to lunch
- Woolgatherings - daydream
- Wooliness - coarseness
- Woolinesses - coarseness
- Woolley -
- Woollier - confused
- Woolliest - confused
- Woolliness - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Woollinesses - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Woolly - confused
- Woolpack - mass of water particles in air
- Woolpacks - mass of water particles in air
- Wools - fabric
- Woolsack - pillow, pad
- Woolsacks - pillow, pad
- Woos - seek as romantic partner
- Woozier - dizzy
- Wooziest - dizzy
- Wooziness - dizziness
- Woozinesses - dizziness
- Woozy - dizzy
- Word - discussion
- Word-catcher -
- Wordage - group of words; way of speaking
- Wordages - group of words; way of speaking
- Wordbook - collection of word meanings, usage
- Wordbooks - collection of word meanings, usage
- Worded - express in words carefully
- Wordier - talkative
- Wordiest - talkative
- Wordiness - verbosity
- Wordinesses - verbosity
- Wording - way of expressing a thought
- Wordings - way of expressing a thought
- Wordless - unable to speak well
- Wordlessly - without noise
- Wordlessness - silence
- Wordlessnesses - silence
- Wordplay - pleasant conversation
- Wordplays - pleasant conversation
- Words - dispute
- Wordsmith - composer of written work
- Wordsmiths - composer of written work
- Wordy - talkative
- Wore - be clothed in
- Work - labor, chore
- Work undone -
- Workabilities - practicability
- Workability - practicability
- Workable - feasible
- Workableness - feasibility, likelihood; chance
- Workablenesses - feasibility, likelihood; chance
- Workaday - ordinary
- Workaholic - slave, very hard worker
- Workaholics - slave, very hard worker
- Workbench - large table
- Workbenches - large table
- Workbook - book giving instruction
- Workbooks - book giving instruction
- Workday - ordinary
- Worked - processed
- Worker - person who is employed
- Workers - person who is employed
- Workflow - movement of work from one department or employee to another
- Workflows - movement of work from one department or employee to another
- Workfolk - common laborers
- Workfolks - common laborers
- Workforce - trained workers
- Workforces - trained workers
- Workgirl - career woman
- Workgirls - career woman
- Workhorse - person who serves, often under duress
- Workhorses - person who serves, often under duress
- Working - active, occupied
- Workingman - manual or technical laborer
- Workingmen - manual or technical laborer
- Workings - machine, device
- Workingwoman - manual or technical laborer
- Workingwomen - manual or technical laborer
- Workless - unemployed
- Workload - duties and responsibilities
- Workloads - duties and responsibilities
- Workman - laborer
- Workmanship - craftsmanship
- Workmanships - craftsmanship
- Workmate - associate, fellow worker
- Workmates - associate, fellow worker
- Workmen - laborer
- Workout - exercise, practice
- Workouts - exercise, practice
- Workpeople - common laborers
- Workplace - business, institution
- Workplaces - business, institution
- Workroom - workshop
- Workrooms - workshop
- Works - everything
- Workshop - place where light industrial or manual work is done
- Workshops - place for work
- Workspace - table
- Workspaces - table
- Workstation - place of business
- Workstations - place of business
- Workwoman - laborer
- Workwomen - laborer
- World - planet, globe
- World-shattering -
- Worlder - worldwide
- Worldlier - material, nonreligious
- Worldliest - material, nonreligious
- Worldliness - culture, style
- Worldlinesses - culture, style
- Worldly - material, nonreligious
- Worlds - planet, globe
- Worldview - beliefs about life
- Worldwide - general
- Worm - sly, dastardly person
- Wormed - move stealthily
- Wormhole - back entrance
- Wormholes - back entrance
- Wormier - diseased
- Wormiest - diseased
- Worming - in the act of creeping
- Wormlike - vermicular
- Worms - sly, dastardly person
- Wormwood - something unavoidable and unpleasant
- Wormwoods - something unavoidable and unpleasant
- Wormy - diseased
- Worn - used
- Worried - anxious, troubled
- Worrier - flood, overrun
- Worriers - person who expects bad outcome
- Worries - anxiety, trouble
- Worriment - pain, mental or physical
- Worriments - pain, mental or physical
- Worrisome - troublesome
- Worry - anxiety, trouble
- Worrying - worried
- Worrywart - person who expects bad outcome
- Worrywarts - person who expects bad outcome
- Worse - something less good
- Worsen - diminish, decay
- Worsened - diminish, decay
- Worsening - diminish, decay
- Worsenings - deterioration, weakening
- Worsens - diminish, decay
- Worses - something less good
- Worship - honoring, glorification
- Worshiped - honoring, glorification
- Worshiper - believer
- Worshipers - believer
- Worshipful - reverent
- Worshiping - honoring, glorification
- Worshipped - honor, glorify
- Worshipper - believer
- Worshippers - believer
- Worshipping - honor, glorify
- Worships - honoring, glorification
- Worst - most wanting
- Worsted - defeated
- Worsteds - fabric
- Worsting - get the better of; figure out before another
- Worsts - most wanting
- Worth - value, estimation associated with something
- Worthier - honorable, respectable
- Worthies - very important person
- Worthiest - honorable, respectable
- Worthiness - advantage
- Worthinesses - advantage
- Worthless - of no use; without value
- Worthlessness - uselessness
- Worthlessnesses - uselessness
- Worths - value, estimation associated with something
- Worthwhile - helpful
- Worthy - honorable, respectable
- Would - cause
- Wouldst - personal choice
- Wound - injury
- Woundable - exposed, vulnerable
- Wounded - injured
- Wounding - cause bodily damage
- Wounds - injury
- Wove - blend, unite; contrive
- Woven - spun
- Wow - amuse, delight
- Wowed - amuse, delight
- Wowing - amuse, delight
- Wows - amuse, delight
- Wrack - destroy
- Wracked - destroy
- Wrackful - disastrous, devastating
- Wracking - destroy
- Wracks - destroy
- Wraith - ghost
- Wraithlike - unable to be seen; hidden
- Wraiths - ghost
- Wrangle - fight, argument
- Wrangled - fight, argument
- Wrangler - shepherd
- Wranglers - shepherd
- Wrangles - fight, argument
- Wrangling - fight, argue
- Wranglings - struggle, battle
- Wrap - clothing that is worn over for warmth
- Wraparound - robe
- Wraparounds - robe
- Wrapped - covered
- Wrapper - covering
- Wrappers - covering
- Wrapping - surround with a covering
- Wrappings - covering
- Wraps - clothing that is worn over for warmth
- Wrapt - clothing that is worn over for warmth
- Wrath - extreme anger
- Wrathful - very angry
- Wrathfulness - fury
- Wrathfulnesses - fury
- Wraths - extreme anger
- Wreak - force, cause
- Wreaked - force, cause
- Wreakful - hateful, revengeful
- Wreaking - force, cause
- Wreaks - force, cause
- Wreath - circular decoration
- Wreathe - crush, wrinkle
- Wreathed - surrounded by a frame
- Wreathen - crush, wrinkle
- Wreathes - crush, wrinkle
- Wreathing - crush, wrinkle
- Wreaths - circular decoration
- Wreck - severe damage or severely damaged goods
- Wreckage - remains
- Wreckages - remains
- Wrecked - destroyed
- Wrecker - forced, pretended
- Wreckers - a destructive agent
- Wreckful - injurious, devastating
- Wrecking - destroying
- Wreckings - damage
- Wrecks - severe damage or severely damaged goods
- Wren - singing bird
- Wrench - jerk, force violently
- Wrenched - jerk, force violently
- Wrenches - jerk, force violently
- Wrenching - jerk, force violently
- Wrenchings - removal from whole; distillation
- Wrens - singing bird
- Wrest - snatch
- Wrested - snatch
- Wresting - snatch
- Wrestle - struggle physically or mentally with something
- Wrestled - struggle physically or mentally with something
- Wrestles - struggle physically or mentally with something
- Wrestling - struggle physically or mentally with something
- Wrestlings - far eastern discipline or sport
- Wrests - snatch
- Wretch - derelict
- Wretched - terrible, very bad
- Wretcheder - terrible, very bad
- Wretchedest - terrible, very bad
- Wretchedly - badly
- Wretchedness - misery
- Wretchednesses - misery
- Wretches - derelict
- Wrier - sarcastic, distorted
- Wriest - sarcastic, distorted
- Wriggle - maneuver out of; wiggle
- Wriggled - maneuver out of; wiggle
- Wriggles - maneuver out of; wiggle
- Wrigglier - bending, turning
- Wriggliest - bending, turning
- Wriggling - maneuver out of; wiggle
- Wriggly - bending, turning
- Wright - skilled person
- Wrights - skilled person
- Wring - twist, contort
- Wringer - asking for answer
- Wringers - asking for answer
- Wringing - twist, contort
- Wrings - twist, contort
- Wrinkle - crinkle, fold
- Wrinkled - creased
- Wrinkles - crinkle, fold
- Wrinklier - uneven, irregular
- Wrinkliest - uneven, irregular
- Wrinkling - crinkle, fold
- Wrinkly - uneven, irregular
- Wristlet - manacles
- Wristlets - manacles
- Wristwatch - clock worn on body
- Wristwatches - clock worn on body
- Writ - court order
- Write - put language down on paper
- Writedown - depreciation
- Writedowns - depreciation
- Writeoff - gift
- Writeoffs - gift
- Writer - person who composes with language
- Writers - person who composes with language
- Writes - put language down on paper
- Writhe - contort; toss back and forth
- Writhed - contort; toss back and forth
- Writhes - contort; toss back and forth
- Writhing - twisting
- Writing - printing on paper
- Writings - printing on paper
- Writs - court order
- Written - composed
- Wrong - incorrect
- Wrong-side-up -
- Wrongdoer - lawbreaker
- Wrongdoers - lawbreaker
- Wrongdoing - misconduct
- Wrongdoings - misconduct
- Wronged - hurt, mistreat another
- Wronger - incorrect
- Wrongest - incorrect
- Wrongful - evil, illegal
- Wrongfully - unfairly
- Wrongheaded - antagonistic; opposite
- Wronging - incorrect
- Wrongly - unjustly
- Wrongness - illegal or immoral action
- Wrongnesses - illegal or immoral action
- Wrongs - offense, sin
- Wrote - put language down on paper
- Wroth - angry
- Wrought - created
- Wrung - squeezed out
- Wry - sarcastic, distorted
- Wryness - distortion, mutilation
- Wrynesses - distortion, mutilation
- Wudu -
- Wunderkind - person or thing that is extraordinary
- Wunderkinder - person or thing that is extraordinary
- Wunderkinds - person or thing that is extraordinary
- Wurst - encased minced meat
- Wursts - encased minced meat
- Wuss - coward
- Wusses - coward
- Wussier - weak, timid
- Wussies - coward
- Wussiest - weak, timid
- Wussy - weak, timid
- Wwf -
- Wyvern - monster
- Wyverns - monster
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z