Words Beginning with h - list and definitions learning English
- haberdasher - a merchant who sells men's clothing
- Habiliment - clothing
- Habiliments - clothing
- Habilitate - cover with apparel
- Habilitated - cover with apparel
- Habilitates - cover with apparel
- Habilitating - cover with apparel
- Habilitation - capacity; character
- Habilitations - capacity; character
- Habit - tendency, practice
- Habitable - inhabitable
- Habitant - resident
- Habitants - resident
- Habitat - residence
- Habitation - living place
- Habitations - place where someone resides
- Habitats - place where someone resides
- Habited - cover with apparel
- Habiting - cover with apparel
- Habits - tendency, practice
- Habitual - usual, established
- Habitually - usually
- Habitualness - usualness
- Habitualnesses - usualness
- Habituate - prepare, accustom
- Habituated - chronic
- Habituates - prepare, accustom
- Habituating - prepare, accustom
- Habituation - adoption
- Habituations - adoption
- Habitude - custom
- Habitudes - custom
- habitue - A person who regularly frequents a particular place, especially a place of entertainment or public gathering.
- Habitues - devotee
- Habitus - constitution
- Hachure - map line showing height
- Hachures - map line showing height
- Hacienda - large estate
- Haciendas - large estate
- Hack - person who does easy work for money
- Hackamore - restraining device
- Hackamores - restraining device
- Hacked - very angry
- Hacker - someone proficient at computers, especially a hobbyist
- Hackers - someone proficient at computers, especially a hobbyist
- Hackies - driver of hired car
- Hacking - cripple, put out of action
- Hackle - cut without care
- Hackled - knock a piece out of
- Hackles - cut without care
- Hackling - knock a piece out of
- Hackman - driver of hired car
- Hackmen - driver of hired car
- Hackney - car for hire
- hackneyed - repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
- Hackneys - car for hire
- Hacks - person who does easy work for money
- Had - be in possession
- Had better -
- Haddest - be in possession
- Haddock -
- Hades - hell
- Hadst - be in possession
- Haemophilia -
- Haemorrhoid -
- Haft - end, shaft
- Hafts - end, shaft
- Hag - biddy
- Haggard - worn, weakened
- Haggardness - gauntness
- Haggardnesses - gauntness
- Haggle - bicker, quarrel
- Haggled - bicker, quarrel
- Haggler - insistent person
- Hagglers - insistent person
- Haggles - bicker, quarrel
- Haggling - bicker, quarrel
- Hagglings - trade
- Hags - biddy
- Haha - fun, quip
- Hahas - joke
- Hahn -
- Haiku - highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece
- Hail - torrent
- Hailed - call to, yell for
- Hailing - call to, yell for
- Hails - torrent
- Hailstone - frozen water
- Hailstones - frozen water
- Hailstorm - moisture in air or falling from sky
- Hailstorms - moisture in air or falling from sky
- Hair - threadlike growth on animate being
- Hairbreadth - small margin
- Hairbreadths - small margin
- Hairbrush - tool with bristles for cleaning
- Hairbrushes - tool with bristles for cleaning
- Haircut - trim
- Haircuts - trim
- Hairdo - coiffure
- Hairdos - coiffure
- Hairdresser - hair stylist
- Hairdressers - hair stylist
- Hairdressing - coiffure
- Hairdressings - coiffure
- Hairier - having much hair
- Hairiest - having much hair
- Hairiness - shagginess
- Hairinesses - shagginess
- Hairless - without growth on body part
- Hairline - nice, quiet, delicate
- Hairlines -
- Hairpiece - wig
- Hairpieces - wig
- Hairpin - hair fastener
- Hairpins - hair fastener
- Hairs - threadlike growth on animate being
- Hairsbreadth - small margin
- Hairsbreadths - small margin
- Hairsplitter - objection, complaint
- Hairsplitters - objection, complaint
- Hairsplitting - nitpicking
- Hairsplittings - nitpicking
- Hairstyle - cut, style of a head of hair
- Hairstyles - cut, style of a head of hair
- Hairstylist - person who styles hair
- Hairstylists - person who styles hair
- Hairy - having much hair
- Haj - person who journeys
- Haji - person who leads an unsettled life; traveler
- Hajis - person who leads an unsettled life; traveler
- Halation - ring of light
- Halations - ring of light
- Halberd - lance
- Halberdier -
- Halberds - lance
- halcyon - marked by peace and prosperity
- halcyon - marked by peace and prosperity
- Hale - strong and healthy
- Haled - haul something to a new place
- Haleness - health
- Halenesses - health
- Haler - strong and healthy
- Hales - haul something to a new place
- Halest - strong and healthy
- Haley -
- Half - partial
- Half done -
- Half-lives -
- Halfback - football position
- Halfbacks - football position
- Halfhearted - without enthusiasm
- Halfheartedness - apathy
- Halftone - drawing, artwork that assists explanation
- Halftones - drawing, artwork that assists explanation
- Halfway - middle, in-between
- Halfwit - oaf
- Halfwits - stupid person
- Halfwitted - senseless
- Halieutic - the chase
- Halieutics - the chase
- Haling - haul something to a new place
- Halitosis - offensive breath
- Hall - corridor
- Hallelujah - religious song
- Hallelujahs - religious song
- Hallier -
- Hallmark - symbol, authentication
- Hallmarks - symbol, authentication
- Halloo - shout
- Halloos - shout
- Hallow - consecrate
- Hallowed - holy, revered
- Hallowedness - holiness
- Hallowednesses - holiness
- Hallowing - consecrate
- Hallows - consecrate
- Halls - corridor
- hallucinate - perceive what is not there; have illusions
- Hallucinated - imagine vividly
- Hallucinates - imagine vividly
- Hallucinating - imagine vividly
- Hallucination - dream, delusion
- Hallucinations - dream, delusion
- Hallucinatory - illusive
- Hallucinogen - drug
- Hallucinogenic - affecting the mind so as to produce vivid visions
- Hallucinogens - drug
- Hallway - foyer
- Hallways - foyer
- Halo - ring of light
- Haloed - circumscribe
- Haloes - ring of light
- Halogen - element
- Halogens - element
- Haloing - circumscribe
- Halos - ring of light
- Halt - end, stoppage
- Halted - stop, cause to stop
- Halter - unable to walk properly
- Halteres - lariat
- Halters - lariat
- Halting - hesitant
- Haltingly - moderately
- Haltings - fighting, opposition
- Halts - end, stoppage
- Halvah - lover
- Halvahs - lover
- Halve - cut in half
- Halved - cut in half
- Halver - portion, allotment
- Halvers - portion, allotment
- Halves - one of two equal parts of a whole
- Halving - cut in half
- Ham - one who overacts
- Hamartia - major character weakness
- Hamartias - major character weakness
- Hambone - person who acts in performance
- Hambones - person who acts in performance
- Hamburger - ground beef sandwich
- Hamburgers - ground beef sandwich
- Hamlet - small village
- Hamleted -
- Hamlets - small village
- Hammed - act, depict as entertainment
- hammer - a power tool for drilling rocks
- Hammered - beat, hit
- Hammering - beat, hit
- Hammerings - pushing, striking
- Hammers - beat, hit
- Hammier - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Hammiest - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Hamming - entertaining, performing
- Hammock - harbor; bunk
- Hammocks - harbor; bunk
- Hammy - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Hamper - basket for storage
- Hampered - impede, restrict
- Hampering - impede, restrict
- Hampers - basket for storage
- Hams - one who overacts
- Hamstring - disable
- Hamstringed - disable
- Hamstringing - disable
- Hamstrings - disable
- Hamstrung - disable
- Hand - appendage at end of human arm,
- Hand-walk -
- Handbag - person's carryall
- Handbags - person's carryall
- Handbill - bulletin
- Handbills - bulletin
- Handbook - document giving instruction, information
- Handbooks - document giving instruction, information
- Handcart - small attachment for transporting
- Handcarts - small attachment for transporting
- Handclap - loud hitting noise
- Handclaps - loud hitting noise
- Handclasp - pressure, crushing
- Handclasps - pressure, crushing
- Handcrafted - made by hand
- Handcraftsman - craftsperson
- Handcraftsmen - craftsperson
- Handcuff - bond
- Handcuffed - bond
- Handcuffing - bond
- Handcuffs - manacles
- Handed - give, transfer
- Handful - a small quantity
- Handfuls - clump, mass
- Handgrip - clasp, embrace
- Handgrips - clasp, embrace
- Handgun - revolver
- Handguns - revolver
- Handhold - clasp, embrace
- Handholds - clasp, embrace
- Handicap - disadvantage
- Handicapped - thwarted
- Handicapping - give disadvantage
- Handicaps - disadvantage
- Handicraft - artwork, skill
- Handicrafter - person skilled in creative activity
- Handicrafters - person skilled in creative activity
- Handicrafts - artwork, skill
- Handicraftsman - mechanician
- Handicraftsmen - mechanician
- Handier - nearby
- Handiest - nearby
- Handily - skillfully
- Handiness - ability, talent
- Handinesses - ability, talent
- Handing - give, transfer
- Handiwork - personal work
- Handiworks - personal work
- Handkerchief - personal cloth
- Handkerchiefs - personal cloth
- Handle - something to grip
- Handled - controlled
- Handler - person who runs organization
- Handlers - person who runs organization
- Handles - something to grip
- Handling - management
- Handlings - management
- Handmade - made by hand
- Handmaiden - servant
- Handmaidens - servant
- Handout - contribution
- Handouts - contribution
- Handpick - choose, select
- Handpicked - favorite, chosen
- Handpicking - choose, select
- Handpicks - choose, select
- Handrail - railing of stairs
- Handrails - railing of stairs
- Hands - appendage at end of human arm,
- handsel - To use or do for the first time, especially so as to make fortunate or unfortunate; to try experimentally.
- Handsels - gift
- Handset - device for receiving
- Handsets - device for receiving
- Handshake - informal agreement
- Handshakes - informal agreement
- Handsome - attractive
- Handsomely - abundantly
- Handsomeness - beauty
- Handsomenesses - beauty
- Handsomer - attractive
- Handsomest - attractive
- Handstaff - stick that aids a walker
- Handstaffs - stick that aids a walker
- Handstand -
- Handwork - personal work
- Handworks - personal work
- Handwrit - write signature
- Handwrite - write signature
- Handwrites - write signature
- Handwriting - the way a person writes
- Handwritings - the way a person writes
- Handwritten - in manuscript
- Handwrote - write signature
- Handy - nearby
- Handyman - jack-of-all-trades
- Handymen - jack-of-all-trades
- Hang - suspend or be suspended
- Hangar - large storage building
- Hangars - large storage building
- Hangdog - shamefaced
- Hanged - suspend or be suspended
- Hanger - weapon
- Hangers - weapon
- Hanging - dangling
- Hangings - place for hanging
- Hangman - garroter
- Hangmen - garroter
- Hangout - place for socializing
- Hangouts - social place
- Hangover - result of heavy drinking
- Hangovers - result of heavy drinking
- Hangs - suspend or be suspended
- Hangup - restriction, hindrance
- Hangups - preoccupation
- Hank - curl, spin
- Hank williams -
- Hanker - desire
- Hankered - desire
- Hankering - strong desire
- Hankerings - strong desire
- Hankers - desire
- Hankie - personal cloth
- Hankies - personal cloth
- Hanks - curl, spin
- Hap - chance
- Haphazard - without plan or organization
- Haphazardly - unexpectedly
- Haphazardness - unconcern
- Haphazardnesses - unconcern
- Haphazards - fate, luck
- Hapless - unfortunate
- Haplessness - misfortune
- Haplessnesses - misfortune
- haplology - The process of deleting one of two almost identical syllableswithin a word.
- Happed - chance
- Happen - come to pass; occur
- Happenchance - chance
- Happenchances - chance
- Happened - come to pass; occur
- Happening - occurrence
- Happenings - occurrence
- Happens - come to pass; occur
- Happenstance - chance
- Happenstances - chance
- Happier - in high spirits; satisfied
- Happiest - in high spirits; satisfied
- Happily - with joy, pleasure
- Happiness - high spirits, satisfaction
- Happinesses - high spirits, satisfaction
- Happing - chance
- Happy - in high spirits; satisfied
- Haps - chance
- haptic - of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch
- harangue - a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
- Harangued - long lecture
- Haranguer - speaker
- Haranguers - speaker
- Harangues - long lecture
- Haranguing - give a long lecture
- Harass - badger
- Harassed - badger
- Harasser - bully
- Harassers - bully
- Harasses - badger
- Harassing - badger
- Harassings - teasing
- Harassment - badgering
- Harassments - badgering
- harbinger - something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
- Harbingered - make known; present
- Harbingering - make known; present
- Harbingers - indication
- Harbor - place for storing boats in the water
- Harborage - place for boat docking, traffic, and storage
- Harborages - place for boat docking, traffic, and storage
- Harbored - hide, protect
- Harboring - hide, protect
- Harbors - place for storing boats in the water
- Hard - rocklike
- Hard master -
- Harda -
- Hardcore - long-standing, established
- Hardcover - published document
- Hardcovers - published document
- Harden - make or become solid
- Hardened - unfeeling
- Hardening - thickening
- Hardenings - thickening
- Hardens - make or become solid
- Harder - rocklike
- Hardest - rocklike
- Hardfisted - stingy
- Hardgoods - long-lasting products
- Hardhanded - hard
- Hardhat - protective headgear
- Hardhats - protective headgear
- Hardhead - dummy
- Hardheaded - stubborn
- Hardheadedness - obstinacy
- Hardheads - dummy
- Hardhearted - cold, cruel
- Hardheartedly - cruelly, without remorse
- Hardheartedness - asperity
- Hardier - strong, tough
- Hardiest - strong, tough
- Hardihood - strength
- Hardihoods - strength
- Hardily - energetically
- Hardin -
- Hardiness - daring, boldness
- Hardinesses - daring, boldness
- Hardline - difficult, stubborn
- Hardly - scarcely; with difficulty
- Hardness - stability
- Hardnesses - stability
- Hardnosed - hostile, rude
- Hards - withstand, oppose
- hardscrabble - barely satisfying a lower standard
- Hardshell - serious, authoritarian
- Hardship - personal burden
- Hardships - personal burden
- Hardtack - hard, often salted, baked wafer
- Hardtacks - hard, often salted, baked wafer
- Hardtop - land vehicle; car
- Hardtops - land vehicle; car
- Hardware - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Hardwares - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Hardwood - trees, wood
- Hardwoods - trees, wood
- Hardworking - conscientious
- Hardy - strong, tough
- Hare - rabbitlike animal
- Harebrained - stupid, unthinking
- Harem - group of lady attendants
- Harems - group of lady attendants
- Hares - rabbitlike animal
- Hark - harken
- Harked - harken
- Harken - hear and pay attention
- Harkened - hear and pay attention
- Harkening - hear and pay attention
- Harkens - hear and pay attention
- Harking - harken
- Harks - harken
- Harlequin - clown
- Harlequins - clown
- Harlot - prostitute
- Harlotries - whoredom
- Harlotry - whoredom
- Harlots - prostitute
- Harm - injury, evil
- Harmattan - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Harmattans - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Harmed - damaged
- Harmful - injurious, hurtful
- Harmfully - dangerously, critically
- Harming - injure; cause evil
- Harmless - not injurious or dangerous
- Harmlessly - securely
- Harmonic - harmonious
- Harmonica - mouth organ
- Harmonicas - mouth organ
- Harmonicon - mouth organ
- Harmonicons - mouth organ
- Harmonics - tone of sound
- Harmonies - social agreement
- Harmonious - agreeable, corresponding; friendly
- Harmoniously - as one
- Harmoniousness - harmony
- Harmonium -
- Harmonization - agreement
- Harmonizations - agreement
- Harmonize - correspond, match
- Harmonized - correspond, match
- Harmonizes - correspond, match
- Harmonizing - correspond, match
- Harmony - social agreement
- Harms - injury, evil
- Harness - gear for controlling an animal
- Harnessed - rein in; control
- Harnesses - gear for controlling an animal
- Harnessing - rein in; control
- Harney peak -
- Harp - nag
- Harped - nag
- Harper - entertainer
- Harpers - entertainer
- Harpies - a shrewish woman
- Harping - nag
- Harpoon - arm, armament
- Harpoons - arm, armament
- Harps - nag
- Harpy - a shrewish woman
- harridan - A bad-tempered, shrewish, and often old woman.
- Harridans - nagger
- Harried - pressured
- Harrier - flood, overrun
- Harriers - domineering person
- Harries - pester, annoy
- Harrow - sack
- Harrowed - sack
- harrowing - extremely painful
- Harrows - sack
- Harry - pester, annoy
- Harrying - pester, annoy
- Harsh - rough, crude (to the senses)
- Harsh criticism -
- Harsher - rough, crude (to the senses)
- Harshest - rough, crude (to the senses)
- Harshly - sternly
- Harshness - crudity
- Harshnesses - crudity
- Hart -
- Hartshorn - faintness relief
- Hartshorns - faintness relief
- Haruspex - person who senses others' thoughts
- Haruspices - person who senses others' thoughts
- Harvest - crops; taking in of crops
- Harvested - gathering of produce
- Harvester - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Harvesters - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Harvesting - gathering
- Harvestings - gathering
- Harvestman - spider
- Harvestmen - spider
- Harvests - crops; taking in of crops
- Harvesttime - crops; taking in of crops
- Harvesttimes - crops; taking in of crops
- Has - be in possession
- Hash - mess, mix-up
- Hashed - crushed
- Hashes - mess, mix-up
- Hashing - verbally fight
- Hashish - cannabis resin
- Hashishes - cannabis resin
- Hasp - fastener
- Hasped - grab, catch
- Hasping - grab, catch
- Hasps - fastener
- Hassle - problem, fight
- Hassled - bother, harass
- Hassles - problem, fight
- Hassling - bother, harass
- Hassock - footrest
- Hassocks - footrest
- Hast - be in possession
- Hastate - having three angles
- Hastated -
- Haste - extreme speed, hurry
- Hasted - run, speed in competition
- Hasten - speed something; hurry
- Hastened - speed something; hurry
- Hastening - speed something; hurry
- Hastens - speed something; hurry
- Hastes - extreme speed, hurry
- Hastier - speedy; without much thought
- Hastiest - speedy; without much thought
- Hastily - with great speed
- Hastiness - haste
- Hastinesses - haste
- Hasting - run, speed in competition
- Hasty - speedy; without much thought
- Hat - covering for the head
- Hatch - create, plan
- Hatchback - land vehicle; car
- Hatchbacks - land vehicle; car
- Hatched - contrived
- Hatchel - arrange hair
- Hatcheled - arrange hair
- Hatcheling - arrange hair
- Hatchelled - arrange hair
- Hatchelling - arrange hair
- Hatchels - arrange hair
- Hatcheries - brooder
- Hatchery - brooder
- Hatches - create, plan
- Hatchet - ax
- Hatchets - ax
- Hatching - create, plan
- Hatchway - trap door
- Hatchways - trap door
- Hate - extreme dislike
- Hateable - offensive, repulsive
- Hated - despised
- Hateful - nasty, obnoxious
- Hatefully - sinfully
- Hatefulness - hate, vengefulness
- Hatefulnesses - hate, vengefulness
- Hater - person who hates others
- Haters - person who hates others
- Hates - extreme dislike
- Hath - be in possession
- Hating - dislike very strongly
- Hatrack - a tall, thin person
- Hatracks - a tall, thin person
- Hatred - severe dislike
- Hatreds - severe dislike
- Hats - covering for the head
- Hauberk - armored coat
- Hauberks - armored coat
- Haughtier - arrogant
- Haughtiest - arrogant
- Haughtily - proudly
- Haughtiness - air of supremacy
- Haughtinesses - air of supremacy
- haughty - having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
- Haul - something obtained or moved
- Haulage - physical resistance, friction
- Haulages - physical resistance, friction
- Hauled - move, pull to another spot
- Hauling - move, pull to another spot
- Haulings - move, transfer
- Hauls - something obtained or moved
- Haunch - upper legs
- Haunches - upper legs
- Haunt - place for socializing
- Haunted - frequented
- Haunter - ghost
- Haunters - ghost
- Haunting - unforgettable
- Haunts - place for socializing
- Haustella - nose
- Haustellum - nose
- Hauteur - arrogance
- Hauteurs - arrogance
- Have - be in possession
- Have a hand in -
- Have a shot at -
- Have dealings -
- Have fun -
- Haven - refuge, port
- Havened - provide safety, cover
- Havening - provide safety, cover
- Havens - refuge, port
- Haversack - backpack
- Haversacks - backpack
- Haversian -
- Haves - wealthy people or institutions
- Having - be in possession
- Havings - possession of property
- Havoc - chaotic situation
- Havocked - sack
- Havocking - sack
- Havocs - chaotic situation
- Haw - small fruit
- Hawk - a warlike person
- Hawked - sell door to door
- Hawker - peddler
- Hawkers - peddler
- Hawkeyed - keen-eyed
- Hawking - the chase
- Hawkings - the chase
- Hawkish - hostile, battling
- Hawks - a warlike person
- Haws - small fruit
- Hawser - cord, line
- Hawsers - cord, line
- Hay - dried grass
- Hay bale -
- Haycock - stack of hay
- Haycocks - stack of hay
- Haymaker - strong hit
- Haymakers - strong hit
- Hayrick - stack of hay
- Hayricks - stack of hay
- Hays - dried grass
- Hayseed - bumpkin, yokel
- Hayseeds - bumpkin, yokel
- Haystack - stack of hay
- Haystacks - stack of hay
- Haywire - broken; crazy
- Hazan - church leader
- Hazanim - church leader
- Hazans - church leader
- Hazard - danger
- Hazarded - danger
- Hazarding - danger
- Hazardous - dangerous, unpredictable
- Hazardously - dangerously
- Hazardousness - difficulty
- Hazardousnesses - difficulty
- Hazards - danger
- Haze - cloudy air
- Hazed - cloud, steam up
- Hazel - dark, burnished color
- Hazels - reddish-brown color
- Hazes - cloudy air
- Hazier - cloudy
- Haziest - cloudy
- Hazily - dimly
- Haziness - mass of water particles in air
- Hazinesses - mass of water particles in air
- Hazing - trying experience
- Hazings - trying experience
- Hazy - cloudy
- Hbr -
- He - man
- Head - most important; chief
- Head lettuce -
- headache - pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs
- Headaches - difficulty, problem
- Headband - crown
- Headbands - crown
- Headdress - accessory for head
- Headdresses - accessory for head
- Headed - in transit
- Header - plunge
- Headers - plunge
- Headfirst - recklessly
- Headgear - hat
- Headgears - hat
- Headhunter - recruiter
- Headhunters - recruiter
- Headhunting - recruiting
- Headhuntings - recruiting
- Headier - thrilling, intoxicating
- Headiest - thrilling, intoxicating
- Headily - brashly
- Heading - title
- Headings - title
- Headland - high land area
- Headlands - high land area
- Headlight - optical organ of an animate being
- Headlights - optical organ of an animate being
- Headline - head
- Headlined - make widely known; promote
- Headliner - celebrity
- Headliners - celebrity
- Headlines - head
- Headlining - giving prominence to
- Headlong - dangerous, reckless
- Headman - chief
- Headmaster - dean
- Headmasters - dean
- Headmen - chief
- Headmost - beginning, primary
- Headphone - device for receiving
- Headphones - device for receiving
- Headpiece - covering for the head
- Headpieces - covering for the head
- Headquarters - center of operations
- Headrail - bandana
- Headrails - bandana
- Headrest - support
- Headrests - support
- Headroom - room, scope
- Headrooms - room, scope
- Heads - most important; chief
- Headset - state of mind; intelligence
- Headsets - state of mind; intelligence
- Headshrinker - psychiatrist
- Headshrinkers - psychiatrist
- Headstall - restraining device
- Headstalls - restraining device
- Headstone - gravestone
- Headstones - gravestone
- Headstrong - stubborn
- Headstrongly - stubbornly
- Headstrongness - obstinacy
- Headwaiter - dining room attendant
- Headwaiters - dining room attendant
- Headway - progress
- Headways - progress
- Headwork - state of thinking
- Headworks - state of thinking
- Heady - thrilling, intoxicating
- Heal - cure, recover
- Healable - able to be improved, fixed
- Healed - cure, recover
- Healer - faith healer
- Healers - faith healer
- Healing - restorative
- Healings - healing treatment
- Heals - cure, recover
- Health - physical, mental wellness
- Healthful - good for health
- Healthfulness - health
- Healthfulnesses - health
- Healthier - good for one's wellness
- Healthiest - good for one's wellness
- Healthily - energetically
- Healthiness - health
- Healthinesses - health
- Healths - physical, mental wellness
- Healthsome - healthful
- Healthy - in good condition
- Heap - pile, accumulation
- Heaped - amassed
- Heaper - innumerable
- Heaping - sated
- Heaps - pile, accumulation
- Hear - detect by perceiving sound
- Hearable - able to be heard
- Heard - perceived
- Hearer - group observing an entertainment or sporting event
- Hearers - group observing an entertainment or sporting event
- Hearing - ability to perceive sound
- Hearings - ability to perceive sound
- Hearken - hear
- Hearkened - hear
- Hearkening - hear
- Hearkens - hear
- Hears - detect by perceiving sound
- Hearsay - unsubstantiated information
- Hearsays - unsubstantiated information
- Hearse - support for burial
- Hearses - support for burial
- Heart - person's emotions
- Heartache - anguish, sorrow
- Heartaches - anguish, sorrow
- Heartbeat - pulse
- Heartbeats - pulse
- Heartbreak - mental or emotional misery
- Heartbreaker - philanderer
- Heartbreakers - philanderer
- Heartbreaking - disappointing
- Heartbreaks - mental or emotional misery
- Heartbroken - melancholy
- Heartbrokenly - extremely
- Heartburn - burning sensation
- Heartburns - burning sensation
- Hearten - raise someone's spirits
- Heartened - raise someone's spirits
- Heartening - encouraging
- Heartens - raise someone's spirits
- Heartfelt - genuine
- Hearth - a fireplace
- Hearths - a fireplace
- Hearthstone - a fireplace
- Hearthstones - a fireplace
- Heartier - energetic, enthusiastic
- Hearties - person who travels by sea
- Heartiest - energetic, enthusiastic
- Heartily - sincerely
- Heartiness - health
- Heartinesses - health
- Heartland - interior
- Heartlands - center, core
- Heartless - without feeling; cold
- Heartlessly - cruelly, without remorse
- Heartlessness - lack of compassion
- Heartlessnesses - lack of compassion
- Heartrending - arousing deep sympathy
- Hearts - person's emotions
- Heartsick - despondent
- Heartsickness - mental or emotional misery
- Heartsicknesses - mental or emotional misery
- Heartsore - melancholy
- Heartthrob - object of infatuation
- Heartthrobs - object of infatuation
- Heartwarming - pleasant
- Hearty - energetic, enthusiastic
- Heat - high temperature
- Heat of fusion -
- Heated - angry
- Heatedly - with anger
- Heater - device which heats
- Heaters - device which heats
- Heath - grassy field
- Heathen - not believing in christian god
- Heathenish - irreligious
- Heathens - nonbeliever
- Heather - silver
- Heaths - grassy field
- Heating - calefaction
- Heatings - calefaction
- Heats - high temperature
- Heatwave - heat
- Heatwaves - heat
- Heave - lift, throw with effort
- Heaved - lift, throw with effort
- heaven - any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
- Heavenly - very pleasant
- Heavens - place where god lives; wonderful feeling
- Heavenward - moving from the earth
- Heaver - implement for shooting weapon
- Heavers - implement for shooting weapon
- Heaves - lift, throw with effort
- Heavier - having great weight
- Heavies - first place, supremacy
- Heaviest - having great weight
- Heavily - laboriously
- Heaviness - burden
- Heavinesses - burden
- Heaving - lift, throw with effort
- Heavings - breathing
- Heavy - having great weight
- Heavyhearted - saddened
- Heavyset - stocky
- Heavyweight - heavy
- Heavyweights - heavy
- Hebdomad - seven of something
- Hebdomads - seven of something
- Hebetate - dull
- Hebetated - dull
- Hebetates - dull
- Hebetating - dull
- Hebetic - fertile
- hebetude - mental lethargy or dullness
- Hebetudes - lethargy
- Hebetudinous - lethargic
- Hebridean -
- Hecatomb - massacre
- Hecatombs - massacre
- Heckle - jeer
- Heckled - jeer
- Heckler - demonstrator
- Hecklers - demonstrator
- Heckles - jeer
- Heckling - jeer
- Hectic - frantic, turbulent
- Hectically - frenziedly
- Hectics - chaos
- Hectogram -
- Hector - bully
- Hectored - bully
- Hectoring - bully
- Hectors - bully
- Hedge - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Hedged - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Hedgerow - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Hedgerows - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Hedges - boundary, obstacle, especially one made of plants
- Hedging - avoid, dodge
- Hedgings - equivocation
- Hedonic - sybaritic
- Hedonism - sensualism
- Hedonisms - sensualism
- hedonist - A person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker.
- Hedonistic - sybaritic
- Hedonists - person who seeks pleasure above other values
- Heed - care, thought
- Heeded - give care, thought to
- Heeder - hearer
- Heeders - hearer
- Heedful - attentive
- Heedfully - with compassion
- Heedfulness - attention
- Heedfulnesses - attention
- Heeding - give care, thought to
- Heedless - careless
- Heedlessly - gently, effortlessly
- Heedlessness - abandon
- Heedlessnesses - abandon
- Heeds - care, thought
- Heehaw - laugh
- Heehawed - snickering laugh
- Heehawing - snickering laugh
- Heehaws - laugh
- Heel - follow
- Heeled - follow
- Heeler - offensive, repulsive
- Heelers - farm fowl
- Heeling - follow
- Heels - follow
- Heft - cargo, freight
- Hefted - move upwards; ascend
- Heftier - big, bulky
- Heftiest - big, bulky
- Heftiness - heaviness
- Heftinesses - heaviness
- Hefting - move upwards; ascend
- Hefts - cargo, freight
- Hefty - big, bulky
- Hegemonies - dominion
- Hegemony - dominion
- Heggen -
- Hegira - long journey
- Hegiras - long journey
- Heifer - baby cow
- Heifers - baby cow
- Height - altitude, top part
- Heighten - intensify
- Heightened - heavy
- Heightening - intensify
- Heightens - intensify
- Heights - altitude, top part
- Heinie - backside
- Heinies - backside
- Heinous - horrifying, monstrous
- Heinously - horribly
- Heinousness - enormity
- Heinousnesses - enormity
- Heir - person who inherits possessions
- Heiress - person who has possession of
- Heiresses - person who has possession of
- Heirloom - something inherited, often antique
- Heirlooms - something inherited, often antique
- Heirs - person who inherits possessions
- Heirship - person's background, tradition
- Heirships - person's background, tradition
- Heisman -
- Heist - burglary, robbery
- Heisted - steal
- Heister - person who steals
- Heisters - person who steals
- Heisting - steal
- Heists - burglary, robbery
- Helcoid - ulcerative
- Held - grasped
- Heliacal - pertaining to the sun
- Helical - curling, winding
- Helices - bow, loop
- Helicoid - curling, winding
- Helicopter - aircraft
- Helicopters - aircraft
- Heliograph - light used as signal, guide
- Heliographs - light used as signal, guide
- Heliometry -
- Heliotrope - blue and red colors mixed together
- Heliotropes - blue and red colors mixed together
- Helipad - center for transportation by air
- Helipads - center for transportation by air
- Heliport - center for transportation by air
- Heliports - center for transportation by air
- Helix - bow, loop
- Helixes - bow, loop
- Hell - place of the condemned; bad situation
- Hellacious - excellent, skillful
- Hellbent - untiring
- Hellbroth - diabolical mixture
- Hellbroths - diabolical mixture
- Hellcat - foxy person
- Hellcats - foxy person
- Hellfire - fateful
- Hellfires - hell
- Hellhound - criminal
- Hellhounds - criminal
- Hellion - troublemaker
- Hellions - troublemaker
- Hellish - fiendish; unpleasant
- Hello - how do you do
- Helloed - how do you do
- Helloes - how do you do
- Helloing - how do you do
- Hellos - greeting
- Hellraiser -
- Hells - place of the condemned; bad situation
- Helm - wheel
- Helmed - guide mentally; influence
- Helmer - manager over other employees
- Helmers - manager over other employees
- Helmet - headgear
- Helmets - headgear
- Helming - guide mentally; influence
- Helminth -
- Helms - wheel
- Helmsman - course plotter
- Helmsmanship - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Helmsmanships - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Helmsmen - course plotter
- Helot - servant
- Helotries - state of working under duress or without freedom
- Helotry - state of working under duress or without freedom
- Helots - servant
- Help - assistance, relief
- Helped - aided
- Helper - assistant
- Helpers - assistant
- Helpful - beneficial, beneficent
- Helpfully - usefully
- Helpfulness - assistance
- Helpfulnesses - assistance
- Helping - portion of food
- Helpings - portion of food
- Helpless - incapable, incompetent; vulnerable
- Helplessly - incapably
- Helplessness - disability
- Helplessnesses - disability
- Helpmate - spouse
- Helpmates - spouse
- Helpmeet - partner in marriage
- Helpmeets - partner in marriage
- Helps - assistance, relief
- Helve - long part of something
- Helves - long part of something
- Hem - border, edge
- Hemangioma - blemish one is born with
- Hemangiomas - blemish one is born with
- Hemangiomata - blemish one is born with
- Hemastatics -
- Hematic - bleeding
- Hemic - bleeding
- Hemicrania - migraine
- Hemicranias - migraine
- Hemicycle - half circle
- Hemicycles - half circle
- Hemimellitic -
- Hemisphere - one of two equal parts of a whole
- Hemispheres - one of two equal parts of a whole
- Hemmed - enclose, restrict
- Hemming - enclose, restrict
- Hemocyte - blood corpuscle
- Hemocytes - blood corpuscle
- Hemoglobin - red body fluid
- Hemoglobins - red body fluid
- Hemorrhage - bleed
- Hemorrhaged - bleed
- Hemorrhages - bleed
- Hemorrhaging - bleed
- Hemp - plant
- Hemps - plant
- Hems - enclose, restrict
- Hen - domesticated bird
- Hence - for that reason; therefore
- Henceforth - from now on
- Henceforward - for that reason; therefore
- henchman - someone who assists in a plot
- Henchmen - follower
- Henhouse - perch
- Henhouses - perch
- Henna - dark, burnished color
- Hennas - reddish-brown color
- Hennotannic -
- henotheism - Primitive religion in which each of several divinities is regarded as independent, and is worshiped without reference to the rest.
- Henpeck - nag
- Henpecked - dominated by one's wife
- Henpecking - nag
- Henpecks - nag
- Hens - domesticated bird
- Hep - satisfactory, agreeable
- Heparin -
- Hepper - satisfactory, agreeable
- Heppest - satisfactory, agreeable
- Heptad - seven of something
- Heptads - seven of something
- Hepworth -
- Herald - omen, messenger
- Heralded - bring message
- Heralding - bring message
- Heraldries - family crest
- Heraldry - family crest
- Heralds - omen, messenger
- Herb - grass, pot
- Herbaceous - pungent, flavorful
- Herbage - plant life
- Herbages - plant life
- Herbal - herbaceous
- Herbals -
- Herbicide - poison
- Herbicides - poison
- Herbivore - one who only consumes plants
- Herbivores - one who only consumes plants
- Herbivorous - plant-eating
- Herbs - grass, pot
- Herculean - powerful, strong
- Hercules - giant
- Herculeses - giant
- Herd - large group
- Herded - gather; shepherd
- Herder - shepherd
- Herders - shepherd
- Herding - gather; shepherd
- Herdings - collection, collation
- Herds - large group
- Herdsman - shepherd
- Herdsmen - shepherd
- Here - in this place
- Hereabouts - in this place
- Hereafter - from now on
- Hereafters - from now on
- Hereby - at this moment
- Hereditary - inherited; transmitted at birth
- Heredities - transmission of traits from parents to offspring
- Heredity - transmission of traits from parents to offspring
- Herein - in this place
- Hereinafter - for that reason; therefore
- Hereof - concerning this
- Hereon -
- Heres - in this place
- Heresies - unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
- Heresy - unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
- Heretic - schismatic
- Heretical - unorthodox
- Heretics - schismatic
- Heretofore - before this time
- Hereupon - from now on
- Herewith - at this moment
- Heritable - inherited; transmitted at birth
- Heritage - person's background, tradition
- Heritages - person's background, tradition
- Heritor - person who has possession of
- Heritors - person who has possession of
- Hermann goering -
- Hermaphrodite - having male and female traits
- Hermaphroditic - having relations with either gender
- Hermeneutic - explanatory
- Hermeneutical - interpretive
- Hermeneutics - the science of searching for hidden meaning in texts
- Hermetic - airtight
- Hermetical - occult
- Hermetics - medieval science
- Hermit - person who chose to live alone
- Hermitage - hideaway
- Hermitages - hideaway
- Hermitic - secluded
- Hermitical - alone, single; unsociable
- Hermits - person who chose to live alone
- Hernia - break, split
- Herniae - break, split
- Hernias - break, split
- Herniation - break, split
- Herniations - break, split
- Hero - submarine sandwich
- Heroes - submarine sandwich
- Heroic - brave, champion
- Heroically - courageously
- Heroics - saving from danger
- Heroin - smack
- Heroine - brave woman
- Heroines - brave person; champion
- Heroins - smack
- Heroism - bravery
- Heroisms - bravery
- Heros - brave person; champion
- Herpes - disease given through sexual relations
- Herpes zoster -
- Herpeses - disease given through sexual relations
- Herpetological - pertaining to reptile
- Hers - belonging to individual
- Hershey -
- Hes - man
- Hesitance - indisposition
- Hesitances - indisposition
- Hesitancies - doubt
- Hesitancy - doubt
- Hesitant - uncertain, waiting
- Hesitantly - dubiously
- Hesitate - wait; be uncertain
- Hesitated - wait; be uncertain
- Hesitates - wait; be uncertain
- Hesitating - doubtful
- Hesitatingly - skeptically
- Hesitation - waiting; uncertainty
- Hesitations - waiting; uncertainty
- Heteroclite - nonconforming
- heterodox - characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
- Heterodoxies - belief, behavior different from most
- Heterodoxy - belief, behavior different from most
- Heterogeneities - variety
- Heterogeneity - variety
- Heterogeneous - assorted, miscellaneous
- Heteromorphic - different from standard or norm
- Heterotaxis -
- Hetman - officer in command
- Hetmans - officer in command
- Heuristic - wondering, curious
- Hew - cut
- Hewed - cut
- Hewing - cut
- Hewn - cut
- Hews - cut
- Hex - curse, spell
- Hexad - six of something
- Hexadic - having six of something
- Hexads - six of something
- Hexagon - six-pointed star
- Hexagonal - having six of something
- Hexagons - six-pointed star
- Hexagram - six-pointed star
- Hexagrams - six-pointed star
- Hexahedra - six-sided solid
- Hexahedron - six-sided solid
- Hexahedrons - six-sided solid
- Hexameter -
- Hexed - cursed
- Hexes - curse, spell
- Hexing - magical aura over an entity
- Hexings - magical aura over an entity
- Hexosaminidase -
- Hey - how do you do
- Heyday - prime
- Heydays - prime
- Heyed - how do you do
- Heying - how do you do
- Heyne -
- Heys - how do you do
- Heysham -
- Hi - how do you do
- Hiatus - pause, interruption
- Hiatuses - pause, interruption
- Hibachi - grill for cookout
- Hibachis - grill for cookout
- hibernal - characteristic of or relating to winter
- Hibernate - lie dormant; sleep through cold weather
- Hibernated - lie dormant; sleep through cold weather
- Hibernates - lie dormant; sleep through cold weather
- Hibernating - lie dormant; sleep through cold weather
- Hibernation - suspension of consciousness
- Hibernations - suspension of consciousness
- Hiccough - diaphragm spasms
- Hiccoughs - diaphragm spasms
- Hiccup - diaphragm spasms
- Hiccuped - burp; spew
- Hiccuping - burp; spew
- Hiccupped - burp; spew
- Hiccupping - burp; spew
- Hiccups - diaphragm spasms
- Hick - rustic
- Hickey - small swelling on the skin
- Hickeys - small swelling on the skin
- Hickories - bat, stick
- Hickory - bat, stick
- Hicks - rustic
- Hid - conceal; remain unseen
- Hidden - unseen, secret
- Hiddenness - secrecy
- Hiddennesses - secrecy
- Hide - conceal; remain unseen
- Hideaway - escape
- Hideaways - escape
- hidebound - stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded
- Hided - conceal; remain unseen
- Hideous - grotesque, horrible
- Hideously - horribly
- Hideousness - ugliness
- Hideousnesses - ugliness
- Hideout - hiding place
- Hideouts - hiding place
- Hides - conceal; remain unseen
- Hiding - concealing
- Hidings - seclusion
- Hie - hasten
- Hied - hasten
- Hieing - hasten
- Hiemal - cold, snowy
- Hierarch - priest
- Hierarchical - characteristic of a ranked order
- Hierarchies - order
- Hierarchs - priest
- Hierarchy - order
- hieroglyph - writing that resembles hieroglyphics (usually by being illegible)
- Hieroglyphic - graphic
- Hieroglyphics - printing on paper
- Hieroglyphs - written symbol
- Hies - hasten
- Hifalutin - bragging
- Higgler - insistent person
- Higglers - insistent person
- High - tall; at a great distance aloft
- High treason -
- High-end -
- High-grade -
- Highball - object used for drinking liquids
- Highballed - welcome
- Highballing - welcome
- Highballs - object used for drinking liquids
- Highbinder - schemer
- Highbinders - schemer
- Highborn - noble
- Highboy - chest of drawers
- Highboys - chest of drawers
- Highbred - thoroughbred
- Highbrow - intellectual
- Highbrowed - very smart
- Highbrows - intellectual
- Higher - taller
- Highest - topmost
- Highfalutin - pompous
- Highfaluting - affected, put-on
- Highjack - take over
- Highjacked - take over
- Highjacking - the hijacking of an airplane or helicopter
- Highjackings - the hijacking of an airplane or helicopter
- Highjacks - take over
- Highland - hilly; large
- Highlands - small hill
- Highlight - memorable part
- Highlighted - promoted
- Highlighting - giving prominence to
- Highlights - memorable part
- Highly - very, well
- Highness - quality of being high
- Highnesses - quality of being high
- Highrise - high, elevated
- Highrises - tall building
- Highs - extreme happiness
- Hightail - run
- Hightailed - run
- Hightailing - run
- Hightails - run
- Hightop - footwear
- Hightops - footwear
- Highway - heavily traveled, capacious road
- Highwayman - robber
- Highwaymen - robber
- Highways - heavily traveled, capacious road
- Highwrought - fancily decorated
- Higre -
- Hijack - seize control
- Hijacked - seize control
- Hijacker - abductor
- Hijackers - abductor
- Hijacking - seize control
- Hijackings - robbery
- Hijacks - seize control
- Hijinks - rough play
- Hike - journey by foot
- Hiked - journey by foot
- Hiker - mountain climber
- Hikers - mountain climber
- Hikes - journey by foot
- Hiking - tramping
- Hikings - mountain climbing
- Hilarious - very funny
- Hilariously - with joy, pleasure
- Hilariousness - humor
- Hilariousnesses - humor
- Hilarities - laughter
- Hilarity - laughter
- Hile -
- Hill - uprising of earth's surface; pile
- Hillbillies - hayseed
- Hillbilly - hayseed
- Hilled - gather, pack; put on top of another
- Hillier - bumpy
- Hilliest - bumpy
- Hilling - gather, pack; put on top of another
- Hillock - small hill
- Hillocks - small hill
- Hills - uprising of earth's surface; pile
- Hillside - edge, exteriority of object
- Hillsides - edge, exteriority of object
- Hilltop - in the open air
- Hilltops - small hill
- Hilly - bumpy
- Hilt - end, shaft
- Hilts - end, shaft
- Hind - back
- Hinder - prevent, slow down
- Hindered - prevent, slow down
- Hindering - prevent, slow down
- Hindermost - back, end
- Hinders - prevent, slow down
- Hindmost - last
- Hindquarters - back
- Hindrance - obstruction, difficulty
- Hindrances - obstruction, difficulty
- Hinds - back or end part
- Hindsight - retrospect
- Hindsights - retrospect
- Hindwing -
- Hinge - pivot, turning point
- Hinged - be contingent on
- Hinges - pivot, turning point
- Hinging - pivot, turning point
- Hint - indication; suggestion
- Hinted - indication; suggestion
- Hinterland - backcountry
- Hinterlands - backcountry
- Hinting - suggest; indicate
- Hints - indication; suggestion
- Hip - fashionable, stylish
- Hipper - fashionable, stylish
- Hippest - fashionable, stylish
- Hippie - nonconformist
- Hippies - nonconformist
- Hippobosca -
- Hippodrome - arena
- Hippodromes - arena
- Hippopotami - nonruminant hoofed mammal
- Hippopotamus - nonruminant hoofed mammal
- Hippopotamuses - nonruminant hoofed mammal
- Hips - small fruit
- Hipster - hippie
- Hipsters - hippie
- Hire - commission for responsibility, use
- Hired - contracted
- Hireling - hack
- Hirelings - hack
- Hires - commission for responsibility, use
- Hiring - commission for responsibility, use
- Hirings - working for a living;
- hirsute - having or covered with hair
- Hirsuteness - shagginess
- Hirsutenesses - shagginess
- Hirudinidae -
- His - belonging to individual
- Hispanicize -
- Hispaniola -
- Hispid - with stiff hairs
- Hispidities - shagginess
- Hispidity - shagginess
- Hiss - buzzing sound; jeer
- Hissed - make buzzing sound; ridicule
- Hisser - belonging to individual
- Hisses - buzzing sound; jeer
- Hissing - make buzzing sound; ridicule
- Hissings - acoustical noise
- Histaminase -
- Histogram - graph resembling pie
- Histograms - graph resembling pie
- Histological -
- Histologies - study of animal, plant structure
- Histology - study of animal, plant structure
- Historian - student of history
- Historians - student of history
- Historic - momentous, remarkable
- historical - belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the pastRelating to the past or the study of the past.; Important or famous in history.
- Histories - past events, experiences
- Historiographer - reporter
- History - past events, experiences
- Histozyme -
- Histrionic - overly dramatic
- Histrionical - dramatic
- Histrionically -
- histrionics - a performance of a play
- Histrionism - business of plays
- Histrionisms - business of plays
- Hit - strike, bump
- Hitch - problem, difficulty
- Hitch up -
- Hitched - problem, difficulty
- Hitches - problem, difficulty
- Hitchhike - take a lift
- Hitchhiked - take a lift
- Hitchhiker - person who rides in vehicle conducted by another
- Hitchhikers - person who rides in vehicle conducted by another
- Hitchhikes - take a lift
- Hitchhiking - take a lift
- Hitching - problem, difficulty
- Hither - to this place
- Hithermost -
- Hitherto - earlier
- Hits - strike, bump
- Hitting - striking
- Hive - apiary
- Hived - collect and put aside
- Hives - apiary
- Hiving - collect and put aside
- Hiya - how do you do
- Hlf -
- Hoagie - long sandwich
- Hoagies - long sandwich
- Hoagy - large sandwich
- Hoar - very cold
- Hoard - stockpile
- Hoarded - put away, accumulate
- Hoarder - person who hoards money, possessions
- Hoarders - person who hoards money, possessions
- Hoarding - put away, accumulate
- Hoardings - gathering or amassing
- Hoards - stockpile
- Hoarfrost - frost
- Hoarfrosts - frost
- Hoarier - ancient
- Hoariest - ancient
- Hoariness - paleness
- Hoarinesses - paleness
- Hoars - frost
- Hoarse - raspy in voice
- Hoarser - raspy in voice
- Hoarsest - raspy in voice
- hoary - showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair
- hoax - A humorous or malicious deception; a practical joke.
- Hoaxed - trick
- Hoaxer - person who is false, deceitful
- Hoaxers - person who is false, deceitful
- Hoaxes - trick
- Hoaxing - trick
- Hob - fairy
- Hobbie -
- Hobbies - pleasurable pastime
- Hobble - limp
- Hobbled - limp
- hobbledehoy - an awkward bad-mannered adolescent boy
- Hobbles - limp
- Hobbling - limp
- Hobby - pleasurable pastime
- Hobbyhorse - child's model horse
- Hobbyhorses - child's model horse
- Hobbyist - one who collects specimens
- Hobbyists - one who collects specimens
- Hobgoblin - mischievous goblin
- Hobgoblins - mischievous goblin
- hobnob - rub elbows with
- Hobnobbed - associate with
- Hobnobbing - associate with
- Hobnobs - associate with
- Hobo - homeless person
- Hoboes - homeless person
- Hobos - homeless person
- Hobs - fairy
- hobson's choice - the choice of taking what is offered or nothing at all
- Hock - pawn
- Hocked - pawn
- Hocking - pawn
- Hocks - pawn
- Hocus - sleight of hand
- Hod - container, often for liquids, with handle
- Hodgepodge - mixture, mess
- Hodgepodges - miscellany
- Hods - container, often for liquids, with handle
- Hoe - cultivate land
- Hoed - cultivate land
- Hoedown - dance party
- Hoedowns - dance party
- Hoeing - cultivate land
- Hoes - cultivate land
- Hog - pig
- Hog-tie -
- Hogan - portable canvas shelter
- Hogans - portable canvas shelter
- Hogback - raised part of solid
- Hogbacks - raised part of solid
- Hogged - be selfish
- Hogging - be selfish
- Hoggish - greedy
- Hoggs -
- hogmanay - New Year's Eve in Scotland
- Hogs - pig
- Hogshead - large barrel
- Hogsheads - large barrel
- Hogtie - put out of action
- Hogtied - hamper
- Hogties - hamper
- Hogtying - hamper
- Hogwash - nonsense
- Hogwashes - nonsense
- hoi polloi - the common people generally
- Hoiden - boyish girl
- Hoidens - boyish girl
- Hoist - lift
- Hoisted - lift
- Hoisting - lift
- Hoists - lift
- Hoke - mimic
- Hoked - mimic
- Hokes - mimic
- Hokey - corny
- Hokeypokey - shenanigans
- Hokeypokeys - shenanigans
- Hokier - corny
- Hokiest - corny
- Hoking - mimic
- Hokum - dull, overused saying
- Hokums - dull, overused saying
- Hold - grasp, possession
- Holdall - container for one's possesions
- Holdalls - container for one's possesions
- Holden - grasp, possession
- Holder - owner
- Holders - owner
- Holding - property held
- Holding the floor -
- Holdings - property
- Holdout - person who settles dispute
- Holdouts - person who settles dispute
- Holdover - remnant
- Holdovers - remnant
- Holds - grasp, possession
- Holdup - problem
- Holdups - problem
- Hole - opening in a solid object
- Holed - clear, expose; spread
- Holes - opening in a solid object
- Holiday - celebratory day; time off
- Holiday camp -
- Holidayed - visit, journey
- Holidaying - visit, journey
- Holidays - celebratory day; time off
- Holier - religious, sacred
- Holiest - religious, sacred
- Holiness - religiousness
- Holinesses - religiousness
- Holing - clear, expose; spread
- Holistic - complete, whole
- Holler - shout, yell
- Hollered - shout, yell
- Hollering - shout, yell
- Hollers - shout, yell
- Hollow - empty, hollowed out
- Hollowed - empty out; make concave
- Hollower - empty, hollowed out
- Hollowest - empty, hollowed out
- Hollowing - empty, hollowed out
- Hollowness - emptiness
- Hollownesses - emptiness
- Hollows - empty, hollowed out
- Hollowware - silver
- Hollowwares - silver
- Holm - wet land covered with vegetation
- Holms - wet land covered with vegetation
- Holocaust - widespread destruction
- Holocausts - widespread destruction
- holus-bolus - All together; entirely; without modification.
- Holy - religious, sacred
- Holy roman empire -
- Holytide - day of religious observance
- Holytides - day of religious observance
- Homage - devotion, admiration
- Homages - devotion, admiration
- Hombre - man
- Hombres - man
- Home - domestic
- Homebodies - person who lives close by
- Homebody - person who lives close by
- Homeboy - friend
- Homeboys - friend
- Homecoming - coming to a destination
- Homecomings - coming to a destination
- Homegirl - person's friend
- Homegirls - person's friend
- Homegrown - grown at home
- Homeland - fatherland
- Homelands - fatherland
- Homeless - displaced
- Homelessness - itinerancy
- Homelessnesses - itinerancy
- Homelier - ordinary, comfortable
- Homeliest - ordinary, comfortable
- Homelike - cozy, warm
- Homeliness - unattractiveness
- Homelinesses - unattractiveness
- Homely - ordinary, comfortable
- Homemade - made in the home
- Homemaker - wife
- Homemakers - wife
- Homemaking - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Homemakings - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Homeostases - tendency to maintain internal stability
- Homeostasis - tendency to maintain internal stability
- Homeowner - proprietor
- Homeowners - proprietor
- Homer - domestic
- Homeric - concerning ancient culture
- Homeroom - group in school
- Homerooms - group in school
- Homers - victory, achievement
- Homes - place where a human lives
- Homesick - nostalgic
- Homesickness - nostalgia
- Homesicknesses - nostalgia
- Homesite -
- Homespun - spun from home
- Homespuns - commonly known term
- Homestead - large farm
- Homesteaded - produce crops, raise animals
- Homesteader - person who finds a new place, founds something
- Homesteaders - person who finds a new place, founds something
- Homesteading - migration
- Homesteadings - migration
- Homesteads - large farm
- Hometown - birthplace, environment
- Hometowns - birthplace, environment
- Homework - information taught
- Homeworks - information taught
- Homey - comfortable
- Homicidal - murderous
- Homicide - killing
- Homicides - killing
- Homie - friend
- Homier - comfortable
- Homies - friend
- Homiest - comfortable
- homiletic - of or relating to homiletics
- Homiletical - instructive
- Homilies - sermon
- Homily - sermon
- Hominid - manlike
- Hominies - boiled meal
- Hominine - manlike
- Hominoid - manlike
- Hominoids - order of mammals
- Hominy - boiled meal
- Homoerotic - gay
- Homogeneities - uniformity
- Homogeneity - uniformity
- Homogeneous - similar
- Homogeneousness - wholeness
- Homogenize - become adjusted; adjust
- Homogenized - liquid produced by mammals
- Homogenizes - become adjusted; adjust
- Homogenizing - become adjusted; adjust
- Homogenous - similar, comparable
- Homologate -
- Homologies - similarity, balance; egalitarianism
- Homologize - become adjusted; adjust
- Homologized - similar
- Homologizes - become adjusted; adjust
- Homologizing - become adjusted; adjust
- Homologous - similar
- Homologue - complement, correlation
- Homologues - complement, correlation
- Homology - similarity, balance; egalitarianism
- Homonym - word pronounced the same as another, regardless of meaning or spelling
- Homonyms - word pronounced the same as another, regardless of meaning or spelling
- Homophile - gay
- Homophone - word pronounced the same as another, but differing in meaning
- Homophones - word pronounced the same as another, but differing in meaning
- Homopteran -
- Homosexual - one who is attracted to persons of one's own sex
- Homosexualities - sexual character
- Homosexuality - sexual character
- Homosexuals - one who is attracted to persons of one's own sex
- Homuncule - small person
- Homuncules - small person
- Homunculi - small person
- Homunculus - small person
- Honcho - leader
- Honchos - leader
- Hone - sharpen
- Honed - sharpen
- Hones - sharpen
- Honest - truthful, candid
- Honest woman -
- Honesties - truthfulness, candidness
- Honestly - in an honest manner
- Honestness - honor, uprightness
- Honestnesses - honor, uprightness
- Honesty - truthfulness, candidness
- Honey - lover
- Honeybunch - darling
- Honeybunches - darling
- Honeycomb - make a hole in
- Honeycombed - make a hole in
- Honeycombing - make a hole in
- Honeycombs - make a hole in
- Honeydew - fruit
- Honeydews - fruit
- Honeyed - sweetened
- Honeying - entice, manipulate
- Honeys - lover
- Honied - entice, manipulate
- Honing - sharpen
- Honk - toot
- Honked - toot
- Honking - toot
- Honks - toot
- Honor - respect
- Honorable - reputable
- Honorableness - honesty
- Honorablenesses - honesty
- Honorably - nobly
- Honoraria - complimentary fee
- Honorarium - complimentary fee
- Honorariums - complimentary fee
- Honorary - honorific
- Honored - respected
- Honoree - honored guest
- Honorees - honored guest
- Honorific - name
- Honorifics - name
- Honoring - recognize, treat with respect
- Honors - respect
- Hooch - illegally distilled alcohol
- Hooches - illegally distilled alcohol
- Hood - covering worn over the head
- Hooded - having a hood
- Hooding - wrap, hide
- Hoodlum - crook
- Hoodlumism - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Hoodlumisms - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Hoodlums - gangster
- Hoodoo - jinx
- Hoodooed - jinx
- Hoodooing - jinx
- Hoodoos - jinx
- Hoods - gangster
- Hoodwink - deceive
- Hoodwinked - deceive
- Hoodwinking - deceive
- Hoodwinks - deceive
- Hooey - nonsense
- Hooeys - nonsense
- Hoof - foot of animal
- Hoofed - walk back and forth
- Hoofer - person who performs graceful dance
- Hoofers - person who performs graceful dance
- Hoofing - walk back and forth
- Hoofprint - footmark
- Hoofprints - footmark
- Hoofs - foot of animal
- Hook - curved fastener
- Hookah - pipe through which water moves
- Hookahs - pipe through which water moves
- Hooked - addicted
- Hooker - prostitute
- Hookers - prostitute
- Hookier - not present
- Hookies - cut
- Hookiest - not present
- Hooking - curved fastener
- Hookings - whoredom
- Hooks - curved fastener
- Hookup - relation
- Hookups - relation
- Hooky - cut
- Hooligan - hoodlum
- Hooliganism - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Hooliganisms - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Hooligans - hoodlum
- Hoon -
- Hoop - ring
- Hoopla - excitement
- Hooplas - excitement
- Hoops - ring
- Hooray - emphatic exclamation
- Hoorays - emphatic exclamation
- Hoosegow - jail
- Hoosegows - jail
- Hoot - cry
- Hootch - liquor
- Hootches - liquor
- Hooted - cry
- hootenanny - An informal gathering for folk music, often with audience participation.
- Hooting - cry
- Hoots - cry
- Hoover - carpet sweeper
- Hoovered - eat a lot
- Hoovering - eat a lot
- Hoovers - carpet sweeper
- Hooves - foot of animal
- Hop - jump on one leg
- Hope - longing; dream
- Hoped - long for, dream about
- Hopeful - optimistic, expectant
- Hopefully - optimistically
- Hopefulness - state of having positive beliefs
- Hopefulnesses - state of having positive beliefs
- Hopefuls - person with wish, dream
- Hopeless - futile, pessimistic
- Hopelessly - without hope
- Hopelessness - despair
- Hopelessnesses - despair
- Hoper - positive thinker
- Hopers - positive thinker
- Hopes - longing; dream
- Hophead - person addicted to narcotics
- Hopheads - person addicted to narcotics
- Hoping - believing
- Hoplology -
- Hopped - jump on one leg
- Hopper - container for disposal, storage
- Hoppers - container for disposal, storage
- Hoppers -
- Hopping - jump on one leg
- Hoppings - leap
- Hops - jump on one leg
- Hopscotch - move about aimlessly
- Hopscotched - move about aimlessly
- Hopscotches - move about aimlessly
- Hopscotching - move about aimlessly
- Hora - collective farm
- Horas - collective farm
- Horde - uncontrolled throng, pack
- Hordeola - dirty place
- Hordeolum - dirty place
- Hordes - uncontrolled throng, pack
- Horehound - medicated lozenge
- Horehounds - medicated lozenge
- Horizon - skyline, extent
- Horizons - skyline, extent
- Horizontal - lying flat
- Horizontal bar -
- Horizontal stabilizer -
- Horizontally - across
- Horizontals - flat surface; level
- Hormone - birth control method
- Hormones - birth control method
- Horn - smelling organ of animate being
- Hornbook - something new; something that begins
- Hornbooks - something new; something that begins
- Horned - knifelike, cutting
- Hornet - bug
- Hornets - bug
- Hornier - sexually aroused
- Horniest - sexually aroused
- Horning - bang up against with head
- Hornlike - pertaining to horn
- Horns - smelling organ of animate being
- hornswoggle - deprive of by deceit
- Hornswoggled - cheat
- Hornswoggles - cheat
- Hornswoggling - cheat
- Horny - sexually aroused
- Horologe - device that tells time
- Horologes - device that tells time
- Horological - in consecutive time
- Horologist - jewelry maker
- Horologists - jewelry maker
- Horometrical - in consecutive time
- Horometry -
- Horoscope - astrological forecast
- Horoscopes - astrological forecast
- Horoscopies - supernatural power; appearance
- Horoscopist - person who senses others' thoughts
- Horoscopists - person who senses others' thoughts
- Horoscopy - supernatural power; appearance
- Horrendous - terrible
- Horrible - unpleasant
- Horribleness - disagreeableness
- Horriblenesses - disagreeableness
- Horribly - very
- Horrid - offensive
- Horridness - nefariousness
- Horridnesses - nefariousness
- Horrific - horrible
- Horrified - frightened
- Horrifies - scare
- Horrify - scare
- Horrifying - scare
- Horripilation - raised bumps on skin
- Horripilations - raised bumps on skin
- horror - An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.; Something that causes such a feeling, often used to describe a genre of films, books, or other media intended to evoke fear.
- Horrors - fear, revulsion
- Horse - equine species
- Horsed - on horseback
- Horsefeathers - nonsense
- Horseman - rider
- Horsemanship - riding skill
- Horsemanships - riding skill
- Horsemen - rider
- Horseplay - rough play
- Horseplays - rough play
- Horsepower - physical ability, capacity
- Horsepowers - physical ability, capacity
- Horseradish - flavoring
- Horseradishes - flavoring
- Horses - equine species
- Horseshoe - arched, rounded line or object
- Horseshoer - ironsmith
- Horseshoers - ironsmith
- Horseshoes - arched, rounded line or object
- Horsewhip - length of material for hitting
- Horsewhipped - beat, whip
- Horsewhipping - lashing
- Horsewhips - length of material for hitting
- Horsewoman - horse rider
- Horsewomen - horse rider
- Hortative - educational
- hortatory - Urging or strongly encouraging action or conduct.
- Horticultural - relating to plants
- Horticulture - gardening
- Horticultures - gardening
- Horticulturist - vegetable grower
- Horticulturists - vegetable grower
- Hosanna - religious song
- Hosannas - religious song
- Hose - stockings
- Hosed - given water
- Hosen - stockings
- Hoser - person who pretends to be an expert
- Hosers - person who pretends to be an expert
- Hoses - stockings
- Hosieries - stockings
- Hosiery - stockings
- Hosing - verbal attack
- Hospice - hospital
- Hospices - hospital
- Hospitable - cordial
- Hospitableness - neighborliness
- Hospitably - genially
- Hospital - place where ill, injured are treated
- Hospitalise -
- Hospitalities - neighborliness
- Hospitality - neighborliness
- Hospitalization - medical care
- Hospitalize - hurt, incapacitate
- Hospitalized - not healthy, not feeling well
- Hospitalizes - hurt, incapacitate
- Hospitalizing - hurt, incapacitate
- Hospitals - place where ill, injured are treated
- Host - person who entertains, performs
- Hostage - person held captive until captor's demand is met
- Hostages - person held captive until captor's demand is met
- Hosted - entertain, accommodate
- Hostel - lodging
- Hosteled - stay at temporary residence
- Hosteling - stay at temporary residence
- Hostelled - stay at temporary residence
- Hostelling - stay at temporary residence
- Hostelries - lodging
- Hostelry - lodging
- Hostels - lodging
- Hostess - a woman who hosts visitors
- Hostesses - a woman who hosts visitors
- Hostile - antagonistic, mean
- Hostile party -
- Hostilely - in another way; otherwise
- Hostilities - antagonism, meanness
- Hostility - antagonism, meanness
- Hosting - entertain, accommodate
- Hostler - stable attendant; servant
- Hostlers - stable attendant; servant
- Hosts - person who entertains, performs
- Hot - very high in temperature
- Hot pot -
- Hotbed - center of activity
- Hotbeds - center of activity
- Hotcake - flat, round breakfast cake
- Hotcakes - flat, round breakfast cake
- Hotchkiss gun -
- Hotchpotch - mess, mix-up
- Hotchpotches - mess, mix-up
- Hotdog - effective, powerful
- Hotdogged - amaze
- Hotdogger - self-assured
- Hotdogging - self-assured, full of oneself
- Hotdogs - person who is famous, important
- Hotel - place where one pays for accommodation
- Hotelier - owner of property leased
- Hoteliers - owner of property leased
- Hotels - place where one pays for accommodation
- Hotfoot - hurry
- Hotfooted - hurry
- Hotfooting - hurry
- Hotfoots - hurry
- Hothead - agitating person
- Hotheaded - quick-tempered
- Hotheadedness - angriness; bad mood
- Hotheadednesses - angriness; bad mood
- Hotheads - agitating person
- Hothouse - cultivated plants, flowers
- Hothouses - cultivated plants, flowers
- Hotly - with anger
- Hotness - heat
- Hotnesses - heat
- Hotrod - racing car
- Hotrods - racing car
- Hots - sex instinct
- Hotshot - secure with oneself
- Hotshots - person who flies aircraft
- Hotter - very high in temperature
- Hottest - very high in temperature
- Hound - dog
- Hounded - chase, badger
- Hounding - chase, badger
- Hounds - dog
- Hour - brief time period
- Hourglass - watch
- Hourglasses - watch
- Hourly - at fixed intervals
- Hours - brief time period
- House - human habitat
- Housebound - disabled
- Housebreak - take something without permission
- Housebreaker - thief
- Housebreakers - thief
- Housebreaking - unlawful entry
- Housebreakings - unlawful entry
- Housebreaks - take something without permission
- Housebroke - take something without permission
- Housebroken - domesticated, compliant
- Housecleaning - release
- Housecleanings - release
- Housecoat - gown, often for wearing at home
- Housecoats - gown, often for wearing at home
- Housecraft - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Housecrafts - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Housed - stay at temporary residence
- Household - domestic
- Householder - proprietor
- Householders - proprietor
- Households - domestic
- Housekeeper - domestic
- Housekeepers - domestic
- Housekeeping - household management
- Housekeepings - household management
- Houseless - displaced
- Housemaid - female who performs housework
- Housemaids - female who performs housework
- Housemate - live-in significant other
- Housemates - live-in significant other
- Housemother - woman
- Housemothers - woman
- Houseroom - temporary place to stay or sleep
- Houserooms - temporary place to stay or sleep
- Houses - human habitat
- Housetop - top of a room
- Housetops - top of a room
- Housewares - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Housewarming - party at someone's home
- Housewarmings - party at someone's home
- Housewife - wife
- Housewiferies - household management
- Housewifery - household management
- Housewives - wife
- Housework - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Houseworks - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Housing - place of accommodation
- Housing project -
- Housings - place of accommodation
- Hove - lift, throw with effort
- Hovel - tiny unkempt house
- Hovels - tiny unkempt house
- Hover - hang, float over
- Hovered - hang, float over
- Hovering - hang, float over
- Hovers - hang, float over
- How - in what way or manner
- How come -
- Howbeit - however
- Howdah - seat on horse
- Howdahs - seat on horse
- Howdied - how do you do
- Howdies - how do you do
- Howdy - how do you do
- Howdying - how do you do
- However - still, nevertheless
- Howitzer - arm, armament
- Howitzers - arm, armament
- Howl - long, painful cry
- Howled - long, painful cry
- Howler - error, erroneousness
- Howlers - error, erroneousness
- Howling - long, painful cry
- Howlings - audible expression of amusement
- Howls - long, painful cry
- Hows - reason
- Howto -
- Hoyden - boyish girl
- Hoydenish - juvenile
- Hoydens - boyish girl
- Hualapai -
- Huarache - casual shoe
- Huaraches - casual shoe
- Hub - center, focal point
- Hubbies - married man
- hubbub - loud confused noise from many sources
- Hubbubs - commotion, disorder
- Hubby - married man
- Hubris - arrogance
- Hubrises - arrogance
- Hubristic - overly sure of oneself
- Hubs - center, focal point
- Hucklebone -
- huckster - sell or offer for sale from place to place
- Huckstered - sell door to door
- Huckstering - sell door to door
- Hucksters - peddler
- Huddle - assemblage, crowd, often disorganized
- Huddled - assemblage, crowd, often disorganized
- Huddles - assemblage, crowd, often disorganized
- Huddling - assemblage, crowd, often disorganized
- Hue - color, shade
- Hued - vivid in color
- Hues - color, shade
- Huey -
- Huff - bad mood
- Huffed - sigh, breathe out forcefully
- Huffier - angry, in a bad mood
- Huffiest - angry, in a bad mood
- Huffiness - angriness; bad mood
- Huffinesses - angriness; bad mood
- Huffing - bad mood
- Huffish - angry, in a bad mood
- Huffs - bad mood
- Huffy - angry, in a bad mood
- Hug - embrace
- Huge - extremely large
- Hugely - very much, extremely
- Hugeness - enormousness
- Hugenesses - enormousness
- Hugeous -
- Huger - extremely large
- Hugest - extremely large
- Hugged - hold close, cling to
- Huggermuggery -
- Huggier - having or showing fondness
- Huggiest - having or showing fondness
- Hugging - hold close, cling to
- Huggy - having or showing fondness
- Hugo -
- Hugs - embrace
- Huh - emphatic exclamation
- Hulk - large piece, lump; remains
- Hulkier - bulky
- Hulkiest - bulky
- Hulking - massive
- Hulks - large piece, lump; remains
- Hulky - bulky
- Hull - skeleton, body
- hullabaloo - disturbance usually in protest
- Hullabaloos - uproar
- Hulled - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Hulling - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Hulls - skeleton, body
- Hum - buzz, vibrate
- Human - characteristic of people
- Humane - kind, compassionate
- Humanely - with compassion
- Humaneness - kindness, compassion
- Humanenesses - kindness, compassion
- Humanism - ideas, values of a people
- Humanisms - ideas, values of a people
- Humanistic - progressive
- Humanitarian - giving, compassionate
- Humanitarianism - benevolence
- Humanitarians - giving, compassionate
- Humanities - liberal arts
- Humanity - human race
- Humanize - acculturate
- Humanized - acculturate
- Humanizes - acculturate
- Humanizing - civilizing
- Humankind - the human race
- Humankinds - the human race
- Humanlike - manlike
- Humanly - with regard to the welfare of mankind
- Humanness - human race
- Humannesses - human race
- Humanoid - manlike
- Humanoids - ape
- Humans - person, homo sapiens
- Humation -
- Humble - meek, unassuming
- humblebrag - A person who makes spurious statements in order to gain the moral high ground.
- humblebrag -
- humblebrag -
- Humbled - shame, put down
- Humbleness - modesty
- Humblenesses - modesty
- Humbler - meek, unassuming
- Humbles - meek, unassuming
- Humblest - meek, unassuming
- Humbling - shame, put down
- Humblings - humiliation
- Humbly - meekly
- Humbucker -
- Humbug - nonsense
- Humbugged - mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
- Humbugging - mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
- Humbugs - nonsense
- humdinger - someone of remarkable excellence
- Humdingers - something extraordinary
- Humdrum - boring, uneventful
- Humdrums - boredom; sameness
- Humectation - very damp weather
- Humectations - very damp weather
- Humid - very damp, referring to weather
- Humidification - temperature when dew forms
- Humidifications - temperature when dew forms
- Humidified - make wet, damp
- Humidifies - make wet, damp
- Humidify - make wet, damp
- Humidifying - make wet, damp
- Humidities - very damp weather
- Humidity - very damp weather
- Humidness - humidity
- Humidnesses - humidity
- Humidor - holder for physical object
- Humidor -
- Humidors - holder for physical object
- Humiliate - embarrass, put down
- Humiliated - humbled
- Humiliates - embarrass, put down
- Humiliating - mortifying
- Humiliation - embarrassment
- Humiliations - embarrassment
- Humilities - humbleness, modesty
- Humility - humbleness, modesty
- Hummed - buzz, vibrate
- Humming - lively
- Hummings - low, continuous sound
- Hummock - small hill
- Hummocks - small hill
- Hummum - very hot bath
- Hummums - very hot bath
- humongous - (Adjective) Extremely large; enormous.
- Humor - comedy, funniness
- Humored - treat oneself or another to
- Humoring - permissive
- Humorist - comedian
- Humorists - comedian
- Humorless - old-fashioned, prim
- Humorous - funny, comical
- Humorously - comically
- Humorousness - humor
- Humorousnesses - humor
- Humors - comedy, funniness
- Humorsome - given to sudden behavior change
- Hump - swelling, projection
- Humpbacked - disfigured, distorted
- Humped - curved
- Humping - curve
- Humps - swelling, projection
- Hums - buzz, vibrate
- Humungous - giant
- Humus - fertilizer
- Humuses - fertilizer
- Hun - crude, savage person
- Hunch - feeling, idea
- Hunchbacked - disfigured, distorted
- Hunched - cower, crouch
- Hunches - feeling, idea
- Hunching - feeling, idea
- Hundred - pertaining to 100
- Hundreds - large group; a great number
- Hundredth - pertaining to 100
- Hung - suspended
- Hunger - appetite for food, other desire
- Hungered - starving; desirous
- Hungering - deprived of food
- Hungers - appetite for food, other desire
- Hungrier - starving; desirous
- Hungriest - starving; desirous
- Hungrily - anxiously
- Hungriness - appetite for food, other desire
- Hungrinesses - appetite for food, other desire
- Hungry - starving; desirous
- Hunk - chunk of solid material
- Hunker - crouch
- Hunkered - crouch
- Hunkering - crouch
- Hunkers - crouch
- Hunkier - appealing, drawing attention
- Hunkiest - appealing, drawing attention
- Hunks - chunk of solid material
- Hunky - appealing, drawing attention
- Huns - crude, savage person
- Hunt - search, chase
- Hunted - pursued
- Hunter - a person who hunts
- Hunters - a person who hunts
- Hunting - the chase
- Huntings - the chase
- Huntress - a person who hunts
- Huntresses - a person who hunts
- Hunts - search, chase
- Huntsman - a person who hunts
- Huntsmen - a person who hunts
- Hurd -
- Hurdle - barrier, obstacle
- Hurdled - barrier, obstacle
- Hurdler - one who runs
- Hurdlers - one who runs
- Hurdles - barrier, obstacle
- Hurdling - jump over an obstacle
- Hurl - throw forcefully
- Hurled - throw forcefully
- Hurler - baseball pitcher
- Hurlers - baseball pitcher
- Hurley - hockey played on field or ground
- Hurleys - hockey played on field or ground
- Hurlies - hockey played on field or ground
- Hurling - throw forcefully
- Hurlings - hockey played on field or ground
- Hurls - throw forcefully
- hurly-burly - Tumult; bustle; confusion.
- Hurrah - yeah
- Hurrahed - yeah
- Hurrahing - yeah
- Hurrahs - yeah
- Hurray - yeah
- Hurrayed - yeah
- Hurraying - yeah
- Hurrays - yeah
- Hurricane - violent windstorm
- Hurricanes - violent windstorm
- Hurried - quick, rushed
- Hurriedly - wildly, fiercely
- Hurriedness - haste
- Hurriednesses - haste
- Hurries - speed in action, motion
- Hurry - speed in action, motion
- Hurrying - bustling
- Hurryings - increasing speed, timing
- Hurt - physically or mentally injured
- Hurtful - injurious, cruel
- Hurting - cause physical pain; experience pain
- Hurtle - plunge, charge
- Hurtled - plunge, charge
- Hurtles - plunge, charge
- Hurtless - harmless, naive
- Hurtling - plunge, charge
- Hurts - physically or mentally injured
- Husayn -
- Husband - married man
- Husbanded - hold on to physically or mentally
- Husbanding - directing
- Husbandless - not presently wed
- Husbandman - farmer
- Husbandmen - farmer
- Husbandries - farming
- Husbandry - farming
- Husbands - married man
- Hush - quiet
- Hushed - silent
- Hushedly - in secret
- Husher - quiet; speechless
- Hushes - quiet
- Hushful - quiet
- Hushing - quiet
- Husk - covering, case
- Husked - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Huskier - deep, scratchy in sound
- Huskiest - deep, scratchy in sound
- Husking - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Husks - covering, case
- Husky - deep, scratchy in sound
- Hussar - troops riding horses
- Hussars - troops riding horses
- Hussies - loose woman
- Hussy - loose woman
- Hustle - hurry; work hurriedly
- Hustled - hurry; work hurriedly
- Hustler - con artist; prostitute
- Hustlers - con artist; prostitute
- Hustles - hurry; work hurriedly
- Hustling - fast-moving
- Hustlings - whoredom
- Hut - tiny, often roughly built, house
- Hutch - a cupboard
- Hutched - collect and put aside
- Hutches - a cupboard
- Hutching - collect and put aside
- Huts - tiny, often roughly built, house
- Hutzpa - impudence
- Hutzpah - impudence
- Hutzpahs - impudence
- Hutzpas - impudence
- Huzza - yeah
- Huzzaed - yeah
- Huzzah - applause, supportive yell
- Huzzahs - applause, supportive yell
- Huzzaing - yeah
- Huzzas - yeah
- Hyaline - see-through
- Hyaloid - glassy
- Hybrid - composite, mixture
- Hybridization - assortment, combination
- Hybridizations - assortment, combination
- Hybridize - combine, join
- Hybridized - assorted, combined
- Hybridizes - combine, join
- Hybridizing - combine, join
- Hybrids - composite, mixture
- Hydra - disease that is widespread
- Hydrae - disease that is widespread
- Hydrant - water supply
- Hydrants - water supply
- Hydras - disease that is widespread
- Hydraulic - moved by fluid under pressure
- Hydrobromic acid -
- Hydrofoil - boat used for racing
- Hydrofoils - boat used for racing
- Hydrographic - concerning the sea
- Hydroid - growth
- Hydroids - growth
- Hydrolysate - body of rushing waters
- Hydrolysates - body of rushing waters
- Hydrolyze - break down to components
- Hydrolyzed - break down to components
- Hydrolyzes - break down to components
- Hydrolyzing - break down to components
- Hydroplane - boat used for racing
- Hydroplanes - boat used for racing
- Hydroponics - growing plants in liquid
- Hyena - coyote
- Hyenas - coyote
- Hyetal - precipitating
- Hygiene - cleanliness
- Hygienes - cleanliness
- Hygienic - clean
- Hygienics - sanitary science
- Hygrometries - rain measuring device
- Hygrometry - rain measuring device
- Hying - hasten
- Hyla - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Hylas - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Hymeneal - concerning marriage
- Hymn - religious song
- Hymned - acclaim, praise
- Hymning - acclaim, praise
- Hymns - religious song
- Hype - extensive publicity
- Hyped - dependent on something, compulsive
- Hyper - stimulating
- Hyperactive - excessively active
- Hyperactivities - learning disability
- Hyperactivity - learning disability
- Hyperbola - arched, rounded line or object
- Hyperbolas - arched, rounded line or object
- hyperbole - extravagant exaggeration
- Hyperboles - exaggeration
- Hyperbolic - wordy; flowery in speech
- Hyperbolism - exaggeration
- Hyperbolisms - exaggeration
- Hyperbolize - exaggerate
- Hyperbolized - exaggerate
- Hyperbolizes - exaggerate
- Hyperbolizing - exaggerate
- Hyperborean - pertaining to the north
- Hypercritic - critic
- Hypercritical - captious
- Hypercriticize - disagree over minor issues
- Hypercriticized - disagree over minor issues
- Hypercriticizes - disagree over minor issues
- Hypercritics - critic
- Hyperemesis gravidarum -
- Hyperinflation - extremely high, rising economic inflation
- Hyperinflations - extremely high, rising economic inflation
- Hypermedia - system giving access to multimedia information on a single subject
- Hypermedias - system giving access to multimedia information on a single subject
- Hypermetropia - vision condition
- Hypermetropias - vision condition
- Hyperopia - vision condition
- Hyperopias - vision condition
- Hyperphagia - eating disorder
- Hyperphagias - eating disorder
- Hyperphysical - supernatural; very strange
- Hyperpnea - gasping
- Hyperpneas - gasping
- Hypersensitive - impressionable
- Hypersonic - speedy
- Hyperspace - computer network
- Hyperspaces - computer network
- Hypes - extensive publicity
- Hyphen - intersection, juncture
- Hyphens - intersection, juncture
- Hyping - press for political action
- hypnagogic - sleep inducing
- Hypnoses - daze, unconsciousness
- Hypnosis - daze, unconsciousness
- Hypnotherapies - bewitchment
- Hypnotherapy - bewitchment
- Hypnotic - spellbinding, sleep-inducing
- Hypnotics - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Hypnotism - bewitchment
- Hypnotisms - bewitchment
- Hypnotist - person who can perform magic
- Hypnotists - person who can perform magic
- Hypnotize - put in trance; spellbind
- Hypnotized - entranced
- Hypnotizes - put in trance; spellbind
- Hypnotizing - put in trance; spellbind
- Hypochondriac - neurotic
- Hypochondriacs - neurotic
- Hypocoristic - affectionate name
- Hypocrisies - deceitfulness, pretense
- Hypocrisy - deceitfulness, pretense
- Hypocrite - person who pretends, is deceitful
- Hypocrites - person who pretends, is deceitful
- Hypocritical - deceitful, pretending
- Hypodermic - subcutaneous injection
- Hypodermics - subcutaneous injection
- Hypogeal - underground
- Hypogean - underground
- Hypogeous - underground
- Hypogeum -
- Hypomania -
- Hypostatize - come into being
- Hypostatized - come into being
- Hypostatizes - come into being
- Hypostatizing - come into being
- Hypothecate - pawn
- Hypothecated - pawn
- Hypothecates - pawn
- Hypothecating - pawn
- Hypothecation - claim on property
- Hypothecations - claim on property
- Hypotheses - theory
- Hypothesis - theory
- Hypothesize - speculate
- Hypothesized - speculate
- Hypothesizes - speculate
- Hypothesizing - speculate
- Hypothetic - supposed
- Hypothetical - guessed, assumed
- Hypothetically - in theory
- Hysteresis loop -
- Hysteria - state of extreme upset
- Hysterias - state of extreme upset
- Hysteric - mentally maladjusted
- Hysterical - very upset, excited
- Hysterically - wildly, fiercely
- Hysterics - great joy
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z