Words Beginning with F - list and definitions learning English
- Faa -
- Fab - impressive, splendid
- Fabber - impressive, splendid
- Fabbest - impressive, splendid
- Fable - fantasy, story
- Fabled - legendary
- Fabler - person who tells falsehood
- Fablers - person who tells falsehood
- Fables - fantasy, story
- Fabric - cloth, material
- Fabricate - manufacture
- Fabricated - manufacture
- Fabricates - manufacture
- Fabricating - manufacture
- Fabrication - lie
- Fabrications - lie
- Fabricative -
- Fabricator - forger
- Fabricators - forger
- Fabrics - cloth, material
- Fabulist - liar
- Fabulists - liar
- Fabulize - create
- Fabulized - create
- Fabulizes - create
- Fabulizing - create
- Fabulous - amazing, wonderful
- Fabulously - amazingly
- Faburden -
- Facade - appearance, often deceptive
- Facades - false front
- Face - front of something; expression, exterior
- Faced - come up against a situation
- Faceless - nondescript
- Facelift - cosmetic surgery
- Facelifted - fix up, modernize
- Facelifting - renovation
- Facelifts - beautification; cosmetic surgery
- Faceoff - verbal fight
- Faceoffs - confrontation
- Facer - adorned
- Facers - puzzle
- Faces - front of something; expression, exterior
- Facet - surface; aspect
- Faceted - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Faceting - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- facetious - cleverly amusing in tone
- Facetiously - comically
- Facetiousness - funniness, silliness
- Facetiousnesses - funniness, silliness
- Facets - surface; aspect
- Facetting - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Facial - external
- Facile - easy; easily mastered
- Facilely - quickly; effortlessly
- Facileness - ease
- Facilenesses - ease
- Facilitate - assist the progress of
- Facilitated - assist the progress of
- Facilitates - assist the progress of
- Facilitating - assist the progress of
- Facilitation - help
- Facilitations - help
- Facilitator - planner
- Facilitators - planner
- Facilities - ease; ability
- Facility - ease; ability
- Facing - an architectural finish
- Facings - an architectural finish
- Facsimile - reproduction
- Facsimiles - reproduction
- Fact - verifiable truth; reality
- Faction - group sharing a belief or cause
- Factional - narrow-minded, exclusive
- Factionalism - struggle, battle
- Factionalisms - struggle, battle
- Factions - group sharing a belief or cause
- factious - dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion)
- Factiousness - unruliness
- Factiousnesses - unruliness
- factitious - not produced by natural forces
- Factitive -
- Factor - determinant
- Factorage - share of a profit
- Factorages - share of a profit
- Factored - break, disconnect
- Factories - manufacturing plant
- Factoring - break, disconnect
- Factorization -
- Factors - determinant
- Factory - manufacturing plant
- factotum - a servant employed to do a variety of jobs
- Factotums - handyperson
- Facts - inside information
- Factual - real, correct
- Factualism - reality, validity
- Factualisms - reality, validity
- Factualities - actuality
- Factuality - actuality
- Factually - accurately, precisely
- Factualness - actuality
- Factualnesses - actuality
- Facula - sun surface eruption
- Faculae - sun surface eruption
- Facultative - optional
- Faculties - ability, skill
- Faculty - ability, skill
- Facundities - eloquence
- Facundity - eloquence
- Fad - craze
- Faddier - fashionable
- Faddiest - fashionable
- Faddish - well-known, favorite
- Faddism - worship; form of ceremony
- Faddisms - worship; form of ceremony
- Faddy - fashionable
- Fade - lose color
- Faded - bleached; used
- Fadeout - disappearance
- Fadeouts - disappearance
- Fader -
- Fades - lose color
- Fading - declining
- Fadings - debilitation
- Fads - craze
- Faerie - idyllic realm
- Faeries - idyllic realm
- Fag - cigarette
- Fag out -
- Fagged - exhausted, indifferent
- Fagging - droop; become dull, listless
- Fags - cigarette
- Faham -
- Fail - be unsuccessful
- Failed - be unsuccessful
- Failing - not well, weak
- Failings - lapse, shortcoming
- Fails - be unsuccessful
- Failure - lack of success
- Failures - lack of success
- Fain - willing
- Faineance - unwillingness to work, be active
- Faineances - unwillingness to work, be active
- Faineancies - unwillingness to work, be active
- Faineancy - unwillingness to work, be active
- faineant - disinclined to work or exertion
- Faineants - lazy
- Fainer - willing
- Fainest - willing
- Faint - having little effect on senses
- Fainted - lose consciousness
- Fainter - having little effect on senses
- Faintest - having little effect on senses
- Fainthearted - timid
- Fainting - lose consciousness
- Faintings - daze, unconsciousness
- Faintly - gently, effortlessly
- Faintness - defect, proneness
- Faintnesses - defect, proneness
- Faints - having little effect on senses
- Fair - impartial, unprejudiced
- Fairer - impartial, unprejudiced
- Fairest - impartial, unprejudiced
- Fairground - arena with special use, as athletics
- Fairgrounds - arena with special use, as athletics
- Fairier - mysterious, not of this world
- Fairies - supernatural being
- Fairiest - mysterious, not of this world
- Fairing - gift
- Fairings - gift
- Fairish - average, commonplace
- Fairly - somewhat
- Fairness - justice
- Fairnesses - justice
- Fairs - impartial, unprejudiced
- Fairway - golf links
- Fairways - golf links
- Fairy - supernatural being
- Fairyland - ideal place and life
- Fairylands - ideal place and life
- Fairylike - fun, vivacious
- Fairytale - sentimental, idealistic
- Faith - trust in something
- Faithful - loyal, reliable
- Faithfully - loyally
- Faithfulness - devotion
- Faithfulnesses - devotion
- Faithless - disloyal
- Faithlessly - deceitfully
- Faithlessness - disloyalty
- Faithlessnesses - disloyalty
- Faiths - trust in something
- Fake - false, imitation
- Fake out -
- Faked - pretend
- Faker - fake
- Fakeries - unreality
- Fakers - fake
- Fakery - unreality
- Fakes - false, imitation
- Fakest - false, imitation
- Faking - pretend
- Fakir - ascetic
- Fakirs - ascetic
- Falcate - sickle-shaped
- Falchion - weapon
- Falchions - weapon
- Falconer - a person who hunts
- Falconers - a person who hunts
- Falconries - the chase
- Falconry - the chase
- Falderal - folderol, foolishness
- Falderals - folderol, foolishness
- Fall - descent; lowering
- Fall into -
- Fallacies - illusion, misconception
- fallacious - intended to deceive
- Fallaciousness - lie
- Fallacy - illusion, misconception
- Fallback - retreat
- Fallbacks - retreat
- Fallen - disgraced, ruined
- Fallibilities - imperfection
- Fallibility - imperfection
- Fallible - able or prone to err
- Falling - dropping
- Fallings - verbal fight
- Falloff - drop, decline
- Falloffs - drop, decline
- Fallout - radioactivity
- Fallouts - radioactivity
- Fallow - inactive
- Falls - descent; lowering
- False - wrong, made up
- False belief -
- Falsehood - lie
- Falsehoods - lie
- Falsely - deceitfully
- Falseness - fallacy
- Falsenesses - fallacy
- Falser - wrong, made up
- Falses - insincerity
- Falsest - wrong, made up
- Falsettos - high male voice
- Falsie - padded bra
- Falsies - padded bra
- Falsification - untruth
- Falsifications - untruth
- Falsified - demonstrated to be false
- Falsifier - liar
- Falsifiers - liar
- Falsifies - alter, misrepresent
- Falsify - alter, misrepresent
- Falsifying - alter, misrepresent
- Falsities - dishonesty, deception
- Falsity - dishonesty, deception
- Falter - stumble, stutter
- Faltered - stumble, stutter
- Faltering - stumble, stutter
- Falterings - misgiving, doubt
- Falters - stumble, stutter
- Fame - celebrity
- Famed - famous
- Fames - celebrity
- Familial - ancestral
- Familiar - common, well-known
- Familiarities - friendliness
- Familiarity - friendliness
- Familiarization - introduction, adjustment
- Familiarize - make or become acquainted with, knowledgeable about
- Familiarized - make or become acquainted with, knowledgeable about
- Familiarizes - make or become acquainted with, knowledgeable about
- Familiarizing - make or become acquainted with, knowledgeable about
- Familiarly - closely
- Familiars - a close friend; familiar person
- Families - kin, offspring; classification
- Family - kin, offspring; classification
- Famine - hunger
- Famines - hunger
- famish - die of food deprivation
- Famished - starving
- Famishes - go without food
- Famishing - starving; desirous
- Famishment - appetite for food, other desire
- Famishments - appetite for food, other desire
- Famous - legendary, notable to many
- Famously - happily, pleasantly; capably
- Famousness - fame
- Famousnesses - fame
- Fams -
- Fan - blower of air
- Fanatic - person overenthusiastic about an interest
- Fanatical - overenthusiastic
- Fanaticism - overenthusiasm
- Fanaticisms - overenthusiasm
- Fanatics - person overenthusiastic about an interest
- Fancied - imagine, create
- Fancier - admirer
- Fanciers - admirer
- Fancies - impulse, urge
- Fanciest - extravagant, ornamental
- Fanciful - imaginary, romantic
- Fancifulness - quaint or fanciful quality or humor
- Fancifulnesses - quaint or fanciful quality or humor
- Fanciness - waste, nonsense
- Fancinesses - waste, nonsense
- Fancy - extravagant, ornamental
- Fancying - extravagant, ornamental
- Fandangle - a decoration
- Fandangles - a decoration
- Fanfare - cheering
- Fanfares - cheering
- Fanfaron - braggart
- fanfaronade - A swaggering; vain boasting; ostentation; a bluster.
- Fanfaronades - boast
- Fanfarons - braggart
- Fang - dentition
- Fangs - dentition
- Fanjet - gas airplane engine
- Fanjets - gas airplane engine
- Fanlight - framework with pane
- Fanlights - framework with pane
- Fanlike -
- Fanned - blow on
- Fannies - buttocks
- Fanning - blow on
- Fanny - buttocks
- Fans - blower of air
- Fantasia - rhapsody
- Fantasias - rhapsody
- Fantasied - dream up, conceive
- Fantasies - imagination, dream
- Fantasize - dream about desires
- Fantasized - dream about desires
- Fantasizer - visionary
- Fantasizers - visionary
- Fantasizes - dream about desires
- Fantasizing - dream about desires
- Fantastic - strange, different; imaginary
- Fantastical - marvelous
- Fantasticality - unfamiliarity
- Fantastically - oddly
- Fantasy - imagination, dream
- Fantasying - dream up, conceive
- Fantoccini - puppet
- fantod - Alternative of Fantad
- Fao -
- Far - at a great distance
- Far between -
- Far gone on -
- Far-gone -
- Far-outer -
- Faraway - remote, distant
- Farce - nonsense, satire
- Farced - impersonate
- Farces - nonsense, satire
- farceur - A person who writes farces, or who performs in them.
- Farceurs - joker
- Farcical - absurd
- Farcicalities - humor
- Farcicality - humor
- Farcicalness - humor
- Farcicalnesses - humor
- Farcing - impersonate
- Fardel - goods being shipped
- Fardels - goods being shipped
- Fare - amount charged for transportation
- Fared - get along; turn out
- Fares - amount charged for transportation
- Farewell - departing saying; departure
- Farewelled - have a nice trip
- Farewelling - have a nice trip
- Farewells - departing saying; departure
- Farinaceous - granular
- Faring - get along; turn out
- Farm - land for agriculture or animal breeding
- Farma -
- Farmed - land for agriculture or animal breeding
- Farmer - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Farmers - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Farmhand - worker
- Farmhands - worker
- Farmhouse - large estate
- Farmhouses - large estate
- Farming - producing crops, raising animals
- Farmings - producing crops, raising animals
- Farmland - earth's surface; ownable property
- Farmlands - earth's surface; ownable property
- Farms - land for agriculture or animal breeding
- Farmstead - large farm
- Farmsteads - large farm
- Farness - distance
- Farnesses - distance
- farraginous - Formed of various materials; mixed; as, a farraginous mountain.
- farrago - a motley assortment of things
- Farragoes - mess
- Farrier - ironsmith
- Farriers - ironsmith
- Farrow - nocturnal animal
- Farrowing -
- Farrows - nocturnal animal
- Farseeing - perceptive
- Farsighted - perceptive
- Farsightedness - vision condition
- Fart - flatulence
- Farted - flatulence
- Farther - at a greater distance
- Farthermost - most distant
- Farthest - most distant
- Farthing - one of four equal parts
- Farthings - one of four equal parts
- Farting - flatulence
- Farts - flatulence
- Fascicle - bundle
- Fascicles - bundle
- Fascicular -
- Fascinate - captivate, hold spellbound
- Fascinated - captivated, spellbound
- Fascinates - captivate, hold spellbound
- Fascinating - interesting, spellbinding
- Fascination - strong interest
- Fascinations - strong interest
- Fascism - political system of dictatorship
- Fascisms - political system of dictatorship
- Fascist - dictator
- Fascistic - dictatorial
- Fascists - dictator
- Fashion - latest style, prevailing taste
- Fashionable - stylish, up-to-date
- Fashionableness - recognition, celebrity
- Fashioned - molded
- Fashioner - creator
- Fashioners - creator
- Fashioning - adjust, design, create
- Fashions - latest style, prevailing taste
- Fassung -
- Fast - speedy
- Fastball - device which heats
- Fastballs - device which heats
- Fasted - speedy
- Fasten - make secure; join together
- Fastened - locked
- Fastener - holder
- Fasteners - holder
- Fastening - catch
- Fastens - make secure; join together
- Faster - speedy
- Fastest - speedy
- Fastidious - very careful, meticulous
- Fastidiously - tidily
- Fastidiousness - thoroughness
- Fastigiums - highest point
- Fasting - go without food
- Fastings - restraint from desires, especially physical desires
- Fastness - swiftness
- Fastnesses - swiftness
- Fasts - speedy
- Fasttrack -
- Fat - overweight
- Fatah tanzim -
- Fatal - deadly, lethal
- Fatalism - resignation to a fate
- Fatalisms - resignation to a fate
- Fatalistic - expecting bad outcome
- Fatalities - death, loss; ability to cause such
- Fatality - death, loss; ability to cause such
- Fatally - giving small ground for hope
- Fate - predetermined course
- Fateful - significant
- Fates - predetermined course
- Fathead - idiot
- Fatheaded - slow, stupid
- Fatheads - idiot
- Father - male person who begets children
- Fathered - sire
- Fatherhood - paternity
- Fatherhoods - paternity
- Fathering - male person who begets children
- Fatherland - homeland
- Fatherlands - homeland
- Fatherlike - fatherly
- Fatherly - parently
- Fathers - male person who begets children
- Fathership - paternity
- Fatherships - paternity
- Fathom - discern, understand
- Fathomable - understandable
- Fathomed - discern, understand
- Fathoming - discern, understand
- fathomless - Incapable of being fathomed; immeasurable; that can not be sounded.
- Fathoms - discern, understand
- fatidic - Of or pertaining to prophecy; prophetic
- Fatidical - prophetic
- Fatigable -
- Fatigue - tiredness
- Fatigued - tired
- Fatiguing - tiring
- Fating - have in mind; intend
- Fatless -
- Fatlike - fatty
- Fatness - overweight
- Fatnesses - overweight
- Fats - overweight, adipose tissue
- Fatted - cry
- Fatten - grow or make bigger; nourish
- Fattened - grow or make bigger; nourish
- Fattening - grow or make bigger; nourish
- Fattens - grow or make bigger; nourish
- Fatter - overweight
- Fattest - overweight
- Fattier - full of adipose tissue
- Fattiest - full of adipose tissue
- Fatting - cry
- Fatty - full of adipose tissue
- Fatuities - folly
- Fatuity - folly
- fatuous - extremely silly or stupid
- Fatuousness - dullness of mind
- Fatuousnesses - dullness of mind
- Fatwood - material for starting a fire
- Fatwoods - material for starting a fire
- Faubourg -
- Fauces - neck
- Faucet - spigot
- Faucets - spigot
- Fault - blame, sin; mistake
- Faulted - switch, fluctuate
- Faultfinder - grouch
- Faultfinders - grouch
- Faultfinding - petty and critical
- Faultfindings - blame
- Faultiest - not working; incorrect
- Faultiness - shortage, defect, inability
- Faultinesses - shortage, defect, inability
- Faulting - switch, fluctuate
- Faultless - having nothing wrong with it
- Faultlessly - exactly, fittingly
- Faultlessness - achievement, completeness
- Faultlessnesses - achievement, completeness
- Faults - blame, sin; mistake
- Faulty - not working; incorrect
- Fauna - animal world
- Faunae - animal world
- Faunas - animal world
- Faux - artificial
- faux pas - a socially awkward or tactless act
- Fave - favorite
- Favela - squalid district
- Favelas - squalid district
- Faveolate - pertaining to honey
- Faves - favorite
- favonian - based on flawed logic or misleading information
- Favor - approval, good opinion; help
- Favorable - approving, friendly
- Favorably - genially, in a kindly manner
- Favored - popular
- Favoring - pamper, reward; help
- Favorite - preferred
- Favorites - something or someone cherished, prized
- Favoritism - bias, partiality
- Favoritisms - bias, partiality
- Favors - approval, good opinion; help
- Fawn - baby deer
- Fawned - ingratiate oneself to; serve
- Fawner - dark, burnished color
- Fawners - sycophant
- fawning - attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
- Fawningly - servilely
- Fawnings - flattery
- Fawns - baby deer
- Fax - facsimile
- Faxed - facsimile
- Faxes - facsimile
- Faxing - facsimile
- Fay - elf
- Fays - elf
- Faze - embarrass
- Fazed - embarrass
- Fazes - embarrass
- Fazing - embarrass
- Fe - depressed
- Fealties - allegiance
- Fealty - allegiance
- Fear - alarm, apprehension
- Feared - worrisome
- Fearful - alarmed, apprehensive
- Fearfully - in fear
- Fearfulness - fear
- Fearfulnesses - fear
- Fearing - feel alarm; be scared of
- Fearless - brave, unafraid
- Fearlessly - bravely
- Fearlessness - courage
- Fearlessnesses - courage
- Fears - alarm, apprehension
- Fearsome - alarming
- Feasibilities - practicability
- Feasibility - practicability
- Feasible - possible, doable
- Feasibleness - practicability
- Feasiblenesses - practicability
- Feasibly - possibly
- Feast - banquet and celebration
- Feasted - banquet and celebration
- Feasting - eat a great amount or very well
- Feastings - outdoor celebration
- Feasts - banquet and celebration
- Feat - achievement
- Feather - tuft of bird; plumage
- Featherbed - do little or nothing; loosen
- Featherbedded - do little or nothing; loosen
- Featherbedding - do little or nothing; loosen
- Featherbeds - do little or nothing; loosen
- Featherbrain - person who blunders
- Featherbrained - stupid
- Featherbrains - person who blunders
- Feathered - plumed
- Featheriness - the state of being light
- Featherinesses - the state of being light
- Feathering - supply, support
- Feathers - tuft of bird; plumage
- Featherweight - not heavy
- Featherweights - weakling
- Feathery - plumed
- Feats - achievement
- Feature - characteristic
- Featured - promoted
- Featureless - nondescript
- Features - facial characteristics
- Featuring - giving prominence to
- Febricities - hotness, coldness of some degree
- Febricity - hotness, coldness of some degree
- Febrific - feverish
- Febrile - feverish
- Fecal - decayed, decaying
- Feces - excrement
- feckless - generally incompetent and ineffectual
- Fecklessness - state of doing nothing
- Fecklessnesses - state of doing nothing
- Feculence - expulsion of feces
- Feculences - expulsion of feces
- Feculent - rotten, strong-smelling
- Fecund - productive
- Fecundate - impregnate
- Fecundated - impregnate
- Fecundates - impregnate
- Fecundating - impregnate
- Fecundation - impregnation of the ovum
- Fecundations - impregnation of the ovum
- Fecundities - productivity
- Fecundity - productivity
- Fed - give nourishment; augment
- Federacies - partnership, organization
- Federacy - partnership, organization
- Federal - concerning a country with a
- Federal agent -
- Federalism - advocacy of a strong central government
- Federalisms - advocacy of a strong central government
- Federate - ally
- Federated - ally
- Federates - ally
- Federating - ally
- Federations - partnership, organization
- Fedora - covering for the head
- Fedoras - covering for the head
- Feds - person, people hired to uphold the laws
- Fee - charge for service or privilege
- Feeble - not strong; ineffective
- Feebleminded - mentally handicapped
- Feebleness - lack of strength; ineffectiveness
- Feeblenesses - lack of strength; ineffectiveness
- Feebler - not strong; ineffective
- Feeblest - not strong; ineffective
- Feebly - inadequately
- Feed - food
- Feed bunk -
- Feedback - response
- Feedbacks - response
- Feedbag - payoff to influence illegal or wrong activity
- Feedbags - payoff to influence illegal or wrong activity
- Feeder - comedian who sets up joke
- Feeders - comedian who sets up joke
- Feedforward -
- Feeding - give nourishment; augment
- Feedings - field for animals
- Feedlot - farmyard
- Feedlots - farmyard
- Feeds - food
- Feedyard - farmyard
- Feedyards - farmyard
- Feel - texture; air
- Feel like -
- Feel repugnance toward -
- Feel surprise -
- Feeler - anything that investigates by touch
- Feelers - anything that investigates by touch
- Feelgood - carefree, untroubled
- Feeling - sensation, especially of touch
- Feelingless - indifferent, callous
- Feelingly - sensitively
- Feelings - sensation, especially of touch
- Feels - texture; air
- Fees - charge for service or privilege
- Feet - extremities
- Feign - pretend
- Feigned - pretended
- Feigning - pretend
- Feignings - falsehood, affected show; cover
- Feigns - pretend
- Feint - pretense
- Feinted - dodge; beat around the bush
- Feinting - dodge; beat around the bush
- Feints - pretense
- Feistier - spirited; touchy
- Feistiest - spirited; touchy
- Feisty - spirited; touchy
- Feldspathoid -
- Felicitate - congratulate
- Felicitated - congratulate
- Felicitates - congratulate
- Felicitating - congratulate
- Felicitation - expression of approval
- Felicitations - expression of approval
- Felicities - happiness
- felicitous - marked by good fortune
- Felicitously - lithely
- Felicitousness - appropriateness
- felicity - pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)
- Feline - cat
- Felines - cat
- Fell - chop down
- Fell stroke -
- Felled - chop down
- Feller - animal, savage
- Fellers - lumberer
- Fellest - animal, savage
- Felling - chop down
- Fellow - male or female colleague, friend
- Fellows - male or female colleague, friend
- Fellowship - sociability, association
- Fellowships - sociability, association
- Fells - chop down
- Felon - criminal
- Felonies - crime
- Felonious - criminal
- Felonries - criminal activity, element
- Felonry - criminal activity, element
- Felons - criminal
- Felony - crime
- Felt - touch, stroke
- Felted - plait
- Felting - plait
- Felts - table coverings
- Female - having the qualities or characteristics of a woman
- Female genitalia -
- Femaleness - femininity
- Femalenesses - femininity
- Females - woman
- Feminalities - girlishness
- Feminality - girlishness
- Femineities - girlishness
- Femineity - girlishness
- Feminine - girlish
- Feminineness - femininity
- Femininenesses - femininity
- Feminines - womanly
- Femininities - girlishness
- Femininity - girlishness
- Feminise -
- Feminism - women's rights
- Feminisms - women's rights
- Femme - woman
- Femmes - woman
- Femur - leg part
- Femurs - leg part
- Fen - marsh
- Fenced - barrier used to enclose a piece of land
- Fencer - person using sword
- Fencers - person using sword
- Fences - barrier used to enclose a piece of land
- Fencing - foils
- Fend - defend
- Fendable -
- Fended - defend
- Fender - piece protecting part of a vehicle
- Fenders - piece protecting part of a vehicle
- Fending - defend
- Fends - defend
- Fenestella - framework with pane
- Fenestellas - framework with pane
- Fenestra - framework with pane
- Fenestrae - framework with pane
- Fenestration - framework with pane
- Fenestrations - framework with pane
- Fenland -
- Fennel - plant
- Fennels - plant
- Fennier - swampy
- Fenniest - swampy
- Fenny - swampy
- Fens - marsh
- Fer - depressed
- Feracious - fertile
- Feracities - fertility
- Feracity - fertility
- Feral - untamed
- Feretories - container for relics
- Feretory - container for relics
- Ferine - cruel, vicious
- Ferment - substance causing chemicals to split into simpler substances
- Fermentation - effervescence
- Fermentations - effervescence
- Fermented - split into simpler substances; be agitated
- Fermenter - rising agent
- Fermenters - rising agent
- Fermenting - substance causing chemicals to split into simpler substances
- Ferments - substance causing chemicals to split into simpler substances
- Fern - scrappy bushes
- Ferns - scrappy bushes
- Ferocious - violent, barbaric
- Ferociously - extremely
- Ferociousness - ferocity
- Ferociousnesses - ferocity
- Ferocities - lack of compassion
- Ferocity - fierceness
- Ferret - person who noses around
- Ferreter - a person who hunts
- Ferreters - a person who hunts
- Ferreting - turn inside out in search; ravage
- Ferrets - person who noses around
- Ferric - hard, tough; inflexible
- Ferried - carry across
- Ferries - transportation boat
- Ferrous - hard, tough; inflexible
- Ferrule - pole, often wooden
- Ferruled - hit repeatedly
- Ferrules - pole, often wooden
- Ferry - transportation boat
- Ferryboat - transportation boat
- Ferryboats - transportation boat
- Ferrying - transportation boat
- Ferryman - rower
- Ferrymen - rower
- Fertile - ready to bear, produce
- Fertilities - readiness to bear, produce
- Fertility - readiness to bear, produce
- Fertilization - the enrichment of land
- Fertilizations - the enrichment of land
- Fertilize - make ready to bear, produce
- Fertilized - make ready to bear, produce
- Fertilizer - dressing to aid production of crops
- Fertilizers - dressing to aid production of crops
- Fertilizes - make ready to bear, produce
- Fertilizing - make ready to bear, produce
- Ferule - baton for hitting
- Feruled - hit repeatedly
- Ferules - baton for hitting
- Feruling - hit repeatedly
- Fervencies - passion
- Fervency - passion
- Fervent - enthusiastic
- Fervently - not humorously
- Fervid - passionate
- Fervidly - deeply
- fervor - Intense and passionate feeling.
- Fervors - excitement, enthusiasm
- Fest - depressed
- Festal - happy
- Fester - intensify; become inflamed
- Festered - intensify; become inflamed
- Festering - intensify; become inflamed
- Festers - intensify; become inflamed
- Festinate - rush
- Festinated - rush
- Festinately -
- Festinates - rush
- Festinating - rush
- Festival - celebration
- Festivals - celebration
- Festive - decorated, celebratory
- Festiveness - gaiety
- Festivenesses - gaiety
- Festivities - celebration, revelry
- Festivity - celebration, revelry
- festoon - flower chains suspended in curves between points as a decoration
- Festooned - decorate
- Festooning - decorate
- Festoons - decorate
- Fests - banquet and celebration
- Fetal - before birth
- Fetch - go get, bring in
- Fetched - go get, bring in
- Fetches - go get, bring in
- Fetching - alluring, attractive
- Fete - celebration, party
- Feted - throw a party for someone
- Fetes - celebration, party
- Feticide - expulsion of fetus
- Feticides - expulsion of fetus
- fetid - offensively malodorous
- Feting - celebration, party
- Fetish - obsession
- Fetishes - obsession
- fetor - A strong, foul smell; an offensive odor.
- Fetors - effluvium
- Fetter - tie up, hold
- Fettered - tie up, hold
- Fettering - tie up, hold
- Fetters - bindings; bondage
- Fettle - spirits
- Fettles - spirits
- Fettuccini - noodles
- Fettuccinis - noodles
- Fetus - unborn young
- Fetuses - unborn young
- Feud - major argument; estrangement
- Feudal - having to do with the middle ages; old
- Feudalism - state of working under duress or without freedom
- Feudalisms - state of working under duress or without freedom
- Feudatories - woman head of household
- Feudatory - woman head of household
- Feuded - major argument; estrangement
- Feuding - major argument; estrangement
- Feudings - competition
- Feuds - major argument; estrangement
- Feuilleton - recall
- Feuilletons - recall
- Fever - state of high temperature or agitation
- Fevered - feverish
- Feverish - having a high temperature
- Feverishly - agitatedly
- Feverishness - anxious state
- Feverishnesses - anxious state
- Feverous - hot
- Fevers - state of high temperature or agitation
- Few - hardly any
- Fewer - hardly any
- Fewest - hardly any
- Fewnesses - lack, scarcity
- Fews - hint, dash
- Fey - elflike
- Feyer - elflike
- Feyest - elflike
- Feyness - extrasensory perception
- Feynesses - extrasensory perception
- Fez - small hat
- Fezzes - small hat
- Fiancee - marrier
- Fiancees - person engaged to marry
- fiasco - a sudden and violent collapse
- Fiascoes - catastrophe
- Fiascos - catastrophe
- Fiat - order, proclamation
- Fiats - order, proclamation
- Fib - undetailed lie
- Fibbed - undetailed lie
- Fibber - liar
- Fibberies - lie
- Fibbers - liar
- Fibbery - lie
- Fibbing - tell an undetailed lie
- Fiber - strand of material
- Fiberboard - piece of paper, often with purposeful writing
- Fiberboards - piece of paper, often with purposeful writing
- Fiberglass - fine blown glass
- Fiberglasses - fine blown glass
- Fibers - strand of material
- Fibril - a fine strand of twisted fibers
- Fibrils - a fine strand of twisted fibers
- Fibroid - stringy
- Fibrous - stringy
- Fibrousness - tumor
- Fibrousnesses - tumor
- Fibs - undetailed lie
- Fibula - fastener with long pin
- Fibulae - fastener with long pin
- Fibulas - fastener with long pin
- Fichu - sleeveless coat
- Fichus - sleeveless coat
- Fickle - vacillating, blowing hot and cold
- Fickleness - imbalance, inconstancy
- Ficklenesses - imbalance, inconstancy
- Fickler - vacillating, blowing hot and cold
- Ficklest - vacillating, blowing hot and cold
- Fictile - flexible, soft; made of manufactured, treated compounds
- Fiction - made-up story
- Fictional - fictitious
- Fictionalize - fake
- Fictionalized - fake
- Fictionalizes - fake
- Fictionalizing - fake
- Fictionist - fiction writer
- Fictionists - fiction writer
- Fictionize - fake
- Fictionized - fake
- Fictionizes - fake
- Fictionizing - fake
- Fictions - made-up story
- Fictitious - untrue, made-up
- Fictive - fictitious
- Fiddle - mess with, tinker
- Fiddled - mess with, tinker
- Fiddles - mess with, tinker
- Fiddlewood -
- Fiddling - mess with, tinker
- Fiddlings - corruption
- Fidejussor -
- Fidelities - faithfulness in a relationship
- Fidelity - faithfulness in a relationship
- Fidget - move restlessly
- Fidgeted - move restlessly
- Fidgeting - move restlessly
- Fidgets - move restlessly
- Fidgety - restlessly moving
- Fido - canine mammal
- fiducial - Relating to or of the nature of a legal trust; Based on trust.; Used as a fixed standard of reference for comparison or measurement.
- Fiduciary - financial person
- fiefdom - an organization that is controlled by a dominant person or group
- Field - open land that can be cultivated
- Field of view -
- Fielded - open land that can be cultivated
- Fielder -
- Fielding - catch a hit or thrown object
- Fields - open land that can be cultivated
- Fiend - dastardly person
- Fiendish - diabolical
- Fiendishly - hellishly
- Fiendishness - outrageous behavior
- Fiendishnesses - outrageous behavior
- Fiends - dastardly person
- Fierce - violent, menacing
- Fiercely - violently, menacingly
- Fierceness - ferocity
- Fiercenesses - ferocity
- Fiercer - violent, menacing
- Fiercest - violent, menacing
- Fierier - passionate; on fire
- Fieriest - passionate; on fire
- Fieriness - heat
- Fierinesses - heat
- Fiesta - day of rest; religious celebration
- Fiestas - day of rest; religious celebration
- Fife - make sharp, shrill sound
- Fifed - make sharp, shrill sound
- Fifes - make sharp, shrill sound
- Fifing - make sharp, shrill sound
- Fifth - having five of something
- Fifty - having 50 of something
- Fig - composite fruit
- Fight - physical encounter
- Fighter - person engaged in hostile encounter
- Fighters - person engaged in hostile encounter
- Fighting - aggressive, warlike
- Fights - physical encounter
- Figment - creation in one's mind
- Figments - creation in one's mind
- Figs - composite fruit
- Figurant - person who performs graceful dance
- Figurante - person who performs graceful dance
- Figurantes - person who performs graceful dance
- Figurants - person who performs graceful dance
- Figuration - shape
- Figurations - shape
- Figurative - not literal, but symbolic
- Figure - numeral; numeric value
- Figure on -
- Figure skater -
- Figured - calculate, compute
- Figureheads - person who is leader in name only
- Figures - numeral; numeric value
- Figurine - puppet
- Figurines - puppet
- Figuring - calculation
- Filament - thin strand
- Filamentous - like a thread
- Filaments - thin strand
- Filanders -
- Filar - like a thread
- Filch - steal
- Filched - steal
- Filcher - person who steals
- Filchers - person who steals
- Filches - steal
- Filching - steal
- Filchings - stealing from residence, business
- File - system of order, placement for ease of use
- Filed - put in place, order
- Files - system of order, placement for ease of use
- Filial - relating to a son or daughter
- Filiation - family relationship
- Filiations - family relationship
- Filibuster - obstruction of progress, especially in verbal argument
- Filibustered - delay for own purposes
- Filibusters - obstruction of progress, especially in verbal argument
- Filigree - ornamental art
- Filigrees - ornamental art
- Filing - put in place, order
- Filings - office work
- Fill - capacity
- Filled - suffused
- Filler - flood, overrun
- Fillers - something that takes up
- Fillet - fastener
- Fillets - fastener
- Fillies - young horse
- Filling - contents
- Fillings - something that takes up
- fillip - anything that tends to arouse
- Fillips - stimulate
- Fills - capacity
- Filly - young horse
- Film - coating, tissue; mist
- Filmdom - motion picture industry
- Filmdoms - motion picture industry
- Filmic - exact, retentive in detail
- Filmier - finespun, fragile
- Filmiest - finespun, fragile
- Filming - take photographs
- Films - coating, tissue; mist
- Filmy - finespun, fragile
- Fils - offspring
- Filter - separate to refine; seep through
- Filtered - separate to refine; seep through
- Filtering - separate to refine; seep through
- Filters - separate to refine; seep through
- Filth - dirt, pollution
- Filthier - dirty, polluted
- Filthiest - dirty, polluted
- Filthiness - obscenity
- Filthinesses - obscenity
- Filths - dirt, pollution
- Filthy - dirty, polluted
- Filtrate - drain, empty
- Filtrated - drain, empty
- Filtrates - drain, empty
- Filtrating - drain, empty
- Fin - arm
- finagle - achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
- Finagled - maneuver
- Finagles - maneuver
- Finagling - maneuver
- Final - ending, last
- Final examination -
- Finale - ending of an event
- Finales - ending of an event
- Finalities - definiteness, conclusiveness
- Finality - definiteness, conclusiveness
- Finalization - accomplishment, finishing
- Finalizations - accomplishment, finishing
- Finalize - finish, complete action
- Finalized - concluded
- Finalizes - finish, complete action
- Finalizing - finish, complete action
- Finally - beyond any doubt
- Finals - examination, quiz
- Finance - economic affairs
- Financed - economic affairs
- Finances - person or corporation's money, property
- Financial - having to do with money
- Financier - person who lends money, advises
- Financiers - person who lends money, advises
- Financing - money for operating expenses
- Financings - money for operating expenses
- Finback - cetacean mammal
- Finbacks - cetacean mammal
- Finca - extensive manor and its property
- Fincas - extensive manor and its property
- Find - discovery
- Findable -
- Finder - one who discovers a thing
- Findfaulting -
- Finding - judgment, verdict
- Findings - judgment, verdict
- Finds - discovery
- Fine - excellent, masterly
- Fined - excellent, masterly
- Finely - not often; exceptionally
- Fineness - excellence
- Finenesses - excellence
- Finer - excellent, masterly
- Fineries - best clothing
- Finery - best clothing
- Fines - penalty in money
- Finespun - delicate
- Finesse - know-how, maneuver
- Finessed - know-how, maneuver
- Finesses - know-how, maneuver
- Finessing - maneuver, manipulate
- Finest - police officer
- Finests - police officer
- Finger - appendage of hand
- Fingerbreadth - one-twelfth of a foot/2.54 centimeters measured
- Fingerbreadths - one-twelfth of a foot/2.54 centimeters measured
- Fingered - touch lightly
- Fingering - touch lightly
- Fingernail - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Fingernails - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Fingerprint - mark on finger
- Fingerprints - mark on finger
- Fingers - appendage of hand
- Fini - finished
- Finial - highest point
- Finialed - beat
- Finials - highest point
- finical - exacting especially about details
- Finickier - overparticular
- Finickiest - overparticular
- Finicking - precise, neat, refined
- finicky - exacting especially about details
- Fining - excellent, masterly
- Finis - done
- Finises - end
- Finish - conclusion; completion
- Finished - cultivated, refined
- Finisher - verbal fight
- Finishers - verbal fight
- Finishes - conclusion; completion
- Finishing - bring to a conclusion; get done
- Finishing straight -
- Finishings - production of processed goods
- Finite - subject to limitations
- Fink - informer
- Finked - tattle on someone
- Finking - tattle on someone
- Finks - informer
- Finnish bath -
- Finns -
- Fins - arm
- Finsen -
- Fiord - shoreline indentation
- Fiords - shoreline indentation
- Fir - evergreen
- Fire - burning
- Fire blight -
- Firearm - gun
- Firearms - gun
- Fireball - determined, persevering
- Fireballs - meteor
- Fireboard - fireplace
- Fireboards - fireplace
- Firebrand - agitator
- Firebrands - agitator
- Firebug - person who sets fires
- Firebugs - person who sets fires
- Fireclay - clay for making pottery
- Fireclays - clay for making pottery
- Firecracker - fireworks
- Firecrackers - fireworks
- Fired - subjected to fire
- Firedog - metal fireplace support
- Firedogs - metal fireplace support
- Firefighter - one who extinguishes fires
- Firefighters - one who extinguishes fires
- Fireflies - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Firefly - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Fireman - one who extinguishes fires
- Firemen - one who extinguishes fires
- Fireplace - hearth for burning wood
- Fireplaces - hearth for burning wood
- Fireplug - emergency water connection on street
- Fireplugs - emergency water connection on street
- Fireproof - resistant to burning
- Fires - burning
- Fireside - a fireplace
- Firesides - a fireplace
- Firewater - drink; alcoholic beverage
- Firewaters - drink; alcoholic beverage
- Firewood - cordwood
- Firewoods - cordwood
- Firework - pyrotechnic display at celebrations
- Fireworks - pyrotechnic display at celebrations
- Fireworm - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Fireworms - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Firing - cause to burn
- Firings - intentional burning
- Firkin - barrel
- Firkins - barrel
- Firm - inflexible
- Firmament - heaven
- Firmaments - heaven
- Firmed - harden
- Firmer - inflexible
- Firmest - inflexible
- Firming - harden
- firmly - in a secure manner; in a manner free from danger
- Firmness - stiffness
- Firmnesses - stiffness
- Firms - inflexible
- Firn - precipitation
- Firns - precipitation
- Firs - evergreen
- First - earliest in order
- Firstborn - most senior
- Firstborns - older person
- Firsthand - direct
- Firstly - fundamentally
- Firsts - original, example
- Firth - arm of the sea
- Firths - arm of the sea
- Fiscal - monetary
- Fish - throwing bait to catch seafood
- Fish-tail -
- Fishbowl - fish tank
- Fishbowls - fish tank
- Fished - throwing bait to catch seafood
- Fisher - angler
- Fisheries - the chase
- Fisherman - angler
- Fishermen - angler
- Fishers - angler
- Fishery - the chase
- Fishes - throwing bait to catch seafood
- Fishier - doubtful, suspicious
- Fishiest - doubtful, suspicious
- Fishing - angling
- Fishings - angling
- Fishtail - change back and forth
- Fishtailed - change back and forth
- Fishtailing - change back and forth
- Fishtails - change back and forth
- Fishway -
- Fishwife - biddy
- Fishwives - biddy
- Fishy - doubtful, suspicious
- Fission - splitting
- Fissionable - nuclear
- Fissions - splitting
- Fissure - gap
- Fissured - clear, expose; spread
- Fissures - gap
- Fissuring - clear, expose; spread
- Fist - clenched hand
- Fistfight - fight
- Fistfights - fight
- Fisticuff - strike, bump
- Fisticuffs - fistfight
- Fists - clenched hand
- Fistulae -
- Fistulas -
- Fit - suitable, appropriate
- Fitful - irregular, sporadic
- Fitfully - intermittently
- Fitfulness - imbalance, inconstancy
- Fitfulnesses - imbalance, inconstancy
- Fitly - fairly
- Fitness - good condition
- Fitnesses - good condition
- Fits - suitable, appropriate
- Fitted - appropriate, right
- Fitter - suitable, appropriate
- Fitters - seamstress
- Fittest - suitable, appropriate
- Fitting - appropriate, suitable
- Fittingly - fairly
- Fittingness - appropriateness
- Fittingnesses - appropriateness
- Fittings - appropriate, suitable
- Five - having five of something
- Fiver - having five of something
- Fives - having five of something
- Fix - difficult or ticklish situation
- Fixable - remediable
- Fixate - focus
- Fixated - focus
- Fixates - focus
- Fixating - focus
- Fixation - obsession
- Fixations - obsession
- Fixed - permanent, steady
- Fixedly - with concentration
- Fixedness - stiffness
- Fixednesses - stiffness
- Fixer - person who negotiates
- Fixers - person who negotiates
- Fixes - difficult or ticklish situation
- Fixing - repairing
- Fixities - personal determination
- Fixity - personal determination
- Fixt - difficult or ticklish situation
- Fixture - fitting, appliance
- Fixtures - fitting, appliance
- Fizz - bubble
- Fizzed - bubble
- Fizzes - bubble
- Fizzier - effervescent
- Fizziest - effervescent
- Fizzing - bubble
- Fizzle - collapse, fall through
- Fizzled - collapse, fall through
- Fizzles - collapse, fall through
- Fizzling - collapse, fall through
- Fizzy - effervescent
- Fjord - narrow inlet
- Fjords - narrow inlet
- Flab - extra skin and fat around the stomach
- flabbergast - overcome with amazement
- flabbergasted - Extremely surprised or shocked.
- Flabbergasting - surprise
- Flabbergasts - surprise
- Flabbier - baggy, fat
- Flabbiest - baggy, fat
- Flabby - baggy, fat
- Flabella - blower of air
- Flabellum - blower of air
- Flabs - extra skin and fat around the stomach
- Flaccid - drooping
- Flaccidities - flexibility
- Flaccidity - flexibility
- Flack - complaint, gripe
- Flacks - complaint, gripe
- Flacon - container for liquids, used in travels
- Flacons - container for liquids, used in travels
- Flag - pennant, symbol
- Flagellate - whip, lash
- Flagellated - whip, lash
- Flagellates - whip, lash
- Flagellating - whip, lash
- Flagellation - lashing
- Flagellations - lashing
- Flagged - decline, fall off
- Flagger - person who guards, is on lookout
- Flaggers - person who guards, is on lookout
- Flagging - languid
- Flaggings - regression; decline
- Flagitation -
- flagitious - shockingly brutal or cruel
- Flagitiousness - corruption
- Flagman - guard
- Flagmen - guard
- Flagon - mug
- Flagons - mug
- Flagpole - bar, post
- Flagrance - flagrancy
- Flagrances - flagrancy
- Flagrancies - flagrant state
- Flagrancy - flagrant state
- Flagrant - flaunting, blatant; without shame
- Flagrantly - honestly
- Flagrantness - flagrancy
- Flagrantnesses - flagrancy
- Flags - pennant, symbol
- Flagship - leader
- Flagships - leader
- Flagstaff - bar, post
- Flagstaffs - bar, post
- Flagstaves - bar, post
- Flagstone - blacktop
- Flagstones - blacktop
- Flail - beat, strike
- Flailed - beat, strike
- Flailing - beat, strike
- Flails - beat, strike
- Flair - talent, style
- Flairs - talent, style
- Flak - complaint, criticism
- Flake - scale, peel
- Flaked - scale, peel
- Flakes - scale, peel
- Flakier - eccentric
- Flakiest - eccentric
- Flakiness - foolishness
- Flakinesses - foolishness
- Flaking - scale, peel
- Flaks - complaint, criticism
- Flaky - eccentric
- Flam - secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
- Flambeau - taper
- Flambeaus - taper
- Flambeaux - taper
- Flamboyance - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Flamboyances - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Flamboyant - extravagant, theatrical
- Flamboyantly - pretentiously
- Flame - fire
- Flamed - fire
- Flames - fire
- Flamethrower - arm, armament
- Flamethrowers - arm, armament
- Flaming - burning
- Flammable - easily set afire
- Flams - secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
- Flan - round object
- Flanes - round object
- flaneur - A leisurely stroller, especially one who observes people and scenes with detachment or amusement.; A person who wanders about aimlessly, typically in a city.
- Flange - edge, brink
- Flanges - edge, brink
- Flank - haunch of an animate being
- Flanked - limited, confined
- Flanking - sideways
- Flanks - haunch of an animate being
- Flannel - long underwear
- Flannels - long underwear
- Flans - round object
- Flap - winged or extended part of an object
- Flapdoodle - ridiculous situation or behavior
- Flapdoodles - ridiculous situation or behavior
- Flapjack - pancake
- Flapjacks - pancake
- Flapped - flutter
- Flapper - limb, appendage
- Flappers - limb, appendage
- Flapping - flutter
- Flaps - winged or extended part of an object
- Flare - erupt, blow
- Flared - erupt, blow
- Flares - erupt, blow
- Flareup - anger, hard feelings
- Flareups - sudden outbreak
- Flaring - erupt, blow
- Flash - shimmer, flicker
- Flashback - remembrance
- Flashbacks - remembrance
- Flasher - flamboyant, flashy
- Flashers - show-off
- Flashes - shimmer, flicker
- Flashest - flamboyant, flashy
- Flashgun -
- Flashier - flamboyant, in poor taste
- Flashiest - flamboyant, in poor taste
- Flashily - happily, brightly
- Flashiness - waste, nonsense
- Flashinesses - waste, nonsense
- Flashing - shimmer, flicker
- Flashings - exposing oneself
- Flashlight - lantern
- Flashlights - lantern
- Flashy - flamboyant, in poor taste
- Flask - small container for liquid
- Flasket - container for liquids, used in travels
- Flaskets - container for liquids, used in travels
- Flasks - small container for liquid
- Flat - level, smooth
- Flat fish -
- Flatboat - large work boat
- Flatboats - large work boat
- Flatfeet - person in law enforcement
- Flatfoot - person in law enforcement
- Flatfooted - unprepared
- Flatfoots - person in law enforcement
- Flatland - level land
- Flatlands - level land
- Flatly - in direct way
- Flatmate - companion
- Flatmates - companion
- Flatness - prostration
- Flatnesses - prostration
- Flatten - level out
- Flattened - leveled
- Flattening - level out
- Flattens - level out
- Flatter - compliment excessively
- Flattered - praised
- Flatterer - complimenter
- Flatterers - complimenter
- Flatteries - false praise, compliments
- Flattering - laudatory
- Flatters - compliment excessively
- Flattery - false praise, compliments
- Flattest - level, smooth
- Flattop - a ship that carries airplanes
- Flattops - a ship that carries airplanes
- Flatulence - pomposity
- Flatulences - pomposity
- Flatulent - pretentious, long-winded
- Flatus - blast of air
- Flatuses - blast of air
- Flatware - silver
- Flatwares - silver
- Flaunt - make an exhibition, show off
- Flaunted - make an exhibition, show off
- Flaunter - show-off
- Flaunters - show-off
- Flaunting - gaudy
- Flaunts - make an exhibition, show off
- Flavor - odor and taste
- Flavored - odor and taste
- Flavorful - tasty
- Flavoring - spice, extract added to food
- Flavorings - spice, extract added to food
- Flavorless - insipid
- Flavors - odor and taste
- Flavorsome - tasty
- Flavory - delicious
- Flaw - imperfection
- Flawed - wrong
- Flawing - mark, hurt
- Flawless - spotless, intact
- Flawlessly - exactly, fittingly
- Flaws - imperfection
- Flax - plant
- Flaxen - having light-colored hair
- Flay - remove skin, bark, hide, etc.
- Flayed - remove skin, bark, hide, etc.
- Flaying - remove skin, bark, hide, etc.
- Flays - remove skin, bark, hide, etc.
- Flea - bug
- Fleabag - cheap hotel
- Fleabags - cheap hotel
- Fleapit - place where movies are shown
- Fleapits - place where movies are shown
- Fleas - bug
- Flechette -
- Fleck - spot, pinpoint mark
- Flecked - spot, pinpoint mark
- Flecking - spot, pinpoint mark
- Fleckless - above suspicion; flawless
- Flecks - spot, pinpoint mark
- Flection - revolution, curving
- Flections - revolution, curving
- Fled - run away to escape
- Fledge -
- Fledgling - beginner in activity
- Fledglings - beginner in activity
- Flee - run away to escape
- Fleece - plunder, steal
- Fleeced - plunder, steal
- Fleecer - confidence man
- Fleecers - confidence man
- Fleeces - plunder, steal
- Fleecier - downy, woolly; like a lamb's coat
- Fleeciest - downy, woolly; like a lamb's coat
- Fleecing - plunder, steal
- Fleecy - downy, woolly; like a lamb's coat
- Fleeing - run away to escape
- Fleer - smirk
- Fleered - heckle
- Fleering - heckle
- Fleers - smirk
- Flees - run away to escape
- Fleet - quick in movement
- Fleet-footed -
- Fleeted - hurry, speed
- Fleeter - quick in movement
- Fleetest - quick in movement
- Fleeting - brief, transient
- Fleetingly - for a short time
- Fleetly - very quickly
- Fleetness - haste
- Fleetnesses - haste
- Fleets - group of ships
- Flesh - body tissue, skin
- Fleshes - body tissue, skin
- Fleshier - overweight
- Fleshiest - overweight
- Fleshiness - overweight
- Fleshinesses - overweight
- Fleshless - thin
- Fleshlier - lecherous, desiring sex
- Fleshliest - lecherous, desiring sex
- Fleshliness - physicality
- Fleshlinesses - physicality
- Fleshly - lecherous, desiring sex
- Fleshy - overweight
- Flew - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Flex - bend
- Flexed - bend
- Flexes - bend
- Flexibilities - elasticity, adaptability
- Flexibility - elasticity, adaptability
- Flexible - pliable, bendable
- Flexibleness - flexibility
- Flexiblenesses - flexibility
- Flexile - physically malleable
- Flexing - bend
- Flexuous - winding
- Flexure - revolution, curving
- Flexures - revolution, curving
- flibbertigibbet - refers to a frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person. It often describes someone who is scatterbrained or lacks seriousness.
- Flic - officer of the law
- Flick - light touch
- Flicked - light touch
- Flicker - spark, glimmer
- Flickered - spark, glimmer
- Flickering - shining unsteadily
- Flickers - spark, glimmer
- Flicking - light touch
- Flicks - light touch
- Flics - officer of the law
- Flied - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Flier - flyer, pilot
- Fliers - flyer, pilot
- Flies - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Flight - flying; journey
- Flightier - fickle, irresponsible
- Flightiest - fickle, irresponsible
- Flightiness - irresponsibility
- Flightinesses - irresponsibility
- Flighting - run quickly away
- Flights - flying; journey
- Flighty - fickle, irresponsible
- Flimflam - deceive, swindle
- Flimflammed - deceive, swindle
- Flimflammer - person who pretends to be an expert
- Flimflammers - person who pretends to be an expert
- Flimflamming - deceive, swindle
- Flimflams - deceive, swindle
- Flimsier - not strong; light, thin
- Flimsies - duplicate
- Flimsiest - not strong; light, thin
- Flimsily - lightly; without care
- Flimsiness - weakness
- Flimsinesses - weakness
- Flimsy - not strong; light, thin
- Flinch - shy away, wince
- Flinched - shy away, wince
- Flinches - shy away, wince
- Flinching - shy away, wince
- Fling - casual throw
- Flinging - casual throw
- Flings - casual throw
- Flintier - stern
- Flintiest - stern
- Flintlock - weapon that shoots
- Flintlocks - weapon that shoots
- Flinty - stern
- Flip - throw, jump with abandon
- Flipflop - opposite
- Flipflopped - reverse; turn upside down
- Flipflopping - reverse; turn upside down
- Flipflops - change of mind
- Flippancies - irreverence
- Flippancy - irreverence
- flippant - showing inappropriate levity
- Flippantly - gently, effortlessly
- Flipped - throw, jump with abandon
- Flipper - bold, shameless
- Flippers - limb, appendage
- Flipping - throw, jump with abandon
- Flips - throw, jump with abandon
- Flipside - unlike, conflicting; completely different
- Flipsides - alternative
- Flirt - person who makes advances
- Flirtation - amorous advance
- Flirtations - amorous advance
- Flirtatious - provocative, teasing
- Flirted - person who makes advances
- Flirter - flirt
- Flirters - flirt
- Flirtier - flirtatious
- Flirtiest - flirtatious
- Flirting - coquetry
- Flirtings - coquetry
- Flirts - person who makes advances
- Flirty - flirtatious
- Flit - flutter, move rapidly
- Flitch - cry
- Flitched - cry
- Flitches - cry
- Flitching - cry
- Flits - flutter, move rapidly
- Flitted - flutter, move rapidly
- Flitter - flutter
- Flittered - flutter
- Flittering - flutter
- Flitters - flutter
- Flitting - transitory
- Floatabilities - lightness in weight
- Floatability - lightness in weight
- Floatable - not heavy
- Floated - lie on the surface
- Floater - deceptive
- Floaters - money given temporarily
- Floatier - finespun, fragile
- Floatiest - finespun, fragile
- Floating - buoyant
- Floatings - wayfaring
- Floats - lie on the surface
- Floaty - finespun, fragile
- Floccose - downy, woolly; like a lamb's coat
- Flocculent - hairy
- Flock - congregation
- Flocked - congregate
- Flocking - congregate
- Flockings - consolidation of effort
- Flocks - congregation
- Floe - mountain of ice, snow
- Floes - mountain of ice, snow
- Flog - whip, lash
- Flogged - whip, lash
- Flogger - personal outerwear
- Floggers - personal outerwear
- Flogging - lashing
- Floggings - lashing
- Flogs - whip, lash
- Flood - overwhelming flow, quantity
- Flooded - inundate or submerge
- Flooding - excess of liquid
- Floodings - excess of liquid
- Floodlight - attention; bright beam of light
- Floodlighted - illuminate
- Floodlighting - illuminate
- Floodlights - attention; bright beam of light
- Floodlit - illuminate
- Floodmark - highest level
- Floodmarks - highest level
- Floodplain - plain bordering a river
- Floodplains - plain bordering a river
- Floods - overwhelming flow, quantity
- Floor - bottom of a room; level of a multistory building
- Floored - perplex, confound
- Flooring - floor covering
- Floorings - floor covering
- Floors - bottom of a room; level of a multistory building
- Floorshow - nightclub entertainment
- Floorshows - nightclub entertainment
- Floorwalker - supervisor in store
- Floorwalkers - supervisor in store
- Floozies - sexually promiscuous woman
- Floozy - sexually promiscuous woman
- Flop - miserable failure
- Flophouse - cheap hotel
- Flophouses - cheap hotel
- Flopped - fall limply, collapse
- Floppier - limp
- Floppies - faltering walk
- Floppiest - limp
- Flopping - fall limply, collapse
- Floppy - limp
- Flops - miserable failure
- Flora - vegetable life
- Florae - vegetable life
- Floral - decorated with flowers
- Floras - vegetable life
- Flores -
- Florescence - flowering
- Florescences - flowering
- Florescent - blooming
- Floret - small flower
- Florets - small flower
- Floricultural - concerning farming, land
- Floriculture - horticulture
- Floricultures - horticulture
- Florid - very elaborate
- Floridities - repetition, wordiness
- Floridity - repetition, wordiness
- Floridness - inflation
- Floridnesses - inflation
- Floristics - study of plants
- Floss - a fine strand of twisted fibers
- Flosses - a fine strand of twisted fibers
- Flossier - soft, furry
- Flossiest - soft, furry
- Flossy - soft, furry
- Flotation - something that holds up structure
- Flotations - something that holds up structure
- Flotilla - small fleet
- Flotillas - small fleet
- Flotsam - floating debris
- Flotsams - floating debris
- Flounce - bounce; intermittently move
- Flounced - bounce; intermittently move
- Flounces - bounce; intermittently move
- Flouncing - bounce; intermittently move
- Flounder - struggle; be in the dark
- Floundered - struggle; be in the dark
- Floundering - struggle; be in the dark
- Flounders - struggle; be in the dark
- Flour - crush into fine grains; sprinkle fine grains
- Flourier - consisting of fine, loose grains
- Flouriest - consisting of fine, loose grains
- Flouring - crush into fine grains; sprinkle fine grains
- Flourish - curlicue, decoration
- Flourished - grow, prosper
- Flourishes - curlicue, decoration
- Flourishing - prospering, going well
- Flourishingly - favorably
- Flours - crush into fine grains; sprinkle fine grains
- Floury - consisting of fine, loose grains
- Flout - show contempt for
- Flouted - show contempt for
- Flouter - cynic
- Flouters - cynic
- Flouting - show contempt for
- Flouts - show contempt for
- Flow - issue, abundance
- Flowchart - sequential diagram
- Flowed - issue, surge, run out
- Flower - bloom of a plant
- Flowerage - plant life
- Flowerages - plant life
- Flowered - bloom, flourish
- Floweret - flower
- Flowerets - flower
- Flowerier - ornate, especially referring to speech or writing
- Floweriest - ornate, especially referring to speech or writing
- Flowering - blooming
- Flowering glume -
- Flowerings - best part of existence
- Flowerpot - jardiniere
- Flowerpots - jardiniere
- Flowers - bloom of a plant
- Flowery - ornate, especially referring to speech or writing
- Flowing - gushing, abounding
- Flown - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Flows - issue, abundance
- Flu - upset stomach
- Flub - mistake
- Flubbed - broken, not working
- Flubs - mistake
- Fluctuant - countless, limitless
- Fluctuate - vacillate, change
- Fluctuated - vacillate, change
- Fluctuates - vacillate, change
- Fluctuating - vacillate, change
- Fluctuation - vacillation
- Fluctuations - vacillation
- Flue - pipe
- Fluencies - ease of expression
- Fluency - ease of expression
- Fluent - articulate
- Fluently - on an even plane
- Fluentness - eloquence
- Fluentnesses - eloquence
- Flues - pipe
- Fluff - down
- Fluffed - incorrect
- Fluffier - soft, furry
- Fluffiest - soft, furry
- Fluffiness - shagginess
- Fluffinesses - shagginess
- Fluffing - err
- Fluffs - down
- Fluffy - soft, furry
- Fluid - liquid
- Fluidic - fluid, flowing, melting
- Fluidified - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Fluidifies - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Fluidify - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Fluidifying - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Fluidities - fluency
- Fluidity - fluency
- Fluids - liquid
- Flukes - chance occurrence
- Flukier - chance
- Flukiest - chance
- Fluky - chance
- Flume - chute
- Flumes - chute
- Flummeries - trinket; decorative piece
- flummery - meaningless ceremonies and flattery
- flummox - be a mystery or bewildering to
- Flummoxed - confuse
- Flummoxes - confuse
- Flummoxing - confuse
- Flung - throw with abandon
- Flunk - fail
- Flunked - fail
- Flunkey - servant
- Flunkeys - servant
- Flunkies - attendant
- Flunking - fail
- Flunks - fail
- Flunky - attendant
- Fluorescence - radiance
- Fluorescences - radiance
- Fluorescent - illuminated
- Fluoroscope - picture of inside a body
- Fluoroscopes - picture of inside a body
- Flurried - agitate, confuse
- Flurries - commotion, burst
- Flurry - commotion, burst
- Flurrying - commotion, burst
- Flus - upset stomach
- Flush - flat
- Flushed - pink, glowing
- Flusher - flat
- Flushes - flat
- Flushest - flat
- Flushing - flat
- Flushings - pink coloring
- Fluster - perturbation, upset
- Flustered - upset, perturb
- Flustering - perturbation, upset
- Flusters - perturbation, upset
- Flute - fold
- Fluted - ridged, grooved
- Fluting - pathway, usually containing water
- Flutings - pathway, usually containing water
- Flutter - wave rapidly, flap
- Fluttered - wave rapidly, flap
- Fluttering - wave rapidly, flap
- Flutters - wave rapidly, flap
- Fluttery - under stress, pressure
- Flux - state of constant change
- Fluxed - liquefy; dissolve
- Fluxes - state of constant change
- Fluxible -
- Fluxing - liquefy; dissolve
- Fluxing lime -
- Fly - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Flyer - person who navigates an aircraft
- Flyers - person who navigates an aircraft
- Flyest - stylish
- Flying - in the air, winged
- Flyings - going up
- Flyspeck - speck
- Flyspecks - speck
- Flywheel - regulating wheel
- Flywheels - regulating wheel
- Fnis -
- Foal - young horse
- Foals - young horse
- Foam - bubbles formed from a liquid
- Foamed - bubbles formed from a liquid
- Foamier - bubbly
- Foamiest - bubbly
- Foaming - bubbles formed from a liquid
- Foamings - effervescence
- Foamless -
- Foams - bubbles formed from a liquid
- Foamy - bubbly
- Fob - fop
- Fobs - fop
- Focal - pertaining to a focus
- Focalize - concentrate, draw together
- Focalized - concentrate, draw together
- Focalizes - concentrate, draw together
- Focalizing - concentrate, draw together
- Foci - center of attraction
- Focus - center of attraction
- Focused - aim attention at
- Focuses - center of attraction
- Focusing - aim attention at
- Focusings - consolidation of effort
- Focussed - aim attention at
- Focusses - center of attraction
- Focussing - aim attention at
- Fodders - animal feed
- Foe - person who is an opponent
- Foes - person who is an opponent
- Fog - heavy mist that reduces visibility
- Fogey - square
- Fogeys - square
- Fogged - heavy mist that reduces visibility
- Foggier - hazy, obscure
- Foggiest - hazy, obscure
- Fogginess - mass of water particles in air
- Fogginesses - mass of water particles in air
- Fogging - heavy mist that reduces visibility
- Foggy - hazy, obscure
- Foghorn - warning signal
- Foghorns - warning signal
- Fogies - square
- Fogs - heavy mist that reduces visibility
- Fogy - square
- Fogyish - antiquated
- foible - a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
- Foibles - personal imperfection
- Foil - contrast
- Foiled - circumvent, nip in the bud
- Foilings - disappointment, thwarting
- Foils - contrast
- Foison - rich harvest
- foist - insert surreptitiously or without warrant
- Foisted - force upon
- Foisting - force upon
- Foists - force upon
- Fold - double thickness
- Folded - lay in creases
- Folder - paper envelope for holding items
- folderol - Nonsensical talk or writing.; Trivial or meaningless activity.
- Folders - paper envelope for holding items
- Folding - lay in creases
- Foldings - blooming
- Folds - double thickness
- Foliaceous -
- Foliage - leaves
- Foliate - young, new, blooming
- Foliated - cover with veneer
- Foliates - cover with veneer
- Foliating - cover with veneer
- Folie -
- Folio - page of document
- Foliole - green foliage of plant
- Folioles - green foliage of plant
- Folios - page of document
- Folk - person's relations, acquaintances
- Folklore - tales from the past
- Folklores - tales from the past
- Folkloric - make-believe, fairy-tale
- Folklorist -
- Folks - family
- Folksier - informal, simple
- Folksiest - informal, simple
- Folksiness - friendship
- Folksy - informal, simple
- Folktale - account, news
- Folktales - account, news
- Folkway - ideas, values of a people
- Folkways - ideas, values of a people
- Follicle - blood vessel
- Follicles - blood vessel
- Follies - nonsense, ridiculous idea
- Follis -
- Follow - take the place of
- Follow up -
- Followed - take the place of
- Follower - person who believes or has great interest
- Followers - person who believes or has great interest
- Following - happening, being next or after
- Followings - happening, being next or after
- Follows - take the place of
- Followups - consequence
- Folly - nonsense, ridiculous idea
- foment - try to stir up public opinion
- Fomentation - bandage
- Fomentations - bandage
- Fomented - instigate, provoke
- Fomenter - agitator
- Fomenting - instigate, provoke
- Foments - instigate, provoke
- Fond - have a liking or taste for
- Fonder - have a liking or taste for
- Fondest - have a liking or taste for
- Fondle - touch lovingly
- Fondled - touch lovingly
- Fondles - touch lovingly
- Fondling - touch lovingly
- Fondlings - luxury; gratification
- Fondly - tenderly
- Fondness - liking or taste for
- Fondnesses - liking or taste for
- Font - source
- Fonts - source
- Foo - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- Foobar - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- Food - edible material
- Foodie - lover of food
- Foodies - lover of food
- Foods - edible material
- Foodstuff - food
- Foodstuffs - food
- foofaraw - Overly excessive or flashy ornamentation or decoration.
- Fool - stupid or ridiculous person
- Fooleries - shenanigans
- Foolery - shenanigans
- Foolhardier - impetuous, rash
- Foolhardiest - impetuous, rash
- Foolhardiness - recklessness
- Foolhardinesses - recklessness
- Fooling - joking, tricks
- Foolings - joking, tricks
- Foolish - nonsensical, idiotic
- Foolishly - idiotic, without due consideration
- Foolishness - idiocy, nonsense
- Foolishnesses - idiocy, nonsense
- Foolproof - infallible
- Fools - stupid or ridiculous person
- Foos - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- Foot - extremity of an animate being
- Footage - movie
- Footages - movie
- Football - a sport
- Footballs - a sport
- Footbridge - bridge
- Footbridges - bridge
- Footed - give money for goods, services
- Footfall - pace of feet in walking
- Footgear - footwear
- Footgears - footwear
- Foothold - ledge
- Footholds - ledge
- Footing - foundation, basis
- Footings - foundation, basis
- footle - To act or talk in a foolish or silly way.; To waste time; to engage in trivial or idle activity.
- Footlight - the entertainment industry
- Footlights - the entertainment industry
- Footlong - frankfurter
- Footlongs - frankfurter
- Footloose - free
- Footmark - evidence; small bit
- Footmarks - evidence; small bit
- Footmen - attendant
- Footnote - note at bottom of document
- Footnoted - write explanatory notes
- Footnotes - note at bottom of document
- Footnoting - write explanatory notes
- Footpace - slow pace
- Footpaces - slow pace
- Footpad - highway robber
- Footpads - highway robber
- Footpath - pathway
- Footpaths - pathway
- Footprint - footmark
- Footprints - footmark
- Footrest - footstool
- Footrests - footstool
- Foots - extremity of an animate being
- Footslog - long journey
- Footslogged - walk heavily
- Footslogging - walk heavily
- Footslogs - long journey
- Footstep - footfall
- Footsteps - footfall
- Footstone - memorial, remembrance
- Footstones - memorial, remembrance
- Footstool - footrest
- Footstools - footrest
- Footway - walkway
- Footways - walkway
- Footwear - running shoe
- Footwears - running shoe
- Footwork - walk
- Footworks - walk
- Foozle - a clumsy person
- Foozler - blunderer
- Foozlers - blunderer
- Foozles - a clumsy person
- Fop - dandy
- Fopperies - luxury, nice touch
- Foppery - luxury, nice touch
- Foppish - dapper
- Fops - dandy
- For - in consequence of the fact that
- For a bit -
- For a time -
- For fair -
- For sale -
- Fora - meeting
- Forage - search madly for
- Foraged - search madly for
- Forager - person who steals
- Foragers - person who steals
- Forages - search madly for
- Foraging - search madly for
- Foramen - small aperture in skin
- Foramina - small aperture in skin
- Foray - incursion, attempt
- Foraying - attack and encroach
- Forays - incursion, attempt
- Forbad - outlaw, prohibit an action
- Forbade - outlaw, prohibit an action
- Forbear - resist the temptation to
- Forbearance - resisting, avoidance
- Forbearances - resisting, avoidance
- Forbearant - easygoing, pleasant in personality
- Forbearing - tolerant
- Forbearingly - suffering without complaint
- Forbears - resist the temptation to
- Forbid - outlaw, prohibit an action
- Forbiddance - refusal
- Forbiddances - refusal
- Forbidden - outlawed, prohibited
- Forbidding - ominous, daunting
- Forbiddings - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Forbids - outlaw, prohibit an action
- Forbode - caution that something may happen
- Forboded - caution that something may happen
- Forbodes - caution that something may happen
- Forboding - caution that something may happen
- Forbore - resist the temptation to
- Forborne - resist the temptation to
- Force - physical energy, power
- Forced - compulsory, strained
- Forceful - effective, powerful
- Forcefully - forcibly
- Forcefulness - force
- Forcefulnesses - force
- Forceless - weak, useless
- Forcemeat - a food mixture
- Forcemeats - a food mixture
- Forceps - grippers
- Forces - physical energy, power
- Forcible - powerful, aggressive
- Forcibleness - ability, power
- Forciblenesses - ability, power
- Forcibly - against one's will
- Forcing - obligate to do something
- Forcipes - grippers
- Ford - stretch over
- Forded - stretch over
- Fording - stretch over
- Fordo -
- Fordone - spoiled
- Fords - stretch over
- Fore - in the front
- Forearm - elbow to wrist
- Forearmed - give notice of possible occurrence
- Forearming - give notice of possible occurrence
- Forearms - elbow to wrist
- Forebear - ancestor
- Forebears - ancestor
- Forebode - predict, warn
- Foreboded - predict, warn
- Forebodes - predict, warn
- Foreboding - misgiving, bad omen
- Forebodings - misgiving, bad omen
- Forecast - prediction, often of weather or business
- Forecasted - prediction, often of weather or business
- Forecaster - predictor
- Forecasters - predictor
- Forecasting - predict, guess
- Forecastings - declaration made in advance
- Forecasts - prediction, often of weather or business
- Foreclose - exclude
- Foreclosed - exclude
- Forecloses - exclude
- Foreclosing - exclude
- Foredoom - doom, fate
- Foredoomed - damned, doomed for bad ending
- Foredooming - doom, fate
- Foredooms - doom, fate
- Forefather - ancestor
- Forefathers - ancestor
- Forefeel - prophesy
- Forefeeling - prophesy
- Forefeels - prophesy
- Forefelt - prophesy
- Forefinger - index finger
- Forefingers - index finger
- Forefront - prominence
- Forefronts - prominence
- Foregather - come together, convene
- Foregathered - come together, convene
- Foregathering - come together, convene
- Foregathers - come together, convene
- Foregift -
- Forego - do without
- Foregoer - something that precedes another
- Foregoers - something that precedes another
- Foregoes - do without
- Foregoing - come before; previous
- Foregoings - giving up; letting go
- Foregone - predestined
- Foreground - prominence
- Foregrounds - prominence
- Forehandedness - prudence
- Forehead - brow
- Foreheads - brow
- Forehook -
- Foreign - from another country, experience
- Foreigner - person from another country
- Foreigners - person from another country
- Foreignness - unfamiliarity
- Foreignnesses - unfamiliarity
- Forejudge - presuppose
- Forejudged - presuppose
- Forejudges - presuppose
- Forejudging - presuppose
- Foreknew - prophesy
- Foreknow - prophesy
- Foreknowing - prophesy
- Foreknowledge - foresight
- Foreknowledges - foresight
- Foreknown - prophesy
- Foreknows - prophesy
- Foreland - sharp end, top, end of extension
- Forelands - sharp end, top, end of extension
- Foreleg - leg between knee and ankle
- Forelegs - leg between knee and ankle
- Foreman - overseer
- Foremen - overseer
- Foremost - first in rank, order
- Foremother - ancestor
- Foremothers - ancestor
- Forename - given name
- Forenamed - pronounced
- Forenames - given name
- Forenoon - first part of the day
- Forenoons - first part of the day
- Forenotice -
- Forensics - argumentation
- Foreordain - doom, fate
- Foreordained - doom, fate
- Foreordaining - doom, fate
- Foreordains - doom, fate
- Foreordination - fate, destiny
- Foreordinations - fate, destiny
- Foreparts - prominence
- Foreplay - fondling
- Foreplays - fondling
- Foreran - go ahead of
- Forerecited -
- Forerun - go ahead of
- Forerunner - messenger, herald
- Forerunners - messenger, herald
- Forerunning - earlier, above
- Foreruns - go ahead of
- Fores - notice of possible occurrence
- Foresaw - anticipate, predict
- Foresee - anticipate, predict
- Foreseeable - easy to foretell
- Foreseeing - anticipate, predict
- Foreseen - anticipated
- Foresees - anticipate, predict
- Foreshadow - indicate
- Foreshadowed - indicate
- Foreshadower - precursor
- Foreshadowers - precursor
- Foreshadowing - indicate
- Foreshadowings - indication, forewarning
- Foreshadows - indicate
- Foreshow - foreshadow, indicate
- Foreshowed - foreshadow, indicate
- Foreshowing - foreshadow, indicate
- Foreshown - foreshadow, indicate
- Foreshows - foreshadow, indicate
- Foresight - mental preparedness
- Foresighted - visionary
- Foresightedness - prudence
- Foresights - mental preparedness
- Forespake - express an outcome in advance
- Forespeak - express an outcome in advance
- Forespeaking - express an outcome in advance
- Forespeaks - express an outcome in advance
- Forespoke - express an outcome in advance
- Forespoken - express an outcome in advance
- Forest - area with a large number of trees
- Forestall - keep from happening
- Forestalled - keep from happening
- Forestalling - keep from happening
- Forestallings - stop
- Forestallment - prevention
- Forestallments - prevention
- Forestalls - keep from happening
- Forestation - forest management
- Forestations - forest management
- Forested - covered with woods or trees
- Forester - forest protector
- Foresters - forest protector
- Forests - area with a large number of trees
- Foresworn - disloyal, adulterous
- Foretaste - appetizer
- Foretasted - expect; predict
- Foretastes - appetizer
- Foretasting - expect; predict
- Foreteach -
- Foretell - predict, warn
- Foreteller - prophet
- Foretellers - prophet
- Foretells - predict, warn
- Forethought - mental preparedness
- Forethoughtful - careful, guarded
- Forethoughts - mental preparedness
- Foretime - the day before today
- Foretimes - the day before today
- Foretoken - sign of something to come
- Foretokened - foreshadow, indicate
- Foretokening - foreshadow, indicate
- Foretokens - sign of something to come
- Foretold - known beforehand
- Forever - for all time; everlasting
- Forevermore - endlessly
- Forevers - unlimited time
- Forewarn - caution that something may happen
- Forewarned - caution that something may happen
- Forewarning - threat
- Forewarnings - threat
- Forewarns - caution that something may happen
- Forewent - do without
- Forewoman - boss
- Forewomen - boss
- Foreword - introduction to a document
- Forewords - introduction to a document
- Forex - dealings in foreign money
- Forexes - dealings in foreign money
- Forfeit - something given as sacrifice
- Forfeiting - give up something in sacrifice
- Forfeiture - abandonment
- Forfeitures - abandonment
- Forfend - make unnecessary
- Forfended - make unnecessary
- Forfending - make unnecessary
- Forfends - make unnecessary
- Forgat - not be able to remember
- Forgather - increase, augment
- Forgathered - assembled
- Forgathering - increase, augment
- Forgathers - increase, augment
- Forgave - stop blame and grant pardon
- Forged - fake
- Forger - falsifier
- Forgeries - counterfeiting; counterfeit item
- Forgers - falsifier
- Forgery - counterfeiting; counterfeit item
- Forges - counterfeit
- Forget - not be able to remember
- Forgetful - tending to not remember
- Forgetfulness - consistent inability to remember
- Forgetfulnesses - consistent inability to remember
- Forgetive - creative
- Forgets - not be able to remember
- Forgettable - nondescript
- Forgetting - not be able to remember
- Forgettings - ignoring
- Forging - counterfeit
- Forgings - production of processed goods
- Forgivable - excusable
- Forgive - stop blame and grant pardon
- Forgiveness - pardon; end of blame
- Forgivenesses - pardon; end of blame
- Forgives - stop blame and grant pardon
- Forgiving - sparing
- Forgo - give up, do without
- Forgoes - give up, do without
- Forgoing - give up, do without
- Forgone - give up, do without
- Forgot - not be able to remember
- Forgotten - out of one's mind
- Fork - go separate ways
- Forked - going separate ways
- Forked tongue -
- Forking - go separate ways
- Forks - go separate ways
- Forlorn - hopeless, inconsolable
- Forlornly - miserably
- Forlornness - isolation
- Forlornnesses - isolation
- Form - shape; arrangement
- Formable - flexible, soft; made of manufactured, treated compounds
- Formal - established, orderly
- Formaldehyde - chemical compound
- Formaldehydes - chemical compound
- Formalism - etiquette
- Formalisms - etiquette
- Formalist - stickler
- Formalistic - careful, finicky
- Formalists - stickler
- Formalities - convention, custom
- Formality - convention, custom
- Formalization - description
- Formalizations - description
- Formalized - arrange, organize
- Formalizes - arrange, organize
- Formalizing - arrange, organize
- Formally - in an official manner
- Formalness - severity
- Formalnesses - severity
- Formals - formal dress
- Forman -
- Formant -
- Format - layout, plan
- Formation - composition, establishment
- Formational - fundamental
- Formations - composition, establishment
- Formative - influential, impressionable
- Formats - layout, plan
- Formatting - producing publications with computer software
- Formattings - producing publications with computer software
- Formed - bring into existence; make, produce
- Former - previous in time or order
- Formerly - previously in time or order
- Formers - something, someone that comes before
- Formication - tingling sensation
- Formications - tingling sensation
- Formidable - horrible, terrifying
- Forming - bring into existence; make, produce
- Formings - arrangement, arranging
- Formless - disorganized, vague
- Forms - shape; arrangement
- Formula - set preparation; rule, recipe
- Formulae - set preparation; rule, recipe
- Formulaic - ordinary
- Formularies - set preparation; rule, recipe
- Formularization - hypothesis, belief
- Formularized - theoretical
- Formulary - set preparation; rule, recipe
- Formulas - set preparation; rule, recipe
- Formulate - plan, specify systematically
- Formulated - plan, specify systematically
- Formulates - plan, specify systematically
- Formulating - plan, specify systematically
- Formulation - arrangement, arranging
- Formulations - arrangement, arranging
- Formwork -
- Fornent - next to
- Fornicate - have sexual intercourse
- Fornicated - have sexual intercourse
- Fornicates - have sexual intercourse
- Fornication - sexual intercourse
- Fornications - sexual intercourse
- Forpine -
- Forsake - abandon, turn one's back on
- Forsaken - abandoned
- Forsaker - person who is rebellious
- Forsakers - person who is rebellious
- Forsakes - abandon, turn one's back on
- Forsaking - abandon, turn one's back on
- Forsakings - abandonment
- Forslack -
- Forsook - abandon, turn one's back on
- Forswear - abandon, disavow
- Forswearing - abandon, disavow
- Forswears - abandon, disavow
- Forswore - abandon, disavow
- Forsworn - abandon, disavow
- Fort - stronghold
- Forte - person's strong point
- Fortepiano -
- Fortes - person's strong point
- Forth - outward
- Forthcoming - expected, imminent
- Forthgoing -
- Forthright - straightforward, honest
- Forthrightly - honestly
- Forthrightness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Forthwith - immediately
- Fortification - reinforced position
- Fortifications - reinforced position
- Fortified - defended
- Fortifies - make strong and secure; add to
- Fortify - make strong and secure; add to
- Fortifying - make strong and secure; add to
- Fortitude - strength of mind; guts
- Fortitudes - strength of mind; guts
- Fortitudinous - brave
- Fortlet -
- Fortnight - fourteen nights and days; two weeks
- Fortnightly - occurring every two weeks
- Fortnights - fourteen nights and days; two weeks
- Fortress - stronghold
- Fortressed - defended
- Fortresses - stronghold
- Forts - stronghold
- Fortuities - chance
- Fortuitous - lucky, accidental
- Fortuitously - by chance
- Fortuitousness - chance
- Fortuity - chance
- Fortunate - having good luck
- Fortunately - luckily
- Fortunateness - luck
- Fortunatenesses - luck
- Fortunates - chance occurrence
- Fortune - wealth, possessions
- Fortuned - fate
- Fortuneless - lacking sufficient money
- Fortunes - wealth, possessions
- Forty - having 40 of something
- Forum - meeting
- Forums - meeting
- Forward - advancing, early
- Forwarding - aid, expedite
- Forwardness - boldness
- Forwardnesses - boldness
- Forwards - advancing, early
- Forwent - give up, do without
- Fosse - ditch
- Fosses - ditch
- Fosset -
- Fossil - organic remains of a previous time
- Fossilised -
- Fossilization - hardening
- Fossilizations - hardening
- Fossilize - become hard from aging
- Fossilized - bony
- Fossilizes - become hard from aging
- Fossilizing - become hard from aging
- Fossils - organic remains of a previous time
- Fosterage - legal taking of another's child
- Fosterages - legal taking of another's child
- Fostered - promote, support
- Fostering - promote, support
- Fosterings - legal taking of another's child
- Fosters - promote, support
- Fought - engage in physical encounter
- Foul - disgusting, dirty
- Fouled - disgusting, dirty
- Fouler - disgusting, dirty
- Foulest - disgusting, dirty
- Fouling - make or become dirty
- Foulings - dirtiness, contamination
- Foulmouthed - coarse
- Foulness - obscenity
- Foulnesses - obscenity
- Fouls - disgusting, dirty
- Found - bring into being
- Foundation - basis for something physical or mental
- Foundational - basic, fundamental
- Foundationless - without substantiation
- Foundations - basis for something physical or mental
- Founded - organized
- Founder - person who establishes an institution
- Foundered - go under, fail
- Foundering - person who establishes an institution
- Founders - person who establishes an institution
- Founding - establishing
- Foundings - the act of founding
- Foundling - orphan
- Foundlings - orphan
- Foundries - plant
- Foundry - plant
- Founds - bring into being
- Fount - origin
- Fountain - source, often of liquid
- Fountainhead - principal source; person who originates
- Fountainheads - principal source; person who originates
- Fountains - source, often of liquid
- Founts - origin
- Four - having four of something
- Fourfold -
- Fourgon - vehicle
- Fourgons - vehicle
- Fours - having four of something
- Foursome - group, crew
- Foursomes - group, crew
- Foursquare - four-sided
- Fourth - one of four equal parts
- Fourths - one of four equal parts
- Fourwheeler -
- Fowl - domesticated bird
- Fowling - the chase
- Fowlings - the chase
- Fowls - domesticated bird
- Fox - dog
- Foxed - get the better of; figure out before another
- Foxes - dog
- Foxhole - ditch, channel dug in earth
- Foxholes - ditch, channel dug in earth
- Foxhound - a dog or horse bred for hunting
- Foxhounds - a dog or horse bred for hunting
- Foxier - shrewd
- Foxiest - shrewd
- Foxily - astutely
- Foxiness - artfulness
- Foxinesses - artfulness
- Foxing - get the better of; figure out before another
- Foxly -
- Foxtrot - moving feet and body to music
- Foxtrots - moving feet and body to music
- Foxx -
- Foxy - shrewd
- Foyer - receiving area
- Foyers - receiving area
- Fracas - disturbance, fight
- Fracases - disturbance, fight
- Fractal geometry -
- Fraction - part
- Fractional - partial
- Fractionally - incompletely
- Fractions - part
- fractious - stubbornly resistant to authority or control
- Fractiousness - unruliness
- Fractiousnesses - unruliness
- Fracturable - easily hurt or destroyed
- Fracture - break, rupture
- Fractured - cut open
- Fractures - break, rupture
- Fracturing - bursting
- Fragile - breakable, dainty
- Fragileness - frailness
- Fragilenesses - frailness
- Fragilities - frangibleness
- Fragility - frangibleness
- Fragment - part, chip
- Fragmentary - broken, incomplete
- Fragmentation - decomposition
- Fragmentations - decomposition
- Fragmented - break into pieces
- Fragmenting - break into pieces
- Fragmentized - break
- Fragmentizes - break
- Fragmentizing - break
- Fragments - part, chip
- Fragrance - pleasant odor
- Fragrances - pleasant odor
- Fragrant - smelling pleasant
- Frail - breakable, weak
- Frailer - breakable, weak
- Frailest - breakable, weak
- Frailness - fragileness
- Frailnesses - fragileness
- Frailties - weakness, flaw
- Frailty - weakness, flaw
- Fraise - neck attire
- Fraises - neck attire
- Framed - surrounded by a frame
- Framer - made of timber
- Framers - construction worker
- Frames - skeleton, casing
- Framework - foundation, core
- Frameworks - foundation, core
- Framing - build
- Framings - studding
- Francais -
- Franchise - authority, right
- Franchise tax -
- Franchised - allowed, exempt
- Franchiser - professional working person
- Franchisers - professional working person
- Franchising - allow participation
- Francis joseph -
- Frangibilities - thickness
- Frangibility - thickness
- frangible - capable of being broken
- Frank - completely honest
- Franker - completely honest
- Frankest - completely honest
- Frankfurt -
- Frankfurter - cylindrical meat sausage
- Frankfurters - cylindrical meat sausage
- Frankincense - strongly fragrant smoke
- Frankincenses - strongly fragrant smoke
- Frankness - openness
- Franknesses - openness
- Frantic - distressed, distracted
- Frantically - frenziedly
- Franticly - frenziedly
- Franz kline -
- Fraport -
- Frappe -
- Frat - brotherhood
- Fraternal - brotherly
- Fraternity - brotherhood
- Fraternization - friendship
- Fraternizations - friendship
- Fraternize - associate with
- Fraternized - associate with
- Fraternizes - associate with
- Fraternizing - associate with
- Fratricidal - involving conflict within a group
- Frats - brotherhood
- Frau - a title of address
- Fraud - trickery, deception
- Frauds - trickery, deception
- Fraudster - cheat
- Fraudsters - cheat
- Fraudulence - untruth
- Fraudulences - untruth
- Fraudulencies - corruption
- Fraudulency - corruption
- Fraudulent - deceptive, false
- Fraudulent scheme -
- Fraught - full of
- Fraughter - full of
- Fraughtest - full of
- Fraus - a title of address
- Fray - fight, battle
- Frayed - shred, come apart
- Fraying - shred, come apart
- Frays - fight, battle
- frazzle - The state of being completely exhausted or worn out. (Noun);To wear out or exhaust physically or emotionally. (Verb)
- Frazzled - wear out
- Frazzles - exhaustion; something very worn
- Frazzling - wear out
- Freak - something, someone very abnormal
- Freaked - something, someone very abnormal
- Freakier - freakish
- Freakiest - freakish
- Freaking - become extraordinarily upset
- Freakish - abnormal, unusual
- Freakishness - freak
- Freakishnesses - freak
- Freakout - unpleasant experience
- Freakouts - unpleasant experience
- Freaks - something, someone very abnormal
- Freaky - freakish
- Freckle - small discoloration on skin
- Freckled - speckled
- Freckles - small discoloration on skin
- Freckling - scatter, disseminate
- Free - without charge
- Free-market -
- Freebase - illegal drug
- Freebases - illegal drug
- Freebie - something for nothing
- Freebies - something for nothing
- Freebooter - pillager, raider
- Freebooters - pillager, raider
- Freebooting - robbery
- Freebootings - robbery
- Freed - liberated
- Freedom - independence, license to do as one wants
- Freedom of assembly -
- Freedoms - independence, license to do as one wants
- freegan - A person who only eats free food that has been (or would normally be) thrown away.
- Freehand -
- Freehanded - generous
- Freehandedness - generosity
- Freehold - possessions, real estate
- Freeholder - owner of property leased
- Freeholders - owner of property leased
- Freeholds - possessions, real estate
- Freeing - emancipation
- Freelance - independent
- Freelanced - be employed; exert oneself
- Freelancer - person who composes with language
- Freelancers - person who composes with language
- Freelances - hired soldier
- Freelancing - be employed; exert oneself
- Freeload - take advantage
- Freeloaded - take advantage
- Freeloader - someone who takes advantage
- Freeloaders - someone who takes advantage
- Freeloading - parasitic
- Freeloads - take advantage
- Freely - without restriction
- Freemartin - baby cow
- Freemartins - baby cow
- Freemasonry - exclusive informal network
- Freer - without charge
- Freers - preserver
- Frees - without charge
- Freest - without charge
- Freestyle - make way through water using arms, legs
- Freestyled - make way through water using arms, legs
- Freestyles - make way through water using arms, legs
- Freestyling - make way through water using arms, legs
- Freethinker - radical
- Freethinkers - radical
- Freethinking - ungodly
- Freethinkings - belief that no god exists
- Freeware - free software
- Freewares - free software
- Freeway - expressway
- Freeways - expressway
- Freewheel - glide along without much effort
- Freewheeled - glide along without much effort
- Freewheeling - liberated, free
- Freewheels - glide along without much effort
- Freeze - make cold enough to become solid
- Freezer - icebox
- Freezers - icebox
- Freezes - make cold enough to become solid
- Freezing - very cold
- Freezings - maintenance, protection
- Freight - goods being shipped
- Freightage - move, transfer
- Freightages - move, transfer
- Freighted - transported
- Freighter - wheeled vehicle for hauling
- Freighters - wheeled vehicle for hauling
- Freighting - transportation
- Freights - goods being shipped
- French - languages derived from latin
- French kiss -
- Frenched - touch one's lips to another's
- Frenches - languages derived from latin
- Frenching - touch one's lips to another's
- Frenemy -
- Frenetic - maniacal
- Frenzied - uncontrolled
- Frenziedly - wildly, fiercely
- Frenzies - uncontrolled state or situation
- Frenzy - uncontrolled state or situation
- Frenzying - make angry
- Frequencies - commonness, repetitiveness
- Frequency - commonness, repetitiveness
- Frequent - common, repeated
- Frequented - be a regular customer of
- Frequenter - haunter
- Frequenters - haunter
- Frequenting - be a regular customer of
- Frequently - commonly, repeatedly
- Frequentness - commonness, repetitiveness
- Frequentnesses - commonness, repetitiveness
- Frequents - common, repeated
- Fresco - apply colored tint, often to make design
- Frescoed - apply colored tint, often to make design
- Frescoing - apply colored tint, often to make design
- Frescos - apply colored tint, often to make design
- Fresh - new, just produced
- Freshen - make like new; revitalize
- Freshened - make like new; revitalize
- Freshening - make like new; revitalize
- Freshens - make like new; revitalize
- Fresher - new, just produced
- Freshest - new, just produced
- Freshet - flood
- Freshets - flood
- Freshly - recently
- Freshman - first-year student
- Freshmen - first-year student
- Freshness - newness
- Freshnesses - newness
- Freshwater fish -
- Fresnel -
- Fret - worry, be annoyed
- Fretful - irritable
- Fretfulness - extreme anxiety
- Fretfulnesses - extreme anxiety
- Frets - worry, be annoyed
- Fretted - worry, be annoyed
- Fretter - critic
- Fretters - critic
- Fretting - worry, be annoyed
- Frettings - commotion; mental upset
- Fretwork - mesh, trellis
- Fretworks - mesh, trellis
- Freudian psychology -
- Friability -
- Friable - brittle
- Friar - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Friaries - building that houses monks, nuns, or priests; church
- Friars - man who devotes life to contemplation of god
- Friary - building that houses monks, nuns, or priests; church
- Fribble - well-dressed person
- Fribbled - toy with; mess around
- Fribbles - well-dressed person
- Fribbling - toy with; mess around
- Fricassee - boil, smolder
- Fricasseed - boil, smolder
- Fricasseeing - boil, smolder
- Fricassees - boil, smolder
- Fricative - sound unit of speech
- Fricatives - sound unit of speech
- Friction - rubbing
- Frictionless - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Frictions - rubbing
- Fried - deep-fried
- Friend - confidant, companion
- Friendless - without companionship or confidant
- Friendlessness - isolation
- Friendlier - intimate, companionable
- Friendliest - intimate, companionable
- Friendliness - companionability
- Friendlinesses - companionability
- Friendly - intimate, companionable
- Friends - confidant, companion
- Friendship - companionship
- Friendships - companionship
- Fries - cook in hot oil
- Friesian -
- Frieze - a molded or carved strip
- Friezes - a molded or carved strip
- Frigate - boat
- Frigates - boat
- Fright - extreme apprehension
- Frighted - frighten, surprise
- Frighten - shock, scare
- Frightened - very scared
- Frightening - fearsome
- Frighteningly - violently, menacingly
- Frightens - shock, scare
- Frightful - offensive
- Frightfully - very
- Frightfulness - freak
- Frightfulnesses - freak
- Frighting - frighten, surprise
- Frights - extreme apprehension
- Frigid - extremely cold
- Frigidaria - chilled storage for preservation
- Frigidarium - chilled storage for preservation
- Frigidities - impassivity
- Frigidity - impassivity
- Frigidness - extreme cold
- Frigidnesses - extreme cold
- Frigorific - frozen; slippery when frozen
- Frill - luxury, nice touch
- Frilled - beautify, embellish
- Frillier - delicate, netlike
- Frilliest - delicate, netlike
- Frilling - beautify, embellish
- Frills - luxury, nice touch
- Frilly - delicate, netlike
- Fringe - border, trimming
- Fringed - edged
- Fringes - border, trimming
- Fringing - touch; border on
- Fripperies - waste, nonsense
- Frippery - waste, nonsense
- Friseur - hairdresser
- Friseurs - hairdresser
- Frisk - cavort
- Frisked - cavort
- Friskier - full of spirit
- Friskiest - full of spirit
- Friskiness - playfulness
- Friskinesses - playfulness
- Frisking - cavort
- Friskings - seeking to find something
- Frisks - cavort
- Frisky - full of spirit
- Frith - inlet, small niche
- Friths - inlet, small niche
- Fritter - waste away
- Frittered - waste away
- Frittering - waste away
- Fritters - waste away
- Frivol - fritter away, use up
- Frivoled - fritter away, use up
- Frivoling - dawdling
- Frivolities - silliness, childishness
- frivolity - Lack of seriousness; lightheartedness or silliness. (Noun); A frivolous act or thing. (Noun)
- Frivolled - fritter away, use up
- Frivolling - fritter away, use up
- Frivolous - trivial, silly
- Frivolously - gently, effortlessly
- Frivolousness - pettiness
- Frivolousnesses - pettiness
- Frivols - fritter away, use up
- Frizz - bend, twist
- Frizzed - looping, forming ringlets
- Frizzes - bend, twist
- Frizzier - curly
- Frizzies - threadlike growth on animate being
- Frizziest - curly
- Frizzing - fry in a pan
- Frizzle - hiss, fry
- Frizzled - twisted
- Frizzles - hiss, fry
- Frizzlier - curly
- Frizzliest - curly
- Frizzling - hiss, fry
- Frizzly - curly
- Frizzy - curly
- Fro - frizzy hairstyle
- Frock - women's garment
- Frocked - establish, install
- Frocking - establish, install
- Frocks - women's garment
- Frog - jumping amphibian
- Frogmouth -
- Frogs - jumping amphibian
- Frolic - amusement, revel
- Frolicked - have fun, make merry
- Frolicking - have fun, make merry
- Frolics - amusement, revel
- Frolicsome - playful
- Frolicsomeness - playfulness
- From - outside of, separating
- Frond - green foliage of plant
- Frondescence - leaves
- Frondescences - leaves
- Frondeur - rebel
- Frondeurs - rebel
- Fronds - green foliage of plant
- Frons - forehead
- Front - lead, beginning
- Front room -
- Frontage - façade
- Frontages - façade
- Frontal - façade
- Frontals - façade
- Fronted - look out on to
- Fronter - lead, beginning
- Frontes - forehead
- Frontest - lead, beginning
- Frontier - boundary
- Frontiers - boundary
- Frontiersman - wilderness dweller
- Frontiersmen - wilderness dweller
- Fronting - look out on to
- Frontispiece - façade
- Frontispieces - façade
- Frontlet -
- Frontpage - important
- Frontrunner - top choice to succeed
- Frontrunners - leader
- Fronts - lead, beginning
- Frore - cold
- Fros - frizzy hairstyle
- Frosh - first-year student
- Frost - extreme cold
- Frostbite - frigid conditions
- Frostbites - frigid conditions
- Frostbound - very cold
- Frosted - white, cloudy
- Frostier - very cold
- Frostiest - very cold
- Frostiness - frigidness
- Frostinesses - frigidness
- Frosting - icing
- Frostings - icing
- Frosts - extreme cold
- Frostwork - personification of frost
- Frostworks - personification of frost
- Frosty - very cold
- Froth - lather, bubbles
- Frothed - cause to bubble
- Frothier - bubbly
- Frothiest - bubbly
- Frothing - fizzing, foaming
- Frothings - seizure, spasm
- Froths - lather, bubbles
- Frothy - bubbly
- Froufrou - extravagant, ornamental
- Froufrous - beautification; decorating
- Froward - ornery
- Frown - scowl
- Frowned - scowl
- Frowning - scowling
- Frowns - scowl
- Frowstier - moldy
- Frowstiest - moldy
- Frowsty - moldy
- Frowzier - slovenly
- Frowziest - slovenly
- Frowzy - slovenly
- Froze - make cold enough to become solid
- Frozen - very cold
- Frozenness - extreme cold
- Frozennesses - extreme cold
- Fructiferous - abundant, luxurious
- Fructification - creating of goods, result
- Fructifications - creating of goods, result
- Fructified - fertilize
- Fructifies - fertilize
- fructify - bear fruit
- Fructifying - fertilize
- Fructofuranose -
- Fructose - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Fructoses - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Frug -
- Frugal - economical
- Frugalities - economizing
- Frugality - economizing
- Fruit - edible part of vegetative growth developed after flowering
- Fruitage - fruit and vegetables
- Fruitages - fruit and vegetables
- Fruitarian - plant-eating
- Fruitcake - eccentric person
- Fruitcakes - eccentric person
- Fruited - happen, develop
- Fruitful - productive
- Fruitfulness - fertility
- Fruitfulnesses - fertility
- Fruitier - resonant
- Fruitiest - resonant
- Fruiting - happen, develop
- Fruition - achievement, maturation
- Fruitions - achievement, maturation
- Fruitless - bringing no advantage, product
- Fruitlessly - in vain
- Fruitlessness - futility
- Fruitlessnesses - futility
- Fruits - edible part of vegetative growth developed after flowering
- Fruity - resonant
- Frumenties - warm cereal
- Frumenty - warm cereal
- Frump - slob
- Frumpier - dowdy
- Frumpiest - dowdy
- Frumpish - tacky
- Frumps - slob
- Frumpy - dowdy
- Frustrate - thwart, disappoint
- Frustrated - disappointed, thwarted
- Frustrates - thwart, disappoint
- Frustrating - thwart, disappoint
- Frustration - disappointment, thwarting
- Frustrations - disappointment, thwarting
- Fry - cook in hot oil
- Frying - cook in hot oil
- Fsbo -
- Fsp -
- Fuchsia - rose color
- Fuchsias - rose color
- Fucivorous -
- Fuck - have sex
- Fucked - have sex
- Fucking - have sex
- Fucks - have sex
- Fuddle - confuse
- Fuddled - exhibiting mental discomfort, ill at ease
- Fuddles - confuse
- Fuddling - confuse
- Fudge - fake, misrepresent
- Fudged - fake, misrepresent
- Fudges - fake, misrepresent
- Fudging - fake, misrepresent
- Fuehrer - dictator
- Fuehrers - dictator
- Fuel - something providing energy
- Fueled - give energy to
- Fueling - give energy to
- Fuelled - give energy to
- Fuelling - give energy to
- Fuels - something providing energy
- Fuff -
- fugacious - lasting a very short time
- Fugitive - fleeing, transient
- Fugitives - fleeing, transient
- fugleman - a leader and organizer and spokesman (especially a political leader)
- Fugue - memory loss
- Fugues - memory loss
- Fuhrer - dictator
- Fuhrers - dictator
- Fuji -
- Fulcra - answer, solution
- Fulcrum - answer, solution
- Fulcrums - answer, solution
- Fulfill - bring to completion
- Fulfilled - completed
- Fulfilling - bring to completion
- Fulfillings - requirement to obey; implementation of rule(s)
- Fulfillment - accomplishment, completion
- Fulfillments - accomplishment, completion
- Fulfills - bring to completion
- Fulgent - dazzling
- Fulgid - shining, glowing in appearance
- Fulgor - luminescence from sun or other source
- Fulgors - luminescence from sun or other source
- Fulgurate - burn brightly
- Fulgurated - burn brightly
- Fulgurates - burn brightly
- Fulgurating - shining unsteadily
- Fuliginosities - dirt
- Fuliginosity - dirt
- fuliginous - Pertaining to soot; sooty; dark; dusky.
- Full - brimming, filled
- Full-bosomed -
- Fullback - football position
- Fullbacks - football position
- Fuller - brimming, filled
- Fullest - brimming, filled
- Fullmouthed - blaring, noisy
- Fullness - abundance, breadth
- Fullnesses - abundance, breadth
- Fulls - volume; limit of volume held
- Fully - completely, in all respects
- Fulminant - volatile, dangerous
- fulminate - criticize severely
- Fulminated - criticize harshly
- Fulminates - criticize harshly
- Fulminating - criticize harshly
- Fulmination - tirade, condemnation
- Fulminations - tirade, condemnation
- fulsome - unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
- Fulsomely - plentifully
- Fulsomeness - excess
- Fulsomenesses - excess
- Fumble - bumble, mess up
- Fumbled - bumble, mess up
- Fumbler - person who blunders
- Fumblers - person who blunders
- Fumbles - bumble, mess up
- Fumbling - bumble, mess up
- Fumblingly - with difficulty
- Fume - get very upset about
- Fumed - get very upset about
- Fumes - pollution, gas in air
- Fumier - hazy, sooty
- Fumiest - hazy, sooty
- Fumigant - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Fumigants - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Fumigate - disinfect, ventilate
- Fumigated - disinfect, ventilate
- Fumigates - disinfect, ventilate
- Fumigating - disinfect, ventilate
- Fumigation - moving air through a space
- Fumigations - moving air through a space
- Fumigator - purifier
- Fumigators - purifier
- Fuming - get very upset about
- Fumy - hazy, sooty
- Fun - good, happy
- Funambulist - performer who does tricks, physical feats
- Funambulists - performer who does tricks, physical feats
- Function - capacity, job
- Functional - working
- Functionality - range of capabilities
- Functionaries - person who has high position in
- Functionary - person who has high position in
- Functioned - perform, work
- Functioning - active
- Functions - capacity, job
- Fund - repository, reserve
- Fundacion -
- Fundament - foundation
- Fundamental - basic, important
- Fundamentalist - overenthusiastic person
- Fundamentalists - overenthusiastic person
- Fundamentally - basically
- Fundamentals - essentials
- Fundaments - foundation
- Funded - provide money for
- Funding - capital
- Fundings - capital
- Fundraise - collect by raising funds
- Fundraiser - pledge drive
- Fundraisers - pledge drive
- Funds - cash reserve
- Funeral - ceremony for the dead
- Funerals - ceremony for the dead
- Funereal - depressing
- Funest - good, happy
- Funfair - amusement center
- Funfairs - amusement center
- Fungal infection -
- Fungi - muck, gelled waste
- fungible - a commodity that is freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation
- Fungicide - poison
- Fungicides - poison
- Fungus - muck, gelled waste
- Funguses - muck, gelled waste
- Funk - fear, depression
- Funked - have an odor
- Funkier - offbeat
- Funkiest - offbeat
- Funking - have an odor
- Funks - fear, depression
- Funky - offbeat
- Funned - joke
- Funnel - direct down a path
- Funneled - direct down a path
- Funneling - direct down a path
- Funnelled - direct down a path
- Funnelling - direct down a path
- Funnels - direct down a path
- Funnier - comical, humorous
- Funnies - joke
- Funniest - comical, humorous
- Funniness - humor
- Funninesses - humor
- Funning - joke
- Funny - comical, humorous
- Funnyman - joker
- Funnymen - joker
- Funs - good, happy
- Funster - person who kids, teases
- Funsters - person who kids, teases
- Fur - hair on animals
- Furbelow - trinket; decorative piece
- Furbelows - trinket; decorative piece
- Furbish - polish; renovate
- Furbished - polish; renovate
- Furbishes - polish; renovate
- Furbishing - polish; renovate
- Furcate - going separate ways
- Furcated - going separate ways
- Furcates - divide in two
- Furcating - divide in two
- Furfuraceous - rough
- Furibund - maniacal
- Furies - anger, wrath
- Furious - extremely angry, very mad
- Furiously - angrily
- Furiousness - maddened state
- Furiousnesses - maddened state
- Furl - wrap up
- Furled - wrap up
- Furling - wrap up
- Furlough - leave of absence
- Furloughed - dismissed
- Furloughing - dismiss
- Furloughs - leave of absence
- Furls - wrap up
- Furnace - heating mechanism
- Furnace room -
- Furnaces - heating mechanism
- Furnish - decorate, supply
- Furnished - supplied
- Furnishes - decorate, supply
- Furnishing - household object
- Furnishings - appliances, furniture
- Furnishment - household goods
- Furnishments - household goods
- Furniture - household property
- Furnitures - household property
- Furor - disturbance, excitement
- Furors - disturbance, excitement
- Furrier - hairy
- Furriest - hairy
- Furriness - shagginess
- Furrinesses - shagginess
- Furring - the act of insulating
- Furrings - the act of insulating
- Furrow - ditch
- Furrowed - bumpy, weathered
- Furrowing - border, mark
- Furrows - ditch
- Furry - hairy
- Furs - hair on animals
- Further - additional
- Furtherance - advancement
- Furtherances - advancement
- Furthered - advance, lend support
- Furthering - advance, lend support
- Furthermore - in addition
- Furthermost - most distant
- Furthers - advance, lend support
- Furthest - most distant
- Furtive - sneaky, secretive
- Furtively - in hidden manner
- Furtiveness - stealth
- Furtivenesses - stealth
- Furuncle - small swelling on the skin
- Furuncles - small swelling on the skin
- Fury - anger, wrath
- Furze - thorny bush
- Furzes - thorny bush
- Fuscin -
- Fuse - meld, intermix
- Fused - meld, intermix
- Fusee - match lit by striking
- Fusees - match lit by striking
- Fuselage - bulk; central portion
- Fuselages - bulk; central portion
- Fuses - meld, intermix
- Fusible - fluid, flowing, melting
- Fusiform - narrowing
- Fusil - gun
- Fusillade - rapid outburst
- Fusillades - rapid outburst
- Fusils - gun
- Fusing - meld, intermix
- Fusion - melding; mixture
- Fusions - melding; mixture
- Fuss - disturbance, trouble
- fussbudget - One who complains or fusses a great deal, especially about unimportant matters; a fusspot
- Fussbudgets - stickler
- Fussbudgety - very careful, meticulous
- Fussed - complain
- Fusser - accessory; excess
- Fussers - complainer
- Fusses - disturbance, trouble
- Fussier - meticulous, particular
- Fussiest - meticulous, particular
- Fussiness - thoroughness
- Fussinesses - thoroughness
- Fussing - complain
- Fusspot - stickler
- Fusspots - stickler
- Fussy - meticulous, particular
- Fustian - pompous
- Fustians - specialized language; dialect
- Fustier - moldy
- Fustiest - moldy
- fustigate - strike with a cudgel
- Fustigated - hit hard with object
- Fustigates - hit hard with object
- Fustigating - hit hard with object
- fusty - stale and unclean smelling
- Futile - hopeless, pointless
- Futilely - in vain
- Futilities - uselessness
- Futility - uselessness
- Futon - sofa bed
- Futons - sofa bed
- Future - to come; expected
- Futures - to come; expected
- Futurism - literary fantasy about future
- Futurisms - literary fantasy about future
- Futuristic - ahead of one's time
- Futurities - future
- Futurity - future
- futz - Fool around; to act without plan or purpose; - usually used with around; as, to futz around with a device without understanding its operation.
- Fuzz - fluff
- Fuzzed - conceal, hide
- Fuzzes - fluff
- Fuzzier - fluffy
- Fuzziest - fluffy
- Fuzziness - vagueness
- Fuzzinesses - vagueness
- Fuzzing - conceal, hide
- Fuzzy - fluffy
- Fylfot - nazi symbol
- Fylfots - nazi symbol
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z